Exoderil - instructions for use, release form and indications. Returning a healthy appearance to nails - instructions for using Exoderil ointment

Fungal nail disease onychomycosis - quite unpleasant condition. Human body does not suffer from the inside, but brittle, corroded and disintegrating plates do not paint either women or men.

In the treatment of onychomycosis, it is important to achieve a fungicidal, i.e., killing effect for the causative agent of the disease. To suppress the activity of pathogenic flora and restore affected surfaces, dermatologists prescribe Exoderil for nail fungus or its analogues, if the price or result of use does not suit the patient, who has read a lot of reviews and has high hopes for this remedy.

Exoderil: release form and composition

Drug Exoderil manufacturers medications Available in two forms:

The active substance of the antimycotic is hydrochloride, the concentration of which is equal to 10 mg/g. Auxiliary components of Exoderil solution are ethanol, propylene glycol, purified water. The cream additionally contains sodium hydroxide, sorbitan stearate, polysorbate 60, cetyl, benzyl and stearyl alcohols and other ingredients.

It is not difficult to understand whether Exoderil helps with nail fungus, and how well the product treats onychomycosis, based on the pharmacodynamics of the drug. Its action is aimed at complete defeat pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms that belong to the causative agents of mycosis and onychomycosis. If harmful strains are eliminated from the human body, recovery occurs - both the nails and the adjacent skin return to normal.

The antifungal effect of the solution and ointment is explained by the ability of naftifine to block the production of ergosterol. This substance is part of the cell membrane of fungi. Its deficiency thins the membrane and reduces its resistance to penetration medicinal substances. As a result of antimycotic therapy, fungi die.

Exoderil is effective against all types of fungi that affect human skin and nails. Most often, mycosis and onychomycosis are provoked by molds and yeasts, strains of the dermatophyte group, and fungi of the Sporothrix schenckii family.

Methods of using Exoderil and dosage

Instructions for using Exoderil differ slightly depending on the form of the medicine prescribed by the doctor. The solution is highly effective on smooth surfaces with hyperkeratosis and on the scalp.

The ointment can be used in all situations associated with fungal infection.

Instructions for use of Exoderil cream

Before treating the affected area, hands or feet with fungal symptoms are washed and dried. Then, using a file or scissors, remove as much of the affected area of ​​the nail as possible. The plate is lubricated twice a day, covering the bed and cuticle. Exoderil is used against onychomycosis for 6–8 months.

How to use Exoderil solution

When nails become infected with fungal spores, treatment with Exoderil in the form of a solution lasts up to six months.

On the eve of the first session, the affected area is cut down, trimmed with scissors or softened with urea. In the latter case, after lubricating the affected surface with a urea solution, the finger is wrapped in polyethylene and the film is tightly fixed for 3 days. Then the application with urea is removed and the damaged areas of the nail are cut out with scissors.

The solution from the bottle is dripped onto the fingertip and the liquid is evenly distributed over the nail bed, the plate itself and the cuticle. A bandage (except a sealed one) is applied to the treated finger. Before each antimycotic treatment procedure, nails are washed and wiped with a soft cloth.

If during the first month of use the Exoderil solution or cream does not improve the condition of the nails, stop the therapy and consult a doctor again to undergo new examinations and review the diagnosis.

Exoderil for nail fungus: side effects and contraindications

Most patients leave positive reviews for Exoderil solution and ointment for nail fungus, since the drugs are well accepted by the body. But in hypersensitive patients, the drug in all forms can cause side effects:

If allergy symptoms appear, stop using the drug and consult a doctor. Other reactions disappear on their own some time after the procedure.

Experts call contraindications to the use of Exoderil for the treatment of nail fungus individual intolerance to its components and allergies to the composition, the presence of wounds on the surface to be treated, as well as pregnancy and lactation. For children under 18 years of age, Exoderil cream and solution are prescribed with caution.

If the drug is used as a component complex therapy, this does not detract from the effectiveness of other means. However, during treatment with various external medications, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 15 to 20 minutes.

Naftifine hydrochloride does not reduce the patient’s mental abilities and does not affect the speed of reactions. Therefore, Exoderil can be safely used to treat fungus and at the same time deal with any professional activity, including operating mechanisms.

Analogues and synonyms of Exoderil

Synonyms for Exoderil are antifungal agents containing naftifine, and all drugs with fungicidal, fungistatic and antifungal effects based on other active ingredients are considered analogues. A synonym for Exoderil is in the form of a cream and solution.

Analogues of Exoderil for the treatment of nail fungus will be:

  • Fongial.
  • Binafin.
  • Batrafen.
  • Mikoderil.

Note that Exoderil does not exist in the form of nail fungus varnish, so it is pointless to look for reviews on this type and price. Of course, varnish is more convenient to apply than solution.

Some patients commonly call Exoderil drops varnish. In consultation with your doctor, you can treat nails for onychomycosis with varnishes such as Oflomil, Batrafen and Fongial.

Cheap analogues of Exoderil cream include the following medications:

Absolute analogues of Exoderil in different forms release:

  • Mikonorm.
  • Atifin.
  • Octicyl.
  • Terbizil.
  • Thermikon.
  • Ungusan.
  • Fungoterbin.
  • Terbifin.
  • Fungoterbin Neo.
  • Solutions Nichlorofen, Nichlorgin.

How much does Exoderil cost for nail fungus and what is the price of its analogs, you can find out at the pharmacy. In Russian currency, the cost of Exoderil starts at 400 rubles and reaches 1100 rubles.

Registration number: P N011273/01-170915
Trade name of the drug: Exoderil®
International generic name: naftifine
Dosage form: cream for external use


active substance: naftifine hydrochloride - 10.0 mg.
Excipients: sodium hydroxide - 1.2 mg, gasoline alcohol - 10.0 mg, sorbitan stearate - 19.0 mg, cetyl palmitate - 20.0 mg, cetyl alcohol - 40.0 mg, stearyl alcohol - 40.0 mg, polysorbate 60 - 61.0 mg, isopropyl myristate - 80.0 mg, purified water - 718.8 mg.

Description: white, homogeneous or slightly grainy, shiny cream with a faint characteristic odor.
Pharmacological group: antifungal agent
ATX code: D01AE22

Pharmacological properties

Nnaftifine is an antifungal agent for external use, belonging to the class of allylamines. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of squalene-2,3-epoxidase, which leads to a decrease in the formation of ergosterol, which is part of the cell wall of the fungus. Active against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum, molds (Aspergillus spp.), yeasts (Candida spp., Pityrosporum) and other fungi (for example, Sporothrix schenckii). Naftifine has a fungicidal effect against dermatophytes and aspergillus. Against yeast fungi, the drug exhibits fungicidal or fungistatic activity depending on the strain of the microorganism. It has antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that can cause secondary bacterial infections. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to the rapid disappearance of symptoms of inflammation, especially itching.
When used externally, it penetrates well into various layers of the skin, creating stable antifungal concentrations in its various layers. After application to the skin, less than 6% of naftifine is systemically absorbed. The absorbed amount is partially metabolized and excreted by the kidneys and intestines. The half-life of the drug is 2-3 days.

Indications for use

Fungal skin infections and skin folds(tinea corporis, tinea inguinalis), incl. interdigital mycoses (tinea manum, tinea pedum);
- fungal infections nails (onychomycosis);
- skin candidiasis;
- pityriasis versicolor;
- ringworm (with or without accompanying itching).


Hypersensitivity to naftifine, benzyl alcohol or other components of the drug; pregnancy and lactation (safety and effectiveness of use have not been determined).


Children's age (experience of clinical use is limited).

Directions for use and doses

For skin lesions Exoderil® is applied once a day to the affected skin surface and adjacent areas (approximately 1 cm of healthy skin at the edges of the affected area) after thoroughly cleaning and drying them. The duration of therapy for dermatomycosis is 2-4 weeks (if necessary - up to 8 weeks), for candidiasis - 4 weeks.
When nails are damaged Exoderil® is applied 2 times a day to the affected nail. Before the first use of the drug, remove as much of the affected part of the nail as possible with scissors or a nail file. The duration of therapy for onychomycosis is up to 6 months.
To prevent relapse, treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks after the disappearance of clinical symptoms.

Side effect

In some cases there may be local reactions: dry skin, skin flushing and burning. Side effects are reversible and do not require discontinuation of treatment.


No cases of overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other medicinal substances

No interaction with other drugs was noted.

special instructions

Precautions for use:
Exoderil® is not intended for use in ophthalmology. The drug should not come into contact with the eyes.
Effect on ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms:
Exoderil® does not provide negative influence on the ability to drive vehicles and perform other activities that require concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Onychomycosis of nails is a very unpleasant fungal disease. The human body does not suffer internally, but decaying nail plates do not paint either women or men. Exoderil helps in the treatment of onychomycosis - instructions for use show how to quickly eliminate itching skin. To eliminate the problem, an ointment or solution is applied to the affected area daily for a long period.

Exoderil for fungus

In the treatment of a fungal disease, it is important to achieve a fungicidal result for the pathogen. To suppress the development of pathogenic flora and restore damaged skin, dermatologists prescribe the use of Exoderil. This is an antifungal agent that has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, and has a fungicidal effect on the affected skin surface.

The drug is effective against fungi of the dermatophyte group trichophyton, epidermophyton, microsporum and the genus candida. In addition, Exoderil is used to treat nail fungus, lichen (pityriasis versicolor) and skin affected bacterial infection. The medication is especially effective during the treatment of infections located on the hairy areas of the body and on the skin with hyperkeratosis.

Composition and release form

The active component of the antimycotic Exoderil is naftifine hydrochloride. Excipients depend on the form of release of the antifungal drug, the manufacturer of which is the Austrian pharmaceutical company Sandoz GmbH:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The activity of naftifine is fungicidal against dermatophytes. The component affects yeast fungi, depending on the strain of the microorganism. In relation to gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause secondary infections, the active substance has antibacterial activity. Naftifine has an anti-inflammatory effect that promotes the rapid disappearance of all symptoms of skin inflammation. It quickly penetrates the epidermis, creating a persistent antifungal concentration in all its layers.

Indications for use

  • trichophytosis;
  • skin lesions of candidal origin;
  • microsporia;
  • epidermophytosis of skin folds and feet;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • onychomycosis;
  • mycosis;
  • fungal infection of the auditory canal (external).

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions, Exoderil of any release form is used exclusively externally. The medicine is applied to clean, dry skin. It is recommended to capture one centimeter of healthy surrounding tissue during treatment. The duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis. For the treatment of dermatomycosis it is 2-4 weeks (severe form - 2 months). For onychomycosis, the duration of use of the drug can be up to six months.

Cream Exoderil

Indications for the use of the ointment include fungal skin infections of varying depths and prevalence. The drug is applied to the area of ​​the pathological focus no more than once a day. The approximate dosage is 0.05 mg of nafitifine per 1 square centimeter. To achieve a more pronounced antifungal action Before applying the ointment, the treated area of ​​skin should be washed soap solution, then dry.

For nail diseases, agents are additionally prescribed that loosen the nail plate so that Exoderil can penetrate deeper. The nail is restored as new tissue grows after 3-4 weeks of daily use of the ointment. For mycoses of the skin of the external auditory canal, the cream is carefully distributed in the ear canal cotton swab. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Exoderil solution

As indicated in the instructions, Exoderil drops must be applied to thoroughly cleansed and dried affected skin surfaces once a day. If the nail is damaged, use a file and/or scissors to remove as much of the damaged area as possible before using the medicine for the first time. For onychomycosis, the solution is applied 2 times a day, covering the treated surface with a tight bandage. Therapy for fungal infections can last from 4 to 6 months (on legs up to 1 year). The duration of treatment for mycoses is up to 4 weeks.

special instructions

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with open wounds and mucous membranes. Without special purpose The doctor should not use wraps on the affected areas of the skin or apply sealed bandages. The drug Exoderil does not have a negative effect on the ability to perform activities that require speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration, including operating machinery and vehicles.

During pregnancy

Naftifine is actively prescribed to destroy yeast fungi during pregnancy. However, there is a category of women in whom the drug may have a negative effect on the fetus. This is due to the fact that the concentration of naftifine absorbed into the liver is 6%. The organ works differently in people, so it has its own characteristics, due to which certain substances can accumulate in the body. The question of prescribing Exoderil to a pregnant woman is decided by the attending physician. Apply any of it yourself dosage forms during this period is strictly prohibited.

Interactions with drugs

Exoderil ointment or other dosage forms of the drug do not interact with other medications. At simultaneous use If you take it with other medications, you should consult a doctor, as side effects may occur. On first appearance skin reactions or recurrence of infection, use of Exoderil should be stopped immediately.

Side effects and overdose

According to reviews, the drug is well tolerated by patients. There is no data on an overdose of Exoderil. To treatment antifungal drug passed without side effects, you must follow the instructions or recommendations of doctors. If the dosage is not observed or the duration of therapy is exceeded, skin reactions such as burning, redness, and dryness may occur. Discontinuation of the drug is required allergic manifestations: the occurrence of urticaria, dermatitis and other symptoms.


The main prohibition on the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components. For ointment - benzyl alcohol and naphthysifin, for drops - propylene glycol. For burns and wound surfaces, do not apply the drug to the skin. Pregnancy, lactation and childhood are not a contraindication, but the medication for these conditions should be prescribed by a doctor.

Exoderil is an effective, popular antifungal agent for external (local) use. The drug has fungicidal, fungistatic and bactericidal properties. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of two dosage forms - cream (ointment) and medicinal solution.

Many people suffer from onychomycosis (nail fungus). This disease spreads very easily, but is difficult and takes a long time to treat. The drug Exoderil can quite easily cope with any fungal disease. In addition, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the symptoms of inflammation, and soothes itching.

For the treatment of what diseases is exoderil prescribed, instructions, use, analogues, composition of the drug, what? Find answers to questions asked The instructions for the medicine will help. You will find its insert in every factory package. In the meantime, I offer it to you detailed description. It is compiled for informational purposes and for ease of understanding. But before you start treatment, be sure to read the original leaflet for the drug yourself.

What is the composition of Exoderil?

The active ingredient of this medicine is naftifine. This is an antimycotic (antifungal) substance that belongs to the group of allylamines.

The solution contains 1% naftifine. Excipients: propylene glycol, ethanol, as well as purified water, etc. The solution is intended for topical use. It is a transparent, yellow-tinged liquid with a characteristic odor of alcohol.

The cream also contains 1% naftifine. Excipients: sodium hydroxide, benzyl and cetyl alcohol, as well as sorbitan stearate, polysorbate, specially treated water, etc.
The cream is intended for topical use. It is a white mass with a characteristic alcoholic odor.

What are Exoderil's analogues?

The drug Exoderil has no structural analogues. But if necessary, it can be replaced with drugs with similar medicinal effect. These drugs include: Fungoterbin, Naftifin, Fetimin. The following will have an excellent antifungal effect: Oronazole, Mycozoral, etc.

What are Exoderil's indications for use?

Exoderil is prescribed for the treatment of skin affected by fungi. These are various mycoses that occur both on the surface of the skin and in its folds and between the fingers.

The drug is very effective for nichomycosis. This fungal diseases nail plates.
It is prescribed for the combined treatment of inflammatory dermatomycosis.
The solution is often prescribed for the treatment of mycoses developing in the external auditory canal.

The cream and solution are prescribed for the treatment of skin candidiasis, as well as in the treatment pityriasis versicolor.

What is the use of Exoderil? What do the instructions say?

Both cream and Exoderil solution are used exclusively externally. Apply cream or moisten the affected area with the solution, covering small areas of surrounding healthy tissue. Before the procedure, the skin is thoroughly washed and then dried with a towel.

When treating mycosis affecting the external ear canal, you need to moisten the rolled-up cotton wool with the solution. After which you should insert the flagellum into the ear canal and hold it for up to 7 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day. No bandage is applied. Treatment - 2-3 weeks.

When treating onychomycosis of the nail, it is necessary to remove as much of the affected nail plate as possible, and then apply the drug. You need to use it 1-2 times a day. The cream or solution should be applied to the affected nail and surrounding skin, then gently and easily rubbed in. Treatment of onychomycosis is long-term. Sometimes therapy lasts up to six months.

A disease such as dermatomycosis can be treated for up to 8 weeks. Well, in general, average duration The duration of therapy usually ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. The final duration of treatment will be determined by the attending physician. After the course of treatment and getting rid of the fungal infection, doctors recommend using the drug for another two weeks. This is necessary to prevent possible relapses infections.

What are the side effects of Exoderil?

Patients usually tolerate the drug Exoderil very easily, the instructions for use of which in some cases allow the possibility adverse reactions body in response to its use. For example, after applying the medicine, dry skin, redness, itching and burning may occur. If such reactions occur, continue to use the drug, as the negative effects will pass very soon.

What are the contraindications for Exoderil?

As the instructions warn, the drug Exoderil should not be used in patients with increased sensitivity to his active substance- Naftifina. This medicine should not be used if the skin is broken. That is, it is not applied to wounded, burned or any damaged areas of the skin.

In custody:

Throughout the treatment of fungal nail diseases, do not forget to regularly trim the affected areas of the plate. This way, you will get rid of the fungus faster and easier. In parallel with the use of Exoderil, make soap and soda baths for the affected nail (1 tbsp soda, 20 g laundry soap for 1l. moderately hot water).

Visit your doctor before starting treatment. It must be remembered that to treat any fungal infection you only need A complex approach. The entire treatment package will be formulated and prescribed to you by a dermatologist. Be healthy!

In this medical article can be found medicine Exoderil. The instructions for use will explain in what cases the ointment or cream can be taken, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Exoderil, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of nail fungus and other mycoses of the skin and skin folds in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list analogues of Exoderil, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

An antifungal drug for topical use is Exoderil. Instructions for use prescribe taking a cream or ointment, 1% solution for onychomycosis, fungal diseases of the scalp, pityriasis versicolor and mycoses.

Release form and composition

Exoderil is available in the following dosage forms:

  1. Cream or also incorrectly called ointment for external use.
  2. Solution for external use 1%.
  3. Solution (Exoderil) 1% is contained in dark glass bottles of 10 and 20 ml, cardboard pack 1.
  4. Cream (ointment) Exoderil (Exoderil) 1% - in aluminum tubes 15 and 30 g, cardboard pack 1.

pharmachologic effect

Exoderil has bactericidal, fungistatic and fungicidal effects on the human body. Given medicine causes a lack of ergosterol, as well as the accumulation of squalene in fungal cells, due to which the death of microorganisms occurs.

The use of Exoderil negatively affects the vital activity of dermatophytes, Candida fungi and mold fungi. This medicine has a detrimental effect on some gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. At local application Exoderil is well absorbed into all layers of the skin, creating a therapeutic concentration.

Approximately 6% of the active component penetrates the systemic circulation. This medication is partially metabolized and excreted in urine and bile. The half-life varies from two to three days.

Indications for use

What does Exoderil help with? Cream and ointment are prescribed for fungal skin diseases caused by naftifine-sensitive microorganisms:

  • fungal infection of the external auditory canal;
  • skin lesions of candidal etiology;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • trichophytosis (caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes);
  • mycoses complicated by secondary bacterial infection;
  • fungal pathology of the scalp (microsporia);
  • onychomycosis;
  • epidermophytosis of skin folds, feet (including those caused by Epidermophyton floccosum).

Instructions for use

Exoderil should be applied to the affected skin surface and adjacent areas once a day, after thorough cleaning and drying, covering approximately 1 cm of healthy skin at the edges of the affected area.

The duration of treatment for dermatomycosis is 2-4 weeks (if necessary - up to 8 weeks), for candidiasis - 4 weeks, for onychomycosis the drug should be used 2 times a day for up to 6 months.

For onychomycosis, before the first use of the solution, it is necessary to remove as much of the affected part of the nail as possible with scissors and a nail file. To prevent recurrence of infection, therapy should be continued for at least 2 weeks after clinical cure.


The main contraindication to the use of Exoderil is intolerance to any of the components included in the cream or solution (active or auxiliary).

In addition, the drug should not be applied to wound surfaces.

Side effects

Exoderil is well tolerated. In isolated cases, the drug may cause the following: side effects: redness of the skin at the site of application of the solution or cream, dryness and a burning sensation. These side effects go away quickly and on their own and do not require discontinuation of the medication.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Exoderil is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (safety and effectiveness have not been determined).

The medicine is prescribed with extreme caution in childhood.

special instructions

Drops and cream are not intended for use in ophthalmology, and therefore contact with the eyes should be avoided.

The medicine does not have a negative effect on the ability to drive a vehicle/mechanics.

Drug interactions

Due to the lack of systemic action of Exoderil and analogues, their interaction with other drugs is unlikely.

Analogues of the drug Exoderil

Analogues are determined by structure:

  1. Naftifin.
  2. Mikoderil.
  3. Fetimin.

Analogs have a similar effect:

  1. Lamisil.
  2. Nitrofungin.
  3. Saledez.
  4. MC Peele.
  5. Mozoil.
  6. Batrafen.
  7. Terbizil.
  8. Tebikur.
  9. Lamisil Uno.
  10. Loceril.
  11. Nichlorofen.
  12. Fungoterbin.
  13. Atifin.
  14. Octicyl.

What is better - cream or solution?

A special feature of the drug Exoderil is that in addition to the antimycotic effect, it also has antibacterial activity: the drug affects pathogenic microorganisms, often combined with fungal infections.

The solution penetrates well into the nail, being evenly distributed in it and helping to destroy the fungus, relieving inflammation and eliminating itching.

For some diseases (in particular, mycosis of the feet, when both the nail plate and the skin are simultaneously affected), both dosage forms are often used in combination: the nail is treated with the solution in the morning, and cream is applied to the skin in the evening.

In severe cases, in addition to topical therapy, systemic antimycotics (tablets, solution for infusion, powder for the preparation of oral suspension) can be prescribed.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Exoderil (cream 15 g) in Moscow is 485 rubles. The price of the solution is 568 rubles per 10 ml. Available without a prescription.

Keep this drug must be kept dry and protected from children and direct sun rays places at room temperature not exceeding 30 C. Shelf life is 5 years from the date of production.