Consolidation in the soft tissues of the nose after rhinoplasty. Why did callus appear after rhinoplasty and how to get rid of it. Blue streaks or bruises

Rhinoplasty (correction or reconstruction of the nose) is a kind of art.

Not only does the surgeon need to take into account all relevant aesthetic proportions and the unique features of the patient's face during the operation itself, the doctor must also anticipate how the patient's face will change throughout life so that the final result does not disappoint him or her.

On average, the rhinoplasty procedure takes up to 2 hours and ends with nasal packing using hemostatic sponges and the application of a plaster splint. However, the operation is not always successful.

Immediate post-operative problems after rhinoplasty include:

  • Obstruction respiratory tract : Postextubation aspiration of blood may cause laryngospasm. This may require treatment with muscle relaxants and reintubation or positive pressure ventilation.
  • Anaphylaxis: May occur when using intraoperative antibiotic medication.
  • Visual impairment: Transient and permanent visual impairment sometimes occurs after local anesthesia and injections of vasoconstrictors.
  • The most obvious and slightly annoying symptom after rhinoplasty is nasal congestion. It occurs due to intranasal edema and persists for the first few postoperative weeks.
  • Persistent swelling: Initial facial and nasal swelling and periorbital bruising may persist for 10 days. And persistent swelling of the face and numbness in the tip of the nose can occur after external rhinoplasty and last for several months. This is not a problem if the patient has been warned in advance.

Some of the most common "delayed" problems after rhinoplasty include:

  1. Bump on the nose.

    This complication appears due to the specific reaction of the periosteum to damage during surgery. If a lump appears, you should contact your plastic surgeon again.

  2. Deformation of the cartilage or soft tissues of the nose.

    Cartilage deformity occurs when too much cartilage tissue is left behind after surgery. Soft tissue strain occurs when a surgeon removes too much soft tissue from a patient with thick skin, causing the skin to subsequently not contract and stretch properly. Scars (scars) appear in the nose area.

  3. Deformation in the form of an inverted "V".

    Occurs due to improper inward fracture of the nasal bones or inadequate support of the upper lateral cartilages when the nasal hump has been removed. The center of the nose is destroyed and the nasal bones are visible to the naked eye in an inverted "V" shape.

  4. Deformation in the form of an “open roof”.

    After the surgeon has removed the nasal hump, the free edges of the nasal bones can be felt (palpated) under the skin. The nose looks asymmetrical.

  5. Excessively shortened nose or saddle nose.

    This problem after nose job occurs when the surgeon has removed too much of the supporting structure for the nasal area. This can lead to a number of disorders associated with changes in the tip of the nose. If over-resection occurs at the front of the nasal septum (the structure separating the two nasal cavities), the tip of the nose may fall back, resulting in an overly shortened appearance, like a pig's snout. On the other hand, over-resection can also lead to the opposite problem, in which the tip of the nose droops, losing its L-shaped support. This shape is called a “saddle” nose.

  6. Beak-shaped deformity.

    This term is used when completeness ( varying degrees severity) above the tip of the nose along with an unnatural relationship between the tip and the area above it. Causes of this condition may include: inadequate support of the nasal tip, improper removal of the cartilaginous hump, or scarring above the tip of the nose.

  7. Wide tip and bulbous tip.

    If too much supporting cartilage for the tip of the nose is removed during surgery, it may collapse and appear too wide or too prominent. Excessive scar tissue formation can also lead to these two aesthetic problems after rhinoplasty.

  8. External valve collapse.

    A narrow area in the internal structure of the nose is called the “nasal valve.” For normal, unimpeded breathing, it is important that the entire valve area remains open. While internal nasal valve problems can occur during hump removal, external valve collapse occurs when too much tip cartilage is removed during a rhinoplasty procedure.

  9. Disproportion between the wings of the nose and the columella.

    "Columella" is the name of the structure that separates the two nostrils. Ideally, this area should be only a few millimeters below the edge of the nostril. In all patients, the wings of the nose are either normal, drooping, or retracted, and the columella is either normal, retracted, or sagging. Many people experience alar-columella disproportion (for example, due to a very long caudal septum), but rhinoplasty, such as excessive resection of the caudal septum or resection of the nasal spine, can also cause it.

How to care for your nose after surgery

Bruising and swelling are a normal part of facial recovery after nose job surgery. Their appearance and severity depend on a number of factors: whether the nasal bones were broken (osteotomy), the degree of dissection of soft tissues, whether the operation was performed open or closed, how old the patient is, how thick his skin is, etc.

Obviously, not many of these factors are within the patient's control.

However, the extent of bruising and the severity of swelling can be minimized by following these tips for caring for your nose after surgery:

  • Avoid any blood thinners for at least 2 weeks before surgery, and do not resume taking them until your doctor says OK. These drugs include (but are not limited to): aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin.
  • Avoid multivitamins herbal remedies, teas that contain high levels vitamin E, ginseng, Ginko - this can lead to increased bleeding.
  • Avoid hot foods, teas and other liquids for 7 days after rhinoplasty.
  • If you have a bleeding tendency, a family history of bleeding disorders, or a family member with a bleeding disorder, you should discuss this with your doctor before surgery.
  • When lying down, you need to hold your head so that it is higher than your heart. This will help minimize swelling.
  • Avoid smoking for three weeks after surgery; it can negate efforts to take care of your nose after surgery, as indulging in this habit impairs healing and causes swelling.
  • Visiting a solarium or long stay Exposure to the sun during the first few months after rhinoplasty can cause the skin of the nose to become red or "spotty." During the first few months after rhinoplasty, patients should wear sunscreen or a hat to prevent the above-mentioned problems.
  • Some patients who had serious problems with breathing (for example, due to polyps and adenoids) before surgery, you will notice an improvement immediately after surgery, even if there is swelling. But sometimes swelling can make it difficult to sleep the first few nights after surgery. To avoid this, your doctor may prescribe a mild sleeping pill.
  • In the first weeks after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to use a humidifier and also use saline solution ( salt water), to prevent the formation of crusts on the mucous membrane. But you should not blow your nose until your doctor gives permission to do so.
  • Women who have undergone rhinoplasty are not recommended to become pregnant for a year until full recovery nose

Within 2-3 weeks after surgery, about 70% of the swelling will disappear, and after about 6 weeks after rhinoplasty, 80 to 85% of the swelling will disappear. The complete disappearance of swelling may take from several weeks to 6 months.

After rhinoplasty, the nose will continue to grow, this natural process which cannot be prevented. However, the nose grows quite slowly and reoperation unlikely to be needed.

It is possible if you choose a good one responsibly plastic surgeon.

Nose surgery is known to be difficult. surgical intervention. Therefore, the recovery time and the quality of the final result depend on the accuracy and correctness of the doctor’s actions.

Another important factor- a serious approach to the patient’s compliance with the rules of conduct in.

To choose a specialist, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Number of positive or negative reviews about the clinic or the surgeon.
  • It is better that the clinic has a good reputation among patients for several years. And the doctor had a solid baggage of professional knowledge and experience behind him. It is important to remember one fact. Even a very good specialist cannot do much if he does not have a modern medical equipment. Conversely, the mere availability of equipment does not guarantee positive result, if there are no qualified specialists.
  • Even if you have been recommended a certain clinic, do not go to just any specialist. It is important to first make sure that all necessary licenses and other documents confirming the organization’s right to provide medical services of this nature.

For many patients, surgery plays a decisive role in choosing a plastic surgeon. If the doctor is in no hurry to agree to perform an operation on you, this is not bad. Quite the contrary, it speaks of his responsible approach. Good specialist communicates with the patient to find out what the person does not like about his appearance and realistically evaluates whether something can be corrected.

According to experienced plastic surgeons, there are patients who do not need to change anything. It is enough to convince them that their face is proportionally folded, and another nose shape will only spoil it. In modern clinics, 3D computer modeling is used for clarity. This makes it possible to achieve maximum mutual understanding between the patient and the surgeon. There are situations when, after analyzing the shape of a person’s face, the surgeon finds out that to eliminate the imbalance, no major changes are required, but only a minor correction.

On the other hand, there is such a thing as contraindications. To find out whether it is possible to have surgery, a series of tests and examination of the body are always prescribed. If this point is not given enough attention, then the likelihood of complications occurring is very high. Surgeons take this issue especially seriously when it comes to revision rhinoplasty. Therefore, if several qualified specialists have refused you, you should not desperately look for those who will agree. Perhaps these will be people who think more about future profits than about your health.

What are the reasons for complications after rhinoplasty?

Even if you have chosen an excellent clinic and a highly qualified plastic surgeon, you need to consider one more important factor.

In addition to the unprofessional approach on the part of the doctor, the reason bad consequences nose job can become misbehavior patient during rehabilitation.

After rhinoplasty there are natural expected consequences and undesirable consequences, which can be called complications. TO natural consequences This may include swelling, bruising, some soreness, temporary loss of sensation and smell, and the inability to breathe through the nose for some time. If you listen to your plastic surgeon and follow all the rules of behavior during rehabilitation, then all these consequences will go away completely over time, and you will forget that you had surgery.

How can non-compliance with rehabilitation rules affect the results of the operation? If a rhinoplasty patient lifts something heavy, bends, or undergoes a lot of physical activity, swelling will increase and the stitches may come apart. And if you sleep on your side or stomach, the new shape of your nose may be spoiled and as a result, asymmetry will appear.

What bad consequences could there be?

All possible complications after rhinoplasty can be divided into two groups:

  • Aesthetic (when not satisfied appearance nose)
  • Functional (when the nose does not breathe, the sense of smell disappears or sensitivity is lost)

Lump on the nose

There are cases when patients after rhinoplasty have a dense bump on their nose indeterminate form. Most often, its appearance is explained by intense subcutaneous scarring of the nasal tissue.

To avoid this complication, the surgeon must act with maximum care and precision. Moreover, even when drawing up a plan for the operation, he will carefully think through everything so as to achieve desired result by minimizing damage to nasal tissue.

Tissue scarring also directly depends on the patient’s behavior during rehabilitation. What does this mean? This is where emphasis needs to be placed. The fact is that when the swelling is very large and does not go away for a long time, all layers of the skin thicken to a large extent, which means the scars can be quite large.

What does this look like in practice?

  • First. Under no circumstances remove turundas or plaster yourself.
  • Second. Avoid any physical activity during the first two weeks after surgery (this includes a ban on heavy lifting).
  • Third. Can't overheat hot bath, beach, bathhouse and sauna are strictly contraindicated).
  • Fourth. Do not smoke or drink alcohol under any circumstances.
  • Fifth. At least for the first time, stick to a salt-free diet.
  • Sixth. You can only sleep on your back, with your head raised high.
  • Seventh. Don't tilt your head down.
  • Eighth. Follow your doctor's recommendations to reduce swelling and bruising (this may include taking medicines, a number of physical procedures, and so on).

What should those who already have a lump do? In this case, you should seek help from your plastic surgeon as soon as possible. Treatment for this cosmetic defect may last approximately six months. In this case, the procedures will be aimed at making the scars softer and thinner, due to which the lump will go away. Often special injections are given into the scar area. It is better, of course, to seek help as early as possible.

In view of this, we can come to the conclusion that you should not neglect the need to come for a follow-up examination with the doctor within several months after the operation. The sooner a problem is noticed, the easier it will be to solve it.

Hump ​​after rhinoplasty

In some cases, a hump remains or appears after rhinoplasty. This problem may occur due to the fact that the hump was not completely removed or due to the formation of a callus after plastic surgery with osteotomy.

If the problem does not go away within 7 to 10 months, then repeated surgery will most likely be required to correct it.

It can also occur due to the fact that an injury was sustained during rehabilitation, and the new shape of the nose did not have time to fix properly. The same problem can occur if you wear glasses during rehabilitation.

Callus after osteotomy

Callus can form only after significant correction of the shape and size of the nose. Such operations are accompanied by osteotomy or rapprochement of bones. This is wide nose rhinoplasty and hump removal. Callus formation is caused by excessive bone growth that appears at the fracture site. To avoid this complication, it is important to prevent swelling of the periosteum in a timely manner.

The appearance of a dent on the nose

Dents on the nose are also caused by excessive tissue scarring. The fight against this kind of complication comes down to softening the scar tissue and doing everything possible to prevent its intensive formation.

If treatment is not started in time, additional surgery may be required. It is important to remember that a second operation can be performed only if a year and a half has passed since the first. Only in this case can you be completely sure that the nose will heal completely and the blood supply will be restored. Neglecting these requirements can lead to irreversible consequences such as necrosis of nasal tissue. This means that after the second operation the scars may be much worse.

To avoid the appearance of dents on the nose, it is very important to strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations during rehabilitation.

Find out what they look like on, these photos help you see from the outside which noses are considered large.

I have been a plastic surgeon for two decades. During this time, I had to do a repeat or, in other words, secondary rhinoplasty more than once. It is sometimes also called revision rhinoplasty. But the essence of the process does not change from changing words.

Revision rhinoplasty solves completely different problems than primary rhinoplasty. During the first nose job, the surgeon solves or tries to solve certain physiological or aesthetic problems associated with the organ. If the first operation was unsuccessful, you cannot hide it; the result is really obvious. Therefore, patients strive to undergo repeat surgery as quickly as possible. They are concerned about the hump on the back of the nose that appears after rhinoplasty, pronounced asymmetry, thickening of the callus at the site, etc.

The desire is understandable, the emotions are explainable - having gone through complex operation rhinoplasty, having gone through an equally difficult and uncomfortable recovery period, they suddenly discover that the aesthetic result is not only far from what was planned at the initial consultation, but is also burdened by breathing problems. Yes, that’s right: often an unsuccessful aesthetic result also entails respiratory dysfunction and changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

And then, during a consultation with another surgeon, patients, on the one hand, really want to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, but, on the other hand, they feel tired - they are afraid of the second stage, do not believe the doctor, and think with horror about that they will have to go through all the tests again and... get an unknown result from rhinoplasty.

Medical ethics does not allow a surgeon to criticize during a consultation; his task is to examine the patient and understand what can be corrected. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when the bare minimum can be corrected - an inexperienced surgeon “frolic” to his heart’s content, leaving virtually no opportunity to restore tissue. I have already said more than once that professional hand solves aesthetic problems, acting within millimeters, carefully preparing tissue layers, trying not to disturb them physiological functions. It is difficult to return what has been excised...

I have observed unfortunate results in my practice: the formation of rough scars, tissue fusion, dysfunction of the skin.

These are the problems that do not allow us to simply proceed with revision rhinoplasty; here we need to understand how to restore what is damaged without removing the damaged tissue, because we will have to form the nose from what is left; we are not given spare parts. Often the only option is to use autografts of cartilage tissue of the ear or ribs.

It is somewhat easier to correct the situation when “extra” appears after surgery. Hump ​​after rhinoplasty - callus- can appear either as a result of excessive trauma to the bone and surrounding tissues, or be the result of the individual characteristics of recovery processes in the body. During secondary rhinoplasty, callus must be removed with extreme care to avoid recurrence of this complication.

In such cases, I tell myself: do not rejoice at the failures of your colleagues; as a result of their mistakes, you end up with the most difficult patient, psychologically not ready to go through the path again. In any case, each time you have to solve a new puzzle - how to eliminate the consequences of the first operation.

And we have to explain to the patient that now our task is not to make the nose the way it was intended before the first rhinoplasty, but one that would allow us to restore its acceptable appearance and functional abilities. Here we are not talking about photographs before and after rhinoplasty and not about computer modeling new form nose, but about what can be corrected after unsuccessful rhinoplasty.

True, in my practice there have been patients who evaluate the result of the operation in accordance with their fantastic expectations. They come and say, I don’t like the shape of my nose that was done for me at Clinic N, I want a different one...

I refuse such visitors, citing the fact that I am not able to fulfill their aesthetic order. And in fact, for them, facial features are no more significant than daily makeup; they think that they can be changed like makeup on the face!

It is important to note that revision rhinoplasty requires a more serious examination to understand where the mistake was made.

And most of all, the question of the timing of secondary rhinoplasty requires the responsibility of the surgeon. Most textbooks recommend repeat rhinoplasty surgery a year after the first, but this is too much general recommendation, each time such a decision is made taking into account the “damage” caused, in accordance anatomical features noses and the ability to regenerate tissue. Here, by definition, there cannot be general typical solutions; each such story is a separate story about what mistakes were made during the primary nose job and how the slightest opportunities were used to improve the situation during the secondary one.

Therefore, my advice as a specialist with many years of work experience is only one thing - carefully choose the clinic and the surgeon to whom you entrust your appearance, do not trust hasty communications and stories about the ease of rhinoplasty surgery, be patient and undergo consultations and examinations, beware of those who is ready to perform an operation on you “even the next day”, talk to your doctor and talk in detail about how exactly you want to change yourself with the help of rhinoplasty. And, of course, save photos before and after rhinoplasty, so that in the unfortunate event of a repeat operation, the doctor has something to base from when making a professional, competent decision.

One of the complications of rhinoplasty surgery is the appearance of hypertrophied callus. But not everything is so simple.

In fact, with the appearance of such a callus, the body reacts to tissue damage due to its enormous compensatory capabilities.

Growth in place surgical intervention Excess bone fibers are the body’s reaction to injury.

Bone callus is the result of regenerative processes; its occurrence occurs due to natural recovery bone tissue after its destruction.

There is no need to confuse an ordinary callus, for example, on a finger, and a bone callus - these are completely different formations.

The callus consists of connective tissue, appearing at the site of bone fusion. That is, such a callus, in fact, always forms, and this is a normal process.

It is important to prevent the appearance of an overgrown callus.

Such a callus is not dangerous for the body, but it also needs to be treated to prevent even more serious complications and the appearance of pain.

An important point: an overgrown callus can significantly deform the appearance, which completely neutralizes the result of the operation.

Stages of formation:

  1. Initially (within about 7 days) after rhinoplasty, a provisional callus is formed.
  2. Then the bone or cartilage tissue from the emerging osteoid tissue.
  3. The formation of callus occurs within a period of up to 6 months.

The formation time depends on the following factors:

  1. qualified and timely medical care;
  2. the size of the damaged bone;
  3. patient's age;
  4. general condition of the patient’s body: features of metabolic processes,
  5. state nervous system and endocrine glands.

Callus can be of the following types:

  1. periosteal;
  2. intermediary;
  3. endosteal;
  4. paraosseous.

Briefly about each of them:

  • Periosteal - appears on the outer part of the bone. It has a good blood supply and, accordingly, is characterized by rapid regeneration.

It is expected by surgeons and causes a slight compaction to form along the fracture line. This is the so-called “good” callus, which must appear, otherwise the bones will not heal.

It functions as a kind of living glue that holds bone fragments together and allows new bone to grow.

The intermediary callus holds bone fragments together, filling the space between them with cells and vessels,

  • Endosteal– formed from cells bone marrow and endosteum, appears next to the medullary valve.
  • Paraosseous- this is a kind of “bridge” for debris bone tissue, this is a soft fabric that easily breaks even under not so significant loads.

This type of callus is unfavorable, and surgeons during rhinoplasty try by all means to prevent its formation.

The type of callus depends on the location of the fracture and the individual properties of the body, the ability to regenerate tissue.

Video: Surgical technique


The occurrence of callus is based on the special properties of bone tissue, which differs from other organs and systems in the unique course of the healing and restoration process.

The process is as follows:

  1. formation of connective tissue around the damaged area;
  2. formation of bone tissue in the form of thin fibers;
  3. Calcification of fibers occurs, as a result of which bone tissue is strengthened, soft tissue is replaced by bone. Then, at the site of fusion of the bone tissue, a growth is formed, the size of which depends on the depth of the injury to which the bone and adjacent tissues have been subjected, as well as the patient’s body’s ability to regenerate tissue - this is an individual property.

Based on the above, among the reasons for the appearance of callus after nose surgery are the following:

  1. the body’s ability to intensively restore bone tissue;
  2. skill of a plastic surgeon: experienced professionals have
  3. developments, the use of which in the overwhelming majority prevents the hypergrowth of bone fibers.

An important point: callus after rhinoplasty can develop only when the bone tissue is damaged during the operation, that is, the bone skeleton is corrected.

Most often this happens after removing a hump on the bridge of the nose and completely changing the shape of the nose.

Photo: Before and after surgery

How to remove callus after rhinoplasty

Hypertrophied growth of callus can lead to:

  1. humps on the nose, nasal deformities;
  2. edema

There are several methods to get rid of callus:

  1. surgery (although it is prescribed relatively rarely);
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. treatment with medications.

Removal of callus is indicated as a last resort if other methods are not effective.

Surgical intervention is also indicated in the following cases:

  1. high body temperature;
  2. hyperemia, edema.


To prevent the appearance of hypertrophied callus, drugs are used that contain glucocorticoid hormones, which remove swelling and promote rapid tissue healing:

  1. drug "Diprospan" administered by injection, subcutaneously, improves the ability to scar, reduces inflammation, swelling;
  2. drug "Kenalog" administered intramuscularly, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. homeopathic preparation of complex action “Traumel S”, applied externally (ointment) and internally (drops, tablets).

Physiotherapeutic procedures

As a result of physiotherapy (although this is a long-term treatment), it is possible to activate the regeneration and gradual resorption of the callus:

  1. electrophoresis is used using hydrocortisone and lidase;
  2. ultrasound exposure using steroid ointment, phonophoresis;
  3. magnetic therapy, UHF;
  4. thermotherapy (heat therapy).


The main measures to prevent the appearance of callus after rhinoplasty are:

  1. strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations during rehabilitation;
  2. urgently contact your doctor if you experience initial signs and symptoms of callus appearance;
  3. the optimal choice of clinic and experienced professional for rhinoplasty. The operation is quite common and has a relatively low cost, so it is important to navigate among all the offers in order to choose best option, without being tempted by a lower price than usual.

To prevent the occurrence of callus, as well as excessive swelling and other complications, you must follow simple rules:

  1. the doctor recommends observing the first 2-3 days bed rest– do not ignore this requirement, because it will have a positive impact on your well-being and, ultimately, on the result of the operation;
  2. during the postoperative period, it is better to stay at home for at least two weeks and avoid strong physical exertion;
  3. do not blow your nose for the first two weeks (use special sticks to clean your nose);
  4. Not less than a month do not visit the beach, sauna, solarium, avoid excessive overheating, exposure to the sun for a long time;
  5. don't study strength exercises, do not bear heavy weights for 2 months;
  6. during rehabilitation period no need to wear glasses (they put pressure on the bridge of the nose);
  7. exclude both too cold and hot food and drinks, take food warm.

And one more thing - don’t be afraid of bruises after surgery.

Noticed: concentration small amount blood in the osteostomy area, as a result, gives impetus to the formation of a “positive” callus that holds the bones together for 7 to 10 days, and therefore in use plaster cast there will be no need.

Hypertrophied callus does not appear very often after rhinoplasty. At the first sign of it, you need to consult a doctor, and then there is a high chance of removing the callus without surgery.

After all, repeated surgery also does not always guarantee that the problem of callus will not arise again.

(open or closed rhinoplasty), has a certain percentage of risks and side effects.

The reasons that influence the occurrence of such reactions are different. These include:

  • Individual characteristics of the body (tendency to bleeding, dense superficial vascular network, tendency to allergies, edema, excessive formation of connective tissue at the site of the scar, etc.);
  • Practical experience of the surgeon and the selected surgical technique;
  • Accompanying illnesses ( arterial hypertension, hypovitaminosis, etc.)

Rhinoplasty: complications, risks, problems

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed every year, but it has the same potential risks as all other interventions. Although most rhinoplasty procedures proceed without problems, the patient should be aware of all the potential side effects and risks of rhinoplasty, as well as their personal risk factors. Discussing these nuances with an experienced surgeon will help make the operation safer and the rehabilitation process easier and more predictable.

Surgical risks and complications

These risks are associated with the process of surgical intervention itself, which inevitably involves tissue trauma and blood vessels and subsequent suturing. Potential surgical risks Rhinoplasties include:

  • Bleeding and large hematomas;
  • Infection of a postoperative wound;
  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia.

All of these conditions also occur after any other surgical interventions.

Specific complications after rhinoplasty

It should be separately described adverse reactions and consequences that are characteristic specifically for this group of operations - that is, for all types surgical plastic surgery nose

Problems encountered after rhinoplasty include:

Numbness of the nose - occurs when damaged nerve fibers, is often a reversible condition and goes away after weeks.

Pain after surgery. Inevitable damage during surgery, as well as compression of nerve trunks by edematous tissue leads to painful sensations in the first days. This discomfort is usually minor and can be relieved with analgesics recommended by your doctor.

Hypercorrection, or insufficient correction, requiring revision rhinoplasty. These problems can be seen immediately after surgery or several months later.

Nosebleeds - during the operation, blood vessels are damaged, and while the mucous membrane and vascular wall do not restore their previous density during the healing process, they are very easily damaged by any provoking factors (taking tampons out of the nasal cavity, changes in blood pressure, prolonged tilting of the head). The volume and severity of such bleeding is usually small.

With open rhinoplasty, scars remain at the base of the nose and on skin fold between the nostrils. They usually smooth out completely and are no longer noticeable within a few months. However, it happens that after rhinoplasty the scar changes, becomes massive and dense, turning into a keloid. Such a dense, convex and reddish scar occurs due to the proliferation of connective tissue in the area of ​​healing postoperative sutures.

Bruises after rhinoplasty. They occur as a result of rupture of small blood vessels closer to the surface of the skin. This is another common side effect. Bruising is usually located around the eyes and lasts up to ten days. They are not a sign of serious complications. After rhinoplasty, bruises vary in severity, depending on the fragility of the patient’s small vessels.

Swelling after rhinoplasty. This is a natural component of recovery after tissue injury. The severity of this reaction of the skin and mucous membranes of the nasal passages depends on individual characteristics body. Swelling of the nose and around the eyes after rhinoplasty is one of the most common side effects. The mechanism of their development is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues due to microcirculation disorders caused by the operation.

Any swelling (of the bridge or tip of the nose) after rhinoplasty is most noticeable in the first days after surgery and gradually subsides over about two weeks. Swelling of the mucous membrane can give the voice a nasal tone, which sometimes lasts for several weeks. In rare cases, minor swelling may persist for up to four or even six months after rhinoplasty.

Bumps after rhinoplasty are a complication that appears in more late dates after nose surgery. They arise as a result of a specific reaction of the periosteum to damage during surgery. This complication requires repeated contact with a plastic surgeon.

Therefore, it is important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who, after a thorough examination and interview, will be able to provide possible risks and accept as much as possible possible measures to prevent them. In addition, it is necessary to follow the instructions received from the surgeon for caring for yourself before and after the operation, which will help to avoid many complications.