Ultrasound splenomegaly. Ultrasound of the spleen: how to prepare, normal indicators in adults, cost. Ultrasound of the spleen: what is it?

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Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen

An organ called the spleen performs a number of functions simultaneously. Thanks to its work, old platelets are destroyed, and hemoglobin is transformed into enzymes such as bilirubin and hemosiderin.

In addition, the spleen produces red blood cells and lymphocytes, which accumulate in the organ until a certain point. The spleen is capable of retaining various bacteria, producing the necessary antibodies.

Indications for ultrasound

An ultrasound examination of the spleen is performed if the following prerequisites are present:

  • mechanical organ damage
  • suspicion of abnormal or too delayed development of the organ
  • presence of chronic liver diseases
  • the patient has infectious diseases, which include sepsis, mononucleosis, infectious syphilis, viral hepatitis, typhus
  • leukemia
  • the spleen tumor is malignant or vice versa.

Preparation for the procedure

For proper implementation, preparation for ultrasound of the spleen is mandatory. It is extremely important that your last meal is eight or even ten hours before the start of the study. Based on this need, ultrasound examinations are carried out mainly in daytime hours. In addition, a few days before the scheduled study, you must stop taking such products as:

  • all types of legumes
  • unprocessed vegetables
  • milk.

Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen involves taking enterosorbents, such as festal, or activated charcoal for several days before the procedure. These drugs are taken one tablet two to three times a day. Taking this group of drugs is necessary in order to completely avoid gas formation, which can greatly complicate the study.

In rare cases, an exception may be made in the form of light breakfast consisting of crackers and tea. Such an exception is only permissible if the patient suffers from diabetes mellitus and too long an interval between meals can negatively affect his well-being.

Objectives of the study

Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen and its immediate implementation are necessary to determine volumetric parameters, as well as identify local or diffuse changes in the structure. In addition, the study can reveal the presence of a cyst or tumor, as well as its location and nature.

Regular ultrasound examination of the spleen is necessary for all patients diagnosed with chronic diseases liver, hematopoietic, and lymphatic systems.

Carrying out the procedure

Preparing for an ultrasound scan of the spleen takes much more time than actually performing it. The whole procedure lasts from five to ten minutes. During the study, the patient does not feel any discomfort, and there are no contraindications to the study.

When the procedure is carried out correctly, the doctor receives a large amount of necessary o this body information that makes it possible to timely diagnose and eliminate large quantity diseases at an early stage.

Answers on questions

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the spleen - diagnostic method, which allows you to obtain information about the size, location and changes in the organ without instrumental intervention in the patient’s abdominal cavity. The method is indispensable for examination in pediatrics - in childhood It is impossible to notice changes by palpation.

Topographic anatomy of the spleen

When is spleen ultrasound used?

Ultrasound diagnostics is universal and has no contraindications in terms of the number of manipulations performed - it can be used even daily to monitor treatment or the dynamics of pathology development.

The technique is effective:

  • if organ injury is suspected;
  • for the diagnosis of neoplasms of malignant and benign etiology;
  • to identify the source of inflammation;
  • to identify developmental anomalies;
  • for pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases lymphatic system and liver.

Indications for ultrasound of the spleen:

  • injuries in the organ area (ultrasound can detect abscesses, necrosis, hematomas, ruptures, cysts);
  • neoplastic diseases;
  • anomalies in the development and structure of the organ (“wandering spleen”, absence of the organ from birth, accessory lobe, presence of several spleens);
  • suspicion of a malignant formation; metastases (to determine their number, location);
  • splenomegaly (enlargement of the organ detected by palpation).

Most indications for ultrasound of the spleen are pathologies or injuries that, in the absence of timely treatment may cause fatal outcome. Therefore, timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment are necessary.

Preparing for the study

Like most diagnostic techniques, ultrasound requires little attention at the stage of preparation for manipulation. Ultrasound examination is a procedure that does not require penetration into the human body - that is, it is carried out percutaneously with a special sensor. To ensure the reliability of the results obtained, it is necessary to begin preparation 3 days before the scheduled diagnosis.

Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen:

  • Exclude from the diet foods that increase gas formation - cabbage, legumes, confectionery, baked goods, milk, fresh vegetables - bloating makes it difficult to determine the exact location of the organ.
  • For patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, manipulations are carried out in the morning before meals.
  • The last meal is recommended at least 9 hours before the ultrasound.
  • 10-12 hours before diagnosis, it is recommended to take sorbents - Activated carbon, Enterosgel, white coal.

There are situations when such an amount of time is not allocated to prepare for the procedure. If a rupture is suspected as a result of injury (patient after a fall, beating, accident), an ultrasound is performed as soon as possible without preparatory measures.

Features of ultrasound examination of the spleen

The examination is painless and does not cause discomfort to the patient. The subject lies on his back on the couch, and a special gel is applied to the left hypochondrium area, which promotes better conduction of ultrasonic waves (the composition is hypoallergenic and suitable for children and allergy sufferers). Using the movements of the sensor over the area of ​​the organ, the image is transferred to the monitor, the specialist can see and evaluate the condition, shape, changes in the spleen, and also take the necessary measurements, take a picture, or give a written description of what he saw.

The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. An undeniable advantage of ultrasound is that the result of the diagnostic method is visible immediately and does not require additional decoding by specialists of a narrow profile.

Scanning technique

Interpretation of ultrasound results

The size of the organ depends on age, gender (women have a smaller spleen) and the constitution of the human body, so the parameters vary by several millimeters - the normal limits are not strict.

Spleen sizes according to ultrasound for adults:

  • thickness - 4-5 cm;
  • width - 6-8 cm;
  • length - 11-13 cm;
  • diameter of the splenic vein - 5-8 mm;
  • diameter of the splenic artery - 1-2 mm;
  • medium echogenicity;
  • maximum oblique cut area - from 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm;
  • crescent shape;
  • weight ranges from 150 g to 250 g.

The normal size of the spleen indicates its proper development and functioning. Enlargement of the organ - splenomegaly, detected by palpation and confirmed by ultrasound, may indicate the following health problems:

  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • development of malignant cells;
  • infectious pathologies (toxoplasmosis, scarlet fever, malaria, endocarditis, mononucleosis);
  • inflammatory process in the body (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • injuries;
  • storage diseases (amyloidosis, Gaucher disease);
  • hematopoietic pathologies: myeloid leukemia, chronic hemolytic anemia.
  • hematoma, heart attack, cyst, abscess.

Let's take a closer look at the last point - formations and altered areas in the structure of the spleen that affect its size.

Cyst determined by an ultrasound machine as an anechoic area with a clear and rounded contour. Cystosis occurs for the following reasons:

Heart attack on ultrasound it appears as a hypoechoic triangular and well-defined area. Hemorrhage into tissue occurs as a result of embolism, vascular thrombosis that occurs due to infection, blood pathologies or cardiovascular system.

Hematoma Ultrasound examination will identify an area of ​​mixed or anechoic structure with uneven boundaries. In the event of a hematoma rupture into the peritoneum, ultrasound allows you to see the presence of fluid there. A splenic rupture occurs as a result of a blow or fall or accident. An ultrasound will show unclear boundaries of the organ and fluid in abdominal cavity. This diagnosis rarely allows you to save the spleen - in 99% of cases it is removed.

The location is also determined using an ultrasound machine and is important for making a correct diagnosis. The spleen has the shape of a crescent, the outer side of which is convex and the inner side is concave. The organ is located in the peritoneum - between the diaphragm and the stomach, approximately in the region of 9-11 ribs.

Ultrasound of the spleen: normal values ​​for children

The size of the organ depends on the age of the person, so in pediatrics the norms are physical indicators are different. Spleen size is normal in children of different ages(length Width):

  • At 1-3 years: 68/50mm;
  • At 3-7 years: 80/60mm;
  • At 8-12 years old: 90/60mm;
  • At 12-15 years old: 100/60mm

Ultrasound of the spleen in a child

Teenagers over 16 years old have the same size spleen as an adult. Indicators that do not fit into the norm for a certain age may indicate the following pathologies in children:

If changes are detected in the structure, position or size of the spleen, it is necessary to pay attention to the liver - these organs are closely related to each other. Ultrasound examination in pediatrics - an indispensable way to determine organ injuries and pathological changes in it because this method is safe, painless, does not require anesthesia and does not harm the child even with frequent use.

Ultrasound of the spleen preventative method, necessary for those who have previously undergone organ surgery.

The diagnostic method is indispensable in case of abdominal injury. A strong blow can provoke bleeding, which threatens a person’s life, and quick identification of a rupture of an organ or vessels supplying it will make it possible to take action short time and preserve the life and health of the patient.

An ultrasound scan of the spleen is performed to identify diseases of the organ itself and accompanying conditions. The procedure is rarely done in isolation; usually the entire abdominal cavity is examined at once.

The doctor recommends an ultrasound examination of the spleen if the patient has complaints characteristic of a disease of this organ, or there are deviations in general clinical tests. Situations in which you need to do an ultrasound in adults and children:

  • enlarged spleen detected during examination;
  • changes in blood tests - anemia, decreased levels of leukocytes and platelets;
  • infectious diseases - viral hepatitis, typhoid fever, mononucleosis;
  • signs of hepatic hypertension;
  • a person complains of bleeding from the nose and gums;
  • abdominal trauma with suspected internal bleeding;
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor.

Examination of the spleen should be carried out not only for direct diseases, but also for other diseases that indirectly affect it.

Features of preparation

To obtain the most reliable results of an ultrasound of the spleen, three days of preparation for the procedure are prescribed. The preparatory stage is relevant only for routine ultrasound. If a person needs to be examined urgently, for example, with an abdominal injury with suspected splenic rupture, preparation does not make sense.

Important element preparatory stage- dieting. It is needed to remove all gases from the intestines and completely cleanse it. Inflated or filled with air feces intestinal loops make it difficult to examine organs.

You should not eat before an ultrasound:

  • peas and beans;
  • black bread;
  • cabbage;
  • baked goods;
  • mushrooms.

You cannot drink carbonated drinks and alcohol. Small meals are recommended. Allowed products are soups, buckwheat, vegetable salads, croutons. This food is prescribed for three days. Come to the procedure on an empty stomach.

If the patient suffers from flatulence or constipation, he is prescribed medication. To remove gases from the intestines, take Espumisan and Sub-simplex. Duphalac and Guttalax are prescribed as laxatives.

Carrying out the procedure

An ultrasound examination does not cause any discomfort to a person. He is asked to lie down on the couch, exposing his stomach. The doctor lubricates the skin with a gel that improves ultrasound performance. The sensor is placed under the left rib and the spleen is examined.

To inspect back surface organ, the patient is placed on his right side, asked to take a deep breath and hold his breath. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, at the end the patient is given a description of what the ultrasound of the spleen showed.

How to conduct ultrasound examination The spleen looks like on the monitor, see the video:

Obtained results

The result of the examination may be a normal variant or a disease of the spleen. Also, changes in an organ may be a sign of another disease not directly related to it.

Healthy organ

A healthy spleen is assessed according to several criteria:

  • size within the age norm;
  • homogeneous fine-grained structure;
  • smooth contours;
  • crescent shape;
  • density corresponding to the density of a healthy kidney.

The size of the organ changes according to age.

Table of normal spleen sizes in children according to ultrasound.

The normal size of the spleen in an adult on ultrasound:

  • length up to 12 cm;
  • width up to 8 cm.

The area of ​​the oblique cut of the organ must be calculated - normally it does not exceed 23.5 cm square.

In women, the size of the spleen is normally smaller than in men. This is due to shorter stature.

Description of diseases

If changes in the organ are detected, the doctor makes appropriate notes in the report.

  • Heart attack. Associated with a blood clot or rupture of a vessel. A heart attack appears as an area of ​​tissue with low density and lack of blood flow.

  • Hemangioma. Tumor from blood vessels, is benign in nature. Hemangioma on ultrasound is represented by a round formation of high density.

The description is deciphered by the attending physician, and the diagnosis is made based on all examination data.

Contraindications for examination

The ultrasound procedure is absolutely safe and has no direct contraindications. Relative contraindications- these are the conditions that make examination difficult:

  • damage or inflammation of the skin in the left rib area;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • acute psychosis;
  • lack of preparation.

If emergency diagnosis is necessary, these contraindications are not taken into account.

Cost of the procedure

Ultrasounds are done in government medical institutions and private centers. By compulsory medical insurance policy The examination is carried out free of charge if indicated. The cost of the procedure in private clinics depends on the region of residence.

Table of cost of ultrasound in different cities:

Ultrasound of the spleen is important and desired method diagnostics It helps make a diagnosis when there is doubt. The procedure is available in any medical institution.

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Ultrasound of the spleen is a diagnostic non-invasive procedure that is performed to determine its size and functionality. Possessing high informative ability, this diagnostic method is widely used when examining children.

Get full information it is not possible to determine the condition of the organ by palpation of the abdominal wall, and ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to study it thoroughly. Diagnosis of this organ using a non-invasive method makes it possible to determine its position, size and the presence of changes in its structure.

The essence of the study, its varieties

The essence of the method of ultrasound examination of an organ is to obtain a fairly clear image of the tissues of the spleen using an audio signal reflected from its surface and recorded as a picture by the sensors of the device.

Ultrasound of the spleen is performed using special linear, convex and sector probes. The organ is examined from the back through the left side. And if the spleen is enlarged, then it will also be visible from the abdomen. Good result Ultrasound diagnostics is also possible with vertical position patient.

For what diseases and conditions is it performed?

Examination of the spleen using ultrasound makes it possible to identify various diseases on early stages developments, which include:

  • cystic formations;
  • volumetric processes malignant and benign nature;
  • abscesses;
  • necrosis of organ tissue;
  • traumatic injury to organ tissue and with the formation of a hematoma;
  • diseases of the body's lymphatic system;
  • developmental anomalies.

Early diagnosis by ultrasound of the spleen, especially when closed injuries abdomen, will allow timely treatment of the pathological process and avoid various serious complications.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

The use of ultrasound of the spleen to detect various pathologies, has a wide range of indications, which include:

A special emergency indication for performing an ultrasound of the spleen is abdominal trauma. Since the organ has a dense and branched vascular network, sometimes even a minor injury to the abdomen can cause a rupture of the vessel.

If damage to the parenchymal tissue occurs while the capsule is preserved, bleeding begins to stretch it, which can provoke its rupture with subsequent massive flow of blood into the abdominal cavity.

Since ultrasound of the spleen is non-invasive and absolutely safe method research, both for adult patients and for children, there are no contraindications to its use.

Preparation for the procedure

To obtain the most reliable diagnostic result, it is necessary to prepare for the procedure before performing an ultrasound scan of the spleen. To achieve this, the following activities are carried out:

Infants do not need any preparation for diagnosis. If the baby receives breast milk, then an ultrasound is performed 3 hours after feeding. And if he is on artificial feeding, then after 3.5 hours, since infant formula is absorbed by the child’s body over a longer period of time.

If there is a suspicion of organ rupture due to injury, preparation for the study is not carried out.

Correct and high-quality preparatory measures for the study of ultrasound of the spleen in the abdominal cavity provide the most informative results.

Conducting research

Diagnosis is performed in a supine position. The patient is placed on the couch on the right side, throwing left hand behind the head in order to maximize the intercostal spaces chest. This position allows the specialist to examine the spleen in more detail.

On skin In the diagnostic area, a special gel is applied for better glide and adhesion of the device sensor to the skin. Sometimes, to improve the clarity and visualization of the picture, the patient must take a deep breath and hold his breath.

If during the examination of the spleen it is difficult to obtain information, despite changes in body position, diagnosis is carried out through the intercostal spaces. The study for adults and children is carried out with different sensors and the procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

Upon completion of the diagnosis, the research result is recorded in a photo and deciphered, after which the specialist gives a conclusion.

Useful video

What functions the spleen performs and when an ultrasound scan of the organ is prescribed is discussed in this video.

Interpretation of results (normal and pathological)

During the study, the doctor’s attention is concentrated on assessing the size and shape of the organ, the density of its tissues, the condition vascular network, possible formations in the spleen on ultrasound. The results of an ultrasound examination normally give the following parameters:

Children's spleen parameters differ from adults and, as the body grows, they increase. Decoding the norm for ultrasound of the spleen in children gives the following parameters:

  • at one year old baby– organ length 5-5.5 cm, width – 1.5-2.5 cm;
  • in a teenager, the length of the organ is 9-12 cm, width - 3.5-5 cm.

When sending children for examination, the age of the child must be indicated in the referral.

If there are deviations in the size of the spleen, these parameters indicate pathological process in an organ, determined visually:

  • a change in one organ size may be a feature of the anatomy of a particular patient and be a normal indicator;
  • if there is a change in 2 sizes, then these indicators indicate splenomegaly;
  • a change in the contours of the spleen indicates a rupture of the organ. In emergency cases, with this diagnosis, the spleen is removed, that is, splenectomy;
  • an increase in the echogenicity of the splenic parenchyma indicates the presence of hematoma or tissue necrosis;
  • a decrease in the echogenicity of the organ indicates the presence of foci of inflammation, cystic formations or abscesses.

An ultrasonographic method for examining the spleen makes it possible to visually obtain information about the state of the organ in high quality online.

Diagnostics are possible free of charge under a medical policy in state medical institutions. The price of ultrasound of the spleen in private clinics starts from 250 rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cost of the service will be from 450 rubles and above, depending on the clinic, the availability of modern equipment and the qualifications of doctors.

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