Your dog has a warm, dry nose—don't panic. What to do if your dog has a hot nose? A dog's nose is dry when he sleeps

The condition of a dog's nose will tell the owner of the animal a lot. This is a kind of indicator that signals any problems in the pet’s body. By carefully observing your pet, you can very quickly determine that he feels bad or, on the contrary, is healthy and full of energy. Any disease changes appearance, temperature and humidity of the nose. Noticing signs of ill health in a timely manner will help you avoid many troubles and will tell you when you need to see a doctor.


Cold and wet nose an adult dog or puppy is an indicator of normal health. Why do these signs indicate good health:

  • The dog has no sweat glands. A wet nose evaporates excess water instead. It also saves you from overheating in hot weather. When purchasing a puppy, it is important to pay attention to the condition of this organ.
  • The mucus produced by the nose moisturizes it, preventing the skin from drying out, since the dog perceives the world 90% through smell.

When you don't need to worry

Some people believe that a warm and dry nose is a sign of illness. It is not always so. There is no need to worry in the following cases:

  • In the morning, when the dog is sleeping or has just woken up. During sleep, all metabolic processes slow down.
  • IN hot weather. The fact that the dog is hot is indicated by its protruding tongue and rapid breathing. You can bathe your pet in cool water or wet his paw pads.
  • During the heating season, when the air in the apartment is dry and warm.
  • For minor trauma to the surface of the nose. A simple scratch can cause temporary dryness and increased temperature of a sensitive organ.
  • During estrus in females. Hormonal surges can change the condition of the nose.
  • After a long active walk. Physical overwork or fatigue affects the condition of the nose.
  • When the weather changes. The dog's nose is sensitive to such indicators.
  • When replacing baby teeth in puppies. The humidity and temperature of the nose becomes changeable.
  • Under stress. Temporary dryness is observed in a healthy puppy that is brought into an unfamiliar home, but it quickly passes.

Warm and dry nose healthy dog if she eats well, plays and nothing bothers her, it is considered the norm. Some dogs live with this their whole lives.

If the nose is not just warm and dry, but hot, then we can talk about trouble in the pet’s body.

When to see a doctor

Before you panic, you need to observe your pet for a while. If the nose is dry and warm, and the ears are cold, then this is normal and means there is no fever. There is no reason to worry.

Should alarm unusual behavior animal and additional signs feeling unwell.

Additional symptoms

Dry, cracked and hot nose dogs, coupled with other signs, indicates a disease. You need to sound the alarm when additional symptoms appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • discharge from the nose and eyes (including clear);
  • cough and sneezing;
  • diarrhea.

These manifestations signal illness or painful condition. These are different concepts. In the summer, when it is very hot, and the dog does not have water in his bowl, he becomes apathetic and lethargic, his nose will be hot and dry. It is enough to give your pet something to drink for its condition to change.

Discharge from the nasal passages and eyes can indicate either a cold or an allergic reaction, for example, to the plastic from which the food bowl is made, or to pollen. Diseases that cause dryness and fever include:

Any dog ​​illness is accompanied by dryness and increased temperature of the skin of the nose. It is important to notice the dangerous condition of your pet in time when necessary urgent help veterinarian


In some poisonings, the nose is not only hot, but also very cold. Body temperature drops sharply. An icy nose and cold ears may indicate chemical poisoning or a bite using venom if the following symptoms occur:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • salivation;
  • weakness;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • violation of the respiratory rhythm - the dog breathes often or breathing is heavy and too slow;
  • unusual odor from the mouth;
  • pupil dilation.

In this case, emergency veterinary care is required.

If you are poisoned by chemicals or poisons, you should not try to treat your dog at home or save it yourself. She could die within a few hours. Immediate medical attention is required.

Food poisoning is usually accompanied by fever and diarrhea.

How to help your pet

In case of any poisoning, you should immediately remove the bowl of food, leaving the water. If the dog refuses to drink on its own, you must forcefully inject it with 50-100 ml of water using a syringe or a medical bulb. A poisonous substance that enters the body orally will be diluted and cause less harm. No other solutions such as soda or potassium permanganate need to be used.

By pressing on the root of the tongue, you must try to induce vomiting, if you are sure that the poisoning is food, then do an enema and give Activated carbon- one tablet per 1 kg of weight.

If you suspect a chemical substance, you should not rinse your stomach. This may damage the mucous membrane and cause stomach bleeding. All necessary procedures should be done by a doctor who should be contacted immediately. If your pet's body temperature drops, you should warm it up.

Dangerous diseases

Deadly viral diseases, such as canine distemper (distemper) and rabies. The fulminant form of distemper, especially in unvaccinated puppies, has no symptoms other than an increase in temperature - a hot nose and ears. Therefore, you need to immediately show the young dog to the doctor.

Distemper manifests itself with a variety of symptoms similar to a cold, poisoning or allergies. If they occur, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Rabies represents great danger for a person. In a dog it occurs in different forms and is accompanied various symptoms. The causative agent of the disease is a virus to which the animal’s body reacts with an increase in temperature. You should pay attention to the following behavior of your pet:

  • the dog hides and does not respond to the call;
  • drooling appears;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • The dog makes grasping movements with its mouth.

These symptoms appear in the first 3 days after the onset of the disease. It takes about 3 months from the moment of infection to the first signs of the disease. At the slightest suspicion of rabies, you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to expose your health to mortal danger.

There is no cure for rabies in dogs. The animal is quarantined to exclude contacts and monitored. Within 10 days the diagnosis is confirmed or excluded.

Pemphigus is a severe autoimmune disease. If papules and vesicles appear on your dog's nose, you should consult a doctor. The sooner support for the body is started, the fewer areas of skin will be affected by the disease.


If rabies is suspected, the dog is isolated in indoors, taking measures to protect against bites, and call a doctor.

Symptoms of distemper can appear even in a vaccinated dog. He may refuse food and water, become lethargic and apathetic. Treatment, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, consists of forced watering and feeding during a hunger strike of more than 2 days.

Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day. To do this, use lean ground beef, pushing small balls closer to the root of the tongue so that the pet reflexively swallows them.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a dog’s dry nose indicates illness. In a sense, this is true, although it is not an absolute truth.

However, it is important to take this symptom into account when diagnosing various diseases.

Causes of a dry nose in a puppy

One of the most common reasons dry hot nose in a puppy. It can often occur on low-quality plastic, for example, from which a small pet’s toys or its food and water bowls are made.

An allergic reaction may also occur to plant pollen, dust, chemical substances(eg detergents). Also, some breeds (usually decorative) have an allergic reaction to certain foods. A dry nose can also signal... And then she may experience other symptoms, such as:

  • runny nose,
  • sneezing,
  • hoarseness,
  • cough.

In addition, the nose can dry out when it is injured. Then you can notice swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers on it. This can also happen to dogs autoimmune disease skin like pemphigus.

It's normal for a dog to have a dry nose in some cases.

Before you panic about your pet's dry nose, it's worth finding out in what situations it's most common. normal phenomenon. For example, a dog’s nose becomes dry and hot during sleep, from overwork (for example, after running for a walk), during nervous excitement or stress.

For example, a puppy may be frightened by an encounter with an aggressive adult dog. The weather also affects the condition of the nose and it becomes dry both in very hot climates and in extreme cold. During hot weather, the dog should be given enough to drink, and his nose should be lubricated with aloe juice after a walk. After a walk in cold weather, the dog's nose is wiped with warm water.

What does a dry nose mean in a dog?

It's no secret that a dog's dry nose is a cause for concern. But why did such a concept arise and is such a change in the olfactory organ really dangerous for a pet?

Let's try to understand these issues by considering the main reasons responsible for the loss of the usual sputum.

The moisture and coolness of the nose are explained by its structure and purpose. Mucous membranes located on the outer and inside, secrete a special liquid that moisturizes the olfactory organ. In addition to the olfactory properties, tactile properties are also noteworthy, reacting to minor changes in the environment.

A change in nasal temperature is considered normal if the dog:

  • immersed in sleep or recently emerged from it;
  • overtired after exhausting physical activity;
  • was exposed to the scorching sun without proper protection;
  • spent a long time in the cold and windy weather;
  • pregnant, going through lactation or estrus;
  • She is still very young and is experiencing a change of teeth ( warm nose the puppy will return to normal gradually as he grows up);
  • experienced severe stress associated with moving, going to the vet, or other disturbing event;
  • predisposed to dryness and warmth at the genetic level.

Please note that all the examples discussed should not cause concern unless there are others alarming symptoms. If appetite, mood and activity are maintained at the same level, then the animal is in perfect order.

The main reasons for trouble include:


If you register a dry nose, carefully check for other warning signs:

  • temperature fluctuations (rise above 39.2° or drop below 37.5°);
  • deterioration of hair condition (loss, disheveled appearance);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool upset, vomiting);
  • peeling of the surface of the nose, the appearance of crusts and cracks;
  • apathy, aggressiveness, avoidance of sunlit places;
  • changes in appetite and interest in water;
  • itching, cough, runny nose, wheezing in the chest.

Please note that the dog should be taken immediately to veterinary clinic if she has:

  • there was an attack with loss of consciousness;
  • difficulty urinating and defecating;
  • the temperature sharply exceeded 40°;
  • cloudy mucus appeared from the sinuses, emitting an unpleasant odor;
  • foreign impurities are observed in the stool;
  • traces of blood are visible in the vomit.

We will also consider the classic signs that accompany dryness, depending on its cause:

Diagnosis and treatment

If your pet has a bunch of symptoms, it should be shown to a doctor. Try to do this with maximum comfort for the sick animal. If in stock heat, then it is wiser to leave your pet at home and call a veterinarian.

Please note that you cannot lower your temperature on your own using antipyretics. Such actions can aggravate the patient's condition.

After passing necessary tests and diagnosing the cause that affected the dry nose, appropriate treatment will be prescribed:

  1. Taking antibiotics to fight viral diseases.
  2. Adjustment of the diet, allowing you to identify the allergen, and sparing the sick body.
  3. Elimination of injuries using painkillers and healing ointments.
  4. The use of anthelmintics and cleansing the body of waste products of worms.
  5. Rehydration of a dehydrated animal by infusion of special solutions.
  6. Boosting immunity with a vitamin and mineral course.

Let's look at the features of treatment depending on the diagnosis:


As preventive measures to protect your pet from possible dangers, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid plastic bowls and keep them clean. Give preference to ceramics or aluminum. They don't call allergic reactions and prevent increased bacterial growth. Wash the feeders after each meal without adding detergent.
  2. Choose high-quality food and monitor the reaction of the dog’s body. When feeding natural products introduce new food gradually, studying the well-being of the puppies.
  3. Use sunscreen not only for yourself, but also for your four-legged friend. In hot weather, lubricate your nose with it, and in winter, moisturize the mucous membrane with vegetable oils.
  4. Do not walk your dog near allergenic plants during the flowering period.
  5. Attend veterinary examinations, deworming and vaccinations in a timely manner.


A dog’s nose is the most important indicator that allows you to suspect something is wrong. However, not all existing causes require urgent intervention. Learn to understand the changes in the condition of your four-legged friend and try to learn new information that will allow you to skillfully understand possible ailments.

Watch also the video

The dog's nose is the main sense organ, which is capable of distinguishing about two million odors. U healthy dog it is usually cold and wet. This is due to the secretion of liquid secretion by the lateral and vestibular nasal glands. In addition, the nose is involved in the thermoregulation of the dog’s body: when exhaling through the nose, liquid secretion evaporates, which contributes to general cooling body. Thanks to the moist surface of the nose, the dog understands odors better and is able to detect the slightest vibrations in the air.

Causes of dryness and fever in a dog's nose

There are a number of physiological reasons for a pet's dry and warm nose that the dog breeder should not worry about.

A dog's nose can be dry and warm during sleep and for 10 minutes after it, in case of fatigue after physical activity, in extreme heat and in severe frost. Such a reaction of the body may be the result of stress or fear.

At the birth of puppies A nursing bitch often has a dry nose.

When dehydration, the dog may experience a dry nose. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the presence of fresh water in your pet’s bowl, and also regularly change the water after meals.

Nose Pink colour susceptible to sunburn. So if your nose is cracked, red, and the skin on it begins to peel off, you can use sunscreen and limit exposure to direct sun rays per animal.

Some dogs have a special nose structure and a slow metabolism, so throughout their lives they are characterized by a dry and warm nose. To make your pet feel better, you can periodically lubricate your nose with calendula.

However, if the nose of a four-legged friend for a long time remains warm and dry, for several reasons.


Dryness of the nose can occur due to trauma to the nose, a strong blow, or a burn. In such cases, it is necessary to seek the help of a veterinarian.


At food allergies observed itchy skin, redness on the skin, disorder gastrointestinal tract, ear inflammation, lacrimation. Skin allergies may occur on flowering, household chemicals, hygiene products, synthetic fabrics, pollen, insect bites. At the same time, itching separate areas skin rash does not go away after using antibiotics.

To prevent allergies, when washing a dog bowl, it is best to use natural remedies. When choosing dishes for eating food, it is better to choose glass or metal rather than plastic. If the allergy is caused by blooms, you should reconsider the dog's walking area.

Lack of vitamins

The nose becomes dry and slightly cracked when there is insufficient amount of vitamins A and D in the dog’s diet. Retinol (vitamin A) is found in egg yolks, fish oil, dark orange and dark green vegetables and fruits, chicken and beef liver. Sources of calciferol (vitamin D) - dairy products, cottage cheese, beef, egg yolks, fish fat.

Autoimmune disease (pemphigus)

The cause of a dry and warm nose can be an autoimmune disease such as pemphigus, in which blisters with liquid appear on the skin, including the nose. The diagnosis of this disease is made based on the results of a skin biopsy.


If a dog has developed a cold, that is, acute respiratory disease(ARI), or acute respiratory viral infection(ARVI), then in addition to a dry and hot nose, other symptoms will be present. Just like a person, a dog loses its appetite, develops a cough and runny nose, and has an elevated body temperature. For small breeds normal temperature body 38.6 - 39.3 degrees. For large breeds Dogs typically have a temperature of 37.4 – 38.3 degrees. At the same time, the norm in puppies is a temperature slightly higher than in adult animals.

You can measure your dog's temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer. This procedure is performed rectally. It is better to measure the temperature when the dog is in a calm state, in order to exclude the possibility of frightening the animal and, as a result, damaging the thermometer.


Worms can lead to intoxication of the dog's body. In this case, in addition to a dry nose, symptoms such as unstable stools, difficulty swallowing food, vomiting and itching in the area will appear. anus. The general condition of the dog will be lethargic, because helminthiasis weakens the animal’s body. Therefore, for prevention purposes, it is recommended to periodically give the dog anthelmintic drugs.


If a pet is infected with distemper, the primary symptoms include: dry hot nose, pale mucous membrane, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting with foam (blood), fainting, and convulsions. This disease progresses quickly, so if you have the above symptoms, you should urgently seek help from a veterinary clinic. To avoid illness, it is recommended to vaccinate the animal in a timely manner.


So dangerous and incurable disease Like rabies, dogs that do not have the appropriate vaccinations become infected. In addition to a dry and hot nose, there is a lack of appetite, apathy, and photophobia.

Every breeder must know the symptoms of diseases such as distemper and rabies, so that if the animal becomes infected, contact a veterinarian in time.

To summarize, we can note the following: in the absence of symptoms of the disease and the dog is in a cheerful mood, a dry and wet nose is a temporary phenomenon associated with physiological reasons, so there is no need to panic.