Transparent glasses: why they are needed and how to choose them. What types of frames are there?

The gradually fading summer in every corner of our country turned out to be truly hot. And of course, in such weather you can’t do without the main accessory of every summer - sunglasses. What, if not they, will protect our eyes from the scorching sun?

At the same time, sometimes, looking at popular pages on social networks, the question involuntarily arises: “Was the choice of glasses made with your eyes closed?”
Some young people don’t even try to take care of their eyesight: they just want to look good in public. And they don’t think at all whether the purchased glasses are compatible with their chosen style or not.

After looking through some accounts, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that glasses are not chosen according to the type of face, not in accordance with the weather requirements of the type high level ultraviolet radiation, but simply “according to fashion”.
And no one looks at whether a certain shape of sunglasses is suitable for a given face shape or not. This mistake is the most common and prevents you from making the right choice in favor of the most effective option.

Let's see which shapes remain the most fashionable this season.


Throughout the years, aviators have not lost their popularity. This is an excellent solution not only for the stronger sex, but also for women.
Men can boldly wear them to emphasize their brutality and show that success is in their blood. Aviators suit almost any face type. This season, standard aviators have a bridge on the bridge of the nose that connects both lenses, emphasizing the chic of the chosen model. Lenses of this type are suitable for any tone, from calm shades to rich colors.

cat's eye

Framed glasses " cat eye"are considered universal for any type of face. Your face will take on a sophisticated look with this type of frame: especially if you have a diamond-shaped face and accentuated cheekbones, this option is definitely created for you.
The look will be playful and seductive, and when complemented with an elegant hat, you will not go unnoticed among men.


The most extravagant option of 2016. Such a frame is not suitable for every fashionista, and not every fashionista can afford such glasses. After all, having put on such a frame, you immediately become an extravagant person.
The round shape is perfect for owners square shape face, hiding behind the extra angularity. Abroad, John Lennon is a big fan of this style. And domestic singer Grigory Leps even released his own line of fashionable sunglasses, not forgetting his favorite frame.


Having talked about fashion, let's not forget that health comes first. When choosing this accessory, you need to be guided not only by the advice of fashion stylists, but also by the recommendations of doctors.
And since the main purpose of sunglasses is to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, it is better to purchase them in specialized stores. After all, when buying glasses in transit, no one can guarantee their quality. Moreover, no one can guarantee that they will not cause harm to the user’s health.

At the same time, a specialized store usually has a quality certificate, by looking at which you can be sure of the quality of your purchase. In addition, when choosing, you should pay attention to the temples on the adjacent side: they contain information about the lenses and the level of protection.

And the main thing to remember is that you should not emphasize your glasses, but they should emphasize you! Besides, fashion changes, but health remains. And if you harm your health with an unsuccessful purchase, the damage may be disproportionate to the price quality glasses from the company store.

Based on materials from the online guide to the world of fashion and beauty

Is it acceptable to wear glasses as an accessory?


Is it acceptable to wear glasses as an accessory?

For some people, glasses make them look stylish or businesslike, which can somehow create a favorable impression on others. Glasses themselves do not say anything about a person’s mental qualities. Is it possible to wear them (we are talking about simple glasses in a frame) to a person with good eyesight to create the desired image or does this fall into the category of creating a false impression?


There is no prohibition on wearing glasses without a diopter, with simple, untinted lenses, when a person’s vision is normal. However, I do not recommend doing this.

For many reasons. First of all, because you yourself, judging by your letter, feel in this a certain smack of deception, a desire to pass yourself off as who you say you are. own ideas about yourself, you are not. And thinking about it, you will feel uncomfortable.

Although in fact it’s hardly worth talking about a “false impression” here. After all, there are no guarantees that by wearing such glasses you will certainly increase your “rating”. Different people perceive the same person differently. And when forming an opinion about him, they evaluate “external attributes” differently. Someone believes, for example, that glasses “give away”, as they now say, a “nerd” (an absent-minded person, constantly immersed in his thoughts, divorced from reality). For some, “bespectacled people” evoke sympathy. And those who are forced to wear glasses are often embarrassed by them and do not see any advantages in such an “accessory”...

One cannot help but think that “fraud” may be revealed at some point (someone, for example, having forgotten his glasses at home, will want to use yours and ask whether you have a “minus” or a “plus”). Having learned that your glasses are “not real”, others may think that you are a poser. Or - laugh at you. And you will find yourself in an awkward position.

I know from experience that such “additional” means (beyond the usual and generally accepted ones) are often used by people who lack self-confidence. At the same time, forgetting that a person’s external appearance is colored mainly by the content of his inner world. It is the inner “glow”, no matter what you put on yourself, that makes this or that impression on others. “Accessories,” such as glasses worn unnecessarily, do not relieve insecurity. And even, on the contrary, as we were able to verify, I think, they can sometimes aggravate this feeling.

I think it is important to note that dissatisfaction with oneself is typical for many people.

But some, having formed the wrong idea about themselves, seek “support” in external space. Without thinking about the fact that they found themselves in the earthly world - by the will of the Almighty, with a specific purpose intended by Him. For the implementation of which He supplies everyone with the necessary qualities.

Others, realizing this, find support in itself. Trying to reduce the impact of their inherent negative manifestations on their lives and develop their positive traits.

And it turns out that uncertainty is not a problem, but if you treat this peculiarity of yours constructively, it is a gift that can push a person to further spiritual development and self-improvement.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Unfortunately, poor eyesight- a frequent occurrence. But there is no need to be upset at all. After all, beautiful glasses are also an additional fashion accessory, and an opportunity to once again change your style, and a way to emphasize your individuality.

The shape of your face plays an important role in choosing glasses. If you have a round face, it is better to choose oval frames or frames with angles, such glasses will “stretch out” your face. Very good on round face Large, eye-catching glasses with thin temples look great.

To the owners triangular shape faces should choose rounded or elongated glasses. Butterfly frames with the top edge wider than the bottom will look great on such a face. Those with an oval face are the luckiest. Any frame suits them.

The arch of your eyebrows must be in harmony with top edge points. It is very important. If you are not sure that you can choose the right frames for yourself, take a friend with you to the store or consult a professional.

"Dark glasses will protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation, emphasize your individuality and add mystery to your entire appearance."

Always remember that glasses are decoration. It’s not for nothing that Sophia Loren collects frames. And they must be selected accordingly. Glasses should make you even more beautiful, highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. Keep in mind that with glasses you can correct, for example, the shape of your nose. If it's too long, just buy glasses with a deep-set bridge. But if the nose is too short, the bridge should be set high. If you really beautiful eyes, it is better to buy a very thin frame, it will further emphasize their beauty.

Butterfly-shaped frames look great with high, complex hairstyles and loose hairstyles. long hair, your whole appearance will breathe romance. Round glasses go well with short hair. If you wear full bangs, choose glasses with chunky temples. Be sure to pay attention to whether the glasses affect the size of your eyes. A large number of diopter can cause the eye to appear optically too small or, conversely, too large. Only properly selected makeup can somehow influence this.

Myopic women need to worry that their eyes don’t look too small, so you definitely need to apply a highlighter (light shadow) under the eyebrow, preferably not to line your eyes, but you need to apply more mascara. With farsightedness, on the contrary, the eye must be optically reduced. To do this, you just need to use dark shadows, line your upper and lower eyelids, and apply mascara to the ends of your eyelashes.

By the way, about makeup. Some women believe that wearing glasses automatically relieves them of the obligation to apply eye makeup. No, on the contrary, you should pay increased attention to eye makeup. Makeup must be in harmony with the color and shape of the frame. If you wear thin, business-like frames, carnival makeup will not go well with it. And if you are wearing purple frames, please keep your makeup in the same range.

By the way, if you decide to choose colored frames, it is better to be guided by your color type. We talked about color types on the pages of the magazine. Moreover, not only the frames can be colored; you can choose tinted glasses for glasses. Or you can buy “chameleons”, these glasses are generally very comfortable. Sitting indoors, you will not feel that the windows are darkened, and when you go out into the sun, you will be glad that it does not make you squint.

And never neglect glasses if your eyesight is poor, it won’t lead to anything good. You will completely lose your vision and develop early wrinkles.

It is not necessary to wear glasses only for those who suffer from poor vision. You can wear glasses with lenses without diopters. A thin gold frame will perfectly complete the look of a business woman; it will give you seriousness and elegance.

And, of course, no one should forget about dark glasses. Don't even think about going to the beach without them. Dark glasses will protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation, emphasize your individuality and add mystery to your entire appearance. The choice of dark glasses is simply huge, but remember one thing: glass should be inserted into the frame, not plastic! Plastic in the sun begins to release substances that are very harmful to your eyes, and instead of good, you do harm to yourself.

Nowadays it is fashionable to buy glasses with bright colored lenses. But know that the red color will constantly irritate your eyes and put you in an anxious mood; yellow glasses will have almost the same effect, only to a lesser extent. Blue color, they say, dulls the feeling of hunger, and plunges the whole world into a state of peace, sadness and thoughtfulness, but the owner of glasses with dark blue lenses will look incredibly mysterious. Perfect sunglasses with dark green, dark brown and dark gray glasses, they will protect from the sun and will always look elegant.

"Glasses should make you even more beautiful, highlight your strengths and hide your flaws."

Well, if you really can’t bear to wear glasses, buy contact lenses. Very comfortably. An obvious advantage can be noted that, unlike glasses, they do not freeze to the nose in winter, snow does not freeze on them, and they do not fog up. And, of course, no one will guess that you have poor eyesight. Lenses are simply irreplaceable when playing sports. Some lenses provide 95% UV protection and can replace sunglasses. Well, clean medical point vision lenses better than glasses in that they adhere directly to the eye and move with it, thereby providing undistorted vision.

Only a specialist doctor can select lenses for you. By the way, lenses require care and mandatory cleanliness. If you strictly follow the doctor's instructions, you will easily adapt to the lenses and will not have any complications. Lenses are not cheap, but if you think sensibly, they are not more expensive good points. Lenses need to be changed at least once a year, but there are daily lenses that are simply thrown away. Before going to bed, the lenses must be removed to allow the eye to “breathe.” Lenses need to be treated with a special solution every day, and they also need to be deep cleaned. In a word, they will add more worries to you, glasses are easier in this regard - put them on and go, just wipe them occasionally with a special cloth.

By the way, not everyone can wear lenses. Lenses should be selected for you only after a comprehensive examination of your eyes, as there may be contraindications. These are various allergies, chronic inflammatory diseases eye, such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Be sure to tell the doctor who will select lenses for you about this.

But the lenses are colored. And in the blink of an eye you can turn your dull gray eyes into bright purple or green, or blue, or... Or you can have different ones every day, if funds allow. It is very beautiful, impressive, interesting. Many women are unhappy with the color of their eyes and dream of having eyes like some movie star. Now this is not a problem. They will make your eyes any color, be it aqua or bright blue, in a word, whatever you want will happen.

But don’t forget that when radically changing your eye color, you should pay attention to your makeup; you’ll most likely have to change it too. And don’t think that lenses and makeup are incompatible. Not at all. You can safely continue applying your makeup. But the mascara is worth changing. You will need a mascara for sensitive eyes that is safe for contact lens wearers. Eye makeup remover is also worth a look. close attention. It should also say that it is for sensitive eyes and those who wear contact lenses.

By the way, if you wear colored lenses, the color of which is not at all similar to the color of your eyes, and also dye your hair, keep in mind that by doing so you are changing your color type, which means you will have to reconsider the entire color palette to which you are used to.

The best thing is to have both lenses and glasses and alternate between them. This way you will create different images. Lenses are wonderful, but glasses are also beautiful and make a wonderful decoration.

More recently, those who were forced to wear glasses had a hard time. After all, such products looked massive and sloppy, and their owners were often “awarded” with unpleasant nicknames. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Thanks to the efforts of designers, glasses have acquired a whole variety of shapes and color options, so with their help you can both emphasize the advantages of your face and hide certain shortcomings. This allowed such devices to become not just useful, but also a fashionable accessory. The main thing is to choose the right option.

Create an original style and maintain an image - these functions are assigned to most types of glasses. The best option for each girl there will be the purchase of several frames that would allow the fashionista to constantly appear in a new look.

There are several unspoken rules that should be followed when choosing such an accessory:

* The shape of the glasses and the shape of the face should create a slight contrast.

* The frame should emphasize best features faces.

* Makeup looks paler against the background of bright accessories.

* The size of the frame must be proportional to the face.

The decisive criterion is the first one. So, what frame shape should you choose?

* If you have an oval face, then you can afford to wear literally everything. Therefore, feel free to experiment and don’t be afraid to try on something extraordinary. You will look great no matter what.

* Looks flawless on square-shaped faces massive glasses with wide frames. An excellent solution is the aviator model, which visually lengthens the face. Straight lines in the structure of accessories, on the contrary, are not desirable.

* Those with a trapezoidal face will look attractive in large square or round glasses.

* For chubby girls, choosing such an accessory is most often problematic. They are not recommended to opt for round-shaped products and drop-shaped models, as well as massive frames. The ideal option is rectangular and square glasses.

* If your face resembles a triangle, then you can even afford frameless designs. With such decoration you will look easy and relaxed.

* Rectangular types Aviators, oval and round shapes. You can also take a closer look at the “cat eye” option.

However, you should not be guided only by the above. The choice often depends largely on hair color. So, dark-haired girls are perfect for green, blue, metallic shades. Redheads will add charm to their look if they prefer olive, blue and soft green tones. Blonde hair goes well with accessories in black, blue, light blue and emerald green.

Don't forget that even the most sophisticated accessory can look disgusting if you wear it with the wrong clothes. Therefore, pay attention to every detail of your wardrobe.

The concept of women's business style appeared in the 19th century, when women began to enter the world of men's business. The presence of intellectual abilities and business acumen does not depend on gender, but at that time, in order to prove their self-sufficiency and competence to male businessmen, women began to choose clothes made according to the principles of a classic men's suit.

Thus, the concept of the image of a business lady gradually developed, which in our time includes not only a well-thought-out wardrobe, neat hairstyle and makeup, but also impeccably selected accessories - scarves, jewelry, bags, belts, watches, pens, business card holders and, of course, glasses. The purpose of glasses is to complement the overall look. People around you should see first of all your smart, penetrating eyes in a stylish frame, and not the frame and you behind it. How to choose a frame that is stylish and at the same time practical and comfortable to wear? Let's talk about this in the article.

Typically, glasses are worn to correct vision. However, recently fashion glasses that do not have diopters have come into fashion: they have simple glasses inserted into them. People buy these glasses to experiment with their appearance. For business women, fashion glasses give them such features as: elegance, seriousness, sophistication and, to some extent, solidity. The only office rule for lenses and glass is that they must be transparent. If the interlocutor does not see your eyes, he subconsciously does not trust you.

Tinted glasses are appropriate and justified, for example, in sunglasses and sports glasses.

The right frame plays a big role when purchasing both medical and fashion glasses. The comfort and safety of the frame is already half the battle, since its aesthetic qualities will no longer please you if you start to get nervous about the incorrect fit of your glasses.

Glasses should fit snugly to your face, without squeezing it, and sit firmly on the bridge of your nose. Falling “eyepieces” will distract both you and your interlocutors. Marks on the bridge of the nose from tight nose pads are also useless. Some frames have adjustable nose pads, allowing you to customize your glasses. The earpieces should be located at the same height and be coated with a special composition against inflammation of the skin around the ears. The temples, which ensure a stable position of the glasses, should not put pressure on the temples and the area behind ears. The quality of the frame can also be judged by the absence of scratches, rust, or chips on it. The frame of the frame should be even and smooth.

Frame material

Metal the most versatile, durable, modern. He doesn't draw attention away from his face. This frame will suit most business wardrobes.

Consider the nuance: the color of the frame and the color of the accessories you wear to the office should be the same - either gold or silver.

A brief overview of the materials for making metal frames will be useful so that you can more easily navigate the optical shop.

The most popular is considered titanium or alloys with it. Frames made from it are light, durable, hypoallergenic, and chemical resistant. This metal is not one of the most budget-friendly, so frames made from it belong to the VIP level.

An alternative to titanium can be its alloy, which contains at least 70% of this metal. In this case everything positive properties frames are preserved. The most common alloy is beta titanium.

Monel and nickel silver- metals, which include two main components - nickel and copper.

In Monel, the nickel content reaches 85%; this is the most commonly used metal for the production of not only frames, but also elements for them - bridges, temples, etc. If deformed, the frame can return to its original shape thanks to the “memory” of the Monel. Nickel silver, in which the share of nickel reaches 20%, was one of the first metals used in the optical market. Today, nickel silver is used in the production of low and medium frames. price ranges. Due to the fact that nickel can cause allergies, frames made of monel and nickel silver have a special protective coating. It wears off over time and can cause skin irritation.

On a note!
Keep several pairs of glasses in stock and change them periodically.

Beryllium is a good substitute for titanium, although it is not very resistant to rust. Beryllium frames are available in a wide range of colors.

If the lightness of the frame is crucial for you, pay attention to frames made of aluminum and stainless steel.

Gold and silver are practically not used for the manufacture of solid frames.

In the case of gold, this is unprofitable; with silver, it is risky: it is too soft. But due to their aesthetic qualities, both metals “found themselves” not only in the finishing of frames, but also in the composition of alloys for their manufacture.

Plastic frames appeared on the market relatively recently, but quickly became popular. Their main advantage is the freedom to choose colors and hypoallergenicity.

Holds the palm among plastic options for many years cellulose acetate in a huge range of colors and shapes. Frames made from it are comfortable, pleasant to the touch, lightweight, and are available in all price categories. These features of cellulose acetate more than compensate for its low resistance to chemical influences and sun rays, resulting in fading and a tendency for the frame to crack. Resistance to external influences, extraordinary lightness (lighter than aluminum) and modern design combine carbon, similar in properties to titanium. Designers love it for its flexibility, which allows you to create thin and elegant frames or frame elements.

The most popular among epoxy polymers optyl.

Its advantages are resistance to sunlight, cosmetics, sweat and the ability to return to its original shape in case of severe deformation. It is enough to heat the frame and it will return to its original form.

Frame made from natural materials - horns, turtle shell- can be a great solution. The pattern on the cut of the horn makes the frame individual and gives it a special charm. A wide, stable fit and a pleasant feeling on the skin set these frames apart from their “colleagues”. To care for frames made from natural materials, there is a special cream that comes complete with a microfiber cloth.

Horn glasses are made by hand in the old fashioned way, which places them in the luxury segment and indicates their status and adherence to tradition.

Least noticeable on the face rimless And semi-rimless glasses. These “invisible” items do not draw attention to themselves and do not oblige you to choose certain clothes and accessories. The temples allow you to add a “zest” in the form of color to such frames.

How to choose the right glasses?

It is known that glasses change facial features and how others perceive a person’s appearance as a whole. First of all, this concerns the shape and color of the frame. This fact can be used as an image tool to highlight the advantages of your appearance.

When you go to an optical salon, keep the following general points in mind: classic rules frame selection:

  • its width should be equal to the widest part of the face, its height should not be higher than the line of the eyebrows and should not “sit” on the cheeks;
  • large facial features are combined with a large frame, small features - with a small and graceful one;
  • a narrow nose bridge on the frame will visually bring widely spaced eyes closer together, and will also narrow a wide forehead and vice versa;
  • a short nose will be lengthened by a light frame with a high bridge, a long nose will be shortened by a low or wide bridge;
  • Half-rim glasses or an emphasis on the temples will push a wide nose into the background.

Choosing glasses based on your face type

The shape of the frame aesthetically depends on the type of face. The important thing is that the frame does not follow its geometric contour, but exists in contrast. The tips below apply to both the choice of frames and the selection of lens shapes if the glasses are rimless.

Close to ideal oval face Great Rectangular, cat-like or inverted trapezoid frames will look good.

Elongated oval faces are perfect rectangular glasses medium size with a wide nose.

On a round face Square, narrow rectangular and oblong frames will “play out”. High arches will also look good. It is advisable to choose colored plastic as a material for the frame, which will visually elongate the face.

Angularity square and rectangular faces and the heaviness of a massive chin will be smoothed out by oval, “cat-like”, rimless glasses, the arms of which are located in the center.

Triangular The type of face will suit frames in the form of an inverted trapezoid, as well as “cat” and semi-rimless frames. It is advisable to choose a frame with an accent in the form of a thickening or a spot of color on its upper part.

Similar recommendations apply to trapezoidal shape faces. The wide arms of the frame will balance its narrow upper and massive lower parts. Oval frames in light or muted colors, frames with cut corners and rimless ones will visually widen the chin of a heart-shaped face.

With diamond shape faces are combined with semi-rimmed, oblong, rectangular with rounded edges, “cat” frames, “drop” frames - all those options that will draw attention to the upper part of the face.

Choose glasses according to your color type and eye color

Color also relates to the aesthetic characteristics of glasses.

Autumn color type should stop at:

rich brown, copper, honey, plum, bottle, turquoise shades. The best metal to choose is gold.

The main rule "Spring"- transparency. The following shades are suitable for this color type:

ivory, beige, salmon, orange, lilac, and a thin metal frame with a matte gold finish will highlight the natural colors of the spring color type.

Suitable for a contrasting winter color type:

blue, white, red, deep purple, emerald shades. Among the metals for the frame, it is better to choose a silver color.

A black frame looks very harmonious on the face of people of this color type.

For representatives of other color types, especially “Summer” and “Spring,” a black frame will give an overly strict look. However, if your goal is emphasized rigor, conciseness, and solidity, then feel free to use this trick.

Main feature "summer" people - a certain muted color. You shouldn’t play with contrast: it will be more advantageous to highlight your natural palette.

Ash, silver, pure gray and gray with admixtures of pink, blue, green, lilac, even beige shades, matte silver are your main colors.

Ladies of elegant age stand a little to the side. Metal frames “gold” and “silver”, gray, yellow, sand, unfortunately, will only draw attention to their gray hair and age characteristics skin. The most suitable colors in this case are transparent mother-of-pearl, lingonberry, blue, deep brown.

You can look for frames based on only one component of your appearance - eye color. Depth gray and blue eyes Frames of the same colors will enhance the look, and brown shades will also play out in contrast. Green eyes“they love” green and beige tones, and contrasting brown, calm orange, deep red bring the green pigment of the iris to the fore. Brown-eyed A business woman should focus on color saturation:

To hazel eyes Beige, creamy, ocher, coffee shades are suitable; the richness of dark brown eyes is emphasized by brown, amber and red colors. Green, purple, lavender will enhance the brightness of the brown pigment.

And in order to calmly, without embarrassment, take out and put your glasses into the case, monitor its condition. Dear and stylish glasses"lose" if appearance The case leaves much to be desired. The inside of the case must have a special coating to prevent damage to the lenses.

Whether we are talking about medical or fashion glasses, two conditions should be a priority when purchasing them: functionality(planting, materials) and aesthetics(color, shape). Their “duet” contributes the right choice glasses that you will be happy to wear every day. Better yet, buy several pairs with different frames and change them depending not only on your mood, but also on your business suit and work situation.