Bull Terrier. Bull Terrier, a fighter with a triangular eye shape. History of the breed.

Bull Terriers can rightfully be called the most controversial dog breed. According to the owners, they are the kindest, most loyal creatures, not capable of harming a fly, and are perfect as pets. But the media give a completely different description of dogs - bloodthirsty and merciless. Which opinion is true, and what do experts say about bull terriers?

The country of origin of the bull terrier breed is England. On its territory, at the beginning of the 19th century, one could meet the ancestors of modern representatives of the breed - Old Bull and Terriers. Their ancestors are old-type bulldogs and white terriers.

At that time, such dogs were used for bloody fun - fighting with bulls, which explains the name - “bul” is translated from English as “bull”. The dogs grabbed the animal by the nose and held it for so long until the bull was exhausted and fell exhausted.

To accomplish this, the dogs had to have very strong jaws and developed muscles. The development of the breed took place in this direction. Dogs were crossed with representatives of other breeds to improve the characteristics required for fighting. One of the main breeds were white terriers, which were used to fight rodents.

The descendants of white terriers and old bull terriers became dogs called bull and terriers. These are medium-sized dogs, not without passion, with exceptional endurance and mobility - ideal for bullfights.

Bull Terrier dog in the photo

In 1835, a law was passed in England prohibiting the baiting of large horned animals by dogs, which could not but affect the development of the Old Bull Terrier breed. But the breed did not disappear; dogs began to be used in another form of entertainment - rat baiting, and later in more cruel entertainment - dog fighting.

However, at that time one of the enthusiasts, James Hinks, became interested in improving the appearance of the representatives. He decided that the breed would be a good fit for a family, but that some characteristics needed to be worked on. One of the directions was changing the aggressive exterior to a more friendly one.

First of all, dogs were crossed with. Work on the design of the breed took place later, it was carried out by the descendants of Hinks. Old Bull and Terriers are the ancestors of not only Bulls, but also Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, Manchester Terriers and other fighting breeds.

Description of the breed's appearance

The modern Bull Terrier is a strong dog with well-developed muscles and a compact build. Dimensions There are slightly more males than females. Weight dogs vary between 18-30 kg, height on average is 30-45 cm.

According to the generally accepted standard, boules are distinguished from other breeds by the following:

  • Scull It has an oval shape, the head is long and deep. The area between the ears is flat.
  • Jaws strong, powerful, with correct bite in the form of scissors. The lips are quite dry and fit tightly together. Small triangular-shaped eyes are set slightly obliquely. However, in an excited bull terrier, the eyes become more expressive and are noticeably rounded.
  • Ears representatives of the breed have small, triangular shapes; according to the standard, they should stand vertically. The nose is blunt, wide, with a black tip downward.
  • Neck long, with a clear muscular outline, wide in the shoulder area, tapering noticeably closer to the head. The back is straight, level, smoothly transitions into the lower back, which can be convex or in the shape of an arc. Rib cage in bull terriers it is wide with decent depth.
  • Tail short with low rise. It is thick at the base, but becomes thinner towards the end. The tail is held horizontally.
  • Front and rear limbs dogs are muscular, with strong bones and round paws. Moreover, the front legs are more developed than the hind legs.
  • Coat hard, short, smooth, evenly covers all parts of the animal’s body.

There are several colors of bull terriers, which are divided into two categories - white and colored. In the first case, the coat should be pure white; the standard allows for slight pigmentation of the skin and minor spots in the head area. Any color inclusions in a white coat are a breed defect.

Bull Terrier colors

Bull Terrier Personality Traits

This breed is quite specific, so it is categorically not recommended for beginners. And in this case we are not talking about the stupidity, imbalance and aggressiveness of these dogs. On the contrary, their mental abilities are at a high level, which allows animals to “probe” the weak points of their owners and gain the upper hand in relationships.

Photo of a bull terrier

There is some truth to the fact that Bull Terriers can be dangerous and ferocious weapons, since the breed's fighting instincts have not gone away. However, a well-mannered and trained dog will never allow himself to be aggressive towards others.

Unbalanced people have a tendency to attack, incorrectly well-mannered dogs, as well as dogs whose training was based on aggression and the development of hatred towards people and their own kind. The standard qualities of boules do not include aggression; they are also not characterized by cowardice and timidity.

Bull Terriers are not stupid, they are very affectionate towards family members, and have boundless devotion and fidelity. But this does not affect their protective and security qualities.

Some individuals may show jealousy and some capriciousness, so from a very early age you should explain to your pet its rights and existing prohibitions.

All representatives of this breed suffer from hyperactivity, and this quality does not disappear even with age. An old bull terrier can give odds to young dogs of other breeds. This is worth considering when purchasing four-legged friend, since you will have to walk for a long time, and be sure to give your pet physical activity. Only in this way will the dog feel good both physically and emotionally.

Photo - Bull Terrier dog breed

Bull Terriers love children, both teenagers and toddlers. A child is the best play companion for a dog. But, naturally, you should watch their interaction with small children, since the dog is strong and powerful, and in a fit of excitement it can unintentionally cause harm - push, drop, press.

Thoroughbred representatives can be extremely stubborn, so any liberties or refusals to obey should be suppressed from a young age.

Bull Terriers require mandatory socialization, this is especially important in relation to other animals. But even a well-bred dog can suddenly start a fight with his own kind, but pugnacity is more characteristic of male dogs. Therefore, you should not leave your pet unattended for a walk.

Bull Terriers – excellent guards, protectors, companions. But show all your positive traits the animal can only be in experienced hands. They need an owner with a balanced character, self-confident and with plenty of free time.

Dogs have a short coat that does not require complex grooming. It is enough to use a rubber or silicone brush 3-4 times a month. To remove dust and dirt, you can wipe with a damp cloth. Bull Terriers shed moderately. To reduce the amount of hair in the house during seasonal shedding, you should comb your pet more often. This will significantly improve metabolic processes in the skin and speed up the process of hair replacement.

Bull Terrier puppy in the photo

Eyes and ears also require attention. It is enough to periodically inspect them and clean them as necessary. What requires a special approach is the muscular build of the pet. Bull Terriers need regular strength training to stay in good physical shape.

In addition, it is important to provide for the dog. It is extremely undesirable to overfeed the dog, since representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, which can cause the animal to become seriously ill.

As already noted, bull terriers need socialization, and training should begin as early as possible. You should immediately introduce your baby to people, dogs and other pets.

To avoid training mistakes and find a reliable, balanced protector, it is recommended to take a training course with a professional dog handler. It is advisable to do this in puppyhood.

Proper pet care

When choosing a pet to live in an enclosure or on a chain, you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​getting a bull terrier. Firstly, their coat will not allow the animal for a long time being in the cold, dogs also do not tolerate bright sun rays well. Secondly, this breed not watchmen, but guards and defenders; they, like true bodyguards, need to be close to the object of protection. We can safely classify bull terriers as apartment breeds.

When choosing a place for your pet, you need to take into account that it should be away from drafts and heating devices, since the dog can catch a cold, which often happens after the dog has warmed up near the radiator and goes outside. The place to sleep should be a soft bedding or mattress.

Bull terriers do not require a lot of space, since they are mostly active when walking, so you can have a pet even if you have a small apartment.

Tendency to diseases

Bull Terrier dogs can boast good health and strong immunity. Most often, the diseases that appear are hereditary in nature. These include pathologies such as:

  • hearing impairment, including deafness;
  • kidney diseases;
  • astigmatism.

To protect your pet from such problems, when choosing a dog, you should be interested in hereditary diseases and carefully study the baby’s chart. This is unlikely to happen when purchasing from random breeders, but nursery owners value their reputation and initially reject puppies with defects in appearance and health.

Among the acquired ailments, it is worth noting obesity, heart and dermatological diseases. But with proper care, the risk of getting sick in bull terriers is quite small.

Videos of bull terriers

What is the cost of a purebred puppy

The average price of a purebred baby is 15,000-25,000 rubles. You can buy a puppy from your own hands and much cheaper - for 8,000-10,000 rubles. A high-quality representative of the breed will cost much more - 45,000-50,000 rubles. No matter how much a pet costs, it needs a strong hand, care and affection.

Bull Terrier Kennels

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Due to popular belief, the bull terrier breed is considered among the people to be one of the most dangerous and bloodthirsty. But, despite its fighting past, it is an affectionate and loving dog.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Great Britain
Lifespan 11-14 years old
Price15-70 tr.
Male height30-45 cm.
Bitch height30-45 cm.
Male weight18-30 kg.
Bitch weight18-30 kg.

Origin of the Bull Terrier breed

The Bull Terrier is a direct descendant of the Old Bull and Terrier. Bred in England in the early 19th century by crossing the Old Type English Bulldog and various terriers. These dogs fought with bears and bulls, and sometimes with each other, for the amusement of the public. They were not distinguished by beauty, but they had fearlessness and endurance.

In the 50s of the 19th century, James Hinks decided to improve fighting dog. He dreamed of creating a snow-white, muscular dog. In the course of a long-term experiment, in which an English bulldog and a white terrier took part, it was also achieved desired result. A more attractive, graceful dog that is not confused best features ancestors, was introduced to the world in 1862. The creator of the bull terrier preferred a snow-white color, and the dogs he bred almost immediately became popular and loved.

The first breed club opened in England in 1887. Later, by the end of 1895, a similar club appeared in America.

Colored individuals were allowed for breeding only at the beginning of the last century.

In the USSR, in the mid-70s, four representatives of the bull terrier breed were brought from the Czech Republic. But the dogs stubbornly refused to reproduce. And only in 1982 the first domestic puppy. From this moment breeding begins in Russia. In 1986, the only club in the country was created.

Appearance of a bull terrier

Medium sized bull terrier dog strong bones and proportional build. The back line is straight. The chest is wide and muscular. Height 30-45 cm, weight 18-30 kg. The animal should not be thin; the presence of a pronounced fat layer is also not allowed. The paws are set wide, even and strong.

The head is elongated, set low, and when viewed from the side it has the outline of an egg. The skull between the ears is almost straight. The tip of the nose is lowered, the nostrils are wide and open. Strong jaws with a scissor bite. Even minor changes in the bite are unacceptable by the standard. The eyes are triangular, narrow, and set obliquely. Only dark pigmentation is allowed. Light-eyed Bull Terriers are not allowed for breeding or exhibition. The ears are small and erect.

Bull Terrier Character

Combining the spontaneity of a dynamic terrier and the courage of a bulldog, the gladiators of the canine world remain calm and reserved. The manifestation of unmotivated aggression and cowardice is not typical of these animals. Possessing innate intelligence and a sharp mind, the Bull Terrier is capable of making independent decisions. The dog's character combines contradictory qualities. Inner strength and self-esteem are in harmony with puppy spontaneity and tenderness. A dog incapable of meanness, able to selflessly love its owner. However, he will never refuse a fight if his opponent challenges him. In the ensuing fight, he will not react to the enemy’s desire to make peace, but will go to the end.

At the same time, the bull terrier is an affectionate dog who loves all humanity. He knows how to get along with children and tolerate all their pranks. He is not capable of being a slave, only a friend. Wise and faithful, he will always be there and protect you in case of danger, taking the blow upon himself.

Bull Terrier Training

Bulls are quite stubborn, so a lot of firmness and patience will be required during training. The best option is to turn learning into a game. You need to be able to interest the dog, and not force it to follow a command. The Bull Terrier breed is not for the beginner, it is cunning and smart dog will calculate instantly weak sides owner and will take a leading position. Dominant behavior is in the bull terrier's blood, so any disobedience must be stopped immediately.

The training process begins after the puppy adapts and learns the rules of behavior. The best approach would be to practice on the site with a professional surrounded by fellow students. The bull terrier will learn to communicate with its fellow tribesmen, and the dog handler will help the owner understand his pet and use her instincts for his own benefit.

For pet There are enough basic commands that he will carry out daily: “come to me”, “sit”, “lie down”. Their unquestioning implementation will make the dog manageable and obedient. But for this, the owner and the animal will have to work hard.

The owner must remember that character development and training of a bull terrier is possible only with a trusting relationship with the ward.

How to choose a puppy

Before you start looking for a puppy, you need to decide on the dog’s gender, color and desired status.

Before buying a bull terrier, it is advisable to look at the parents. Assess conformation and temperament. Observe how the bitch behaves. The mental instability of the mother will be genetically passed on to the children. Passing a dysplasia test is mandatory.

Assess the conditions of detention. Cleanliness, absence of repulsive odors, the presence of disposable diapers for the toilet of puppies, separate sleeping area and an abundance of toys speaks of the responsibility of the breeder.

Find out how many babies are in the litter. Ideally 4-6. Then everyone gets enough mother's milk, the puppies are full and well-fed. A small amount of maybe in a young female. Otherwise, the reason may lie in intrauterine infection or death of offspring. Bull Terrier puppies should be equally developed, playful and energetic. Well-formed stool means no digestive problems.

The fur of the selected baby should not be dirty or greasy, skin without rashes with a visible layer of fat. The abdomen is soft, not bloated. All mucous membranes are pinkish in color. The nose is moist, and the eyes and ears are clean, without discharge.

The cost of a puppy depends on its quality and class. The most expensive show class, bold show dogs. Brit - dogs for breeding. Pets are pets. On average, the cost of a bull terrier puppy is 40,000-60,000 rubles.

The breed is suitable for keeping in an apartment. For her, the main thing is not the abundance of space, but constant contact with the owner. The Bull Terrier does not require complex care; it is enough to clean the coat with a special mitten every 3-4 days. Until 6 months of age, puppies are not washed to avoid colds. If a dog gets dirty, just wipe it with a damp sponge. Street dirt comes off easily.

If your nails don't wear down naturally, then they should be trimmed once a week.

It is enough to clean the ears of bull terriers a couple of times a month with a special lotion. Carefully ensure that the cotton wool does not remain in the ear canal.

The dog's eyes must be wiped in the morning to clear away any secretions that have accumulated overnight.

Bull Terriers active dogs. But 2 half-hour walks a day with a light jog are enough for them to throw out the accumulated energy. Walking without a leash is preferable so that the dog can satisfy its natural curiosity and receive as much information as possible.

A young dog cannot be left alone for a long time; it begins to get bored, and boredom can cause significant damage to the home.

Feeding a bull terrier from the table is strictly prohibited. Sausages, smoked meats, sweets and other delicacies so beloved by humans are completely prohibited for dogs. Feeding is also unacceptable:

  • potatoes;
  • millet (not digestible);
  • raw river fish (worm infestation, small bones);
  • fatty meats.

If preference is given to dry food, then it should be exclusively super-premium class, even better holistic, from a well-known manufacturer.

The natural menu of a healthy bull terrier consists of 40-50% meat (2 times a week can be replaced with offal or sea fish). Cereals 25-30%. Dairy products 30%, vegetables 15%.

Cottage cheese or kefir is served as a separate feeding. The meat is added with vegetables and cereals, a spoonful of vegetable oil is added and fed to the pet.

A growing dog needs a nutritious diet to turn into a handsome, handsome man.

The Bull Terrier is fed according to the principle: less is better than more. Overfeeding is prohibited. The animal should not look graceful or swollen with a layer of fat, only muscles.

It is important to maintain a balance in the dog's diet. Excess useful substances just as dangerous as their lack.

Bull Terrier Health and Diseases

Bull Terriers live on average 11-14 years. Most of them have excellent health, but occasionally owners encounter breed-specific ailments of their pets.

  • Deafness is a problem that has plagued the Bull Terrier breed since their origins. The anomaly is more common in white individuals, but people of color are also not immune to this scourge. Deafness is observed both in one ear and in both ears at once. A dog that is completely deaf is difficult to train and adapt to. Such puppies are rejected. Deafness in one ear may not be noticeable, even to the owner.
  • Lethal acrodermatitis is a lack of zinc in the body. It appears in newborn puppies as smaller in size and flat, inverted limbs. They die at an early age.
  • Kidney failure - the disease can occur at any stage of life. Timely treatment and following a diet will help preserve your pet.
  • Heart disease - some individuals live fully with this disease. Others may suffer from seizures, shortness of breath, and decreased activity.
  • May occur: entropion of the eyelid, joint dysplasia and allergic reactions.

Photo of a bull terrier

When you buy a bull terrier, you acquire a devoted and gentle friend, capable of giving his life for the people he loves. But lack of time and proper attention can turn an affectionate dog into a bloodthirsty monster.

Bull Terriers are often prejudicially accused of being aggressive. However, representatives of this breed are kind - they love to play with children, they just love to play.

The well-established characteristic of the bull terrier in society is Where is it true, and where is the myth? More details in the review below.

Bull Terriers were bred in England. The ban on bullfighting in 1835 deprived people of the exciting spectacle. Dog fights and rat baiting began to occur. The shows took place in small rooms.

The bulldogs used in fights were too slow. The idea arose to breed a more nimble breed. The breeders' choice fell on agile terriers.

James Hinks is considered the founder of the breed. It was he who bred the perfect bull terrier in 1862. By crossing the white English terrier and, according to assumptions, the .

The result was an ideal fighting dog.

In Oxford it was considered good form to own a white bull terrier. The intelligence of the dogs captivated teachers and students.

Created for fighting, they still have a reputation today dangerous dogs. The call of blood makes itself felt in the presence of other animals, but boules are not dangerous to humans.

Breed standards

FCI Standard No. 11 dated 07/05/2011 “Bull Terrier”
Group 3 "Terriers". Section 3 “Bull Terriers”.

The weight and height of bull terriers are not limited by the standard, but the dog should look as powerful as possible for its size, consistent with its type and gender.

Average weight is approximately 18-36 kg, height at the withers is 30-61 cm.

The Standard English Classic Bull Terrier is not a large, muscular dog with a strong, athletic body. Flexible when moving, easy to run.

The head is low set and long. It is shaped like an egg. Description of the Bull Terrier breed contains unique feature - triangular eyes, narrow, deep-set and oblique. They are located at a greater distance from the nose than from the middle of the top of the head.

According to the standard, eye color should be dark brown. Light-colored eyes will cause disqualification.

The nose is slightly lowered. With expressive, open nostrils. Healthy, white teeth. The bite is correct and scissor-like. Particularly strong lower jaw.

The ears are small, thin, and set close. Straight, vertical, without sagging.

The front legs are stable. More developed than the hind ones. Consist of strong, round bones. Hind legs with an extremely flexible knee. All limbs are strong, muscular, of medium length. Compact toes are mobile.

The body should ideally be almost round in cross-section. The sternum is wide, deep with prominent ribs. Located a little closer to the floor than the tummy. The back is quite short and strong. The tail is also short, low, tapering to the tip.

The coat is short, straight, and even hard to the touch, with a distinct shine. In winter there may be a soft textured undercoat.

The color can be classic white or colored. In white bull terriers, colored pigmentation of the skin is acceptable, invisible through the coat. In colored dogs, the primary color must predominate.

What to feed a bull terrier? The food is chosen either or only factory feed. In the second case, you should give high-quality food of at least premium class. At natural feeding The diet is standard, with all the restrictions generally accepted for dogs.

How long does a bull terrier live? Average duration life with proper care and maintenance is 11-14 years.

Character of the breed: why is the Bull Terrier dangerous?

Despite its rather controversial reputation in society, this breed is famous among dog breeders for its very cheerful disposition. They enjoy playing with children of different ages. Bulls are disgusted by anger towards people. They don't like to be alone.

Characteristics of the Bull Terrier breed has the following qualities:

  • bulldog grip;
  • agility of a terrier;
  • endurance;
  • bravery;
  • low pain threshold;
  • desire to win;
  • unquestioning obedience to the owner;
  • intelligence.

They are smart and quick-witted. Sometimes they can insist on their own, but proper education of a bull terrier leads to unconditional obedience. We will talk about the rules of education and training further.

The dogs are in excellent athletic shape. They can become jogging partners. You should pay as much attention to physical training as possible. Without load, they begin to look for an outlet for their energy. Character deteriorates. The other extreme is that the pet becomes lazy and gains weight.

Dangerous Features

How dangerous is a bull terrier? Don't forget that. The desire to win is in the blood of bull terriers. They become uncontrollable at the sight of cats and other living creatures.

You should not keep a bull terrier in a house with other pets. Sooner or later, the boule's natural instincts may come into play.

In relation to relatives, the dog is sometimes inadequate. Two males can spend a long time trying to figure out who is stronger.

To avoid trouble, you should keep a tight rein on your puppy.

The pet should feel loved, but at the same time know who is in charge in the house.

Bulls are the same owners as terriers. You should not tease an adult dog by taking away toys or claiming his property. This could end badly.

So how to raise a bull terrier? Here are some basic rules:

  • the puppy is taught to share his toys and things;
  • stop any aggression of the puppy, demonstrating their dissatisfaction with his behavior;
  • the owner is firm in his decisions and does not indulge the pet’s whims;
  • training is canceled if the puppy is tired;
  • It is absolutely forbidden to scold a bull for an unfulfilled command.

A calm, balanced and persistent owner is able to raise a bull terrier that is safe for society.

Advantages and disadvantages

Surprisingly Many bull owners emphasize the loving nature of their pet. They say that they are gentle, good-natured people with a giant heart. Plush pets.

Bull Terriers are completely devoid of any sense of malice towards people. Experts confirm that the breed is not very good as a watchdog or guard. She will not rush at the intruder.

Boules have courage, high intelligence and an athletic build. Are different unusual appearance and cheerful disposition.

Easy to care for, clean. The dog should only be wiped with a cloth occasionally. Nails wear down on their own during training.

The disadvantage of bull terriers is their bad reputation and prejudiced attitude towards the breed. Their tendency to dominate. Hunt small animals. The problem is being solved.

Short, smooth hair does not always protect the dog from the cold and scorching sun. Bulys are not suitable for damp, chilly climates. Also, white dogs should not be left in the sun for a long time - this can lead to burns.

Bull Terriers very often suffer from the bad reputation of their ancestors. Behind her unusual appearance lies a huge heart full of love. Correct and timely upbringing will create a brave and gentle family favorite from the “monster”.

Additionally, check out the video about the Bull Terrier dog: description of the breed, character and much more.

“Bull terriers have made my life much richer and brighter.
Thanks to them, I learned a lot about her and learned mutual understanding.”

- John G. Roemer

Champ. Abraxas Apex ROM imported by Ralph Bowles. Justin was the consummate showman at the 1979 trade show, and his victory came as no surprise. Photo by Thomas Fall.

The past of the bull terrier, like most other breeds, can be called “sports” - hunting and fighting - which corresponded to the needs and fashion of bygone years, when execution turned into an idle act and cruelty to animals and people was considered as something quite ordinary and natural .
From different breeds Bull Terrier dogs absorbed their best traits, but breeders and owners used their instincts for their own base purposes. The Boule of those years was distinguished by legendary courage, incredible endurance, insensitivity to pain and almost unsurpassed intelligence. These valiant qualities, which we admire in both men and animals, together with other virtues much less often remembered, made him a magnificent fighter.

The Bull Terrier has two more features that distinguish it from other breeds and allow it to become an excellent fighter, and today an ideal dog for a family. Firstly, this is the ability to make decisions independently and find a way out of one or another difficult situation. A dog that is unable to figure out how to repel the next attack in the fighting ring will inevitably die. Secondly, the bull terrier, despite the pain and passion for battle, does not lose his mind and does not bite his owner when he pulls him away from the enemy. Let's add to this a passionate thirst for communication with a person and friendly attitude to all people, especially to members of your family. Thanks to these qualities, the Bull Terrier can not only full confidence trust children, but also rely entirely at any difficult moment as their most reliable protector and companion.

The modern bull terrier has retained all the magnificent physical and mental abilities of its formidable ancestors, but has largely lost its former instinct as a fighter. Despite the fact that in most cases it is other dogs who start the fight, the Bull Terrier never shies away from a fight. I have kept bulls for almost sixty years, and not one of my bull terriers has caused even the slightest injury to any dog ​​or cat.

Birth of the breed

The foundations of bull terrier breeding began to take shape in the first years of the nineteenth century. At the time, the priority was the task further development and improvement of terriers and obtaining new types. As it turned out and was confirmed in practice, the best fighting dogs are obtained from crosses of bulldogs with different types of terriers. The resulting offspring retained the courage, tenacity and determination of the bulldog, acquiring the agility, agility and subtle intelligence of the terrier. In general, the dogs of those years were distinguished by a massive, brick-shaped head, an angry, unfriendly look and a wide variety of colors, including white, becoming famous as “bull and terriers.”

Over time, the features of terriers began to be more and more clearly visible in them: a pointed muzzle and high legs. Increasing preference is given to white dogs, as the most purebred. Bred by the Englishman James Hinks, a merchant from Birmingham, and demonstrated by him at an exhibition in 1862, the family of white dogs eclipsed all other colors.

Blood sport - bull baiting. English engraving.

We certainly owe it to him that he contributed to the appearance of more elegant dogs that adorned last years last century. In The Book of the Dog, published by Cassell in 1907, Robert Leighton wrote: “These Birmingham dogs showed elegance and grace, without any sign of crooked limbs or colored spots, from which it appears that Hincks was an outcross. with a white English terrier. ...Most people reproached him for introducing foreign blood, which supposedly led to a decrease in the fighting spirit of the dogs, which was considered the most valuable trait of the breed. However, this accusation was not confirmed. The family bred by Hiix did not lose a drop of this most precious quality, which was confirmed by him in the most amazing way. Hincks put five pounds and a case of champagne on his Puss bitch, weighing about 18kg, against an old-style bulldog-faced bitch weighing about 27kg. The fight took place at Tuffers' Long Acre Inn. (According to some sources, the fight between Hincks's bitch, Old Puss, and Bill Turner's old-type bitch took place in May 1862 in the basement of this hotel, where the Holborn Dog Show was taking place at the same time. However, Richard Glynn and most of his contemporaries believe that it was held at the Cremorne Dog Show in Chelsea). Half an hour later, Puss killed her rival, receiving such minor injuries that the next morning she was shown at a dog show, earning a prize for conformation and condition.

I found several commentaries from this exhibition that shed light on the birth of the Bull Terrier breed and were published in the now out-of-print American magazine Dogdom. They belong to James Hinks' son, James Jr. He wrote the following: “The ancestors of my father’s dogs, with short, massive heads, blunt bulldog muzzles, barrel-shaped limbs, compact bodies and drooping lips, looked comical against a background of a variety of colors, from black and tan to brindle, red, reddish -yellow and so on. They were called "bull and terriers" because they were obtained from a cross of bulldogs with terriers (among which large black and tan terriers predominated) with a high game and a scent for rats. In appearance, they were a spoiled version of a bulldog and a terrier, but they coped well with the duties assigned to them, for which they were bred: they participated in fights, baiting rats, hamsters and bulls. ...The offspring obtained from these crosses turned out to be ideal, combining the power and strength of a bulldog with the intelligence of a terrier.

Bull Terrier - Champion. Tarquin, imported to the United States in 1980, is a Dalmatian - Captain.

Towards the end of the 50s a great event happened. My father, who kept the best game dogs from each litter and carried out experimental crosses with white English terriers and Dalmatians, bred a family of pure white dogs, calling them “bull terriers.” It was under this name that they rose to the pinnacle of fame. These dogs were lighter than the bulldog, having practically lost its features: the head became longer and smoother (without dampness of the skin, bulges and recesses), the muzzle became stronger and stronger, without drooping lips and dewlap, the neck became longer, and the temperament became more energetic. In short, a more civilized and perfect old-fighting dog appeared, which retained all its best qualities: alertness, energy, courage, the musculature of an athlete, while possessing the qualities a true gentleman. ...Although according to the classification bull terriers belong to terriers, they are a completely independent breed that has its own standard by which it should be evaluated. Compared to the first bull terriers, modern ones have a more uniform head, but due to the tendency to have high legs, they do not stand as firmly on the ground as their predecessors.”

Carlton Hincks, grandson of James Hincks Sr., added some minor notes to the history of the breed's origins (English Bull Terrier Club Yearbook, 1955), stating that his grandfather "after repeated unsuccessful attempts, proceeded to close inbreeding, mating father to daughter to mother with my son, trying in any way to preserve the whitest puppies.”

Champ. England Bloombury King, born in 1898, after receiving the title of Champion. Head-owner G.E. Monk. King's breed type is very close to that which existed before the 1930s. considered ideal in the United States.

There is complete confusion in the genealogies of those years. It is impossible to say with certainty what combination of breeds the bull terrier came from. However, it is quite reliably established that Hinks, and his son confirms this, used mainly old-type bulldogs (of a higher-legged type than today), white English terriers and Dalmatians in crosses. Perhaps he infused them with the blood of the Greyhound, Spanish Pointer and Foxhound. We know that back in the 30s of our century, bull terriers with ears like hounds were periodically born. There are vague assumptions that the bull owes its longer head and steep, arched profile to greyhounds or smooth collies, since sometimes puppies are born in litters with a long and narrow muzzle, like those breeds. (In England, crossbred dogs can be registered and their fourth generation is considered purebred).

The English Kennel Club stud book for 1874 makes it clear how difficult it is to trace the origins of dogs of this breed. Thus, under the name of the famous producer Madman, who came from the Hinks family, at least a dozen bull terriers appear in it.

Bull Terrier of the early twentieth century.

In those ancient times, classes were divided mainly by weight: up to 7 kg and above 7 kg, and in a number of the first breed standards the lower limit was only 2 kg. Sometime in the 1980s, the Middle Weight Class was established and the division became as follows: up to 9 kg, 9-13.5 kg and over 13.5 kg. On this occasion, Vero Shaw wrote in “The Illustrated Book of Dogs,” published in 1890: “The establishment of the Middle Weight Class by the Kennel Club Committee practically destroyed the old bull terrier. When the innovation was brought up for discussion, we expressed our dissatisfaction to the permanent president of the club, Mr. Shirley, a bull terrier breeder. We pointed out to him that this would lead to the degradation of the breed, since it would be easier to breed good dogs - after all, it is much more difficult to get a first-class litter of heavyweights and miniature puppies. ...But they didn’t listen to us. This has led to the fact that today it is almost impossible to see good dog weighing about 20 kg, and even more so - 7 kg.”

Recognition of Colored Bull Terriers

After the development and approval of the breed standard, a serious battle broke out over colored bull terriers, especially white ones born from colored parents. Colored bull terriers reached a special peak in England. In 1919, Bing Boy, a brindle and white (out of Champion Oaksford Gladiator and a brindle and white bitch Stout, of unknown origin), bred by R.S. Sivier, became the first owner of the CC (Challenge Certificate - certificate of a candidate for Champions). His victory was immediately disputed, but the Kennel Club sided with expert V.K. Hollender. In 1931, the title of Champion was first awarded to a colored brindle-white female, Lady Winifred (out of Tipicle Jim and Princess Ida), bred by W. Dockerill. In 1935, this title was first awarded to the brindle-white colored male Bocos Brock (out of Bocos Double and Expectation), bred by Miss P.K. Timins.

The first colored male is Champion. Bokos Brock (from Bokos Double and Expectation), who won the title of Champion in 1935. Head. Miss P.K. Timins.

Some breeders of white stock were intimidated by the increasing fame and achievements of colored dogs. They feared that interbred offspring from colored and white parents, mated to their white sires, would lead to the disappearance of the white color and the appearance of the defects they had struggled with for so many years. They were so frightened that the bull terrier club met them halfway and made the following amendment to the conditions of membership: “Club members undertake not to use as a proband a white family of white-colored sires born from brindle dogs, and breeders and owners - to warn the buyer about possible problems and difficulties that may stand in their way when purchasing a white puppy with colored blood.” (After the club recognized colored dogs in 1950, this condition was changed, and it began to sound like this: “Club members selling white puppies with a colored ancestor in three generations undertake to warn their buyers about this.”) In 1935, the Bull Terrier Club accepted colored dogs under its, so to speak, “limited responsibility.”

The United States, following in the footsteps of England, recognized the colored variety in 1934. In the same year, R. Wallace Mollison imported the first two colored dogs - the black female Tismans Tango and the brindle male Brigadier of Blighty. They were bred, producing the first colored litter of American breeding. The black and brindle puppy purchased from him by Herbert G. Stewart later became Champ. Darkfleets Brandywine. Both breeders - Stewart and Mollison - were among the most respected experts of their time. Mr Mollison imported Interchamp. Foltless of Blighty (later sold to movie star Dolores Del Rio for a rumored five thousand dollars). Mr. Stewart brought out Champ. Buccaneer, who won Best of Breed three times at the Westminster All-Breed Dog Show. These two men did everything they could to get the AKC to recognize colored bull terriers.

The appearance of colored dogs caused a lot of controversy. All sorts of predictions were made about the beneficial effect of colored dogs on white dogs, about the disappearance of diseases inherent in the breed: deafness, tick marks, blue eyes and a host of other developmental defects. White bull terrier breeders had a completely different opinion and finally took their position when they saw imported colored dogs so heavily advertised, appearance which left much to be desired. (Among the first generation of colored dogs were deaf, and blue-eyed, and with teak markings). American breeders were against mating white dogs with colored dogs, as they believed that the bull terrier's intelligence would suffer from this. And the increased market demand for colored puppies only confirmed that they were right.

For the first time, colored dogs were shown at the Westminster Kennel Club's all-breed show in 1936, held in New York, in the same classes as white dogs. At the Westminster Exhibition of 1937 they were given separate Classes. Few of the American breeders saw any merit in the colored breeds who debuted at that exhibition.

Therefore, the ABC immediately revised the existing breed standard, ordering the disqualification of any bull terrier that has colored spots located anywhere other than the head (which was unsuccessfully tried to introduce in England). Any judge who gave preference to a colored dog over a white dog was immediately subject to a boycott, as he declared the animal deserving of disqualification as the winner. Thus, Herbert Stewart caused a storm of indignation when he elected the colored male, Champion, as Best Representative of the Breed at the Morris and Essex Exhibition in 1939. Wixelms Brox Double. At that time, separate Classes had already been introduced for colored dogs, and both white and colored bull terriers competed for the title of Best Representative of the Breed.

Champ. England and America Ribel of Blighty.

And the white male, born from colored parents, Ribel of Blighty, caused a lot of noise that swept across the Atlantic. He became the first English Champion of white colored origin.

This caused such indignation on the part of English breeders of pure white families that an “extraordinary general meeting” of the Bull Terrier Club had to be called to discuss the issue of excluding white dogs of colored origin from all club prize shows, including the Regent Trophy, to which Riebel was invited . The meeting ended in nothing, but the scandal resumed after Riebel won the Regent Trophy, although L. Cabot Briggs managed to buy it and take it to the United States before the height of passions.

In 1937, the English Bull Terrier Club banned the awarding of any club prizes to white dogs of colored origin, a ban that lasted until 1950.

In the same year, to preserve pure white dogs, the club created a separate stud book for them. From the very first breedings carried out by James Hincks and other breeders of those years, none of the dogs registered there had colored blood. In 1950, when peace was finally made between the warring parties, the Kennel Club adopted a new rule for registering pure white dogs in the stud book - there should be no colored dogs in three generations of the pedigree.

Before it reached the USA, Ribel of Blighty caused no less a storm than in England. After leaving the ship, he was immediately entered into the 1937 New York Westminster Kennel Club Show, where he became Winner Male and Best Winner, after which he entered into a fight with the imported Champion. America Pentigone of Enderley for the title Best of Breed. Pentigon won thanks to his superior hindquarter propulsion, as expert T.W. later claimed. Hogarth. I remember well the impression Ribel's gaze made on me - I had never had such a feeling before. A truly purebred look was a rarity in those days, so his slanted eyes and fierce gaze were imprinted in the corners of my memory for a long time.

American breeders, like English ones, suggested that dogs like Ribel - white colored bull terriers - could cause irreparable harm to the breed by transmitting to it serious hereditary defects attributed at that time to colored bull terriers. However, Mr. Briggs did not breed Ribel to white females. And at that time this was completely justified, because breeders of purely white families were not ready to breed colored dogs with their sires.

Champ. Anne Dees Red Adair, ROM. Many consider him the best American bred red and white male. He remained virtually invincible in the show ring, becoming one of the the best manufacturers and was the Winner of specialized exhibitions in 1979 and 1981.

In 1939, the Canadian Kennel Club recognized the Colored Bull Terrier as a distinct breed, which meant that litters from white and colored parents were no longer registered. This instilled new strength in the desperate members of the ABK, and they immediately came out in favor of prohibiting the registration and display at exhibitions of colored and white bull terriers of colored origin. AKC did not support them, so this game was lost for them. A few years later, the Canadian Kennel Club, following in the footsteps of the AKC, decided to divide the breed into two varieties, but later combined them, imitating England.

In the same 1939, an article appeared in the charter of the American Bull Terrier Club, which stated that “a member of the club who bred a colored bull terrier with a white one or puppies born from such a litter violates its charter and the best traditions.” This made it possible to exclude the offender from the ranks of the club.

In response to this situation, Mr. Wallace Mollison, one of the fans of colored dogs in the United States, and his wife immediately resigned from the ranks of the club. Their example was followed by a number of breeders who believed in the future of colored dogs.

Until 1950, the English Bull Terrier Club repeatedly found itself in a delicate situation by prohibiting white dogs of colored origin from participating in club prize shows. They fully deserved prizes, but they were awarded to the dogs that took second place. Thanks to the skill of some breeders, some outstanding white dogs have been produced from colored sires. It's time to admit that a little more and they will surpass the breeders of pure white dogs, using the best of their sires, while the latter avoid it. The current situation was sharply different from the 30s. Raymond Oppenheimer, the leading breeder of the time, announced that if he identified a white bull terrier of colored origin that could improve the breed, he would not hesitate to use it in his breeding work, which he later did with his famous and unrivaled Champion. Ormandy Dancing Time.

In 1950, battle swords were finally buried in the ground and the battles in England ended. Mr. Douglas Lindsay and Mrs. J.M. Odlam led the movement for equality between white and colored dogs. The barriers to their mutual matings collapsed, and the club's prize exhibitions opened their arms to everyone. If sponsors intended a prize for purebred white dogs, the AKC language came into force - that is, they could not have a colored dog in their pedigree (even if one of their great-grandparents' littermates was one).

Champ. Ormandy Superlative Chunky, born in 1958, Best dog England and Regent Trophy Winner 1960 Vl. R.G. Oppenheimer and Miss E.M. Wetherill.

This decision of the ABK became a memorable milestone in the development of the breed. Almost immediately the quality of white dogs increased, especially affecting the structure of the head. Breeders of pure white bull terriers now have the chance to improve their stock and individual characteristics of the dogs, using, for example, the magnificent head and bones of the Champ. Romeini Reliance.

Today there is hardly a truly first-class dog whose superiority is not due to characteristics inherited from the colored family. And indeed, the Open Prize Show of the ABC, held in February 1956, became a true confirmation of this, because almost every dog ​​or bitch competing for prizes, including the Regent Trophy, were either children or grandchildren of a white male, Champion. England Ormandis Limpsfield Winston, littermate Champion. England Romaini Rheingold, red color.

In 1942, the AKC very delicately settled the “battle between colors” by separating coloreds into a separate variety. Since then, colored and white bull terriers competed with each other only in the Terrier group.

Since no contradictions were fueling the enmity anymore, negative attitude towards the colored dogs gradually dissipated. In 1948, the ABC, at the instigation of Herbert G. Stewart, voted to recognize the colored variety and established Classes for it at its 1949 Specialty Show held in New York City in conjunction with the Associated Terrier Club. Although there were nine colored dogs in that first show, only four of them took part in the bench show.

After the ban in 1942, both varieties were again able to compete with each other at a specialized ABC show in 1953, when the English Bull Terrier Club unexpectedly decided to award its Jag prize separately to the winners in the white and colored classes. Champ. America Taverner of Tartary, white, imported by his owner, Mrs. S.J. Yearsley, defeated a colored opponent, Mysterio Cherman (later to become Champion), owned by breeder Helen A. Boland.

In 1954, the AKC introduced a rule according to which dogs of both varieties can compete for the title of Best of Breed at any specialty show, with the exception of all-breed shows. (At all-breed shows they compete with each other only in the Terrier group). As a result, at a specialized exhibition held in conjunction with the Associated Terrier Club exhibition in February 1957, both varieties, according to the latest AKC rules, again competed in the same ring in the fight for the title of Best Representative of the Breed, in which the colored male, Interchamp, won. Dulac Heathlands Commander.

From all of the above it can be concluded that in the United States, as in England, the colored variety has had to go through difficult times. The first American-bred Color Champion was Beltona's bitch Brindigol, a daughter of Bokos Beltona, who was imported as a puppy by W.J. McCourtney.

Like a number of other breeds, bull terriers Previously, they were bred not for the purpose of becoming a pet, not to help a person and simply to be his friend.

The cruel morals and entertainment of people dictated their requirements for various breeds, among which were endurance and aggressiveness, a high pain threshold.

The Bull Terrier, originally a fighting dog, has earned its popularity for its unique appearance, which cannot but remain in the memory.

The name of both breeds is a good indication of this, because “bull” translated from English means bull.

In the case of bulldogs, the banal prefix dog, the meaning of which we all know, is attached to the first part of the word. Bulldogs were the ancestors of bull terriers.

Bull Terriers got their name thanks to the breed, which took an active part in their breeding. The Bull Terrier is the result of crossing Bulldogs with Terriers.

Bull baiting has proven to be a banned form of entertainment in early XIX century. This jeopardized the need for the ancestors of bulldogs and bull terriers.

However, enterprising lovers of aggressive dogs began to use them for dog fighting and even for baiting rats. And this was very important from the point of view of the formation of the breed.

The ancestors of the bull terriers could not show what the public was waiting for. They were strong, but did not have the necessary agility and intelligence, which made “internecine” fights sluggish.

Photo 2. Bull terriers originate from bulldogs and terriers

Therefore, the first bull terriers (although they were not yet bull terriers) began to crossbreed with representatives of other breeds in order to develop in them, in addition to strength, a number of other qualities important in fighting.

Among the dogs with which the mixing was carried out were terriers, which added the corresponding prefix to the name of the future breed.

Old-Bull-And-Terrier- this is how the breed was originally named.

She still had a long journey ahead (almost a hundred years long), at the end of which dogs were born that retained their physical characteristics, strong and powerful bones, and muscles, but at the same time changed in appearance - they became more charismatic and agile.

The uniqueness of the external forms of these dogs and their intelligence made them popular.

The first dogs that attracted attention and were already very similar to modern bull terriers became champions at the exhibition in 1864.

In the selection process, the emphasis was placed on representatives with white color. Colored bull terriers were carefully screened out.

The reason for this was the belief that multi-colored bull terriers were less noble than their white relatives.

Such games with the color of dogs almost led to the extinction of the breed, because such strict selection led to the inevitable impoverishment of the gene pool of these dogs.

It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the situation changed in favor of multi-colored bull terriers, and they began to be taken seriously.

Bull Terrier Character

Let us immediately note the scattered rumors that surround dogs of fighting breeds. We talked about this in the article about. Bull Terriers are no exception.

The aggressiveness of these dogs, their attitude towards strangers, as well as other inhabitants of your home, depend entirely on your pet. And this depends only on you.

If you take up raising a Bull Terrier seriously from puppyhood, then in addition to an intelligent and very strong four-legged friend, you will receive a reliable and devoted companion who loves you and your family with all his dog’s heart.

Photo 3. The character of bull terriers depends on their upbringing

Some may be surprised, but bull terriers are very obedient and disciplined.

They will never go against the opinion and orders of the owner if he has been able to establish himself as a real leader.

Bull Terriers are very active. They will not be satisfied with a 15-minute walk every two days. Bull Terriers need to maintain their physical condition.

You must be prepared to walk with your pet for a couple of hours every day, because otherwise his temperament and activity will manifest itself where you would not like it at all - in the apartment (house).

Bull Terriers are capricious and even jealous, but proper education they do not show the aggression that is so carefully attributed to them.

Thoughtless slavish submission is also not typical for them. They should respect you and see you only as a leader, but in no case should your relationship with such a pet be based on fear and physical impact on the dog.

Only a good, kind attitude towards your pet will cause him to have the best feelings for you, because the bull terrier is clever dog, very sensitive to your mood and attitude.

Video about the bull terrier breed: