Black raised mole. Black mole on the body: why melanin accumulates. Treatment: removal or observation

A black mole can be a cause of concern about your health. It is necessary to understand what is the cause of the worries and what needs to be done if black moles are found on the body.

A mole (or nevus) is pigment point on the skin. The darker the spot, the more melanin it contains - a substance that affects the hue and saturation of the nevus. The appearance of black moles is often associated with cancer, namely melanoma - skin cancer, so doctors advise periodically examining your body for unusual spots.

A black mole most often appears in place of a regular one, and this can happen for a number of reasons:

  1. The influence of ultraviolet rays. Everyone knows that prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during the hottest hours, can have a negative impact on health. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, ordinary age spots can degenerate into malignant cells. In this regard, doctors strongly recommend protecting yourself from ultraviolet radiation both on the beach and in the solarium.
  2. Changes hormonal levels. During puberty, as well as during pregnancy or menopause, the likelihood of developing black moles is especially high.
  3. Skin damage. Constant rubbing of the nevus on clothing can cause it to darken.

Is there a threat?

A nevus can darken to black when it accumulates maximum amount melanin. A black mole may not look very pleasant, but this does not mean that it has degenerated into malignant tumor. If the diameter of the spot does not exceed 4 mm, its shape is regular and even, and the surface is smooth, then there is no need to worry about a serious disease.


Very often, black moles are congenital or appear in children under 16 years of age and are not dangerous, but if an adult notices the presence of black spots of an unusual shape on the body, then the best solution will consult a doctor.

Sometimes, under the influence of various factors, black dots may appear on a mole. This can happen as a result of the aging of the body. In this situation there is no need to worry. In addition, black dots on a mole can grow under the influence of papillomavirus, and this too normal phenomenon. However, if you notice that black spots have appeared on a mole and they seem suspicious to you or cause discomfort, you should urgently contact a specialist for detailed advice.

Prevention and Prevention

To protect your body from the appearance of unwanted spots and their degeneration into malignant forms, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. While relaxing on the beach, you should not cover moles with anything, such as an adhesive plaster, because this can cause the so-called “greenhouse effect,” as well as injury and infection of the nevus.
  2. You need to choose the type of climate that is suitable for you. People with fair skin and a significant amount age spots you need to rest in places where the amount of ultraviolet radiation is minimal.
  3. Don't sunbathe too much. Doctors advise sunbathing in the morning or evening. The most safe time– before 10 o’clock in the morning and after 18 o’clock in the evening. In addition, you must wear a hat to avoid getting sunstroke and use protective creams and sprays.
  4. You should not overuse solariums, because they also use ultraviolet rays, which can harm your health. In many countries, visiting solariums is prohibited for persons under the age of majority, and for good reason.
  5. Under no circumstances should you try to remove unpleasant stains on your own! To carry out this procedure, you need to see a doctor who will fully advise you and, if necessary, prescribe surgery.
  6. If the nevus has darkened, black spots have appeared on it, or you are concerned about itching, then you should immediately consult a specialist.

Signs of melanoma

Melanoma is very serious illness. It progresses rapidly and can cause metastases. Changes that occur with a mole can tell you how to recognize melanoma:

  1. The skin around the mole turns red, becomes covered with cracks, ulcers and bleeds. In such cases, the nevus causes discomfort and itching, and the lymph nodes may become enlarged.
  2. Ordinary simple moles are always symmetrical. If the nevus becomes asymmetrical, one edge is much larger than the other, you need to pay attention to it and go to the clinic.
  3. The edges of a healthy nevus are smooth and clear, but those that have undergone changes are blurry, with poorly defined contours.
  4. If the mole has turned black or has several shades at once, then it also needs to be checked.
  5. TO alarming symptom An increase in nevus can also be attributed. Even if all other symptoms are absent, and the spot increases, this may be a sign of the development of melanoma.

If you carefully monitor your skin, you can recognize melanoma at an early stage. But you don’t need to wait for absolutely all of the above symptoms to appear; the occurrence of just one is enough to contact a dermatologist.


However, you should not panic as soon as new moles begin to appear on your body or the nevus darkens. After all, they, like our body, change with age: the formations may become a little darker, increase in size or begin to protrude above the skin, but all this is not scary. Concerns should arise from changes that occur right before our eyes or that cause discomfort and even pain.

This information may be useful for those who are concerned about their health or have noticed any spots on the body or changes in their skin. A black mole is not a reason for paranoia. It must be recalled that spots on the body that look like moles are not always dangerous. Black dots on a mole are not always signs cancer, and the changes taking place should not scare you. However, do not forget about all the above signs of melanoma. You need to examine your skin from time to time and not forget about your loved ones. If you notice any changes in them (blackened nevus, etc.), then you need to suggest the necessary course of action, reassure and support. Be healthy!

Dark spots on the surface of the skin are large cluster melanin, which determines hue and saturation.

With the maximum accumulation of pigment substance, the nevus can be very dark, even black.

Despite the fact that a black mole looks quite suspicious, this color does not always mean cancer.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Benign neoplasms include those whose size does not exceed 4 mm, have a regular round shape, and a smooth surface.

Typically, such spots are congenital, or appear before the age of 16 or before puberty. They are not a pathology, even if there are many such moles on the body, the reasons for their appearance are only a feature of the body.

But if the nevus appears at an older age, or the old ones change appearance - they turn red, turn black, grow, this frequent symptoms melanoma.

Causes of darkening of the nevus

Darkening does not always indicate cancer.

A brown mole can turn black for several completely natural reasons.

Effect of ultraviolet

About the harm sun rays Everyone has heard - scientists repeat this at every opportunity.

Ultraviolet rays make a huge contribution to the formation of age spots, new nevi and, most dangerously, their degeneration into melanoma.

The most dangerous spot is considered to be black.

The darker the nevus, the more melanocytes it contains, which can degenerate into melanoma.

Photo: applying sunscreen

It's about everything skin surface, and not just about the place where the mole is located.

Hormonal changes

Hormones entail changes in all structures of the body, and the skin is no exception.

Adaptation to certain conditions forces the body to change metabolic processes.

This is why most spots on the skin appear during puberty, and in women - during pregnancy and menopause.

This is normal, you just have to watch the mole. As soon as it has significantly changed color, size or shape, you need to urgently go to the doctor.

Nevus damage

The neoplasm darkens both due to intracellular changes and after external influences.

Even a slight impact through squeezing, friction, and, even more so, violating its integrity during cuts, can lead to degeneration.

Therefore, doctors urge not to treat nevi on the body too carelessly and to consult a doctor if there are any doubtful changes.

When black moles become dangerous

On the body similar moles may appear throughout life. As we update skin under the influence of various factors, for example, a recently appeared spot on the skin may enlarge or become darker.

In each specific case, such changes are different - this can either be the norm or indicate cancer.

One of the main indicators of melanoma development is the rapid dynamics of any changes in the appearance of the tumor.

A black mole should be under constant observation - if it dries up and then falls off, this does not mean that the danger has passed.

In any case, you should go to the hospital!

The emergence of new tumors

The skin is constantly changing, and nevi, although with different frequencies, appear in everyone.

Normally, the accumulation of pigment in a certain area of ​​the skin after a mole appears should remain constant, and the spot should not change.

A flat or pedunculated spot that appears at birth , whether formed in early childhood in a child, should change in size in proportion to his growth.

If the point grows faster and its edges blur, most likely it is .

The dangerous thing is that at first the neoplasm may not differ from the main shade of the skin, but later such a nevus becomes covered with red or gray spots.

Like possible black spots, these changes indicate an unfavorable process. Especially if they are accompanied by pain or itching.

Darkening of old nevi

Any mole on the human body is unpredictable.

Congenital black spot carries danger, but it is much worse if the previously light nevus gradually becomes covered with dots and noticeably darkens.

If old mole turns black quickly and causes discomfort, this indicates the growth and division of melanin cells, and an increased likelihood of cancer.

Dark spots in children

The appearance of nevi in ​​childhood is a variant of the norm.

But the appearance of large black moles, especially on the stomach or other part of the body where ultraviolet radiation does not reach, should alert parents.

These nevi are needed urgently.

Change in color of hanging nevi

A hanging neoplasm can change color when injured - due to the tear, blood does not flow to the edge.

As a result hanging mole It dries up and falls off on its own, but it’s better to get ahead of it, don’t hesitate, and see a doctor for removal.

He will determine how best to remove the nevus, and if the neoplasm is suspicious, he will send the material to.

Video: “Removing moles. Videodermatoscopy"


Dark birthmarks are not an indication for removal.

For example: almost every person will find a nevus on their leg or arm. In some people, birthmarks may be present on the genitals: in women - on the labia, in men - on the penis.

Benign spots are removed only in cases where they are constantly rubbed with clothing, or rubbed with shoes if the nevus is on the feet.

When a mole suddenly changes color dramatically (becomes black, red or gray), blurs with uneven outlines, or itches, then you should consult a doctor.

  • As a rule, a tumor suspected of melanoma is removed surgery, and do a biopsy from the taken material. If cancer cells are found, the issue of chemotherapy and long-term treatment melanoma.
  • In the case of a nevus, even with dots on it, removal can be done with laser, radiotherapy, and other low-traumatic methods, which only a doctor can choose.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove a black mole yourself - be it by burning it out with acid, or by wrapping a thread at the base of the nevus.

As a result, you can get cancer that has arisen unnoticed and reached the incurable stage.


Extremely simple measures prevention can prevent a terrible disease.

What to doto protect yourself from melanoma:

  • do not abuse the sun's rays, especially on vacation, spending the whole day on the beach;
  • After bathing, dry your skin completely, as drops of water intensify harmful influence UV rays;
  • people with fair skin should avoid tanning altogether and cover their skin during the day from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • use summer cosmetics with high level UV protection;
  • choose light-colored beachwear made from linen or cotton fabrics.

Compliance with these simple rules, together with constant monitoring of moles, can be decisive in preventing this terrible disease.


Questions and answers

Dark spots appear on the body after sun exposure

After a vacation, many people wonder why the round mole turned black.

It's all about ultraviolet radiation - under prolonged exposure to rays, a larger amount of melanin accumulates in the spot, which determines the color of the neoplasm.

What becomes blackened in this way will not necessarily develop into cancer, but will most likely remain dark.

Is a flat mole with a black dot in the center dangerous?

The presence of black dots on the surface of a nevus does not mean that it is cancer.

And when the spot continues to darken and constantly increases in size, you need to mandatory Contact a dermatologist or oncologist and carefully monitor the nevus.

Why did the labia enlarge and darken?

Symptoms of tumor growth and darkening indicate a constant increase in melanin.

Only a doctor can determine how dangerous such a mole is, especially if a woman is pregnant. The presence of cancer should not be ruled out.

Hanging blackened at the tip

Due to their design, pendulous nevi regularly succumb to injury, and often turn black at the tip, as blood stops flowing into them.

This is why nevus can dry out. This common reason when it falls off on its own.

But not everyone is lucky - there is a chance that a pathological process has begun at the site of the nevus.

Therefore, as soon as a hanging mole begins to turn black, or a new one appears next to the old one, you need to consult a doctor.

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A mole or pigmented nevus is a formation on the skin consisting of melanocytes (cells containing melanin is a natural pigment, it also forms the color of the eyes, skin, hair), it is initially benign.

A black mole contains many melanocytes, which explains its color. Nevi occur due to ultraviolet radiation or are congenital. But it is worth considering that due to certain circumstances, an ordinary mole can degenerate into melanoma - skin cancer.

Every year, about 200,000 cases of melanoma are diagnosed worldwide, of which 65,000 (73%) are fatal.

Skin cancer most often occurs on the legs (about 50%), least often on the neck and face (10-15%). In this article we will help you understand the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and also answer frequently asked questions on this topic.

Causes of black moles

If the mole is congenital or appeared in childhood (before 16 years of age), then it does not pose a danger and the risk of melanoma is almost zero.

Nevi that appear after 30 years or if old ones begin to change are dangerous: they grow, change shape, color.

At first, the formations are no different from benign ones, but later they become covered with red or black dots, bleed, peel and hurt.

Main causes:


After long sunbathing, you may notice that the mole has turned black. It's not always warning sign. The appearance of a dark dot on a spot indicates excessive sun exposure and an increase in the amount of melanin.

To protect yourself, you must follow the following precautions: (in the morning before 12 and in the evening after 17), do not cover stains, this creates a greenhouse effect.


Under its influence, many structures change and black moles may appear or old ones may darken; this is not dangerous, but constant monitoring is required. Therefore, nevi that appear after adolescence are dangerous.


Any mechanical actions with light moles (tearing, rubbing, squeezing) can give rise to the appearance of black moles and their degeneration into melanoma.

Moles appear in a variety of places on the skin and even on the mucous membranes, but the favorite localization of a black mole is on the back, leg, arm, sometimes neck and face.

Signs of degeneration into a malignant form

Diagnose early stages melanoma is not difficult, you need to constantly examine nevi according to the following criteria (according to international system ABCDE).

    A (asymmetry) – asymmetry

    Benign formation can be divided into two equal parts, malignant -

    B (border) – edge

    It should be smooth, without jagged edges or roughness.

    C (colour) – color

    The presence of red, black, gray dots and uneven color indicate the transition of the nevus to a malignant tumor.

    D (diameter) – diameter

    A large black mole can degenerate into a tumor; any change in size is a dangerous symptom.

    E – variability

    The appearance of crusts, peeling, itching, pain, bleeding, hair loss on the surface of the spot are also symptoms of melanoma.

If you notice any changes, immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist. Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

Dark blue nevi in ​​children

The appearance of black moles in childhood completely normal. But if you notice a lot of new black formations in your child, they need constant supervision under the guidance of a doctor.

If there are changes according to the ABCDE system, it is necessary additional diagnostics and examination by a specialist.

Mole removal methods

IN modern world Thanks to various discoveries, there are many ways to remove nevi. Each wallet has its own method.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and select optimal method treatment taking into account all contraindications.

Removal method


Surgical Conducted under local or general anesthesia using a scalpel. It is important to consider that scars remain after the procedure.
Treatment with low or high temperatures Cauterizing the mole with dry ice or liquid nitrogen. The cells are frozen or cauterized and die. In case of use high temperature resort to the use of anesthesia, since the method is painful.
Laser An excellent treatment option, it leaves no scars and is painless.
Radiation Pinpoint irradiation does not cause pain, but cannot be used if there is a high probability of melanoma.

Preventive measures

Main preventive method is not neglecting trips to the doctor and being attentive to your health.

Precautionary measures:

  • Sunbathe in moderation, do not appear on the beach during the hours of maximum solar activity (from 12 to 17).
  • After swimming in the sea or river, dry your skin thoroughly so as not to increase the effects of the sun's rays.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen with high SPF.
  • Conduct a skin self-examination.

How to examine your skin yourself

Using the ABCDE system outlined above, you can easily examine the skin at home, but you should not forget about medical institutions.

An excellent way is to photograph moles and then compare them.

For people who have up to 5 suspicious nevi on their body, self-examination should be carried out at least once every 3 months.

If you have 5 or more atypical formations, an examination should be carried out at least once a month; if you notice any change, go to a dermatologist.

Every person has slightly noticeable marks on his body. dark spots. These are so-called black moles. Experts explain this phenomenon as a non-oncological formation.

It is difficult to understand when they appeared. The main explanation is too fast growth pigment skin cells.

Why do black moles appear?

The reasons for the appearance of black moles are quite natural and banal. This may include exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), internal changes in the body, defined as hormonal, or external damage in the form of mechanical impact.

Most of these cells are flat. Black moles have a uniform color and a round shape.

Observe dark moles on the body as early as childhood. Over time, as a person grows up, they may become darker and increase in volume.

In adults, there are a total of ten to forty skin pigmentations. Having reached the third decade, their development usually stops and, if additional moles appear, this is a reason to consult a dermatologist. Thus, it is possible to prevent the development of melanoma - one of the types cancer diseases skin

A reasonable approach to the problem

Instantly panic when you find it on your body black mole not worth it. First, it’s worth understanding the reason for its appearance. It is also important for general peace of mind to be able to distinguish between skin birthmarks and cancerous tumors.

Those involved in this topic can often even determine from a photo of black moles that they belong to a certain type. The topic is quite interesting and useful for general development.

The main types of moles and what are their characteristics

It should be noted here that there are three types of skin formations directly related to tissue pigmentation.

The first type includes a benign “fly”. It is not dangerous if its parameters are only 5 mm wide, it has distinct edges and a smooth surface. There is no need to fear cancer when such a mole appears.

The only thing that should be guarded against is the formation of more than 50 such black moles on the body. Seeing a doctor will not be superfluous, although according to experts, this type extremely rarely turns into cancer.

The second type of black moles is called dysplastic nevus. If you want to know what the appearance of black moles of this type means, you can come to the conclusion that this variety deserves closer attention.

The size of a mole of this type exceeds 5 millimeters. The shape is flat, the surface has additional shades.

It is multiple rashes of similar dysplastic nevi increase the risk of such a serious skin disease as melanoma. Statistics show that people in such situations are 10 times more likely to get such a dangerous disease.

The third type is melanoma itself. It is already known to be perceived as a serious, fast-growing cancer. It looks like a birthmark. Its development appears suddenly and rapidly.

Main features:

  • external noticeable changes in black dots on a mole;
  • the appearance of other, additional shades on the surface (red blotches, white, blue);
  • hardening of the mole. In this case, it resembles a small dense lump.

Children's problem in the field of skin diseases and its solution

The biggest worries for parents arise when they notice black moles on their children. Their manifestation in rare cases occurs during the prenatal period.

The main formations are discovered after childbirth and grow with the baby. This is a genetic process and a completely natural phenomenon.

All parents, however, are interested in what to do with black moles in children? Undoubtedly, this makes some people happy. A mole, as an element of the baby’s external resemblance to his father or mother, evokes affection. But this fact is starting to worry many. Parents are interested in how serious problem represent black moles, how to get rid of them or how to protect the child and prevent further negative development.

When the situation really becomes truly serious, you cannot do without medical intervention. Considering all the dangers that may arise at a certain moment, one should under no circumstances rely on various home methods.

Only a specialist can examine moles and classify their type. And we are not talking about a cosmetologist, but specifically about professional doctor(oncologist or dermatologist). Mole removal is not cosmetic procedure, but medical. It is important for parents to remember this so as not to harm the child.

Medical methods for removing black moles (nevi) involve several areas of medical intervention. From simple to complex.

Most reliable method Doctors consider removing moles using a scalpel (excision). The easiest method is considered laser removal. But even this procedure requires mandatory prior consultation with a doctor.

The importance of such a simple method, according to experts, is evidenced by the fact that after the operation the child needs to be seriously looked after and observed by a doctor.

Photo of a black mole

Birthmark - these are all names for a benign pigment formation on the human skin. Moles can be present on the skin from birth or appear throughout life, be various colors(from light brown to black), rise above the skin or be completely flat - whatever the nevi, they are safe until they begin to degenerate into melanoma - skin cancer. on the body are especially prone to such degeneration if there is favorable conditions.


The cause of the most common mole is an excess of melanin pigment in the skin, which leads to the growth of melanocyte cells, their concentration is called a nevus.

As for blacks, there are much more of these formations.

Why moles darken:

  1. Direct exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet promotes the appearance of new birthmarks, and changing the color of existing ones down to black.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels. Many black moles on the body may appear during pregnancy or during puberty.
  3. Systematic mechanical damage to the skin. This problem is typical for moles that are located in places that are constantly exposed to shaving and friction with clothing. It is recommended to remove such formations after consultation with a doctor.
  4. Hereditary factor. It is rare to see a mole on the body of a newborn. There is a version that they are simply negligible to be seen with the naked eye. But already at 2-3 years of life, nevi may appear on the child’s body. And if one of the parents has black moles on the body, the baby may also have them black.
  5. Bacterial or viral skin diseases.
  6. Exposure to x-rays or radiation.

If one of the black moles on the body has darkened even more for no reason, this is a reason to immediately contact an oncodermatologist.

Safe nevi

There are several classifications of moles, depending on the time of their appearance, color, size and appearance.

Black moles on the body are divided into:

All of these moles are benign provided they have:

  • diameter less than 0.5 cm;

Any deviation from the norm, even one black mole on the body, is a reason to visit medical institution.

Suspicious moles

In addition to ordinary moles that do not cause concern to their owner, there are several types of nevi that can be dangerous not only to health, but also to human life.

Dangerous neoplasms:

If there is the slightest suspicion of nevus degeneration, it must be remembered that early diagnosis melanoma can save life.

Critical symptoms

Sometimes black moles on the body are in such places that you can evaluate them yourself appearance can be difficult. In such situations, other symptoms of a change in the mole should alert the owner.

Symptoms of nevus degeneration:

  • bleeding from a mole;
  • burning sensation, itching;
  • loss of hair growing from the formation;
  • the appearance of inflammation and ulcers;
  • The surface of such a mole is rough to the touch, you can feel the scales.

Particular attention should be paid to moles that appeared after the age of 35.

Self-diagnosis methods

To make it easier for patients to remember what to pay attention to when observing nevi, doctors formulated the so-called FIGARO rule, which got its name from the first letters of 6 points that indicate a change in a mole.


  • shape - the formation is raised above the level of the skin;
  • change in the size of the nevus, noticeably accelerated growth rate;
  • the boundaries of the mole are unclear;
  • asymmetry - the 2 halves of the nevus differ from each other;
  • size exceeds 0.5 cm;
  • the color changes - multi-colored dots are added, and may become completely discolored.

To make it easier to track possible growth and changes in the color of skin tumors, it is recommended to independently measure and record their diameter and take photographs.

Establishing diagnosis

If a black mole appears on the body, you cannot limit yourself to self-diagnosis. Considering the danger of melanoma, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and decide whether to remove a mole.

Diagnostic methods:

  • interviewing the patient - the doctor needs to know whether the patient has been exposed to direct sunlight, whether there is a hereditary factor, what is his general condition;
  • dermatoscopy - examination of skin tumors without surgical intervention;
  • histology analysis - determining the presence of malignant cells in the formation;
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • general tests blood and urine;
  • biopsy - taking a sample of mole tissue for analysis.

If the degeneration of a mole is confirmed malignancy other diagnostic methods are used (CT, MRI) to determine the stage of the disease, activity cancer cells, presence of metastases.

Treatment and observation

If the appearance of a black mole on the body poses a probable danger of the nevus to the life and health of the patient, the attending physician decides to remove the formation.

Mole removal methods:

  • with help liquid nitrogen, or cryodestruction - getting rid of pathological formations using ultra-low temperature;
  • laser removal - gradual removal of pigmented tissue, the least traumatic method, often used on the face;
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization with electric current, in contrast to laser, which is prohibited for dark skin, suitable for any type of epidermis;
  • excision with a radio knife, or radio wave method- the device does not come into contact with the skin, leaving no traces;
  • surgical removal- recommended only for malignant tumors, as it allows nearby tissue to be removed along with the melanoma to prevent relapse.

The method of removing a nevus is strictly individual and is selected by the attending physician based on the type of mole, the patient’s tests, the characteristics of his skin and general condition health and immunity.

Risk group

There are groups of people who are especially susceptible to the degeneration of moles into malignant formations.

Risk groups include:

  • people over 35 years of age who have new blackheads or moles on their body;
  • patients whose number of moles exceeds 50, regardless of age;
  • people with light skin, hair, eye color;
  • owners of nevi susceptible to hereditary factors;
  • people with weak immune systems.

To prevent the occurrence of melanoma, patients at risk are recommended to visit a dermatologist every 3 months, and for other owners of moles - annually.

Preventive measures

If a person has a tendency to form black spots on the body, similar to moles, it is especially important to adhere to the following recommendations to avoid their degeneration into oncology.

Prevention of melanoma:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, especially in daytime when the sun is most active;
  • do not visit the solarium;
  • avoid mechanical damage moles, if there are nevi in ​​places of constant friction with clothing, razor trauma, it is recommended to remove such formations after consultation with a doctor;
  • abandon synthetic materials that create a greenhouse effect and contribute to skin irritation;
  • people with fair skin should avoid long stay in the sun, regardless of the time of day.

In addition to all of the above, treatment and removal of moles is prohibited. traditional methods. Self-medication can aggravate the problem and delay the moment of correct diagnosis and the start of life-saving therapy.