Rhinoplasty of the nose before and after a woman. Stars and rhinoplasty: who benefited and who disfigured themselves? Failed rhinoplasty before and after photos

Rhinoplasty is the most popular plastic surgery in the world. Surgical or injection intervention allows you to correct imperfections in the most prominent (in every sense) part of the face, make features subtle and harmonious, and give a woman or man confidence in themselves and their beauty.

Nose surgery has many nuances, including that it is considered one of the most difficult types surgical intervention. Let's look at the nuances of the operation.

What does rhinoplasty involve?

Features of the operation

You should know that surgical rhinoplasty involves making incisions with a scalpel to reshape the open nasal cavity by moving or partially removing cartilage.

The doctor must take a responsible approach to all stages of the operation.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasty ranks third in popularity among all cosmetic surgeries.

Plastic surgeon Smita Ramanadham

– the organ responsible for breathing, which indirectly affects the correct oxygen saturation of the blood and, accordingly, – on metabolic processes throughout the body.

Modern correction methods often combine not only aesthetic correction of the shape, but also restoration of correct nasal breathing.

You should contact trusted specialists.

There are cases when women turned to, where would-be specialists not only did not solve the patients’ problems and even worsened the shape of the nose instead of correcting them, but also damaged some of the tissues and provoked extensive swelling of the face with their actions.

Don’t forget that nearby is a vital important organ- brain.

High-quality surgery is only possible in specialized clinics - you should carefully study reviews on the Internet and seek advice from the most reliable specialists.

Cost of rhinoplasty

The cost of services in and is approximately the same. It is not free under insurance. Average price for each type of rhinoplasty:

  • (without surgery) – from 500 rub. in one procedure;
  • Reconstruction of the form - from 32 thousand rubles;
  • Shape reduction – from 9 thousand rubles;
  • Post-traumatic recovery – from 300 thousand rubles;
  • Flap rhinoplasty according to Converse – from 92 thousand rubles.

Remember that fillers will not make your nose appear smaller. The doctor will be able to change the proportions, which can visually improve the situation.

Types of rhinoplasty

Modern plastic surgery offers several options for correcting the shape of the nose.

Based on the client’s wishes, physiological characteristics of the nasal cavity and cartilage, medical indicators, assessing the amount of work, you can choose one or another method of carrying out the operation.

Viewgeneral informationThe essence of the operation
Closed rhinoplastyAs a minimally invasive technique for correcting the shape of the nose, closed operation is the most effective.
Recommended for correcting small shape defects, such as a saddle-shaped tip of the nose.
Main advantages:
low probability of edema, low trauma, minimal risk complications.
The surgeon makes small incisions inside the nasal cavity and then closes them. The outer skin is not affected.
Open rhinoplastyA complex method of correction that requires a lot of experience and skill from the surgeon. Required for severe bone deformities after mechanical impact, lateral or superior curvatures, if necessary, the use of grafts. The method is also used for osteotomy.Incisions are made in the fold between the nostrils, thanks to which the skin is separated from the cartilage. Next, the surgeon performs the necessary manipulations.
Non-surgical (injection) rhinoplastyThe most modern and safe way to improve your appearance with contour rhinoplasty.
It is recommended to carry out procedures once every 1-2 years.
The cosmetologist uses injections of fillers - gel or liquid preparations based on hyaluronate. The substance fills the necessary cavities and corrects imperfections in the shape of the back, tip, nostrils or any irregularities.

After closed rhinoplasty, scars are not visible at all, but after this type of intervention there is more swelling when compared with the open technique.

Plastic surgeon Ronald Schuster

Indications and contraindications

Women strive to improve their appearance, and if the shape of their nose seems imperfect to them, then they can resort to plastic surgery or filler injections.

Indications can be divided into two types - medical and aesthetic. The following factors are considered medical.


  • , making breathing difficult and causing swelling respiratory tract under temperature influence;
  • Post-traumatic deformation of shape, curvature or displacement of cartilage;
  • Birth defects that make breathing difficult.

Aesthetic indications are very conditional and are not direct indications for surgery, except in obvious cases of disproportion.


  • Wide nostrils or back;
  • Large tip of the nose (“potato”);
  • The presence of a pronounced hump;
  • Lack of pronounced bridge of the nose;
  • Hooked nose, with a downturned tip;
  • Snub nose.

Operative types of rhinoplasty have many contraindications.


  1. acute infections;
  2. malignant tumors;
  3. herpes;
  4. low blood clotting;
  5. acute rhinitis;
  6. heart diseases;
  7. pyelonephritis;
  8. mental disorders.

Also, you cannot adjust the shape of the nose during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as during menstruation.

Analyze your attitude towards appearance and decide whether surgery is really required or whether you are ready to accept yourself with natural beauty.

Preparation for rhinoplasty

The operation is preceded by a preparatory period:

  1. The plastic surgeon must consult the patient and prepare him for surgery by discussing his wishes, studying his health, and explaining the nuances of creating a “new” nose.
  2. Before plastic surgery, you should undergo a series of standard examinations, which include a general blood test and biochemistry, an ECG and a consultation with a therapist.
  3. If the patient has no contraindications, then he is sent to a day hospital.
  4. 10-15 days before admission to the hospital, the clinic client needs to give up alcohol, smoking, heavy food, maintain a diet and sleep schedule.
  5. A few hours before the start, the consumption of food and water is excluded - violation of this rule can lead to negative consequences surgical intervention.
  6. If you plan to completely correct the shape or correct serious defects, before rhinoplasty you must attend a consultation with an anesthesiologist - a complex operation will be performed under general anesthesia and requires testing for intolerance to the components of anesthesia. Defects are corrected under local anesthesia.

There are cases when anesthesia leads to side effects. This is vomiting, nausea, sore throat.

Anesthesiologist Monica Soni

To prevent plastic surgery from seeming so frightening, doctors recommend watching topical videos on the Internet, reading more materials about rhinoplasty, and setting yourself up for a positive result.

How is the operation performed? (stages)

Surgical types of rhinoplasty consist of several stages:

  1. The anesthesiologist administers local anesthesia to the patient for minor surgical interventions or administers general anesthesia for more complex cases of cartilage deformation. Additional anesthesia may be performed to disable the receptors.
  2. In the area of ​​the columella, between the nostrils, a thin incision is made with a scalpel and the operation itself begins - open or closed type. In the first case, the surgeon frees the cartilage from the skin, in the second, he performs the necessary manipulations without temporarily removing the skin.
  3. Using surgical instruments, the doctor corrects defects discussed with the patient. If necessary, implants are inserted into the cartilage area or, on the contrary, part of the tissue is removed. Mid range The operation time is 50-120 minutes.
  4. Upon completion of the procedure, stitches are applied and the nose is closed with a fixing bandage. Non-surgical rhinoplasty options for correcting small areas of the nose require only local anesthesia or are performed without it, so the correction consists of three stages- preparatory, injection and restorative. If necessary, the injection is repeated.

Protect yourself for a couple of weeks from sports activities where you can injure your nose.

Plastic surgeon Arnold Almonte

The most progressive method of correcting defects in appearance is laser - this tool replaces a scalpel, reduces blood loss and promotes fast healing fabrics. Find out more about the nuances of the procedure during a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

Question answer

The person’s condition will noticeably improve after 2-3 weeks. But the swelling itself may still be slightly present; it will take 2 times longer for it to disappear. The final result of the surgical intervention can be seen after a long period (usually it will take from six months to a year).

About a week will pass, and the person will feel much better, but it is recommended to go to work a little later (at least after 10 days).

No, you can't do this. Moreover, you need to stop drinking alcohol a couple of weeks before the rhinoplasty itself.

Rhinoplasty is one of the fastest plastic surgery, which takes from 1 to 3 hours, but rehabilitation period lasts from two weeks to a month.

  1. After surgery, due to damage to the capillaries, hematomas and swelling remain. To ensure that the sutures do not come apart and the nose itself comes into the desired shape, the patient must wear a fixing bandage for 10 days.
  2. Tampons are inserted into the nostrils to stop bleeding.
  3. You should not eat spicy or hot food, play sports or swim, or strain your facial muscles for a month.

The rehabilitation itself is not very painful. The main problem is experiencing breathing difficulties. But swelling and bruising can be observed for about 2 weeks exactly.

Plastic surgeon Andrew Miller

To see how stitches are removed, watch the video:

Rhinoplasty of the nose is aesthetic surgery by changing the shape or size of the outer part of the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed to correct congenital defects and deformities after injuries. One of its main goals is to harmoniously change the shape of the nose while maintaining individual facial features.

Rhinoplasty is the correction of the shape of the nose, which is rightfully considered one of the most difficult aesthetic operations. The thing is that the structure of the nose is very complex - its walls consist of many cartilages and bones, and surgical intervention consists of a series of sequential actions to change each component.
At the same time, the doctor must clearly understand what results all his actions will lead to, and how the patient will subsequently change. this body. The nose is not just a part of the face that should be harmoniously combined with it, but also the respiratory organ and its functionality should always be taken into account. Often, shape correction can and even should be combined with the restoration of proper nasal breathing.

Video: What is rhinoplasty?

Nose surgery methods

There are two methods of nose surgery:

  • open;
  • closed.

The open method is used in cases where it is necessary to work directly with bones or cartilage. This operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about two hours. During this procedure, an incision is made along the bridge of the nose at the nostrils for subsequent removal of skin over a large area and all manipulations are carried out under the visual supervision of a doctor.

Photo: open method

Choosing this method of rhinoplasty leads to a longer recovery period, but also to more predictable results.

The essence of the closed rhinoplasty method is that incisions are made inside the nose. Subsequently, the surgeon shapes the bone elements in such a way as to give them the desired shape.

The closed method of performing the operation is good because it leaves no traces (internal scars after rhinoplasty are invisible) and dissolvable sutures are applied after all manipulations.

Photo: closed rhinoplasty method

Moreover, the closed method is less traumatic and does not disrupt the supporting function of the nose, blood circulation and leaves the columellar arteries intact. The closed method of performing the operation also has its disadvantages: suturing the cartilage vaults and, accordingly, achieving symmetry is difficult.

Video: Closed rhinoplasty

Types of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is divided into several types, which involve different goals and final results.

  1. Nostril rhinoplasty. In this case, the operation is aimed at too long or wide wings of the nose.
  2. Septorhinoplasty. This is an operation to correct a deviated nasal septum. Such curvatures are divided into several types:
    • traumatic (received during bruises and fractures);
    • physiological (appearance of growths, shifts to the side);
    • compensatory (violation of the shape of the “shells”, obstacle to normal breathing).
  3. Conchotomy. The operation involves removal of the mucous membrane and is indicated for breathing problems due to hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. Very often, cochotomy is combined with changing the shape and size of the nose. However, this procedure considered traumatic and severe. The rehabilitation period lasts a long time; antibacterial therapy is indicated.
  4. Columella correction. This is a correction of the lower part of the bridge between the nostrils. If necessary, increase it - it takes root cartilage tissue, if necessary, reduce - the lower part of the wings is excised. The operation is quite easy, the rehabilitation period is about two weeks.
  5. Augmentation rhinoplasty. This is an operation to raise the bridge of the nose in case of a flattened nose.
  6. Grafting. This is a specific operation to enlarge a small or too short nose.
  7. Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose. This procedure does not take much time, and the rehabilitation period is short.
  8. Injection rhinoplasty. This procedure uses special fillers that can correct minor imperfections.
  9. Laser rhinoplasty. The surgeon's scalpel is replaced by a laser and thus reduces blood loss and the risk of complications. Moreover, the rehabilitation period and the traumatic nature of the operation are shortened.

Repeated (secondary) rhinoplasty

Revision or secondary rhinoplasty is even more challenging task rather than simply carrying out the operation itself. Indications for such a procedure are poorly performed rhinoplasty or complications that arose during the rehabilitation period.
Secondary rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and has a long recovery period. It can be carried out using both open and closed methods.

Video: Secondary rhinoplasty

A significant disadvantage of this type of rhinoplasty is its high price (significantly higher than the first operation), as well as the inability to plan the final result. Even the most experienced and highly qualified surgeon cannot give a 100% guarantee of correcting malformed cartilage and bones.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a nose correction procedure without surgery. It is based on the use of a special gel that can smooth the tip of the nose, give it the desired angle, eliminate slight asymmetry and other minor defects.

You need to understand that no matter how popular this procedure is, it is not capable of radical transformations of the nose. Moreover, the effect it gives lasts no more than two years.

However, non-surgical rhinoplasty has the following advantages:

  • absence of surgical intervention and, accordingly, reduced risk of complications (the operation is performed under local anesthesia, which significantly increases the rehabilitation period);
  • getting rid of not only problems, but also the first signs of aging in the nose area.

Video: Non-surgical nose correction

What is the ideal nose like?

In order to understand how perfect your nose is, you need to take two photographs: one in profile and one in front. Perfect face can be divided into three horizontal and five vertical parts. Thus, the width of an ideal nose at its lower base will be equal to the width of the middle part and equal to one third of the height of the face. However, we should not forget that everyone’s tastes differ and there is no ideal of beauty as such.

Having done rhinoplasty, you can get rid of many problems: remove the hump, reduce the nostrils, narrow the nose, but whether it will be an ideal for the people around you is another question.


Indications for rhinoplasty are the following factors:

  • “saddle” nose shape;
  • thickening of the tip of the nose;
  • long nose length;
  • large nostrils;
  • breathing problems;
  • wide bridge of nose;
  • deformation after injury;
  • congenital deformities of the nasal skeleton;
  • curvature of the nasal septum (cleft palate, cleft lip);
  • presence of a hump.

Crook in the nose

A long nose


The following factors are contraindications to rhinoplasty:

  • presence of acute infections;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • herpes in active form;
  • mental disorders;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney disease;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Preparation for surgery and necessary tests

When preparing for rhinoplasty, a standard examination is required no earlier than two weeks before the operation. You need to undergo the following tests before rhinoplasty:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • prothrombin test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor;
  • analysis for HIV and hepatitis;
  • tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

In addition to the tests listed, it is necessary to consult with a general practitioner and prescribe an additional examination, if necessary. During a consultation with a surgeon, you need to give as complete and clear descriptions as possible of what you want to get as a final result.

  1. Two weeks before surgery, the patient should stop taking any anticoagulants (blood thinners) to prevent bleeding.
  2. The day before the procedure, you need to start eating exclusively “light” food, namely salads, dairy products and fruits.
  3. Six hours before surgery, the patient should stop eating and drinking.
  4. A week before rhinoplasty, it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol and nicotine.

Direct preparation for surgery and anesthesia

After it completes preparatory stage, the time comes for the operation itself. After the contract is concluded and the patient confirms his decision, the last questions of interest are asked, and preparation for rhinoplasty begins. The patient needs to wash off all makeup from the face and get rid of piercings, if any. Often, before rhinoplasty, markings are made on the nose with a special marker. If the patient wishes to take depressant, the nurse will definitely provide it.

Anesthesia for rhinoplasty is necessary, therefore, before the procedure begins, the patient meets with an anesthesiologist, who must once again make sure that you have not used any contraindicated drug.

The specialist may also ask about your medical history and whether any of your close relatives had allergic reaction for anesthesia

In this case food allergy is of great importance as the anesthesia may contain components such as protein, so it is important to inform the anesthesiologist of such cases. It is also worth informing about latex allergies.

Anesthesia is administered by drip and must appear sound sleep for a patient who will be unconscious and intubated during the operation (a breathing tube is inserted into the trachea). Thus, the respiratory function of the body and, accordingly, its other vital functions (pulse, arterial pressure, ECG, blood oxygen saturation) fall on the shoulders of a special apparatus and an anesthesiologist. Recovery and rehabilitation after rhinoplasty, how the postoperative period goes.

The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty is most often easily tolerated by patients. On the first day, prophylactic antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed. Tampons may cause some discomfort as they make breathing difficult, but they are removed a few days after surgery.

In addition to tampons, the patient is given gypsum bandage, which is periodically removed to care for the skin of the nose. It is worn to protect the nose from blows and to secure it new form. It is completely removed after ten days, during which postoperative swelling also subsides.

After removing the tampons, drops and solutions are prescribed for rinsing the nose, which speed up the healing process and cleanse nasal cavity. When you see most patients undergoing a rehabilitation period, it may mistakenly seem that they are experiencing painful sensations, However, it is not.

You have to breathe through your mouth because of tampons in your nose, and burgundy bruises under your eyes are... natural reaction body. All described side effects disappear within a matter of days.

The sutures are removed after a week, and for rapid healing and resorption of hematomas, a topical drug is prescribed.

In order to minimize side effects after plastic surgery, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid for the first few days active actions, observe bed rest, try to lay your head higher;
  • avoid for the first few weeks physical activity;
  • do not visit saunas, swimming pools, solariums for a month;
  • for the first two weeks sleep only on your back (due to the cast);
  • do not eat cold or hot food;
  • eliminate the use of nicotine;
  • do not wear glasses for two to four months.

Consequences, complications (side effects)

During the postoperative period, the following side effects are possible:

  • burgundy “stains” around the eyes;
  • edema;
  • inability to breathe properly on the first day (due to tampons);
  • nausea;
  • numbness of the tip or entire nose;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness and fever;
  • minor bleeding.

Statistics have a positive trend and complications after rhinoplasty are present in only ten percent of patients. They are divided into two categories:

  • aesthetic;
  • functional.

Aesthetic complications include the following:

  • excessively turned up nose;
  • "saddle" shape;
  • curvature;
  • drooping tip of the nose;
  • beak deformity;
  • rough scars and adhesions;
  • divergence of seams.

Problems of this nature can also be associated with asymmetry, insufficient and excessive resection. Functional complications include the following:

  • intracranial complications;
  • perforation of the septum;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • toxic shock;
  • abscess;
  • osteotomy (bone cutting);
  • breathing problems.

I wonder what bisha lumps are and how the operation is performed? You can learn more about this topic in the article -. What is laser otoplasty? At this age, do otoplasty and what is it? local anesthesia? Can the shape of the ears change with age? Answers to these and other questions at this address. You know that septoplasty straightens a deviated nasal septum without changing the shape of the external nose. Tips for caring for your nose after septoplasty can be found at this link.

Nutrition after surgery

In the postoperative period, it is important to follow all recommendations, including those related to nutrition. Here are some rules that the patient must follow:

  1. During the first week after surgery, you should not eat hot or cold foods.
  2. You can drink water no earlier than two to three hours after rhinoplasty.
  3. During the rehabilitation period, you need to consume a lot of fluid - at least two liters per day.
  4. You should “unload” your diet and, in the first ten days after surgery, consume exclusively light products.
  5. During the rehabilitation period you should refrain from using alcoholic drinks and coffee.
  6. You should reduce your consumption of foods containing a large number of salt.

Swelling and bruising

After the operation, swelling and bruising remain on the patient's face. Most often they go away within ten to fourteen days and are normal reaction body. Swelling will be most visible if an osteotomy was performed during rhinoplasty.
In order to remove swelling and bruising as quickly as possible, you need to use various homeopathic ointments, but before doing this, you should definitely consult with your doctor.


The nose consists of cartilaginous and bone parts and rhinoplasty, depending on the wishes of the patient, may require the removal of one or another part. Surgical intervention always involves damage to part of the tissue and it is not always possible to predict the results one hundred percent. If during surgery the bone, then its healing is always accompanied by the appearance callus after rhinoplasty, the sizes of which vary. There are a number of special procedures that help reduce the risk of callus growth. This:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Magnetotherapy.
  3. Exposure to ultrasonic frequencies.


To more quickly overcome the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to undergo physical procedures. Electrophoresis with lidase is intended for rapid healing of scars and also to combat the growth of callus. During the procedure, the medicinal substance is applied to special pads, after which it is applied to to the right place. With the help of electrodes, lidase penetrates the skin and has a beneficial effect. Magnetic therapy is the procedure of applying magnets to the operated area. It promotes rapid healing of wounds and is considered simple, but in an effective way fight against bone callus.

Photo: different nostrils after rhinoplasty
Photo: the tip of the nose drooped after surgery

Nose can't breathe

The nose performs not only aesthetic, but also physiological role. Respiratory function- this is one of the essential functions nose, so difficulty breathing often becomes an indication for surgery. The procedure to correct a septum is a type of rhinoplasty and is called septoplasty.

Correction of the nasal septum and rhinoplasty of the cartilaginous section are considered sufficient complex operation, since surgical intervention, in this case, implies a certain blood loss.

During the procedure, an incision is made internally and deformed cartilage and bone are removed through it. If necessary, implants can be installed. Septoplasty is performed using an endoscope - a special device that allows the surgeon to penetrate even the most inaccessible places and significantly reduce the trauma of the operation. The rehabilitation period lasts about two weeks and is tolerated quite easily by patients.

Who made the stars

Dima Bilan was forced to turn to rhinoplasty due to breathing problems. During his youth, he damaged his nasal septum, but did not pay attention to this fact, however, having become a singer, he decided to correct the omission. In addition, he got rid of the hump and was completely satisfied with the result.
Michael Jackson at one time he was also forced to resort to the help of plastic surgeons. He began performing nose surgeries at the age of twenty-six and subsequently continued to perform rhinoplasty on the tip of the nose, narrowing it more and more. By the age of forty-six, thanks to many illnesses and operations, the nose had to be completely restored.
Sergey Zverev also did not stand aside and improved his appearance. The tip was narrowed, the hump was removed and, ultimately, the shape of the nose was made almost ideal. Kristina Orbakaite decided to undergo rhinoplasty quite recently. The reason was the nose, which she inherited from her father. Surgeons removed the hump and made the prominent nose miniature and neat.
Lyudmila Gurchenko I also resorted to plastic surgery and, at the age of seventy, decided to correct the shape of my nose. However, something went wrong during the procedure and as a result, the famous actress was left with scars that shouldn’t be there after rhinoplasty. The press blamed doctors for a long time, but even they sometimes have no control over time.
Alexey Samsonov- the star of House2 and, whatever one may say, famous person, so he also decided to resort to rhinoplasty. His nose needed not only aesthetic correction, but also restoration physiological functions. After an active boxing background and six fractures, nasal septum took on a completely different appearance than it should have, and significantly made it difficult for the former athlete to breathe. The successful operation relieved the man of two problems at once and transformed his appearance.
Elizaveta Boyarskaya She was no exception and also resorted to plastic surgery. So, in the photographs you can see the dramatic changes that have affected her nose - from large and snub-nosed, it has turned into a real role model.
Katie Topuria, unlike most other stars, is terribly afraid of doctors, as well as surgical instruments, but even this did not stop her from turning her large nose into an elegant work of art.
Heidi Klum- a famous top model who can only afford a luxurious and well-groomed look. It is not surprising that she also went under the plastic surgeon's knife. For all her assurances about promoting natural beauty, Heidi still corrected the tip of her nose, making it noticeably thinner.
Singer Alexa She has long strived for the ideal and is not afraid of experiments. So, in addition to her lips, the girl decided to undergo rhinoplasty. The singer showed the public photographs where her nose became thinner and more graceful. Fortunately, rhinoplasty was more successful than lip augmentation.
Stas Piekha also recently surprised his fans. The singer, who has repeatedly stated that he is satisfied with his appearance, nevertheless underwent plastic surgery. From being large and massive, the nose acquired an aristocratic and aesthetic appearance. Despite the success undergone rhinoplasty, fans' opinions were divided, though good job the surgeon in this case “on the face”.
Angelina Jolie I also decided not to ignore the wide possibilities of modern plastic surgery. The attractive lips of the famous actress made her famous throughout the world, but she did not leave her nose unnoticed. So, Jolie not only made it thinner, but also straightened the wings, giving the nose a more neat and elegant look.
Scarlett Johonson until recently she was on the list of “most nosed celebrities” and only now decided to undergo plastic surgery. As a result of successful rhinoplasty, the Hollywood celebrity's nose became smaller and thinner. Johonson did not lose her individuality, but the diva’s face began to look even more attractive. As can be seen from the statistics of star surgeries, male rhinoplasty is not nearly behind female rhinoplasty and sometimes even takes the lead. However, this is not surprising, because people of art must look impeccable at any time and in any place.

Prices in Moscow

The average cost of rhinoplasty in Moscow is approximately as follows:

Rhinoplasty has a high price, moreover, the more reliable the clinic, the higher the cost of the operation, but do not forget that in the life of every person, health occupies one of the most important places.

Operation name Price, rub.)
Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)
Nose reduction with nasal septum correction 180 000
Bilateral vasotomy 45 000
Surgical correction of the nasal septum 75 000
Surgical correction of nasal tip deformity 90 000
Re-correction of nasal tip deformity 120 000
Nose reduction with osteotomy 160 000

Prices for rhinoplasty in Moscow clinics

Gynecomastia – current problem, which usually develops in adolescents during puberty. You can find out all the details on this topic in the article. If it happens that a child was born with a defect such as a cleft lip, plastic surgery will help you. Find out how much cleft lip surgery costs by following this link.


How long does it take for a nose to heal? This depends on the type of surgery performed, but on average, the recovery period takes approximately two weeks. Is it possible to get rhinoplasty for free somewhere? Plastic surgeries of an aesthetic nature are paid, however reconstructive plastic surgery nose after injury should be carried out free of charge, that is, according to the policy. What should you not do after surgery? After the operation, a whole list of recommendations is given. For example, you should avoid physical activity, eat light foods, postpone trips to the solarium, swimming pool, and much more. How long does it take for the swelling to go down? It depends on the individual characteristics body and the type of surgery performed, but on average the swelling goes away within a week. I have a runny nose after rhinoplasty, is this normal? The human body is individual and during the rehabilitation process a runny nose may appear, but it is not at all necessary. In any case, this information must be reported to the doctor. Does it hurt? Many people think that rhinoplasty is a very painful operation, but in fact this is not entirely true. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia and only a small number of patients experience pain on the first day after surgery. Are there any scars left after the surgery? After properly performed rhinoplasty, there are no scars or marks left. When is it better to have rhinoplasty, before or after pregnancy? There is no fundamental importance here, but it is worth remembering that after the birth of a child there follows a period of lactation, during which rhinoplasty should not be performed. If we are talking about the period before pregnancy, then you need to take into account that conception should occur no earlier than three months after the end of the rehabilitation period (it is during this time that the body should have time to recover). How many times can rhinoplasty be done? No one can give an exact figure and prohibit, as well as limit a person’s right to choose, but it is worth remembering that rhinoplasty is an operation that is performed under anesthesia, so its complexity and seriousness should not be underestimated. Moreover, correctly performed rhinoplasty gives good results, so there is no need to repeat it too often. How old can you do it, at what age? Rhinoplasty can be done at any age if there are indications for it, for example, if it is impossible to breathe properly after an injury. However, it is worth considering that if a person has not reached the age of majority, then parents must give written consent to the operation. When stitches are removed, do they leave marks? Properly performed rhinoplasty does not leave any traces behind. Can I drink alcohol after rhinoplasty? It is advisable to abstain from alcohol for at least a month after surgery. Is it possible to have surgery during menstruation? No, you can't do this. In addition to the risk of bleeding, the duration of the rehabilitation period also increases. What time of year is best to do it? The time of year does not in any way affect the operation and the rehabilitation period, however, a large number of operations still occur in the summer, because no doctor will do rhinoplasty with a runny nose or an autumn cold. Is it possible to smoke after rhinoplasty? You should refrain from smoking for a month after the operation. Is it possible to visit the solarium? You shouldn't do this for at least the first few weeks. Why do surgeons unanimously claim that it takes a whole year to see the final result? Positive result after the operation it is visible much earlier, but the final features of the new nose take shape and become obvious exactly after a year. How long will it take before I can return to work? The rehabilitation period lasts approximately fourteen days. During this time, the stitches and plaster are removed, swelling subsides and bruises disappear. You can start working approximately 2-3 weeks after rhinoplasty. Is the surgery covered by insurance? Most often, insurance does not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures. What are the risks of rhinoplasty? Surgery is a risk in any case, and in rhinoplasty, if something goes wrong, there is the possibility of bleeding, skin tears and burns. To prevent such disastrous consequences, which most often occur due to the low qualifications of the doctor, be sure to pay attention to choosing a good clinic and an experienced surgeon. How many times after surgery will I need to visit the surgeon? Each doctor himself prescribes the days of admission, but most often the patient is examined after three days, and then several more times during the month. From now on you will need to visit him every three months. Can the nose grow after surgery? If plastic surgery was performed on a child, then the nose, like the body, will continue to grow, which, in principle, can negatively affect the result. That is why rhinoplasty is recommended only after reaching adulthood. Is it worth doing a nasal massage during the rehabilitation period? Massage after rhinoplasty should be done only when there is fusion of the skin of the nose and the underlying bone. It also makes sense to use massage to reduce swelling, but it already subsides on its own during the rehabilitation period; massage only speeds up this process. My nose hurts after rhinoplasty, is this normal? It is quite normal to experience pain the day after surgery. They quickly pass and are reduced by applying cold to the operated area and taking painkillers. A week after rhinoplasty it is possible feeling light pain and discomfort when touching the nose. However, if the pain lasts for a long period and does not decrease, you should immediately consult a doctor. What is the average cost of surgery? It's difficult to answer this question, because it all depends on what exactly you are going to fix. If you want, say, to shorten your nose, then it will cost approximately 100,000-120,000 thousand, although prices start at 50,000 and go up to 300,000 rubles. Why is diprospan used after rhinoplasty? Most often, doctors recommend diprospan for scars, which occur quite rarely after rhinoplasty. Scarring occurs from an excessively traumatic operation, which, most likely, was performed incorrectly. This drug is very strong, so you shouldn’t just inject it. After surgery, my nose can’t breathe, what should I do? The human body is individual, and if in most patients the nose begins to breathe on the second day after surgery, then in some it can breathe normally only after a week or two. In any case, if something bothers you or your nose is already breathing poorly for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor to find out the cause. Life after surgery, is it worth doing? Beauty is something that every person strives for, consciously or not. Scientists have proven that, according to statistics, beautiful people it is much easier to get what you want, get a job, advance in your career, etc. The desire for beauty is inherent in us on an unconscious level, so we are always looking for beautiful proportions and symmetry. Is it worth getting rhinoplasty? Many people wonder whether it is worth resorting to the services of plastic surgeons, because any operation carries its share of risks. Moreover, rhinoplasty is an expensive operation with a long recovery period.

Here it is immediately worth noting that psychological comfort is the basis of self-confidence, and, accordingly, the key to success in any endeavor. If a person sees a reflection in the mirror every day that he does not like, he begins to experience stress and constant discomfort. By getting rid of it and correcting the shape of the nose, the patient begins to see himself from a completely different side, and things often begin to succeed that he would not have had the courage to do before.

Pros and cons, pros and cons of surgery

The advantages of rhinoplasty include the following:

  • correction of deficiencies;
  • giving the face a harmonious appearance;
  • achieving psychological comfort;
  • elimination of defects after injuries, fractures and bruises;
  • normalization of breathing.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the high cost of the procedure;
  • the risk of complications as after any other operation;
  • long rehabilitation period (two to three weeks).

Video: Photo gallery “Before and after rhinoplasty”

Photos before and after nose surgery

The results of rhinoplasty can be clearly seen in the following photographs:

Photo two weeks after nose job

Moreover, the leading position was secured for nose correction thanks to the southern regions. Previously, it was believed that rhinoplasty was most often performed by men, but last years the number of women who applied increased noticeably, and the score became even. To evaluate why they undergo this operation, we suggest looking at the stars who corrected the shape of their nose. We invite you to vote on who it helped and who decided on plastic surgery in vain.

Marilyn Monroe

Many people start their career in Hollywood with rhinoplasty. The famous blonde was sure that she had not a nose, but a potato disaster - she blamed it for her first acting failures. And at the first opportunity she resorted to rhinoplasty, which ultimately allowed her to get a more neat tip of her nose.

Jennifer Aniston

The actress had her first nose job before filming the series Friends. She was sure that with the nose that she got from nature, she would not be able to build a successful career - she would only be offered roles of ugly girls. The actress was not satisfied with the results obtained after the first plastic surgery, and a few years later she had revision rhinoplasty, which completely satisfied her.

Megan Fox

The surgeon not only gave the star a new nose. But perhaps Megan should be grateful to rhinoplasty for becoming one of the sexiest beauties in Hollywood.

Victoria Beckham

Rhinoplasty helped the former peppercorn get rid of a deviated nasal septum and an upturned tip. Now the designer’s nose looks so neat and harmonious that it’s hard to believe that it was once different.

Michael Jackson

After the first rhinoplasty, the results of which were quite satisfactory, the King of Pop broke his nose and had breathing problems. The singer had to resort to reoperation, then to another, and another. The problem of nasal breathing was not solved, and the number of interventions grew exponentially: the nose became thinner and thinner. Ultimately, Michael Jackson had to wear a respirator, and his nose began to look scary.

Michael's sister seems to have picked up her brother's hobby plastic surgery and also repeatedly resorted to rhinoplasty. Thanks to the interventions, her nose has acquired a not entirely natural shape, but perhaps she is quite happy with it.

Courtney Love

The actress had rhinoplasty back in the 80s to get rid of the “snobby” and get the opportunity to act in films. The surgeon managed to cope with the size - the nose really became smaller, but another obvious problem appeared: curvature. Later, Courtney Love repeatedly tried to correct the nose obtained after the first rhinoplasty, but all attempts were in vain.

Patrick Dempsey

The actor, by his own admission, resorted to the operation according to indications - after a hockey injury. However, rhinoplasty could not cope with the curvature of the bridge of the nose, although the surgeon was able to form a more accurate tip of the nose. We can only hope that the actor no longer has problems with nasal breathing.

Tori Spelling

The actress, whom viewers remember from the popular TV series Beverly Hills 90210, has undergone a huge number of plastic surgeries throughout her life. Not all of them can be considered successful: including rhinoplasty, after which the actress’s nose became asymmetrical and aesthetically unattractive.

Lara Flynn Boyle

The star of the TV series “Twin Peaks” cannot boast of successful rhinoplasty either. It is still unclear why the actress needed surgery given her nose shape. But the fact remains: the intervention did not add beauty to her. And somehow things didn’t work out with a stellar career. Perhaps on creative path was affected by the failure of the surgeon.


Experts are still arguing about the singer’s rhinoplasty: in some photographs, the singer’s nose looks too small and does not correlate in size with other facial features. Therefore, her operation can be considered successful only in those photographs where the changes in the shape and size of the nose look harmonious.

Katie Topuria

Among Russian stars, Katie Topuria can boast of rhinoplasty according to indications. In addition to problems with nasal breathing, the girls also solved another problem - they radically corrected the shape of their nose. As a result of Katie's intervention, Topuria received a small nose, which suits the singer very well.

Alexander Revva

This sex symbol of the Russian stage also resorted to rhinoplasty due to a deviated nasal septum. The operation helped the artist acquire a more beautiful and neatly shaped nose, which his fans immediately noticed.

Natalia Podolskaya

The wife of Vladimir Presnyakov was not always happy with the shape of her nose. Two rhinoplasties helped correct the situation, the results of which Natalya was quite satisfied with.

Victoria Lopyreva

The socialite also received an elegant nose as a result of rhinoplasty. The girl decided to have the operation already being the owner of the title “Miss Russia”.

If we still haven’t convinced you that external appearance does not depend on the shape of the nose, then take a look at the before and after photos of Blake Lively, Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera and Scarlett Johansson. All these actresses have undergone rhinoplasty in order to become even more attractive.

We thank our expert for preparing the material:

Alexander Vdovin, plastic surgeon at GLV Clinic, specialist in maxillofacial surgery

Rhinoplasty (or simply nose surgery) is used equally effectively in both women and men, as well as in children - while rhinoplasty of the nose in younger patients is carried out exclusively according to the indications of doctors, when in adults it can be performed at their request - for getting beautiful shape spout

Indications for rhinoplasty

Contraindications to rhinoplasty of the nose

Rhinoplasty should not be performed under any circumstances with the following contraindications:

Relative contraindications to rhinoplasty

Rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, like other surgical interventions, logically leads to the question that recovery time will be required after the operation.

This period depends on the extent of the corrections, but a stay in a clinic or hospital is not necessary - the patient can go home safely the very next day.

If only cartilage is the object of influence, then recovery will vary from 7 to 10 days. But surgery on other parts implies, as a result, rehabilitation of about 14 days.

Types of nose shape correction

Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose

This procedure will help correct hooked or even upturned nose, correct size, remove displacement of the median axis, as well as lines.

It is important not only in terms of eliminating cosmetic defects, but also facilitates nasal breathing.

Used for many indications - due to injuries, chronic rhinitis and other diseases, as well as snoring and difficulty breathing.

ENT surgery

There are ENT diseases that can only be treated through surgery. Usually the main direction of intervention is the removal of hematomas, cysts, polyps and other neoplasms in the tissues of the organ that remove the contents maxillary sinuses for inflammatory infectious diseases. In most cases, this type of intervention is carried out under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

The use of high-quality equipment, instruments and painkillers allows interventions to be carried out different difficulties without pain, and also make the rehabilitation period shorter.

Secondary correction is usually required if the initial results are unsatisfactory.

Before you decide where you will get your nose job done, there are a few things to consider. important factors- this requires enormous skill of a specialist, since correcting the consequences is much more difficult than doing something new from the original data.

This procedure differs from the usual one by great complexity.

Otherwise, this is the same preliminary conversation with the doctor, preparation and implementation of the doctor’s recommendations during rehabilitation.

The price may vary depending on the degree of complexity, i.e. surgical intervention can be an expensive entertainment for you, or a cheap service.

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty

Reconstructive adjustment is a type of surgery that is widely used in those who have undergone various injuries. Rhinoplasty offers enormous opportunities in restoring the anatomical characteristics of the nose. Recovery can be carried out with tissue transplantation - using lipofilling or the introduction of cartilage with auricle(without breaking the form). Usage additional methods discussed separately with your doctor.

Types of access

Open rhinoplasty

This means that the incision is made not only from the inside, but also on the membrane of the colummel between the nostrils, as well as the presence of an external suture.

The doctor can directly work with tissues due to the fact that he has full access to them. This is very important when additional diagnostics are needed, for example, during a secondary intervention to evaluate general state scar tissue. Besides, this method allows you to treat blood vessels in a timely manner to avoid bleeding.

Closed rhinoplasty

This method involves making an incision inside the nose, so the skin and its integrity will not be damaged. This has a positive effect on the patient's appearance. Apart from this, the fix only lasts one or two hours. Rehabilitation with this method will also be shorter, which allows you to quickly get into shape and evaluate the result.

But for such an intervention, the doctor must have extensive experience and high qualifications, since this method is much more complicated.

I'll tell you about the culprit or hero of my review. Since childhood, I have not dreamed, like many girls who have had rhinoplasty, to change the shape of their “hated” nose. It suited me until I was quite an adult, until I saw myself, or rather, him, in profile in photographs. I was very surprised and unpleasantly surprised; I found out that my nose is not an ideal shape and has a hump.
Why have I lived in ignorance all these two decades? Because it never occurred to me to look at myself in full profile in mirrors, and no one ever told me anything negative about the shape of my nose. And here it is... I simply didn’t recognize myself in the profile! It seemed to me that I was seeing another person!

Yes, I didn’t like what I finally saw, but I didn’t have the desire to do anything about it. And since I didn’t always see myself in profile (I don’t have a trillage at home), I was happy with everything about myself and I tried not to think about it. And I diligently deleted photos with my profile accidentally caught (others see me like this every day - well, let them continue to see it, they are not used to it, but I didn’t want to see it)
A few years later, chronic sinusitis became my companion. The ENT said that there is a deviated septum and surgery MAY help (or maybe not).
I decided to take a risk and have septoplasty. And then I had a question: is it possible to combine business with pleasure, so to speak, that is, correct the septum and the shape of the nose at the same time?
I went for a consultation with plastic surgeon, quite famous in our city, all tormented by doubts, and asked him this question. He replied that maybe my sinusitis situation would improve, but maybe it wouldn’t. But from his tone I realized that most likely not, and he performs purely plastic surgeries.
But... he examined my nose and declared that it was "male." He explained: there is a hump and the tip of the year is not upturned, not snub-nosed. And for a woman, ideally, the tip of her nose should be turned up, and at a certain angle. Therefore, my nose fits more under the “male” nose.
Why did he say this?!! These words about the “male” nose, I admit, “hooked” me. Moreover, the doctor said this, not somehow trying to amaze me and attract me to the operation, but, you know, he casually conveyed to me the homespun truth.
But these words shocked me! From that moment on, I definitely no longer wanted to live with my “male” nose! And even if sinusitis doesn’t go away, whatever... I immediately informed the doctor about this and began asking questions.
How will the shape of my nose change as a result of the surgery? The doctor did not do computer modeling, but showed in photographs and in me what changes awaited him. Specifically: they will change the length (downward, of course), remove the hump and raise the tip.
WHAT DO YOU NEED if you decide to have surgery:
1. Money
2. Take time off from work for at least 2 weeks.
3. Ointments, dressings - it is better to check the list with your doctor in advance, there may be discrepancies. If there is someone to look after you and go to the pharmacy, then you can skip this point.
4. Of course, be prepared for the post-operative “delights” and have a little patience. Nobody talks about this, but this is very important! Unfortunately, I only found out about this on own experience. Everyone believes that the main thing is to decide to have an operation (or, for someone else, to collect the necessary amount).
So, I discussed everything with the doctor, chose a date for the operation, and took 2 weeks off from work. All necessary tests I passed it in the same clinic.
While waiting for the operation, of course, I could not sit quietly and wait for my fate of being in the dark about how the operation is done, what complications and unsuccessful results of rhinoplasty can happen... I read forums about rhinoplasty, looked at “before and after” photographs.
I found out that there are two types of rhinoplasty - open and closed.
When the columella (middle part of the nose) is opened, at its narrowest point, an incision is made, as a result of which the rest of the skin above the cartilage peels off and rises. In this way, all cartilage is exposed and, depending on the problem that needs to be solved, work is carried out at all stages of the operation.

And I came across a video of open rhinoplasty... God!.. Don’t even think about watching it if you’re very impressionable (like me)! You may change your mind about rhinoplasty! Seriously.
I couldn't watch the video to the end. As soon as I saw the skin peeling off and the cartilage being exposed, I felt sick and almost fainted. In addition, I realized that if I looked further, I would not have the operation. Without looking at the monitor, I tried to turn off this video so as not to see what would happen next...

If you’ve already decided on Rhino and watched the video, then it’s better to try to forget about it and not remember it!
Then I calmed myself down in every possible way. Well, if you have already had some kind of operation, for example, removing your appendix, it was also not Filipino healers who operated there.
The operation was scheduled for May 9. There is no need to look for some secret meaning in this, it’s just very difficult to take time off from my work, and taking into account the May holiday weekend, it was easier to do.
For the first time in recent years, on the morning of May 9, I did not go to the parade, but went to an operation.
The operation was performed under general anesthesia. Disconnected quickly. I recovered from the anesthesia wonderfully - I just woke up and that’s it. There was no tunnel, vomiting, delirium, dry spots, etc. (this is not the first operation in my life).
Like a real girl, I immediately picked up the phone and turned on the front camera to look at myself and capture it, of course.
A sad sight awaited me on the screen of my gadget:

The plaster (of which there was a decent amount, they obviously didn’t spare it!) on the nose was fixed with adhesive tape to the cheeks so that all the skin of the lower part of my face was “collected”, like a pug. The nostrils are clogged with turundas. In addition, there was a bandage under the nose, the ends of which were tied at the back of the head. What it was for, I didn’t understand at first. Terrible swelling - everything around the eyes swam, including the bridge of the nose. My husband said when he saw me that I looked like Avatar.
Sore throat after anesthesia. It went away in a couple of days.
The need to breathe through the mouth , and not with the nose turned out to be a surprisingly difficult and extremely unpleasant task for me. Both physically and psychologically. Yes, yes, maybe someone will find this funny. Maybe this is just another phobia I have. The whole time until they took out my turundas and I couldn’t breathe through my nose, it seemed to me that I was forgetting to breathe through my mouth, I didn’t have enough oxygen, and in my sleep I could completely forget that I needed to do this or I would simply close my mouth and die.
It has become very it's hard to eat . I am used to chewing food thirty times thoroughly and, accordingly, for a long time. How can you eat and breathe through your mouth at the same time? And still manage not to choke? Having just started my meal, I already wanted to finish it. Often I did just that. In 2 weeks I lost 2 kilograms. And even though I forced myself to eat.
The swelling intensified in the evening. It felt like the skin would burst. I had to change the bandage frequently because ichor was leaking from my nose.
There were also painful sensations in my nose, I even asked the nurse for painkillers. Before the operation, I read reviews where the girls wrote that they did not experience any pain after the operation. If I knew that after the operation I would experience quite painful sensations for me, I would somehow tune in to this and be ready for it. And so it turned out to be a very unpleasant surprise for me.
By the way, I was not prescribed any antibiotics either before or after the operation.
In the morning next day I went home and the “fun” days dragged on. Neither go outside (I couldn’t afford it like that), nor wash my hair (you can’t tilt your face and getting the bandage wet is also not welcome), nor wash your face normally. The family gets scared, although they try not to show it. Even my cat didn't recognize me right away.

Before the cast was removed, the bandages had to be changed for six days. I made them myself from a bandage and cotton wool, as the nurse taught me. Actually, this was my main occupation.
Well, I also kept track of changes in my appearance:

The “makeup” of the eyes changed every day and finally began to fade:


On the 7th day it was time to remove the cast. It wasn't very pleasant, to be honest. It felt like my nose was being torn off. Well, or the skin from it.
And when the doctor with difficulty tore off the plaster cast from my nose, diligently but unsuccessfully tried to wash away the traces of the adhesive plaster and who knows what else from my face, he suggested that I look in the mirror...
In almost all reviews, the girls wrote something like: “when the bandage was removed, I saw HIM... my new, beautiful nose was looking at me! A new life awaits me with my fabulous nose...”. After removing the cast, they immediately saw a perfectly shaped nose! For some reason, these pleasant moments passed me by. Let's face it, everything was completely different!
It was... shock! I saw in the mirror some small, flattened, a little like a duck’s beak, MY nose. From shock, I couldn’t even say anything or ask the doctor, WHAT IS THIS??? I couldn't find the strength.
I returned to the car in a medical bandage, I didn’t even know how to show myself to my husband. My husband asked me to take off the bandage and show me his nose, I answered something like “let’s do it next time” and other nonsense. But he did not calm down. I had to take off the bandage. He didn't know what to say either. He simply remained silent, and that was the best he could do then.

At home, I rushed to google this topic, but mostly the information I came across was that the nose was swollen after the operation, and then the swelling subsided, and the nose became normal size. But for me it was the other way around! It’s as if he was squeezed, all the liquid was squeezed out of him, I don’t know how to describe it...
To be honest, it was very scary, I tried to drive away bad thoughts from myself. I tried to think that everything would get back to normal over time. It was terrible to think that it was all in vain. I saved money for the operation, prepared, but in the end my nose became a hundred times worse than it was! In addition, my mother constantly looked at me closely and expressed her conclusions.
I often remembered Michael Jackson, or rather, the story of his nose
The nose began to change a little. Sometimes it would swell.

But the shape was still strange - the tip was very raised.

On the 13th day I went to the clinic and saw a doctor. He said that everything was so good with me that it couldn’t be better.
I could only believe that the shape of my nose would change for the better. I read that the tip of the nose will gradually descend, and the nose after rhinoplasty takes its final shape only after a year (!!!).
Two weeks of vacation were coming to an end, and my appearance left much to be desired - my nose did not become much more beautiful, the seam on the columella was clearly visible, the bruises did not go away completely. At least the swelling has subsided. But they were already waiting for me at work, and this is how I showed up at work on the 14th day:

I was unable to completely disguise the bruises, and I was afraid to smear the stitch on the columella with decorative cosmetics - let it heal calmly.

The first time after the operation, I expected a reaction from almost every acquaintance, something like: “Wow! Did you do THIS?” or “WHAT did you do to yourself?!” But no one said anything and it was clear that no one even noticed the change in my appearance. And I relaxed.
Colleagues at work, who knew about the operation and saw my nose in the first weeks, when it didn’t look the best, tactfully remained silent. Perhaps something was discussed behind their back. But no one said anything to my face, except for one colleague who told me that now I don’t have the zest that I had. If she meant that RAISIN, then I'm glad I lost it.
My husband was not against the operation, but did not insist either. You could say he supported me in my decision. And some time after the operation he said: “Did you really have a DIFFERENT nose? It’s as if it was always like this. Show me an old photo, I’ll compare.” One day I showed him an old photo of myself that wasn’t the best, and he said that it’s clearly better now.
At my age, my mother’s opinion was no longer very important to me. She reacted calmly, although at first she said something like “what kind of nose you were born with, that’s what you’ll come in handy with” and “teased” me sometimes.
The nose changed and took on a normal appearance within a year, and these changes pleased me. He seemed to be straightening out.
The seam on the columella healed (later it became completely invisible), the shape of the nose became more correct:

The tip of the nose remained hard after the operation for a very long time, more than a year, and even now it is not as soft as it was. Although what difference does it make whether it is soft or hard? manhood 😁
For some time after the operation, the nose “ached”, that is, it hurt, but not much. And then rare “shooting” pains appeared, a year later they stopped. Perhaps something in the nose took so long to heal.
During recovery period it was necessary to comply with certain requirements in order to avoid complications. For some time you should not blow your nose, wear glasses, or smoke. It is better to get a detailed list from your doctor.
The most unpleasant thing for me was that I couldn’t sunbathe or go to the sauna.
I also read that you should not get pregnant for a year after rhinoplasty, supposedly hormones can affect the growth of cartilage. And despite the fact that my doctor refuted this statement, I did not take any risks and postponed pregnancy for exactly a year, although my husband and I were already thinking about having a child.
However, I cannot say that my nose is now perfect, at least for myself. I'm not 100% happy with the shape. But in rhinoplasty, the result still depends on the source. For example, I have never seen a huge nose being made into a small and neat one - it still turns out larger than usual. Look at the “before” and “after” photos on the Internet.
But now that I see myself in profile, I'm happy. And I can wear whatever hairstyles and headdresses I want; now I don’t need to “distract” attention from my nose with lush bangs, etc. So I'm not complaining.
This is what my nose became like 5 months :

And this is now, later 2.5 years :

Operation I recommend . But first you need to weigh everything." behind" And " against".