Analysis of viewing the presentation of bad habits in the average. Useful conversation about bad habits. Friends invite you to slot machines

Today being healthy is fashionable! A correct attitude towards yourself, towards your health, towards nature and the people around you, a love of sports, and the absence of bad habits create the basis for a healthy image



tobacco is one of the most common bad habits. Over time, it causes physical and mental dependence on the smoker.

REMEMBER: It’s easy to smoke, but it’s very difficult to wean yourself off smoking in the future, and you will be a slave to smoking, slowly and surely destroying your health

Alcoholic Anyone can become ill with systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer.

Alcohol has a deep and long-lasting weakening effect on the body. A dose as small as 80 g of alcohol retains its effect for 24 hours. Taking even small doses of alcohol reduces performance and leads to fatigue, absent-mindedness, makes it difficult to correctly perceive events, weakens the will. The state of intoxication, accompanied by a weakening of restraining factors, loss of a sense of shame and a real assessment of the consequences of the actions committed, often pushes young people into frivolous, casual sexual relationships, which often result in unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevention of bad habits Since alcoholism and tobacco smoking also belong to narcotic substances, we will highlight several general rules: "No!" drugs !

Constantly develop a firm “No!” any narcotic substances in any dose, no matter how small, in any setting, in any company. You must have a firm attitude: “Always just “No!” to any drugs. Only “No!” - this is your reliable protection.

Constantly form the habit of enjoying yourself while performing daily useful activities. Good academic performance, success in sports, participation in joint work with parents to complete certain household chores, work at summer cottage, visiting sports sections, classes in technical creativity clubs, etc. You need all this to prepare for a prosperous adult life, and success in studies, sports, homework bring lasting pleasure and contribute to your spiritual and physical development. So, “No!” idleness. “No” to idle pastime; life should be filled with useful and necessary activities.

A firm “No!” their shyness and instability when offered to try a drug. Remember! Life is more valuable! The tragedy of drug addicts is that they voluntarily fell into slavish dependence on narcotic substances, perhaps because they were embarrassed to refuse to try the drug for the first time. Cultivate the courage to refuse to try narcotic substance, no matter who offers it to you. Remember that you are not obliged to explain to anyone the reasons for your refusal. To say: “I don’t want to, that’s all” is your right.

I'm my own boss

Or how not to become a hostage to smoking

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  • You can't buy health
  • Man is not only the master of his destiny, but also of his health.
  • Self-care comes from loving your body.
  • We interact with environment, natural and social. This means that the body is subjected to various tests.
  • A person decides for himself what to do and what to avoid.

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  • Harmful temptations
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Addiction to drugs

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Why do people smoke

  • Tobacco smoking has become social norm. Nowadays, both men, women, and teenage children smoke. They think it's
  • relieves stress;
  • makes them socially significant;
  • allows you to have a pleasant time in company.
  • Many teenagers smoke for self-affirmation.

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What does a cigarette include?

Tobacco smoke consists of

  • nicotine
  • soot
  • resins
  • arsenic oxide
  • carbon dioxide
  • formic and acetic acids
  • formaldehyde
  • ammonia
  • hydrogen sulfide

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Effect of tobacco on the body

All components contained in tobacco smoke when smoking they pass through oral cavity V Airways, irritates the mucous membranes and settles in the lungs. With age, these substances accumulate so much that it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and live.

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Harm from tobacco

  • arise cancer larynx, respiratory and digestive organs, genitourinary system.
  • Women who smoke age faster, are unable to give birth to full-term children, or even lose the ability to bear a child.
  • Teenagers experience mental and physical activity.
  • 400,000 people die a year.

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Tobacco addiction

A smoker goes through 4 stages of tobacco addiction:

  • rarely, from time to time;
  • 5-10 cigarettes per day, slight craving, spontaneous refusal at any time;
  • 1-2 packs of cigarettes per day, persistent desire, impatience, if it is impossible to smoke - irritability, nervous excitement, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • more than 2 packs per day, defeat internal organs, specific cough, yellow-gray skin color, wrinkling, impaired motor functions.

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To smoke or not to smoke

Anyone who has ever picked up a cigarette thinks that smoking will not become a habit and that he can easily and quickly get rid of this addiction. It is a big misconception to think that quitting smoking is easy. If this were possible, there would be fewer and fewer people with cigarettes.

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What to do?

The easiest way out is not to try smoking at all, so as not to acquire a bad habit.

If dependency occurs, use effective means getting rid of it.

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Smoking cessation remedies

  • medications, patches, capsules;
  • folk remedies;
  • personal psychology: self-hypnosis, self-regulation, willpower;
  • material issue.
  • Each person chooses for himself the most acceptable option on how to quit smoking forever.

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  • If you want to live long,
  • Stop smoking quickly
  • Because there is nothing more harmful
  • Ill-fated cigarettes.

What is a bad habit? A bad habit is automatic
repeated action, and
this action is harmful from the point of view
public good, others or health
the person himself.
Bad habits can be unhelpful or directly
harmful. Such automatic actions
appear due to weakness of will. If a person doesn't
can show willpower to do something
progressive action, then it falls under
the force of habit, which returns him to the old
rut, habitual action.

Bad habits include the following:

substance abuse;
addiction, or gambling addiction;
shopping mania - "obsessive shopping"
addiction” or oniomania.

A bad habit can be considered a disease
or pathological dependence. But along with
bad habits exist
actions that cannot be considered as illness,
but which arise due to imbalance
nervous system.
Unhelpful actions include
such as:
biting nails;
pick your nose;
chew a pencil or pen;
shaking your leg while talking;
fidget with your interlocutor’s clothes, etc.


Alcoholism is a disease
a type of substance abuse
characterized by addiction
to alcohol (ethyl alcohol),
mental and physical dependent
from him Alcoholism
characterized by loss of control over
the amount of alcohol you drink,
increased tolerance to alcohol
(increasing doses of alcohol,
required to achieve
satisfaction), withdrawal symptoms
syndrome (hangover),
toxic damage to organs, and
also memory lapses
individual events that took place in
period of intoxication.
People suffering from alcoholism
often called "alcoholics". In the XIX
century it was established that since
increased well-being
Alcoholism also begins to increase.

Prevention of alcoholism.

Prevention of alcoholism is a set of measures
aimed at eradicating people
pathological dependence on alcohol.
The main methods of such prevention are
explanatory work on the effects of alcohol on
body and the reasons for the development of alcoholism
addiction, symptoms of alcoholism, and
formation of negative attitudes in people towards
alcohol. Preventive measures also include
restriction of release, sale and use
alcoholic beverages, as well as measures from
states, medical institutions, psychologists,
families and schools aimed at combating development

Consequences of alcoholism:


Drug addiction is a chronic progressive disease,
caused by drug use.
Different drugs cause different addictions. Alone
drugs cause strong psychological dependence, But
do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary,
cause strong physical dependence. Many drugs
cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Prevention of drug addiction.

Prevention of drug addiction – activities,
aimed at preventing the introduction
to drugs and coping with consequences
drug use.
At the state level, drug prevention
dependencies are declared as a two-component system,
including measures to limit the spread
drugs and anti-drug propaganda,
provided by the media and
social institutions. Persons targeted
or other preventive measures are called targeted
prevention groups. Each of them is high
susceptible to some preventive measures or less
or is not at all receptive to others. Strategy
drug addiction prevention is due to the complex
etiology of this phenomenon. In specialized literature
identify hundreds of factors of formation and development
drug addictions that affect the individual,
group and macrosocial levels. Preventive
measures are to counteract these factors.


Smoking - pyrolytic inhalation
(smoke inhalation) drugs,
predominantly plant-based
origins smoldering in the stream
inhaled air, in order to
saturation with the active substances contained in them
substances by sublimation and
subsequent absorption in the lungs and
respiratory tract. Typically used
for the use of smoking mixtures,
having narcotic properties
(tobacco, hashish, marijuana, opium, crack, etc.)
thanks to fast delivery
saturated with psychoactive
blood substances into the brain.
the word smoking or incense [means
burning or evaporating incense and
aromatic substances used in
religious rituals, in aromatherapy and for
air aromatization.

Consequences of drug addiction:

Smoking prevention.

Numerous studies have shown that
that smoking damages almost all systems
human body and represents a habit,
which is difficult to get rid of even with professional
with the help of a specialist. Smoking causes
physiological and psychological dependence and
has a close connection with social and cultural
Smoking prevention is most important
moment in the fight against nicotine addiction.
Because it's much easier to convince a person not to start
smoking, how to wean a heavy smoker from harmful
habits. And the sooner you start prevention, the higher
will be its effectiveness. And of course the events
smoking prevention should not be carried out for
“checkmarks”, but carried out regularly, and it is necessary to
conduct classes already from kindergarten, and then in schools.
After all, it is known that life values ​​are formed
start in early childhood.

Consequences of smoking:

Substance abuse.

Substance abuse - totality
painful conditions,
characterized by attraction and
addiction to taking medications
agents and other substances not related to
to drugs. Characterized by
chronic intoxication, the presence
mental and/or
physical dependence. Medical and biological differences between
substance abuse and drug addiction
A common type of substance abuse is
use of household and industrial chemicals. This
the species is more often observed among children and adolescents and is
social problem, sometimes called "children's
drug addiction." This type of substance abuse usually consists
inhalation of fumes from varnishes, paints, ether, gasoline,
some types of glue (popular among substance abusers
are adhesives containing toluene.

Gambling addiction, or gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction, gambling addiction, gambling addiction or
pathological gambling - these terms are called
mental disorder based on
pathological attraction to gambling (casino games,
gaming and computer clubs, bookmakers
“sports betting”, etc.). According to international classification
disease, the main symptom is constantly
repeated involvement in gambling that continues,
often deepens, despite the social consequences,
such as impoverishment, destruction of family and personal
Gamblers are people who are inclined only to make easy money, but
it is not always so. There is efficiency in the players,
competitiveness. Their constant occupation is
to assert oneself in one’s own and others’ eyes, to prove
that they are better, stronger, more talented than others. Their self-esteem
determined by how much they are able to achieve
high results. Only success gives them the feeling
fullness of life, self-realization.

Shopping mania is “obsessive shopping addiction”, or oniomania.

Shopping mania, shopaholism - colloquial synonyms
clinical term "oniomania". This disorder
every tenth resident suffers large city. Women
among them there are more, while men often buy more
expensive and high-status things that are then not used -
gadgets, cars and even houses.
Like other addictions, this one regularly leads to
disappointments. Sometimes you can already feel it when leaving the store.
approaching so-called post-shopping depression:
I’m not happy with what I bought, I want to go back and buy something

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Bad human habits “Live in peace with people, but fight vices.” Latin proverb

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Each of us has our own weaknesses, which are reflected differently in our lifestyle, health and social status. Some of the weaknesses turn into bad habits that do not bring us and the people around us anything good: Smoking Alcoholism Drug addiction Substance abuse Gambling addiction.

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Where do bad habits come from? A misconception is that smoking helps you relax, relieve stress, occupy some special position in society, get away from problems, and forget yourself. Smoking in company with friends and looking “cooler” at the same time - this is what the bad habits of young people are based on.

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Tobacco Smoking The leaves of the plant from the island of Tabago were brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century and were called “tobacco”. Smokers quickly develop a craving for smoking and it is difficult to fight it. The Indians considered tobacco a sedative and used it as a remedy. But it has now been proven that tobacco contains 400 chemicals, many of them are poisons, and more than 40 substances cause cancer. Tobacco smoking is considered bad habits. Nicotine is a mind-altering substance and is the most powerful drug, cocaine is second only to nicotine

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By smoking 1 pack of cigarettes, a smoker clogs his lungs with 1 liter of nicotine tar per year. Each cigarette shortens your life by 8 minutes. Over the past 5 years, 30 million people have quit smoking. Smoking is now considered “unfashionable” in America. Every year in Russia about a million people die from diseases caused by smoking. Smoking not only shortens life, but also reduces its quality. Nicotine causes a large number of diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction, diseases of the blood and arteries of the legs, affects the sensory organs, digestion and respiration, affects nervous system. May 31st is celebrated around the world as No Tobacco Day.

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Alcohol Alcohol is called the “stealer of sanity.” The intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages were learned 8 thousand years BC, when people made alcoholic beverages from honey, grapes, palm juice, and wheat. The word “alcohol” means “intoxicating.” Previously, drinking on weekdays was considered a sin and shame. Alcohol acts on brain cells, a person becomes angry, aggressive, loses control over himself, becomes mentally unbalanced. Alcohol is an intracellular poison that destroys vital important organs human – liver, heart, brain. 100 grams of vodka kills 7.5 thousand brain cells. 30% of all crimes are committed while intoxicated.

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Drugs Drugs are chemical substances of plant and chemical origin. Their use causes drug intoxication, and people are called drug addicts. Prescription of drugs - in medical purposes to reduce pain during operations or serious illnesses. People get used to drugs very quickly, and addiction is very difficult to cure. Drugs alter consciousness, causing hallucinations, delusions, and illusions. Drug use causes chemical dependence in the body, and this is often fatal disease. Drug addicts are bad workers, their ability to work is low, they cause great material damage to the family, and cause accidents. Drugs kill a person's mind, health, and strength. Drug addicts spread AIDS more often than others.

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It is wrong to think that the problem with alcohol and drugs has only appeared now. In ancient times, priests and shamans used drugs to make it easier to control people. Alcohol and drugs served as a reward for obedience and helped relieve fear of difficulties. A teenager who has tried drugs becomes a complete drug addict by the age of 25, his personality degrades because his psyche is not yet formed, and it is much more difficult to cure him.

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Substance abuse Substance abuse is an addiction to chemicals, that is, inhalation of gasoline vapors, aerosols, acetone, glue, toluene. Substance abusers achieve intoxication by inhaling these vapors or gases, thereby destroying the lungs, stomach, heart, and brain. Substance abuse develops very quickly, growing out of a short-term habit of using substances that alter consciousness and is a type serious illnesses, the treatment of which is very difficult.

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Substance abuse Over the past twenty years, substance abuse - inhalation of "volatile narcotic drugs" active ingredients"(LNDV) - has acquired the character of an epidemic. Every year, hundreds of children and teenagers with bags on their heads go to another world. Average age product consumers chemical industry- 8-15 years. Considering the scale of the spread of substance abuse and the irreversible destruction it causes in children's body and psyche, we can seriously talk about a threat to the future of the nation.

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Substance abuse There are 3 phases of substance abuse intoxication. The first phase is similar to alcohol intoxication: pleasant noise in the head, uplifting mood, bodily sensations - heat, relaxation of the limbs. In this phase, it is very easy to awaken a drunken person. His consciousness is narrowed, but not darkened. When inhalation is repeated, the second phase begins. The second phase is the phase of complacent fun, carelessness and lightness. Many begin to laugh, sing, and their consciousness loses clarity. The real environment is perceived as an illusion, objects change their shape, spatial relationships, colors seem bright and deep, sounds are distorted and become unusual. The sensation of the body is upset, the body seems light, parts of it are enlarged or shortened. There is still a need to move, but coordination is greatly impaired, the intoxicated person falls and loses his balance. At this moment, he is in a cheerful and elated mood; many limit themselves to this phase for fear of worsening their well-being.

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Substance abuse If inhalation is repeated, the “cartoon” phase begins, an influx of hallucinations, mainly visual. The hallucinations are bright, moving, small in size, projected outward, as if on a screen, and the intoxicated person can no longer stop them. Auditory deceptions arise as noise, ringing, buzzing, changes in the naturalness of sounds, unusual voices, the volume of distant sounds and weakness of close ones, voices acquire an echo. There are deceptions of touch when it seems that mice and insects are crawling over the body, teeth are rotating, jaws are falling out. There is an alienation of the perception of oneself, one’s body. You can see parts of your body from the outside, often the brain, and see your body from the inside. These hallucinations are revealed to the inner vision. Psychosensory disorders are varied; walls seem to move, the floor collapses, sometimes not only the feeling of flying, but also falling is experienced. Everything around seems different, changed. Sometimes drunk people feel like they are in other worlds. The hallucinations are increasing mental manifestations uncontrollable, complete depersonalization occurs, the integrity of the personality disintegrates, and the soul separates. Substance abuse Substance abusers unite in groups, settle in attics, abandoned rooms, dachas, etc. They abandon the rest of their non-drug life, wander, commit thefts and sexual crimes. Most often, children from disadvantaged families, with low income and cultural level, street children, poor performance at school, and spending all their time on the streets wandering idlely are drawn into substance abuse. But this does not mean that children from prosperous families are insured against the danger of falling into a circle of drug addicts. Lack of impressions negative attitude to home education and the lack of communication with peers, they can also try to compensate by dangerous games in companies where everything is permitted.

    IV. - What habits do you know that threaten your health?(bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) 7 slide These are the worst health destroyers because they can be fatal. You and I know a lot about the dangers of smoking and its impact on humans.

    V. - But can everyone resist an invitation to try smoking? Now the guys will role-play the situation, it can be useful not only in a specific case, but also in any life situation, if a person is asked to do something he does not want (smoke, drink, skip class). Follow the dialogue carefully, and then you will say who was more convincing (participants Tolya P. and Misha B.

    T. Let's smoke!

    M. I can't.

    T. Why?

    M. My parents will see me.

    T. And we'll go around the corner.

    M. I can’t, I was sick recently, smoking is bad for me.

    T. Well, you won’t die from one cigarette?!

    M. And I don’t smoke “our” cigarettes.

    T. I have foreign ones.

    M. And I don’t light my cigarettes with matches.

    T. And I have a lighter.

    M. No, my parents will see me.

    T. We'll go to the basement.

    M. Confused and doesn't know what to answer.

    - Who won, who was more convincing? (Tolya) What can you say about participant Misha?(In my opinion, the very significant argument “I DON’T WANT” was never used - arguments Misha chaotic and unimportant.) When a person justifies his refusal, this gives the impression that he is about to agree. If you really decide to refuse, choose the most compelling argument from your point of view and insist on it. Let's see another example. (Participants Christina K. and Nastya S.)

    TO. Here, smoke!

    N. I won't.

    TO. Why did you come here then?

    N. Just.

    TO. Well, then get out of here!

    VI. The ability to refuse any offer is necessary in Everyday life. 8 - 9 slides(smoker's teeth, lungs), 10 slide- Did you know that every eight seconds a new smoker appears in the world, mortality rates from smoking are increasing every year. According to scientists, 300 million people will die from tobacco by 2030. - What would you say if you were offered a cigarette?(No, thank you, I don’t smoke! No, thank you, I don’t like smoking! No, thank you, it’s not for me! No, thank you, I’m fine as is! No, smoking is not fashionable!) 11-12 slides(Be able to say no!) Resisting an invitation to try smoking is a truly adult act that you can be proud of. Smokers cannot quit this activity - they are enslaved by cigarettes, but those who can resist are truly strong and free people.

    VII. - What else can you do to maintain your health? 3 slide. Read in anagram:

    “ P D O R I J U S O S O P T O S R M! ”(Make friends with sports!)

    30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day significantly maintains and improves health. And it doesn’t matter whether at this time you walk, ride a bike or play football, it just has to be every day. No wonder they say: “Health is a case of beauty.” If you play sports, you will be beautiful. According to scientists, daily physical exercise slow down the aging of the body and add an average of 6-9 years to life! 13 - 15 slides

    VIII. Speech by the propaganda team

    Members of the propaganda team take the stage to the chant:

    One two three four.

    Three - four, one - two.

    Who walks together in a row?

    Combat squad of guys!

    Everyone! Everyone!

    Good afternoon

    Get sick and laziness out of the way!

    We love to study, work, and have fun.

    Hey friends, where are you hurrying?

    Student 1: We are for health

    Student 2: We are for happiness

    Student3: For a sober mind,

    Student 4: For clarity of thought,

    Student5: For childhood, youth,

    Student 6: For the joy of life!

    TOGETHER: You are greeted by the 4th grade propaganda team

    Student7: We solve big problems with you,
    We need to set a serious task,
    A healthy life is the most important topic,
    You can't rely on luck here.

    Student 8: We know the laws of a healthy life,
    There is no reason for bad habits
    We are familiar with the enemies of health

    And they are ready to shed their disguises.

    Student1: There are many bad habits in the world:

    Children try to drink beer, smoke,

    Student2: Bullying tone and vulgar speech

    All this raises a sword over lives.

    Son:“If I start smoking -
    This is very bad?"
    Apparently I was taken by surprise
    Father's son question.
    Dad quickly got up from his chair,
    Threw away the cigarette.
    And the father said then
    Looking into my son's eyes:
    Father:“Yes, son, smoke tobacco -
    This is very bad.”
    The son, having heard this advice,
    He asks again:
    Son: You've been smoking for many years
    And you’re not dying?”

    Father:“I started smoking from a young age,
    To appear grown up
    Well, I started from cigarettes
    Smaller than normal height.
    Heart, lungs are sick,
    There is no doubt about it.
    I paid with my health
    For your smoking.
    I quit smoking five times
    Maybe more
    Yes, the trouble is, I’m smoking again.
    Lack of will.
    You are my dad, I am your son,
    Let's cope with the disaster.
    You quit smoking alone
    And now there are two of us.
    And we decided to continue
    Both father and baby:
    Son and father together:“We will do well
    And we won’t - it’s bad!”

    (music for leaving)

    Student1: We are the youth of the twenty-first century,
    The fate of a person is in our hands.
    We are against smoking
    Healthy generation of our country!

    Student2: We are citizens of our country!
    We are the future of Russia!
    We are the hope of our parents!

    Student3: We have entered the 21st century

    And let this century be completely safe

    Let’s say “NO” to bad habits

    Be a healthy and beautiful person.

    Student4: Strengthen your health with sports,

    Go hiking and watch the sunrises,

    The secret of success in life, know for sure -

    Your health, remember this.

    Student3: We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

    Student4: We want to love, believe in honesty, and do good!

    Student1: We declare to the whole world:

    Student2: Life - yes!

    Student 3: There is no death!

    Student 4: Sports - yes!

    Student 5: No nicotine!

    Student 6: Health - yes!

    Student 7: No alcohol!

    Student 8: Our health is a gift from nature

    So be healthy, man, in the era of technology and fashion

    16 slideIX. Cartoon "Pipe and Bear" X. The song “I choose sport!”

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“Presentation to class. "No to bad habits" time"

Presentation on extracurricular activities: « No bad habits »

Presentation prepared by teacher primary classes I qualification category MOAU Secondary School No. 17 Dzekh T.I. .

  • Maintaining a daily routine
  • Maintaining hygiene
  • Proper nutrition
  • Hardening procedures
  • Don't develop bad habits

  • So that maintain health, Strengthen your body You know and I know There must be a routine for the day.

Maintaining hygiene

  • So that not a single microbe I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth, Wash your hands before eating Need soap and water.
  • Is there some more this advice, Brush your teeth, my hands!!! Then you will forget about doctors, and you're healthy

you will .

Proper nutrition

Eat vegetables and fruits Fish, dairy products - Here healthy food, Full of vitamins!

  • 30 minutes of work on the computer, a break of at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not watch TV for more than 2 hours.
  • Don't wear your phone on your body.

Don't start bad habits

  • People's lives because of wine both dangerous and difficult. Cigarettes - nicotine, enemy number one!
  • Let's not let them defeat us, In a healthy world we all want to live.


“make friends with sports”

  • To be completely healthy Everyone needs physical education. To begin with, in order - Let's do some exercises in the morning!
  • To develop successfully Need to play sports From physical education You will have a slim figure

  • Go for a walk Fresh air breathe. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!
  • Temper yourself, and then You're not afraid of the blues

Here's some good advice for you:

Secrets are hidden in them, How to maintain health. Learn to appreciate it!