The cat's belly was very distended. Why is my cat's belly swollen?

Among cat owners, there is an opinion that bloating is the most harmless disease that does not pose a threat to the life and health of the pet. However, this is not quite true. After all, bloating in a cat can be caused by various reasons, among which there are serious pathologies requiring proper and timely treatment.

Causes of bloating in cats

Most often, a cat's stomach swells due to excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines and stomach, accompanied by hiccups and loud rumbling in the stomach. This condition can be caused by poor-quality food, the rapid ingestion of large pieces of food, high-calorie foods with high content dietary fiber, prolonged constipation, malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines (malabsorption).

When bloating in the intestines of a cat, gases accumulate.

But there are other causes of bloating in a cat:

  • flatulence;
  • peritonitis;
  • ascites;
  • constipation;
  • oncological diseases (tumors, for example,).

In this case, it is very important to find out the cause of the bloating and prescribe the correct treatment.

Flatulence as a cause of bloating

Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines can occur for several reasons. It can be caused by both unusual or stale food, food with a high content of carbohydrates, and swallowing air during meals. Flatulence is often caused by the consumption of milk and fermented milk products, bread, fatty meat scraps and lard, fish, garlic. Because of this nutrition, the process of fermentation begins in the stomach, as a result of which gas is released that fills the intestines. There is a small, not very painful bloating of the abdomen. This condition usually goes away on its own. The main thing is to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause fermentation.

Another cause of flatulence is aerophagia (swallowing a large volume of air while eating). Normally, at each feeding, the animal always swallows some air. But it happens that this process is called pathological changes in organism.

Psychogenic aerophagy is provoked by stress suffered by a cat. The animal is very nervous, begins to quickly swallow food and enters the stomach a large number of air. Neurogenic aerophagia occurs as a result of pathologies of the teeth and jaw, problems with nasal breathing. gastrointestinal diseases and of cardio-vascular system also cause an excessive swallowing reflex.

Severe flatulence can cause a cat to feed milk or fatty foods.

Usually a slight swelling does not cause serious harm to the cat's health. But if symptoms such as a painfully swollen abdomen with parted ribs and stretched skin, the urge to vomit, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Bloating due to worms

Symptoms of helminthiasis are:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea followed by constipation;
  • vomiting with worms;
  • bloating;
  • the presence of worms in the stool.

Important. This condition is extremely dangerous for the animal. After all, worms actively multiply, they become crowded in the cat's body, from which general intoxication occurs. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to carry out preventive deworming at least once every six months.

Peritonitis is a dangerous condition leading to bloating

One of the most dangerous reasons bloating is peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). This condition can be caused by complications, penetration into the abdominal cavity of infections from internal organs, or break Bladder.

A large belly can be a sign of the coronovirus.

Coronavirus peritonitis is of 2 types: dry and wet. In the wet form, there is severe bloating, fever, anorexia, weight loss, and lethargy. A sick animal always dies 1-1.5 months after infection. With the dry form of coronavirus, the cat's stomach does not increase, but the other symptoms are the same. Death occurs within a year, and there is no cure for this disease.

In old and mature cats, bloating can be triggered by some kind of gastrointestinal disease., in which there is a penetration of fluid from the stomach into the abdominal cavity. Having absorbed a large amount of liquid, the inflamed tissues swell strongly, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. Postpartum complications can cause internal bleeding which always leads to peritonitis and lethal outcome. Medications this disease has no cure. Only emergency surgery can help.

Ascites as a cause of bloating

Ascites (abdominal dropsy) is the accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the abdominal cavity without inflammation. This condition can be caused by both injuries and heart failure, a violation of the protein and water-salt balance. It is almost impossible to establish the cause and cure ascites, because the fluid is constantly collected in the peritoneum.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • labored breathing;
  • bloating;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • heart failure.

To diagnose ascites, a veterinarian punctures the wall of the peritoneum and removes some fluid for analysis.

Benign and malignant tumors

Often, bloating in cats begins due to a tumor and an increase in internal organs (liver cirrhosis, spleen cancer). The tumor can be either malignant or benign. But in any case, tumor growth is accompanied general weakness, diarrhea and vomiting, dyspepsia. Animals can only be helped surgical removal tumors and competently prescribed postoperative therapy.

What to do if the cat has a swollen stomach

If bloating is caused by flatulence due to malnutrition, then it is enough to exclude foods that cause increased gas formation. You can give the animal Espumizan by calculating the dosage by weight. It helps to eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestines Acipol or Lactobacterin, Smecta. If symptoms of swelling persist, you should consult a doctor.

Flatulence, which arose due to improper nutrition, is easy to eliminate.

What to do if bloating is caused by infection, peritonitis, tumor or ascites? Unfortunately, the owner will not be able to help the animal on his own. You will need qualified help from a specialist or surgical intervention.

When the cat's belly and sides are swollen, the owner has a question why this happened, if everything was fine a day ago. In such a situation, a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed, as similar condition is pathological, and the animal needs urgent help.

If the cat is swollen due to an excess of gases in the intestines, which can often be intensively produced due to improper feeding of the animal, and less often due to its natural physiological characteristics, the treatment will be simple. In this case, it comes down to revising the diet and taking drugs to reduce gas formation. If the cause is pathological, then serious therapy will be required. Sometimes these disorders are a symptom serious illnesses, the treatment of which can take up to a year.

In addition to gases, the belly and sides of cats can also become swollen due to the fluid that accumulates in the abdominal cavity. When the sides begin to swell, there is a significant danger that the cat will suffocate due to pressure on the lungs. In this case, you need to do only one thing - immediately contact the veterinarian.


Provoke a change in the state of the animal can various reasons. The abdomen swells both due to diseases and due to congenital features cat. Sometimes, with an increase, the stomach also becomes hard. It is necessary to establish the cause of the swelling as soon as possible. Without this, there is a danger that the pet will simply die without receiving the treatment it needs..

  1. Aerophagia. At this phenomenon a cat swallows too much air while eating, causing her stomach to fill with gas. Further, the air moves into the intestines and causes severe swelling, in which not only the stomach, but also the sides change. Very often, this phenomenon occurs under severe stress. It also causes the appearance distended abdomen and sides and defects in the structure of the jaw and teeth. If they are congenital, then the kitten will also have a changed figure.
  2. Large amount of carbohydrates. Common cause that the pet is bloated. feature digestive system cats is that it is almost not intended for the digestion of carbohydrates. If the feed that the animal receives is not balanced, the process of fermentation begins in the stomach. In this case, the cat's tummy was swollen like a cow's. In the pet, the sides become very round and bulge strongly to the sides.
  3. food allergy. With her, the stomach and sides swell due to the fact that the intestines are very irritated, and digestion is disturbed. As a result of this, the amount of gases in the intestines rises sharply, flatulence develops, due to which the cat swells up.
  4. An increase in the size of the liver or spleen also causes the abdomen to swell.. This phenomenon can be caused by many reasons - from infectious diseases before cancerous tumors. Only a veterinarian can determine exactly why the animal's organs have changed size. With such a violation, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity of the cat, from which big belly sags and swells. The sides begin to bulge due to a violation of the position of the organs. Not infrequently there is a pronounced asymmetry of the body.
  5. Metabolic disorders. With this disease, on the sides and abdominal wall begin to actively accumulate body fat, which are the reason that both the stomach is swollen and the sides have increased in size. To restore the normal state of the cat, it is necessary not only to provide him with sufficient physical activity And proper nutrition but also restore disturbed metabolism. This will help the veterinarian.

If the sides are swollen and a swollen belly appears in a cat, you can not leave the animal's condition unattended and assume that he does not need treatment. The longer the owner ignores the pet's health problems, the higher the risk that the cat will die. Even with cancer if they are detected in a timely manner, it is possible to save the pet's life, which is worth remembering by the owners.

Flatulence is bloating as a result of the accumulation of excess gases formed during digestion in the intestines of a cat.

At the same time, flatulence in a cat may be accompanied by rumbling in the abdomen, the appearance of hiccups, periodic discharge of gases through anus, and sometimes it can even be accompanied by an explosive discharge of gases through the rectum.

A healthy animal is capable of producing and releasing in environment at least one liter of gases formed in the intestines. At the same time, as researchers have established, more than 90% of the gas emitted by a cat is represented by methane, which has practically no smell for the owners. Foul-smelling discharges are the result of the presence of hydrogen sulfide and other "aromatic" substances in the gas, formed as a result of a disturbed digestion process. If gases do not leave the intestines as a result of intussusception, then this can even lead to intestinal rupture and death.

Causes of flatulence in cats.

One of the causes of flatulence is aerophagia (eating air), which occurs when a cat hastily and greedily eats the food provided to it. In the process of greedy eating, the cat swallows large volumes atmospheric air that accumulates in the alimentary canal.

Aerophagia in a cat can be caused by psychogenic factors. For example, a cat has suffered severe stress and in this state it can eat very quickly, while along with large pieces of food it swallows air. If the cat is very nervous, then she can swallow air without even taking food.

For diseases gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, diseases accompanied by impaired nasal breathing (), with increased saliva production (), gastritis, etc. can cause the cat to swallow large amounts of air while eating.

Flatulence symptoms. The cat behaves uneasily, meows plaintively and seeks to attract your attention, or, on the contrary, seeks to hide in a dark corner. During a clinical examination, the veterinarian notes rumbling in the abdomen, the abdominal area is painful on palpation, the abdomen is swollen, stretched and enlarged, the cat has vomiting (), diarrhea appears ().

Diagnosis flatulence is put by a veterinarian on the basis of clinical picture diseases, clarification from the owners of the animal diet of feeding the cat. During the appointment, the veterinarian will perform a blood, stool, urine test on your pet, as well as an X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

differential diagnosis. Intestinal flatulence must be differentiated from abdominal dropsy (), helminthic invasion, tumors of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment. With a single and short-term accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, treatment is usually not required. In the event that the situation with flatulence in a cat becomes critical, and you do not have the opportunity to go to veterinary clinic and show the cat veterinarian, then you will have to provide first aid yourself. To relieve spasms of the intestines and stomach, it is recommended to give the cat painkillers (baralgin, traumel, antipyrine), the dose depends on the weight of the animal and its age. In order to adsorb the gases formed in the intestines, the cat must be given a tablet in the mouth activated carbon or polysorb diluted in water. After a few hours, the cat is given a cleansing enema.

In order to increase the processes of salivation and belching, you can enter into oral cavity wooden stick smeared with ichthyol or table salt and fix it with a bandage on the back of the head of the animal.

To prevent the development of putrefactive microflora in the intestines, a cat must be given a lactoferon tablet.

With intestinal flatulence, such homeopathic remedies like nux vomica homaccord, engystol, which can be used as an injection, as well as by giving inside. For internal use you can use Liarsin, giving it several times a day, sometimes every 15 minutes until the symptoms of flatulence disappear.

Prevention of flatulence. Prevention of flatulence should be based on the prevention of the causes leading to the development of flatulence in an animal. It is necessary to start with a feeding diet, excluding from it foods that can lead to the development of flatulence. Do not allow greedy and plentiful eating of food. Feed your cat preferably at the same time. Seeks to reduce the content in the diet of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates. A good preventive effect in the fight against flatulence is provided by regular walks with a cat, or letting it out into the street. As a preventive measure, it is good to teach your cat to drink. dill water, infusion of mint, cumin, chamomile.

Article read by 7,662 pet owners

Bloating is an abnormal enlargement of the abdominal cavity. The term usually refers to abdominal enlargement rather than simple fullness.


One of the causes of bloating in cats is the accumulation of fluid.

Liquids are different types: blood from hemorrhage (bleeding), urine, when exiting the bladder, exudate (pus-like fluid) from infection, also transudates ( clear liquid) that leak out of the blood vessels.

Another cause of bloating can be an increase in any other organ of the abdominal cavity: the liver, kidneys, spleen.

Bloating can be caused by an enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy, or by air or fluid intrusion.

The tumor can also cause bloating. The tumor is malignant (spreading cancer) or benign (not normal, but does not spread to other tissues). Neoplasms can affect any organ of the abdominal cavity, including the intestines or lymph nodes.

Loss of muscle tone in the abdomen, with or without significant weight loss, can also lead to bloating.

pressure on the abdomen chest can lead to difficulty breathing, and heaviness in the abdomen can cause a decrease in appetite. Caution: It is important to notice abdominal distention and must be carefully examined, otherwise life-threatening symptoms may appear.


  • Sudden enlargement of the abdomen. In extreme cases, you should seek medical help.
  • There is an increase every day. This requires an immediate medical examination.
  • Gradual bloating. You should be examined if the symptom is accompanied by loss muscle mass and weight, decreased appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, changes in bladder and bowel function, or reduced activity.

When your dog is vomiting and you are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet in the forums, we recommend that you do not self-medicate and experiment on your beloved dog. The fact is that there are a lot of reasons for vomiting in an animal (more on that later in the article), and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.


Veterinary follow-up should include a diagnosis to determine the cause of the abdominal distension and prescribe treatments. Examinations that the veterinarian may order :

  • Complete medical history and physical examination.
  • X-ray of the abdomen.
  • Abdominal ultrasound.
  • Laparocentesis (removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity with a needle).
  • Chest x-ray.
  • Blood tests: biochemical analysis, full analysis blood, ultrasound (ultrasound radiation), PT (total protein).
  • Urinalysis.
  • Biopsy
  • Other specific tests, such as liver function, a test to assess the susceptibility of dogs to this virus, or a tissue or organ biopsy.


Treatment options for bloating depend on the diagnosis. Treatment may be as follows:

  • Laparocentesis or drainage of fluids from the abdominal cavity. If the fluid spreads due to pressure on the diaphragm (the muscular septum separating the chest from the abdomen) and complicates breathing, you can take the fluid for analysis with a needle. The accumulation of fluid is not related to respiration.
  • Diuretic. Accumulation excess fluid may be reduced by a diuretic that increases urination.
  • Surgery. Some causes of abdominal enlargement, including torn abdominal organs, can be treated with surgery.

Care and maintenance

If you notice your pet looking ill, bloated, vomiting, weak, restless or exhausted, call your veterinarian immediately as these symptoms can be life-threatening for your pet.

How to call a veterinarian at home?

What questions will need to be answered?
In order to call a veterinarian, you need:

  1. Call the operator at the numbers indicated in the section;
  2. Tell what happened to the animal;
  3. Report the address (street, house, front door, floor) where the veterinarian will arrive;
  4. Specify the date and time of the doctor's arrival

Call the veterinarian at home and he will definitely help you.
At home, as they say, walls heal.

People who eat a lot of food at a time can often feel uncomfortable accumulation of gas in the stomach.

This condition is called bloating. Cats, like many other animals, also have this problem.

The main symptoms of a bloated belly in a cat are:

  • The belly of the pet is enlarged.
  • Inclination to vomit.
  • Profuse salivation.

What causes bloating?

Bloating in cats is due to air and gas that builds up in the animal's stomach. This is what makes him bloated. As a rule, a small congestion is able to pass on its own. The unexpected occurrence of accumulations can turn the stomach inside the abdominal cavity (gastric volvulus), thereby disrupting normal blood flow, leading to tissue necrosis. This is quite rare as cats rarely suffer from bloating, but pet owners should be aware of potential problems nonetheless.

Bloating can be a symptom of a more serious condition. The most common cause of indigestion is obesity. Other possible reasons: ascites (fluid accumulation), tumors, liver disease, infectious peritonitis, pyometra, malfunctions immune system, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

If the cat has a swollen stomach, and the cause cannot be determined, be sure to contact veterinarian.

Means to prevent bloating

If your cat loves yogurt, be sure to give her this treat. Yogurt improves digestion and is excellent tool gas prevention. A quarter teaspoon a day will be enough.

Digestive enzymes are another effective method normalization of digestion. They are sold at any pet store. Before you add some enzymes to your cat's diet, be sure to read the instructions on the label.

Provide your pet with a varied diet. Try to feed the animal often, but in small portions, this greatly improves digestion.

Treatment of bloating in cats

In the treatment of bloating, it is necessary to completely change the diet. If you have given dry food to cats, replace it with fatty food. Dry cat food contributes to the formation of a huge amount of water in the stomach and subsequent sudden bloating. Try to feed your pet only healthy homemade food.

You can normalize the work of the cat's stomach medicinal plant chamomile. It has been used for a long time in diseases related to digestion. Half a teaspoon of chamomile decoction per day will be enough to normalize digestion.

In domestic cats, bloating can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle. Follow physical activity your pet, play outdoor games with him.