Totemic calendar by date. Totem animal by date of birth - how to find out

There are many methods for finding your personal animal totem, from the simplest - using special calendars and astrological tables - to specialized meditative techniques. Naturally, it is most preferable to use the latter method, since it provides a greater chance of finding your individual totem, as it allows for a more subtle “tuning” of the subconscious and consciousness. But in this article we will look at each of these methods of finding your totem, and which one you choose is your own business, you can simply combine them.

Do not forget that, at its core, a totem is a symbol of certain aspects of your personality, and its use helps not only to establish contact with it, but also to gain access to the corresponding energies. Therefore, using three totems at once will make your work with them more flexible, in different situations you will be able to solve current problems more accurately and productively. For example, in case of illness, it is better to resort to the help of a totem associated with the earth, and when solving some intellectual or psychological problems- to the help of totems associated with air.

Calendar method of finding your personal totem

The calendar method of finding your totem is very simple; to do this, just use the calendar of totems, which are found in almost every tradition. Here you can see a whole range of such calendars that you can use. Their principle is based on astrological correspondence between the year (sometimes the month of birth) and the totem.

Please note that the calendar and meditative search for the totem do not contradict each other, so you can use both methods.

A meditative method of finding your personal totem

As mentioned above, the meditative method of finding your personal totem is more preferable, since it allows you to take into account your individual characteristics as much as possible.

Please note that this article provides both a general meditative method of finding your totem, and a technique that allows you to find 3 and 5 totems at once - for each of the areas of your personality! After performing any of the 3 and 5 totem techniques, be sure to perform general method search for totem!

General method of finding your totem

Go somewhere where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes. Sit quietly, balancing your breathing and concentrating on the upcoming meditation. Free your consciousness from all vanity. It must become open and free.

Before your mind's eye, imagine a huge black space. Focus on it, try to feel it as fully as possible - this is a huge Universe, stretching endlessly in all directions.

When the image becomes stable, notice that in the center of this huge black space there is a small point of light pulsating. Watch her for a while. Look closely at the pulsating point and you will notice how it gradually increases, taking on the shape of some kind of animal - it could be a luminous bird, a snake, an ant, etc.

Concentrate on the shape of your personal totem.

When his form becomes stable, mentally ask his name and wait. After a while you will learn his name. It may pop up in your mind on its own, or you may hear it, or maybe you will see it, or just at some point you will realize that you already know it. It all depends on your natural inclination to perceive information through hearing, vision or sensations.

Say the secret name of your personal totem several times in a whisper to remember it well. Only you and no one else should know it.

Contact your totem by name and ask what properties it has and in what cases it can help you. Keep everything you learn secret.

When necessary information will be received, mentally “dissolve” the image of your totem in the blackness of space.

Sit silently for a while without opening your eyes. When you feel that your consciousness is ready to return to the everyday world, open your eyes.

Meditative method of finding 3 animal totems

Concentrate on the area from your feet to your navel. Feel this part of your body. Then move your attention to your navel and imagine that a dark red glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world. And in it appears a huge land stretching in all directions. Its landscape can be anything, but there will definitely be a hole in it.

Watch the hole carefully: after a while, some creature will appear from it - a snake, a raccoon, a wolf, and so on.

Concentrate on the area from your navel to your heart. Feel this part of your body. Then move your attention to your heart and imagine that a dark green glow appears from there, gradually filling the whole world. Stay in this state for some time until you completely achieve peace. And then take a closer look: you will see how a huge clearing with lush green grass spreads out in this space. Watch carefully: after a while you will see some animal come into the clearing - a hare, deer, bear, etc.

Concentrate on the area from the heart to the crown. Feel this part of your body. Then move your attention to the area of ​​the “third eye” (the point between the eyebrows) and imagine that a gentle blue glow is emanating from there, filling the whole world. Feel the lightness and airiness, and then look closely: you will see clouds appearing in this gentle blue glow.

Meditative method of searching for 5 totems

Go somewhere where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes. Sit quietly, balancing your breathing and concentrating on the upcoming meditation. Free your consciousness from everything vain. It must become open and free.

Concentrate on the base of your pelvis and imagine a ball emitting yellow light emerging from this point. It grows slowly and reaches a size two to three times your height.

Take a closer look - inside the ball there is a small clearing surrounded by forest. In this clearing stands your totem animal - a wolf, a fox, a bull, a bear, etc.

Concentrate on the genital area and imagine a ball emitting blue light emerging from this point. It grows slowly and reaches a size two to three times your height.

Take a closer look - there is water inside the ball, and a shark, dolphin, perch or any other representative of the aquatic world is swimming in it, which can be your personal totem.

Fire totem

This class of totems is quite conventional, which is why its name was put in quotation marks. The thing is that its category includes not only real-life animals, but also those that could be classified as mythical - dragons, phoenixes, salamanders and so on, that is, those that are in one way or another connected with the element of fire , personify it. Therefore, do not be surprised if during meditation you come across just such a representative of the animal world. Don’t get confused, because a totem is just a symbol behind which there are certain energies.

So, concentrate on the abdominal area and imagine how a ball emitting red light appears from this point. It slowly grows and reaches a size that is 2-3 times your height.

Take a closer look - inside the ball there is a fragment of the steppe zone (sometimes it can even be a desert), and on it stands your personal totem - a rooster, pheasant, lizard, etc.

Concentrate on the heart area and imagine a ball emerging from this point, emitting a soft bluish light. It slowly grows and reaches a size that is 2-3 times your height.

Take a closer look - clouds are floating inside the ball, and a bird is hovering between them, which is your personal totem. It could be an eagle, a kite, a dove, a sparrow, a parrot or some other bird.

Concentrate on the throat area and imagine a ball emerging from this point, emitting a soft white light. It slowly grows and reaches a size that is 2-3 times your height.

Take a closer look - an insect flutters inside the ball in a light haze - a dragonfly, a butterfly, a bee, etc.

Practice working with a personal animal totem

At its core, the practice of working with a personal totem is a set of various meditative techniques, using which you can establish contact with the “animal” part of your personality. This will help you discover new sides of yourself, gain access to an additional source vitality and, as a cumulative result of all this, to be healed from many diseases and psychological problems.

It is best to meditate early in the morning or in the evening, before going to bed. During the meditation period, make sure that no one distracts you. Ideally, there should be silence, especially at first, until you learn to concentrate well on your inner sensations.

Before meditation, it is advisable to take a shower; if this is not possible, wash your face and wash your hands and feet. And immediately after meditation you should not take a shower; at least 30 minutes must pass. In any case, never start meditative practices without taking a bath; this is a matter of not only physical, but also energetic hygiene.

You should meditate in loose clothing, preferably made from natural materials. Nothing should stand in the way normal breathing– no elastic bands or tightly tied scarves and ties. Naturally, shoes and socks should be removed.

During meditation, you should not be wearing rings, necklaces, chains, earrings or other accessories. All these items interfere with normal circulation vital energy, which may lead to unwanted side effects.

The room where meditation will be carried out should be well ventilated. Meditating in smoky rooms or rooms where alcoholic beverages have recently been consumed is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, very unpleasant “surprises” await you.

Meditate on full stomach Absolutely forbidden. A full stomach interferes with the normal circulation of energy within the body. After eating, at least 40-60 minutes should pass. If little time passes after eating, this may lead to vomiting or other negative consequences. Most of the meditations given here involve working with energies, and therefore have a strong effect on the entire body. These, at first glance, simple exercises may not be as harmless as you think.

At the end of the meditation session, under no circumstances immediately go on business. Stay calm for at least another 15-20 minutes. And only then plunge into the “vanity of vanities.”

You can meditate in any position in which the spine remains straight - this can be a classic “yogic” pose with crossed legs or sitting with your knees bent. But you can also just sit on a chair, and in some cases even lie on your back. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and can completely relax.

The custom of honoring a totem animal goes back to ancient times. It is interesting that the tradition of totemism can be traced in various cultures, religions and teachings, and Vedic astrology is no exception. In this article you will learn how to recognize a totem animal by date of birth.

How to determine a totem animal by date of birth?

In Vedic astrology there is a concept nakshatra. This is the name of the lunar constellation, or the house through which the Moon passes. In total, 27 (sometimes 28) nakshatras are known, each of which speaks about a person’s internal “program”, way of thinking, emotionality, and intuition. You can find out your nakshatra by calculating natal chart.

The 27 nakshatras correspond to 14 animals, each of which is a kind of totem for humans. If you already know your nakshatra, find it in our list, and thus you will determine your totem animal:

Horse: Ashwini, Shatabhisha

Elephant: Bharani, Revati

Goat/sheep: Pushya, Krittika

Snake: Rohini, Mrigashira

Dog: Mula, Ardra

Cat: Ashlesha, Punarvasu

Rat: Magha, Purva Phalguni

Cow: Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapada

Buffalo: Swati, Hasta

Tiger: Visakha, Chitra

Deer: Jyeshtha, Anuradha

Monkey: Purva Ashadha, Sravana

A lion: Purva Bhadrapada, Dhanishtha

Mongoose: Uttara Ashadha.

What can be determined using a totem animal

A totem animal can tell a lot about a person. The first thing you should pay attention to is the characteristic habits of the animal that is your totem.

Please note that among the totems there are no “noble” and “ignoble” animals! Each totem animal has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to others.

The behavior characteristic of a totem animal indicates the characteristics of a person’s character. So, for example, the slowness of an elephant, the agility of a rat, the agility of a monkey, the majesty of a lion or the endurance of a buffalo can be attributed to the characters of people whose totems are these animals.

The totem can also be used to understand how compatible two people are with each other. Firstly, you need to start from what type of totem animal is: predator or herbivore. Of course, it will be very difficult for opposite types to find a common language.

Secondly, you should consider how well or poorly animals get along in reality. Thus, one can hardly expect peace between a cat and a dog, a tiger and a cow, or a snake and a mongoose.

Thirdly, look at whether the animal is domestic or wild. The simplest example: the combination of a sheep (goat) and a dog is very successful. People with these totems will certainly be able to build strong relationships, be it friendship, partnership or love.

Why know your totem animal by date of birth?

Since ancient times, totem animals have been considered patrons of people. The totem provided protection from evil spirits and help in difficult matters. Totems were revered and sacrifices were made to them.

A totem animal can give a person strength and protect him from harm. Victims in modern world You shouldn’t bring it, but we don’t recommend giving up veneration. Carry with you an amulet in the form of an image of a totem animal, and place a figurine of the animal at home. Turn to the totem when you need an energy boost, feel unprotected, or feel a lack of inspiration.

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How to find out your totem animal: other methods

There are several ways to determine the totem beast without calculating the nakshatra.

The first method is meditation on the totem. Make yourself more comfortable, get rid of disturbing noise, close your eyes. When meditating, breathe calmly and concentrate on one point, think about the totem, but not about a specific animal. After some time, the point will begin to take on the features of an animal. Remember it, this is your totem animal.

The second way is to see the totem in a dream. To call a totemic animal into a dream, you must, while still awake, concentrate all your thoughts on searching for it. Think about it, imagine that you are looking for it in your head, but don’t use logic - immerse yourself in a mental search. Before going to bed, do not read a book, do not watch TV - protect yourself from anything that can distract your thoughts. When falling asleep, take a comfortable position, try not to toss and turn. In your dream you will see your totem animal.

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Incredible facts

Each birth date corresponds to a specific animal. So, find out which animal corresponds to your birthday and what it means.

Animal by date of birth

Totem animal by date of birth

Here's what each animal means:

If you are a Dog:

You are a very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty simply cannot be questioned.

Additionally, you are honest and sincere when it comes to your work ethic. You are truly a very simple person, who is also absolutely non-conflictual and even somewhat humble. This explains why your friends love and respect you so much.

For them, your opinion is always important. After all, in addition to all the above advantages, you also have great taste in clothes. If your wardrobe isn't updated with something trendy, it's a sure sign that you're depressed.

You are easy-going, which is why people are drawn to you. However, you don’t make contact with everyone. There are several people in your life whom you consider worthy of being called your friends.

If you are a Mouse:

You are always ready for adventure! The mischievous sparkle in your eyes makes you so sweet and attractive to others that they begin to gravitate towards you immediately after meeting you.

you are very interesting person. It's no wonder people are constantly looking for your company and looking forward to getting together. However, you are also an overly sensitive person, which is your main flaw.

While talking to you, people have to select Right words so that God forbid I offend you. If someone beats around the bush while communicating with you, this can cause your anger. It turns out that it is very easy to make you angry.

If you are a Leo:

Despite the fact that the lion is a rather formidable animal, you are a human being, loving world and peace.

In contrast to this animal, you are someone who tries to avoid conflict situations and moments that require a fight.

You are a holiday person; you do not like to sit in one place for a long time. You are simple and sociable. But despite this, like every Leo, you are a born leader, and this leadership lives within you. You tactfully use this to get your way.

People like your politeness and the way you treat them. You love to be loved, and when you receive your share of attention from someone, you are absolutely happy.

If you are a Cat:

You are an extremely attractive, charming person. You can be shy at times, but you also like to show off your wit in public. Everyone knows your passion for good jokes.

From time to time you prefer silence. You like to explore different things and go into details. Under normal circumstances, you are a very nice person, but when you are given a reason, you become like a real volcano that is about to explode.

You love fashion and everything connected with it. Therefore, people often look at you as a style icon.

You are a fairly sociable person, but you don’t like to talk a lot with strangers. In your company people feel very easy and comfortable. You are very selective in choosing friends and those around you.

If you are a Turtle:

You are close to perfection and pleasant in soul, heart and character. Your kindness spreads to those around you. You stand for peace and harmony, so you will not strike back even at the person who was wrong.

This is the reason why you are loved so much. You don't talk about anyone behind their back. People like the way you treat them. You can give kindness, support and love without asking for anything in return.

You are quite a generous person, and those you love are simply happy to have a person like you in their environment. Seeing things in a practical light is yours best feature character.

If you are a Dove:

You are a person who symbolizes a happy approach in life. Whatever the environment, sad or cheerful, it does not affect you in any way. You are not exposed to outside influence.

In fact, you radiate positivity and good mood wherever you go. You are a leader among friends. In addition, you have an excellent ability to comfort and support a person at the right time.

You don't like hypocrisy and lies, so you try to avoid people who lie and are hypocrites. Such people will never be near you. You are very methodical and organized in your work.

Clutter is something you will never see on your desk. This is not surprising, because you are discipline and order itself!

If you are a Panther:

Your main feature is mystery. You are someone who can handle any situation with ease, even when you are under pressure. At the same time, you do it beautifully, gracefully and without losing your temper.

Sometimes you like to gossip with your friends, but even this you do nicely and naturally. You like things to go the way you want, even if this is sometimes impossible.

As a result, you may lose some people and things that are dear to you. But otherwise you wonderful person, who loves to help people in difficult life situations.

If you are a Monkey:

You are a very impatient and hyperactive person.

You always want everything to be done as quickly as possible. At heart you are a very simple person, however, you love to be the center of everyone's attention.

So you unique person. You would like to be safe and avoid sharp corners. If your name appears in any controversy or gossip, you will begin to panic.

Therefore, you try to prevent conflict situations from the very beginning and not take them to extremes.

Sometimes when you foresee something going wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling and getting trapped.

A totem is a spirit, sacred object or symbol that serves as an emblem and amulet for a group of people (family, clan, tribe) or an individual. American Indians believe that the totem animal is your spirit. The Spirit, which is your guide through life, supports you, heals you and helps you achieve well-being.

The tradition of communicating with totem animals originates in animism, faith primitive people into the animation of all living things.

Animism existed in almost every corner of our planet before it was supplanted by younger and more familiar belief systems and religions.

All this simply migrated into folklore and was reflected in fairy tales in the form of stories about werewolves, shapeshifters and witches who can turn into animals.

Therefore, we can say that communication with animal spirits has always, one way or another, been present in human culture.

Nowadays, the practice of working with totem animals is gaining new popularity, thanks to the revival of interest in ancient spiritual and shamanic traditions.

Why do you need a totem animal?

When a person communicates with his animal totem, expressing his respect and trust, the animal in return offers the person its strength and wisdom, as they say in Slavic totemism.

Moreover, communication with a totem animal in this case does not imply literally spending physical time with the animal. This communication takes place on subtle spiritual planes. Key points there is trust, respect and openness to the knowledge that an animal can convey to a person.

By connecting with our totem animals, we connect to a whole fractal of knowledge, survival instincts and various skills. This is a huge amount of energy that can give prosperity, health and longevity.

However, for most people this connection with the natural world has long been forgotten.

Although all this wisdom is hidden deep in the subconscious, it is stored in our so-called junk DNA. In a sense, we live like poor people, not knowing that we have treasure buried in our basement that we need but cannot use due to our ignorance. We just need to learn how to access it.

For example, why should a bird use a GPS navigator if it has a built-in sense of direction that never fails and does not depend on the Internet? And the dog is not tormented by the question of who from his environment he can trust, he simply knows it by smell.

How to identify your spirit animal

There are several ways to determine your totem animal.

For some people, knowing their spirit animal is almost an innate quality. It was as if they always knew it, easily automatically drew it in moments of reflection, or simply experienced an inexplicably strong and warm feeling at the sight of some kind of animal.

However, many people have no obvious connections to any animals.

In this case, special techniques or calendars will help you determine your totem animal. It's just the way you like it.

Of course, looking at the calendar and finding out your totem animal by date of birth or zodiac sign is the easiest way, especially for us who live in a regime of regular lack of time.

However, even in this case, we would advise using additional special techniques. Because these techniques help you establish a connection and get to know your animal guide better.

Of course, not all totem animals are represented in the zodiac calendars. In addition, it happens that an animal corresponding to your zodiac sign or year of birth does not evoke any feelings in you, or causes fear.

For example, after visiting the zoo as a child, you became afraid of the tiger, but at the same time you were born in the year of the tiger. Similar situations requires special work, preferably with specialists. If you really want to create a lasting connection with your spirit animal, it is better to use several techniques.

How many totems can a person have and types of totem animals

The tradition of the indigenous tribes of North America says that each person is connected with nine different animals that accompany a person throughout his life, guide him and help him act.


There are many ways to determine your totemic animal, the image of which is designed to protect and help a person. Among them are such as: a trip to the zoo in order to provide the choice of a sacred animal to the soul, the use of various kinds of calendars “with an animalistic bias” and others. A good way to find out your totem is to trust your subconscious. Sit comfortably in a chair (it’s better not to lie down, as you can fall asleep before achieving the result), placing your hands on the armrest, leaning back and closing your eyes. Try to relax all your muscles completely and as much as possible. Walk your attention over each muscle, giving it the command to relax.

Stop the internal dialogue. There are many ways to do this. The best way is to focus on the pauses between inhalation and exhalation. Gradually the thoughts will subside.

Imagine that you are walking through the forest. Then you see a cave in front of you. You step into this dark hole, feeling under your feet, inhaling the moist, fragrant air, hearing the murmur of a stream and the chirping of birds somewhere outside.

Go through or through the cave and exit on the other side. There is open space in front of you. Let it be a lawn, a field, the top of a rock supporting the sky. You will feel everything that you feel when you are alone with nature: delight, peace, unity.

Allow yourself to see your totemic animal. Let it appear before your inner gaze. Watch him, trying to feel everything that comes from him. Allow the animal or bird to be with you. During the first “date”, do not try to touch the animal, touch it, or caress it. In the future, when you become friends, you will still have the opportunity to get to know him better.

After the acquaintance has taken place and sympathy has been established between you, thank your totemic animal for responding to your call. Turn around and go back to the cave. Go through it again, returning to your inner space at the point where you started the journey. Make a few deep breaths and exhalations, several rotations of the feet and hands. Open your eyes.

Once upon a time, ancient tribes of Slavs, Africans, Indians, Chukchi and other peoples believed in the existence of certain animal gods who controlled them. It was this belief that forced ancient people to worship their own totem.


Since ancient times, people needed some kind of faith, religion and protection higher powers. Various tribes domesticated and exploited some of their animals, which they subsequently totemized. The totem animal was an object of salvation for them. They believed that it helped them in farming and hunting, sent them favorable weather, and provided reliable protection from predators and foreigners. The appearance of totem animals was also facilitated by anomalistic patterns adhered to by ancient beliefs.

Any totem animal was considered a certain divine essence, destined for this or that person from above. It was possible to determine his attitude towards others, etc. People who worshiped a certain beast did not have the right to change their totem. Currently there is only one totem calendar that allows to modern man relate yourself to one or another animal. These animals should be considered in more detail.

Dark Elk is the totem of a single person suffering from constant misunderstanding. It is curious that the more this person doubts himself, the more benefit he will bring to the whole world. The Stinging Hornet personifies a purposeful and active person. His intuition and leadership qualities will bring him success in life. By the way, people who worship the Stinging Hornet totem are rather sarcastic and slippery individuals. The Fire Squirrel is the most independent totem animal. People who worship this totem are accustomed to relying only on themselves. They take everything they need from life.

Hidden Lute is characteristic of those people who can manifest themselves suddenly and in a sharp form. The Pearl Pike is the totem of those people who make excellent gurus or senseis. The fact is that this particular totem has a close connection with the ancestors and the entire clan. People who worship the Pearl Pike are calm and self-confident individuals. The Bearded Toad is considered a conservative totem animal. Such people will never strive for anything new, because they are satisfied with the current state of affairs. In addition, it is almost impossible to piss off such a person.

A mysterious animal is the White Eagle Owl. People who worship this totem have certain abilities that are unusual to an ordinary person. Those who worship the Wild Boar are fearless hunters always ready for battle. It’s not scary to go to such people. A philosophical mindset is characteristic of those who worship the Hissing Snake. These people are persistent and can take almost any intellectual peak with their minds. The Hissing Already is calculating, taciturn, and sometimes defenseless.

The Curled Hedgehog is a permanent totem, true to its principles. People who worship him never change their principles and are true homebodies. The Crouching Fox totem is characteristic of inventive intriguers who will not live a monotonous and measured life. People who worship the Soaring Eagle totem become brilliant politicians. They do not recognize many laws, but they always act fairly. Firemane Horse is the totem of real travelers. He will never make them bored.

A controversial totem animal is the Golden Horns Tur. This totem combines good nature and rage, endurance and stubbornness. Such people will always stand behind their own beliefs. The Crowing Rooster is considered an emotional totem. For these people, the opinions of others are more important than their own. All who worship this totem animal are constantly chasing fame. The spinning Tarantula represents the keepers of traditions. Such people need communication like air.

Meditate. Find a quiet place, sit in a pose, clear your mind of all thoughts and breathe evenly. During meditation, an image of your totem animal may appear in your mind.

Consult the corresponding reference books for all totems. Once you decide on your spirit animal, see what it is. Perhaps your spirit animal reflects your behavior, thoughts or feelings. Or it may be trying to tell you something in your dreams.

Determine what purpose the spirit animal has in your life. A lifelong spirit animal supports you throughout your life. Temporary can only appear during a certain period to help you in a particular situation. It can contribute to your personal or warn about possible danger. There may be a spirit animal that you fear. Its purpose is to test you.

Helpful advice

1. Try to find a connection between the symbolism of the spirit animal and your life.
2. Keep a dream journal.
3. Meditate regularly.


Currently everything more people interested in the question of finding his own. The very concept of totem came to us from ancient times. Totemism was known not only among the Indians North America, but also among our Slavic ancestors. The only difference was that the Slavs worshiped not only animals, but also plants totem m. It was impossible to kill or pluck the plant.