Properties and applications of isopropyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol: what is it, application

A chemical compound with the molecular formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. Another name is propan-2-ol, medical alcohol. The liquid has a strong odor, is flammable, and colorless.

Isopropyl alcohol has a number chemical properties. It is able to dissolve in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and water. This substance does not interact with salts. Due to its ability to disappear well in a salt-free environment, isopropyl alcohol is easy to isolate in water. It is enough to add sodium sulfate or regular table salt. This is its main difference from methanol and ethanol. The unofficial name for this method is “salting.” It is carried out to separate isopropyl alcohol into layers.

Isopropyl alcohol is produced in three ways:

  • Indirect hydration is the reaction of propylene with sulfuric acid. The result is a sulfate mixture. They are also processed and the desired substance is obtained. A by-product is diisopropyl alcohol.
  • Direct hydration is carried out in the liquid or gas phase. Acid catalysts must be present. The reaction of propylene and water is carried out. Both processes involve separating isopropyl alcohol from H2O.
  • Hydrogenation of acetone. Use crude acetone. It is hydrogenated using copper and chromium oxides or using Raney nickel.

Isopropyl wide application. Most often it is used in pharmaceuticals. In industry it is used as a solvent. In the chemical industry it is used to produce cumene. According to last year's results, isopropyl alcohol is often used in cosmetics and household products. This product is used as an additive in gasoline.

This alcohol is used in medicine as an effective disinfectant. They treat the injection site. It is also used as an antiseptic. Often used as a desiccant for otitis externa.

Absolute isopropyl alcohol differs from regular alcohol in the degree of purification. It contains the least amount of impurities. It dissolves resins and oils well and does not harm the paintwork. Because of this, it has become widespread in the automotive industry. It is often added to glass cleaning liquid.

In laboratories, isopropyl alcohol is used as a biological preservative. They use it for organics. This is a good alternative to synthetic preservatives, in particular formaldehyde.

Where to buy isopropyl alcohol? In wholesale warehouses. It is most often sold in large quantities. Despite its widespread use, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, you need to take all precautions when using antifreeze, windshield wipers, shaving lotions, and so on.

The peculiarity of isopropyl alcohol is that it does not penetrate the body through the skin. But it is perfectly absorbed through the lungs and stomach. It has a depressant effect on the central nervous system 2 times stronger than ethanol. In the liver it is processed into acetone and then excreted through the urinary system. Treatment consists of gastric lavage. If dehydration or shock occurs, infusion therapy is performed using hemodialysis.

Ardent lovers of alcohol know firsthand what it is – isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol). Using it for their own purposes, they expose their health to great danger, since the substance is an organic compound and belongs to the group of industrial alcohols. Isopropanol has the formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. It is used in the cosmetics, automotive and perfume industries, household chemicals and medicine.

physical characteristics

The volatility of the substance is much higher than that of water. This is due to its low density, which is 0.79 g/cm3. Its boiling begins at a temperature of 83°C, and spontaneous combustion occurs at 450°C.

If the concentration of isopropanol exceeds 2.5%, it becomes explosive. Low temperature reduces its viscosity. At temperatures of -70°C the substance takes on a liquid form.

Another characteristic property isopropanol – ability to dissolve in benzene and acetone.

Chemical characteristics

When reacted with heated copper or chromic acid, isopropanol is converted to acetone. During this process, a hydrogen molecule is removed from the alcohol.

Since isopropanol is a solvent, it easily damages rubber and plastic products. It has the ability to react with metals such as potassium.

Method of obtaining

The widespread use of this product contributes to its active production. More than 5 tons of isopropanol are produced annually in the world. To do this, hydration is used (using propylene with water).

Hydration can be direct or indirect. In the first case, high-quality raw materials are used to produce isopropyl alcohol, in the second - low quality.

Direct hydration is based on the participation of catalysts. The reaction creates high pressure, as a result of which the output is absolute alcohol. This is a product highest quality, the degree of purification of which exceeds 90%.

The initial mixture consists of 88% wet alcohol and 12% water. To obtain a pure product, it must be separated from the reaction components. For this purpose, azeotropic distillation is used, during which various types of compounds are used, such as cyclohexane. Direct hydration is used mainly in European countries.

Indirect hydration is carried out through the reaction of propylene with sulfuric acid. As a result of their reaction, esters are formed. This production method is actively used in the USA.

The production of isopropyl alcohol is carried out in accordance with GOST 9805 84.

Where is it used?

Isopropyl alcohol is used primarily as a solvent in industrial production and as a substitute, which allows it to be used in the manufacture of auto chemical goods.

Particular importance is given to isopropyl alcohol in medical field. It acts as a disinfectant when treating the skin before injection.

Since the substance is a cheap but very effective solvent, its range of applications is quite wide. Isopropanol is used in the production of:

  • paint and varnish materials;
  • household chemicals;
  • hygiene products;
  • perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • printing materials;
  • pharmaceutical products;
  • fuel;
  • acetone.

Isopropanol is used to extract wood resin, which is why it is actively used in the woodworking industry.

Use as a solvent

The popularity of isopropanol in this capacity is no coincidence, since, unlike other solvents, it is less toxic. Compositions containing it are used to clean electrical parts, keyboards, and other things.

It copes well with cleaning wood and fabrics, which allows it to be actively used in household. But cleaning vinyl with isopropyl alcohol is contraindicated.

Isopropanol in medicine and chemical production

By medical indicators Isopropanol is used as a drying agent to prevent otitis externa.

An aqueous solution of isopropanol is actively used for disinfection.

IN chemical industry Isopropyl acetate is extracted from the substance. This substance, reacting with titanium tetrachloride and aluminum, promotes the release of titanium.

Application in biological research

Due to the fact that DNA molecules do not dissolve in isopropyl alcohol, it is actively used in this type of research. Adding alcohol to prepared DNA promotes precipitation.

Alcohol is also actively used to store samples. Formaldehyde can also be used for this purpose, but since it is more toxic, isopropanol is preferred.

Application in mechanical engineering

One of the main components of engine fuel is isopropanol. Its functions are to dissolve the aqueous fraction. Due to this, gasoline is deprived of the ability to freeze at low temperatures.

Isopropanol can be found as an aerosol, which is sold in special cans and is designed to combat windshield icing. Alcohol is also used as a cleaner for brake systems.

Toxic effects of isopropanol on the body

Since alcohol is toxic and has a strong odor, its use is only permissible in well-ventilated areas. Under no circumstances should the substance be used internally. This can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • severe poisoning;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • death.

Isopropyl alcohol belongs to the third toxicity class (moderately toxic). When working with it, you must exercise maximum caution. Once inside, 15% isopropyl alcohol turns into acetone. This causes acetonuria, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • smell of acetone from the mouth and in the urine;
  • intestinal disorders, vomiting with a characteristic odor of acetone;
  • pale skin;
  • severe weakness;
  • temperature increase.

Isopropanol intoxication

Intoxication with a substance can occur for a number of reasons. The most dangerous of them is using isopropyl alcohol instead of alcohol. Since it costs less, people who abuse alcohol try to save money, putting their lives in great danger. IN best case scenario this will end in a burn to the mucous membrane, pain, disability, and in the worst case, death.

Often, poisoning by a substance occurs as a result of its ingestion through the skin or respiratory system. Even in this case, isopropanol is well absorbed into the blood and the person becomes ill. A dangerous dose is considered to be 15 grams, which results in severe headaches, weakness, vomiting, increased blood pressure, and stomach pain.

The first thing to do in this case is to call an ambulance.

To prevent isopropanol poisoning, it is strongly recommended:

  • thoroughly ventilate the room where alcohol is stored;
  • keep the substance out of the reach of children;
  • Use isopropanol only for its intended purpose.

Probability chronic poisoning isopropyl alcohol is very small because it does not accumulate in the body.

Isopropanol is a moderately hazardous substance used in manufacturing and medicine. You can be poisoned by isopropyl alcohol by inhaling its vapors, as well as by ingestion. Why is the connection dangerous for human life?

What is isopropanol

Isopropyl – colorless alcohol solution with a sharp unpleasant smell. Isopropanol belongs to the third hazard class and is often used in the production of acetone and hydrogen peroxide.

This alcohol can replace ethanol and is found in some cosmetics, perfumes, detergents and disinfectants. It is also used in medicine.

Most often, the product can be found in a solution for washing car windows. Isopropyl alcohol is highly soluble in water and can evaporate under conditions indoors, and can accumulate when leaked. If exceeded acceptable standards– up to 10 mg per 1 m³ can become extremely dangerous.

Isopropyl is a flammable product that requires careful use. Can irritate the skin, affect the respiratory system, and also cause poisoning.


Isopropyl, like other types of alcohol, has the following properties:

  • The chemical formula of alcohol is c3h8o. The compound can form ethers and esters. When hydrogen is added, it can turn into acetone, which has a pungent odor. Interacts with powerful oxidizing agents and is active against rubber and plastic.
  • The colorless liquid is capable of self-ignition when reaching a temperature of more than 450°C. Isopropanol vapor can mix with oxygen and form an explosive mixture. Isopropyl is soluble in acetone and benzene and can be mixed with other solvents. Together with water it is susceptible to freezing.

Areas of use

The substance has a relatively low cost and is actively used in the following industries:

  • Paint and varnish production. It is used in the form of solvents and varnishes based on cellulose nitrates, used in painting.
  • Oil refineries. It is used as a solvent, an additive to oils, and also as an extractant for monobasic carboxylic acids.
  • Wood processing plants use this alcohol to extract tree resin.
  • Chemical plants, furniture factories, perfume factories. Used as a solvent for esters, wax and other components.
  • For the production of auto chemical products: antifreeze, glass washers and other liquids used to care for cars.

In addition, isopropyl (more precisely, absolute isopropyl alcohol) is used in other areas: acetone, hydrogen peroxide, and isopropylamine are obtained from it. Very often the element serves as a replacement for ethyl alcohol, ethanol and is part of:

  • perfumes;
  • detergents and cleaning products;
  • disinfectant solutions;
  • repellents;
  • defrosters for car windows and locks.

Isopropyl has found its use in plumbing. When combined with oil, it can significantly increase production. In addition, medical wipes are often impregnated with this alcohol.

How it affects the body

Isopropanol can affect humans in different ways. Isopropanol poisoning often leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • When inhaled into the body, the eyes and respiratory organs are most susceptible to irritation. This often provokes headache and depression of brain function.
  • The compound is rarely fatal when taken orally. When taken in small doses, the drug causes diarrhea. The negative effects of isopropyl are observed when consuming more than 50 ml. When ingested, it dissolves easily and quickly, after which it is converted in the liver into 80% acetone and 10% morphine. The other 10% comes from water and carbon dioxide. Metabolic residues are removed through urine and exhaled vapors.
  • The narcotic and intoxicating effect of the compound is twice that of ethanol. A certain concentration provokes intoxication within a few hours. Prolonged exposure may cause irritation of mucous membranes respiratory organs, as well as loss of consciousness.

It is worth noting that isopropyl intoxication is very rare, but nevertheless, isopropyl alcohol is harmful to humans. The substance has a wide range of uses both in households and in cosmetology. However, if it leaks, keeping a person in a locked room threatens health and life.

Isopropanol vapor poisoning can lead to the following disorders:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • diarrhea;
  • destruction of red blood cells, blood hemolysis;
  • kidney failure.

The compound is harmful and dangerous in an amount of 50 ml. When drinking a glass of isopropanol, it usually occurs death. Due to the powerful intoxicating effect, the patient may enter an alcoholic trance before he has time to take all dangerous dose poison.

How can you get poisoned?

You can be poisoned by isopropyl accidentally. Most often, people drink an explosive liquid, confusing it with vodka.

People from disadvantaged categories of the population are at risk for poisoning: alcoholics, people with mental disorders, homeless people who use the solution in windshield washers for cars.

Rare cases of intentional use of the substance have been recorded. Occasionally, children are poisoned by the liquid because they drink the solution without knowing the danger.

The lethal dose of isopropanol is 250 mg. The toxin dissolves in the stomach after 30-60 minutes, after which its negative effects begin to occur.

How does poisoning occur:

  • Initially, the compound is absorbed from the mucous surfaces of the stomach.
  • Then it penetrates the circulatory system.
  • Approximately 80% of the substance is processed in the liver.
  • A small amount of isopropanol is excreted through Airways and kidneys.
  • 10% alcohol in pure form stays in circulatory system and is converted to acetone.
  • Acetonemia develops, which negatively affects the liver, renal system and brain.

On average, the connection is withdrawn in 7 hours.


Signs of poisoning that occur when a toxin gets ingested may indicate damage to a specific organ. Most often affected digestive system, brain, heart and blood vessels. In addition, muscle fibers may be destroyed.

Initial symptoms of poisoning appear within 30 minutes and include the following:

  • smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • vomiting containing blood;
  • painful syndromes in the abdominal area;
  • increased physical activity;
  • pain symptoms in the head;
  • dizziness.

With severe intoxication, other manifestations are possible:

  • speech disorder;
  • temperature drop;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • coma.

If these signs are present, the victim must be urgently hospitalized.

First aid

In case of poisoning dangerous connection An ambulance is immediately called for the victim. Before the arrival of doctors, the following activities are carried out:

  • Gastric lavage using artificial induction of vomiting. To do this, press on the root of the tongue.
  • When the patient is unconscious, he is placed on his side to avoid vomit from entering the respiratory system.
  • The antidote for isopropyl alcohol is vodka or diluted alcohol. One glass is enough to neutralize the poison.

If a person has lost consciousness, you should not lavage his stomach or force him to drink anything: in this case, only medical help can help.

Further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.


Upon arrival at medical institution The patient is prescribed the following tests:

  • study of the acid-base state and identification of electrolytes in the bloodstream;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • electrocardiography;
  • X-ray.

To determine isopropanol in blood and urine, a biological media analysis is performed, which will help to identify the quantitative content of the substance. If isopropanol is detected, a toxicological study is carried out again throughout the day, as well as after treatment.


Elimination pathological condition includes the following activities.

Stabilization of the patient’s well-being

The victim is placed in intensive care, a catheter is inserted into a vein, as well as the mouth and nasal cavity are cleaned to restore respiratory function.

In severe cases, an air vent or endotracheal tube is used. If there is a significant impairment of respiratory abilities, the patient is given artificial ventilation.

Recovery low blood pressure The patient is administered prednisolone, dopamine, mesatone.

Venom Extraction

If the toxin has not yet dissolved in the bloodstream, the stomach is washed with a probe. However, liquid drunk more than three hours ago cannot be removed by such procedures.

To eliminate the remaining elements, carry out the following activities:

  • stimulation of urination;
  • non-invasive enterosorption.

In addition, after several hours, the stomach is washed again, since toxins can be released in small quantities into the gastrointestinal tract.

Application of an antidote

Ethanol helps neutralize the toxic effects of isopropyl alcohol. The substance is administered intravenously, combined with a solution of glucose or sodium chloride. In addition, ethanol can be administered orally.

Symptomatic treatment

Such therapy is carried out taking into account the existing symptoms.

  • In case of cardiac dysfunction, the patient is prescribed cardiac glycosides, electrolyte medications, and nitroglycerin.
  • Cordiamine, caffeine and synthetic hormones are used to reduce blood pressure.
  • When painful symptoms use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Given organic compound considered less dangerous than wood alcohol, but may cause severe consequences when taken in large quantities. The outcome of poisoning depends on timely treatment medical care, individual characteristics humans, as well as other substances that enter the body together with isopropanol.

Most often, patients with mild to moderate poisoning recover after 2-4 weeks. Severe cases of intoxication, even with resuscitation measures, usually result in death.

This Chemical substance used in medical purposes For primary processing, in industry. Let's find out what isopropyl alcohol is, whether it is harmful to health, and the symptoms of poisoning with such a substance.

What is isopropyl alcohol?

In chemistry, isopropyl alcohol has names such as isopropanol, dimethylcarinol. You can come across any of these terms in everyday life. Its difference from propanol is that it has a different arrangement of the CH3 radical. It is similar to ethanol, so it is drunk by negligence, mistaking it for alcoholic drink.

Let's get acquainted with the properties of isopropyl alcohol:

  1. It burns very quickly and does not produce smoke or soot. During the combustion process, carbon dioxide and water are formed.
  2. It has less toxicity than propanol. Therefore, it is used in a number of cases in cosmetology.
  3. It is a very good solvent.
  4. Can be dissolved in water in any proportions.
  5. During the dehydrogenation reaction it turns into acetone.
  6. Has a pungent odor.
  7. Its density is lower than water.
  8. When mixed with air, an explosive mixture is formed.

What happens if you drink isopropyl alcohol? If ingested in the body small quantities such a substance will come alcohol intoxication. Moreover, the intoxicating effect develops from ingestion of even a small volume of alcohol. It is more toxic than ethanol.

Where is this substance used?

It is used in many industries. Its main advantage is its excellent properties as a solvent.

  • IN Lately it is increasingly used instead of ethanol as a solvent.
  • For medical purposes, it is used as an excellent disinfectant.
  • This substance is included in many cosmetic and perfume products.
  • Used as a repellent.
  • It is an excellent stabilizer for aviation fuel.
  • It is used as a solvent in the production of various paints and varnishes.
  • Isopropyl alcohol is found in many household chemicals.
  • This substance is part of antifreeze - special compounds that do not freeze when low temperatures.
  • Isopropyl alcohol is used to produce adhesives and other substances suitable for the production of printed circuit boards.

How can you get poisoned?

Isopropyl alcohol poisoning occurs at home or at work. This is due to the fact that it is accessible to almost everyone. Recently, due to the spread of alcohol surrogates, poisoning due to its ingestion is possible.

Is isopropyl alcohol harmful to health? It should absolutely not be consumed internally as a substitute for alcohol. This action is tantamount to consuming poison, which has a delayed effect on the human body. When this alcohol enters the body, it is converted into acetone. Increased quantity acetone in cells and tissues human body causes severe poisoning.

main reason poisoning with this substance is its ingestion. It causes very strong alcohol intoxication. At the same time, addiction to it develops very quickly. Oral consumption of even 50 ml of alcohol leads to acute poisoning.

You can also be poisoned by isopropyl alcohol vapor. This can happen if the substance was spilled inside a closed room and a person long time inhaled vapors of a toxic substance.

Most often, poisoning with isopropyl alcohol occurs among socially disadvantaged people without a fixed place of residence and those suffering from the last stages of alcoholism.

Pathogenesis of poisoning

The isopropanol poisoning scheme is as follows:

  1. Absorption of the substance in the gastric mucosa.
  2. Getting into the blood.
  3. Metabolism of isopropyl alcohol in the liver using alcohol dehydrogenase (about 90 percent of the poison is processed this way).
  4. Excretion of a small amount of chemically unchanged substance into the lungs and kidneys.
  5. The breakdown of isopropanol in the blood to dimethyl ketone.
  6. Development of toxic ketonemia and damage to the kidneys, liver and brain.

The half-life of this substance is about 7 hours. The lethal amount of alcohol is about 250-300 ml when taken orally. 50 milliliters is enough to make a person feel very drunk (as a rule, further use of isopropanol is stopped).

It should also be remembered that the main damaging factor in the internal use of small doses of isopropyl alcohol (up to 50 ml) is its breakdown product, that is, acetone.

Symptoms of intoxication

Signs of alcohol intoxication are as follows:

  • Acute alcohol intoxication. A person’s gait, coordination of movements, and speech are disrupted.
  • If isopropyl alcohol gets inside a person, it may cause deep dream.
  • With an excessive amount of isopropanol, a person develops painful sensations in my head extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea and very strong, repeated vomiting.
  • Strong ones appear painful sensations in the muscles, lower back, joints, chest, tele.
  • An increased amount of isopropyl alcohol can lead to severe visual disturbances: the appearance of fog in the field of vision, floaters, diplopia.
  • When inhaling concentrated isopropyl alcohol vapor, a reflex cessation of breathing may occur. In severe cases, a person experiences a disorder in the functioning of the respiratory center.
  • At severe degrees poisoning the skin becomes cold, marbled or bluish tint. Such a person’s breathing is shallow, the pulse cannot be palpated, and it rises sharply arterial pressure and toxic seizures develop.
  • If the concentration of a toxic substance in the blood reaches 1.2 ppm, then deep sleep and death are possible.
  • Intestinal damage develops with discharge bloody discharge.
  • The smell of acetone appears in the air.

The harm of isopropyl alcohol is obvious. It should not be taken orally under any circumstances.

First aid

Isopropyl alcohol is a substance medium degree toxicity. But its effect will depend on how much a person ingested. The most unfavorable aspect in the treatment of intoxication with isopropyl alcohol may be the absence in specific conditions of an antidote - a means that can neutralize it. Therefore, when initial signs intoxication, you should consult your doctor.

First aid steps are:

  1. The patient needs plenty of warm water.
  2. A laxative must be administered.
  3. Provided that the patient is conscious, he should be given a sorbent - for example,.

Other actions (for example, applying a heating pad to the stomach or legs, giving strong laxatives, alcohol and other drinks) are strictly contraindicated. It is forbidden to give any antispasmodics or analgesics, strong saline laxative. The poisoned person must be taken to medical institution.

Features of treatment

In conditions inpatient treatment symptomatic therapy is prescribed:

  • The patient is injected with saline and plasma-like components in large quantities.
  • Intravenous drip administration of vitamins is used.
  • If necessary, appointed hormonal agents(eg Prednisolone).
  • Measures are being taken to correct the acid-base balance.

Stabilization of the patient’s health status is carried out while prehospital stage- that is, when he is placed in the department intensive care. To carry out resuscitation measures, catheterization of the central vein is carried out, cleansing the patient’s mouth and nose (to ensure normal breathing). If poisoned people have acute disorder breathing, then they are connected to the apparatus artificial ventilation lungs.

The poison can be removed by gastric lavage. To do this, a thick gastric tube is inserted. If the patient drank alcohol more than three hours ago, then rinsing is useless. If it is necessary to isolate the absorbed poison, then use following procedures:

  1. Dialysis.
  2. Forced diuresis.
  3. Enterosorption.
  4. Flushing the gastrointestinal tract.

Ethyl alcohol is used as a specific antidote. Drinking it internally in case of poisoning is strictly prohibited! Ethanol is introduced into the body intravenously (0.5 liters of a 10 percent solution in glucose is used - 5 or 10 percent). If the patient does not tolerate glucose, then you can use isotonic solution sodium chloride.

With timely initiation of therapy, recovery occurs.


Laboratory determination of poisoning includes:

  • blood analysis;
  • blood examination for electrolytes;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray of the chest organs.

What are the consequences of intoxication?

The use of isopropanol is dangerous not only by the symptoms of poisoning, but also by the consequences. A person has a high risk of developing:

  1. Diseases of the liver and kidneys (the liver is poisoned by processed substances).
  2. Gastritis.
  3. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  4. Paralysis.
  5. Severe dysfunctions in the nervous system.
  6. Severe hormonal system disorders.

The prognosis for poisoning noticeably worsens if the patient has drunk a significant amount of alcohol. The outcome of treatment will depend on how skillfully and efficiently the treatment was carried out.

Video: isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol).

How to prevent poisoning?

To prevent intoxication when working with isopropyl alcohol, the following measures must be observed.

  • If the maximum permissible concentration of such a substance in a room increases, then it is necessary to use a gas mask.
  • If you work with liquid and spill it, you should remember that its vapors can also enter the body through the respiratory tract. In this case, the room should be well ventilated.
  • It is advisable that the room have equipment to monitor the concentration of isopropanol in the air.
  • Alcohol must be stored in containers that prevent evaporation.

The liquid is stored out of the reach of children. Due to their ignorance, they may ingest isopropanol. Severe poisoning in such cases can occur even as a result of consuming 10 grams of the substance.

Isopropanol is a toxic substance and its internal use is unacceptable. When the first signs of intoxication appear, you should immediately begin gastric lavage and call emergency medical help.

Propan-2-ol Abbreviations Isopropanol, 2-propanol Traditional names Isopropyl alcohol Chemical formula CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 Empirical formula C3H8O Physical properties Condition (standard condition) liquid Rel. molecular weight 60.09 a. eat. Molar mass 60.09 g/mol Density 0.7851 g/cm³ Dynamic viscosity (st. conv.) 0.00243 Pa s
(at 20 °C) Thermal properties Melting temperature -89.5 °C Boiling temperature 82.4 °C Flash point 11.7 °C Auto-ignition temperature 400 °C Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) 155.2 J/(mol K) Steam pressure 4.4 kPa at 20 °C Chemical properties pK a 16,5 Solubility in benzene highly soluble Solubility in acetone soluble Optical properties Refractive index 1,3776 Structure Dipole moment 1,66 Classification Reg. CAS number 67-63-0 SMILES CC(O)C Safety Toxicity quite high

Isopropyl alcohol, propanol-2 (2-propanol), isopropanol, dimethylcarbinol, IPS- the simplest secondary monohydric alcohol of the aliphatic series. There is an isomer of isopropanol - 1-propanol. It belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class (moderately dangerous substances) in terms of the degree of impact on the body, and has a narcotic effect. The maximum permissible concentration limit for isopropanol vapors in air is 10 mg/m3. Isopropyl alcohol poisoning occurs as a result of inhalation of vapors containing a concentration exceeding the maximum permissible concentration; it does not have cumulative properties. Ingestion even in small doses causes poisoning. Widely used as industrial alcohol in glass cleaners, office equipment, etc. and as a solvent in industry (where solvents are needed).


Chemical properties

Chemical formula (rational) of isopropyl alcohol: CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 .

Isopropanol has the properties of secondary fatty alcohols, including the formation of ethers and esters. The hydroxyl group can be displaced by representatives of a number of halogens. Isopropyl alcohol condenses with aromatic compounds to form derivatives such as isopropylbenzene and isopropyltoluene. Many substances dissolve well in isopropanol essential oils, alkaloids, some synthetic resins and others chemical compounds. When dehydrogenated, it turns into acetone.

Reacts with strong oxidizing agents. Aggressive towards some types of plastic and rubber.

Physical properties

Colorless liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor, more pungent compared to ethanol (by which they can be distinguished in some cases), melting point −89.5 °C, boiling point 82.4 °C, density 0.7851 g/cm³ (at 20 °C), flash point 11.7 °C. Lower explosive limit in air is 2.5% by volume (at 25 °C). Self-ignition temperature 456 °C. Refractive index 1.3776 (liquid, at 20 °C). Dynamic viscosity under standard conditions is 2.43 mPa s. Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) - 155.2 J/(mol K).

Steam mixes well with air and easily forms explosive mixtures. Vapor pressure - 4.4 kPa (at 20 °C). Relative vapor density - 2.1, relative density steam/air mixtures - 1.05 (at 20 °C).

Soluble in acetone, soluble in benzene, miscible with other solvents (water, organic) in any ratio. Forms an azeotropic mixture with water (87.9% isopropyl alcohol, boiling point 83.38 °C).

The dependence of the freezing temperature of a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water on the concentration of isopropyl alcohol in the mixture is presented in the table:

about %
weight %
0 0 0
10 8 −4
20 17 −7
30 26 −15
40 34 −18
50 44 −21
60 54 −23
70 65 −29
80 76 −37*
90 88 −57*
100 100 −90*

(*Hypothermia observed)


There are two methods for the industrial production of isopropanol—acetone hydrogenation and propylene hydration.

The main method for obtaining isopropanol is Russian industry is sulfuric acid hydration of propylene

CH 3 CH=CH 2 + H 2 SO 4 → (CH 3) 2 CHOSO 3 H + H 2 O → (CH 3) 2 CHOH.

The raw material can be a propane-propylene fraction with a propylene content of 30-90% (oil pyrolysis and cracking fraction). However, there is a tendency to use pure propylene, since in this case the process can be carried out at low pressures, the formation of reaction by-products - polymers and acetone - is sharply reduced. At the first stage of the process, a sulfuric acid extract is formed containing an equilibrium mixture of isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl sulfate (CH3) 2 CHOSO 2 OH, H 2 SO 4 and H 2 O; at the second stage, the sulfuric acid extract is heated with water and the resulting isopropyl alcohol is removed. Direct hydration of propylene is carried out mainly in the presence of a solid catalyst (process conditions are indicated in parentheses): H 3 PO 4 on a carrier (240-260 ° C; 2.5-6.5 MPa) or cation exchange resin (130-160 ° C; 8.0-10.0 MPa). Isopropyl alcohol is also obtained by oxidation of paraffins with air and other methods.

Modern way:

In Russia, isopropanol is produced from propylene at Synthetic Alcohol Plant CJSC (Orsk) and by the method of hydrogenation of acetone with hydrogen - Sintez Acetone LLC, (Dzerzhinsk)


Isopropyl alcohol is used to obtain:

  • acetone (dehydrogenation or partial oxidation)
  • methyl isobutyl ketone
  • isopropyl acetate
  • isopropylamine.

Due to special government regulation of ethanol, isopropyl alcohol is often a substitute for ethanol in many applications. So, isopropanol is included in:

  • cosmetics
  • perfumes
  • household chemicals
  • disinfectants
  • products for cars (antifreeze, solvent in winter windshield washers)
  • repellents
  • for cleaning printed circuit boards after soldering with flux, sold under the name “Universal Cleaner”.

Isopropyl alcohol is used in industry, when cutting aluminum, turning, milling and other work. When mixed with oil, it can significantly increase work productivity. Isopropyl alcohol is used as a reference standard in gas chromatography (for example, when testing medicines for residual organic solvents).


70% isopropyl alcohol is used instead of ethyl alcohol as an antiseptic for impregnating medical wipes.

Impact on humans

Irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract, causing headaches with short exposure to high concentrations of vapors. May have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Exposure to levels significantly above the MAC may cause loss of consciousness. Isopropanol, when taken orally, is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase into acetone, which causes it toxic effect. Small doses of isopropanol usually do not cause significant distress. Serious toxic effects on healthy adults after oral administration can be achieved at doses of 50 ml or more.

The maximum permissible concentration of isopropanol in the air is 10 milligrams per cubic meter.

Isopropanol is organoleptically noticeably different from ethanol and can not be mistaken for ethanol. It has a different smell from ethanol, more “rough”. When taken orally, it causes intoxication similar to alcohol. Isopropanol is oxidized in the body with the participation of aldehyde dehydrogenase to acetone. The oxidation rate is on average 2 - 2.5 times lower than that of ethanol, so intoxication with isopropanol is very persistent. With frequent use of isopropanol, intolerance quickly develops, and in some cases, hypersensitivity and allergies. Although the toxicity of isopropanol is approximately 3.5 times greater than that of ethanol, its intoxicating effect is also 10 times higher. For this reason, no fatal poisoning with isopropanol has been recorded, since a person falls into an alcoholic trance much earlier than he can take it on his own. lethal dose isopropanol

Narcotic properties

Isopropyl alcohol has a narcotic effect. The narcotic effect of isopropanol is almost 2 times higher than the similar effect of ethanol. A concentration of 1.2%, acting for 4 hours, has a narcotic effect. With similar exposure within 8 hours, death is observed in half of the cases.
