The first symptoms of ringworm in humans. Forms and stages of development of ringworm. We determine lichen on the body or feet

- a disease of the skin, nails and hair of a person, which is provoked by pathogenic fungi and is highly contagious. This type of fungal infection has been well studied in medicine, it can be called trichophytosis or microsporia, as it is caused by two types of mycotic organisms: Microsporum and Trichophyton. Other synonyms for ringworm are such terms as: dermatophytosis, dermatophytosis, ringworm.

Microsporia is a highly contagious infection, children are at an increased risk. Moreover, boys are five times more likely to be infected with ringworm than girls. It is customary to distinguish between microsporia of smooth skin and scalp. Nails are involved with pathological process much less often.


    Zooanthroponotic microsporia, the causative agent of which affects dogs, cats and humans;

    Anthroponous microsporia, the causative agent of which affects only humans;

    Geophiles - pathogens of this type of microsporia live exclusively in the soil, infection can occur only through contact with it.

According to available statistics, microsporia affects from 50 to 70 people out of 100,000. The disease is seasonal, more widespread in the warm season. In those regions where a hot climate prevails, the infection is diagnosed much more often.

Trichophytosis can be transmitted either from animals to humans, or from person to person. Only people suffer from anthroponous trichophytosis, most often they are children. Zooanthroponic trichophytosis can be transmitted from domestic animals, or from mice to humans.

ringworm symptoms

Symptoms of ringworm can vary somewhat, depending on the location of the infection, on disorders in the immune system and on its ability to cope with the disease.

In this regard, it is customary to distinguish:

    Lichen superficial with localization on the scalp. Most often, infection occurs through contact with a sick person, or through interaction with an infected animal. If you do not get rid of superficial lichen of the scalp in childhood, that is, the danger of its transition to a chronic form after puberty of a female child. In boys aged 13-15, untreated superficial lichen of the scalp most often resolves on its own.

    Symptoms of this type of ringworm are:

    • Single area or multiple lesions with thinning hair. Such foci have a rounded shape.

      Areas of scaly skin may appear on the face, the scales of which are grayish, or White color. They are very similar in appearance to dandruff.

      The more actively the microorganisms that cause lichen begin to multiply, the more the hair begins to break. Over time, the area looks as if the hair on it was cut off at a level of 1-2 mm from the skin.

      The edges of the affected area are surrounded by small bubbles. After they burst, a crust forms in their place. yellow color. The skin itself may be slightly hyperemic.

      The affected areas have a large diameter and can reach 10 cm, and sometimes exceed this figure.

      Itching in the superficial form of ringworm is most often not observed. If it occurs, it has a rather weak degree of severity and does not cause discomfort to a person.

    A patient with superficial lichen experiences psychological discomfort to a greater extent, since his appearance suffers seriously.

    Lichen superficial, affecting smooth skin. Often this type of ringworm can be confused with pink lichen, but there is one significant difference between them - pink lichen never affects the hands, feet and face. Ringworm, in turn, can occur anywhere on the body. In addition, pink lichen will not last more than 8 weeks, and ringworm can bother a person for many years, often changing the stage of remission to the stage of exacerbation.

    Symptoms of the superficial form of ringworm, affecting smooth skin, are:

    • Bright spot with clear boundaries. The borders themselves will be raised above the skin, forming a small roller. It consists of blisters and papules of a pinkish tint. The middle of the spot is lighter, covered with skin scales.

      If the disease is not treated, the spots can grow.

      The patient will be haunted by itching of the skin.

    Most often, superficial lichen occurs on the smooth skin of the neck and face, often appears on lower limbs and on the body.

    Ringworm in chronic form. The chronic form of ringworm in adulthood can be found exclusively in females. The disease develops against the background of an infection that was not treated in childhood and worsens when the functioning of the ovaries is impaired, thyroid gland. The impetus can also be a general decrease in immune forces and hypovitaminosis.

    The symptoms of chronic ringworm are as follows:

    • The affected area is the scalp (mainly temples and the back of the head), smooth skin(mainly elbows, buttocks, hips, palms), nail plates.

      When the hairy area is affected, the rods themselves break at the root. The focus does not grow by more than 10 mm, there is no inflammation, and a scaly scar forms over time.

      When smooth skin is involved in the process, the spot does not have clearly defined boundaries, it can reach large sizes. The color of the spot can be any shade, ranging from pink to bluish. Chronic rashes are always itchy and flaky.

      If the nail plate is involved in the pathological process, then its color changes first of all. From light pink, it transforms into gray. The nail becomes cloudy, dull, begins to crumble. There are two options for changing the nail plate: it becomes either thinner or thicker.

    Infiltrative-suppurative form of deep ringworm. This type of disease affects only human hair follicles. This form of the disease can only be contracted from an animal.

    The symptoms of deep ringworm are as follows:

    • Rise in body temperature.

      Enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes.

      Related skin rashes allergic nature.

      General weakness and malaise.

      Large red plaques appear on the head, their diameter can reach 10 cm or more. They have an uneven surface with hillocks rising above it. Outwardly, deep ringworm resembles a tumor. This type is due to the fact that suppuration of the hair follicles occurs. This inflammatory process is accompanied by swelling of the skin, which elevates the plaque above the surface.

      A person experiences pain at the site of inflammation. If the follicle is opened, then purulent contents will be released from it.

      As the inflammation subsides, loose brown crusts appear in the middle of the plaque. If a man is exposed to the disease, then plaques can form on his mustache and beard.

      The abortive form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of pale spots that do not have clearly defined boundaries. Symptoms of the disease are mild, itching is not very pronounced.

      The erythematous-edematous variety of ringworm can occur in childhood or in women. This form of the disease is characterized by severe inflammation and allergic skin reactions. The surface of the spot is covered with small scales.

      The papular squamous form of the disease affects the chest and face. In this case, the formed plaque rises above the surface of the skin, has pronounced tubercles, and is covered with dense skin scales. Itching of the skin is pronounced.

The reason for the appearance of ringworm can be only one - it is infection from the carrier of the fungus. Carriers can be both people and animals (most often it is stray dogs or cats).

On the skin healthy person an element of wool, a piece of dermis, soil or a hair shaft, which contains a pathogenic fungus, enters. It penetrates deep into healthy skin or nails and begins to multiply. If hair follicles are located nearby, then the fungi gradually grow into them, occupying the entire space of the bulb. After that, they begin to rise up the hair, accumulating in large concentrations between the hair scales. As the disease progresses, fungi destroy the stem. As a result, the hair breaks due to the increased weight. Near the rest of the hair shaft, the fungus continues to multiply, forming a white sheath. It can be seen without special magnifying equipment. This is the mechanism of infection with ringworm.

Ways of infection can be identified as follows:

    Transmission is flexible from animal to human. In this regard, children are most at risk. After all, they often come into contact with homeless animals. Moreover, parents should know that puppies and kittens of homeless animals often get sick with ringworm, on the coat of which until a certain time symptoms of the lesion may not be visible. In addition to homeless cats and dogs, domestic animals, for example, pigs, goats, sheep, etc., also act as a natural source of infection. Rodents can be carriers of the infection.

    Transfer of the fungus from a sick person to a healthy person by contact-household. The danger in this regard is represented by household items, combs, underwear and clothing used by the patient. For a long time, fungus spores continue to maintain their vital activity on car seats, on sofas, on soft toys, carpets, etc. They can live without a human or other living organism for several months.

    Contact with the diseased skin of an infected person can be dangerous in terms of transmission of the fungus.

    Infection with ringworm can occur in a hairdressing salon where the rules for disinfecting tools are not followed.

However, experts point out that infection with a fungus after its short contact with healthy skin does not always happen. In order for mycotic organisms to begin to multiply on the skin, in hair follicles, and on nails, they need favorable conditions. If the human immune system is strong, then it will not allow the pathological activity of the fungus. In this regard, the integrity of the skin is also important.

Factors that create favorable conditions for ringworm infection include the following:

    Maceration of the skin. This process is characterized by softening of the dermis as a result of its prolonged contact with water. This also includes hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet, disorders chemical composition secretion secreted by the sebaceous and sweat glands.

    Frequent contact with the earth or with animals associated with professional activities.

    Any injuries, scratches, abrasions, cracks, burns, abrasions, calluses of the skin, that is, everything that leads to a violation of its integrity.

    The crowding of people, which is especially important for children's groups, increases the risk of contracting ringworm.

    Neglect of personal hygiene rules. It is known that spores of the fungus are easily washed off with water when it comes into contact with the skin of a healthy person.

    Skin infections and a decrease in the immune defense of the body as a whole. In this regard, depression has a negative effect, stressful situations, chronic diseases, acute infections etc.

Why is ringworm dangerous? Consequences and complications

Ringworm does not pose a serious threat to human health or life. Most often, after getting rid of the disease, the hairline is completely restored.

However, if the disease provokes suppuration and inflammation on the scalp, then this can lead to hair loss without the possibility of their subsequent restoration.

Children who have had ringworm in an infiltrative-suppurative form may have one or more bald spots on their heads in the future. In addition, there is a risk of secondary infection.

Diagnosis of ringworm

Diagnosis consists in examining the patient, in clarifying the characteristics of his life (the presence of contacts with animals, the presence of an outbreak of the disease in a kindergarten is specified).

To detect mycotic cells and mycelium of the fungus, a microscopic examination of a skin scraping is performed. To clarify the diagnosis, a cultural study is performed to determine the type of causative agent of inflammation.

A luminescent study using a Wood's lamp makes it possible to examine not only the patient himself, but also contact persons. If there is a fact of infection, then the mycelium of the fungus will be highlighted in green.

These diagnostic measures will be enough to make a diagnosis.

    Is ringworm contagious? Yes, ringworm is infectious and highly contagious.

    Can ringworm go away without treatment? The possibility of ridding the body of ringworm on its own exists, but it is negligible. Science knows several cases when the disease passed without any medical intervention, however, these are isolated phenomena. Most often, the infection, causing inflammation once, begins to spread further. If the disease developed in childhood and was not treated, then it will persist until adulthood.

    Can ringworm come back? The disease can develop again if there has been a new fact of infection, or the treatment has not been completed. The body is not able to form immunity against ringworm fungi.

    Does ringworm itch or not? The disease causes itching, and in some cases it can cause severe anxiety to the patient.

    Can I bathe with ringworm? The disease is not a contraindication to exercise hygiene procedures. When you are sick, it is best to take a shower rather than a bath.

    What should I do if I get ringworm while pregnant? You should not panic if the infection developed during the gestation of the fetus, since these mycotic organisms are not able to have a pronounced effect on either the child or the woman. When infected, you should consult a doctor and undergo the treatment recommended by him. Not recommended during pregnancy oral preparations to get rid of the infection, it will be enough to use the ointments that the doctor will prescribe.

Which doctor should I contact?

If an adult or a child has symptoms of ringworm, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a specialist dermatologist or infectious disease specialist.

The doctor, using the diagnostic methods available to him, will confirm or deny the fact of infection and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is worth remembering that without therapy, ringworm can provoke a very backfire in the form of baldness or suppuration, and can also be spread to other people.

In addition, it is likely that under the symptoms of ringworm, diseases such as: atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus, alopecia areata, etc.

Ringworm treatment

Treatment for ringworm cannot be very quick. As a rule, therapy takes from a month to 6 weeks. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, all the recommendations prescribed by the doctor must be strictly followed.

Treatment must be carried out by a specialist, since attempts to get rid of the infection on their own can also lead to a chronic process. In this case, the disease will periodically remind of itself, capturing all new areas of the skin and scalp.

If during the diagnosis a single focus of lichen is found on the skin, and the patient feels well, then only local treatment can be prescribed. However, it is practiced only when the rash is located on the skin without vellus or coarse hair. The patient is recommended to treat the affected surface with iodine at a concentration of 5% in the morning, and then apply antimycotic ointments. In the evening, before applying the ointment, the skin is treated with salicylic acid.

If there are several plaques on the body, then the treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital. At the same time, local therapy is necessarily supplemented by taking drugs inside.

Ointments for the treatment of ringworm have a thick consistency, long time remain on the skin, do not drain and are not strongly smeared. In addition, they are not able to penetrate deeply into the cells of the epidermis, which means that the risk of developing side effects minimal. They may include clotrimazole, ketoconazole terbinafine, mycoconazole.

Doctors prescribe the following ointments to treat ringworm:

    Salicylic ointment. It should not be applied to the face. The ointment has an antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effect; after its application, the treated surface should be covered with a sterile cloth.

    Sulfur ointment at 10% or 10% concentration. It helps to get rid of mycotic organisms and bacteria, has a positive effect on the process of skin regeneration.

    Sulfur-tar ointment. It is applied to the surface of the lichen and to the tissues surrounding it. If the skin around is swollen, then a sterile bandage should be applied over the ointment.

    Mycospor. This ointment contributes to the destruction of cells of mycotic organisms, it must be applied in a thin layer.

    Wilkinson's ointment.

    Lamisil. It has a destructive effect on fungi, prevents their further reproduction.

    Prescription antimycotics for local treatment of ringworm is Vidal's milk and Lassar's paste. They are made in a pharmacy to order.

If the skin around the treatment area is contaminated, it should be washed. This is done not with ordinary water, but with disinfectant compounds, for example, a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate, miramistin.

Antimycotic gels are also often prescribed by dermatologists for topical treatment of ringworm. They are quickly absorbed and do not stain clothes, so they are easy to use.

In addition, the gels contain high concentrations of drugs:

    Gel Exifin in 1% concentration based on terbinafine.

    Mycogel KMP, in addition to the antimycotic effect, has antibacterial action. The main active ingredient is miconazole.

For the treatment of the scalp, it is more convenient to use antifungal drugs in the form of solutions. They have good permeability and do not stain the hair. They can be used to treat lichen planus as a preparation before applying an ointment or gel.

The following solutions are considered the most effective:

    Vocadin based on iodine.

    Yodicirin based on iodine and glycerin.

    Nitrofungin based on 1-chloro-4-nitrophenol. Modern and effective remedy, which has an antimycotic and antibacterial effect.

In addition to local treatment, it is possible to prescribe drugs with an antifungal effect in tablet form. They contribute to the destruction of the fungus from the inside. However, it is worth remembering that only a doctor can recommend such funds for admission. Although they have a pronounced therapeutic effect, antimycotics can cause side effects.

Popular medicines for oral administration are:

    It is a natural antimycotic with a narrow spectrum of activity against fungi that cause ringworm. The full course of therapy is up to 15 days.

    Orungal. The course of taking this drug based on itraconazole lasts up to 15 days.

    Lamisil with the active ingredient terbinafine can be recommended for use for 6 weeks.

    Fluconazole. The course of treatment with this drug is up to 8 weeks.

The effectiveness of the therapy is evaluated using a fluorescent lamp. At the end of the therapeutic course, a second skin scraping will be performed. If the fungi continue to be present on the integument of a person, then the treatment is either continued or the drug is replaced with another one.

It is important to take precautions within the family if there is a person with ringworm in it. To prevent its spread, shampoos with antimycotic components can be used as a prophylaxis: ketoconazole (1%), zinc pyrithione (up to 1%), selenium sulfide (1.5%), povidone-iodine.

Children with uncomplicated ringworm are treated at home. They should not attend educational institutions for 14 days or more from the start of therapy.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Infectious skin diseases caused by fungi can affect adults and children. The most common is ringworm or ringworm, trichophytosis, microsporia. The disease is extremely contagious, but its detection at an early stage guarantees safety for others and a quick cure.

The cause of the disease and methods of infection

Ringworm is caused fungi: Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Moisture is necessary for its reproduction; temperature from 20˚С to 30˚С; close to human body temperature; neutral or alkaline environment. This explains why the peak of the incidence among people in countries with interseasonal climate changes occurs in the summer.

Traditionally called "shearing", because getting on the hair, it penetrates the hair shaft and bulb. As a result, the hair breaks off at the very surface of the scalp, and bald spots are visible at the site of lichen localization. Also, the fungus can settle on any part of the body, nails.

The disease is highly contagious. If its causative agent is the zooanthropophilic fungus Microsporum, the carrier is an animal, in other cases it is a person. Sources of infection can be things that the infected person used.

The following categories of the population are most at risk of morbidity:

  • Children from 4 to 15 years old. The sources of infection in this case are often homeless animals: puppies, kittens, in which ringworm passes in mild form and may be invisible. At the same time, there is a high probability of an outbreak of the disease in the children's team that the child visits.
  • People who regularly visit a hairdressing salon where disinfection of working tools is not used: scissors, combs, shaving accessories.
  • People who have been in contact with soil infected with a fungus for a long time.
  • Children and adults attending sports sections where there is tactile contact with other people (sambo, various types of wrestling, judo).

In adults, the fungus often affects the skin, in children - hairy part head, which is associated with underdevelopment of immunity.

Important! FROM ringworm during pregnancy not dangerous for the unborn child and does not entail infection of the fetus.

Factors contributing to the penetration and growth of a colony of the fungus - loosening of the dermis (maceration); abrasions, microcracks, burns; reduced immunity; a state of constant stress.

Ringworm does not cause a significant deterioration in well-being, but it looks unaesthetic and causes inconvenience. Knowing what does ringworm look like, you can prevent the spread of the disease throughout the body.

Forms and symptoms of depriving

The intensity of the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease and the period of healing depends on which fungus caused the skin lesion.


Symptomatic manifestations ringworm caused by the fungus Microsporum:

  • the location of the lesion near the crown;
  • a large rounded lesion, reaching a diameter of 5 cm;
  • intense peeling, a whitish shade of the skin, which eventually turns red, swells, becomes inflamed;
  • small spots along the contour of the lesion;
  • fragility, but not hair loss at the site of the spread of the fungus.

As a rule, no more than 1 week passes from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms.

Distinctive features of microsporia is that the disease can resolve itself without the use of medications during hormonal changes in the body.


For trichophytosis caused by the fungus Trichophyton, the following signs are characteristic:

  • skin affected by a fungus differs from healthy skin in a gray-pink tint and peeling;
  • the hair at the site of the lichen breaks off at the very base and cannot break through the keratinized top layer of the skin;
  • minor skin injuries on the skin cause the formation of papules with purulent contents.

ringworm cause which - Trichophyton, refers to intractable and does not go away, but only worsens without timely treatment.

The first symptoms of the disease

The first signs of ringworm- the appearance of pink spots that have the shape of a circle or oval. After 2-5 days after ringworm infection the skin acquires a red tint, small papules appear along the border of the infected area. Bursting, they form a dense crust on the skin. Hair at the site of lichen break, fall out.

Forms of manifestation of the disease

  1. The severity of symptoms and the severity of the course of the disease are the basis for differentiating the forms of ringworm: Superficial. The place of localization of depriving this form is smooth skin or covered with hair. With incomplete destruction of the fungus in children, the disease can recur before the onset puberty. The tendency of the disease to self-heal is higher in boys, and in girls mycosis can be transformed into chronic.
  2. Infiltrative-suppurative (deep) - the result of reproduction on the dermis of zooanthropophilic trichophytons. The fungus infects the hair follicles, provoking the development of inflammation. Infection can occur after tactile contact with infected animals, objects, humans. The duration of the disease is up to 3 months.
  3. The chronic form occurs in women with hormonal and endocrine disorders, malfunctions immune system and blood circulation.

The fungus multiplies different areas body, has characteristics and causes severe discomfort.

Locations and features of ringworm

The appearance of a fungal disease depends on which part of the body it is localized and how much it affects the patient's well-being. Maximum duration incubation period for ringworm is 14 days.

Ringworm on the head

If the lichen has a superficial form, signs of ringworm in humans on the head are expressed as follows:

  • thinning of 1 or more sections of hair;
  • thinning and dullness of the hair shaft;
  • the appearance on the face of skin areas with peeling, resembling dandruff;
  • fragility of the hair shaft;
  • slight itching.

Such deprivation delivers more psychological discomfort than physical. If untreated, the lesion can reach more than 10 cm in diameter.

For lichen on the head, occurring in a chronic form, it is characteristic:

  • the formation of a lesion with a diameter of not more than 1 cm;
  • no inflammatory process;
  • formation of a scar with a flaky surface.

If a ringworm on head infiltrative - suppurative, observed:

  • signs of general malaise against the background of fever, pain in the lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of large red spots, the diameter of which reaches 10 cm;
  • uneven surface of lichen, elevation of the affected area due to tissue swelling;
  • an inflammatory process that causes the formation of pus around the hair follicles.

Lichen on a smooth surface of the skin

Most often ringworm localized on the face, the surface of the neck.

Important! surface form ringworm on the body similar to manifestations pink lichen, but the latter never affects the face, hands, feet.

Symptoms of superficial ringworm in humans on the skin:

  • The appearance of bright spots with sharply defined borders of bright color. The reason for this phenomenon is the peculiarity of the spread of fungi from the center of the lesion to different sides. Feeding on the keratin of the skin, they concentrate in a circle. When the level of keratin is restored in the dermis, a new colony may appear in the center. Then depriving is a spot with rings inside.
  • Strong itching.

Signs chronic form lichen on the surface of the skin are:

  • large spots that do not have a clear border;
  • fever and chills, swollen lymph nodes;
  • decreased performance, general malaise;
  • change in the color of the skin at the site of the lesion to pink or bluish;
  • sensations of itching and pain at the site of deprivation, peeling; -
  • the formation of follicles with purulent contents;
  • at the stage of treatment - the formation of lichen crusts in the center Brown color with loose texture.

Lichen on the nail plate

Nails are often affected by ringworm, which occurs in a chronic form. The symptoms of the disease are:

  • changing the color of the nail plate to gray;
  • clouding of the nail;
  • fragility of the nail plate, crumbling, its significant thickening or thinning.

Trichophytosis of the nail plate is a nail fungus or onychomycosis. The disease occurs in 2-3% of those infected with superficial ringworm of smooth skin.

Important! Before treating ringworm, it is important to diagnose to differentiate the disease from phlegmon, staphylococcal sycosis, iododerma and bromoderma, ostiofolliculitis, deprive Zhiber.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of any rash on the skin, including ringworm, is carried out by a dermatologist. The doctor examines the affected area by directing the light of a Woods lamp on it. With microsporia, the area with lichen is highlighted with a green glow. Also in the process of diagnosis, a bacterioscopic examination of skin flakes and remnants of the hair shaft is carried out.

At prolonged treatment and the ineffectiveness of the prescribed therapy, a cultural study is carried out. It involves the placement of samples of infected tissue in a favorable environment for reproduction and the subsequent establishment of the reaction of the resulting material to the effects of antifungal drugs. Research helps determine how to treat ringworm.

Ringworm treatment

The goal of therapeutic measures for ringworm is the destruction of the fungus. Ointments, creams, sprays, shampoos, tablets are used as treatments. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 1 to 1.5 months.

How to treat ringworm in a person upon detection of a single lesion? Funding is usually provided for local application. Treatment of multiple lichen on the body is carried out in a hospital using agents for oral administration.

Funds from ringworm in humans:


  • Sulfur ointment with tar or salicylic acid - affordable and effective remedy with antifungal, antibacterial effect. Get rid of ringworm disease application of the ointment up to 2 times a day will help, after which the lichen is covered with a bandage.
  • Ointment containing miconazole - Mycosone. Apply twice a day until the lichen disappears.
  • Ointments containing clotrimazole: Imazol, Candide, Candisan, Kanesten, Fungisan. The cream can be applied up to 3 times a day. After completion of the course of treatment for ringworm prevention It is recommended to apply the ointment for 3 weeks.
  • Mikoseptin - applied 2 times a day for 1 - 4 weeks.
  • Ointments containing terbinafine: Lamisil, Atifin, Exifin, Mikonorm. Apply to the skin area up to 2 times a day. Improvement is observed on the 5th day. The course of treatment - 2 weeks - 1 month. With damage to the nail - up to 3 months.
  • Mycospor - used to treat fungus on the skin and nail plate. Apply no more than 1 time / day in a thin layer. The course of treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Applying ointment to ringworm is recommended in the evening. In the morning, it is advisable to lubricate the infected areas of the skin with an iodine solution, which will prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection and the development of an inflammatory process.


  • Exifin - applied up to 2 times a day for a month.
  • Mikogel - antifungal, antibacterial ointment. Apply up to 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Means for oral administration:

  • Griseofulvin - is prescribed 200 mg three times a day. Maximum dose- 750-100 mg / day. The course of treatment is 1.5 - 2 months.
  • Preparations containing ketoconazole (Mycozoral, Nizoral, Fungavis) - are used at 200 mg / day for 1 - 1.5 months.
  • Preparations containing terbinafine (Lamisil, Termikon, Exiter) - are used at 250-500 mg / day for 1-1.5 months.
  • Preparations with fluconazole (Diflucan, Mikosist, Flucostat) are used at 200-400 mg / day for 1.5-2 months.
  • Preparations with itraconazole (Irunin, Canditral, Orunit) are used at 100-200 mg / day for 1 month.

To treatment for ringworm in humans was effective, it is recommended to treat it in the morning and in the evening with products with different active ingredients.

Treatment for lichen on the head

The appearance of lichen on the head causes a lot of inconvenience and questions: lee hair again at the site of injury how to cure ringworm effectively?

If the form of the disease allows you to remove the hair with a razor, you need to remove them. Crusts from the site of the lesion are removed with salicylic ointment. To do this, it is pre-applied for several hours. After removing the scab, the lichen is treated with disinfecting solutions of furacilin, potassium permanganate.

Need to wash your hair tar soap, shampoo containing ketoconazole or selenium sulfide. Treatment can be supplemented with oral medications.

Hair growth can be stimulated after treatment by lubricating the affected area. burdock oil, decoction of calamus root, burdock.

Diet for ringworm

The nutrition of patients with trichophytosis or microsporia should be balanced, covering the body's needs for nutrients and aimed at boosting immunity. special ringworm diet lichen is not required, but there is a list of recommended products for use:

  • milk-containing products: butter, kefir, yogurt;
  • products with high content vitamin E (tocopherol): nuts, rose hips, spinach, sorrel, olive oil, prunes, dried apricots, barley porridge, oatmeal, squid.
  • foods containing antioxidant substances: apricot, grapes, red peppers, eggplant, carrots.

Foods that aggravate the symptoms of the disease include:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • spicy sauces, first and second courses;
  • products containing preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers;
  • fatty meals.

Tea and coffee are not prohibited with ringworm, but their consumption should not exceed 2 cups per day.

Prevention and Precautions

To prevent infection, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene. If someone is sick in the house, ringworm prevention includes activities:

  • washing the body with tar soap with antifungal action;
  • using a soft washcloth when bathing;
  • use of a solution of Tsiteal as a detergent (proportions: per 1 liter 200 ml of Tsiteal);
  • washing with shampoo with antifungal properties;
  • visiting a dermatologist to examine the body with a Woods lamp.
  • heat treatment bed linen and clothes;
  • daily wet cleaning with products: Alaminol, Maxi-Dez.

On the street, tactile contact with stray animals should be avoided.[

Compliance with these rules will avoid infection even with forced daily contact with infected person or animals.

There is no definite answer to the question of how much ringworm is treated.

The healing time depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • type of pathogen;
  • virulence of the fungus;
  • state of reactivity of the organism;
  • affected area.

The duration of treatment for ringworm depends on the timing of the visit to the doctor, the form of the disease and competent sanitary and hygienic prevention in the focus of infection.

On average, treatment takes from one to three months. It is possible to cure quickly only in case of early initiation of therapy.

Trichophytosis is caused by fungi:

  1. Trichophyton violet (Trichophyton violaceum).
  2. Rusty microsporum (Microsporum ferrugineum).
  3. Microsporum fluffy (Microsporum canis / lanosum).

The first two pathogens are transmitted from person to person, the second infection occurs through animals.

The fungi that cause ringworm are very resistant to high temperature and sunlight. Also, some disinfectants cannot cope with them.

The peak incidence occurs at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

The first signs of ringworm appear a week after contact with a sick animal and 4 to 6 weeks after contact with a sick person.

Mostly children get sick. The disease is transmitted from a sick person when using his personal items (hats, combs, etc.).

Isolated lesions up to 1.5 cm in diameter appear in the hair on the head. Affected areas - spots irregular shape and blurred borders. The reddened skin is slightly edematous, covered with scales.

The hair in the foci breaks off either immediately above the skin, or at a level of 2-3 mm above the skin, forming characteristic "stumps". The surviving hair looks healthy or like thin curled threads.

When smooth skin is affected, edematous rounded spots with a clear border are formed. The sunken center of the focus is pale yellow with pronounced peeling, and the relief roller along the periphery is pink-red. Bubbles, nodules and crusts form on the roller.

The spots often coalesce. Itching is rare.

Infiltrative suppurative trichophytosis

Infection occurs from animals, less often from a sick person. For infection, even getting the wool and dander of animals on upholstered furniture, carpets, and beds is enough. People of all ages can get sick with this form.

Localized in the hair on the head, facial hair in men, open places skin. Initially, the disease proceeds as superficial trichophytosis. Then the infiltration of the foci increases. Juicy plaques and nodes with a pronounced border are formed. Then suppurative processes join and deep follicular abscesses form.


After the necessary diagnostic procedures(examination under Wood's lamp, laboratory research scraping from the foci) a dermatologist or an infectious disease specialist selects therapy.

Self-treatment can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form!

Depending on the type of pathogen, the level of skin lesions, the form of the disease and general condition The patient's treatment takes from four to six or more weeks.

The therapy is carried out at home. Persons who are difficult to isolate from healthy people are subject to hospitalization.

Treatment is carried out both locally (direct impact on the lesions) and general, i.e. the whole organism.

Local treatment is carried out as follows.

If the scalp is affected, then once a week the hair is shaved, after which the head is thoroughly washed with an antifungal shampoo.

To influence the affected areas, the following drugs are used:

  1. Mycospor. Available in the form of ointment, cream and solution for external use. When using this drug, fungal cells are destroyed. The course of treatment takes 4 - 6 weeks.
  2. Lamisil. The cream completely destroys fungi on the skin within two weeks, on the scalp - in 5-6 weeks.
  3. Sulfur-tar ointment. Actively destroys pathogenic fungi. It is prescribed in case of severe edema.
  4. Salicylic ointment. In addition to the destruction of fungi, it relieves the inflammatory process.
  5. Exifin and Mikogel gels and Vokadin ointment are used for lesions of the skin of the body and nails. The course of treatment takes from one to six weeks, depending on the severity of the process.
  6. Nitrofungin. Highly effective drug and to combat ringworm, and in the case of a combined fungal-bacterial infection.
  7. Ointments Cyclopirox, Oxiconazole, Ketoconazole are also used.

At general treatment medications are prescribed.

In order to speed up the healing process and prevent the generalization of the disease, tablets are prescribed:

  1. Griseofulvin. Stops the reproduction of fungi.
  2. Orungal. Destroys the shell of fungi, which leads to their death.
  3. Fluconazole. Destroys fungi, inhibiting their enzymatic activity.


The risk of infection depends on how quickly preventive measures are taken after contact with the source of infection or detection of the disease.

When ringworm is detected, the following measures are urgently carried out:

  • the source of infection is identified;
  • the patient is isolated in a separate room, in which wet cleaning is carried out every day;
  • a sick family member is given separate dishes and household items that are processed every day boric alcohol;
  • all contact persons are carefully examined;
  • a thorough disinfection of the premises, clothing, bedding, soft toys, personal items, upholstered furniture;
  • if necessary, the veterinary service is involved.

It should be remembered that fungi multiply rapidly in a warm, humid environment.

Therefore, personal prevention includes the following items:

  1. Prevent prolonged wetting of the skin. It is always necessary to carefully wipe the body dry after hygiene procedures and swimming in ponds.
  2. Wearing clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. Daily shower and change of underwear.
  4. On the beach and in public baths and showers wearing special rubber shoes.
  5. Use only individual means skin, nail and hair care.
  6. If you have pets, you must carefully monitor the condition of their coat.
  7. Prevent children from contact with stray animals. If such contact has occurred, do not touch the body, clothing, etc. with your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible, and then treat them with an antiseptic bactericidal hand gel. Sanitelle or alcohol.

Ringworm - an unpleasant disease in every sense - appears as a result of a fungal infection and can affect the skin, hair, eyelashes and nails. About what constitutes a disease, how it manifests itself and is treated, read further in this article.

What is ringworm?

A skin disease that occurs when a fungus is damaged - a dermatophyte microsporum, has two names - microsporia and ringworm. The most common affected area for this fungus is the skin of the head. With microsporia, the hair at the site of infection breaks at a height of 0.5-0.8 cm from the skin surface. Due to this factor, the disease was called "ringworm".

Lichen looks no more attractive than it sounds. In the standard, this is a round red spot on the skin, which is surrounded by a kind of edging, resembling a roller. This spot can peel off and cause discomfort in the form of itching and pain.

Children are more susceptible to this disease, tk. Firstly, they rarely observe proper hygiene when dealing with animals. And secondly, their skin still has increased tenderness and sensitivity, and their hair is not covered with organic acids.

It is easy to guess that the main period of danger of infection with ringworm in childhood is summer and autumn. This is due to the fact that during these periods children spend most of their time on the street, where they are in contact with animals.

Adults are less susceptible to infection by the fungus, because. their hair is coated with organic acids that can resist infection. Young women are the most affected in the adult category.

Interestingly, people with red hair almost never get ringworm. How to explain this is not yet known. Probably, their skin or hair contains a substance that can destroy the fungus.

Causes of ringworm

Microsporia can be caused by two types of fungus:

It follows that the following factors can become the causes of infection with a fungus:

  • Contact with an infected person;
  • Contact with an infected animal;
  • Use of objects and things of an infected person or animal;
  • Prolonged stay in an enclosed space with an infected animal or person. It should be clarified here that even minimal trauma to the skin significantly increases the risk of infection.

Now it is worth noting the risk factors, i.e. situations where the chances of getting infected increase several times:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  2. Decreased skin elasticity after prolonged exposure to water;
  3. Work with the earth without protective gloves;
  4. Decreased immunity;
  5. The presence of other diseases of the skin;
  6. Depression and stress.

It is important to understand that one small scratch on a person's skin is enough for infection. And if at the same time his immunity is weakened by diseases or taking medicines, then the risk of infection increases several times.

Picture of infection

Infection with ringworm is commonplace and resembles the propagation of plants by spores, which is included in the standard school curriculum. When particles of hair, skin of a person or an animal infected with a fungus get on the skin of a healthy person, the spores of the fungus penetrate the skin into its cells. If hair grows in this area, then the spores of the fungus also enter the hair follicle.

After entering healthy cells, the spores of the fungus begin to multiply. On the skin, this is manifested by redness, the formation of red circles. Hair becomes pale and brittle. The fungus destroys the scales of the hair, making them loose. Subsequently, the hair breaks under the weight of its own weight.

How do you get ringworm

Symptoms and incubation period of microsporia

Incubation period ringworm ranges from 5 days to 1.5 months. That is how much time can pass from the moment the spores of the fungus get on the skin of a healthy person until the first signs of the disease appear. In turn, when a fungus spore hits the ground, it can remain active for up to 3 months.

Symptoms of ringworm vary depending on the type of disease, of which there are two:

  1. Deprive smooth skin;
  2. Deprive the scalp.

By name, it becomes clear that the first type is distributed on any part of the body. It manifests itself as scarlet spots, which begin to increase in size. Along the circumferences of the spots, borders are clearly distinguished, which consist of many small pimples. Over time, new lesions may appear around one focus.

Ringworm spreads mainly on the head, but can also affect the upper lip with a mustache, eyebrows, back, etc. Scarlet spots also appear here, the hair becomes dull and thin. Gradually, the hair breaks off. A bald spot or sparse short hair appears at the site of the outbreak.

Forms of ringworm

Due to the fact that human organisms can react differently to the fungus, there are several forms of the disease:

It is also possible to isolate lichen into a separate form, which affects the feet and skin of the palms. With this type of disease, the spots look like dry plaques covered with scales.

Ringworm in children

Most often, ringworm in children is similar to adults - without any complications and discomfort. Spots appear on the body or head, on which the hair is refracted. Rolls run along the edge of the spots; elevations in red. The spot itself can have a smooth or rough surface, depending on the brand of lichen.

However, children are often prone to allergic reactions, which leads to complications with microsporia. In this case, the lichen passes into an erythematous-edematous form. This form is accompanied by itching, burning in the affected area. The child, as a rule, loses peace, he feels severe discomfort. Sometimes with this form of lichen, there is an increase in body temperature, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In rare cases, the erythematous-edematous form turns into a suppurative-infiltrative form, in which the spots become covered with blisters filled with purulent masses. This form is considered one of the most difficult, so the treatment is often carried out in a hospital.

Prevention of ringworm

It is clear that the main point of prevention of microsporia is the observance of the correct hygiene measures. However, this is not enough. That is why, in order to avoid infection, which often occurs due to contact with a sick animal, one should study the picture of ringworm and its stages in animals.

Ringworm in animals

So, in animals, lichen goes through three stages:

Regardless of the stage of the disease, the animal is contagious. At the first detection of signs of lichen, the animal should be immediately taken to a veterinarian, who has a number of means to combat such diseases.

However, do not relax on this. As mentioned above, the incubation period for lichen can reach 1.5 months, which means that after the discovery of the disease in an animal, the child should be regularly checked for the first signs of the disease over the next two months.

In addition, after the animal is transported to the veterinary clinic, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the premises of the apartment or house. To do this, dry-clean carpets, rugs, bedspreads, blankets - everything that the animal could touch, and where its hair could remain. Floors, walls, windows and other smooth surfaces should be cleaned with bleach or alcohol.

Another point should be taken into account when children come into contact with animals - in some animals, lichen can take place in a latent form. The only sign may be a broken mustache or pink spots inside the ear, which a person far from zoology may not notice. That is why you should limit your child's contact with stray animals, even if they look healthy on the outside.

In addition, it should be remembered that lichen spores can live up to 3 months in the ground, and then get on human skin and begin to spread. This means that in the next 3-5 months you will need to go to a dermatologist for early diagnosis diseases.

Deprive people

Do not think that you can only get lichen from animals. Often a person is also a carrier of the fungus, and even if he himself does not suspect it. This means that when in contact with people, it is also necessary to pay attention to his skin and hair. First of all, if there are red spots on a person’s head with shortened and sparse hair on it, which is most likely infected with lichen. Even if he says that it is not contagious, you should not believe him - it is contagious and dangerous.

Attention should also be paid to the human body, more precisely to its open areas. If they show red spots with a diameter of 0.5 cm to 10 cm, then it is better to stay away from it. If contact could not be avoided, then hygiene measures must be taken immediately to destroy lichen spores:

  1. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with antimicrobial agents. These can be special soaps, alcohol-based skin cleaners, birch tar soap.
  2. Next, you need to take off all your clothes and wash your body with the same remedy. Do not use coarse and hard washcloths, because. They can damage the skin and create an additional risk of infection.
  3. The head should be washed with an antimicrobial shampoo. One of these is Nizoral shampoo. It can also be used as a shower gel.
  4. Putting on rubber gloves, you should send to the laundry and all the clothes in which there was contact with the patient. Wash at maximum temperature using bleach or laundry soap.

However, these measures may be useless if not taken immediately after exposure. But be that as it may, after 5-6 days, you still need to contact a dermatologist. Using special tools, he will be able to detect infection, even if it is not visible to the naked eye.

Hygiene in the treatment of lichen

Treatment of ringworm is complicated by the fact that its spores are not destroyed immediately. They can disperse to healthy areas of the skin and begin to multiply there. Thus, while the affected areas of the skin are being treated, healthy ones become infected. How to avoid this and how to minimize the duration of treatment? To do this, certain hygiene measures must be observed.

  1. First of all, the patient's clothes should be changed daily. Used items must be soaked in a solution of disinfectants, and then boiled. After drying, the clothes need to be ironed.
  2. The room in which the treatment takes place must be cleaned daily using disinfectants. This also applies to items used by the patient. You should also periodically ventilate the room.
  3. The use of sick objects and things that are difficult to disinfect should be excluded. These are carpets, rugs. Upholstered furniture It is recommended to cover with cellophane.

In addition, the patient himself should be attentive to his hygiene. Do not forget that he is a carrier of the fungus. That is why the head of the patient should be covered with a scarf. With lichen on the body, it is necessary to wear cotton clothing that will cover all infected areas of the body.

Ringworm treatment

Now it is worth talking in detail about the treatment of depriving. And this is a rather long and complicated process. The treatment itself can last up to 1.5 months. It is important to note that the treatment should be carried out by a specialist. This disease does not tolerate home treatment and often responds to it with a transition to a chronic form.

Before starting treatment, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis using a Voodoo lamp. This device allows you to identify foci of infection even on early stages. After the detection of foci, scrapings are taken from them. The material is examined in the laboratory by inoculation in a nutrient medium. After three days, the doctor will be able to give an accurate diagnosis, because. this is exactly the period when lichen spores create entire fluffy colonies.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor selects the optimal treatment for the patient. Sometimes in the initial stages of the disease, if the lichen is on the body, treatment is carried out using antimicrobials. These are antifungal ointments or iodine.

If there are several foci of infection and some of them touched the scalp, then the treatment will be complex with the use of drugs and ointments, creams, solutions.

Treatment of ringworm (Microsporia)

Ointments for the treatment of ringworm

There are many ointments that are actively fighting ringworm. They differ in composition, in speed of action, but they all have one thing in common - doctors recommend combining the use of ointments with iodine. At the beginning of the day, iodine should be applied to the affected area, and at the end of the day, already lubricated with ointment. So, here is a list of the most popular and at the same time effective ointments from ringworm:

  • Sulfuric ointment. The main component - sulfur, which is part of the ointment, destroys microbes and fungi, dries the skin and pimples.
  • Salicylic ointment. Soothes inflammation and kills fungus. Not suitable for use on the face.
  • Lamisil. Inhibits the growth of fungi and kills them. The first result is noticeable within five days after the start of application.
  • Sulfur-tar ointment. Disinfects the skin, destroys the fungus. With edematous form of lichen, a bandage is applied over the ointment.
  • Mycospor. Destroys the fungus by destroying its cells.

Before you apply ringworm ointment, the infected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body must be cleaned and disinfected. However, it is not recommended to do this with water. The best option would be solutions of Furacilin, potassium permanganate, rivanol.

Gels for ringworm

Gels differ from ointments in that absorption is much faster, there are no marks left on clothes, and there is practically no smell. These are all pluses. The disadvantages include the fact that gels must be applied to the skin more often. So, here is a list of the most famous and effective ringworm gels:

  • Exifin 1%. It is necessary to apply 1-2 times a day on the affected area of ​​the skin, lightly rub.
  • Mycogel-kmp. Destroys the membranes of fungal cells, which leads to their death. Apply 1-2 times a day in a thin layer.

Before applying the gel, it is recommended to soften the skin in the affected area as much as possible in order to speed up the process of penetration of the drug to the focus. To do this, you can use salicylic collodion. After application, the top layer of the skin becomes soft and loose, it can be removed with a blunt scalpel or medical spatula. If there is hair on the affected area, then they should be pulled out with tweezers.

Solutions for ringworm

Solutions can be used as an independent agent and as a pre-treatment before using ointments. In cases where lichen affects the scalp, the use of solutions greatly facilitates treatment, because. the solutions do not remain on the hair, but immediately flow down to the skin and are absorbed into it. Among the solutions, the most popular are such tools:

  • Yodicirin. This tool includes two active ingredients- glycerin and iodine. The solution exfoliates the scales on the affected area and promotes rapid healing. It is applied to a cotton pad, then the disk is applied to the affected area.
  • Vocadin. This drug is based on iodine. Destroys fungus spores and disinfects the skin.
  • Nitrofungin. Antifungal solution. Apply 2-3 times a day with a cotton swab.

When hair is infected with ringworm, combined treatment is necessary, because. solution + tablets. What are the pills for the treatment of ringworm, read on.

Ringworm pills

Medications are prescribed in several cases:

  1. With a deep form of ringworm;
  2. If there are several areas on the body;
  3. When hair is damaged, regardless of location.

In these situations, the tablets have a general antifungal effect. They speed up the healing process and prevent reinfection. Of the currently existing drugs, several of the most effective and popular can be distinguished:

  • Orungal. These tablets are used for all types of fungus, including ringworm. The drug works by destroying the membrane of fungal cells.
  • Lamisil. Destroys the fungus. It is necessary to take 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.
  • Griseofulvin. They inhibit the development of the disease and the reproduction of the fungus. Tablets are taken with vegetable oil which increases the bioavailability of drugs.

The choice of these drugs can only be trusted by a doctor. It is not recommended to start using them on your own, because. they have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Treatment of ringworm in children

Treatment of ringworm in children is much easier than in adults. In most cases, the case is managed by home treatment using local preparations - ointments, creams. These funds are applied to the skin 1-2 times a day. Additionally, the affected area is smeared with iodine once a day.

If the child's lichen has also affected the hair, then first of all it is necessary to get rid of them. In advanced cases, the fungus sprouts after baldness has occurred. It looks like a fluff at the site of the lesion. In order to remove the affected hair or fluff, you can use a collodion film. The drug is applied to the hair and left there for three days. During this period, they are painlessly removed.

When a child's head becomes infected, ringworm treatment becomes more difficult. Here, combined treatment is necessary, i.e. Topical remedies and antifungal tablets. In most cases, children are prescribed the drug Griseofulvin. Children under 3 years of age are prescribed a suspension, after 3 years - tablets. But this drug will not work if the child has problems with the kidneys, liver, peripheral nervous system. Also, gastrointestinal ulcers are contraindications for Griseofulvin. In these cases, it can be replaced with Lamisil tablets.

In addition to this, it is necessary to use antifungal shampoos, such as Dermazole, Nizoral. To restore immunity, you should take vitamins B and C. To eliminate itching, you can take antiallergic drugs, such as Zirtek or Claritin.

Treatment of ringworm (Microsporia) in children and pregnant women

Treatment for ringworm on the head

In adults, the treatment of microsporia of hair affected by ringworm differs little from the treatment in children. Here it is also necessary complex treatment. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to eliminate the fungus in the hair. Along with local preparations you need to take tablets or other antifungal drugs for oral administration. The most commonly prescribed is Griseofulvin. If the patient has contraindications to this drug, then it can be replaced with Lamisil tablets. They act more gently and have fewer contraindications.

In addition to treatment, hair also needs periodic removal. Shaving every week is enough on average. You can use other means that will allow you to painlessly remove hair. For clarity, we can give a treatment algorithm that is applicable to eliminate one of several simple forms of ringworm:

  1. Daily shampooing with an antifungal shampoo;
  2. Iodine lubrication after shampooing;
  3. After drying, depriving, it is necessary to apply a local antifungal drug- ointment, cream (Lamisil, Mikoseptin, Fungur, Clotrimazole, etc.).

At complex forms tablets with antifungal action are additionally prescribed. The duration of treatment for microsporia also depends on the form of lichen. During treatment, the patient regularly takes tests. Tablets are canceled at the first negative test for the presence of fungal spores.

Folk methods against ringworm

As mentioned above, ringworm is recommended to be treated strictly under the supervision of a doctor. However, no one forbids combining traditional treatment and traditional medicine. Sometimes amiya doctors help patients choose a folk remedy that will speed up recovery. As a rule, these are gentle remedies that have no contraindications and side effects:

  • Propolis tincture. To prepare the solution, you need 50 gr. propolis mixed with a glass of alcohol. Insist 7-10 days. After this, it is necessary to soak a cotton pad with tincture and wipe the affected skin 4-5 times a day. The course is 2 weeks.
  • Cranberry juice. Pass 0.5 kg of cranberries through a meat grinder, strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. It is used in the same way as propolis tincture, but the number of procedures and the duration of the course can be any.
  • Chamomile decoction. This remedy is used to treat lichen on the head and hair. To prepare, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Cool the resulting broth slightly and rub it thoroughly into the scalp and hair. After one hour, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed.

The article provides basic information regarding ringworm. Here you can find methods of treatment of microsporia, causes, preventive measures. However Special attention should be turned to the prevention of ringworm, because it will avoid the huge and unpleasant problems associated with treatment.

Pet lovers are aware of the many diseases that pets are susceptible to. Not all diseases can be contracted from cats and dogs, but there is one that can be transmitted to humans. It causes a lot of trouble, and getting rid of it is not an easy task. This is ringworm in humans. How is the disease transmitted? Through household contact with sick people or pets. Why is the disease dangerous for humans? It can easily lead to baldness, leave ugly scars on the skin and lead to lethal outcome.

Ringworm symptoms in humans

This fungal disease has two types - affecting the hairy parts of the body and not affecting them. The incubation period for lichen is 5-45 days. On the initial stage red or pink spot on the skin, which over time begins to itch. The redness grows and overgrows along the edges with a roller of small bubbles. Itching intensifies, and new lesions appear around the spot.

The symptoms are the same for all people. Ringworm in children, due to their greater tendency to allergies, often takes an erymatous-edematous form. It is characterized by strong inflammatory processes, the foci are flaky, the spots are very itchy and itchy. The form is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, edema.

On the head

A solitary focus of lichen appears on the scalp. A round spot 1-10 cm in size is surrounded by rollers of vesicles with yellow liquid and has an uneven shape. A second pale pink spot appears inside, which is covered with small scales. When the causative agent of the fungus penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, the structure hair follicle breaks down and the hair breaks or falls out. In place of foci of lichen, "shorn", bald patches of skin appear.

On the body

On the skin favorite locations for lichen foci are chest, shoulders, arms, legs, groin. The deep form is characterized by small subcutaneous nodules up to 3 cm in size. Severe edema, pus discharge are possible. Lichen on the palms and feet looks like calluses. If the disease affects the nails, then this is expressed by the appearance of a dull spot along the edge, after which the plate is destroyed.

On the face

Often the disease takes a papular-squamous variety. The boundaries of the foci are formed into strongly protruding hillocks. Ringworm in an adult on the face is manifested by purple spots, which are covered with scales of a whitish hue and are very itchy. Lesions may be single or cover up to 75% of the face. If you do not cure lichen in time, then there is a high probability of acquiring a chronic form.


We will upset you, but it will not be possible to quickly cure lichen. When you notice the first signs of lichen, immediately consult a doctor. Only a qualified dermatologist will answer the question of how to treat the disease effectively. If the diagnosis is confirmed, be sure to isolate the patient and direct all efforts so that a single disease does not turn into an epidemic.


  1. Sulfur-salicylic. Effective and cheap remedy. Lichen spots are lubricated twice a day for 2-3 weeks.
  2. Ointment from ringworm "Exoderil". Daily rate- 1 time for 2-8 weeks. A sign that the disease is going away is a decrease in spots in size and volume. The skin is covered with scales and begins to peel off. When, having run your hand over the spot, you did not notice anything, then the lichen has disappeared.
  3. Sulfur-tar, tar, Sulfuric ointment. The sequence is as follows: in the morning, the foci should be treated with iodine, and in the evening with the drug. The therapy lasts 2-3 weeks. After about a month, the spots continue to be smeared with iodine.


Folk remedies

An ointment made from freshly squeezed plantain juice (1 cup), birch bark ash (1 tablespoon) and medical alcohol (1 teaspoon) works brilliantly. With this mixture, the foci of ringworm are lubricated 4-5 times daily. A week later, the disease recedes. Chamomile infusion helps well, which is rubbed into the affected surface in the morning, afternoon and evening for a week. Another effective folk remedy is propolis tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy. During the week, with a moistened swab, lubricate the places of ringworm 5 times daily.

Treatment of children

Action algorithm:

  1. Isolate the child from others.
  2. Visit a dermatologist for a diagnosis.
  3. Use as directed by your doctor local funds from ringworm - ointments, creams, sprays. For example, "Cyclopirox".
  4. If ringworm affects the head, then the dermatologist prescribes "Griseofulvin": 0-3 years, 0.5 tablets three times a day, 4-7 years, one 2 times a day, 8-15 years, 1 3 times / day. The reception lasts 2-3 weeks, followed by an analysis for the fungus. If it is negative, the course is continued for another 2 weeks daily and another 14 days with admission every other day.
  5. It is recommended to carry out immunostimulating therapy together with antifungal therapy. Give your child an extract of echinacea, "Immunal", etc.
  6. It takes 1.5–2 months to be treated. Maintain good hygiene during this time. Wash the infected linen separately, disinfect household items.


The main cause of infection is contact with an infected object. Keep your child away from homeless animals. If you have a pet in your home, get it vaccinated against microsporia. Follow hygiene rules: when coming from the street, wash your hands, use only personal household items (towels, combs). After visiting the pool or bath, rinse the swimsuit and all accessories with powder. After the session, be sure to take hot shower with soap.
