Trichophytosis in dogs. Trichophytosis in dogs: routes of infection, symptoms, treatment, prognosis. Differences in skin lesions

Trichophytosis in dogs, or otherwise ringworm, is a skin disease characterized by profuse hair loss wool, the formation of itchy crusts. Almost every dog ​​owner has encountered trichophytosis. A dog can catch trichophytosis almost anywhere. The causative agent is a fungus whose name gives the disease its name.

Trichophyton fungus It has a wide variety of adaptive capabilities: it affects any animals, including humans. A healthy dog ​​can become infected after contact with a sick animal, water, soil, or the owner’s clothing. Fungi reproduce by spores, which can remain dormant for a long time. Therefore, the owner, having visited hot places such as a hairdresser, kindergarten Maybe carry a microscopic pathogen.

The presence of damage to the skin stimulates the growth of pathogenic microflora, the number of pathogens increases many times. The progressive effects of lichen are facilitated by keeping animals in an excessively dense environment. It is usually difficult to confuse the symptoms of trichophytosis with other skin diseases. Trichophytosis has specific visual manifestations.

Symptoms of trichophytosis

Ringworm A highly contagious disease, fungi quickly spread throughout the dog’s body, causing severe local inflammation. The animal's skin takes on an unpleasant appearance, and the immune system weakens. Secondary complications begin to develop, accompanying illnesses. Therefore, the first signs of infection that have begun require increased attention. The main methods of diagnosis remain taking a skin scraping and examining the hair. The most optimal method Determining the genus of the pathogen is to inoculate the malicious pathogen on a nutrient medium. The guarantee of this method is almost one hundred percent.

Manifestations of trichophytosis:

  • Initially, small hairless areas form.
  • The fur falls out, leaving unsightly skeletons of hair.
  • The hairless area is almost perfectly circular.
  • The surface of the affected area quickly becomes dry and peels.
  • Then some parts begin to become inflamed.

The general condition of the dog with the first symptoms remains unchanged. Some depression may be observed, and scabies and itching are sometimes noted. The onset of trichophytosis begins with the neck, head, and limbs. An atypical manifestation may be observed: many small scattered spots, which then merge. The claws become damaged: they become deformed, bent, or fall off in pieces. Dry, unprotected skin becomes a magnet for pathogenic bacteria. They happily stick to the affected surface, and this is how secondary infection begins.

The microflora develops rapidly, the skin begins to rot, and bad smell. The dog's condition deteriorates sharply, loss of appetite occurs, immunity weakens, which leads to the development of various infectious diseases. Blood tests will show increased amount immune cells-defenders, leukocytes.

Extensive lesion skin surface causes a lot of inconvenience for the dog. Especially if scabs and ulcers cover the animal’s limbs. Then every movement causes pain. Without treatment, the skin becomes very inflamed, even bleeding, the body temperature rises, and a fever may begin.

Differences in skin lesions

Diagnosis of trichophytosis using the scraping method turns out to be an effective method; you can also examine the damaged areas using a microscope. Diseases similar in meaning to trichophytosis - eczema, scabies - can be falsely detected. Let us note the main differences between similar properties. For eczema the edges of the bald areas will be uneven, the formation of exudate may be observed, the wounds will be wet, and the hairs will fall out completely.

For scabies there is a strong, exhausting itch, the dog literally bites into the affected area. The spots will have different shapes, and the fur will also fall out entirely. Under a microscope, an impressive number of crawling insects and mites are determined.

The principle of treatment of trichophytosis

The success of treatment depends on the accuracy of the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication by lubricating the damaged surface with dubious ointments is fraught with aggravation of the situation. Treatment involves the use of four effective measures:

  • Giving injections - if observed purulent inflammation, immunity is reduced.
  • Giving tablets - antihistamine properties, to relieve allergy symptoms.
  • Application of ointments - anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.
  • Periodically wash the dog with calming shampoos.

Treatment procedures must be preceded by complete cleansing of the damaged surface. Row antiseptics will help remove dandruff, crusts, and scales. You need to smear with sterile objects, protecting the contacting surfaces as much as possible (wear gloves). The most extensive lesions should be treated several times during the day. Repeat daily therapeutic effects. The range of uses of control agents is quite wide; the veterinarian will select effective way eliminating fungus.

Trichophytosis is contagious to surrounding living beings. Therefore, a clinically healthy person should treat an infected dog. Contact between a dog and a child or a person who has recently had an infectious disease is dangerous. Thoroughly clean surfaces daily, especially those that come into contact with your pet's infected skin. Carpets, upholstered furniture can be processed with steam. Solid objects and things with disinfectants containing chlorine.

Prevention of ringworm

The first thing you need to do is monitor your diet, the presence of the required amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Proper care is the key to excellent health. When walking, avoid contact with stray dogs, cats, and people. Carefully monitor the hygiene of family members and pets. Vaccinate your dog preventively.

Fungal skin disease in pets is not such a rare occurrence. Dermatophytosis (ringworm, trichophytosis) is transmitted not only through direct contact with a sick animal, but also through contaminated care items and the environment.

Ringworm doesn't just affect domestic dogs and cats. A person with a low level of immune system can also become infected with trichophytosis. Treatment of the animal is long-term and should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

Read in this article

Routes of infection

The causative agent of skin infections are fungi of the genus Trychophiton and Microsporum. Pathogenic microorganisms are characterized by high resistance in the external environment. Once on the skin, fungi actively multiply in upper layers epidermis, affecting the hair follicle. Damaged hair breaks off, which is why ringworm is called ringworm.

In veterinary medicine, the routes of infection of four-legged friends have been well studied. Infection of a dog with pathogenic fungi can occur in the following situations:

  • Upon contact with a sick animal. Homeless individuals are most often exposed to fungal infections. A pathogenic fungus with pieces of skin enters the healthy tissues of the pet and infection occurs. Not only stray dogs, but also cats pose a danger.
  • With indirect contact. In this case, infection occurs through care items contaminated with the fungus: plates, toys, combs, combs, beds, etc. There is a high risk of infection of a healthy dog ​​when using equipment contaminated with fungal spores (collar, harness, muzzle, etc.).
  • Through the environment. High stability pathogenic microorganism in the external environment and to disinfectants makes it dangerous when walking your pet on the street. Fungal spores in soil, sand, construction waste, and dust can land on the skin and cause infection.
  • Rodents – mice and rats – are often carriers of fungal spores.

In the pathogenesis of the disease important role plays a role in the state of the dog’s immune system. Veterinary specialists, based on many years of experience, believe that dermatophytosis is mainly affected by individuals with. Malfunctions in the body's defenses are a provoking factor for ringworm. In connection with this disease, puppies and young individuals, as well as weakened and elderly dogs are susceptible to the disease.

The risk group also includes individuals living in nurseries and shelters. The high density of animals contributes to the rapid spread of infection. The situation is aggravated by dampness in the premises, lack of ventilation, and unsanitary condition of the cells.

According to the observation of veterinarians, outbreaks of the disease are most often recorded in the autumn-winter months. This phenomenon is associated not only with the low resistance of a living organism due to vitamin deficiencies, but also with insufficient ultraviolet radiation, has a detrimental effect on fungal spores.

What does it look like in the early stages?

From the moment of infection until the first symptoms of a fungal infection appear, it usually takes from several days to 2 - 3 weeks. If four-legged friend thick and long wool, then it is very difficult to detect the initial stage of the disease.

Once in the upper layers of the epidermis, the pathogenic fungus penetrates into hair follicle. This process is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, which leads to redness and itching of the skin. The pet is worried and scratches the damaged areas with its paws. The initial stage of trichophytosis is manifested by the presence of reddened and slightly swollen areas in the form of tubercles on the skin. No areas of baldness are observed during this period.

The inflammatory reaction at the site of penetration of the pathogenic fungus leads to skin itching. Scratching with paws and licking the affected areas leads to secondary skin infection with viruses and bacteria. The fungus spreads to healthy areas of the body.

The lesions acquire a defined, usually rounded shape. Infected skin dries quickly and develops scabs and asbestos-gray scabs. Inflammatory foci are observed in the center and along the edges of the damaged area. Follicular nodules are often visible along the periphery. During this period, patches of baldness appear on the animal’s body.

Pathologically changed areas of skin are observed on the animal’s face and neck, on the limbs, in the croup and abdomen. Not only the epidermis of the skin, but also the dog’s claws are susceptible to fungal infection. They become thickened and deformed.

Common symptoms of ringworm

At the initial stages of dermatophytosis, the owner does not observe any deviations in the general condition of the pet. However, if damaged skin is infected with bacteria and viruses, not only a local inflammatory reaction can develop, but also a general one. Suppuration is accompanied by a depressed state of the dog, a rise in body temperature, a decrease in appetite, and in severe cases, a refusal to eat.

Under unfavorable conditions, the animal can develop not only sepsis, but also sepsis.

Diagnostic methods

If you discover symptoms of a fungal skin infection in your pet, you should not hesitate to visit a specialized institution. A certified professional will examine the animal and conduct a series of diagnostic tests.

A preliminary diagnosis is usually made using a Wood's lamp. Pathogenic fungi under special fluorescent lighting begin to glow emerald. However, this method does not always allow the identification of trichophytosis and does not make it possible to determine the type of mycelium. In this regard, a deep scraping of the skin from the damaged area is carried out, followed by mycological examination.

In order to determine the type of pathogen, culture is carried out biological material on a special nutrient medium.

The complex and differential diagnosis of the disease also includes clinical analysis blood and urine, allergy tests. Trichophytosis is differentiated from pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma.


Dermatophytosis is a complex disease that requires long-term treatment. There can be no question of any self-medication when diagnosed with ringworm. The fungus affects the deep layers of the epidermis, which makes it difficult to effectively use topical medications.

The owner may mistake the visible attenuation of the process for recovery, while the fungus penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Relapse in this case is inevitable. In this regard, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a veterinary specialist with regular mycological examination.


The effectiveness of using ointments that have an antifungal effect mainly depends on proper preparation of damaged skin areas. To do this, it is necessary first of all to disinfect the lesions with any antiseptic: a solution of furatsilin, chlorhexidine, salicylic acid.

After this, the hair around the pathological area is cut with blunt-tipped scissors. The wool is burned. If there are crusts, they are softened using soap solution, after which they are removed and disinfected. The skin is dried with a napkin and a medicinal ointment is applied.

In veterinary practice, the following ointments are used as local antifungal drugs: Zoomikol, Mikoseptin, Yam, Tiabendazole, Griseofulvin, Fungin, Ekalin, Vedinol, etc. The drugs have a pronounced fungicidal and fungistatic effect, have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and reduce skin itching. The regularity of applying the ointment is determined by the attending physician.

Antifungal drugs

In cases where the disease takes on a systemic form, veterinary specialists usually use the administration of fungicidal drugs and antibiotics orally in the form of tablets or injections. Nizoral, Intraconazole, Fluconazole, Levorin are used as antifungal agents.

High effectiveness for dermatophytosis is observed with the use of antibiotics that have a fungiostatic effect: Griseofulvin, Amphotericin. The drugs are used for 3 - 5 weeks in the dose and frequency prescribed by a veterinary specialist in each specific case.

In addition to antifungal and antibacterial agents, immunostimulating agents and vitamins, in particular vitamin A, are used in the complex therapy of trichophytosis in dogs. The sick animal is isolated for the duration of treatment. Quarantine is lifted only after two negative results of mycological examination.

Folk remedies

Given the complexity of the disease, folk remedies in the treatment of dermatophytosis in dogs are used as auxiliary ones. Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, tansy, and sage are effective for soaking crusts and antiseptic treatment of damaged skin. A solution of apple cider vinegar is used for the same purpose.

How to treat ringworm at home folk remedies, watch in this video:

Is ringworm in dogs contagious to humans?

Trichophytosis is an anthropozoonosis - a disease that affects both humans and animals. Children who do not yet have a well-developed immune system are most susceptible to the disease. The risk of infection is also high among people weakened by the disease and elderly family members. Considering the high virulence of the pathogenic fungus, the owner of a sick dog should take personal preventive measures when caring for the pet.

Therapeutic measures (skin treatment, application of ointments) must be carried out with gloves, after which hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and disinfected with an antiseptic. During treatment procedures, until the dog’s complete recovery, confirmed by repeated laboratory tests, the animal should be isolated from other family members and especially from children.

Vaccine as a reliable method of prevention

Modern veterinary medicine has a wide arsenal of specific means of preventing trichophytosis. The most common vaccines used to protect dogs from fungal infections are Microderm, Vakderm, and Polivac. As a rule, immunization is carried out twice, no side effects are observed.

However, if infection with a pathogenic fungus occurs before vaccination, the administration of certain immunological drugs can lead to the appearance of clinical signs trichophytosis. In these cases, therapeutic administration of the vaccine is used.

In this case, the vaccine is administered 2 or 3 times. At the same time, fungicidal agents and ointments are administered to the sick animal.

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin disease of fungal etiology. An informative diagnostic method is to grow a fungal culture on nutrient media with subsequent identification of the type of pathogen. Treatment is long-term and should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. Effective method Prevention of the disease is vaccination.

Useful video

For information on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of lichen in dogs, watch this video:

A fairly common infectious skin disease in dogs is lichen. This disease is caused by certain types of pathogenic viruses or fungi.

Such a disease can be transmitted from a dog not only to another dog, but also to a person. Typically, an animal becomes infected through contact (through its fur).

It should be noted that it is also possible to “catch” lichen through fungal-infected soil or an object, since its spores remain viable for several years.

In hot and humid weather (these are favorable conditions), the fungus can begin to grow, affecting the epidermis and follicles.

Factors predisposing to infection:

  • lactation period;
  • presence of cancer;
  • dog pregnancy;
  • youth or, conversely, old age;
  • incorrect, unbalanced (poor) nutrition;
  • past viral infections;
  • weakened immunity.

To describe how lichen is treated at home in dogs, you first need to list its types. So let's take a closer look at them. All lichens differ in the degree of danger for the pet, as well as some signs. Thanks to external signs, you can determine the type of disease. So, lichen happens:

  • weeping (also called eczema);
  • ringworm (causes a fungal infection);
  • pityriasis or multi-colored;
  • pink (the result of a viral infection);
  • shingles (caused by the herpes virus).

Doctors classify trichophytosis as a disease called dermatophytosis. They affect the skin, hair and claws of animals.

The disease is caused by the fungus Trichophyton. The more common name for the disease is ringworm.

Fungal diseases are among the most dangerous because they are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Pityriasis rosea in a dog: photos, treatment and signs

This type of lichen is considered very dangerous. The very first signs that an animal is sick are small, round spots of a yellow-pink hue (about two centimeters in size).

Initially, only one spot appears on the dog’s body, but very soon yellow-pink marks can be seen all over the dog’s body.

The very first spot is small in size and is a “maternal plaque.” The skin in this area begins to peel off and itching appears.

Ringworm in dogs: symptoms, treatment

Ringworm is a highly contagious disease; the fungi quickly spread throughout the dog's body, causing severe local inflammation. The animal's skin takes on an unpleasant appearance, and the immune system weakens.

Secondary complications and concomitant diseases begin to develop. Therefore, the first signs of infection that have begun require increased attention.

The main methods of diagnosis remain taking a skin scraping and examining the hair. The most optimal method for determining the genus of the pathogen is to inoculate the malicious pathogen on a nutrient medium.

The guarantee of this method is almost one hundred percent.

Manifestations of trichophytosis:

  • Initially, small hairless areas form.
  • The fur falls out, leaving unsightly skeletons of hair.
  • The hairless area is almost perfectly circular.
  • The surface of the affected area quickly becomes dry and peels.
  • Then some parts begin to become inflamed.

The general condition of the dog with the first symptoms remains unchanged. Some depression may be observed, and scabies and itching are sometimes noted.

The onset of trichophytosis begins with the neck, head, and limbs. An atypical manifestation may be observed: many small scattered spots, which then merge.

The claws become damaged: they become deformed, bent, or fall off in pieces. Dry, unprotected skin becomes a magnet for pathogenic bacteria.

They happily stick to the affected surface, and this is how secondary infection begins.

This type of lichen affects the skin of the head, tail, limbs and ears, as well as the claws and nose. Let's find out what the symptoms of this disease are. Signs of ringworm include:

  • small (up to two centimeters) round or oval spots;
  • rapid spread throughout the body;
  • the appearance of scales on the affected areas, which subsequently begin to go bald and itch.

Due to the fact that baldness and hair breaks occur in the affected areas, this type of lichen is called “ringworm”.

Now let's look at how to treat lichen at home in dogs. Instructions:

  • First you need to cut the hair from the affected areas, and grab and healthy hair approximately two to three centimeters from the sore spot. How can you tell the difference? healthy skin from the one that is affected by a fungus? Normal skin looks much paler.
  • The cut wool must be destroyed.
  • The crusts from the skin should (if possible) be separated, because we need to treat the surface itself.

We will use some medications to treat ringworm in dogs. Treatment with iodine is the easiest way to combat fungus.

They need to lubricate the affected areas every two days. It should be noted that during treatment with this method, side effects may occur in the form of necrosis of the skin layers and contact dermatitis.

Also used for treatment is “Clotrimazole” in the form of a cream, which is applied to the lesions three times a day.

What to do if a very large area is affected? Then doctors advise using systemic drugs Ketoconazole and Griseofulvin. If a relapse of the disease suddenly occurs, it is urgent to vaccinate the animal against ringworm.

Diagnosis of skin diseases

In order to correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must be confident in the correctness of the diagnosis. If you start treating a disease without identifying the causative agent, you can cause significant harm to the animal!

Currently, veterinarians use the following diagnostic methods:

  • A Wood's lamp is a special device that allows you to determine the presence of fungal spores on the skin and fur of an animal. Using this device, the dog is illuminated in a dark room and if spores of pathogenic fungi are present, a greenish glow will be observed.
  • Sowing pathogens on nutrient media is a method that provides 100% diagnostic accuracy. Collection and transfer of material to the laboratory must be carried out veterinarian. However, the wait for results may take up to two weeks.
  • Examination of wool under a microscope - the material being examined is treated with an alkaline solution, which reacts with pathogens and causes the phenomenon of fluorescence. This is what the specialist sees.

Treatment of weeping lichen

The success of treatment depends on the accuracy of the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication by lubricating the damaged surface with dubious ointments is fraught with aggravation of the situation. Treatment involves the use of four effective measures:

  • Giving injections - if purulent inflammation is observed, immunity is reduced.
  • Giving tablets - antihistamine properties, to relieve allergy symptoms.
  • Application of ointments - anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.
  • Periodically wash the dog with calming shampoos.

Treatment procedures must be preceded by complete cleansing of the damaged surface. A number of antiseptic agents will help remove dandruff, crusts, and scales.

You need to smear with sterile objects, protecting the contacting surfaces as much as possible (wear gloves). The most extensive lesions should be treated several times during the day.

The treatment steps are repeated daily. The range of uses of control agents is quite wide; the veterinarian will select an effective way to eliminate the fungus.

Trichophytosis is contagious to surrounding living beings. Therefore, a clinically healthy person should treat an infected dog.

Contact between a dog and a child or a person who has recently had an infectious disease is dangerous. Thoroughly clean surfaces daily, especially those that come into contact with your pet's infected skin.

Carpets and upholstered furniture can be treated with steam. Solid objects and things with disinfectants containing chlorine.

The danger of the disease lies not in itself, but in its complications. After all, by scratching its body, a dog can get an infection, which will subsequently lead to inflammatory processes, pyoderma, eczema, etc. Then mandatory medical intervention will be necessary.

Some experts believe that the affected areas should be lubricated with apple cider vinegar about 6 times a day. Also, a sick animal cannot be bathed, but you need to take it for a long walk in the sun.

There is also an assumption that it manifests itself pityriasis rosea in a dog (photos, treatment and signs of the disease - all information is contained in our article) due to a severely weakened immune system. If this is the reason, doctors prescribe a course of immunomodulators.

What can please the owner of an animal who has such a disease is that the disease is not contagious.

You can treat lichen at home, but before that you should visit a veterinarian and get tested. necessary tests. Treatment of the disease can begin after receiving diagnostic results, when the doctor can prescribe the necessary medications.

In the room where the dog lives, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily using disinfectant solutions (Blanidas, Dezaktin, Korzolex).

If you have other pets that may become infected, they should be isolated.

The main condition and key to success in the treatment of lichen is an integrated approach.

Well established oral drug Griseofulvin, which can be added to food. But it has a significant side effect: it has toxic effect on Bone marrow, inhibiting the function of hematopoiesis.

Its use should be as prescribed by a veterinarian under the supervision of a detailed general blood test. If the dog is pregnant, this remedy is strictly contraindicated.

Oral administration of intraconazole or ketoconazole is possible, although its effect in monotherapy has not been proven.

Skin diseases can also be treated with veterinary drugs Nobivak, Polivac, Vakderm. In a therapeutic dose, they are administered once intramuscularly. There is a prophylactic dose, the administration of which must be repeated once every 6 months.

Local treatment involves applying medications directly to the affected areas of the body. First of all, it is necessary to cut off the hair in the affected area, and only then begin processing.

The dog may experience discomfort in this case, because... often feels a burning sensation at the site of application of the medicine. For these purposes, nitrofungin, fucorcin, clotrimazole or other ointment with antimycotic activity is used.

All procedures are carried out using rubber gloves to prevent possible infection.

To stimulate the improvement of the immune system, the dog should receive immunostimulating drugs (Cycloferon, Immunofan) and poly vitamin complexes and vitamins to accelerate the growth of new healthy hair (Brevers, Trivitamin).

During the recovery period, the dog should eat well. The owner should try to protect the pet from psycho-emotional shocks and stress, which can again provoke the development of the disease.

Monitor your pets and contact a veterinarian if their condition worsens at the slightest level. If you start treating your animal on time, then you won’t have to regret the irretrievably missed opportunities!

Ringworm in dogs

As you already understood from the first block of our article, before starting treatment for lichen in a dog at home, you need to progressively do 2 things: contact a specialist and make an accurate diagnosis.

However, there are cases when it is not possible to see a doctor, then (and only then) our actions are as follows: we make sure that the symptoms of lichen in the dog fully correspond to one of the types that we have described, including the same examples in the photo - then you can start treatment at your own risk.

  • We determine the cause of infection and first of all fight it;
  • At the same time, we alleviate the symptoms of lichen in the dog with the help of ointments indicated in the lists above.


Prevention of ringworm

The first thing you need to do is monitor your diet, the presence of the required amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Proper care is the key to excellent health.

When walking, avoid contact with stray dogs, cats, and people. Carefully monitor the hygiene of family members and pets.

Vaccinate your dog preventively.

There is only one reliable way to prevent your pet from getting sick. This is vaccination. Today there are quite a few effective means, which will reliably protect the dog from microsporia. The domestic Vakderm, for example, has proven itself to be excellent.

WITH medical point Ringworm is commonly known as dermatophytosis, a fungal skin disease that affects the top layers of skin, hair follicles, the hair itself, and sometimes the nails.

Ringworm in animals appears due to fungi of the Microsporum series - microsporia, or trichophytosis. After entering the layers of the skin, they quickly multiply and first of all affect the hair follicle. Because of this, the affected area manifests itself in the form of lost hair.

Usually incubation period is about 2 weeks, so it is often difficult to determine where and how your pet became infected. This disease is transmitted through direct contact with sick animals, through the use of the same comb, dog bed and other common items.

Causes of lichen

The causative agent of the infection is fungal microorganisms of the genus Trychophiton and Microsporum, therefore in medicine these types of disease are referred to as trichophytosis and microsporia. They are distinguished only in laboratory conditions, and external signs and the treatment methods are similar.

Ringworm is an infectious disease caused by a fungus known as trichophyton.

The fungus gets along well at different temperatures and is easily transmitted from host to host.

You don’t have to think long about the reasons for the development of lichen in a healthy dog; infection occurs:

  • If the dog has been in contact with sick and street animals.
  • If the dog ate food from the bowl of a sick animal or lay on its rug.
  • If the dog played on contaminated soil, grass, etc.

Types of lichen in dogs and their signs

There are several main types of lichen that develop in pets:

  • Pityriasis rosea. It is considered one of the most dangerous types of lichen that threatens a dog’s health. The development of the disease begins with the appearance of the first spot, which is called the maternal plaque. Afterwards, other spots branch off from it, which are foci of infection. The plaques are round in shape, about 2 cm in diameter, and the color of the affected tissue is yellowish-pink. This form of lichen is characterized by severe itching, so the dog is constantly itching. Self-resolution of scaly lesions is possible 4-6 weeks after the appearance of the first lesion.
  • Ringworm or ringworm in dogs. This type of lichen can affect any part of the pet’s body - the body, paws, paw pads, nose, claws. The disease can be recognized by round or oval spots that intensively affect the pet’s skin. Foci of infection are covered with scales, which become bald and bother the animal with unbearable itching. Taking a closer look at the areas affected by the infection, you can see hairs that look like they were cut off with scissors. Because of this symptom, the pathology got its name.
  • Ringworm. It is not a contagious skin disease. Evolving in the background allergic manifestations and wears inflammatory nature. The main signs of the disease are tissue swelling and rashes all over the body. The affected areas cause significant discomfort to the animal in the form of burning and itching. Spots appear on the dog’s body; the shade of the affected tissue varies from pale pink to blue. Also, the weeping appearance of lichen manifests itself in the form of cracking of the skin, blisters, and the damaged areas are subsequently covered with crusts.
  • Pityriasis versicolor. A fairly common reason for dog owners to visit a veterinarian. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of a small pink spot. At this stage, the disease occurs without other symptoms. Later, lesions appear on various parts of the body. They acquire a sickly color - yellowish or brown.
  • Shingles. The causative agent of this type of lichen infection is the herpes virus. The initial stage of the disease is accompanied by itching in the abdomen and ribs. Later, papules with liquid contents appear on the skin. Subsequently, they burst and become covered with crusts. In later stages, the disease affects other parts of the animal's body.

As soon as primary signs of lichen are detected, the pet should be kept separately until the pathogen is determined. To disinfect, you need to treat the dog’s habitat with chlorine-containing products.

Read about others skin diseases in dogs and the causes of red spots on the stomach.

Development of ringworm

One of the most common pathologies in dogs is ringworm. To a greater extent, this disease occurs in stray animals. But sometimes pets also become infected from them. Treatment of lichen at home should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

The development of ringworm is triggered by a fungal infection.

Infection usually occurs through contact with a sick animal through its fur. Favorable conditions for ringworm growth include very sunny or cold days.

A dog can become infected with lichen through contact with a sick animal.

Ringworm can be rapidly transmitted to humans. Children become infected most quickly.


At a young age, dogs are more susceptible to infection.

Veterinarians highlight the following factors, predisposing to infection with ringworm:

  1. Lactation period.
  2. Presence of a cancerous tumor.
  3. Young age.
  4. Bearing puppies.
  5. Elderly age.
  6. Unbalanced diet.
  7. Past viral infections.

In addition, symptoms may occur against a background of weakened immunity.

Ringworm affects the skin:

  • muzzles;
  • ears;
  • tail;
  • heads.

Ringworm on a dog's face.

Sometimes the claws and nose are affected.

Scales appear on the affected areas. Over time, they begin to itch very much. The dog itches and the hair falls out quickly. Due to the appearance of bald patches, this type of lichen is called ringworm.

Ringworm can be diagnosed using a blood test.

Lichen is diagnosed in the following ways:

  1. Blood analysis.
  2. Microscopy of affected hairs.
  3. Analysis of urine.
  4. LD diagnostics.
  5. Culture of infected skin samples.

LD diagnostics are also called Wood's lamps. The presence of infection is indicated by greenish illumination of the affected areas. But this method cannot be called the most reliable.

Most accurate diagnostic method is the culture of infected skin samples. It takes about 14 days.

Helping the dog

Today, lichen can be cured quite quickly. The result of therapy appears after about 3-5 days. The dog is prescribed medication, as well as diet therapy. The pet's diet should be enriched with vitamins and food additives. This helps strengthen the immune system.

To treat lichen, vitamins are prescribed.

First of all, a sick dog needs to be isolated from children and other pets. The owner caring for the animal must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

The room in which the pet is located must be thoroughly ventilated. Wet cleaning should be done regularly. The use of disinfectants is mandatory.

It is necessary to treat all objects touched by the animal.

The room in which the dog lives should be ventilated frequently.

It is important not to allow your pet to scratch or lick the affected areas.

This can be done using special collars.

Therapy is carried out using antifungal drugs. Most of them contain iodine, which is harmful to fungi.

  • Dermatol.
  • Zoomicole.
  • Griseofulfin.
  • Juglona.

Griseofulfin is an antifungal drug.


  1. Before using any of these ointments you should Carefully trim the fur from the affected areas. Veterinarians recommend capturing healthy hairs as well. The cut fur should be burned immediately.
  2. Formed you need to try to separate the crusts from the skin.

    After this, you can begin treating the affected surface.

  3. First a small amount of iodine is applied and only then the ointment. Quick absorption can be ensured by wrapping the treated skin with a bandage or a piece of clean gauze.

Before using ointments, you need to trim the hair from the affected area.

  • Iodine is recommended to be used 1 time/48 hours. Side effects may occur during therapy. The most common occurrence is necrosis of the skin layers. Another side effect is contact dermatitis.
  • In order to avoid unpleasant effects, you need to pay attention to other medications. According to veterinarians, Yam ointment is a fairly effective external remedy. It is recommended to use it 3 times/24 hours.
  • This ointment can be combined with Clotrimazole. This cream should be applied three times a day.
  • For a large affected area, the use of Ketoconazole is recommended. This product is used 3 times/24 hours. This is very strong medicine, causing virtually no side effects.

Iodine can be used once every two days.

The use of shampoos is acceptable when there are no bald patches and the hair is coming out in clumps.

In this case, almost the entire surface of the skin is affected. In this case, treating the animal with ointment becomes difficult. Given the high toxicity of the product, sometimes it is completely contraindicated.

The shampoo is used up to 5 times. The optimal interval is 24–48 hours. When bathing a sick dog, you need to thoroughly rinse off the foam. Otherwise, there is a risk of the product getting into the pet’s stomach.

Shampoo cannot be used more than 5 times.

If the dog has a luxurious, thick coat, then it is recommended to completely shave it.

If treatment is carried out in the cold season, then when going for a walk, you need to put the dog in overalls. Freezing negatively affects your pet's immunity.

Salicylic acid is used to treat skin.

In addition to shampoos and ointments, solutions of salicylic acid and clotrimazole are used. They are used for local treatment of the skin. They should be used only as prescribed by a veterinarian and only in the recommended dosage.

But a sick animal can also be given the following appointment:

  • vitamin-containing complexes;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antihistamines;
  • probiotics.

The drug Imunofan is a strong immunomodulator.

In order to relieve an allergic reaction, antihistamines such as Suprastin and Claritin are prescribed. To normalize the functioning of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract, the use of probiotics is prescribed.

Taking antibiotics is only relevant when the pathology is in a very advanced stage.

It is very important to protect your dog from shingles. This can be done with timely preventive measures. Water treatments should be used as needed. After each walk you need to wash your animal's paws.

Washing paws after a walk is part of the preventive measures.

Unfortunately, it is aimed only at complex action. It cannot protect against all fungi. In addition, many dogs have a hard time withstanding vaccination. Another argument against vaccination is that after the procedure the fungus acquires “immunity” to other drugs. This can significantly complicate therapy.

For positive result the prescribed treatment should not be stopped.

Sometimes the veterinarian will prescribe medication using the simple choice method. Unfortunately, the fungus can mutate very quickly. The medicine for lichen must be chosen after passing a sensitivity test. Otherwise, there is a risk that the disease will become chronic.

It is necessary to destroy not only infected wool, but also crumbling spores. This can be done using a UV lamp or steam. Using an iron with a steam generator helps a lot.

Once you notice progress, you should not stop therapy. The course must be completed in full. The dog is considered recovered only after 2 tests taken with an interval of 7 days are negative.

The main symptom of this lichen is a rash. They have oval shape and are small in size - up to 2 cm. The spots quickly spread throughout the animal’s body.

First of all, the disease reveals itself by the appearance of skin rashes that can appear anywhere or part of the body. As the infection progresses, the affected area increases significantly, the skin becomes covered with crusts of a reddish hue, and hair begins to fall out rapidly. Absolutely bald patches appear on the body, with clear boundaries. In advanced stages of the disease, purulent exudate flows from under the crusts.

Ringworm usually accompanies severe itching, forcing the pet to scratch the affected areas until they bleed. If you do not show your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner, you should expect the following alarming symptoms of lichen in dogs:

  • the appearance of inflamed colored spots on the skin that flake quite strongly;
  • severe hair loss, which can lead to complete baldness, this symptom appears due to serious damage to the hair follicles;
  • pets infected with lichen become inactive, lethargic, and get sick more often.

Ringworm in a dog - symptoms

The infection affects tissues containing the horny substance kerotene. Contains kerotene in the surface layer of skin and hair. The fungus releases toxic waste products, which causes redness and loosening of the skin. Then the pathogen penetrates the hair follicles and destroys them, and the hair begins to fall out.

Common sites of infection are the skin on the head, neck, and paws. Advanced lichen has a large affected area. Trichophytosis occurs on dog claws. They become thick, deformed and itchy.

The disease appears a few days after infection, which depends on the immunity of each dog. Reddish rash spots appear on the body. The animal itches and is restless. After a while, areas of lost hair appear. Instead of fallen fur hairs, hair stumps stick out. The affected areas are round in shape, with possible inflammation along the edges and in the center.

This does not affect the general condition of the dog. The situation worsens when secondary microflora erupts, which is accompanied by inflammation, suppuration and non-healing ulcers. The dog loses its appetite, and sometimes there is an increase in body temperature. Sepsis may develop. The number of leukocytes in the blood is increasing.

Pityriasis versicolor and ringworm in dogs are caused by a fungal infection that enters the dog’s body from soil contaminated with spores or from the skin (fur) of another animal.

The disease causes damage to the skin, manifested by a number of symptoms, the most characteristic of which is loss of hair in limited areas, accompanied by the formation of crusts on the skin.

In general, this disease does not pose a threat to the dog’s life, however, under certain conditions it takes a generalized form, spreading over large areas of the animal’s skin and bringing unbearable suffering to it.

Ringworm in dogs is caused by a fungal infection. You can become infected with the disease from soil spores or other dogs.

If the dog’s immunity functions physiologically normal level, then even with direct contact with the carrier, the disease does not develop. Animals with a weakened immune system for one reason or another are susceptible to infection.

Weak immunity is typical for the following categories of animals:

  1. Nursing bitches;
  2. Dogs with vitamin deficiencies and those receiving no balanced diet;
  3. Pregnant dogs;
  4. Animals that have suffered a viral infection during the period of convalescence;
  5. Puppies;
  6. Elderly animals;
  7. Severely sick dogs (“distemper”, oncology, acute pancreatitis, diabetes etc.).

Varieties of lichen

Different types of lichen in dogs differ from each other in the nature of the infectious agent that caused the disease and, accordingly, in symptoms and methods of treatment:

  • Pityriasis rosea in dogs- most secure. It is caused by a virus. You don’t even have to think about how to cure lichen in a dog, since it goes away on its own in just 4-6 weeks.
  • Ringworm (the common name for microsporia and trichophytosis) in dogs is very unpleasant fungal disease skin. It can spread throughout the animal's entire body in a short period of time. Its first signs can be noticed without difficulty - oval spots reaching a diameter of 2 cm are found on the animal’s skin. Then in these places the skin becomes bald and covered with scales.

The photo shows ringworm in a dog. Ringworm spreads throughout the dog's body very quickly.

  • Pityriasis versicolor- also develops in dogs due to the proliferation of a fungal infectious agent on the animal’s skin. This disease is the most common among all types of lichen. On initial stage a small pink spot appears on the skin without signs inflammatory reaction, and then the affected area becomes yellowish or brown.

In the photo, pityriasis versicolor in a dog

  • Weeping lichen, also called eczema, is an inflammation of the skin of an allergic nature, which is not contagious. The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a polymorphic rash, then the affected area swells. The disease is accompanied by redness, the appearance of blisters, cracks and pinkish or bluish spots.

Canine eczema or tinea versicolor

  • Shingles, like in humans, is caused by the herpes virus in dogs. Its first manifestations can be noticed in the abdomen and ribs - first, the animal suffers from itching, the dog actively itches and licks the offending area of ​​skin, and then blisters filled with liquid form in the itchy areas. When such a bubble bursts, crusts form in its place.

Shingles in dogs is caused by the herpes virus.

Advice! Do not try to make a diagnosis yourself from a photo; even a specialist cannot always do this without special diagnostic procedures.

  • The most common route of transmission of dermatomycosis is from a sick animal through direct contact (for example, in play or during mating).
  • With dermatomycosis, latent carriage of the fungus is possible - then the animal does not get sick, but can become a carrier if it comes into contact with a dog that has a low immune status.

Most often, lichen is transmitted between dogs while walking.

  • Often a dog gets sick after contact with other people's toys, bowls, or bedding. Leashes with collars are also not safe if they were worn by his infected brethren before your pet.
  • Mycosis is also transmitted from mother to fetus and when healthy puppies are fed by an infected mother.
  • In some cases, dermatophyte spores enter the dog’s skin from the soil, in which they can survive for a long time – up to two years. But even if you are the owner lap dog, not leaving the apartment, then your four-legged pet can “catch” lichen by rubbing against your outdoor shoes or clothes.


Fungal forms of lichen in dogs, or dermatomycosis (these include microsporia and trichophytosis) are characterized by general symptoms, in particular - the localization of pathological foci on the face, abdomen and limbs. If the amount of fungus on the extremities becomes high, then pathological process claws are involved.

Ringworm on dogs paws

Subsequently, the claw cracks and its integrity is compromised.

In small puppies, the lesions can be large, completely covering the areas of the limbs and head.

Puppies are susceptible to severe spread of shingles, which can cover the dog's entire head.

The mechanism of development of the disease is as follows:

  • The animal begins to shed intensively. Then a rash appears on a limited area of ​​the animal’s skin, merging into a spot. Unbearable itching torments the animal so much that it begins to itch too actively.

Advice! Itchy skin- it's always alarming symptom, signaling a certain pathological condition. You should not wait for your pet’s health to deteriorate; you need to show your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

  • The spot gradually grows, the skin in this area thickens and becomes covered with a reddish crust, and hair falls out. The lesion site acquires clear boundaries.
  • New lesions appear, and the primary spot may increase in size.
  • The dog looks depressed, worries, eats poorly, and stops playing.
  • In severe forms, bacterial flora joins the disease - suppuration occurs under the crust.

Note! There is an atypical form of development of this disease. With an atypical course of the disease, any of its characteristic signs may be absent, for example, redness of the skin or intense itching. However, areas of baldness due to dermatophytosis almost always occur in dogs.


  • At the appointment, the veterinarian examines the dog visually.
  • After this, he X-rays the animal in a darkened room using a Wood's lamp. The affected areas of the skin will glow under ultraviolet light, the photo below shows how:

Wood's lamp allows you to see all areas of the body affected by lichen

  • Microscopy of scrapings from mycotic foci will help the veterinarian more accurately determine the type of pathogen.
  • In some cases it is also shown bacteriological examination material.

Fungus treatment

Depending on what result was obtained when diagnosing the results, the doctor determines how to treat lichen in a dog individually in each case.

Advice! If you have not admitted your pet to a hospital and intend to treat your dog’s lichen at home, use rubber gloves when treating outbreaks and do not forget to follow preventive measures. The disease can be transmitted from dog to person and vice versa.


Ringworm should be treated strictly as prescribed by your veterinarian. Typically, therapy is carried out in several directions and includes the following drugs:

  • Antifungal cream or ointment for ringworm for dogs (for example, Yam, as well as non-veterinary products from regular pharmacies prescribed by a doctor - Mycozoral, Lamifen, Itraconazole). Local medications are aimed at eliminating the pathogen from the lesions. They are also prescribed in the form of sprays, solutions, talc, shampoos containing Clotrimazole, Miconazole and other antifungal substances.

Clotrimazole is a high-quality antifungal agent for the treatment of lichen in dogs

Advice! Before applying any topical treatment, trim the hair in the area adjacent to the bald areas and treat the original area, including the clipped area, with an antiseptic solution such as Chlorhexidine. Then pat your skin dry and apply the base medicinal drug– also with the capture of a healthy area of ​​the skin.

  • Antibacterial drugs (indicated in case of secondary infection - Doxycycline, Ceftriaxone, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, etc.).
  • In the case of mycoses, vaccines against these diseases are prescribed as an additional therapeutic drug. The drug in the appropriate dose is administered intramuscularly into the thigh - at least twice with an interval of 10 days in different limbs. After the first administration, a visual deterioration in the condition of the animal’s skin may occur. Don't be scared, it's normal reaction. The doctor may prescribe one of the vaccines for the dog: Vakderm, Polivac or Microderm.
  • In case of generalized and deep damage, the animal is prescribed oral administration of antifungal agents, the dosage of which is calculated strictly by weight. The drugs of choice include Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Terbinafine and others.

Diagnosis of lichen in dogs

The appearance of primary signs of trichophytosis is the basis for a visit to the veterinarian. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using several methods:

  • Examination of skin and hair samples under a microscope
  • Translucent fur elements using “black light”
  • Sowing the material in a nutrient medium. The most accurate way to make a diagnosis.

In case of local lesions, the hair is cut along the contour of the area. The skin is treated with betadine and hydrogen peroxide, trying to remove dead elements of the scales.

Daily treatment of the skin with a fungistatic solution or ointment is prescribed. Antifungal drugs are indicated in the form of ointments and creams based on sulfur and salicylic acid. Infected areas are also lubricated with ointments containing an antibiotic.

In cases of severe lichen damage to the skin, dogs have all their hair cut off. The animal is wiped twice a week with a fungistatic liquid. For internal use Fulvicin is prescribed.

Treatment is carried out simultaneously with external and internal medications, tablets and injections are combined with ointments and shampoos.

The main drugs for treating the disease are Intraconazole and Griseofulvin.

Griseofulvin is an antibiotic that is active against pathogenic fungi. The drug acts directly on the cell membrane of the fungus, destroying it. Take after a meal consisting of fatty foods. The medicine has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant bitches and dogs with renal impairment. An overdose causes nausea, diarrhea, and anemia.

Intraconazole is a more effective drug with less side effects. The drug blocks the spread of fungal cell membrane components. Side effects are rare, but sometimes vomiting and lack of appetite are noted.

Duration of treatment is from 8 to 10 weeks. After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to take tests for dermatophytes, with a repeat test after 1 month. The decision on prescribing medications and treatment regimens rests with the veterinarian.

How does infection occur?

Fungal spores are one of the most resistant microorganisms to various conditions and can live in a wide variety of environments, so even outside the body they remain viable for many months and even years. The most favorable weather for fungi is damp weather with high humidity; in this case, they begin to multiply intensively, affecting the upper layers of the skin of animals.

A dog infected with lichen becomes dangerous to its environment. It is capable of infecting not only its relatives, but also humans. Ringworm is transmitted through contact with sick dogs.

Experienced dog breeders know that you should walk your pet with trusted domestic dogs, and by all means you should avoid contact with stray dogs and cats.

A pet can also become infected while lying on someone else’s bed, eating from the plate of a sick animal, or even playing with its toys. The source of the disease can also be the ammunition of a dog with lichen.

There are a number of conditions that favor the development of infection in an animal’s body. All of them, first of all, affect the body’s immune forces:

  • bearing and subsequent feeding of offspring;
  • poor diet;
  • recent illness caused by viruses;
  • age – young animals and dogs over 8 years of age are more often infected with lichen;
  • diseases caused by oncology.

Treatment of trichophytosis

An integrated approach is the basis for successfully getting rid of ringworm in dogs. The photo shows what ringworm looks like in a dog.

When the first signs of damage appear, you should immediately contact a veterinarian in order to destroy the fungus and the consequences of its effects on the body as soon as possible. It is strictly not recommended to choose treatment methods on your own or on the advice of friends. The drugs used can give a temporary effect, after which the disease will progress. They can also distort the picture of the disease, making it difficult for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis.

Complex therapy in the treatment of ringworm in dogs consists of the following areas:

  • local treatment of lesions;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintenance therapy.

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and is usually 4-6 weeks. It is necessary to completely complete the course prescribed by the veterinarian and under no circumstances stop it immediately after the clinical picture improves. After completing the course, you should undergo a re-examination to confirm the absence of fungi in the body. A pet is considered healthy when two tests done a week apart show negative results.

During the treatment process the following are used:

  • Ointments (Miconazole, Thiabendazole, Clotrimazole, Yam Ointment). Treatment is carried out two to three times a day by applying a thin layer of the product to areas of the body that have been shaved of hair.
  • Solutions of iodine, salicylic acid or clotrimazole are used for additional external treatment only on the recommendation of a doctor with strict adherence to dosages, since they can provoke necrosis of the surface layers of the skin, which will require additional treatment.
  • Tablets (Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Griseofulvin) - prescribed when large areas of the body are affected or the fungus is resistant to external treatments. Hepatoprotective drugs are taken in combination with them to reduce the negative impact of the tablets on the liver.
  • Shampoos (Keto plus) - used in case of a large number of bald spots according to the instructions attached to them. It is important to thoroughly rinse off the foam to prevent it from entering the stomach and mucous membranes and causing possible poisoning. If the fur is thick, it is better to shave it off, but then the animal needs to wear overalls during the walk to prevent hypothermia and weakened immunity.

  • Immunostimulants and vitamins (Immunofan, Ribotan) - provide support for a weakened body, strengthening the immune system and accelerating the restoration of hair and skin.
  • Antibiotics in the form of ointments, injections or tablets are used as prescribed by a veterinarian when a secondary infection occurs (staphylococcal or streptococcal), which causes inflammation and suppuration of wounds.

Every person should understand how much responsibility he takes upon himself when he gets a four-legged pet. Animals, just like people, are prone to various diseases.

The most popular diseases common among four-legged animals include lichen.

Let's look at how to treat lichen in dogs so that this disease does not become a threat to both the dog itself and family members.

Before considering medications and treatment methods, it is necessary to understand the causes of the disease.

Ringworm is quite common skin disease, which occurs in both humans and animals.

In ninety percent of cases, the cause of the disease lies in the presence of viruses or fungi in the body. This disease is especially dangerous because it can spread from a dog to a person.

In most cases, the disease spreads through contact, but in some cases animals “catch” the disease through the soil. Fungal spores can reproduce for several years.

Almost any conditions are ideal for them; they tolerate both heat and dampness well.

Veterinarians say there are certain factors that help determine whether pets are predisposed to the disease. These factors include the following:

  • low immunity;
  • feeding period;
  • viral diseases;
  • some types of cancer;
  • improper diet;
  • age and pregnancy.

If we put all these factors together, we can say that the appearance of lichen is facilitated by the weakness of the body, which becomes fertile ground for the development of various infections.

Signs of lichen

To protect their health and the health of their pets, every owner should know the signs of lichen in dogs. There are several types of the disease, each of which has its own degree of severity.

Each form of the disease has its own distinct external signs. So, experts divide this disease into the following categories:

  • cutting shape;
  • pityriasis form;
  • wet form;
  • encircling form;
  • pityriasis rosea.

Each of these forms of diseases can be transmitted from dogs to humans. For this reason, it is very important to know the symptoms of all types of disease.


The weeping form of lichen is often referred to as eczema. This type of disease is characterized by three forms of progression. These forms include chronic, acute or inflammatory lichen. The disease appears against the background allergic reactions in the animal's body.

The main symptoms of the disease include the appearance of a rash, itching and burning. Very often, dogs during this period begin to show anxiety, whining, licking the affected skin. At the site of the rash formation, small swelling, crust, cracks and blisters may appear. Quite often, the lesions peel off and cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal.

Before considering treatment for lichen in dogs at home, it is necessary to identify the cause that led to the onset of the disease.

Based on the form and severity of the disease, a treatment method is selected.

There are different types lichen, and in order to cure lichen in a dog as quickly as possible, you need to be able to determine what it is

Before starting treatment, the doctor must trim the hair in the area of ​​the rash. This is necessary so that the fabric can breathe.

After this, the inflamed skin is treated with a special anti-inflammatory composition. You can use both medications and infusions medicinal herbs. To dry the skin, use baby powder, zinc ointment or talc.

When a dog suffers from itching, special ointments containing antihistamines are applied to the areas of inflammation. Antihistamines are also used in tablet form. In case of a severe form of the disease, the dog is transferred to a special food or diet.

Ringworm in dogs - got its name due to the fact that the hair around and on the affected areas falls out. Symptoms of this disease most often appear on the skin of the pet's limbs, tail and head. In rare cases, ringworm spots may appear on the nose or claws.

The rashes are round in shape and can reach two centimeters in diameter. They spread quite quickly throughout the animal’s body, forming a kind of scaly pattern. As the disease progresses, hair falls out on the affected areas and itching appears.

You can see what the symptoms of the disease look like in the photo of the initial stage of lichen in dogs. The method of treating the disease is as follows. To begin with, a visual examination of the animal is carried out and the lesions are calculated.

It is very important to capture a few centimeters of “healthy” area in order to prevent the disease from spreading.

Clipped wool should not be thrown away or stored in the house, as this will help spread the virus. It is best to collect it and burn it. Before you start treating the skin, you need to remove the crust from the rash.

In order to avoid such complications, veterinarians recommend using Yam and Clotrimazole ointments. The skin should be treated with these medications at least three times a day. A photo of ringworm in dogs clearly demonstrates the symptoms of the disease.

An unusual disease at first glance, when it develops it can be very dangerous not only for animals, but even for humans

This form of the disease is also called multicolor or beach type of lichen. This form is quite widespread. The first signs of the disease can be recognized by the appearance of a small pink spot. At the initial stage, only one spot appears. The tumor can appear on the pet’s limbs, back or neck.

In order to determine the presence of the disease, it is necessary to carefully examine the dog's skin for areas that differ from the rest in color. The color of the spot can be either yellow or dark brown. In most cases, the affected area is covered with small scales.

The dog should be treated with the following means. For external use, sulfur ointment, salicylic alcohol and Wilkinson's ointment are used. In severe cases of the disease, veterinarians prescribe drugs such as Undecivit and Neotigazon.

The use of folk recipes is also allowed. For this you will need juice from fresh onions. Apply this juice to the skin once a day.

Varieties of lichen

Medical treatment for lichen

How to treat ringworm in dogs, if any traditional medicines don't help? As a rule, veterinarians recommend the following therapy:

  1. Treating the affected areas with antiseptics (for example, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or Furacilin, you can also use a decoction of medicinal chamomile). To make it easier to care for damaged skin, the dog’s fur in problem areas is trimmed;
  2. The use of antifungal ointments (such as YaM BK, Griseofulvin, Zoomikol, Vedinol, etc.);
  3. Taking antifungal antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections (for example, Levorin, Fluconazole, Intraconazole, Amphotericin);
  4. Taking immunostimulants (for example, Gamavit, Mexidol-Vet, Immunol);
  5. Introduction of vitamins (dogs with dermatophytosis especially need vitamin A).

During treatment, the sick dog is isolated and children whose immunity is low are not allowed near the animal. All items that have come into contact with the skin of a dog suffering from ringworm are either replaced with new ones or thoroughly boiled (if possible). In the apartment where the sick dog lives, general cleaning is done with chlorine-based products, and if possible, the room is quartzed.

After treatment with the means recommended by the veterinarian, you should definitely show the dog to a specialist who will again examine the skin of the tailed patient. Unfortunately, some owners, having noticed a slight improvement (for example, when the lesions become smaller in diameter), stop carrying out therapeutic measures, and meanwhile the fungi penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, covering more and more areas.


The dog is prescribed multivitamins, as well as special vitamins that stimulate hair growth. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed to protect the liver. The most powerful immunomodulators are Imunofan and Maxidin.

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the sick pet’s contact with children and other animals is limited and, if possible, placed in a separate room. Carry out wet cleaning and disinfect animal care items. Treatment of ringworm in dogs with drugs varies depending on the severity of the lesion: for this, external and oral medications and vaccination are used. Except special medicines, if necessary, the dog is prescribed additional medications:

  • multivitamins;
  • means for protecting the liver - hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • probiotics to normalize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antihistamines.

Home Remedies

Antifungal antibiotics are prescribed if the infected lesions are large or topical treatments do not help. Before treating your pet with tablets, you should consult a doctor because they have side effects. The following medications are most often prescribed for dogs:

  • "Intraconazole";
  • "Griseofulvin";
  • "Ketoconazole";
  • "Fluconazole".

Folk remedies are used when it is not possible to purchase antifungal drugs in pharmacies. Owners say that you can cure ringworm in a dog with iodine: the infected areas are treated 3 times a day. Other popular remedy– apple cider vinegar – wipe sore areas 5 times a day. Some folk medicines do not remove the fungus, but help improve the condition of the epidermis: eliminate inflammation, itching, and dryness. These include:

  • celandine juice;
  • onion juice;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • Birch tar;
  • lemon juice with vegetable oil;

The selected drugs are rubbed into the affected areas 3 – 4 times a day.

Griseofulvins. This is the only group of antibiotics that kill pathogenic fungi. They act on the cell membrane of actinomycetes, destroying its structure. If your veterinarian prescribes this drug in tablet form, remember that it is best to give it after a meal, and the meal should be fatty. This measure minimizes the effect of the drug on the gastric mucosa.

Please note that griseofulvin should not be used on pregnant bitches, as well as dogs that may be mated earlier than two weeks after treatment. If a severe overdose has been taken, nausea, fever, lethargy, diarrhea, and anemia are possible. In case of individual intolerance, liver failure may occur.

Oddly enough, sulfur-based preparations perform well. Before using ointments based on them, we strongly recommend cutting the hair of long-haired dogs. This way you will not only increase the effectiveness of treatment, but also dramatically reduce the number of hairs infected with the fungus. Please note that the dog should not lick itself immediately after applying sulfur to its skin, as the possibility of poisoning is quite likely.

A unique vaccine against trichophytosis was developed in the Soviet Union. Today there are many of its analogues, including the drug “VAKDERM”. These funds help not only for prevention: the vaccine against canine trichophytosis is also effective in case of an existing disease in the animal. Any secondary skin infections, such as folliculitis or pyaemia, are treated with a combination of broad-spectrum antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents.


The use of the following preventive measures can minimize the risk of infection of your pet:

All of the above measures will help increase the body’s resistance to pathogenic fungi and eliminate the formation favorable conditions for their reproduction. If an animal has low resistance to infection by fungal microorganisms, then the cause of this phenomenon should be sought. Among possible reasons There may be problems with the immune system or hidden illnesses.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

To avoid dog infection, it is necessary to pay attention to prevention, increase immunity, and vaccinate. Periodically introduce vitamin complexes into the diet, since healthy and strong dogs are less likely to become infected.

It is necessary to limit the animal’s contact with stray and unfamiliar dogs during a walk or exhibition. Sanitary measures for treating the dog’s bedding, bowls, care items, and toys should be regular.

Varieties of lichen

It is important to prevent your pet from coming into contact with stray dogs in a timely manner.

Unfortunately, it is aimed only at complex action. It cannot protect against all fungi.

This can significantly complicate therapy.

How to treat lichen in dogs: the most effective method? The success of treatment directly depends on its timely start. Following your doctor's recommendations will help protect your pet from the virus and from allergies.

It is worth remembering that normal conditions of detention and a balanced diet, including various vitamins and beneficial microelements can significantly enhance the body’s overall resistance.

To prevent lichen, vaccination is also carried out. For injection, the already listed medical supplies, such as Vakderm and Polivak-TM.

We must not forget that spores of the causative agent of ringworm remain in all places where a sick pet is, so it is important to regularly take measures to destroy them:

  • the apartment is often vacuumed, garbage is burned;
  • the floor and other surfaces in the house are treated with disinfectants;
  • The pet's bedding is periodically washed in a disinfectant solution;
  • disinfect animal care items with antifungal solutions;
  • The dog is treated with protective gloves and special clothing, which you don’t mind throwing away later.

Contacts of a sick dog are limited. It is unacceptable to let your pet roam unattended. It is possible to avoid deprivation in dogs, but to do this you need to take preventive measures:

  • regularly examine the coat and skin;
  • do not let go outside unattended;
  • wash paws after walks;
  • periodically disinfect the dog’s places in the house;
  • limit contact with unfamiliar animals.

It is much easier to prevent any disease in advance than to cure it; do not forget about the rules of prevention.

An effective measure to prevent lichen in dogs is preliminary anti-infective vaccination.

The vaccine is given twice with an interval of approximately ten days.

After vaccination, the dog may become significantly worse general state However, this phenomenon is considered normal, after some time the adverse manifestations disappear, and the animal’s immunity increases significantly.

Effectiveness of vaccination

Such drugs are injected into the femoral muscle of dogs twice (repeated administration is carried out 10-14 days after the first vaccination). Immunity after two injections of the vaccine lasts for 1 year. If the drug was used to get rid of dermatophytosis, the therapeutic effect occurs half a month to a month after the second administration.

The ringworm vaccine for dogs is a controversial method of getting rid of ringworm. Firstly, lichen is not a viral, but a fungal disease, so today a truly effective drug has not yet been developed. Secondly, pets do not tolerate vaccination well, and after it the fungus develops resistance to drugs, which complicates further treatment.

Ringworm (dermatomycoses)infection skin and its derivatives, caused by pathogenic fungi - dermatophytes.

Ringworm can be contracted by a person who has contact with a sick dog (,).

Ringworm affects all breeds of dogs, with younger dogs being more susceptible to ringworm.

Fungi of the genus Microsporum in pathological material have a branched, septate mycelium, which, when disintegrating, forms round, unicellular spores. A sheath or muff consisting of fungal spores forms around the affected hair. The spores are arranged randomly in the form of a dense mosaic.

Trichophytons on nutrient media (wort - agar, Sabouraud's medium, etc.) grow slowly, forming colonies (smooth, leathery, folded, etc.) with branches into the substrate within 10-20 days under aerobic conditions.

Fungi of the genus Ashorion in pathological material have a mycelium consisting of branching hyphae with a dense plexus in the form of felt. The mycelium is thin, septate. The shape of the spores is round or multifaceted. The spores are arranged in chains or groups.

The causative agent of favus rises dome-shaped above the level of the Sabouraud nutrient medium in the form of a yellow-white colony, which then becomes wrinkled and waxy.

Dermatophytes are very resistant to external factors - they persist in the affected hair for up to 2-5 years, in the soil for up to 2 months. Vegetative forms of the pathogen die when exposed to a 1-3% formaldehyde solution in 15 minutes, 5-8% alkali solution in 20-30 minutes.

Epizootological data. All types of domestic animals suffer from ringworm, regardless of age, but young animals are more susceptible in the autumn-winter period. Trichophytosis also affects rodents, which often have contact with stray dogs. In dogs, trichophytosis is accompanied by the formation of limited lesions (bare or with remnants of hair) on the skin in the head, neck, torso, base of the tail and limbs, inflammation of the skin and follicles.

The microsporic form of ringworm in dogs is accompanied by inflammation of the skin and its derivatives. Young dogs, especially stray dogs, are sensitive to microsporia. Sick dogs infect the environment with falling scales, scabs and affected hair. Infection of healthy dogs occurs during a walk as a result of direct contact with animals sick with microsporia (cats, dogs, rodents, etc.). Healthy dog can become infected through infected care items, bedding, clothing and shoes of people who have been in contact with sick animals.

Favus (scab) in a dog is accompanied by damage to the skin, hair, and claws. Infection of dogs occurs from dogs with ringworm, through direct contact through damaged skin. Factors in the transmission of the disease are a variety of items used to care for sick animals, as well as contaminated feed.

Pathogenesis. Once on the skin of a dog, the spores or mycelium of the fungus grow and multiply in tissues containing the horny substance-kerotene, grow into the hair follicles and multiply in them, the reproduction of spores and mycelium also occurs in the epidermis under a layer of keratinized cells. During the process of growth and reproduction, fungi release toxins and proteolytic enzymes, which lead to the development of a superficial inflammatory reaction on the skin and loosening of the stratum corneum. In the presence of conditions favorable for development, the pathogen penetrates to the mouth of the hair follicles and into the neck of the hair, destroys the cuticle, internal hair sheath, and cortex, which ultimately leads to disruption of hair nutrition and its subsequent loss. The dermis of the skin thickens, the mouths of the follicles expand, and pus accumulates in the follicles. When the hair leaves the follicle, it breaks, and numerous scales and crusts form on the surface of the skin. At the site of the skin lesion, the dog develops hyperkeratosis. The severity of the inflammatory reaction in a dog depends on the type of pathogen, skin condition and body resistance.

Inflamed areas of the skin itch, dogs scratch, resulting in the spread of the ringworm pathogen to other areas of the body. With ringworm, the pathogen can be transported through the blood and lymphatic vessels with the subsequent formation of multiple lesions in places of reproduction. As a result, a metabolic disorder occurs in the dog's body and ultimately the sick animal may become exhausted. During the period of pronounced clinical signs of ringworm, the dog develops an allergy and specific serum antibodies appear in the blood.

Clinical picture. Symptoms of ringworm in dogs do not appear immediately. The incubation (latent) period for ringworm, depending on the resistance of the dog’s body, can last up to 30 days or more. The disease itself in a dog lasts from 3-9 weeks to 9 months or more.

According to the degree of damage, superficial, deep, erased and hidden forms of ringworm are distinguished. In adult dogs, ringworm most often occurs in a latent form; in young dogs, all forms of the disease are observed. The disease in dogs is accompanied by itching.

The superficial form of ringworm is characterized by hair loss and breaking off, and the formation of hairless, scaly, round spots on the skin. Signs of exudation (the presence of an inflammatory focus on the skin) are hardly noticeable in this form. Lesions can be focal or disseminated.

In the deep (follicular) form, the inflammatory process in the skin is pronounced; crusts of dried exudate form on the surface of the dog’s skin. Small spots may coalesce to form large, crusty lesions. The deep form of ringworm in dogs is rare and only in advanced cases.

The atypical form is characterized by the appearance of hairless or sparsely haired areas of the coat. There is no significant skin inflammation. Upon visual inspection, such areas resemble scratches and injuries to dog owners.

The latent form (subclinical) is accompanied in dogs by damage to individual hairs on the head, neck, trunk and limbs. Hair loss, the formation of scales, and crusts are not observed with this form of ringworm. During a visual examination, it is not possible to identify the affected hair in a dog; they can only be detected using the luminescent method in a veterinary clinic.

With trichophytosis in dogs, limited lesions with broken hair and a flaky surface appear on the scalp, neck, torso, base of the tail and limbs, or we observe inflamed areas of the skin and its follicles.

Scab (favus) in dogs usually occurs sporadically. During a clinical examination, veterinary specialists find lesions in such dogs at the base of the claws, scalp, and, less commonly, hairless areas of the abdomen, thighs, and chest. The resulting spots are covered with gray-white crusts, which gradually take on the shape of a saucer. The crusts of a sick dog can stick together into continuous layers, from which a characteristic putrefactive odor emanates.

Diagnosis specialists for ringworm veterinary clinic are placed in a comprehensive manner, taking into account epizootological data, clinical signs, as well as taking into account cultural microscopic and luminescent methods for determining the pathogen. For laboratory testing, scrapings (scales, hair, crusts) are taken from the periphery of the affected areas of the body of a sick dog that have not undergone medical procedures. This pathological material for research can be sent in test tubes, Petri dishes, bottles with a ground-in stopper, or in a plastic bag to a veterinary laboratory or diagnostic office.

For diagnostic examination (microcopying), the pathological material is placed in a Petri dish, filled with a 10% sodium hydroxide solution and placed in a thermostat for 20-30 minutes or slightly heated over a burner flame. Then, using a dissecting needle, it is transferred to a glass slide and enclosed in 50% water solution glycerol, cover with a coverslip and view under a microscope at low to medium magnification. With ringworm, straight mycelial hyphae with septa lying along the periphery of the hair are visible. Spores 3-6 microns in size are unicellular, round and oval, arranged in clutches or chains. Hair infected with microspore fungi is covered with spores (straight, septate, branched mycelium).

The luminescent method is used to examine pathological material and dogs suspicious for the disease. The pathological material is examined in Petri dishes in a dark room under a portable mercury-quartz lamp PRK-2, PRK-4 (USFFS light filter), and the sick animal is examined using a MiG or Wood lamp. Hair affected by microsporum fungi glows emerald green when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Treatment. Currently, there are several methods of highly effective treatment for ringworm. Treatment of a dog with ringworm should be carried out under the direct supervision of a veterinary specialist and a veterinarian - dermatologist. When carrying out treatment, dog owners must strictly observe personal preventive measures. Before applying the medication to the affected areas of the skin, wash them with warm water and soap.

Of the early methods of treating ringworm, the following are known - the use of 5-10% salicylic ointment, 10% salicylic alcohol, 10% tincture of iodine, sulfone, sulfur dioxide, 3-10% solution of carbolic and benzoic acids, iodoform, iodine monochloride, Yam ointment, etc. The above medications have a strong irritant and cauterizing effect on the skin. Have used them quite a lot long time, although this did not always lead to the animal’s recovery.

Antibiotics nystatin and griseofulvin are widely used to treat ringworm. Griseofulvin is given to dogs orally during feeding, 1 tablet 4 times a day for two weeks. Nystatin is also given orally at 500,000 units. 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is two weeks. When using these drugs, owners of a sick dog should keep in mind that they have a strong side effect, and must be used with great caution.

Of the imported drugs, the oral antifungal drug nizoral (Hungary) is very effective. This drug administered orally once a day, 1-2 tablets, course of treatment is 2-8 weeks.

For ringworm, the use of the following ointments is also effective - undecine, zincundan, mycoseptin, mycosolone, clotrimazole. They must be used according to the instructions.

Effective for ringworm is the use of Wilkinson's ointment, which is rubbed into the lesions 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 7-14 days. If the need arises, then after 5 days the course of treatment is repeated.

In recent years, highly effective, reliable and low-toxic live and inactivated vaccines Vakderm, Polivac-TM, Trimevac, Microderm and others. Owners of a sick dog should remember that a regimen for the treatment and prevention of ringworm is developed, carried out and monitored veterinary specialist clinics.

Prevention. General prevention of ringworm in dogs is based on the animal owners observing veterinary and sanitary rules in the premises, creating normal living conditions, providing the dog with nutritious food and carrying out regular disinfection. Dog owners need to remember that a balanced diet, including vitamins and macro-microelements, helps improve immunity and can increase the body’s overall resistance to various diseases (,).