If you dreamed about cucumbers. Why does a woman dream of picking fresh cucumbers?

A cucumber seen in a dream promises you a speedy recovery and general strengthening health. Such a dream can be called very great luck, because it carries extremely good omens. This dream can be a harbinger of great success and a successful outcome of all matters. It is of particular importance for people who are or have just entered into a relationship. Your love will become even stronger, and you will be convinced that you have met a very good man, with whom long-term, promising relationships are possible.

cucumbers in a dream what is it for

For lovely ladies, a dream with cucumbers is a harbinger of great attention from the opposite sex. You have a huge choice of men, but be careful when trying to build relationships. If you see cucumbers in the snow, then most likely there are intrigues woven behind your back regarding your personal life. Someone has been wanting to denigrate you for a very long time. For young people, dreams associated with cucumbers are always signals that they will soon be able to significantly improve their financial situation. Don't miss a good moment and follow the signals of fate.

cucumbers in a dream

It is known that the cucumber is the personification masculinity and it is on this fact that the meaning of such a dream is based. If you see a dream with cucumbers, then know that the subconscious mind is telling you about some long-standing problems in intimate life. This interpretation applies specifically to women. Most likely you suffer from unsatisfied desires and aspirations of a sexual nature. But men who dream of cucumbers should be congratulated. For them it's a clear sign that everything is fine with them in the intimate sphere. Soon, a man who has a dream with cucumbers will have to experience a most interesting erotic adventure with an extremely attractive person.

what does it mean if cucumbers are in a dream

Sleep wears exclusively positive character. A person who sees cucumbers in a dream will improve his health and financial situation. In this interpretation, cucumbers are an unconditional symbol of success.

cucumbers according to the dream book

This dream book presents an extremely unusual interpretation based on opposition. For example, if you dreamed of spoiled and quite rotten vegetables, then your health will unexpectedly improve and become stronger in the near future. Those who suffered from loneliness and illness will soon find their love and enter into a marriage that promises to be happy.

dreamed of cucumbers

To everyone who Lately suffered from illnesses and suffered for a long time, sleeping with cucumbers promises recovery. Don’t despair, now everything in your life will definitely get better. But if you ate cucumbers in a dream, be sure to pay attention to your plans, dreams and intentions. Most likely, you are under the influence of illusions. Try to thoroughly understand everything.

cucumbers in a dream

For people involved agriculture cucumber is enough bad sign. Such a dream always warns of a poor harvest and, as a result, a shortage of food. If you eat cucumbers in a dream, then something very strange and unexpected will happen in your life soon.

Dream Interpretation Cucumbers Cucumbers are bad, someone will cause trouble for you. Green cucumber - relatives will arrive. Cucumbers - success, profit. Cucumbers are a nuisance, because of the consonance: cucumbers are bitter. A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting guys. Pickled cucumbers are a weakness. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation Cucumbers Cucumbers are a blessing and a choice for the one to whom they are brought in a dream. Seeing a cucumber in season means profit, out of season means illness. For a man, eating a cucumber in a dream means profit and Success, and for a woman, it means pregnancy. They also say that seeing a cucumber in a dream means striving for something difficult and often impossible in life. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Cucumbers A dream in which you grow cucumbers portends sharp deterioration health as a result of stress and calling an ambulance. Picking cucumbers from the garden means excellent health and family joys. Cutting cucumbers into salad means sharing the fate of the unemployed, having been laid off as a result of layoffs. Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eating lightly salted cucumbers in a dream portends unrequited love. Prepare a pickled cucumber rassolnik - get a flattering review of your culinary abilities. Wash dirty cucumbers - gossip about your secret love affair. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Meaning of sleep Cucumbers CUCUMBERS - recovery, money (for a man), fulfillment of hopes, success, profit, meeting guys (for a girl) // sadness, bad, trouble; collect - to the deceased, sadness; eat - illness; eating salty foods means tears, poverty; pickled - disease. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Cucumbers A cucumber dreams of excellent health and prosperity in business. Sick similar dream promises a speedy recovery, and quick changes for the better for lovers. The cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. If you saw a cucumber in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of a cucumber promises an erotic adventure. If you dreamed of a cucumber, then unexpected guests will come to you soon. They will make you happy, add variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will stay for a long time and have time to get bored. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Cucumbers For women: The same can be said about the dreamed CUCUMBER, which promises good health and prosperity. A sick woman who sees such a dream will soon get rid of her illness. A woman in love will finally find the opportunity to always be close to her loved one.
For children: CUCUMBER - you will be deservedly praised.
For men: CUCUMBERS - Seeing a cucumber in a dream means you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. Eating cucumbers in a dream means disappointment. Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes. Picking cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink your achievements recent years. You probably already have a lot of good things in your life, but by striving for more, you don't appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Psychologist Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams as a symbol of masculinity. In other words, a man’s dream of a cucumber speaks of his unsatisfied sexual desire with one or another representative of the fair sex. For women, such dreams promise unforgettable erotic adventures.

Why do you dream about a cucumber? Miller's Dream Book

American psychologist Gustav Miller considers “cucumber” dreams to be among the best in the world. In his opinion, seeing a fresh cucumber means good health, to prosperity own business or to a quick career takeoff. For sick people, such dreams promise a speedy recovery, and for lovers - excellent prospects in relationships.

Cucumber in a dream. Dream book of the 21st century

Interpreters of this dream book All “cucumber” dreams are divided by gender: it promises money for men, gifts for women, and new acquaintances with young people for girls. Overripe or yellowed vegetables, dreamed of by business ladies, speak of gossip and squabbles behind their backs, occurring due to the fault of envious people. Yellow or rotten cucumbers dreamed of by men symbolize their inability for pure and sincere love.

Why do you dream about cucumbers? Ukrainian dream book

Cucumbers, according to the interpreters of this dream book, personify future problems and troubles. If the vegetable in the dream is unripe, then in reality a visit from relatives is planned, which will not make the dreamer very happy. Feeling the bitter taste of these vegetables in a dream means a dark streak in life. Pickled or lightly salted cucumbers predict health problems.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: cucumbers

Growing cucumbers in a dream means a sharp deterioration in the dreamer’s health. This can be caused by constant stress. Picking these vegetables from the beds in a dream predicts the dreamer’s excellent health, a surge of vitality and family joys. The dreamer may have to share the fate of unemployed people if in a dream he cuts cucumbers for salad. Pickling them, salting them and putting them in jars means deception associated with financial transactions.

Family dream book: why do you dream of cucumbers?

Cucumbers in a dream represent some kind of pipe dreams and unrealistic desires. The dreamer should urgently get rid of them and come down from heaven to earth. Eating cucumbers in a dream means being disappointed in the near future. Overripe and yellow vegetables indicate future grief. But don’t worry too much about this - soon the black stripe will be replaced by a white one.

People say: “Fresh as a cucumber.” And it's true fresh cucumbers We associate them with health, strength, and strength. Why do you dream about these green vegetables? More often, the dream book interprets a picture with a fresh cucumber as energy and vitality the dreamer, but the interpretation of the dream largely depends on the smallest details.

If you are in this moment If you have been suffering from some disease for some time, you don’t have to worry about your health: what fresh cucumbers mean in a dream promises a quick and unnoticed recovery, as well as a sharp restoration of strength and activity after an illness.

For a person who sees juicy cucumber fruits in a dream, the dream book foretells the arrival of unexpected guests, which will bring variety and joyful moments to life. But not everything is so rosy - the guests will not be in a hurry to leave, and will annoy the hosts with their presence.

For married woman seeing fresh cucumbers in a dream means an unexpected gift from your spouse. For a lonely young lady who sees such a picture in a dream, the dream book promises a pleasant acquaintance with a nice guy. For a man, such a dream foreshadows the receipt of money.

The most interesting interpretation of a dream involving this vegetable is given by psychoanalytic dream book Freud. Here the elongated green fruit is associated with a phallic symbol, and predicts an exciting sexual adventure for the male dreamer. For a woman, such a plot in a dream reflects unsatisfied sexual needs.

Actions with fresh cucumbers

According to the family dream book, eating these vegetables is not very good sign, since in the future the long-awaited achievement of the desired goal will not bring the desired satisfaction - the result will only be emptiness and disappointment.

If these bright fruits grow in well-groomed beds, and their size seems simply enormous, then this is a reflection of your subconscious. The dream book warns that the Napoleonic plans that you build in your head do not contain a real basis - turn to reality, there are more important things going on there than your fantasies.

Why do you dream about picking fresh cucumbers in a dream? We advise you to rethink your attitude towards life. You want too much without appreciating what you already have. Such careless attitude towards small valuables can lead to disaster.

The love dream book promises the dreamer who sees the plot with cucumbers in a dream unimaginable happiness. But the dream of this plot warns that in order to achieve what you want you will need to work hard - nothing is given for nothing. In any case, all the changes that you provoke through your actions will only be for the better.

Why dream of seeing a bright contrast in a dream - fresh green cucumbers on snow-white snow? This is a harbinger of the dream book that soon you will be able to gossip a lot about your love affairs in the warm company of close friends. But you don’t need to reveal all your secrets to your grateful listeners; you can easily get confidential information distributed.

Also, a dream where fresh cucumbers have to be picked from the beds may be directly related to the harvest of these vegetables. If you see a lot of beautiful and even fruits in the plantings, then the harvest will be very rich. And vice versa - if there are few of them, and they are small and crooked.

Dream Interpretation Cucumbers in the garden

Why do you dream of Cucumbers in the garden in a dream according to the dream book?

If you saw cucumbers in the garden in a dream, things will progress successfully. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign within the family circle. Feeling great will fill you with energy for new beginnings and searching for fresh, original ideas.

If you have seen cucumbers growing in the garden, you won’t have to complain about your health. There will be an increase in income in business, and new sources of financing will appear. For those who are sick, the dream foretells a speedy recovery.

Who dreamed of cucumbers in the garden?

If a woman dreams of cucumbers in the garden

If an unmarried girl saw cucumbers in a garden in a dream, it means she will not be deprived of male attention. You are about to meet a pleasant person who may turn out to be a worthy life partner.

For a married woman, such a vision means unexpected attention from her husband, receiving valuable gifts or going on a romantic trip.

What cucumbers grew in the garden bed in your dream?

What do fresh cucumbers in the garden symbolize in a dream?

The Felomena dream book explains the meaning of the symbol of fresh cucumbers in the garden as an increase in the energy flow that will fill and nourish you in the near future.

The most important areas of life will blossom, everything will begin to happen exactly as you wish. The state of health is at its best and this gives strength and desire to act, to make new, far-reaching plans.

I dreamed of big cucumbers in the garden

Why do you dream of very large, even huge, cucumbers in the garden? The dream warns that you are trying to take on more obligations than you are able to fulfill.

Don’t be overloaded, try to soberly assess your strengths and capabilities. Take on a task only if you are completely confident that you can complete it.

Dream Interpretation Fresh cucumbers

Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers in a dream according to the dream book?

Fresh cucumbers, especially if they are on the table, dream of good luck in business, fulfillment of desires and a happy future. Favorable changes are planned in both personal and business spheres of life.

Fate decided to pamper you after all the hardships and hardships. Apparently, with your good deeds and kind thoughts you have earned the mercy of higher powers.

Who dreamed of fresh cucumbers? What happened to fresh cucumbers in a dream? What were the fresh cucumbers like in your dream?

Who dreamed of fresh cucumbers?

If a woman dreamed of fresh cucumbers

For a woman, a dream about fresh cucumbers means the appearance of new fans in her environment. You will receive a lot of attention from men. Nice gifts and invitations to a romantic meeting are possible.

What happened to fresh cucumbers in a dream?

Treat yourself to fresh cucumbers in a dream

If someone treats you with fresh cucumbers in a dream, be careful when communicating with strangers, they may deceive you. If you ate a treat, you will experience bitter disappointment due to failure in business, which may occur through the fault of your business partner or work colleague.

I dreamed that I was picking fresh cucumbers

Why do you dream that you are picking fresh cucumbers from the garden? Most likely you are unhappy with the current state of things. Despite the fact that life is going well, everything is stable in your personal and business life, this does not suit you.

You want to have more than you have now. Don't chase unattainable dreams, appreciate your present. If you constantly think about what is missing, you can lose what you currently have.

What were the fresh cucumbers like in your dream?

Why do you dream of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes?

Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes seen in a dream promise a significant increase in material well-being. Positive changes will come knocking in your personal life, and a long-awaited addition to the family is possible. If you saw vegetables growing in the garden, you will soon enjoy the results of your labor.

Dream about fresh green cucumbers

A dream in which there were fresh green cucumbers foreshadows the beginning of a happy and bright streak in life. All worries and suffering will be a thing of the past, you will be able to fully enjoy the delights of a carefree existence. Personal life will improve and bring a lot of happiness.

Dream Interpretation Rotten cucumbers

Rotten cucumbers, Cucumber, Pickled cucumber, Eat cucumbers, Cucumbers in the garden, Cucumbers and tomatoes, Fresh cucumbers, Pick cucumbers, Pickled cucumbers

If you saw a Cucumber in a dream, you happened to eat Cucumbers in a dream or collect Cucumbers in a Garden, Dream Interpretations foretell a lot of pleasant events in reality. Cucumbers can indicate the state of your health at a given moment in life. Furthermore, For women, Cucumbers in a dream foreshadow the appearance of a new boyfriend.

Dreamed of fresh cucumbers or tomatoes- to prosperity; success in love and business.

Tomato, Seen in a dream, A traditional symbol of love and the birth of new relationships. Both Cucumbers and Tomatoes carry the most encouraging forecast, But only if they were fresh, ripe and ripe.

I dreamed of a fresh one, Green cucumber - good health; excess energy.

I dreamed about rotten cucumbers- loss of strength, lack of vital energy.

Cucumber symbolizes vitality and energy, and therefore appearance Ogurtsov present in the dream will indicate to you whether everything is in order with your psycho-emotional and physical well-being at a given period of time.

There are cucumbers in a dream- to guests; to well-deserved praise; otherwise - the need to reconsider your diet.

In old interpretations, Cucumbers seen in a dream foreshadow guests or promise some kind of pleasant surprise. However, in more modern interpretations Such dreams are considered physiologically determined - perhaps, recently in reality you began to abuse fatty and high-calorie foods. Maybe it's time to change your diet, giving preference to vegetable and low-calorie dishes.

Picking cucumbers from the garden (for women) has many fans.

In Freud's interpretation, the Cucumber symbolizes the phallus. Cucumbers you saw in a dream in large quantities, They indicate that in reality you will be surrounded by simply a huge number of suitors and admirers. However, this dream also has a slightly different meaning - it is probably difficult for you in reality to decide on the choice of only one partner.

Seeing a pickled cucumber in a dream, Eating pickles in a dream- family joys; otherwise - a sexual experiment.

In the traditional interpretation, Pickles foretell both family joys and a hospitable, abundant table. In Freud's interpretation, Pickled Cucumbers in a dream for men are a clear hint of reduced potency (Pickled Cucumbers are not nearly as mature and elastic). For women, such a dream indicates either dissatisfaction with a partner, or a tendency to all kinds of sexual experiments in reality.

Fresh cucumbers in the garden

Dream Interpretation Fresh cucumbers in the garden dreamed of why you dream about fresh cucumbers in the garden? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see fresh cucumbers in the garden in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Seeing a garden bed in a dream means that soon you will have a reason to remember a person who has passed away whom you knew well. Digging beds in a vegetable garden in a dream foretells good prospects in business. Weeding the beds means going, figuratively speaking, from rags to riches. Seeing beds with vegetables growing on them in a dream means prosperity and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

A dream in which you pick cucumbers promises you excellent health and prosperity in business. Pickling cucumbers - there will soon be great joy in your home.

Imagine that you have harvested a huge harvest of cucumbers. You treat your family and friends with them, and you can preserve them.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

cucumbers in the snow - gossip in connection with lovers;
seeing cucumbers means money (for a man).

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Seeing a cucumber in a dream means you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. Eating cucumbers in a dream means disappointment. Seeing a yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes. Picking cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink the achievements of recent years. There is probably a lot of good in your life, but in striving for more, you do not appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers mean vain hopes.

For a patient who dreams that he is eating cucumbers or melon, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

This dream should be interpreted in the opposite sense. For example, stale, rotten cucumbers promise you good health, for the sick - recovery, and for single people - a quick engagement and a happy family life.

Bed to sow cucumbers

Dream Interpretation Garden bed sowing cucumbers dreamed of why in a dream there was a bed to sow cucumbers? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bed of sowing cucumbers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

A dream in which you grow cucumbers foreshadows a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and a call to the ambulance. Picking cucumbers from the garden means excellent health and family joys. Cutting cucumbers into salad means sharing the fate of the unemployed, having been laid off as a result of layoffs.

Salt or pickle cucumbers - you will be deceived when exchanging currency. Eating lightly salted cucumbers in a dream portends unrequited love. Prepare a pickled cucumber rassolnik - get a flattering review of your culinary abilities. Wash dirty cucumbers - gossip about your secret love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

Cucumbers are bad, someone will cause trouble for you. Green cucumber - relatives will arrive. Cucumbers - success, profit. Cucumbers are a nuisance, because of the consonance: cucumbers are bitter. A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting guys. Pickled cucumbers are a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

In general, cucumbers in a dream speak of health and profit.

A dream about cucumbers is usually unfavorable for those who are going on a trip, as it foreshadows an accident. After such a dream, you should postpone your trip.

Seeing cut cucumbers in a dream is a favorable sign, especially for the sick, as it promises them recovery.

Almost always have a positive meaning. They symbolize the energy, activity, vitality of the sleeper and predict changes in his life soon. good side in various directions of life.

They are harbingers of wealth, love and excellent health. Only in very rare cases can fresh green cucumbers seen in a dream indicate minor troubles. Therefore, to correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember all its details.

What's coming in reality?

Fresh green cucumbers in a dream usually have a positive beginning. Most often they are associated with financial affairs, personal relationships and the state of health of the sleeping person. But, in order to understand the real meaning of a dream, you need to consider them in the context of the environment and the actions of the sleeper.

If they grow in the garden

Dreaming about fresh green cucumbers has many meanings. Some dream books believe that they dream of successful progress in financial affairs, new productive ideas, mutual understanding in the family and excellent health. During this period, a person will be overwhelmed with the desire to do something meaningful. The dream suggests that everything planned will come true, and all wishes will come true.

If an unmarried woman sees such a dream, then most likely in the near future, she will meet a worthy man who may become her husband. For those who are already married, such a dream can promise unexpected care and support from their spouse. He can also talk about an unplanned pleasant trip.

Other dream books say that if the sleeper sees beautiful beds with bright green cucumbers of enormous size, it means in reality he takes on impossible obligations. He needs to learn to realistically assess his capabilities and take on only those tasks that he is able to perform at the proper level.

Also such a dream considered a symbol of renewal and spiritual growth, it may portend an improvement in well-being and the return of warm relations between spouses.

In some dream books large green cucumbers in well-kept beds mean a very poor harvest of vegetables and fruits this year. And if in a dream cucumbers grow mixed with tomatoes, then perhaps soon creditors will demand the sleeping person to repay his debts.

Buy or collect vegetables

If a person dreams that he is picking fresh green cucumbers, then he must understand his past life, and identify what was good and bad in it. This is necessary in order to properly build your future. Perhaps the sleeper is characterized big ambitions, and, trying to achieve some heights, he loses sight of something very important.

It may happen that in the pursuit of success and recognition, he will lose everything valuable that he already has, and will not gain anything new. In other dream books, picking cucumbers in a dream, on the contrary, promises receiving a reward, improvement in financial sector, career growth and normalization of personal relationships.

If an unmarried woman collects cucumbers in a dream and puts them in the hem of her dress or skirt, then in reality she will meet with a very obsessive young man, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of. Also, such a dream usually foreshadows the appearance of small, tedious worries and troubles in the domestic sphere.

It could mean that the person is tired, completely exhausted and does not see a real way out of the current situation. In this case, you need to stop and force yourself to rest well, so as not to completely undermine your health and understand the current situation.

If a sleeping person picks cucumbers surrounded by other people, then in reality he needs to choose his friends and acquaintances more carefully. There is a possibility of meeting a person who will cause big trouble. He will entice interesting offers and good deals. But all this will be done only in order to get the information or money he needs.

If a person collected in a dream a huge amount of strong fresh cucumbers and distributed them to relatives and friends, which means in reality some pleasant event awaits him. How more people he will treat you, the greater the joy will be.

In some dream books, buying cucumbers is considered a symbol of thankless work and future troubles. It can also predict the collapse of a career. In others, it is interpreted as recognition and respect from others.

If he buys a lot of cucumbers in the store, then in reality he has a lot of hard work ahead of him for a long time. But it will bring pleasure, as it will be interesting and profitable. Other dream books interpret such a dream as a prediction of imminent problems in career growth.

Plant cucumbers

If a person plants strong and healthy cucumber seedlings, then in the near future, thanks to his work and perseverance, he will achieve a stable financial situation and his authority will grow in the eyes of others. In the future, his life will be prosperous and calm.

Sowing cucumber seeds in your garden in a garden bed or in a greenhouse dreams of some financial losses. But, most likely, these expenses will be pleasant, since the money will be used to buy some long-awaited expensive item. Also, planting cucumbers may portend difficulties in professional activities in the near future.

But with the right behavior, they will very soon be resolved in positive side. In some dream books, planting cucumbers in a garden bed is interpreted as a symbol of family well-being and the birth of a child. And in others it predicts financial instability.

There are them

Eating fresh, delicious cucumbers in a dream is considered an excellent sign, which in reality foreshadows the successful completion of a long-term project, the achievement of long-awaited success and satisfaction from what has been done. But often, after a long wait for a dream to come true, the results no longer bring much joy, and a person feels devastated and disappointed.

For a woman who in a dream sees her beloved at the moment when he picks cucumbers in the beds and eats them at the same time, such a dream speaks of the restoration of warm relations with him after a long discord. Also, eating these vegetables in a dream may indicate that unforeseen and strange events will happen to the sleeper in the near future.

This dream can also speak of a quarrel with friends or, conversely, of a pleasant surprise. When a young girl eats large and tasty cucumbers in a dream, it means that in reality she will have a quick date with a young man whom she really likes.

Often dreams can provide important clues about what is happening to a person in the present, and what may await him in the future. At correct interpretation with their help you can avoid some upcoming problems.

As can be seen from the above, dreams in which a person sees fresh green cucumbers are mostly positive. But in order to find out exactly what they portend, you need to analyze them in detail and compare the interpretation of several sources.