Atheroma in a child: how not to overlook inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Comedones in newborns Inflammation of the sebaceous glands in newborns treatment

Comedon is one of the types of acne. Comedon is characterized by a disease sebaceous glands, or rather, their incorrect functioning. As a result, sebum, dead epidermal cells and dirt accumulate in the pores. The disease affects both adults and children, but this problem mainly affects adolescents. Comedones do not pose any serious danger to life and health, but they can cause a lot of trouble. They can also be inflammatory and not inflammatory in nature currents. An open comedone looks like a large black clogged pore, a blackhead. A closed comedon is a pimple with a narrow papule of white or yellow color. Sebum that accumulates in hair follicles, mixed with keratinized cells and airborne dust from external environment, resulting in the formation of plugs that clog skin pores.


Typically, newborns do not suffer from this disease so often, but babies do have skin problems from time to time. Comedones are most often localized on the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin.

The main reason for the appearance of these blackheads is a dysfunction of the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Sebum with low content linoleic acid, which is found in cell membranes, accumulates and because of this the following occurs:

  • keratinization processes are disrupted squamous epithelium V upper sections hair follicles;
  • the mouth of the follicle decreases or closes completely;
  • the separation of fat is disrupted, which stretches the walls of the follicles and a cyst is formed

In young children, comedones appear due to hormonal imbalances. Often on the second or third day after birth, a newborn may begin to develop acne and acne. This is due to the fact that immediately after birth the baby begins a hormonal crisis, since the child’s body has accumulated a lot of maternal hormones (namely estrol). Mom’s hormones can pass during pregnancy to the baby; after birth, the newborn’s body cannot cope and occurs hormonal disbalance, which is expressed by the appearance of comedones. Also, comedones can be hereditary in nature, but in this case they appear not on the second or third day, but after a week or two, or already in adulthood.


The main symptoms and signs of comedones in a newborn are the following:

  • black clogged pores that become slightly larger than a healthy pore due to accumulated sebum. This is an open comedon.
  • Destroyed and dead epidermal cells, dirt, dust accumulate along with sebum in the follicle. She, like a cork, plugs it up.
  • This whole mixture is oxidized due to oxygen that comes from the external environment and therefore the pore turns black and becomes like a black dot.
  • pimples with a white or yellow papule or nodule, which is located quite deep under the skin, but sticks out and can cause discomfort to the baby when touched; itching at the site of the rash; redness of the skin around comedones

Comedones can occur in the form of a group of rashes and separately, individually.

Diagnosis of comedones in newborns

Only a dermatologist can diagnose comedones. He will examine the baby’s skin to determine exactly how to deal with problem skin. Comedones by appearance are very similar to other skin diseases, so when diagnosing you need to use differentiated approach. A dermatologist can prescribe general and clinical analysis blood in a newborn, also do a microscopic examination of a closed or open comedone. In some cases serious cases in newborns, an incisional or excisional biopsy may be performed.


One of the most common consequences of comedones is the appearance of scars at the site where the pimple was. It doesn't look very nice and can only be removed using cosmetic methods. Operations or laser resurfacing. As the baby grows, the scar may stretch and become larger in size. However, when timely treatment and not severe course diseases, comedones will not leave any complications. But in some cases, if you try to get rid of or squeeze out a baby’s pimple on your own, you can cause an additional infection. This will lead to severe inflammation, the formation of pus, the temperature may rise, and the main treatment will only be antibacterial therapy in combination with surgery.


What can you do

The first thing parents should do if they see any skin rashes or comedones on your baby’s face, you should seek help from a doctor. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze, burn or pick them yourself. It is necessary to carefully monitor the mother's diet if she is breastfeeding a newborn, since substances transferred with milk to the baby can also affect the condition. skin. It is strictly forbidden for a nursing mother to eat sweets, as well as all red vegetables and fruits. The first aid is to wipe the affected skin on the baby’s face with a solution of chamomile, which must first be brewed. It is a natural antiseptic component.

What does a doctor do

When you contact a dermatologist, he will examine the skin and prescribe an examination. One of the most important factors in treatment is finding the cause of comedones. If these are hormonal imbalances, then in infants most often you just need to wait out this surge and the comedones will go away on their own. If the situation worsens and there is no positive dynamics, then the doctor prescribes treatment of the affected skin with various antiseptic solutions. If comedones spread throughout the baby’s body, the doctor will open the large pimples and scrape out the contents of the comedone. After this, he will remove the walls of the cyst so that the comedon does not appear again in the same place.


Unfortunately, there is no specific prevention of the occurrence of comedones in newborns. First of all, you need to monitor the mother’s diet if she is breastfeeding the baby; if not, then the quality of the formula. It is also useful to follow proper hygiene. You should bathe your newborn every day with just water, once or maximum 2 times a week with water and baby soap or baby shampoo.

The skin of a newborn baby is thin, loose and highly sensitive to the effects of adverse conditions. Easy vulnerability, rapid spread of bacteria after childbirth and immaturity local immunity reduce the protective ability of the skin.

White bumps in a newborn are common, but they are not a sign of serious health problems. The appearance of acne on the face of a baby is the first sign for... further actions from the parents.


Let's figure out why acne appears on the face of a newborn, what they threaten and how to deal with them.

Milium (whitehead, millet, microcomedones)

Occurs due to immaturity of the sebaceous glands. Milium are clogged sebaceous glands, or rather their cysts overflowing with fat. The disease occurs in 50% of newborns. Milium are dense, white, painless nodules, not exceeding 0.2 cm in diameter. They most often appear on the nose, in the forehead and nasolabial folds, and a single location of the rash elements on the baby’s torso is possible.
The disease goes away on its own after 1.5 months.

Neonatal vesiculopustulosis (periporitis)

This purulent inflammation sweat glands, caused by staphylococci, streptococci, less often fungi. Vesiculopustulosis is a common skin disease among newborns. Appears when incorrect hygiene care for the baby’s skin, maternal infections, as well as low sanitary and hygienic conditions in maternity hospitals.

Pimples reach the size of a pea and can become inflamed. They no longer appear on the face, but in the hair of the head, less often on the body. For treatment, doctors prescribe treatment of rashes with brilliant green and antibacterial ointments. Recovery occurs after 1.5 weeks.

Newborn acne (puerperal acne)

Acne is a manifestation of natural hormonal changes in a newborn’s body. Acne is not dangerous or threatening, it is transient, and disappears spontaneously after the removal of maternal and placental hormones. Pimples in the form of yellowish “pearl beads” appear on the child’s face (nose and cheeks), in the skin spots and on the thighs.

Neonatal acne disappears by 3 months of age. In rare cases, it can be found in one-year-old babies.

Allergic skin rashes

They are small bubbles with yellow contents. To the touch, the rashes are perceived as a rough crust and are located on the baby’s cheeks and forehead. An allergy can be to foods that a nursing mother ate, to cow's milk protein and sugar, if the baby is on artificial feeding, i.e., to food allergens.

The rash will disappear if the allergen is eliminated. Breastfeeding women are prohibited from eating fatty, sweet and starchy foods, and highly allergenic foods (nuts, seafood, peaches, strawberries, citruses). Artificial children may have to change the formula to hypoallergenic or soy. Sometimes it's enough to change the manufacturer baby food– for children with disabilities, it is better to choose an expensive, highly adapted formula.

Erythema toxicum

A skin reaction similar to an allergic one appears in the first week of life in the form of small pimples white. Most often the rashes are located on the chest and abdomen, but are also found on the face and limbs. Toxic erythema does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

With properly organized skin care, all pimples go away on their own and without a trace, do not require special treatment, and do not leave scars or age spots on the baby’s face.

What should you be concerned about?

  • If the rash spreads further.
  • Pimples long time do not pass, increase in size and quantity.
  • The baby has a fever.
  • The child is lethargic and inactive.
  • The child is restless, cries, eats poorly.

Any of these signs may be a harbinger of blood infection, severe inflammatory process! This means the baby needs urgent medical attention.

What to do if your baby has white pimples

You want to get rid of pimples on your face as soon as possible, but you should not use extreme measures to do this, which can harm the child more than the pimples themselves.

What is prohibited to do

  • Do not squeeze pimples. When a pimple is crushed, its infected contents enter the bloodstream, and the infection also enters the bloodstream from the hands of an adult. The closer the infected area is to the brain, the more dangerous it is.
  • It is forbidden to wipe the face of a newborn with lotions and alcohol-containing products.
  • You cannot give your child medications or use antibacterial and antihistamine ointments without consulting a doctor.

What can you do

In order for the rashes to disappear and not appear again, you need to organize proper care for baby's skin:

  • Every morning and evening, wipe the child’s face with a wet cotton pad. Start with the eyes, then wipe the nose, ears and the rest of the face.
  • The child must be bathed every evening with potassium permanganate added to the water. Potassium permanganate dries and has an antiseptic effect.
  • If the baby does not have allergies, then chamomile decoction can be added to the bathing water for antiseptic purposes. A decoction of the herb is a good treatment for any skin rash; it can be added to the bath while bathing, used as a lotion and for wiping rashes.
  • After each change of clothes, the child needs to lie naked for 10–15 minutes. Normal temperature for air baths – 18–22 degrees.
  • The child must be dressed according to the weather - not wrapped up and not overheated. When going outside, dress your child the same way you dress yourself, plus take another blouse. In the cold season, additionally cover it with a blanket or blanket.
  • To care for your baby's skin, it is recommended to use modern wet wipes, powders and oils.

The skin of a newborn baby is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. Watch your child, take care of his and your skin, and then all the sores and pimples will bypass you.

A newborn baby has a rash on his face

On your face infant a strange rash appears - mom panics! Don't be alarmed, it's just neonatal acne. Causes, pathogens, treatment.

During the first month of life, red, inflamed pimples may suddenly appear on the baby's face and scalp (less often on the neck and upper back), some of them in the center. white dot– rash. They are called hormonal rash, neonatal acne, neonatal acne- mothers say simply - a rash in an infant. Complete medical name– neonatal (in newborns) cephalic (located on the head) pustulosis (small pustular rash). NCP manifests itself in 20-30% of children.

Neonatal acne- one of the terrible horrors of young mothers, along with increased ICP, rickets and lactase deficiency. Let's figure out whether this rash on a child's face is as terrible in nature as it looks on a gentle child's face.

This A rash on the face of an infant is not an allergy or a contagious disease! It is not dangerous and does not require special drug treatment. Most often, the rash in a child disappears on its own by 1-3 months. Pimples similar to rashes in children no comedones- clogged time. They rarely fester and form pronounced foci of inflammation and most often look like changes in skin texture (in some cases they can only be detected by touch) or reddish pustules.

Doctors associate the occurrence of this rash in a child with the establishment of hormonal levels newborn, as well as excessive colonization of the skin with yeast-like fungi of the genus Malassezia(mainly Malassezia sympodialis or Malassezia globosa), which are normally part of normal microflora in children.

Studies have proven the presence of Malassezia in smears from elements of this rash in a child, but fungi were not detected in more than 38% of samples. This can be explained by the fact that this rash develops on the child’s face due to excessive proliferation of lipophilic yeast, which leads to inflammatory reaction with the formation of monomorphic papules and pustules. The proliferation of yeast fungi is preceded by stimulation of the sebaceous glands by androgens from the mother or the baby itself. This hormonal push leads to increased formation of sebum, clogged pores and follicles - and this is a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungi - and, as a result, a rash on the child’s face.

Considering that such a rash in a child is characterized by spontaneous and independent resolution, in most cases no treatment is required. Don't dry out your skin y - this can damage it and aggravate the course of NCP.

1. Wash daily with boiled water;
2. Optimize the physical parameters of the air: temperature 18 – 21 C, humidity 40 – 70%.
3. If most of the child's face is affected by this rash, it is indicated local application creams with ketoconazole, which shorten the duration of the disease
4. The normal menu of a nursing mother can be maintained (the mother’s hypoallergenic diet will not reduce the amount of rash on the baby’s face);

5. For this rash in a child, it is not advisable to use:
Antihistamines(tablets, ointments, drops);
Alcohol solutions(, calendula tincture, etc.);
Potassium permanganate solution;
Hormonal ointments;
Fatty ointments and oils;
Adsorbents (, Activated carbon etc.);
Lactic acid bacteria, etc.

Video. allergies in newborns on the face photo

Features of a newborn baby. During the first month of a child’s life, conditions arise that reflect the process of adjustment (adaptation) to new living conditions, which are called transitional (borderline, transient, physiological). These include:

  • Skin changes:
    • peeling of the skin - goes away on its own; it is necessary to follow the rules and take into account everything Features of skin care for newborns;
    • toxic erythema - red spots in newborns, often with grayish-yellowish blisters in the center (does not occur on the palms, soles, or mucous membranes). Treatment usually does not require; It is recommended to give the child plenty of water.
  • In the first days of life, the child may lose weight. The maximum loss is observed on days 3-5 of life, followed by restoration of the original body weight by days 10-14.
  • Physiological jaundice appears on the 3rd day of life, reaching a maximum at 5-7 days of age, followed by extinction by 2-3 weeks of life. No treatment is required; drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.
  • Sexual crisis (hormonal crisis), which includes the following conditions:
    • engorgement of the mammary glands. It usually begins in both boys and girls on the 3-4th day of life, reaching a maximum on the 7-8th day of life (sometimes on the 5-6 or 10th day) with a subsequent decrease. Sometimes you can see grayish and then milky-white discharge from the gland, which cannot be squeezed out (danger of infection). No treatment required.
    • discharge from the genital opening in girls (mucous or bloody). They go away on their own, you just need to follow them general rules newborn care.
    • milia ( clogged sebaceous glands in newborns) - whitish-yellowish nodules localized in the forehead, nose, and chin. They go away without treatment in 1-2 weeks.

You should prepare in advance for the arrival of the mother and child from the maternity hospital.
The apartment must be wet cleaned. Undershirts, diapers and nappies should be boiled and ironed. A crib with a flat, hard, washable mattress should not be placed near a window or radiator, or in a draft. Room temperature 22°C

Features of child care. A child’s daily morning toilet routine begins with washing the face and rinsing the eyes under running water. If there is discharge from the eyes, they should be washed from the outer corner to the nose with separate cotton swabs for each eye, moistened with tea or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. The nose and ears are cleaned with cotton wicks soaked in vegetable oil.
You need to wash your baby under running water and baby soap. The skin is dried well with a soft diaper using blotting movements. The folds are treated with vegetable or special baby oil. If you are intolerant to oil (redness of the skin after using it), you can use powder.
Bathing for an infant should be daily, starting from the day of discharge from the maternity hospital (regardless of the healing of the umbilical wound). You should bathe with baby soap 1-2 times a week. The water temperature for the first swim is 37-38°C, then gradually drops to 35-36°C. Before the umbilical wound heals, add a solution to the water potassium permanganate until the water turns pale pink. The child is immersed in water up to his chest, holding him under a coat hanger.

After swimming:

  • the child’s skin is well dried, all folds are processed as indicated above;
  • The umbilical wound must be treated in the following sequence:
    • 70° medical alcohol or vodka,
    • 5% solution of potassium permanganate (prepared at the rate of 1 gram of dry crystals of potassium permanganate per 20 ml of water; then filtered)

The child's nails are trimmed as they grow in with small individual scissors from 3 weeks.

Indoors, the child should be without a hat, in 1-2 vests, diapers or onesies with a wide (15 cm) diaper or diaper. The baby's skin should be dry.

It is useful for the baby to have air baths several times a day (5-6). It is best to do this before feeding, while simultaneously placing the baby on his stomach. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 22-24°C.

The child needs fresh air, so the child’s room should be regularly ventilated. Walks begin in the summer immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, and then a week later. First, the child is taken out for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent outside to several hours (in winter - no more than 1.5 hours). At temperatures below -10°C or in inclement weather, walks can be carried out in the room: dress the child and open the window or window.

Feeding. The most best food mother's milk for the baby. It is easily digestible and contains everything necessary for the child substances that increase resistance to infections. Breastfeeding is one of the the most important factors adaptation of a newborn child to new conditions after intrauterine life. Breastfeeding helps to establish deep emotional bonds between mother and baby. It is also useful for the mother’s body, as it creates favorable conditions recovery reproductive organs, in particular, promotes uterine contraction.
Mother's milk is an amazing product prepared by nature itself. It's easier than cow's milk or milk formulas, is absorbed by the child’s body, as it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts in forms most suitable for breakdown and absorption in the child’s stomach and intestines. Breast milk does not cause allergies to the proteins that make up any milk. WITH breast milk The child’s body receives antibodies, leukocytes and other substances that provide its immunological protection, as well as substances that promote the proper formation of the child’s intestinal microflora and thereby prevent the development of dysbiosis.
In order for milk to have a complete composition, the nutrition of a breastfeeding woman must be varied and complete. The daily diet must include milk and dairy products (at least 0.5 l), cottage cheese, meat (about 200 g), vegetables, oil (including vegetable oil), and fruits. A nursing mother should consume at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day (including all liquid meals).

Increased lactation is promoted by: honey, any yeast products, cumin, fennel, dill, parsley, anise, nettle, apilak, B vitamins.

A nursing woman should be wary of foods that can cause diathesis in the baby. Most often these include: strawberries, raspberries, red apples, cherries, carrots, citrus fruits, pineapples, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong meat broths, egg yolks, fish, sausages, products containing preservatives (industrial canned food, imported juices, confectionery); however, it cannot be ruled out that your child is individually intolerant to other products. You should also not eat foods that can negatively affect the taste of milk (onions, garlic, spices) or disrupt the child’s digestion (grapes, mushrooms, excess of any vegetables or fruits, salty and spicy foods). Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking are strictly contraindicated!


  • When approaching a child, you must wash your hands.
  • Do not put a baby's pacifier or spoon in your mouth.
  • You cannot kiss the face and hands of a newborn.
  • Do not smoke or keep animals in the child's room.
  • A sick person should not approach the child.
  • Strictly limit visits to the child (especially in the first month of life).
  • At the age of one month you need to visit a neurologist and orthopedist, at 3 months - an ophthalmologist.
  • For any illness in your child, you should consult a pediatrician. You should not self-medicate!

The arrival of a baby in a family is a huge holiday. Every young mother wants her child to be absolutely healthy, but even in the first month of life, pimples may appear on the baby’s face.

There are many reasons this phenomenon. Today we will look into this problem and find out in what cases you need to see a doctor.


The little man is not yet fully strong, so he is susceptible to many diseases. The reasons for this problem may be:

  • allergic reaction. Allergens can be animals, dust, chemicals, substances that enter the body with mother's milk. The skin becomes covered not only with a rash, but also peels off. It is worth immediately finding out what exactly causes this reaction and eliminating the problem;
  • hormonal disbalance. The baby has not yet completely gotten rid of maternal hormones (received in the womb), usually by the 3rd month of life the rash goes away on its own;
  • upset stomach, intestines. The child has not yet adapted to breastfeeding, lacks beneficial bacteria. This disease is accompanied not only by the appearance of acne on the face, but also by diarrhea, bloating, and a nervous condition;
  • sweat rash. All mothers face this problem sooner or later. The rash usually appears between skin folds, in areas of diaper rash. You should not disturb the child’s temperature (overheating), wipe problem areas with special wipes, bathe the baby every day; (Read the page for more information about heat rash in newborns);
  • climate change. A sudden move has a negative impact on the newborn;
  • cold. Almost all children born in winter develop red pimples on their cheeks. Over time, the baby will get used to the temperature and the rash will go away;
  • infection. The baby's immune system is very weak, so catch various ailments very easy. Fever, sleep disturbance is a reason to visit a doctor;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands. In a newborn, sebum has begun to be produced, but the glands are still not functioning properly. That's why papules appear;
  • They look like pimples, don’t let your child scratch them.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Not all pimples need to be treated; some go away on their own. How to determine what kind of rash your baby has, is it worth contacting a specialist? Let's look at diseases, symptoms, and ways to identify the disease.

You should not immediately panic when you notice a rash on your child. First, assess the little person’s condition: measure the temperature, examine the pimples themselves, observe the child’s behavior.

There is no need to worry about white pimples around the eyes and cheeks. They are the result of the baby’s adaptation to environment, after 2 months there will be no trace left of them.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • red rash develops into blisters, body temperature rises sharply? This may be the first signal of illness;
  • . With this disease, pimples appear on the face, behind the ears, then spread to the whole body, the temperature rises;
  • . The baby experiences lethargy, sore throat, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, a red rash covers the face and groin area.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor, he will prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment infectious diseases Only a specialist does it. Follow his instructions, do not self-medicate.

Remember! Many infections in a baby quickly spread to others. Take precautions to avoid getting sick yourself and to protect other children.

Treat prickly heat with the help of properly selected cosmetics; bathe your baby more often during the hot season.

An allergic reaction should be treated only after you have found out what caused it. Most often, mothers change their diet, because various allergens enter the baby’s body with milk. A young mother should not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, garlic, etc.

Useful tips on how to get rid of pimples on a baby’s face:

  • use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, bathe the child in it, wash the baby;
  • A decoction of calendula, chamomile, and string is perfect. Wipe your baby’s face with this product; you can add it to the bath and bathe your baby in it;
  • Do not wrap your baby too much while walking or sleeping. Excessive heat is harmful to the baby;
  • It is allowed to use only hypoallergenic products, this applies not only to creams and shampoo gels, but also to powder and fabric conditioner;
  • Regularly cut your baby’s nails, because small children can scratch their faces, introducing new infections into the wounds;
  • wiping your face with alcohol-containing lotions is strictly prohibited;
  • greasy cream will worsen the situation, do not use it;
  • Do not give any antibiotics without consulting your doctor.

Important! Do not squeeze under any circumstances purulent pimples there are crumbs on the face of a newborn!

Precautionary measures

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Let's talk about preventing rashes on the face of a newborn. All young parents should follow the list of the following rules to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • The mother should carefully select her diet; if artificial feeding, then watch the child’s reaction to the formula. If something goes wrong, then find out what component the baby is allergic to;
  • follow the rules of hygiene, bathe your child more often;
  • walk on fresh air, this will strengthen the growing body;
  • regularly show your miracle to your pediatrician, you will prevent not only acne on your face, but also a number of other diseases;
  • Use only products intended for your baby. After all, powders and shampoos for adults can harm a child;
  • Do not use green paint or powder on your face.

Young mothers are prone to great anxiety in the first months of a child’s life. Don't panic, acne on your face isn't that bad. A growing organism adapts to a new environment; over time, the immune system will become stronger and not a trace will remain of them.

You need to sound the alarm if the temperature rises, the rash spreads throughout the body, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness baby. Contact your doctor immediately. He will tell you the cause of acne and how to treat it. In other cases, simply follow the rules of hygiene, walk more with your baby in the fresh air, use proven cosmetics. Then your baby will always be healthy.

Acne on the face of a newborn Komarovsky
In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you even more details about acne on the face in children: