Toothpastes for gums. Which toothpaste is best for bleeding gums. Healing plants. Which ones are suitable?

Bleeding gums that occur when brushing your teeth or biting into hard foods may be a sign of gingivitis, periodontal disease, or periodontitis. In this case, rely on self-diagnosis and mouth rinses herbal infusions, at least frivolously - you need to contact a specialist - a periodontist. He will determine the causes of bleeding gums and prescribe the necessary treatment.

The complex of measures for periodontal treatment necessarily includes the use of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes that reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums. They owe their antibacterial, analgesic, astringent and regenerating effect to the following active substances:

  • Triclosan destroys plaque bacteria and suppresses the formation of tartar - the main factors in gum disease.
  • Chlorhexidine- antiseptic wide range actions.
  • Aloe Gel has antibacterial and wound-healing effects. Protects gums from inflammation.
  • Potassium citrate reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, blocking the pain impulse.
  • Zinc and aluminum compounds slow down the rate of formation of tartar, which often causes gums to bleed.
  • Vitamins (A, E, B5, B6, P) improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the oral cavity, preventing the development of pathological periodontal processes.
  • Extracts medicinal herbs (echinacea, peppermint, eucalyptus, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chamomile, oak, hawthorn, sanguinaria) and fruits (lemon, grapefruit, lime, cherry pulp, wild berries) have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect . Save beneficial microflora in the oral cavity and reduce bleeding gums.
  • Propolis extract has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ginseng extract stimulates protective mechanisms and metabolic processes in the gums, accelerates wound healing, preventing gum bleeding.
  • Green tea extract contains vitamins A, B2, C, D, K, P. It has antimicrobial, astringent and antioxidant effects, and tones weakened gums well.
  • Coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste strengthens the gums, reducing their bleeding and has a bactericidal effect.
  • Cedar oil- an effective natural antioxidant. Carotenoids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acid, the microelements included in its composition soften and reduce gum inflammation and accelerate healing.
  • Oil tea tree reduces inflammation and strengthens gums.

TOP 5 popular pastes for bleeding gums

A consumer survey helped us rank the toothpastes that are most effective in treating bleeding gums. Toothpastes containing peptides and bacteriophages are becoming increasingly popular - natural proteins that can effectively solve the problems of not only bleeding, but also dental plaque, tooth-destroying infections, while promoting health. natural microflora oral cavity.

  1. The most popular remedy for bleeding and gum diseases Mirra Dent Gel Toothpaste Applicator - gel paste applicator with bacteriophages. Enough to apply gel paste Mirra on previously cleaned teeth and gums for 5 minutes in the morning and evening to get rid of bleeding gums. This paste also prevents the development of caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Its action is fundamentally different from disinfecting toothpastes: it normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, and the bacteriophages contained in it devour only harmful bacteria. It is widely used for the prevention and treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums.
  2. Elmex Sensitive Plus Sanftes Weiss Zahnpasta - whitening toothpaste For sensitive teeth. In addition to the popular whitening component, fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel, it contains fluoride ion which helps to “seal” the smallest tubules in the dentin of tooth enamel. It is also enriched with arginine. Penetrating through the thin mucous membrane directly into the vessels of the gums, arginine promotes their growth, and therefore improves blood circulation in the gums.
  3. Dr. Wolff's Biorepair Mentholfreie Zahncreme is a toothpaste that ideally polishes tooth enamel and saturates it with zinc hydroxyapatite - the so-called liquid enamel. In addition, it does not contain menthol, which makes therapeutic applications much more tolerable. Even children 7 years old can use it.
  4. Theramed Pro Electric Expert Sensitive is a toothpaste for sensitive teeth designed for brushing teeth with an electric brush. The main difference between such pastes and others: fine abrasiveness, which significantly spares damaged tooth enamel (one of the main causes of tooth sensitivity), which significantly reduces discomfort while brushing your teeth. In particular acute situations, you can brush your teeth with this paste using a regular soft toothbrush. In addition, it gently grinds the enamel, whitening it and preventing the deposition of tartar.
  5. Vivax Dent (pink paste) - anti-inflammatory toothpaste with betulavite. Betulavit environmentally disinfects gums and tooth enamel. In addition, this paste contains peptides of the thymus and blood vessels, which stimulate the restoration of normal blood circulation in the gums.

It causes a person considerable discomfort.

If you do not attach importance to bleeding gums, acute reaction teeth to cold or hot food (drinks), pain, burning and itching in oral cavity, then after a while you can get not only loose teeth, but also lose them altogether.

Properly selected toothpaste for periodontal disease will help cope with the problem.

Requirements for toothpaste against periodontal disease

Before considering the main criteria by which a patient can choose a high-quality, effective paste for himself, it is necessary to understand that such a product is not the main drug.

Therapeutic toothpaste for periodontal disease relieves symptoms, accelerates tissue healing, prevents exacerbations, further development diseases and maintains oral hygiene.

Unfortunately, not a single paste for periodontal disease can completely cope with the disease - complex treatment is necessary

Such a paste allows you to eliminate plaque formed on tooth enamel, get rid of many bacteria and stop inflammatory process.

Qualified specialists advise using medicinal pastes as an addition to the main therapy regimen (medicines and various health procedures).

So, toothpaste for periodontal disease and bleeding gums should contain the following active ingredients:

  • potassium salt and phosphoric acid (prevents the formation);
  • potassium nitrate (significantly reduces excessive sensitivity of enamel);
  • sodium salt of citric acid (regulates acidity levels, reduces the reaction of teeth to cold or hot);
  • strontium chloride is also intended for particularly sensitive enamel.

The prescription of such medicinal pastes is made taking into account the stage of development pathological process. Dentist conducts full diagnostics condition of the oral cavity and prescribes the most suitable remedy.

Self-therapy in best case scenario will delay the treatment process, and in the worst case, lead to tooth loss.

Review of toothpastes for periodontal disease

Only a dentist can recommend a product for daily use for periodontal disease. However, in order to have general idea about such therapeutic drugs available today, it is worth considering at least some of them.

It is suggested to speed up the process of getting rid of pathology using the following pastes:

Medicinal products such as Extra, New Pearl, Balm, Mary, Pomorin have an almost identical composition and act on the cause of periodontal disease. They are used not only for dental hygiene, but also for...

Features of application

Each toothpaste for the treatment of periodontal disease has some characteristics, so experts have developed certain recommendations for their use. Compliance with all the following rules and regulations will significantly reduce the lengthy process of treating pathology.

So, in order to avoid mistakes in the treatment regimen, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • medicated toothpaste will give noticeable positive results only when used in conjunction with drug therapy;
  • due to the fact that this product contains very strong active ingredients, then using the paste is advisable only during the treatment period, and not regularly (dysbacteriosis may develop);
  • during the teeth cleaning process, do not allow direct contact of the paste with the enamel for more than 4-6 minutes;
  • during the cleaning process, it is advised to thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with the foam obtained from the paste;
  • The course of treatment with antibiotics usually lasts no more than 14 days.

During such procedures, it is necessary to pay the greatest attention to the gums. At the very first good results It is strictly forbidden to interrupt the therapy process.

What is the best toothpaste for periodontal disease?

Among the wide variety of produced medicinal products for periodontal disease it is quite difficult to find the best of them according to all criteria.

Contains 50% brine from Lake Pomorie (Pomorie lye solution)

  1. Pomorin. Product from a Bulgarian manufacturer. Corresponds to the price-quality ratio. The base of the paste is mineral salts. She takes off quickly acute inflammation gums, improves tissue nutrition.
  2. Lakalut Active. Toothpaste for periodontal disease (reviews about it will also be in the material) are produced in Germany. If you regularly use this drug, then not only harmful microorganisms from the oral cavity gradually disappear, but also damaged ones are strengthened. loose gums. This effect is possible thanks to the components included in the composition: antiseptic chlorhexidine, aluminum lactate, sage, myrrh. A rinse aid from this series is also recommended.
  3. Paradontax. It is made in the UK. The paste contains peppermint, chamomile, mineral salts, echinacea. Such components prevent bleeding gums.

Periodontal disease is very insidious disease. In addition to constant pain, a person is bothered by pain in the oral cavity. Will toothpaste help with periodontal disease? Let's try to find out.


One of the most serious diseases is periodontal disease. It develops gradually, starting with a slight sensitivity to cold or hot. Usually a person ignores such signs without contacting the dentist. And in vain: then the necks of the teeth begin to become exposed, as a result of which itching is felt in the gum area. And the very last stage is constant bleeding.

Periodontium is the tissue that surrounds the teeth. It is they that become inflamed during periodontal disease, giving the disease its appropriate name.

When the patient brushes his teeth every day, blood remains on the brush. After oral hygiene procedures, a person feels unpleasant burning sensation and itching.

If treatment is not started in time, the symptoms will only get worse.

Reasons for appearance

Before you find out whether toothpaste will save you from periodontal disease, you need to know about the causes that cause it. There are many of them, and they are not always associated exclusively with oral problems.

  1. Diabetes. This disease often affects the skin, gums, and destroys teeth. The changes that occur in the body during this disease affect the health of the person as a whole.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Insufficient oral hygiene. Some people prefer to brush their teeth until they shine in the morning, but completely forget about it in the evening. As a result, food debris decomposes, causing dental caries and various inflammations, including periodontal disease.
  4. Hormonal changes. This is especially true for women. During menstruation or pregnancy, the body experiences hormonal changes, which can affect the condition of the oral cavity. Pregnant girls note that it was during this period that they first encountered bleeding gums. The same applies to those who are experiencing menopause.
  5. Smoking. Most smokers have experienced gum disease at least once in their lives. Nicotine and harmful tars settle not only on tooth enamel, but also on other tissues in the oral cavity.
  6. Hereditary factor. If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, one of your parents may already know how to deal with it.

Toothpaste "Paradontaks": reviews

Paradontax paste is recognized as one of the most effective. The manufacturer of this product is an English pharmaceutical company. Based on the name, we can conclude that it is intended for those who suffer from gum disease. Paradontax toothpaste, the price of which ranges from 140 to 170 rubles per tube, has received positive reviews from consumers.

It is available in two forms: with and without fluorine. The undoubted advantage of this tool is its natural composition. Looking at the instructions, we will see that the paste contains:

  • peppermint;
  • sage;
  • echinacea;
  • chamomile;
  • minerals and salts;
  • zinc.

As we can see, there are no unnecessary additives in it. It is believed that fluoridated toothpaste is more effective.

The unusual taste of Paradontax may surprise you: it is slightly salty. This is due to the mineral salts included in the product.

Paradontax toothpaste received favorable reviews from dentists, because it contains natural ingredients. Many buyers noted an improvement in the condition of their gums after using it. The remedy can be used continuously or in courses when the disease worsens.

Toothpaste “New Pearl”

Domestic oral care product is quite popular. "New Pearl" contains many lines aimed at eliminating various problems teeth and gums. There are several varieties that help in the fight against periodontal disease.

For example, “New Pearl” toothpaste for sensitive teeth. It contains calcium and fluoride, which gently care for teeth. And thanks to green tea extract sore gums calm down, microcracks heal. However, it is recommended to use this paste at the first signs of periodontal disease, when the gums have not yet begun to bleed.

More strong remedy This brand is “Cedar Complex”. It is intended for oral care when there are such pastes. This paste contains vitamins E, D, B, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing bleeding. Oil obtained from cedar nuts has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, caring for the tissues around the teeth. It is believed that after thirty years, everyone who has at least once encountered periodontal disease needs to start using this type of paste regularly.


There are many remedies that help against periodontal disease. known for its excellent medicinal properties. The country of origin of this product is Germany. Among various types This company has a product that helps overcome periodontal disease. This is the Lakalut Active Herbal paste. Its natural composition attracts many buyers. So, it contains: sage, chamomile, star anise, eucalyptus. These herbs are known for their soothing effects on gums. This paste is distinguished by the chlorhexidine it contains. It is commonly used to clean wounds as an antiseptic. For speedy wound healing, the composition contains bisabolol.

This paste can be used for both preventive and medicinal purposes. According to the recommendations of dentists, it is very effective. The product has a hemostatic effect, helps relieve inflammation, and perfectly cleanses and refreshes the oral cavity.

"Forest Balm"

One more Russian means, which our compatriots love, is the “Forest Balsam” toothpaste. It has good reviews. Firstly, its price is noticeably lower than imported ones - only 60-80 rubles per tube. Secondly, according to consumers, it really relieves gum problems. However, its composition is not as natural as it seems at first glance. Silicon dioxide, sorbitol, lauryl sulfate - that's just a small part chemical compounds, from which this balm consists. But the herbs are still contained in it. Usually oak bark, sage, St. John's wort or nettle are added. All of them prevent bleeding and soothe the inflamed oral cavity.

Toothpaste helps against periodontal disease. At least that's what buyers say. It is not for nothing that it is one of the most common among such means.


The variety of toothpastes on store shelves always confuses consumers. Which one should you choose? Now we know that Paradontax toothpaste, the price of which is higher than domestic ones, has a natural composition and copes well with gum problems. The same can be said about the Lakalut product. “New Pearl” will also save you from periodontal disease, but the domestic product costs almost half as much. Which of the pastes we list to choose is up to you to decide based on your own preferences and capabilities. Don't forget to also consult with your dentist.

Sore teeth when eating hot and cold food, bleeding gums and a burning sensation in the oral mucosa are the first signs of the development of periodontal disease.

But on initial stage A properly selected therapeutic and prophylactic paste can help in the fight against pathology.

A remedy for periodontal disease is not able to completely cure a person of the disease, however, its use can eliminate pathological symptoms and significantly speed up the therapeutic process.

With its help you can effectively remove plaque, get rid of pathogenic microflora and prevent its development and reproduction.

In order for the paste against periodontal disease to provide preventive and medicinal effects, it must contain several components:

  • sodium citrate and strontium chloride– active elements that reduce the susceptibility of enamel to external factors;
  • phosphoric acid and potassium salt promotes the removal of mineralized dental plaque and reduces the possibility of their further formation;
  • potassium nitrate– a compound that blocks pain.

Before purchasing a therapeutic and prophylactic product, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will tell you which components included in the product are preferable, taking into account the existing disease and the degree of its progression.

Review of popular tools

The range of pastes for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes on the dental products market is very large, so you should pay attention to the composition specific means, and the effect it has.

Forest balm

The main components of the preventive product are extracts of the following medicinal herbs:

  • nettle;
  • celandine;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile.

These components help reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums and eliminate itching in the mouth. Sea buckthorn oil, present in the product, accelerates healing soft fabric.

Since the product is aimed at caring for gums, it does not contain abrasive particles that help eliminate mineralized deposits. For this reason, dentists recommend that after getting rid of periodontal disease, switch to drugs with more high rate abrasiveness.

The cost of a 50 ml product is 130-160 rubles.

Lakalut Active

Products from the German manufacturer Lakalut Active are aimed at eliminating bleeding and inflammation of the gums. The effect is achieved with the help of components such as aluminum lactate, allantoin and bisabolol.

In addition, the composition contains chlorhexidine digluconate, a substance that has an antiseptic and disinfectant, which effectively removes pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammation gums.

The product must be used in courses - no longer than two months, since the active components with excessively frequent interaction with the oral mucosa can lead to dysbacteriosis.

The cost of a 50 ml tube of paste starts from 130 rubles.

Lakalut phytoformula

The composition of this paste is similar to the previous product, however, it does not contain antiseptic additives. This allows it to be used as the main means of oral hygiene.

In addition to aluminum lactate and sodium fluoride, the preparation contains a trace element such as fluorine, which helps increase the strength of enamel and reduces its sensitivity.

Plant components - extracts of myrrh, sage, St. John's wort eliminate inflammation and increase the trophism of the soft tissue of the oral cavity.

The cost of Lakalut phytoformula starts from 160 rubles.

President exclusive

The Italian-made President Exclusive paste has an astringent effect, which effectively stops bleeding gums and heals wounds of the mucous membrane.

Hexetidine, which is part of the drug, suppresses the oxidative reactions of bacterial waste products, which helps eliminate fungal infections.

The ruler refers to medicinal drugs, therefore, during use it is necessary to take breaks, using the product for no longer than three weeks in a row.

The cost of such a drug, which fights periodontal disease, is 150-170 rubles per 50 ml tube.


Auromere toothpaste is a preparation based on natural ingredients. Among the plant extracts there are such unusual elements as Java apple, Persian salvadora and licorice root.

In total, the drug has 23 herbal components, which eliminate the inflammatory process in the soft tissue of the oral cavity, reduce the sensitivity of the enamel and freshen breath.

The product copes well with bacterial plaque, removing it from the tooth surface and preventing rapid formation.

The average cost of a 75 ml tube of Auromere toothpaste is 500 rubles.

Pomorin classic

Bulgarian paste Pomorin Classic is a product containing a unique component, Pomorian lye. He is rich in mineral complexes: zinc, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and organic matter, which are found in seaweed.

The paste performs the following functions:

  • restores acid-base balance saliva;
  • eliminates plaque and reduces the rate of its formation;
  • reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • reduces bleeding and swelling of gum tissue.

The cost of packaging is 230-260 rubles.

Blend-a-Med complete 7 + oak bark

This type of paste belongs to therapeutic and prophylactic agents that have a complex effect on the oral cavity:

  • chlorhexidine destroys pathogenic bacteria and fungi;
  • fluorine and phosphorus strengthen enamel and prevent the development of caries;
  • oak bark extract relieves inflammation, heals small wounds, reduces bleeding;
  • abrasive particles remove mineral deposits and areas of pigmentation.

The cost of a 100 ml tube is 120-150 rubles.


Domestic products contain natural ingredients such as xanthan gum and pine needle concentrate. In addition, calcium citrate, silicon dioxide and potassium tetrapyrophosphate contained in the preparation are highly effective in the fight against periodontal disease.

The main advantages of this remedy are to reduce the degree of bleeding of the gums and reduce their inflammation, prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, and eliminate bacterial plaque.

According to the manufacturer, the first effect is noticeable already 3-4 days after the start of use of the treatment and prophylactic agent.

Lesnaya pasta belongs to the category budget funds. For a tube of 75 ml, the buyer needs to pay 30-50 rubles.

Parodontax classic

Products from the UK Parodontax Classic do not contain fluoride and are intended for the treatment of periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums.

The drug contains active ingredients such as mineral salts, which remove pathological fluid from the gum tissue, reducing its swelling and inflammation.

Thanks to the presence of extracts of medicinal plants and herbs, normalization of the microflora of the oral cavity, suppressing the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Dentists note that Parodontax classic can be used for daily oral hygiene. The cost of this product is 170-200 rubles.

Parodontol active

Basics active substance– hydroxyapatite. This mineral component helps strengthen and remineralize enamel, and also protects it from caries.

In addition, plant extracts of yarrow and nettle eliminate swelling of the gums and reduce the level of bleeding.

Numerous reviews indicate that Parodontol Active paste freshens breath for a long time and noticeably reduces tooth sensitivity after just a few days of use.

The cost is 120-140 rubles.


The composition of the prophylactic paste Parodontotsid includes sodium fluoride and allantoin, which make the tooth surface more durable and also saturate it with fluoride.

Numerous extracts of medicinal plants - sage, lemon balm, mint, thymol - combat the problem of soreness and increased sensitivity of the gums.

Thanks to the complex effect of the paste components on the oral cavity, it improves general state its hard and soft tissues, the balance of microflora is restored, and breath is freshened.

The cost of Parodontocid paste is 70-95 rubles.


The product is released Russian manufacturer“Planet Organics” is aimed at performing several actions:

  • whitening the tooth surface and removing pigment spots from the enamel;
  • removal of mineralized deposits;
  • prevention of caries development;
  • improving gum trophism, reducing bleeding and swelling.

According to the manufacturer, the paste consists of 99% natural ingredients. The product is recommended for use daily, at least twice a day.

The cost of the drug is 180-200 rubles.

New pearls

In the product line trademark New Pearl contains several varieties of toothpastes, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the gums and reducing the signs of periodontal disease.

New pearls for sensitive teeth contain elements of fluoride and calcium, which eliminate plaque and bacteria, as well as a plant extract of green tea, which helps heal cracks in the mucous membrane. This remedy is indicated when the first symptoms of periodontal disease appear.

The average cost of New Pearl paste is 45-58 rubles.

Features of application

When using therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes for periodontal disease, it should be understood that such products are only an addition to the main treatment.

They are not able to independently eliminate the root cause of the disease. In addition, to achieve the desired effect and prevent further harm to the oral cavity, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to use products with antiseptic components and antibiotics for no more than two weeks in a row to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • duration hygiene procedure should be 2-3 minutes. A shorter procedure will not bring the desired effect, and an excessively long one risks damaging the enamel and gums;
  • During treatment of periodontal disease, it is advisable to use a brush with soft bristles to reduce the risk mechanical damage gums;
  • Upon completion of the teeth cleaning procedure, you should rinse your mouth with the resulting foam composition - this will increase the effectiveness of the paste.

The video presents the dentist's opinion on the principle of choosing toothpaste for periodontal diseases.

210 10/09/2019 5 min.

Bleeding gums are not a disease, but a symptom indicating that something is wrong with the body. Do not ignore it so as not to start the process and not bring the matter to a more serious problems. The reasons for this manifestation can be either trauma or improper brushing of teeth, or the onset of a pathological process in periodontal tissues. To stop the problem by early stages You can use special medicinal pastes. Next, we will look at what should be included in such products and describe the best of them.

Causes of bleeding gums

Bleeding gums most often occur for the following reasons:

The cause of bleeding gums may be different, but first you need to exclude mechanical and chemical factors, as well as correct oral hygiene.

Treatment methods

Treatment for bleeding gums should be prescribed by a competent doctor after an examination - he will be able to accurately understand the cause and prescribe effective therapy. If necessary, the dentist can refer you to an endocrinologist, therapist, and other specialists. He will tell you about the reasons for the appearance of red gums in adults.

Professional cleaning Tartar removal is best done not by a dentist, but by a periodontist.

Professional treatment consists of several stages:

Need and support home therapy. It includes:

  • improving oral hygiene, selection special means care;
  • choosing the right toothbrush (it should clean your teeth and gums efficiently without injuring them);
  • regular use of rinsing solutions, antiseptics, medications to strengthen capillaries.

Special lozenges help with this problem quite well. Like solutions, medications, antiseptics must be prescribed by a doctor.

Types of gum pastes and their purposes

The following types of pastes for bleeding gums are available for sale:

  • hygienic;
  • preventive;
  • medicinal.

You need to choose a toothpaste in accordance with the existing problems and condition of your teeth.

The former provide proper oral care, the latter rather prevent bleeding than treat existing problems. Medicinal pastes are considered the most “strong” and help with severe forms of the disease. The main thing you must understand is that pastes alone are not enough for a complete cure. If the problem is advanced, complex therapy with the use of antiseptics and antibiotics is required. Find out about the instructions for using Parodontocid spray.

After brushing your teeth with a special paste, do not spit out the foam immediately - it would be better to hold it in your mouth for a while to consolidate the effect.

Active substances

Therapeutic, prophylactic and hygienic pastes against bleeding contain the following active substances:

  1. Triclosan – kills bacteria and prevents stone formation.
  2. Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antiseptic.
  3. Aloe gel – reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria, accelerates wound healing, and relieves inflammation.
  4. Potassium citrate – suppresses sensitivity, blocks impulses, relieves pain.
  5. Aluminum and zinc compounds prevent the formation of tartar.
  6. Vitamins – improve metabolism and blood circulation of tissues.
  7. Extracts of medicinal fruits and herbs are sage, nettle, echinacea, mint, chamomile, lime, lemon and so on. They have a complex therapeutic and pronounced tonic effect.
  8. Propolis extract – relieves inflammation and has an antiseptic effect.
  9. Ginseng extracts stimulate wound healing processes and activate protective functions.
  10. Cedar ether is a natural antioxidant.
  11. Tea tree oil – strengthens gums and relieves inflammation.

A “mandatory” component is triclosan - you can find the remaining components on the packaging of the selected drug. For what purpose is the Schiller-Pisarev test performed, find out in.

Extracts of medicinal fruits and herbs are often used by manufacturers of medicinal and prophylactic pastes.

Review of the best drugs

Let's look at the TOP pastes used to combat bleeding gums:

  • Parodontax not only eliminates symptoms, but also effectively treats periodontal disease. Used as part of complex therapeutic regimens. The main active ingredients are extracts of echinacea, chamomile, myrrh, mint, ratania, sage, bicarbonate and sodium fluoride. Additionally, the paste prevents development, accelerates the healing process of soft tissues, relieves pain, and effectively removes plaque from the enamel surface;

  • Lacalut aktiv is a real salvation for tartar, bleeding gums, caries, gingivitis, and periodontopathy. It is also worth remembering that when brushing, you need to brush your teeth very carefully and with a soft brush. The formula accelerates the healing of wounds on the gums, strengthens tissue, and relieves inflammation. This paste is indicated for use with loose gums and sensitive teeth;
  • Lacalut fitoformula contains essential oils and hoods medicinal plants, restores healthy microflora of the oral cavity, strengthens enamel and reduces its sensitivity, perfectly removes plaque;
  • “Parodontol Active” is a paste whose main active component is the substance hydroxyapatite. It stimulates growth bone tissue, replenishes the lack of minerals in the enamel, reduces tooth sensitivity. Due to herbal extracts, inflammation is eliminated and bacteria are killed;
  • “Parodontocide” – formula with sodium fluoride, extracts medicinal herbs and antiseptic components. After two weeks of use, a break is needed;
  • PresiDENT exclusive – effective remedy For complex therapy gum diseases. The paste contains a strong antiseptic hexetidine and an extract from thyme. Using it for more than 14 days is also not recommended;

  • "Forest Balsam" Bleeding and inflammation is an inexpensive and quite effective remedy for oral hygiene with a pronounced astringent effect. The composition is herbal, so the paste does not remove plaque well. To improve the quality of brushing your teeth, use this remedy in combination with others - for example, use Forest Balm in the morning and triclosan paste in the evening.

Find out how to treat gum inflammation in pregnant women.

Lacalut aktiv cannot be used continuously for longer than 20 days; “Phytoformula” from the same manufacturer is suitable for long-term, but still not constant use.


For more details about the types and uses of toothpastes against bleeding gums, watch the video


Bleeding gums can develop due to various reasonsinternal diseases, aggressive mechanical influences, contact with chemicals. Special pastes give good results in treating the disease. They are therapeutic, preventive and hygienic. Please note that many formulas cannot be used for a long time (more than 14-20 days). Find out how to use heparin ointment for gums.