8 year what year of the animal. Fire zodiac signs

The previous two years passed under the sign of the fire element, which is a rather warlike and conflict symbol, but if we talk about , what animal is the symbol of 2018, then It is worth emphasizing that the time of the “reign” of the yellow earthen Dog is coming. Yellow symbolizes calm and tranquility, the earth element provides firmness, and the animal itself provides devotion. It is likely that the time patronized by the eleventh animal of the eastern horoscope will be successful, peaceful and quite calm for many.

The dog is an animal that, according to legend, finished eleventh in a row, which immediately suggests that speed is not a priority for it. She embodies devotion and honesty, however, the experts who draw up the horoscope do not forget to mention her difficult character. The sign embodies masculinity, but experts endow him with compassion, intelligence and practicality, although without a small part of laziness and cynicism, these positive features still don't get by.

Talking about 2018 is the year of what animal, it is worth paying special attention to its element – ​​earth. It is a sign of stability and improved quality of life, so the likelihood that the near future will continue as calmly and fruitfully as possible is very high.

Feature of the year

The question is what animal symbolizes 2018, worries many for good reason, because knowing the characteristic features of the year and, importantly, the people who were born under the auspices of its mistress, one can imagine what a person’s life will be like in the near future.

Children born during the reign of this animal grow up to be very honest and, remarkably, hardworking. However, that’s not all, because they are very brave, always ready to stand up for the weak and know how to stand up for themselves, regardless of the fact that at first they seem completely different. The personalities of such people are quite complex, because they positive traits often develop into negative ones. Loyalty is sometimes considered stubbornness, and restraint often develops into detachment and coldness.

Often the Dog’s rational attitude towards everything around them makes them look at things quite skeptically and very often criticize others. However, it is precisely this quality that makes them ideal leaders, although many representatives of the sign like to work independently, becoming independent experts.

The food can be anything, but seafood will not be welcomed by the patroness of the year. Particular preference should be given different types meat, green salads and potato garnish. It is noteworthy that animals love sweets very much, so what kind of dessert to prepare for New Year, it’s worth taking care of in advance, and the more refined it is, the more successful the year will be. And from large quantity alcoholic drinks you will also have to refuse, because the patroness of the year does not accept alcohol and has an extremely negative attitude towards it, but wine, champagne and light alcoholic cocktails no one cancels.

What can be said as a conclusion?

Talking about new year 2018 what animal will patronize a person, it is worth saying that, in general, he should be completely peaceful and calm. People expect a truce in all spheres of life - love, political or friendly, and even if some people break up, it will benefit them, and the separation process will be as simple as possible.

It is worth, of course, being on guard, because no one is safe from gossip, sarcasm and causticity of ill-wishers (there are plenty of them at all times), but the earth element and the yellow color of the patroness of the year will allow a person to learn tolerance, become more self-confident and freer from public opinion.

The talismans of the year will be jewelry made from, but will also remain held in high esteem, because the yellow color of the metal will bring its owner good luck in all endeavors. However, it is during the New Year's Eve celebration that it is better to give preference to silver jewelry, because The dog prefers modesty and simplicity.

2018 is the year of which animal? This question interests everyone who believes in horoscopes and listens to their interpretations. This a year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Dog. As experts say, it will bring peace and stability. It is during this period that the economic crisis will end. It is recommended to purchase real estate in 2018. Those who are in love, but do not plan to legitimize the relationship, should think about joining their destinies at this particular time. After all, what will next year be like? 2018 is favorable for marriage. But after it comes something that can bring unpleasant surprises.


The Dog is characterized by such traits as intelligence, simplicity, some coldness, honesty, sociability, loyalty, stubbornness, openness, friendliness, laziness. People born this year are distinguished by They do not tolerate it when someone is unfairly accused. They strive to acquit the innocent at any cost.

2018 is the year of which animal and what does it mean for humans? This is the year of the Dog, which never rests. She is always on duty, attentive and restless. It's not easy to take something away from her. The dog is alert. She won't give up without a fight. These people are closed. They show their feelings very rarely and only when absolutely necessary. The dog is a skeptic. Her willpower, wonderful sense of humor, and critical mind help her to be a person with a broad soul.

Negative traits

The dog is a big cynic. She doesn't mince words. Many are afraid of her because of her harsh and offensive remarks. The dog is stubborn, sometimes even too stubborn. Having taken up some business, she can devote herself completely to it. At the same time, the Dog will, for any reason and without it, criticize everyone who is in this moment near. It may seem that she is specifically looking for a reason to break off the relationship.

2018 is the year of which animal? Dogs. She sees the world in dark colors. A person born under this sign is a pessimist and does not expect anything good from life. This is reflected in his behavior, lifestyle, and communication style.


A dog is a wonderful friend. Her character contains traits that make her a Person with a capital P. She is loyal, honest, and can have a lot of fun. You can always rely on the Dog in everything. She won't betray. Nobody keeps secrets better than a Dog. Among other things, she has a certain amount of modesty. All this makes the Dog wonderful friend and interlocutor. But you shouldn’t rush to be frank with her. Long conversations tire the dog. And she is not at all inclined to listen to someone’s confessions. The dog has great vocabulary, but does not know how to express his thoughts. She inspires confidence and is endearing. For a friend or loved one The dog is ready for anything. Her dedication is worth appreciating. After all, to lose faithful person very easy, but almost impossible to return.

What year is 2018?

According to the horoscope, this is the year of the Dog. A person of this sign can be called a person of high moral principles, completely uninterested in money. He is selfless and generous. Regardless social status and level of income, the intellectual principle predominates in this person. A dog can easily do without the most basic material comfort. Even if there is financial condition The dog does not seek to acquire expensive, high-status, branded items. When she needs money, it will certainly appear. The dog can always provide for itself.


In 2018, what animal will be named after? Dogs. People born this year will become excellent leaders. They will be able to achieve success in industry, pedagogy, religion, public life. In any case, their activities will be honest and fair. The dog excels at managing even large numbers of people. In addition, she is hardworking and always speaks her mind directly.


2018 is the year of which animal? The horoscope says that people born under the sign of the Dog show the same qualities in love as in business. They are reasonable and honest. Love difficulties will haunt the Dog all his life. Most often, this will be due to her anxiety and inconstancy. A Horse would be perfect for a Dog. The latter will support her partner in all endeavors, and in return will ask only for a little freedom of action. Relations with the Dragon will be strained. He is proud and unlikely to accept her sarcastic mind. Very often life will pit the Dog against the Tiger. They can be quite happy. The Tiger will push his partner to do great things. The dog will be able to provide decent support to the partner. The most durable and calm alliance with the Cat. The Goat will quickly break off the relationship. She is capricious, and the Dog doesn’t like that.

The life of people of this sign can be called fickle. There will be a lot in childhood difficult situations. The dog will have to worry often. Problems will not disappear in youth. Truthfulness will often get in the way. In adulthood, the Dog will become a great skeptic. She will lose the ability to enjoy life. A dog is its own master. At any time, she can turn the situation in her favor and change her life for the better.

Every person wants to look into the unknown future and quickly find out what the coming 2018 will be like: what animal according to the horoscope, what color, what to celebrate this holiday in and what to prepare for the New Year's table? We will answer all these questions immediately and with great pleasure. Since the New Year is a magical holiday, it should be celebrated correctly. Then the whole coming year will be mega-positive and mega-successful.

New Year's Eve eastern calendar in our country they began to celebrate relatively recently. However, this tradition harmoniously “fit” into the domestic framework, which entailed a whole series of New Year’s pleasures. These are cute too animal symbols - patrons of the New Year, and traditional colors, and a festive menu, and a stylish wardrobe. Some astrologers believe that these factors can directly affect the course of events that will await you in the coming year.

Very soon we will celebrate the new year 2018: what animal according to the horoscope, what to wear and what to cook for festive table– this is worth taking care of today. Patroness next year There will be a Yellow Earth Dog - an intelligent, sensible and very loyal animal. And although the Dog will enter into its immediate rights somewhat later than New Year’s Eve (according to the Eastern calendar, year Yellow dog will occur on the New Moon, February 16, 2018), souvenir shops are already in full swing with active trade in cute porcelain figurines of dogs and magnets with pictures of puppies. Therefore, the question of what kind of memorable gift should be presented to loved ones in honor of the New Year 2018 will be considered resolved.
If you are planning to transform your home for New Year's Eve or give your loved ones exclusive gifts, start choosing and purchasing New Year's symbols now to be in time for the holiday. It will be even cooler if you make and give exclusive dogs to your loved ones for good luck and for a long memory.

What to expect in the new 2018?

Throughout the next year, the donated dog will faithfully protect its owner from all sorts of troubles and adversities. For married couples it will bring mutual understanding and prosperity, therefore Marriages entered into in the year of the Dog are considered successful and happy.. As we have already said, a dog is a kind and friendly animal. Therefore, she will be favorable to those who value such qualities as friendship, loyalty, honor and justice. Next year will be successful for military personnel, lawyers, scientists, entrepreneurs and government officials. Financial transactions concluded in 2018 will be successful, but you should treat money very judiciously and thriftily. The element of the new year - earth - suggests that the year will be stable, balanced and peaceful in all respects.

People born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern calendar, are excellent speakers and diplomats. They successfully choose their friends and are loyal friends themselves. In the family, representatives of this sign are assigned the role of a caring husband or wife, but they categorically do not tolerate betrayal.

What to wear to celebrate the yellow dog in 2018?

If you already know who you will congratulate on New Year's Eve and what you will give, it’s time to take care of yourself and your appearance. As for the outfit, it should be elegant, but not too pretentious, not vulgar or provocative. It could be Nice dress or a smart shirt in symbolic tones and shades. The main color of 2018 will be yellow - the color of wisdom, sun and light. Along with yellow , the New Year's trend will include the following colors:

  • orange;
  • brown;
  • gold;
  • brick;
  • pale red.

In terms of jewelry, you should avoid shiny items and leopard prints. Image of cats and natural fur also prohibited.

What to cook for the table for the New Year 2018?

Just like New Year's outfits, dishes for the holiday table should not be chosen to be too pompous and pretentious. The main requirement for the New Year's menu is a large selection of meat snacks. Prepare for the festive feast:

  • cold cuts;
  • baked meat and fish;
  • meat salads;
  • salads from offal (heart, liver);
  • pates and meat sandwiches.

Take time to decorate and set the New Year's table - choose yellow napkins and plates, you can take a white tablecloth. Avoid red when decorating your New Year's meal. Also choose candles, dog figurines and New Year's crafts in golden brown colors.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 5 minutes


Many people are concerned about the question: “What animal will be in 2020 according to the Eastern calendar and what to expect from it in general?” The Eastern or Chinese calendar is considered one of the most popular, and its feature is a symbol that changes annually. 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat, and we will find out what this means below.

Horoscopes have always been very popular and 2020 is no exception. They provide an opportunity to find out the future, try to direct forces in the right direction, or get acquainted with possible development events.

More about the symbol of 2020

The Eastern or Chinese horoscope is no less popular and truthful than the Western one. For a long time now, trying to appease fortune, we have been celebrating the New Year and setting the festive table in accordance with the recommendations of the Chinese calendar. As 2020 approaches, everyone is wondering which animal will dominate and influence all areas of life over the next twelve months. The Yellow Pig will be replaced by the White Metal Rat on February 5, 2020.

This animal begins a new cycle of rotation of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac calendar. And according to astrologers, this promises long-awaited calm and stability. This will be a “fat” year and a favorable period to take stock and prepare to enter a new cycle.

Characteristics of the White Rat

The Rat is the first sign of the Chinese calendar. The totem animal can be described as a calm hedonist who knows a lot about pleasure. Luck comes naturally to representatives of this sign. But at the same time, they are hardworking and responsible workers, excellent family men and reliable friends.

People born in the year of the Rat are characterized by an affinity for family values, creative and analytical abilities, and high intelligence. Representatives of this sign compensate for some down-to-earthness with a clear life strategy and broad outlook. They are lucky in financial affairs. They are energetic, have good taste and are fashion conscious. In addition, representatives of the sign are characterized by a sense of ownership and jealousy regarding their life partners.

Description of the year according to the Chinese horoscope

The Metal Rat, the mistress of 2020, will bring positive changes and abundance, success in financial matters and stability in family relationships to the lives of most people. However, you should not allow yourself to become completely immersed in euphoria and lose control over the situation. A period of stability and prosperity is not a time to relax, but a good break to prepare for life's changes.

In 2020, avoid gluttony, idleness and senseless extravagance. Spend your money on things you really need. The beginning of the year is optimal for organizing your own business. You should also expect career growth. This is a favorable period for marriage and the birth of children.

According to the Chinese calendar, 2020 corresponds to the element of Earth in Yin polarity. This gives every reason for an optimistic forecast for the whole year, and positive changes will not be temporary, but will be recorded for a long time. This is a suitable period not only to increase material wealth, but also to think about spiritual heritage and charity, and rethink the importance of family.

INTERESTING FACT! The colors that the Rat favors are silver and white. Their use in festive decorations and clothing will balance energy flows and attract good luck.

Chinese calendar: the influence of the Sun and Moon on life cycles

The Chinese zodiac calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon and the Sun. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, in which the year begins on January 1, in the eastern calendar it is a floating date. The date of the new year is determined based on lunar phases. Chinese calendar is a complex system that takes into account the movement of time and energy. The calendar was created based on observations of the Sun and Moon and their influence on basic life processes.

According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, each year is associated with a specific animal. These are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. And at the same time it is in the power of one of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Wood or Metal in the Yin or Yang polarity. This is how the names are formed - the year of the Fire Horse or the Wooden Dragon.

Chinese horoscope for children born in the year of the Rat

Personal characteristics of boys and girls born in the year of the Rat are intelligence and a phlegmatic character. They are obedient to the will of their parents, fair and kind. They have a good sense of humor and sociability. The little representative of the sign sees the positive in everything. But some gullibility makes you believe that those around you are motivated only by good intentions.

In early childhood, the Rat child quickly learns what his parents want from him and gets used to order from a young age. Also, babies born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by responsibility and reliability. IN school age they demonstrate aptitude for science, high learning ability, perseverance and good memory. Can do it on their own homework without adult supervision. They work equally well in a team or alone.

Rat Children Good friends and can become a leader in the company. They are open and trusting, but at the same time they are not afraid to stand up for themselves. These are cheerful and calm guys, loving parents. It is common for them to blame only themselves for their failures, and this can become a source of internal tension. To throw out the negativity, you can invite the Rat child to play sports, in which he will be able to throw out negative emotions.

Children born in the year of the Rat can get along well with all signs except the Snake. The cold and domineering Snake can infringe on the optimistic Piglet, forcing him to doubt his abilities. Attentive parents should not choose women belonging to this sign as a nanny or teacher, in order to avoid conflicts and lower the self-esteem of their own child. It is also worth closely monitoring the diet of children born this year. Since their inherent gluttony can cause obesity.

IMPORTANT! Professions in which representatives of the sign can significantly succeed are brokers, stylists, entrepreneurs, antique dealers, fashion designers, lawyers, confectioners, writers, actors.

Children's horoscope for 2020

Every parent is interested in what awaits their child in 2020, depending on their zodiac sign.

  • Parents Aries It is worth paying more attention to children at the beginning of the year. Their increased activity can bring trouble, and then control over them will be lost by spring. To do this, spend more time with your child, communicate and ask questions so that the baby sees you as a friend.
  • Taurus from the beginning of the year they will amaze with restlessness and excessive activity. They show ingenuity and determination. Little tomboys will be pleased with their academic success; they will be interested in intellectual games and scientific literature.
  • From parents Gemini The year will be unusual and memorable. The child will be pleased with his sociability, determination, activity and desire to learn new things. All this will lead to new and useful acquaintances. Some problems in studies are likely, since Geminis tend to “have their head in the clouds.” Parents should help children channel their energy in the right direction.
  • Small Cancer may get sick at the beginning of the year colds. This will make him disobedient and capricious. Cancers in adolescence with the onset of spring warmth, they will begin to take an active interest in the opposite sex, so there will be noticeable changes in their character. At the end of the year, little cancers will be very vulnerable and impressionable, so parents should be softer and more patient.
  • Young Lions will continue to demonstrate leadership qualities in 2020. Parents should not disturb the baby, so as not to spoil the relationship with him. The star’s parental forces are recommended to be directed towards the fight against pride, so that this quality does not harm in the future. The child must learn to respect feelings and take into account the opinions of others.
  • Little ones Virgo in 2020 they will be incredibly diligent and calm. They will spend time playing quiet games and reading books. For Virgos, family comfort and the time they spend with their parents will come first. However, children may develop feelings of prudence and greed, which are eradicated by upbringing.
  • The White Rat ensures that the little ones Libra there will be a desire for knowledge, there will be no problems with studying. Parents should provide all possible assistance and do not forget to praise the child for success. In 2020, Libra will receive vivid and unforgettable experiences, so parents should be prepared for shocks.
  • At the young Scorpio in 2020 there will be a chance to show yourself. Parents must explain to their child the need for discipline and respect for elders. This will allow you to cope with the problems of disobedience that arise due to the difficult nature of Scorpios. There is a chance that the baby will develop a hobby. Parents should help decide on a sport, dance, study, etc.
  • At the beginning of the year Sagittarius You need the opportunity to show your skills, express your own opinion and generally be more independent. Parents should give this opportunity. In the middle of the year, Sagittarius teenagers can become touchy, aggressive and withdrawn, but a sincere family conversation will correct the problem.
  • Young Capricorn at the beginning of the year he will surprise you by not wanting to communicate with his peers. He will be more interested in adult conversations and studies. Parents are advised to take their children for walks more often. fresh air, and also go on a trip, for example, to the sea.
  • The youngest Aquarius in 2020 they will be ideal children, obedient and affectionate, almost all problems will fade into the background. There may be some minor learning difficulties at the beginning of the year, but the baby will cope with them on his own. Aquarius teenagers will strive for independence, they may contact bad friends or acquire bad habits. Every effort must be made to not lose the child’s trust.
  • Parents Pisces-teenagers will encounter their first childhood love. This period proceeds differently for each baby, so you should be prepared for anything. Students will become more withdrawn and distracted, which will lead to lower academic performance. You should pay attention to your studies and help you deal with difficulties.

The time is not far off when the mistress of 2020, the Metal Rat, will come into its own. Astrologers predict that with the arrival of the mischievous pig, long-awaited stability will come to the world and most people will be able to look into the future with confidence and optimism. I hope this is true. And the year that will pass under the auspices of the White Rat will take place in a festive atmosphere and will not leave anyone disappointed.

Confucius said: “In order to predict the future, you need to carefully study the past.” The opportunity to follow the eastern calendar gives us such a chance - to be prepared in advance for what the coming year has in store for us. Knowing which animal year 2018 will be, we will be able to greet it correctly, put on the table those treats that the totem of the year likes, decorate the house so that it will give us access to achieving new heights in career, love and health.

What does the Year of the Dog have in store for us...

If you believe the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, then 2018 ( Earth Dogs) the year will be more than favorable for a person, because the Dog will become his totem. What other animal's year could be friendlier for us? It was the dog that many centuries ago became our best assistant in hunting, in protecting our home and in many other aspects of life. This is also confirmed by the previous milestones of the dog’s “reign”. Here are just a few examples that affected the development of the world as a whole:

The symbol of 2018 is an attentive, compliant and obedient animal, but not without cunning, enterprise and the ability to create an impressive reserve.

Character of the Yellow Earth Dog

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog. Color and belonging to the most unshakable element indicate to us that the year will be simple, understandable for everyone, without surprises and cardinal changes. But such peace is not prepared for everyone, but only for those who have certain qualities of character. In order for the Dog to be happy, you need to show it that you are a person:

  • patient,
  • reliable,
  • conservative,
  • able to keep his word
  • careful,
  • secretive,
  • not greedy
  • not aggressive.

Opposite qualities will only anger the totem of the year and direct its aggression against you. Neither word nor deed should diverge from the promises made on the eve of the New Year, even if they were given to oneself (to give up bad habits, to get along with relatives, to repay a debt, etc.). Ignorance of which animal’s year is coming does not justify bad actions, because the Dog is very attentive and unusually pedantic.

Another side of the character of the 2018 symbol is extraordinary loyalty and kindness to everyone around him. She cannot and does not know how to judge strictly and remember evil for a long time. Justifying your bad thoughts, deeds and actions will not be easy, but it is possible. One mistake will need to be “justified” by a dozen good deeds, then the punishment will not be terrible and severe.

Work, love, health – what to expect from a Dog

Next year's totem is not just this or that animal. It is important to understand that Eastern horoscope gives them belonging to one of the elements and a color symbolizing their character.

  • The Earth Dog of 2018 belongs to the element of earth, which indicates the stability and stability of this period of time. In addition, it is called Metallic - resistant to unexpected changes, recessions and distortions in any direction, be it family relationships, business or any other.
  • A lot depends on what color the totem animal is. The color yellow, according to Eastern wisdom, indicates the attractiveness of the totem of the year for success in any direction. The Yellow Dog is holistic, goes in the intended direction, without deviating from the path, without deviating from an already drawn up, planned scheme of actions.
  • In 2018, everyone will have a chance to achieve high performance in everything. But apparent stability will have to be supported by one’s own willpower and determination. You shouldn’t expect the totem of the year to do anything and decide for you.
  • If it is necessary to make a decision, then the leadership should not be momentary impulses and impulses, but endurance and tact. The habit of stepping over something, not taking into account one’s desires, the opinions of relatives and friends, the habit of going against someone else’s or one’s own honor will lead to collapse and failure even in small things.
  • Another “don’t” from the Yellow Earth Dog is that you shouldn’t let unfamiliar, insincere people into your life and, moreover, establish close contacts and relationships with them. This year, married couples are advised to very carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new people will cause the collapse of the family hearth. Well, those who are in search of a loved one should be doubly careful - casual relationships will be very dangerous.
  • The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems - it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, confront you with unusual characters, whose task in our lives is to teach us to recognize good and evil even under a mask. You need to carefully study new acquaintances and learn as much as possible about them before letting them into your world and your life, but you also shouldn’t push them away right away.
  • Track the correct life positions in our lives. The Dog will even be in our gastronomic preferences– she does not like copious intake of sweets, alcohol, fatty foods and, surprisingly, meat.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the huge number of rules and requirements of the 2018 totem. The main character trait of the Earth Dog is patience with everything and everyone, but we will also have to learn to show this trait.