Greenish discharge during pregnancy.

Cholesterol level During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body due to hormonal changes. The mood changes internal organs

work differently than before conception. Significant changes occur in the sexual sphere; the woman notices that the nature of vaginal discharge changes almost immediately. By color, smell and consistency, she will be able to determine whether everything is in order with her reproductive sphere or whether she should be examined for infections.

What kind of discharge should be normal for pregnant women? Almost immediately after conception, a woman notices that vaginal discharge has become more abundant. They are a thick clear mucus

, sometimes yellowish or whitish in color. There is no need to worry - such discharge is a sign of fertilization of the egg.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, intensive formation of mucus begins in the vagina, which forms a cervical plug. This plug is located in the cervix and serves as a barrier to bacteria. It plays a protective role, because in the early stages the embryo exists without placental protection and is vulnerable to infections.

Starting from the second trimester, estrogen predominates among the hormones responsible for pregnancy (we recommend reading:). The discharge becomes thinner and waterier. As a rule, they are transparent, but sometimes they can have a yellowish tint or white inclusions. For some women, they are so strong that they have to regularly use panty liners.

Causes of slimy green discharge

What does green discharge mean during pregnancy? Most often this is a sign of sexually transmitted infections. Less commonly – a symptom of thrush, inflammation of the genital tract.

Separately, you should pay attention to liquid green discharge in later stages (see also:). They may indicate inflammation of the fetal membrane, which often leads to intrauterine death. If greenish discharge appears at 38 weeks of pregnancy, this may be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage.

The nature of greenish discharge during pregnancy

  • White with a greenish tint. They may be a sign of an allergy to synthetic underwear or the material of panty liners. If their appearance is characterized by the presence of a sour odor, and the consistency is flaky or curdled, this is similar to signs of thrush.
  • Dark discharge. They are a symptom of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
  • Dark green, thick. These are accumulations of pus that appear when inflammatory processes in the genitals.
  • Liquid, abundant bright green. Often a sign venereal diseases. If the discharge is heterogeneous, it contains green clots or threads - this is a symptom of gonorrhea.
  • Light green, with a characteristic fishy odor. This indicates vaginal dysbiosis, in which oppression occurs beneficial microflora and active reproduction of pathogenic.

Diagnostic measures

If you notice any strange discharge that smells bad or has unusual color, you need to come to the hospital immediately. The gynecologist asks the woman about her symptoms and is interested in information about the course of pregnancy. This will help make a diagnosis.

Then the doctor examines the pregnant woman in a gynecological chair. He looks at the condition of the cervix and vagina, evaluates appearance genital organs, checks the tone of the uterus. During the examination, he takes a smear for cytological examination.

A smear from the cervix and vaginal walls is sent to the laboratory, where specialists examine the material under a microscope. Sometimes with such an examination it is possible to isolate the pathogen.

After this, laboratory staff do bacteriological culture. The material is placed in a Petri dish in nutrient medium and check which medicines capable of destroying bacteria.

Not always with the help bacteriological diagnostics the pathogen can be detected. In this case, other methods are used:

  • Polymerase chain reaction(PCR). The method is based on manipulation of the DNA of the pathogen. Helps detect the presence of the virus immediately upon infection, long before the first symptoms appear.
  • Linked immunosorbent assay. A method that allows the detection of macromolecules and viruses using a specific antigen-antibody reaction.

Except microbiological research sample of discharge, the gynecologist will refer the woman to comprehensive diagnostics. It includes general analysis blood and urine, ultrasound of the uterus and fetus.

How to treat?

If the cause of the appearance of green mucus is discovered, how to treat such an unpleasant symptom? Therapy depends on the disease that caused the purulent, green discharge. The doctor prescribes the treatment regimen depending on the provoking factor, individual characteristics patients, as well as the course of pregnancy.

Drug therapy

In most cases, the causative agents are pathogenic bacteria, however, during pregnancy, many antibiotics are prohibited, so you should select medications only under the guidance of a doctor. Antibacterial agents can be given as injections or used topically as suppositories.

The table shows drugs for eliminating mucous, green discharge:

No.Drug nameActive substanceRelease formIndications
1 LivarolKetoconazoleVaginal suppositoriesFungal infections, including candidiasis. Prohibited in early pregnancy.
2 Pimafucin (more details in the article:)NatamycinTablets, suppositories, creamCandidiasis. An antibiotic from the macrolide group, approved for use by pregnant women.
3 VaginormAscorbic acidVaginal tabletsVaginitis, a violation of the acidity and microflora of the vagina.
4 TerzhinanTernidazole, neomycin, nystatin, prednisoloneVaginal tabletsVaginitis, trichomoniasis.
5 BetadinePovidone-iodineInjection solution, suppositories, ointmentTreatment of bacterial, fungal and viral infections
BenzylpenicillinBenzylpenicellinInjectionGonorrhea, syphilis, purulent lesions in gynecology.

Folk recipes

Treatment with folk remedies should be treated with great caution. The use of baths and douching may not only be useless, but also aggravate the course of the disease. Douching with herbal decoctions can create favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria, cause irritation of the mucous membrane, and contribute to the spread of infection into the uterus.

If a pregnant woman wishes to medications apply herbal medicine and folk remedies, she should consult a gynecologist. For minor inflammation that does not pose a serious danger, the doctor may allow you to add a little chamomile to the baths. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory property.

If you suspect a genital tract infection or contamination of the amniotic fluid, you should never use folk recipes. Neglect drug treatment can lead to sad consequences for both the woman and the child.

Personal hygiene

Green discharge is often the result of neglect of personal hygiene. A woman needs to take a shower and change her underwear regularly, at least once a day. Dirty laundry and unwashed genitals create an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply.

When washing, it is forbidden to use regular soap or wash the vagina from the inside. Such washing does not make the genitals cleaner, because they have unique ability to self-purification. When soap constantly gets inside, the mucous membrane becomes dry, cracks appear, which increases the likelihood of reproduction pathogenic microflora. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse only the external genitalia, making movements from the vulva to the anus. If you wash from the anus to the vagina, this can lead to intestinal microflora into the genitals.

For washing, it is best to use special gels for intimate hygiene. Their chemical composition allows you to carefully cleanse delicate organs and maintain the necessary acid-base balance.

Green discharge may be a reaction to synthetic underwear. You should not use thong panties - it is better to give preference to a looser model of underwear made from natural fabrics. Panty liners should be chosen with a cotton pad.

Hygiene is especially important when infections and inflammation are detected. It is not recommended to take hot baths during treatment - this contributes to the spread of infection. It is best to rinse off in the shower.

Prevention of pathological discharge

How to avoid green ones vaginal discharge and diseases that contribute to their appearance? A few recommendations for prevention:

  • Before planning a pregnancy, a woman and her partner need to undergo screening to detect hidden infections. Chlamydia and mycoplasmosis are sometimes asymptomatic, so they can only be identified through testing. It is necessary to conceive a child only after the couple has undergone treatment.
  • When having sexual intercourse, you need to use condoms. Barrier contraception protects not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections. You can get HIV, STIs, and even thrush from your partner.
  • Change your underwear regularly and observe personal hygiene rules. When choosing underwear, it is better to give preference to models made from natural fabrics. It must be washed using special detergents and ironed on both sides.
  • Watch your diet. Baking with yeast promotes the growth of candida fungi.

It is easier to treat any disease in the initial stages. If strange, incomprehensible or disturbing symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Self-medication is prohibited - this can harm the woman’s health and lead to the death of the fetus.

Green discharge during pregnancy, which is often accompanied by itching and burning of the genitals, is a symptom of the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal microflora. On modern stage With the development of medicine, such diseases are amenable to drug therapy even during gestation. Therefore, do not panic, the main condition is timely diagnosis pathology so that harmful organisms do not penetrate the growing embryo.

Why does green discharge appear during pregnancy?

The appearance of greenish discharge during pregnancy is often caused by hormonal fluctuations and decreased immunity. In this situation, there are no additional symptoms; the secretions are light green and odorless.

The main reasons why greenish discharge appears during pregnancy are infectious diseases:

  1. Vaginal dysbiosis is characterized not only by changes color range, but also with a smell vaguely reminiscent of fish.
  2. Thrush or candidiasis accompanies the entire pregnancy. copious discharge with a sour smell. With prolonged absence of treatment, the secretions become greenish in color, itching and swelling of the genitals begin.
  3. Pathologies genitourinary system, as a result of the inflammatory process, appear pain syndrome lower abdomen, discomfort when urinating and increased body temperature.
  4. Diseases that are sexually transmitted are the main reasons that cause green discharge with an odor. However, many diseases long period may be asymptomatic, but during pregnancy unusual secretions from the vagina are very dangerous and look like purulent liquid mucous with specific symptoms in the form of severe burning.
Thick, greenish, sometimes flaky secretions during the inflammatory process cause a lot of discomfort, resulting in increased moisture and swelling in the groin area.

Wearing synthetic underwear, allergies to washing powder or panty liners can cause vaginal dysbiosis and disrupt the natural balance of microflora. A specific reaction of the body to antibiotic treatment cannot be ruled out.

In the early stages, a frozen pregnancy is also characterized by the appearance of green secretions, when the body rejects the dead fetus, severe inflammation occurs and bleeding begins.

How to treat green discharge during pregnancy?

At the beginning of pregnancy, antibacterial and antifungal drugs not recommended, therefore drug therapy, if it is possible to delay, it is carried out at a later date.

After necessary tests a number of medications are prescribed:

  • the penicillin group is used to detect sexually transmitted diseases;
  • local remedies effective against bacterial infections;
  • recovery medications normal microflora vagina;
  • antifungal drugs to reduce and eliminate itching.
Douching with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, furacillin) is often used. Recommended admission vitamin complexes, refusal bad habits and adherence to healthy eating rules.

At hormonal imbalance in women, are prescribed special drugs, which contain natural substances to increase progesterone. For example, greenish discharge from utrozhestan during pregnancy is possible, but the occurrence of specific secretions over a long period indicates an inflammatory process and requires separate treatment.

Green discharge during pregnancy sometimes occurs under the influence of physiological reasons, but more often the appearance of green discharge from the vagina indicates the development infectious process or leakage of amniotic fluid. You need to visit your doctor - most pathological conditions on early stage is successfully treated and the pregnancy can be maintained.

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Causes of greenish discharge in the early stages

At earlier stages, they decide individually: if the contractions are insignificant and light green water comes out in small quantities, then they try to stop the condition with the help of medications and allow the woman to bear the fetus. If it is impossible to maintain pregnancy at a later stage, premature birth is performed. A premature baby is sent to a department for newborns with pathologies, where the baby is examined, placed in an incubator (an incubator that maintains a certain temperature and humidity), and the necessary treatment is given.

Discharge with or without odor

Greenish, odorless discharge that is not accompanied by itching or discomfort is almost always the result of the influence of a non-pathological factor (food, medications, sex).

Greenish, odorless discharge during pregnancy in the 2-3 trimester may appear due to a violation of the integrity of the membranes. When the discharge persists for a long time, you need to consult a gynecologist to exclude a condition that is dangerous for the child’s development.

Green discharge in women during pregnancy with a specific odor is a sign of pathology. What the mucus smells like depends on the nature of the problems that have arisen. With dysbacteriosis there will be a fishy smell, with a bacterial infection it will smell like pus.

Curdled consistency Most often green curdled discharge during pregnancy they appear with advanced candidiasis. Lack of treatment leads to the fact that thrush is complicated by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. Green secret

  • comes out in dense lumps or looks like slimy flakes. Additionally appears:
  • itching in the perineum, worsening in the evening and at night;

swelling and hyperemia of the labia.

  • Greenish discharge during pregnancy, reminiscent of cottage cheese in consistency, is sometimes caused by bacterial microflora. Green lumps of pus mixed with vaginal secretions resemble curd mass and smell unpleasant. The pregnant woman feels worse and has:
  • fever;
  • discomfort in the vagina and perineum (pain, burning, itching);

problems with urination (increased urge, painful discomfort when emptying the bladder).

Curdiness and green color of vaginal secretion always indicate inflammation. The cause may be a complicated course of thrush or other bacterial infections. Normally, during pregnancy, a secretion consisting of mucus is secreted, small amount

exfoliated mucosal epithelium. The discharge is transparent or has a whitish tint, the consistency is homogeneous. A change in color or the appearance of heterogeneity in the structure of secretion may indicate pathology or the influence of physiological factors.

A light milky tint while maintaining the homogeneity of the vaginal discharge in the absence of additional uncomfortable symptoms is a variant of the norm. White color and cheesy consistency - characteristic symptoms thrush. In this case, the pregnant woman is bothered by itching and burning in the groin, which intensifies at night. Required compulsory treatment


  • microtrauma of the vagina (during sex or gynecological examination);
  • physiological increase in the content of vaginal mucus (under the influence of hormones in a pregnant woman, the permeability of the vascular wall increases);
  • cervical erosion.

If there is no pain in the lower abdomen and it is not elevated, then there is no need to worry.

Blood in vaginal secretion is almost always alarming symptom. This may indicate the development of the following conditions:

  • beginning miscarriage;
  • fibroids (myomatous nodes bleed);
  • death of the fertilized egg;
  • hydatidiform mole (a rare pathology manifested by placental enlargement and disrupting the development of the fetus).

Or the frozen fetus requires removal with subsequent treatment of the woman. In other cases, if you seek help at the first signs of blood appearing from the vagina, the pregnancy can almost always be saved and the pregnancy ends with the birth of a child.

Slight brownish "smudge" on early happens when the fertilized egg is attached. Scanty short-term discharge is not dangerous.

A dark brown tint in the product of vaginal secretion and the occurrence of discomfort in the lower abdomen are a sign of a pathological process. It could be:

  • placental abruption;
  • intrauterine fetal death.

Dark detection brown discharge at a later date may indicate the onset labor activity. But more often, the occurrence of a symptom is a sign of a deviation in the course of pregnancy, and the woman requires medical attention.

May appear when taking certain medications (antibiotics, vitamins).

But a yellow tint to the discharge also occurs with pathology:

  1. Dark rich color. It is often the first sign of an ongoing miscarriage.
  2. Bright. They indicate the beginning of an inflammatory process in the tubes or ovaries.
  3. With a green tint. If the stains on your panties are yellowish-green, then you should assume a disease transmitted through intimate contact.

Vaginal secretions turn yellow and with exacerbation of chronic gynecological pathologies, which often occurs with the onset of pregnancy. Conception and gestation weakens immune protection, so the diseases get worse. Gynecologists recommend treating existing diseases of the reproductive organs.


  1. Green discharge from a pregnant woman is dangerous to ignore. Almost always, green color appears as a symptom of inflammatory and non-inflammatory pathological processes.
  2. Lack of treatment will lead to complications during pregnancy and negatively affect the development of the fetus.
  3. Appeal for medical care will allow us to determine the nature of the deviation that has arisen and carry out drug therapy.

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The presence, color, quantity and consistency of vaginal discharge normally changes all the time for each woman. This instability is associated with hormonal levels, which during menstrual cycle cannot remain stable. Depending on which hormones predominate in the blood at a certain period of the cycle, vaginal discharge either becomes scanty and thick, or thins out and discolors.

But as for the pregnancy period, due to hormonal instability, vaginal discharge can be almost anything. However, the color and nature of vaginal secretions during pregnancy are not always determined by hormones. In some cases, a woman needs to be further examined to determine the nature of some changes. In particular, green vaginal discharge during pregnancy requires increased attention.

If you find green vaginal mucus, then do not rush to think about the worst. Yes, it is this symptom that accompanies the course of many sexually transmitted diseases, which should be suspected in the first place. But during pregnancy, a woman has a “discount”: it is not at all excluded that it is her special situation that is involved in the occurrence of such an undesirable phenomenon. Against the background of hormonal fluctuations, the nature and color of vaginal mucus may change, and perhaps it just seemed to you that it had turned green. Sometimes, normally, the discharge may be slightly yellowish, but in certain lighting it may look greenish.

It is almost certain that if green discharge during pregnancy is not accompanied by unpleasant discomfort in the external genital area, then there is no serious cause for concern. But it is always necessary to see a doctor and consult with him: in some cases, sexually transmitted infections and other complications during pregnancy are asymptomatic.

It is green mucus from the vagina that can be a short-term phenomenon as a consequence mechanical damage mucous membrane of the genital tract. This, in particular, is often observed after examining a woman in a gynecological chair: tell your doctor about this.

However, disturbances in the female body cannot be ruled out if greenery is observed in the vaginal secretion. During this period, vaginal dysbiosis occurs quite often (discharge with a greenish tint has a fishy odor and the appearance of exfoliating films), but treatment is usually postponed to a later period.

Thrush during pregnancy worsens or occurs for the first time in almost every pregnant woman: it is accompanied by white curdled sour smell vaginal discharge, which may take on a yellowish or even greenish tint. If at the same time there is a burning sensation, itching, swelling or redness in the vaginal area, then with a large share It is likely that we can talk about the development of candidiasis during pregnancy (also known as thrush).

Green discharge along with others characteristic features- pain in the lower abdomen, increased frequency of urination, etc. - may indicate an inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. With inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes, the discharge becomes bright yellow, possibly with a greenish tint, body temperature may rise.

Even if at the planning stage or at the very beginning of pregnancy all the woman’s vaginal smears were normal (that is, no genital infections were detected), this does not mean that the disease could not have formed or manifested itself in more advanced stages. late dates. Green (with a yellow-brown tint), blistering or purulent vaginal discharge can be accompanied by a number of sexually transmitted infections:

  • gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) - gray-white discharge with a greenish tint, a burning sensation in the external genitalia that increases with urination, as well as pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse may be observed;
  • chlamydia - often asymptomatic, but can be observed discomfort when urinating, discomfort and itching in the vagina, cloudy mucus from the vagina, including with a greenish tint;
  • trichomoniasis - very often asymptomatic; green blotches can be observed against the background of irritation of the vagina and external genitalia;
  • gonorrhea - first there is pain and burning when urinating, increased urge, then appears purulent discharge(white-yellow or with a greenish tint), over time they intensify and appear painful sensations in the genital area (itching, burning, swelling).

Scanty green discharge during pregnancy may indicate initial stage development of bacterial infection. As the process worsens, they can become more and more abundant.

Most likely, none of these infections will affect a woman expecting a child: after all, she monitors her health, diligently maintains hygiene and, as a rule, leads an orderly life. sex life with a proven reliable partner. But even if something is discovered, an experienced doctor will prescribe the best safe treatment during pregnancy.

Green discharge during pregnancy: how to treat and what to do?

The most important thing is not to be nervous, not to overthink it, not to make any preliminary diagnoses and see a doctor as quickly as possible. Green discharge during pregnancy rarely poses a serious threat to the fetus, but can still pose a certain danger to the development of pregnancy and the baby. Therefore, treatment may be necessary, and there is no point in resisting it: the drugs used today cause much less expected harm than infections. Moreover, if the condition allows, treatment of the infection will be postponed to later stages of pregnancy, when the baby will no longer be so vulnerable and sensitive to medications.

If a pathogenic bacterial flora is detected, alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without antibiotics. In this case, the doctor will also prescribe you a probiotic course, so as not to disturb the vaginal microflora and not provoke the appearance of green discharge for this reason alone.

Thrush during pregnancy is almost never cured: all prescribed drugs only temporarily relieve the symptoms, after which the fungus resumes its activity. This is why gynecologists prefer to only inhibit the growth of candida fungi and eliminate unpleasant symptoms its manifestations. However, shortly before giving birth, thrush will still have to be treated in order to minimize the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

Reconsider your life, habits and care intimate area: Perhaps the appearance of discharge with a greenish tint is caused by wearing synthetic underwear, using sanitary pads, tampons or cosmetics with flavors and fragrances.

But you still shouldn’t neglect a medical examination and consultation: ask your gynecologist if discharge is normal in your case.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

When pregnancy occurs, female body exposed a large number various changes. Some transformations cause discomfort and sometimes even pose serious health risks. Expectant mothers are especially concerned about yellowish or green discharge during pregnancy. If green discharge appears during pregnancy, it is better to immediately visit a doctor and undergo an examination to find out the exact cause of the pathology and prevent complications.

Is green discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

Discharge from expectant mothers is considered normal if it has a transparent mucous structure without any particular odor and without inclusions. If you notice that the nature of vaginal secretion has changed, then you should pay attention to this fact and report your observations to your doctor.

During normal pregnancy, green discharge with or without odor is not dangerous. The main danger lies in the disease indicated by green discharge. Therefore, it is so necessary to identify the cause of this symptom as early as possible.

Causes of green discharge in women at different stages of pregnancy

Green discharge during pregnancy can occur as a result of many different unfavorable factors. Pathological process cause inflammatory reactions in the genital organs, infection, hormonal disorders, vaginal injuries, allergies, cervical erosion, thrush and many other diseases.

Green, odorless discharge during pregnancy appears even after using antibiotics that negatively affect vaginal microflora. In most cases, green discharge during pregnancy is easily cured, but some pathologies are very dangerous for the health and life of the embryo in the womb, and therefore require urgent drug therapy.

  • Bacterial vaginosis. Most often, light green discharge during pregnancy appears due to bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbiosis- disturbances in the composition of the vaginal microflora, not accompanied by inflammation. Since the immune system of pregnant women is weakened, beneficial bacteria in the genital tract are replaced by pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to light green discharge, similar to foam, with unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the stench of rotten fish, with vaginosis there is pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during urination and intimate intercourse. Due to the disease, intrauterine infection of the embryo, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and miscarriage can occur.
  • Colpitis. Specific colpitis is caused pathogenic microorganisms: gonococci, trichomonas, candida, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. The causative agents of the nonspecific disease are streptococci, staphylococci, coli and other opportunistic bacteria. The infection is activated in the body of a pregnant woman due to stress and sharp decline immunity. With colpitis, greenish pus with an unpleasant odor flows from the vagina. Sticky yellow-green discharge during pregnancy indicates trichomoniasis. When urinating and having intimate intercourse, painful sensations, the genitals become red, swollen, itchy, and sometimes the body temperature rises. The disease can lead to polyhydramnios, intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus or even its death, miscarriage.
  • Gonorrhea. Infection, a sexually transmitted disease, is extremely dangerous for the expectant mother and the child developing in her womb. It can worsen the functioning of the placenta and cause premature expiration of amniotic fluid. With gonorrhea, intrauterine infection of the embryo often occurs, leading to its death. A pregnant woman first experiences pain when urinating and begins to visit the toilet too often. After some time, light yellow or yellow-green discharge appears from the genital tract, similar in consistency to cream. Every day the discharge becomes more abundant, accompanied by itching and swelling of the genitals. A woman with gonorrhea should urgently undergo hospital treatment.
  • Inflammatory processes. Yellow-green, odorless discharge during pregnancy is a sign of inflammation of the cervix and appendages. Most often, pregnant women suffer from cervicitis, salpingitis, and adnexitis. The discharge may appear as whitish mucus or greenish pus. Feels in the genital tract severe itching, a burning sensation occurs when urinating. Body temperature may increase.
  • Chorioamnionitis. This disease, which develops in the last months of pregnancy, is inflammatory reaction on membrane. If chorioamnionitis is not treated, the pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation penetrate the amniotic fluid and further infect the embryo. In addition to light green discharge with an unpleasant odor and sometimes mixed with blood, pregnant women feel worse and their body temperature rises sharply.
  • Green amniotic fluid. Green discharge during pregnancy may be a symptom of minor rupture of amniotic fluid. In this case, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor, since the baby in the womb is in serious danger. If amniotic fluid acquires a greenish tint, then the fruit most likely suffers from chronic hypoxia. When the baby developing in the stomach does not have enough oxygen, his rectum relaxes and releases into the amniotic fluid. feces. They are the ones that color the liquid green.
  • Frozen pregnancy. Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy sometimes signals the death of the fetus. When the fetus dies due to infection, hormonal imbalance or chromosomal abnormality, the woman develops severe cramps in the lower abdomen, the body temperature rises sharply, and a significant increase in leukocytes is observed in a blood test.
  • The use of antibiotics, which often cause vaginal dysbiosis (manifested by itching and discharge).
  • Mechanical injuries to the mucous membranes of the genital tract, which may occur due to improper douching or rough sexual intercourse.
  • Poor personal hygiene.

There is no need to worry about green discharge during pregnancy. You must understand that not all gynecological infectious and inflammatory processes pose a direct danger to the unborn baby. In addition, these diseases can be treated with modern drugs that can be used during pregnancy. But treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Nature of green discharge

Discharge during pregnancy has some characteristics:

  1. White-green discharge in expectant mothers may appear due to an allergy to low-quality underwear made from synthetic materials, laundry detergents, as well as personal hygiene products and pads. In this case, green discharge during pregnancy is caused by external irritants; the discharge will return to normal after they are eliminated.
  2. Green discharge during pregnancy of a mucous consistency with a dark tint in pregnant women indicates inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  3. Dark green discharge during pregnancy indicates that the body has bacterial infection, caused by the accumulation of pus.
  4. Intense green discharge during pregnancy appears as a result of sexually transmitted infections, for example, gonorrhea.
  5. Light green discharge with a fishy odor during pregnancy signals vaginal dysbiosis, and green mucus indicates an acute vaginal infection.