Vaccination against pneumococcus - Prevenar and possible reactions to the vaccine. How is the Prevenar vaccine tolerated?

Streptococcal bacteria are dangerous to a weakened human immune system. Strains can cause significant harm to his health. Therefore, there is a need to protect your situation and take preventive measures. For this purpose, the Prevenar vaccine was invented, which helps to develop immunity against pneumococci.

After Prevenar vaccination, redness and thickening

When creating this medicine, scientists conducted more than one study. It was necessary to prove that the Prevenar vaccine would have a good effect on streptococcal infections. And they succeeded.

Pneumococci cause mainly diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as scarlet fever, bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and in the kidneys - glomerulonephritis. Both children and adults can become infected with these diseases. If these diseases appear in a newborn baby, in some cases it can be fatal.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to undergo vaccination with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine for preventive purposes. Many types of harmful strains are very dangerous. To many modern medicines they may become unresponsive, which can lead to unwanted complications.

We are all living organisms. And it’s normal that each of us has characteristics, we perceive certain things differently. The same goes for local reactions to vaccination. Some may experience complications such as redness or swelling after the injection.

Why does redness appear?

Let's figure out what these manifestations may indicate. How should they be treated or should nothing be done, how to lubricate them and other questions that concern many.

After vaccination, which is placed in the shoulder, thigh or leg, local reactions may occur. Manifestations after vaccination with Prevenar - thickening or redness on the skin. There may be several reasons for their appearance:

  1. Inactivated vaccine. Included in this medicine adjuvant included. It is this that can cause local reactions. You shouldn’t be too scared, as this indicates that the body has a good protective response to the introduced strain. This means that the immune system copes with its task, antibodies are quickly formed, which helps protect against the effects of the virus;
  2. Undesirable local reactions appear less frequently after vaccinations with a foreign vaccine, for example, Prevenar, Pentaxim. But from DTP vaccinations or domestically produced polio, redness is more common;
  3. The vaccine is of poor quality. There’s no need to say much here, it’s so clear. If the drug has expired or was not stored in accordance with the instructions, it is prohibited to use it;
  4. Non-sterile needle. In rare cases, medical personnel may allow vaccinations to be administered without disposable syringes. A reusable syringe must be sterilized. If this procedure was poorly done, then harmful microorganisms may be introduced during the injection. It is unacceptable;
  5. Failure to comply with the rules of vaccination technique. If the instructions indicate that the vaccine should be placed only in the gluteal muscle, then it is not recommended to inject it into the femoral part. In such cases, the drug enters the subcutaneous fatty tissue, instead of muscle tissue. This will not significantly affect the development of an immune response, but after the injection, the appearance of redness, bumps or lumps increases many times over.

Do lumps need to be treated?

No special treatment is required in these cases. In the pharmacy there are few ointments with proven effectiveness that would be safe for use in children and cope well with eliminating adverse reaction after vaccination.

To alleviate the situation, you need to do the following:

  • If a child is bothered by a lump, it can be lubricated with an iodine solution in the form of a mesh;
  • IN folk medicine It is recommended to apply it to the injection site overnight cabbage leaf. This will not speed up healing, but will relieve the discomfort;
  • It is recommended to periodically apply local cold to the area where redness or thickening has formed after the injection. This will remove the symptoms of pain and discomfort.

How long does it take for symptoms to go away?

Local reactions after a pneumococcal vaccination can be detected within the first day. There may be small bumps or redness.

Unpleasant sensations in children can be observed for about a week, but no more than 10 days. In rare cases residual effects after vaccination they can last on the skin for up to two months. If they do not go away for so long, you need to consult your pediatrician about the necessary treatment.

When to see a doctor

In medicine, there are three degrees of severity of redness and induration that appear after a child’s vaccination. Let's look at them:

  • Mild degree - manifestations do not exceed 2.5 cm in size;
  • Medium degree - size within 2.5-5 cm;
  • Severe degree – more than 5 cm.

Manifestations after vaccinations are a normal response of the body to most inactivated drugs. Minor redness or swelling is not a reason for parents to raise the alarm. Give your child the necessary attention and wait out this moment.

If parents observe residual symptoms in the child for more than a week after vaccination, and the size of the bumps or redness is 5 cm or more, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay.

Is Prevenar a live vaccine?

Vaccination stimulates the human immune system. Immunization for children is carried out either mandatory or in accordance with certain indications. Before vaccinating your child, you need to be examined by a pediatrician and get advice about the drug being administered and its possible consequences.

Composition of the drug, release form

The drug Prevenar is brought to the territory of the CIS countries from European countries or America. The drug is supplied in syringes with ready-to-use medicine. A 0.5 ml syringe contains:

  • Pneumococcal compounds;
  • Diphtheria carrier protein;
  • Polysaccharides;
  • Other auxiliary components.

The drug is manufactured in compliance with all necessary WHO standards that apply to pneumococcal vaccines. The drug is used as preventive measures against pathogenic agents.


Prevenar is available in the form of a ready-made suspension containing 7, 13 or 23 pneumococcal infections. The number of strains in the product depends on the methods of preparation, the proportions of polysaccharides, and diphtheria protein.

There are many reviews about the vaccine from both doctors and parents. They all contradict each other. This depends on the child’s body’s tolerance of the main components of Prevenar. The main effect of the vaccine is to trigger the process of producing antibodies against pneumococcal strains.

How does the drug affect the immune system?

Vaccination is given to children starting from two months of age. They perform it strictly adhering to the prescribed scheme. This is necessary so that a constant flow of immune system reactions is created in the child’s body after each vaccine administered.

According to medical research, it is shown that after the first vaccination in the child’s body the level of antibodies increases. It is recommended to administer three doses of the pneumococcal drug Prevenar, observing the time period.

In children aged 2-5 years, after administration of the drug intramuscularly, the development of immunity to serotypes and strains is observed infectious nature. Their body response coincides with the group of children under two years of age.

In the process of clinical trials The Prevenar vaccine was found to be up to 97% effective against the pneumococcal group. The studies involved 18,000 children aged 2-15 months.

Features of the drug Prevenar

The main feature of this drug is its introduction into early age children. According to the manufacturers' recommendations, the vaccine is indicated for children aged two months and older. This period of vaccination against pneumococcus has been approved and included in the National Vaccination Calendar.

Let's take a look at other differences between vaccines and other medications:

  1. The medicine is administered to children starting from two months and up to five years. Manufacturers believe that children adolescence it is no longer advisable to do such vaccinations;
  2. Adults, as well as adolescents, are not vaccinated with this drug;
  3. It is recommended to administer the medicine to children under two years of age only in the femoral part of the leg or in the gluteal muscle. After two years, the vaccine is administered humeral surface– deltoid muscle;
  4. The drug is administered three times, observing the required time interval. Revaccination is carried out for children aged one year and up to two years;
  5. If the child is not vaccinated according to schedule, then two doses of the vaccine must be administered at a time interval, and revaccination is carried out at two years. If the primary vaccination was given after two years, it is administered once.

Vaccination Prevenar after administration actively protects the child’s body from the effects of streptococcal infection, and also protects against complex consequences after suffering from the disease.

Is Prevenar vaccination mandatory or not?

Each state has its own list mandatory vaccinations for children. In principle, it is not mandatory, but recently doctors have begun to require the Prevenar vaccine against pneumococcal infections to be administered before entering a primary care facility. The drug Prevenar 13 is made on a paid basis in private clinics, and in government institutions Free vaccination with an analogue of the drug Pneumo 23.

Actions before and after vaccination

To avoid side effects in a child after vaccination with Prevenar, you must adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  • Before vaccination, you must visit your local pediatrician for an examination;
  • If necessary, you need to get tested;
  • After administering the medicine, there is no need to bathe the child or wet the injection site for 24 hours;
  • If the child is breastfeeding, then the mother should not include exotic dishes in her diet during this period.

If the weather conditions are good, then walking is not prohibited. But you need to be careful to have less contact with other children or sick adults for several days in order to avoid infection with any diseases.

Who is recommended for the Prevenar vaccine?

The vaccine is not indicated for use by everyone. There is a vaccination list of who is eligible for this vaccination. Let's take a quick look at it:

  • Children aged from two months to two years;
  • Children born prematurely;
  • Vaccinations are also indicated for children aged five years who suffer from frequent colds;
  • Children with allergies;
  • Children who have chronic diseases eg liver cirrhosis, HIV, increased level Sahara.

Prevenar is not administered to adolescents and adults, since their body can independently develop immunity against strains of pneumococci.


Prevenar – prescription medicine, which is prescribed to children by a pediatrician after an examination. If a child’s vaccination is recommended, it is given in the vaccination office of the clinic.

  • The vaccine is not given if at the time of vaccination the child has an acute infection;
  • The vaccine is not administered if concomitant chronic diseases are in an acute form;
  • If the child is less than two months old or more than five years old;
  • If, when shaking the syringe, any significant impurities, flakes, or the medicine is not of a light shade, or it is not homogeneous, it is visible, it is unacceptable to use the vaccine in this case.

Temperature after vaccination

One of the side effects in a child after administration of the pneumococcal vaccine Prevenar may be low body fever. But this phenomenon applies more to normal and natural reactions body. The explanation here is simple - after vaccination, the child’s body begins to actively produce antibodies against infections.

Something else is important here. The child’s body must respond normally to the vaccine and also have time to form protective immunity. During this process, an increase in temperature to a level of 37.50C can be observed, in some cases it can be higher, reaching 390C.

If the child’s body reacted normally to Prevenar, then the child may experience a low fever for 24 hours, then the situation is restored. There is no need to take any action here. It is not recommended to cover the child too warmly so that he does not overheat and sweat excessively. Otherwise, others may appear side effects, which will then be more difficult to fight.

Each child has his own degree of drug tolerance, so it is difficult to predict how long he may have a fever after the vaccine is administered. It may not rise at all, but will remain normal.

If the body temperature exceeds 380C, in this case it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic drug. Next you need to observe. If the body temperature does not decrease within several hours, you should call a pediatrician at home.

Possible side effects

As with the introduction of others medicines, and after vaccination with Prevenar, any side effects. The most common possible side effects are:

  • Increased body heat up to 37.5-380C;
  • Observation of local side effects: redness, formation of small bumps, compactions;
  • Weakness in the lower extremities;
  • Lymph nodes may increase slightly in size;
  • The child becomes capricious, irritable, and has trouble sleeping;
  • Manifestations in the form of allergic rashes;
  • Appetite worsens;
  • Observed vomiting reflex, nausea;
  • In rare cases, apnea and convulsive conditions may occur;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

After the vaccine is administered, do not rush home. It is recommended to sit in the office for a while and be under observation medical personnel. To avoid unwanted reactions.

If after immunization more complex side effects symptoms that are observed in a child for more than a day, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

How many times is Prevenar 13 given?

According to the WHO position, immunization of children with the drug Prevenar 13 - the only way protect their body from the effects of pneumococcal infection. The safety bar for this vaccine is quite high. The world has been talking about the effectiveness of vaccinations for about ten years.

Approximate scheme for vaccination of children

In conclusion, we note that pneumococcal infections are very dangerous for the health of children. Therefore, parents should not doubt the usefulness of vaccinations and try to get the necessary vaccine in a timely manner.

There are many different drugs for the treatment of streptococcal diseases, the number of which is only growing every year. But treatment of the disease is not always effective, especially since antibiotics are used for therapy, which already have a negative effect on the body. In order to avoid the occurrence of streptococcal diseases, it was released special drug– Prevenar vaccine. How the drug works, as well as the features of its use, we will consider further.

What diseases develop with streptococcal infection?

Streptococcal infections, which are contained in the body of every person, can provoke the following types of ailments:

  • Bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Inflammation of the skin, manifested in the form of redness of areas of the skin with an increase in body temperature.
  • Tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Glomerulonephritis, manifested in the form of kidney pain.
  • Meningitis. Dangerous and fatal disease, developing in the membranes of the spinal cord and brain.

To diagnose all of the above ailments, consultation with a specialist is required. To make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may order tests. Depending on which bacterium is the causative agent of the disease or other pathologies, the appropriate remedy is prescribed. To prevent the development of the above-mentioned diseases, mandatory vaccination against streptococcal microorganisms is necessary.

Why do you need the Prevenar vaccine?

The Prevenar vaccine is a vaccine that allows the body to independently develop immunity against a type of bacteria such as pneumococcus. Pneumococcus is a type of streptococcal microorganisms that can cause pneumonia. Pneumonia can occur not only in children, but also in adults.

It is important to know! If measures are not taken to treat pneumonia in a timely manner, the disease can be fatal.

Prevenar is a polysaccharide vaccine produced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, located in the United States. The Previnar vaccine contains the following components:

  1. Pneumococci in conjugative form.
  2. Protein carrier.
  3. Polysaccharides of the following types: 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F.
  4. Water for injections.
  5. Aluminum phosphate.
  6. Sodium chloride or saline solution.

The third paragraph presents the strains of pneumococcal bacteria that the vaccine can protect against. The remaining components of the drug are fillers and stabilizers. With the help of vaccination, antibodies are produced against the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms. One dosage of the drug is 0.5 ml.

It is important to know! Vaccination is not mandatory and is also paid for. Anyone can get vaccinated who wants to protect themselves from various diseases bacterial in nature.

In Russian clinics you can get vaccinated against bacterial microorganisms free of charge using a French vaccine called Pneumo 23.

Indications for vaccination

Instructions for use of the vaccine provide for immunization of the following persons:

  1. Kids in age category from 2 months to 2 years.
  2. Babies who were born ahead of schedule.
  3. Babies who have signs of allergic reactions.
  4. Children under 5 years of age who often suffer from bacterial diseases.
  5. Children at any age with the following types of diseases: diabetes, HIV, liver cirrhosis, diseases respiratory organs, cardiovascular pathologies.

It is important to know! Vaccination is not intended to treat childhood bacterial diseases, but to prevent their occurrence. Immunization should be carried out before the child becomes ill.

Children over 5 years of age and adults do not need to be vaccinated, since the body at this age is able to independently produce pneumococcal antibodies.

Features of the drug use

Instructions for use provide for administering the vaccine exclusively intramuscularly. The injection is given into the deltoid muscle if the child’s age exceeds 2 years, as well as into the anterolateral surface of the thigh for children 2 months and older. The vaccination schedule for children is as follows:

  1. Three-time vaccination of the child. The first vaccination is given at 2 months, and the next two are given at intervals of one month. Revaccination is given to a child at the age of 12-15 months.
  2. On later vaccination from 7 months, the scheme is as follows: the drug is administered at 7 months, and re-administered after 1 month. Revaccination is carried out when the child reaches 2 years of age.
  3. From 1 year to two years, vaccination is carried out twice, for which a standard dosage is used. The interval between immunizations is 2 months.
  4. If the child is over 2 years old, the vaccination is done once a year without the need for revaccinations.

How many times to vaccinate a child at a given age depends on whether the first vaccination was performed. In each specific case, the vaccination regimen is prescribed individually.

Possible development of side symptoms

Side effects after immunization of the body are quite normal. Each drug has its own consequences, so the Prevenar vaccine has its own side symptoms. To a number of those side symptoms relate:

  1. The temperature rises after Prevenar vaccination to 38-39 degrees. If the temperature is above 39 degrees, you need to give the child an antipyretic, and then go to the hospital.
  2. Side effects occur in every third child in the form of a painful reaction to the administration of the medication.
  3. The emergence of local allergic signs. Some children may be intolerant to one of the ingredients of the drug, so it is important to go to the hospital or call emergency help if you have allergic symptoms.
  4. Complications arise in the form of significant enlargement of the lymph nodes.
  5. Nervousness, irritability, lethargy and drowsiness.
  6. Loss of appetite, as well as signs of nausea and vomiting.
  7. The occurrence of a convulsive state.
  8. Redness of the skin in the area where the injection was given.
  9. To more severe consequences include signs of development anaphylactic shock, cough and Quincke's edema.

Usually, after the injection is given, side symptoms appear within 20-30 minutes, so the patient is recommended to continue to stay in the hospital for an hour. If no complications arise during this time, you can go home.

It is important to know! Prevenar can be given together with other vaccinations, for example, DPT. It is worth noting that side effects occur much more often after administration. DTP vaccinations than after immunization with Prevenar.

Preparing for vaccination

We have already found out what kind of vaccine Prevenar is, but how is it tolerated by the body? To reduce the likelihood of adverse symptoms occurring after vaccination, the following recommendations must be followed the day before:

  1. Before you bring your child for vaccination, you must first visit a pediatrician and undergo tests.
  2. After administering the vaccine, it is not recommended to wet the injection site.
  3. After immunization, you can take walks with your baby, but only in such places. Where there are no large crowds of people.
  4. While breastfeeding a child, it is strictly forbidden to introduce new types of complementary foods into the diet after vaccination.

If you follow these simple requirements, then the consequences in the form of complications and side symptoms can be completely eliminated.

For whom the vaccine is contraindicated

  1. Presence of acute and chronic diseases.
  2. If chronic illness goes into the stage of exacerbation.
  3. For children over 5 years and up to 2 months. Children over 5 years old can be vaccinated against bacterial diseases, but its effectiveness will not exceed 10-15%.
  4. The vaccine must be suitable, otherwise its use is contraindicated.

If you vaccinate Prevenar to a child who has contraindications, the consequences may include the development of serious complications.

What analogues are there for the vaccine?

Are there any analogues or not for the Prevenar vaccine? Prevenar is an expensive type of vaccine that allows timely strengthening of immunity against bacterial infections. Analogues of Prevenar include the following drugs:

  • Pneumo 23;
  • Synflorix;
  • Prevenar 13.

It is worth noting that the Prevenar 13 vaccine has more wide range exposure, which can also be used for children from 2 months of age. How effective the Prevenar vaccine will be depends on the age of the child. If vaccination is carried out over the age of 2 years, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, since the medication is designed directly for children from 2 months.

Useful information about vaccination

Useful information about the use of the vaccine lies in the following factors:

  1. Complete exclusion of overdose. The vaccine is contained in a ready-made syringe. Before administering the medication, you need to shake the composition of the syringe, then remove the safety lock and give the injection.
  2. If a small patient has signs of blood clotting, then the drug must be administered under the supervision of a specialist. If such signs are present, the injection can be given not intramuscularly, but subcutaneously.
  3. For premature babies, vaccination can only be done at 3 months of age.
  4. It is possible to combine this medication with other vaccination options, but it is not recommended to mix the formulations in one syringe.

It is important to know! The vaccine must be stored in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. If the vaccine is stored in the freezer, it is unusable and cannot be used in the future.

After the expiration date or if the solution changes color, it will need to be disposed of. After the expiration date, the drug can provoke not only the development of side symptoms, but also various complications.

To summarize, it should be noted that the drug Prevenar provides the body with resistance to the occurrence of bacterial diseases. Every year, bacteria develop resistance to various drugs, which reduces their effectiveness. Drug manufacturers need to update their drug formulations every year to ensure they deliver positive effect in the form of the patient's recovery. Most effective method protecting the body is preventing the occurrence of bacterial diseases.

Latin name: Prevenar, Prevenar 13
ATX code: J07AL02
Active substance: Pneumococcal
Manufacturer: Pfizer, USA
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: On prescription
Price: from 1898 to 2021 rub.

“Prevenar 13” together with “Prevenar” are vaccines that are used against pneumococcal infection (the causative agent of pneumonia, meningitis and other ailments) for vaccination of children from 2 months to 5 years.

Indications for use

Vaccination with Prevenar is carried out to prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by the pathogen - Streptococcus pneumoniae, these include:

  • Sepsis
  • Otitis media (acute stage)
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Erysipelas skin
  • Pneumonia
  • Scarlet fever
  • Bacteremia
  • Meningitis.


The drug is based on pneumococcal conjugates, which are represented by polysaccharides of a number of serotypes: 4 (2 μg), 6B (4 μg), 9V (2 μg), 14 (2 μg), 18C (2 μg), 19F (2 μg), 23F (2 µg), as well as carrier protein CRM 197 (20 µg).

Additional components: aluminum phosphate at a dosage of 0.5 mg, sodium chloride at a dose of 4.5 mg, and purified water (0.5 ml).

The new vaccine Prevenar 13 contains 7 serotypes common to Prevenar along with the carrier protein CRM197.

An additional six pneumococcal serotypes of the Prevenar 13 vaccine are presented: 1, 3, 5, 6A, 7F, 19A, which are conjugated together with CRM₁₉₇ (diphtheria protein), adsorbed using aluminum sulfate.

Additional components of the Prevenar 13 vaccine include: sodium chloride, aluminum phosphate, polysorbate, succinic acid, and purified water.

Medicinal properties

The vaccine used to prevent pneumococcal infection includes active components represented by pneumococcal polysaccharides. Such components are obtained during laboratory research from microorganisms of the gram-positive type - Streptococcus pneumoniae, they are conjugated with the carrier protein of the diphtheria group (CRM197), adsorbed in aluminum phosphate.

Some time after the vaccine is administered, the process of producing antibodies directly to the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae of a number of serotypes is launched, as a result of which it is possible to provide a specific immune response to infections provoked by them.

The use of the drug "Prevenar 13" for the purpose of vaccinating children two months of age allows stimulating the child's immune system, as a result of which it is possible to form an immune reaction after the first vaccination procedure, as well as revaccination. After the first three vaccinations, as well as next procedure After revaccination, a significant increase in antibody levels is observed. Prevenar 13 stimulates the production of functional antibody cells to the serotypes included in this drug.

In patients aged 2-5 years, the formation of cells - antibodies to serotypes this drug occurs after the first vaccination. Immune reaction This group of children has practically the same level as those children who have completed the first stage of immunization.

Vaccination with Prevenar 13 can be carried out for prophylactic purposes to prevent diseases of infectious origin, as well as otitis media in the acute stage. Can be combined with IPV (poliomyelitis), DTP.

Vaccines have the same safety indicator and level of immunogenicity, so switching from one drug to another is possible at any stage of the vaccination procedure. In addition, Prevenar 13, in addition to 6 other serotypes, allows for increased protection child's body from IPI.

Release form

Price: from 1898 to 2021 rubles.

The vaccine against pneumococcal infection is produced in the form of a suspension of a rich whitish hue, intended for intramuscular injections, homogeneous. The presence of a slight cloudy sediment is allowed in the suspension. The vaccine is supplied in syringes for single use; a cardboard package can contain 1 or 5 pieces.

Mode of application

The vaccine is given intramuscularly directly into the lateral area in the upper thigh (recommended for children under 2 years of age). For children from 2 years of age, the vaccine is given in the deltoid muscle (shoulder region). A single dose for vaccination is 0.5 ml.

Immediately before inoculation, the syringe with the solution must be shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed.

The Prevenar 13 vaccine, along with Prevenar, is not intended for intravenous administration.

Children aged 2 months. – It is recommended to get vaccinated for 5 years, taking into account the vaccination schedule. The pediatrician determines at what month the child should be vaccinated.

For children from 2 to 6 months

Children under six months old are vaccinated three times during primary vaccination, the interval between vaccinations is at least 1 month. It is also possible to carry out double vaccination during primary immunization with a break of 2 months. Pediatricians usually recommend that a child's first vaccination be given at 2 months. Next, the second stage of vaccination (re-vaccination) is carried out once at 11-15 months. The scheme is recommended for immunization of children against infections caused by pneumococci. It is better to agree with your pediatrician at what month to get revaccination.

For children from six months of age in case of the first vaccination

Babies are 7 months old. - 11 months They are vaccinated twice with a 1 month interval. A one-time revaccination is carried out in the second year of a child’s life.

For children preschool age From 2 to 5 years, the vaccination is given once.

For pneumococcal infection

If vaccination is carried out primarily using Prevenar, during subsequent vaccination a drug with similar characteristics, Prevenar 13, can be used. It is worth considering that vaccination can only be completed with Prevenar 13. If the recommended interval between administration of the drug is forced to be extended, additional vaccination against pneumococcal infection is not necessary.

During pregnancy and pregnancy

The drug is not intended for immunization of adults. There is no information on the safety of using this vaccine during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Children should not be vaccinated in the following cases:

  • Excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as diphtheria toxoid
  • Viral infections and non-infectious diseases
  • Acute course of chronic diseases.

Precautionary measures

The reaction to vaccination may vary, so in order to avoid complications after vaccination, you should remain under the supervision of a pediatrician for half an hour. Further monitoring of the child’s condition is carried out by parents at home.

It is worth considering that the children's pneumococcal vaccine does not stimulate the child's body to protect against streptococcal serotypes.

The vaccine is not prescribed for vaccination in children who have serious blood clotting disorders, and intramuscular injection not shown. The possibility of vaccination in a particular case is determined by the attending physician when the expected benefit significantly exceeds possible risks for the health of the child, which are caused by the administration of the drug.

Impaired immunoreactivity, as observed during immunosuppressive therapy for HIV, can provoke a decrease in the production of antibodies to vaccine components. The issue of vaccinating a child at high risk is decided during a consultation with a pediatrician.

The contents of the syringe for injection should not be mixed with other vaccines (for example, polio, DPT) or placed in other containers.

Cross-drug interactions

The vaccine against pneumococcal infection can be administered on the same day with other types of vaccines (except BCG). The list includes Hemophilus influenzae, live DTP, polio (drops), Infanrix, vaccination takes place taking into account the established immunization calendar. It is better to administer the drug to different areas of the skin.

Side effects

Usually the vaccine is well tolerated by children, but after the child has been vaccinated, both local and general reactions may be observed:

  • Redness
  • Local swelling of the skin, thickening
  • Painful sensations (local reaction)
  • Hyperthermia (temperature rises above 38°C and lasts for a long time)
  • Lethargy
  • Impaired sleep quality
  • Nervous excitability

Along with such signs, complications may occur, namely disruption of the hematopoietic system, central nervous system, lymphatic system, functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: lymphadenopathy, loss of appetite, increased sensitivity, change in stool, convulsive states, urge to vomit.

If you rise heat body after vaccination must be given to the child antipyretic drug. The child's body temperature may rise the first few days after vaccination.


The likelihood of an overdose with Prevenar is very low, complications are unlikely, since the drug is produced in a syringe containing a dosage for one use.

Conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of Prevenar is 3 years.


Sanofi Pasteur, France
average price– 1322 rub.

"Pneumo 23" is used to prevent the occurrence of illnesses caused by pneumococci. Basic active ingredient drug - Vaccinum antipneumococcum. One dose of the vaccine (0.5 ml) is dispensed in a syringe placed in a cardboard package.


  • A good remedy for preventing the development of pneumococcal infection
  • Vaccination can be carried out with polio vaccine, DTP
  • Vaccination is indicated for children diagnosed with diabetes.


  • High price
  • Vaccination with the drug “Pneumo 23” is carried out from the third year of a child’s life
  • Local allergic reactions after vaccination cannot be excluded, elevated temperature body during the first few days.


GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium
Price from 1500 to 1680 rub.

Synflorix is ​​indicated for vaccination of infants from 6 weeks of age to 5 years of age to prevent invasive diseases caused by streptococcal serotypes. "Synflorix" is combined with IPV (poliomyelitis), DTP. Available in the form of a suspension for intramuscular injections, each package contains a syringe with a dose for one use.


  • "Synflorix" is indicated for vaccination of babies from two months of age
  • Complications and local allergic reaction occur quite rarely.


  • After vaccination, body temperature may rise slightly
  • Vaccination is carried out up to 2 years
  • It is quite difficult to find in the pharmacy chain.

It is typically an infectious disease that kills about 4 million people every year. Largest quantity The deaths are recorded in two categories - children under 2 years of age and adults over 65 years of age. Pneumonia can be cited as an example of progress's cruel joke on people.

Over the more than 70-year history of antibiotic therapy, microorganisms have learned to effectively adapt to them, so a sufficient number of resistant ones are “walking” around the world [ syn. sustainable] to antibiotic strains [ This is the name given to microorganisms of the same species isolated at a certain time in a certain place.

If people had strains, we could talk, for example, about European and African strains. In microbiology, the situation is complicated by the fact that one type of bacteria can theoretically have an unlimited number of strains.- Author's note], which are not amenable to traditional treatment.

Pneumonia can be caused by many different microorganisms, but in more than 70% of cases it is caused by pneumococcus - the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. There are about 90 serotypes of pneumococcus, based on the number of antibodies they produce [ foreign substances that the immune system responds by producing antibodies]. Of these, about 20 can cause severe infectious diseases.

Experts see the most effective way to solve this problem today in vaccinating children and other risk groups with pneumococcal vaccines. Prevenar® 13 is one of them.

How does the Prevenar® 13 vaccine work on the human body?

Prevenar® 13 contains more than 90% of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes that cause antibiotic-resistant pneumonia and AOM (acute otitis media). Each serotype is a fragment of a destroyed bacterium - a polysaccharide of a certain chemical structure.

When the vaccine gets inside, the body's immune response is activated, i.e. the production of antibodies is triggered. This is a special type of protein that can form an “antigen-antibody” complex and thus neutralize the negative impact of the antibody. Also, in the process of fighting microbes, the so-called the body's immune memory - the next time a pathogenic bacterium of the same type enters, the body already has a ready-made weapon to fight.

Therefore, re-infection in most cases occurs in mild form or ends before it begins.

How effective is Prevenar® 13?

According to large-scale studies by the manufacturer around the world, an immune response to the vaccine is formed in 70-98.5% of children. The intensity of the reaction depends on the country, the age of the child and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In patients with impaired immunological reactivity caused by immunosuppressive therapy (for cancer, after transplantation, etc.), congenital genetic defects, sickle cell anemia, etc., the formation of antibodies during vaccination may be reduced.

According to US insurance companies, over the 8 years of vaccination (from 1997-99 to 2004 inclusive), the following picture has been observed in the country:

  • the number of hospitalizations and outpatient visits for any type of pneumonia decreased by 52% and 41%;
  • the number of hospitalizations and outpatient visits for pneumococcal pneumonia decreased by 58% and 47%;
  • the number of calls regarding AOM decreased by 43%;
  • the number of prescriptions written for children under 2 years of age with AOM decreased by 42%.

Manufacturer pays Special attention that this analysis does not investigate a direct cause-and-effect relationship, but allows us to conclude that Prevenar® 13 has an overall positive effect on reducing the incidence of AOM and pneumonia.

Indications for use of Prevenar® 13

This vaccine is used for active immunization of infants, children and adolescents aged 6 weeks to 17 years. The purpose of immunization is to prevent pneumonia, acute otitis media and other diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. For the same purpose, this vaccine is used in adults over 18 years of age, as well as in older people.

Directions for use and dosage of Prevenar® 13 for children and adolescents

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Intravenous administration vaccinations are prohibited. Patients with bleeding disorders should replace intramuscular administration with subcutaneous administration.

Full-term babies from 6 weeks to 6 months, as well as premature babies born on<37 неделе беременности. Course of 4 doses. Primary vaccination 3 doses - first dose at 2 months (minimum age - 6 weeks), second and third doses at intervals of at least 1 month, fourth dose (booster) at 11-15 months.

Children aged 12-23 months who have not been vaccinated. 2 doses at least 2 months apart.

Children and adolescents aged 2-17 years. 1 dose.

Attention! Before vaccination, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. After receiving the vaccine, continue to remain under medical supervision for 30 minutes. For very preterm infants (born at ≤ 28 weeks of gestation), observation should be extended to 36–72 hours. Given the significant benefits of vaccination for these infants, it should never be delayed.

Side effects after vaccination

The most common side effects in children under 5 years of age are:

  • temperature up to 37.5°C - an increase is observed in at least a third of children;
  • irritability;
  • lack of appetite or deterioration;
  • worsened sleep and/or increased drowsiness.

Typically, these symptoms disappear within 48-72 hours. There is no need to be afraid of them - they indicate that the body is working and creating the necessary antibodies, which will subsequently help your baby.

However, if the child has:

  • temperature above 38°C;
  • severe redness and thickening at the vaccination site;
  • deterioration of condition 1 day after vaccination;
  • loss of consciousness, delirium;
  • allergic reactions - swelling, suffocation, bronchospasm, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Contraindications to the use of Prevenar® 13

This vaccine should not be used if:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to diphtheria toxoid;
  • concomitant underlying diseases - the decision on the advisability of vaccination in this case should be made by the child’s attending physician.

Features of Prevenar® 13

Remember that Prevenar® 13 only blocks the appropriate serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae and does not protect against pneumonia and AOM caused by other microorganisms. The vaccine cannot protect all vaccinated children from pneumococcal infection, but it minimizes the risk of this disease and the severity of its course.

Prevenar® 13 mainly protects against pneumonia and to a lesser extent against AOM. This is due to the fact that pneumococcus is the cause of pneumonia in approximately 70% of cases, and AOM - only in 25% of cases.

For children with seizure disorders or a tendency to seizures due to fever, antipyretic therapy should be administered. However, you should not abuse these funds. There are studies suggesting that the use of paracetamol simultaneously with the vaccine or on the first day of vaccination can reduce the body's immune response.

Analogues of Prevenar® 13 vaccination

This product has no analogues among the vaccines registered in Ukraine. The Synflorix vaccine has the most similar composition, containing polysaccharides of 10 serotypes of S. pneumoniae on three carrier proteins - the D-protein of Haemophilus influenzae, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.

Also mentioned in the literature is the Pneumo 23 vaccine, containing 23 serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae, but at the time of writing [ November 2015] this product is offered only on the Russian market.

Is there an alternative to Prevenar® 13?

Pneumonia in its pure form is quite rare. Most often, this disease is a complication of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, one of the effective ways to solve this problem can be timely prevention and treatment of such diseases.

Remember! If your child is susceptible to frequent infections, this is not yet a reason to vaccinate with this drug! In this case, you can consult your doctor about prescribing medications containing a complex of dried, inactivated or destroyed bacterial complexes.

The principle of action of such drugs is similar to Prevenar® 13 - when taken orally, antibodies are formed to the most common pathogens of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. These drugs are used both for prevention and as concomitant drugs for exacerbation of acute respiratory infections. Most often they are available in tablet forms. For prevention, as a rule, 3 courses of the drug are taken according to the scheme “10 days of taking pills - 20 days break.”

Currently, the following combination drugs containing Streptococcus pneumoniae are registered and available in Ukraine:

  • Broncho-munal® P;
  • IRS 19®;
  • Ismizhen;
  • Ribomunyl.

Other types of streptococci:

  • Broncho-Vaxom Children.

A note for meticulous parents, or what doctors don’t always tell you

At the moment, Prevenar® 13 is not included in the national vaccination calendar approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Therefore, the financial issues of vaccination fall entirely on the shoulders of parents (one dose of vaccination costs about $60).

Remember! Medical staff and employees of preschool and school institutions do not have the legal right to require you to be vaccinated with this drug. You have the right to refuse vaccination at any time by filling out a written application on a standard form.

Also, some parents doubt the advisability of conducting a course of vaccination at such an early age. Here you should make a decision based on the specific situation. If the child is generally healthy, if he does not have serious illnesses and serious problems with the immune system, and does not go to kindergarten, you can refuse vaccination. If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, the risk of diseases when the child is in a children's group increases many times over.

We wish your baby to get sick less. Be healthy!

Every year, a significant number of children around the world suffer from such dangerous diseases as pneumonia, otitis media, tonsillitis, bronchitis, sepsis and others. In most cases, these diseases are caused by pneumococci.

Pharmacists offer a huge number of drugs to treat diseases caused by these microorganisms, but there are cases when treatment is delayed and requires a lot of effort from the child. The situation is aggravated by the fact that mass use of antibacterial drugs is now widespread, even where there is no need for it.

Because of this, the bacterial environment has already adapted to antibiotics, as a result of which even the most powerful drugs are ineffective. Therefore, the best way to prevent this problem is timely vaccination. So, what is the Prevenar vaccine and why is it needed?

In what cases is it necessary to get vaccinated?

Pneumonia is one of the most serious respiratory diseases that affects both adults and children. Most often it is caused by pneumococci. The problem is that for young children, sometimes the illness does not end in the best way. Therefore, vaccinations against pneumococci are of great importance in the prevention of such a dangerous disease.

The most popular drug that can protect against pneumococci is the Prevenar vaccine. This is the only drug against pneumonia that is intended primarily for children from 2 months to 5 years.

The vaccine affects the body in such a way that it develops immunity against pneumococci, due to which the cells remember the bacterium and react more quickly to it when they encounter it. The use of the drug promotes the body's production of antibodies to the main serotypes of Prevenar in children immediately after the first course of vaccination.

There are two types of vaccinations – Prevenar 7 and Prevenar 13.

The difference between them is the number of strains contained in the drug. Now there is a tendency towards a final transition only to Prevenar 13. The feasibility of this decision has not been fully studied.

Who is being vaccinated?

Prevenar vaccination cannot be prescribed to anyone who wants it. According to the instructions, Prevenar is administered only to children of the following categories:

Typically, adults and children over 5 years of age are not vaccinated, since these categories of the population will not develop the desired immune response. Clinical trials on the use of vaccination by expectant and nursing mothers have not been conducted; accordingly, they also cannot be classified as those who need to be vaccinated.

But sometimes vaccinations for adults are necessary. This applies to the following population groups:

  • people over 65 years of age, since they are at risk of getting sick with complications due to the fact that their immunity is weakened and cannot quickly respond to infections;
  • people suffering from diabetes mellitus, chronic lung diseases, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, neurological diseases;
  • everyone who has immunodeficiency states of various etiologies.

All of the above categories of the population are at risk of infection with pneumococci with severe complications.

Is it mandatory?

Is Prevenar vaccination necessary for the above population categories? It is worth remembering that this vaccination is a reliable method of protection that helps a weakened body fight infection. Vaccination with Prevenar is recommended, but not required.

Not so long ago, the Russian preventive vaccination calendar did not contain information about Prevenar. The situation changed in 2014, in January, when the drug was added to this list.

Its implementation is paid for. Vaccinations are carried out free of charge with a similar drug “Pneumo 23”, which was produced in France.

According to the vaccine instructions, there are several schedules for administering Prevenar. What do they depend on? The following factors are relevant:

  1. Age category of a person.
  2. The need for vaccination.
  3. Indications for vaccination.

Preparation and implementation of vaccination

  • protein;
  • pneumococcal structures;
  • aluminum phosphate;
  • polysaccharides of serotypes, etc.

Proper preparation for the procedure will help avoid negative consequences and strengthen the resistance of the immune system. Before the procedure, you need to visit some doctors and get tested.

The first person you should definitely visit is the pediatrician. He should know about all the parents’ doubts and changes in the child’s health. Additionally, a neurologist, orthopedist or surgeon is visited. If there is a tendency to allergic diseases, the doctor prescribes the use of antihistamines before and after the procedure.

  • a general blood test, which will indicate the presence of inflammatory processes, allergies, and metabolic disorders in the body;
  • analysis for the presence of antibodies. If antibodies are present, vaccination is not given;
  • immunogram. She will provide complete information about the child’s immunity.

Before vaccination, it is recommended not to visit public places. Walking is not prohibited, but care must be taken to ensure that the child does not overheat or become hypothermic. Two weeks before the procedure, if we are talking about a baby, it is not recommended to start complementary feeding or introduce a new product into the diet, as this may provoke an allergic reaction.

Important! It is necessary to monitor the child's health. If he has signs of an incipient disease, vaccination should be postponed.

Symptoms indicating the presence of the disease are:

  • disturbing sleep;
  • lack of appetite;
  • causeless whims (in a child) and loss of mood in an adult;
  • indigestion.

A couple of days before vaccination, a decrease in the load on the digestive system is indicated. For adults and children over one year of age, it is recommended to reduce the volume and calorie content of meals. You should also not eat an hour before vaccination. It is necessary to measure the baby's temperature and ensure that he does not overheat.

Before vaccination, you need to calmly talk with your child about the procedure and tell him why it is needed. It is strictly forbidden to scare a child with injections. It is advisable to take your baby’s favorite toys or books to the clinic.

Vaccination schedule:

  • A child aged two to six months is given three doses of Prevenar every month. Revaccination is carried out annually;
  • after seven months, two doses are administered every month or two. Revaccination should be done when the baby is over one year old;
  • from one to two years, two doses are administered after two months of two doses, the interval between which should not be less than two months. There is no need to do it again;
  • Children from two to five years old receive a one-time injection of Prevenar.

After vaccination, it is necessary to properly care for the injection site. You can wet the wound, but treating it with iodine, brilliant green, peroxide and other antiseptic drugs is strictly prohibited. Also, do not apply a patch or compress.

Many parents are concerned about the question: is it possible to go for a walk after the Prevenar vaccination given on this day? Yes, it is allowed and even recommended to go for a walk if the weather permits. However, the child’s stay in particularly crowded places should be limited.

Limitations and adverse reactions

It is necessary to take into account that Prevenar is a prescription vaccine, so only the doctor decides whether to vaccinate or not. Such an appointment can only be made by a pediatrician.

The use of Prevenar is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • child's age up to 2 months or over 5 years;
  • severe sensitivity during previous vaccine administration;
  • acute stages of infectious diseases.

If after shaking the vaccine there is a sediment in the form of flakes, the vaccine cannot be used.

Children generally react calmly to vaccination, although negative consequences do occur.

Adverse reactions at the injection site may manifest as:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • itching;
  • dermatitis;
  • hives;
  • irritability; tearfulness;
  • drowsiness or insomnia.

Among the negative reactions, a fever of up to 38 degrees is possible, and the temperature after Prevenar vaccination persists for two days or more. From the gastrointestinal tract the following are possible:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • stool disorders;
  • lack of appetite.

The injection can also cause weakness and headache. More dangerous complications may include:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • bronchospasm;
  • dyspnea;
  • seizures

Prevenar can be given at the same time as other vaccines.

A mandatory condition for vaccination is monitoring the child’s health for half an hour. This is necessary to avoid unwanted reactions of the body. If side effects do not go away within 24 hours, you should urgently seek medical help.

Warning against the fears of parents, it is worth saying that, despite the presence of a significant number of side effects, the Prevenar vaccination is an effective means of preventing many diseases of a bacterial nature, as well as their serious complications.