Jack Russell Terrier. How much does a purebred Jack Russell Terrier puppy cost with documents?

The Jack Russell Terrier is a compact dog. which at first glance can be mistakenly considered decorative. In fact, the Russell Terrier is hunting dog, which was originally used as a hunter in holes for foxes or rats, because its small size allows it to feel free in a hole, and its strong jaws and courageous character allow it to fight and win the battle with animals.

This breed was bred by the English priest Jack Russell, who loved hunting. This variety of terrier is named in his honor. Unfortunately, until 1992, the International Canine Federation did not recognize the Jack Russell.
So, the Jack Russell Terrier is a very energetic, playful, friendly, intelligent, as well as brave and courageous dog breed. Representatives of this breed are famous for their intelligence and wonderful athletic qualities, despite their small size. Russell Terriers need attention and are very attached to the family in which they live.

According to the accepted standard, the Jack Russell skull is quite wide, but noticeably narrows towards the eyes, the nose and lips are black. The eyes are medium-sized, dark and almond-shaped, the ears are small and neat, raised and bent on the cartilage. The neck of this breed is long, strong and muscular, slightly disproportionate to the body. This unusual length of the neck allows the dog to easily grab prey without bending the front limbs.

The body of the Jack Russell has rectangular shape, elongated, the chest is voluminous, the stomach is tucked, and the ribs are slightly curved and elastic, thanks to which the dog easily moves through narrow places in burrows.

The limbs, both front and rear, are very strong and strong. The length and muscles of the forelimbs should be the same as those of the hind limbs. The paws are medium-sized, rounded, the pads are elastic and very dense. The high and vertical tail of the Jack Russell Terrier, according to the standard, must be docked so that it is at the same level as the ears.
The coat of the dog breed in question is thick and short, the hair can be either hard or smooth.

Grooming, namely thorough combing, provided during the dog's molting period. The Russell Terrier's coat can be completely white, white with red, black or brown spots, but these spots should only be on the head and the base of the tail.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very compact dog, whose height is 25-37 cm and weighs 5-7 kg. The lifespan of a Russell Terrier is 10-15 years.

Any deviation of the dog from the above specified standard, as well as cowardice or malice, not dark, but Blue eyes, non-black nose, erect ears, incorrect coloring, albinism, undershot or overshot are the reasons for its disqualification.

We invite you to watch a video about Description and standard of the Jack Russell Terrier breed...

Lovers of active pastimes try to choose a dog whose character could best fit into their lifestyle. They are completely uncomfortable with large breeds, requiring a lot of attention, but luxurious “dwarfs” are unlikely to be appropriate. In this case, the ideal companion will be the Jack Russell Terrier - the ideal dog for an energetic fidget (remember Milo - funny dog from the movie "The Mask") Our article will help you get to know this breed better and learn the nuances of keeping and caring for it. By the way, if you have no idea what to name your dog, then Milo is a great idea.

Origin story

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is one of the most prominent representatives of Foggy Albion. Its selection began in the 19th century, and the name comes from the name of the English priest John Russell, who for some reason had the nickname Jack. His position in the church did not prevent him from being a passionate fox hunter, and it was he who began work on developing a breed whose characteristics would allow him to achieve maximum result. The main goal of selection was to improve hunting skills, while external qualities Special attention was not given.

Breed characteristics

The main task of the Jack Russell Terrier was burrow hunting, that is, the dog had to crawl into the hole, drive the animal out of there or defeat it in a fight. Considering the tasks assigned to the breed, the dog must be small in size, but at the same time be strong and maneuverable. Despite the fact that the breed standard was established relatively long ago, crossing Jack Russell Terriers with other representatives has been carried out in our days. The results obtained did not give the expected effect (the existing qualities were not improved), so the selection stopped, and the initial data remained unchanged.

Appearance and standard

Like any other breed, the Jack Russell Terrier has a certain standard, which is characterized by the description below. You can also see an adult dog in the photo and note certain features for yourself. The physique of this dog allows it to be active and easy to maneuver.

Despite its relatively small size, the terrier is considered quite strong and powerful. The coat may be smooth, rough or mixed type. The tail does not necessarily need to be docked, so this is not considered a serious problem. Let us dwell in more detail on the description of the standard.

This variety of terrier is characterized by a flat skull of moderate width, which gradually tapers towards the jaws and eye area. The transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is defined quite well, but is poorly expressed. The distance from the forehead to the nose is slightly shorter than to the back of the head. Nose color is black. The lips are also black in color and fit tightly. The jaws are powerful and strong, the teeth have a scissor bite.

The terrier's body has the shape of a rectangle. The neck, like the back, has strong muscles. Lumbar region short, fairly strong and muscular. The chest is not wide, but deep. The permissible girth of the ribs behind the elbows is approximately 40-43 cm. The front and rear limbs have well-developed muscles, thanks to which the dog successfully maneuvers.

The color of this breed is dominated by White color, on which there may be black and red markings, and various shades of red are allowed: from the lightest to rich chestnut. The height of an adult is within the range of 25 - 30 cm. For every 5 cm of height there is 1 kg of weight, that is, with a height of 30 cm, the optimal weight is 6 kg. At good care life expectancy reaches 13-15 years.

Any deviation from the standard is considered a defect in the breed. Significant defects include excessive aggression or shyness of the dog. Also, any physical deviations are not allowed. You can see a more detailed description of the breed standard in the video from the KoKTeLTV channel.


Jack Russell Terrier puppies are very active from the first days and require constant training. By leaving everything to chance, you risk raising a little devil who will make your life a nightmare. This is not an exaggeration, it actually is, because the character of this dog will not allow it to sit quietly in one place. Do not forget that the terrier is primarily an athlete and a hunter, and requires an appropriate attitude, so too playful character should not come as a surprise to you.

Despite the characteristics of being restless and rowdy, the Jack Russell Terrier is highly trainable. He readily accepts commands and is always open to new knowledge. Unlike other terriers, this breed has proven itself to be more balanced, so you can safely leave small children with your pet - you are unlikely to find negative reviews from owners about these kids.

With proper training, terriers live peacefully at home with other pets. They are great friends with cats and dogs of other breeds, but if they lack attention they can be too intrusive. In the photo below you can see a grown puppy in the family.

Conditions for keeping at home

As we noted a little earlier, having other pets is not a good reason to give up your puppy Milo. The presence of small children will only work to your advantage, because a dog raised with them will become a true friend and guard. Dogs of this breed require very active walking.


In general, if we take into account the reviews of the owners, the Jack Russell Terrier is completely unpretentious. He feels equally at home both in the house and in the apartment. You need to learn several skincare procedures, which we will talk about in more detail.


Depending on the type of six, and for Jacks it can be smooth, hard and mixed, caring for it involves different procedures. Given its high activity and restless nature, your pet will have no problem finding a place to get dirty. There is no point in bathing your dog every time, but you will have to wipe his paws with a damp towel after every walk. Frequent bathing washes away the protective layer and greatly dries out the skin, so water procedures should only be used if absolutely necessary. For the same reason, you should only use quality shampoos, which will not cause the dog allergic reactions and irritation. At the same time, remember that you should not wash your dog frequently with detergents, but just water is quite acceptable.

IN ordinary life The molting period of a dog is clearly tied to the time of year, but at home the temperature difference is practically not felt, so we can say that molting is sluggish and almost constant. Your pet will have to be brushed constantly, so teach your puppy to use a hairbrush from early childhood. In most cases, Milo's relatives respond adequately to combing and happily expose their sides. You can see a neat and well-groomed Jack in the photo below.

Oral hygiene

The timing of the formation of tartar and plaque is individual for each dog, but if early age training and care included brushing teeth, then this problem will probably avoid your pet. If your pet is among the problem ones and you notice tartar, there is no need to run headlong to the dentist. It is very easy to remove it at home using a special spatula. Otherwise, if your Jack’s diet is composed correctly, then he will not have problems with his teeth, but as a preventive measure, regularly inspect the animal’s jaws.

Eyes and ears

It is no wonder that the eyes and ears are the most vulnerable parts of the animal, so it is extremely important to constantly monitor their cleanliness. Wipe inner part ears cotton swab soaked in a special lotion, but do not go deep into the ear canal. Great danger represents for the dog ear mite, but its presence can only be determined by taking a test in a clinic.

It is quite rare to come across reviews of Jacks having eye problems. Despite this, little fidgets can catch some kind of infection. A small amount of discharge is still acceptable and is not considered an abnormality, but if your dog scratches his eyes with his paws and they become noticeably red, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. At home, first aid is to wash the eyes with chamomile infusion or unsweetened tea.

Nail care

When living in an apartment, a dog has very few places to grind down its claws. naturally. If they are not trimmed in a timely manner, the pet may harm itself. As a rule, a terrier accustomed to this procedure from childhood tolerates it without problems, but if the training and upbringing were not the best, be prepared for surprises. A treat that should be given to a pet with a harmful character after the procedure will help brighten up the procedure a little.

Optimal diet

Any owner is interested in a very simple question: how often and how much to feed a newly adopted pet? In most cases, Jack Russell Terrier puppies are raised on dry food, which is completely balanced and contains all the necessary substances for normal development. There is no need to change your diet suddenly, but if you want to feed your puppy natural products, then introduce them gradually and small quantities. The animal must receive animal products and plant origin, but the question remains - how much?

While the Jack Russell Terrier is actively growing, 75% of the diet should be milk and meat. This amount of protein should be enough for the normal development of the body. The remaining 25% consists of cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is very important not to overfeed the puppy. In the first 4 months, they eat six meals a day, and each meal should be different from the previous one. From six months the puppy begins to be fed 3 times a day, and from nine months they are given food twice - in the morning and in the evening. The weight of the daily portion should not exceed 10% of the puppy’s weight. On thematic forums you can find positive reviews about switching puppies to natural feeding.

An adult Jack Russell Terrier has a slightly modified diet. The need for meat is reduced to 60%, and the remaining 40% is taken up herbal products. How much to feed a dog is an individual matter, but daily norm should not exceed 5% of its weight. It is also worth monitoring the cleanliness of the dishes and the availability of fresh water.

Possible diseases

The most dangerous are considered congenital diseases, but even with them the pets live quite cheerfully. This is luxation or displacement of the lens, and the disease can affect both eyes at once. Dangerous period from 3 to 8 years, but treatment is possible at home with the help of medications.

Another dangerous disease is the offset kneecap. At first, you may not notice any abnormalities, but if you do not take action in time, your pet may develop arthritis. It is worth noting that the musculoskeletal system is a vulnerable point of the Jack Russell Terrier, so a sufficient amount of calcium must be present in the diet. In any case, if deviations are detected, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Photo 3. Jack Russell Terrier puppy runs along the sand
  • Head, Cranial Region, Skull- the skull should be flat, of moderate width; gradually tapering towards the eyes and jaws.
  • Stop(transition from forehead to muzzle) - well defined, but not very pronounced.
  • Facial area -
  • Nose: black.
  • Muzzle- the length from the stop (the transition from the forehead to the muzzle) to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop to the occipital protuberance.
  • Lips- tight-fitting, pigmented black.
  • Jaws/Teeth- jaws are very strong, deep, wide and powerful; strong teeth with a scissor bite.
  • Eyes- small, dark with a penetrating expression; the eyes SHOULD NOT be bulging, the eyelids should close; the edges of the eyelids should be pigmented black; almond-shaped eyes.
  • Ears- “buttons” or hanging; good structure and very mobile.
  • Cheeks- the cheek muscles should be well developed.
  • Neck- strong without vices, allowing one to carry one's head in a balanced, good manner.
  • Body - General form rectangular.
  • Back- straight; the distance from the withers to the base of the tail is slightly longer than the height from the withers to the ground.
  • Small of the back- The loin should be short, strong and muscular.
  • Breast- chest deep, not wide, defined edge chest should be located in height halfway between the ground and the withers. The ribs behind the elbows should be grasped with both hands - in a volume of approximately 40 - 43 cm.
  • Sternum- The sternum is clearly defined in front of the shoulder.
  • Tail- can hang down at rest; must be in a vertical position when moving; if the tail is docked, then the tip of the tail must be at the level of the ears (the fold line of the ears).
  • Forelegs- The shoulder blade is well deflected back with slightly developed muscles.
  • Shoulder of sufficient length and angled design to ensure that the elbows are positioned under the body.
  • Forearm straight from elbows to toes when looking at the dog from the front and side.
  • Hind limbs- strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder blade.
  • Knee cap bends well.
  • Hock joint short.
  • Metatarsus- parallel in a free stance when looking at the dog from behind.
  • Paws- medium-sized, round, dense, soft pads, moderately arched fingers, turned neither in nor out.
  • Gait/Movement- conforming to the norm, free and springy.
  • Wool- Hair.
  • Hair can be smooth, broken or hard; must be protected from bad weather; The coat should not be altered (total trimming) to appear smooth or broken.
  • Color- the predominant white color has black or brown markings; brown markings can range from the lightest shade to chestnut.
  • Dimensions and Weight- Ideal height is from 25 to 30 cm.
  • Weight: should be the equivalent of 1 kg of weight for every 5 cm of height, i.e. a 25 cm tall dog should weigh approximately 6 kg, and a 30 cm tall dog should weigh 7.5-8 kg.
  • Flaws- any deviation from the previous points should be considered a shortcoming, and depending on the degree of severity, it should be assessed proportionally. However, the following deviations and vices should be especially penalized:
    - lack of true terrier characteristics
    - lack of balance, that is, exaggeration of any points
    - sluggish or unreasonable movements
    - defective mouth
  • Males must have two full-fledged testes, completely descended into the scrotum.
  • Bitches are not exhibited at exhibitions both during the period of estrus and in the period close to estrus....

Sometimes it is impossible to forget a piercing, lively gaze; once you look into his eyes, you can remain under hypnosis for a long time. The small, agile terrier dog also attracts attention with its appearance – coloring and neatness.

And if, when searching for a puppy, you manage to find an unusual mark - a white heart on the forehead, you are guaranteed a touching moment of meeting the breed. But the Jack Russell Terrier breed captivates not only with its appearance, but also with its activity and cheerful disposition. Once you get to know him, you will jump and play around with Russell, like Small child, knows no boundaries.

As already mentioned, the breed was developed in Great Britain by the priest John Russell. He wanted to create miniature dog to take her hunting, slightly pointed muzzle, strong teeth, paws, soft moving ears….

All these traits have successfully taken root in the jack, making it possible to pull any prey out of the hole, crawling into the most secluded places. Strong muscles and the dog's jaws help it grab the hunter's heaviest trophy. Of course, without developed intelligence and training abilities, it is unlikely that the dog could do all this. So, John did a great job; the dog’s kindness and friendliness towards children and adults emphasize its unique personality.

Breed standards

By classification FCI breed The Jack Russell Terrier belongs to the third group of terriers, that is, to their small representatives. These are working dogs with the possibility of being kept in an apartment as a companion and friend.

Breed standards for a long time differed and each kennel club had its own.

To date, unified standards for the Russell Terrier breed have been developed:

  • The body is slightly elongated and slightly larger than the height of the dog;
  • Ideal height from withers to tail is 25-30 cm;
  • Weight varies from 4 to 6 kg;
  • The head is slightly flattened, wedge-shaped;
  • The eyes are dark, outlined with dark pigment, and the nose is always black;
  • The tail is small, pointed;
  • The dog's color is spotted, with a predominance of white;
  • The coat is smooth, sometimes slightly hard, but the hairs fit tightly;
  • The Russell Terrier's forelimbs are strong and widely spaced, with the paws facing forward;
  • The hind limbs are thinner than the forelimbs and bend well at the kneecap;
  • The ears should be soft, the corners must be tilted straight forward, covering the hearing aid;
  • The chest and shoulders are massive and muscular.

The breed standard provides for the dog to be very active; the Jack will not sit still for even 5 minutes, so it is suitable for very active people, athletes and fidgets, just like the Jack Russell Terrier. However, the owner must be able to manage his pet, devoting a lot of time to education and training.

Otherwise, the dog will mistake the owner for his own and will stop obeying. important points. The dog's weight cannot exceed 7 kg and be less than 5 kg for an adult! According to the standard, sizes will increase - for every 5 cm there is a weight gain of 1 kg.

Choosing a puppy or how not to make a mistake

Wherever you buy a puppy of this breed, whether you prefer a show class dog or a breed, it doesn’t matter, you need to pay attention to appearance and behavior. Even when buying a dog secondhand, which will be much cheaper for the owner, it is better not to purchase a sick puppy.

Here you need to act with your head, and not just instinctively feel sorry for the puppy. After all, the dog’s health is most important; it is even harder to care for a sick dog than a healthy dog.

The nursery will offer you options, and they will also show you the parents’ documents, which list the possible hereditary diseases, will provide a statement of vaccinations performed, the weight and height of the newborn, etc.

You can buy a seemingly healthy puppy, but hereditary diseases will take you by surprise, how to treat them and how much time and money it will take is unknown...

In addition to documented “facts” about the dog, it is important to take a closer look at appearance and the behavior of the puppy. As a rule, puppies at 2-3 months are already active, cheerful and do not have complexes when meeting people. If you notice aggression, cowardice, this is a sign of pathology, but perhaps also embarrassment, wait a little, maybe the terrier will get to know each other and become affectionate.

The puppy must have wet nose, the aisles are not contaminated with secretions, the gaze is attentive, purposeful, not tired. The tail can be lowered only in a calm state, otherwise it should be horizontal. Be sure to check the tail for growths; there shouldn’t be any, this also applies to the ribs.

The puppy's teeth should be clean, their presence in the mouth is appropriate for their age, and their bite should be scissor-shaped. The puppy still weighs very little, according to his age, about 2 kilograms.

That's all the tricks for choosing a healthy pet. Following them and knowing the standard of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, it is already difficult to make a mistake, acting only at the behest of the heart. By raising a puppy from an early age and instilling skills in it, you will never be disappointed in it.

The friendly nature of the dog will be in perfect harmony with your attitude towards it and the world. Well behaved dog Not only will your children like it, the Jack Russell Terrier will become the favorite of all neighbors and acquaintances, will come to the rescue in trouble and become a traveling companion in all endeavors.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed was bred for professional hunting in holes for small animals. The FCI, an international canine organization, approved a single world standard for the Jack Russell Terrier in 2001. The basics of the standard: height, weight, proportions, properties of this breed are described in this article.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed standard includes the following features:

  • appearance and proportions;
  • movements;
  • appointment;
  • character;
  • dimensions: weight and height;
  • head;
  • body type;
  • forelimbs;
  • hind limbs;
  • wool cover;
  • color;
  • flaws;
  • vices.


Active and hardy, the Jack Russell Terrier has a flexible build. middle length and has an instant response. For this expressive breed, having a heavy chest with undeveloped muscles is unacceptable.

The dog's coat is smooth, hard and broken (broken). The thick coat should be rough to the touch, but not too harsh, and should cope well with weather conditions.

At first glance at the rectangular body of the Jack Russell Terrier, it seems that the dog is growing in length, but not in height. From the chest to the withers of the animal there should be the same distance as from elbow joint front paw to the ground. At the request of the dog owner, the tail can be, that is, some part removed.


The working characteristics of the breed allow the dog to move energetically and quickly. The Jack Russell Terrier's gait should feel free and confident. Due to its low weight and height, the dog can easily overcome obstacles.

Compliance with a standard can be determined when the dog is walking without a leash. All movements of the Jack Russell Terrier should be natural and relaxed.


These are terriers with good working qualities, capable of making their way through the narrow channels of any hole to catch small animals. The dog should drive the animal out of the hole, and not grab it with a death grip.

For any hunter, the Jack Russell Terrier will be a faithful companion. And for any family - a devoted friend.

This breed can only be suitable for those people who lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


Discerning, cheerful and highly intelligent, the Jack Russell Terrier has a bold and energetic character. Thanks to its striking features, this dog is easy to train. The education of this dog must begin from an early age, otherwise the animal’s stubbornness and aggressiveness may take over. It is necessary to be able to restrain the dog’s persistence so that he can learn to control himself.


The height of a male Jack Russell Terrier should ideally be twenty-five to thirty centimeters; minimum weight after the final development of the dog - five kilograms. An adult dog weighs no more than six kilograms.

The height of a female Jack Russell Terrier should be twenty-three to twenty-six centimeters, and its weight should also be up to six kilograms.

Calculating how much a dog weighs is very simple: for one kilogram of weight there are five centimeters of height. Accordingly, if an animal’s height is twenty-five centimeters, then its weight is five kilograms. If a dog is thirty centimeters tall, then its weight will be six kilograms.


According to the standard, a dog's skull of medium length should be flat, gradually tapering towards powerful jaws. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is well defined, but not too clearly defined.

The nose is black.

The Jack Russell Terrier's muzzle should look like this: the length from the stop to the back of the head with a characteristic bump should be slightly longer than the length from the nose to the stop. The proportion is five to two.

The dog's lips fit tightly to the muzzle with black pigmentation.

The dog's cheekbones should have well-developed muscles.

A scissor bite of strong, square, wide jaws has a full set of powerful, healthy teeth. Teeth damaged as a result of hunting are not considered a defect and such a dog should not be fined. But a protruding jaw with poorly developed muscles is a defect.

Almond shaped eyes small size with completely closed eyelids, they have a dark shade and a soulful look. Convex eyeball is a defect.

The Jack Russell Terrier's mobile and strong ears can be drooping or slightly raised on cartilage. The dog can turn them one hundred and eighty degrees. Prick ears are considered a defect according to the standard.

Well-developed neck muscles allow the dog's head to be balanced. Length strong neck should correspond to a two to three proportion relative to the back of the animal. The neck is responsible for the balance of the entire body, so a neck that is too powerful, short or long is a defect.

Body type

According to the standard, the Jack Russell Terrier's body should be rectangular in shape with a flat back. The length from withers to tail is slightly longer than from ground to withers.

The short loin has well-developed muscles, since the ribs of the chest cannot withstand heavy loads.

A deep chest should have a small volume. In the middle of the distance from the ground to the withers of the animal there should be a clearly visible part of the chest. The volume of the ribs behind the elbows of the forelimbs is forty to forty-three centimeters. If you look at the dog from above, the chest should be visible from behind the shoulder.

The tail hangs down in a calm state; when the Jack Russell Terrier is excited, it becomes straight and accepts vertical position. If the animal's tail has been docked - some part has been removed - its end should be at the level of the ears.


The shoulder blades have not very developed muscles and are tilted back.

For clear fixation of the elbows, the front legs have a moderately long shoulder with an angular design.

If you look at the Jack Russell Terrier from the front or side, you can see that from the elbow joint to the toes, the dog has an absolutely straight forearm.

Round paws with soft pads and small toes. Toes turned inward or outward are considered a defect.

Hind limbs

Strong hind legs Jack Russell Terriers have well-developed muscles. They maintain balance in proportions relative to the shoulder blades.

The hock joint stands at a comfortable angle relative to the ground and is located quite low.

If you look at the dog from behind when it is standing calmly, you will see that the metatarsus are parallel to each other.

Small, densely built, hind legs have soft pads. Toes turned inward or outward are considered a flaw.


The coat of Jack Russell Terriers has:

  • smooth;
  • hard or gestural;
  • intermediate or broken - “broken”.

The coat should feel a little hard, dense and cope well with adverse atmospheric conditions. Wool that is soft to the touch is considered a flaw.


The main body color of the Jack Russell Terrier is white. There are red, brown or black spots on the body.


Any deviations from any points in the standard are considered as defects. Among them are particularly obvious flaws, for which you can get a fine at the exhibition:

  • non-compliance with basic parameters;
  • lack of balance in the proportions of the body;
  • lethargy in movements;
  • poor reaction or lack thereof.


A Jack Russell Terrier may be disqualified if the dog has the following defects:

  • obvious aggression of the animal;
  • cowardice in the terrier's character;
  • obvious physical abnormalities;
  • obvious deviations in the dog’s behavior.

What does your Jack Russell Terrier look like?