Euthanasia of a dog. How to put a dog to sleep. Painful and painless ways. Euthanasia of dogs at home

A pet is a family member who lives in the same way day after day, sharing joys and sorrows with everyone. But the will of nature is such that everyone, both people and animals, is mortal. Owners have the power to make the painful end of life easier for their beloved pets through euthanasia. Euthanasia is literally translated as good death. It implies the approach of death by uninterested third parties for a sick patient. This third party is veterinarian, who must confirm the need for euthanasia, if so, and carry it out.

When is euthanasia necessary?

  • Incurable diseases.

Dogs, cats and other pets can develop diseases that ultimately lead to a long and painful death for the animal. Typically this is oncological diseases, for which there is no treatment. In the final stages, the pet may experience severe suffering caused by the penetration of metastases into the vital important organs. The animal stops eating on its own, loses weight, and begins to choke.

In case of chronic renal failure in a dog or cat at the final stages of the disease, the kidney tissue degenerates into connective tissue, and the organ ceases to perform its function. The body is not cleansed of toxins, which remain in it and lead to slow poisoning, convulsions, coma and death.

The burden of responsibility for such behavior falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner, because some breeds require special education. But in life-threatening situations, extreme measures may sometimes be necessary.

  • Injuries incompatible with life.

It happens that dogs and cats get into accidents and are seriously injured. In cases where the prognosis is unfavorable and further treatment does not help, it is better to euthanize the animal so that it does not suffer from pain.

Let go to the rainbow

The decision to euthanize a dog, cat or other pet is always very difficult and requires some determination from the owners. Looking at the torment of a loved one, knowing that it is no longer possible to help, is extremely difficult. You need to think about the fact that a faithful friend deserves to make his death easier. Modern drugs allow you to do this as painlessly as possible for your pet. It would be best to listen to the opinions of several specialists who will examine the pet.

Some people are fundamentally against euthanasia. But humane euthanasia allows the animal to pass away with dignity, without suffering or pain. Not deciding to take the last step and waiting for a natural death is sometimes very selfish in relation to the pet. You need to try to make a difficult decision and let go of your dear friend with love.

How does euthanasia of an animal occur?

  1. This procedure involves medically stopping the animal's heart and breathing. Humane euthanasia occurs in two stages. At the first stage, the animal is put into deep anesthesia using an injection. On at this stage Hosts are allowed to be present. The effect of anesthesia begins a few minutes after the injection. Then the doctor makes sure that the anesthetic drugs have worked properly, this happens after 10-15 minutes. After this, the owners say goodbye to their pet.
  2. At the second stage, the doctor injects the animal with drugs that stop breathing and cardiac activity. Before the second injection, the animal’s consciousness must be completely turned off. The doctor does intravenous injection, and after 5, 10 and 15 minutes he is convinced of the absence of reflexes, heartbeat and breathing. Then he is pronounced dead.

What kind of euthanasia should not happen?

Many people, including veterinarians, oppose euthanasia. But here it is necessary to clarify what exactly the procedure is being discussed against. Unfortunately, sometimes the animal is immediately injected with drugs to stop pulmonary and cardiac activity, without prior anesthesia. Any conscientious doctor will be against this and will not even offer this option. After all, the animal is fully conscious and dies from the inability to take a breath, it simply suffocates and dies from suffocation, suffering incredibly. The majority of understanding people are against such euthanasia, without prior deep anesthesia.

It should also be alarming if the veterinarian immediately suggests euthanizing an animal that was brought to the appointment, without properly examining it or even trying to prescribe treatment. The owners should be against this approach. But such cases are rare. It often happens that, on the contrary, veterinarians take away from the owners the animal that the owners brought to be euthanized and nurse it.

Euthanasia at home

Euthanasia of animals at home, especially euthanasia of a cat, is justified. Drugs for euthanasia are allowed to be injected at home. Then the animal will not have to experience additional stress associated with a trip to the clinic. The pet will spend the last hours in a familiar and calm environment and surrounded by loved ones who will be with him until the very end.

Before the procedure, the animal must be placed on a disposable absorbent diaper; after the administration of anesthesia, vomiting and then involuntary urination or defecation are possible.

But not all clinics provide such a service. This is associated with a certain risk, because it is not clear how the animal will ultimately behave. That's why some people oppose euthanasia at home. Whether the procedure should be carried out at home or in a clinic is up to the owners to decide.

Service cost

There is no exact answer to the question of how much it costs to euthanize a cat or dog. The price list differs depending on the weight of the animal, the type of drug and the clinic itself. The price varies from 1000 to 3500 rubles. How much it costs to euthanize a dog or cat at home is more difficult to answer. Most likely, the price will be negotiable.

Sometimes we are powerless to fix things. Then you need to accept the situation and find the strength to be with your beloved friend to the end, not prolonging his torment, but allowing him in a dream to go to the land of a good hunt on the rainbow. Health and long life to you and your pets!

And others. However, unfortunately risk of illness in pets Lately increased significantly- and this is not only due to poor quality nutrition and poor environment, but also genetic and hereditary diseases. In this article we will discuss in what cases it is necessary to euthanize dogs, what medical indications exist, whether it is possible to euthanize a dog at home, and how the procedure occurs.

When is euthanasia necessary?

Controversy surrounding the need for euthanasia has been going on for a long time, and do not subside to this day. Some consider this an inhumane method and murder, while others, on the contrary, advocate saving the animal from severe suffering.

The main argument In the dispute between defenders and opponents of euthanasia, there is a significant fact: if in the case of euthanasia of a person, he himself can voluntarily agree to interrupt his life, then in the case of an animal, it is simply impossible to know the will of the pet. Of course, the opponents of the dispute in this matter are driven by love for animals and each understands in his own way how to get rid of pain. However, what makes matters worse is that we will never be able to understand how severe pain the pet is experiencing.

Today, medicine has adopted the main indicators that determine whether or not it is necessary to euthanize dogs. Let's look at them in more detail.

Did you know? The concept of “euthanasia” was first used by F. Bacon in the middle of the 16th century - this is how he meant an easy death in his works.

Medical indications

The main criteria for euthanizing a pet are the following medical factors:

  • malignant tumors of various organs (severe stages);
  • age-related ailments internal organs(heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.);
  • severe hepatopathy (liver damage);
  • metastases in the lungs;
  • cardiac or renal failure chronic;
  • animal aggression, misrecognition of owners and attacks on people;
  • difficult character;
  • old age coupled with incurable diseases
  • rabies (this is an incurable disease);
  • the birth of unwanted offspring (however, so that the female does not experience great stress, euthanasia can be carried out only 10 days after birth).

The decision to euthanasia is always made by two parties- the owners and the doctor (who must present a medical report on the need for this procedure). Legally, the right to decide whether or not to let the dog live must be taken directly by the owner himself - he realistically assesses his chances: whether he will be able to provide the necessary care to the dog, how the whole family will react to the suffering or, conversely, the death of the animal, etc. The veterinarian, for his part, must provide an objective picture of the development of the dog’s disease: is there at least a minimal chance of its recovery, how to care for the animal in its last days etc.

Important! Before deciding to euthanize your pet, be sure to be examined by several doctors in different clinics. Trust only professionals - if doctors do not conduct a thorough study and immediately make decisions about euthanasia, these are unqualified specialists. Always request a stamped medical report clearly stating the reasons why euthanasia is inevitable.

Social readings

In cases where doctors are powerless to relieve a dog's pain, if it has difficulty breathing, it cannot get up on its own, it walks under itself and it develops bedsores - such an animal needs, or 24-hour care(as if you had a seriously ill disabled person), or euthanasia. In reality, it is impossible for a person to take, for example, leave to care for an animal (this simply does not exist), and spend every minute with the patient. Even with very high-quality care, it is simply impossible to eliminate the dog’s difficulty breathing (due, for example, to metastases in the lungs) - the animal suffocates, its heartbeat worsens, and it is haunted by terrible pain.

It's not just the animal that suffers - the pet owner suffers no less, seeing his dog die and realizing that there was nothing he could do to alleviate his condition.

Severely painful agony affects and on the psyche of children- they are more impressionable than adults, and what happens can negatively affect them mental health(in psychology there are often cases when a socially unadapted person with problems of a neurological nature, under the influence of hypnosis, admitted that deviations in mental state began to occur as a result of stress suffered in childhood - be it the torment and death of a beloved pet, bullying by peers at school, etc.). Of course, the sad procedure of euthanizing a dog in this case is the most humane way to relieve the burden of both the animal and the owners.

Also, social reasons for killing can be: antisocial behavior of an animal- his attacks on people, aggression, bites, rabies - and the owner’s physical problems - if, for example, the owner has become disabled and cannot fully care for his old sick dog.

The essence of the procedure

Which side not to look at? this procedure - It's still murder and it’s worth accepting and living with it in the future. The procedure involves directly administering a specific lethal injection (there should be several of them), which anesthetizes, depresses consciousness, and stops the functioning of the pet’s heart and lungs. The procedure itself takes from 5 minutes to half an hour.

Euthanasia at home

Some hosts prefer to personally host last way their pet, and euthanize the dog at home, in a calm, familiar environment - and this is their right. However, in order to successfully carry out this procedure and achieve the final result, it is necessary to know the exact technology of euthanasia.

Important! Experts in killing pets strongly recommend carrying out the procedure under the supervision of a veterinarian (even at home) - only he can correctly measure the dose for injection and monitor the entire process. Inept administration of the drug, coupled with the wrong dosage, will only increase the pet’s suffering and agony - the euthanasia procedure will more likely resemble torture than relief from suffering.

Some inexperienced owners use the following methods of euthanasia at home:
  • injection of a solution of alcohol or ammonia into the lungs (the dog simply chokes);
  • carrying out electric current through the body of an animal - as a result of cardiac arrest and death occurs.
These two methods cannot be called humane- they cause the dog some suffering. Therefore, to make the procedure painless, injections of certain drugs are used (only a doctor should prescribe them and determine the dosage!).

It is noteworthy that sometimes veterinarians may use pills for euthanizing dogs - however, they are not suitable for killing.

Anesthetic drugs. They negatively affect the central nervous system of the animal, promote rapid swelling of the lungs, and cause respiratory arrest.

  • Sodium thiopental - puts the dog into hypnosis and causes a loss of consciousness that does not return.
  • Propofol - reduces respiratory functions, until breathing stops.
  • Droperidol is a tranquilizing medicine that significantly reduces the animal's activity (the dog stops moving).

Calming drugs (sedatives).
  • Xylazine - used to put a pet under anesthesia. Reduces blood pressure, stops breathing (if the dosage is exceeded).
  • Magnesium sulfate - decreased and depressed breathing, slowed down and stopped the heart.

Muscle relaxants.
  • "Arduan" - also used for anesthesia. Blocks the connection of nerves with muscles and tissues, which leads to a feeling of painlessness.
  • "Ditilin" - stops breathing.
  • Lidocaine is a cardiac depressant that slows down the functioning of the heart muscles, eventually leading to a complete stop.

Remember: It is impossible to carry out the procedure with one injection. First, a drug with an analgesic effect is always administered, and then an injection is given, which leads to death. If the anesthesia procedure is not carried out, the animal will die in terrible agony.

Sleeping pills for temporary sleep

Temporary euthanasia is carried out in certain cases, for example, when transporting an aggressive animal to a veterinary clinic for surgery. Veterinarians warn owners against temporarily euthanizing the animal on their own - not knowing the correct dose can plunge the dog into a sleep from which it can no longer come out. As a rule, all medications with sedative-hypnotic properties calm the animal, relieve it of fear, help it relax, relieve spasms and reduce its heart rate.

Many owners prefer not to take risks and entrust euthanasia to experienced professionals - and this, of course, The best decision. In veterinary clinics, animals are euthanized with the same thing that can be used to kill at home - we talked about these drugs in more detail above.

In specialized veterinary clinic the procedure can happen faster than at home. It must be carried out in 2 stages:

  • injection, which puts the dog under anesthesia, deep dream. If at this moment the owner is next to his pet, this will calm the animal, and it will more easily endure such a procedure;
  • administration of the second injection(only after the dog has fallen into a narcotic sleep), which directly stops the heart. This may take some time, and may even require a second injection - however, for the dog these procedures will be absolutely painless, and he will not feel any pain.

Did you know? The syringe was invented in 1853 by two people working independently of each other: the Scot Alexander Wood and the Frenchman Charles Gabriel Pravaz.

If a dog is stricken with rabies or attacks a doctor or owner, then the first stage - anesthesia and muscle relaxation - can be carried out remotely. Since such complications cannot quickly kill the dog, the entire euthanasia procedure can take from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Pros and cons of euthanizing a pet

Numerous forums are full of slogans regarding whether or not it is necessary to euthanize pets, whether it is humane or not, a necessity or a sin. Many refer to the fact that Euthanasia is officially allowed only in Belgium, Holland and some states of the USA - countries where humanity is actively proclaimed. In our mentality, the voluntary killing of an animal or person, even medical indications, is still considered a sin.

Deciding whether to perform euthanasia or not - a matter of conscience for each owner. If this the only way to save your pet from severe suffering - doctors unanimously express an opinion in favor. However, if young, healthy dogs are brought in for euthanasia, the owners are simply tired of them or they do not have the time or finances to support the dog - then this is an absolute “against”, this is an inhumane method and not a single qualified specialist will agree to euthanasia.

After euthanasia

After the euthanasia ceremony, the owner can either pick up the dog’s body and bury it himself (there are special cemeteries for animals - for burial you need to obtain permission from the local authorities), or leave these chores to a veterinary clinic - veterinarians often include cremation and burial of animals on their list of services.

Of course, making the difficult decision to end the life of a beloved pet can be very difficult. It is even harder for people after their dog is euthanized - many experience the death of the dog as the death of the most devoted family member. Many modern veterinary clinics offer special psychological services that will help you survive such a stressful situation.

Of course, making such a serious decision remains up to the owner and his family members. Quicker A new pet will help you cope with your loss- a puppy’s playfulness and friendliness, or tenderness and affection, will help you and your family adapt and continue to live a full life.

There are cases when the owner, on the advice of a veterinarian, has to decide whether to euthanize the dog. It is very difficult to do this; many people prefer to care for their four-legged pet until the last moment, waiting for its natural death. But admit to yourself that saving the life of a suffering, hopelessly ill animal for the sake of your own peace of mind and clearing your conscience is selfish. Here we will touch upon such a sensitive topic as euthanasia. I really hope that the information below will help owners of elderly or terminally ill dogs in adopting complex solution and will help many animals avoid death from incorrectly carried out euthanasia or a slow and painful death.

Euthanasia– the intentional killing of a terminally ill animal in order to alleviate its suffering. In livestock farming, the term “forced slaughter” is more often used, which is used when particularly dangerous severe infections, for example, anthrax, rabies, etc. In humanitarian medicine, euthanasia is not legally permitted in any country in the world. In the United States and some other countries, medical euthanasia is used to carry out the death penalty. So, in what cases can we say that euthanasia is the only correct solution?

The first and main condition is an unfavorable prognosis: an incurable disease, a condition of the dog accompanied by physical suffering that cannot be alleviated by the use of medications, that is, a very poor quality of life with a tendency to deteriorate. A related factor is age, for example, there are short-lived breeds (mastino-neopalitano - 7.5 years) or long-lived ones (poodles - 18 years or more). The nature of the pathology is also important, for example, genetically determined tissue fragility. Oncological pathology of the tumor oral cavity or areas of the head, tumors that impair the function of urination or metastases to vital organs - heart, lungs - traumatic pathology - polytrauma with destruction spinal cord, injuries incompatible with life. Making a decision to euthanize an animal is never easy; it should be based on the opinion of competent doctors (several if possible), the results laboratory diagnostics And general state animal.

The mechanism of euthanasia. Euthanasia can only be performed by a veterinarian. There are several pharmacological regimens, the ultimate goal of which is drug arrest of breathing and heartbeat. One thing every owner of an elderly, sick dog needs to know: the animal must first be placed under deep anesthesia using combined scheme general anesthesia. This achieves the following effects: turning off the central nervous system, pain and motor sensitivity. This means that the animal slowly falls asleep, as for carrying out abdominal surgery, and does not feel anything, only the activity of the autonomic nervous system remains - breathing and heartbeat, after which the anesthesia deepens to the stage of cardiac arrest - that is, euthanasia itself occurs directly.

I would like to inform dog owners that there are still veterinary clinics where sick and healthy animals are killed by injection of a drug that simply blocks the respiratory muscles, without prior anesthesia. You can imagine the feeling that a dog experiences with such a “humane” approach if you try to hold your breath for a long time. The animal understands and feels everything, but cannot breathe - the death of the nervous system in this case occurs after 5 minutes, and the heart can continue to work for up to 30 minutes. Who would wish such an end for their beloved dog? Euthanasia is a monstrous word; most often it means that there is no way out, that the disease has taken deep roots in the dog’s body, that the owner and doctors no longer have the opportunity to support the dying life. It is at this moment that you must finally decide for yourself what this word means to you: the last help that you can provide to your pet, or the betrayal of a friend with whom you have lived for so many years?

So: euthanasia comes from the Greek words “eu” (“good”) and “thantos” (“death”). Euthanasia is usually called the approach of death of a patient at his request, by any actions or means, including the cessation of artificial life-sustaining measures performed by a disinterested person. Of course, this definition applies to a person, an animal cannot say what it experiences, we can only judge this by indirect signs. And this decision should be made jointly by the doctor and the dog owner. By and large, this should be the owner’s decision, and the doctor in this case acts as an “independent executor and disinterested expert” who only paints the owner a further picture of the development of the disease, talks about the prognosis, and determines the dog’s chances of recovery. Be sure to thoroughly examine the animal and listen to the opinions of several veterinarians before making this decision. But if right from the door, without even examining the animal, you are offered to immediately euthanize it, quickly leave this clinic.

Here is a list of some diseases and conditions that can lead to incurable consequences and painful death of an animal.

First of all, this oncological diseases, since tumors in advanced form begin to grow, metastasizing to organs abdominal cavity and into the lungs, disrupting the functioning of organs and systems of the body. Unfortunately, animals tolerate chronic pain, they curl up into a ball, turn to the wall and become quiet, and it may seem to you that everything is normal, that this is just a temporary ailment, and at this time the animal will silently experience severe pain. If the tumor metastasizes to the lungs, the animal begins to suffocate, since the lung tissue is irreversibly degenerated, and what could be more painful than, while conscious, trying to breathe and physically not being able to do it?

Chronic renal failure– the final phase of its development, when the buds degenerate and are replaced connective tissue. Thus, all the body’s toxins, urea, nitrogen, etc. remain in the blood and poison the animal’s body, which leads to a severe condition, encephalopathy (coma, convulsions), and subsequently to edema of the brain or lungs.

Chronic heart failure– with this disease, it is possible to ensure a good quality of life for a dog for a long time with the help of medications. Even if decompensation occurs, these patients die quickly, and not long and painfully, as from the above diseases. But sometimes there are animals that painfully choke, move with difficulty, urinate on themselves, and periodically lose consciousness. This is especially true for dogs of brachycephalic breeds: pugs, bulldogs, Pekingese, Japanese Chins, Brussels Griffons.

As a rule, euthanasia also has to be resorted to for various types of injuries that are incompatible with life; one of the most severe and quite common is polytrauma with destruction of the spinal cord.

At the current level of development of veterinary medicine, even animals in in serious condition who do not get up, suffer from shortness of breath, bedsores, pain, you can prolong life for a while, but for this you need to devote all your time to the animal. This means that you will have to strictly follow the doctors’ orders, wash, clean up after him, that is, care for the animal as if it were a bedridden patient. Think about it and make your decision with a cool head and, if possible, without emotions, weighing the pros and cons, which may seem cynical. Will you be able to make sure that your pet passes away with dignity, and will it not happen that he will die in a stench and bedsores, suffering from unbearable pain. If for some reason you cannot provide a decent quality of life for your animal, do not torture yourself and him, let him go, he has already suffered enough.

You must remember that euthanasia is not murder! This is the intentional killing of a terminally ill or fatally injured animal. Do not forget that the purpose of euthanasia is to relieve such an animal from severe physical suffering. By and large, euthanasia is a benefit for a dog tormented by illness. In any case, euthanasia should always be carried out only by an experienced veterinarian, because otherwise, without strict medical supervision the suffering of the unfortunate animal can only be prolonged and even intensified.

The Orthodox Church expresses its attitude towards euthanasia as follows. To the question “...Will it be considered a sin if you give Holy water, blessed Easter cake and eggs to drink to a sick animal, or apply oil blessed on the relics of the saints of God to wounds? Isn’t it a sin to euthanize a hopeless animal?”

The priest answers: “The martyrs Florus and Laurus are traditionally considered the patrons of animals; horses are traditionally depicted on their icon next to these saints. In addition, they pray to the Great Martyr George and the Martyr Tryphon for pets. Keeping an icon in a veterinary clinic is possible and necessary. Don’t be confused by the fact that the texts of the prayers talk mainly about farm animals: for our ancestors they were breadwinners, almost family members, and pets in our current understanding were quite rare and mainly among rich people. In principle, you can pray in your own words. The main thing is that it is sincere and from the heart. Holy water, blessed oil, Easter cake and eggs cannot be given to animals - this is desecration of the shrine. Putting a hopelessly sick animal to sleep is not a sin, since the Lord placed man over the animals.”

The most optimal options for euthanasia are the following:

1. Administration of a large dose of anesthesia drugs, which turn off consciousness and depress the respiratory center. In this case, the animal instantly falls asleep, breathing stops, and after a while the heart stops. Death occurs quickly, without agony, convulsions, etc. The only drawback of this method is that the drugs have to be administered intravenously, which is not always possible or convenient.

If intravenous access is difficult or not available the necessary drugs, then another euthanasia scheme is used.

2. First, standard anesthesia is administered intramuscularly, and then, after the animal has lost consciousness, one of the drugs, which is a powerful muscle relaxant (relaxing), is administered intravenously or intracardially. The dog's muscles relax, including the respiratory muscles, which leads to respiratory cessation, and after a while the heart stops. Remember: animals can be euthanized using muscle relaxants only if the animal is in a state of deep anesthesia. Administration of a muscle relaxant without the use of anesthesia leads to painful death from suffocation, without loss of consciousness.

The only difference between the many human and dog deaths is that euthanasia is rarely used on people, but often on dogs. After all, many dogs live long enough, and people set the terms of their existence, that is, they decide how and when the dog should die. Death itself during euthanasia occurs very quietly and evenly. The dog is given a sleeping pill and falls asleep; during sleep, its heart stops. Then, depending on where she lived and what her owner decides, the dog is either cremated or buried. In countries with Christian traditions, some people believe that the afterlife exists only for them, and not for dogs. Other countries have slightly different views. For example, in Japan, an equal number of respondents recognized that both dogs and people have a soul and the right to life after death. The main advantage of a dog over a person is that throughout its life it does not think about what will happen to it after death. She approaches the end of her natural existence and dies with dignity, without needing an answer. Many people who believe in afterlife, they still hope that when they finally get there, the dogs will already be waiting for them there, on the Rainbow Bridge.

On the other side of heaven there is a magical place, above which a huge and bright rainbow always rises at its zenith. This is where our dogs end up after they die. There are green meadows and hills here, where our friends run carefree and play happily with each other. There is a lot of delicious food and clean water, warm sun and there is no suffering or pain here. Our pets feel warm and cozy here. All of them, who left us sick or old, are healthy and young here, again full of strength and energy, as in their youth. They have become here the way they visit us in our dreams or memories of a long time ago. the past few days. And, it would seem, nothing overshadows their cloudless joy in this best of all worlds. Is it just longing for those whom they were forced to leave there, at home, on the other side of the rainbow.

The portal contains a collection of Moscow veterinary clinics that offer euthanasia services for pets. Convenient tables for comparison show prices for this service and contact details of veterinary clinics.

Euthanasia of animals is a separate area of ​​veterinary care, intended to relieve terminally ill or very old pets from the torment that invariably arises when there is simply no hope of returning them to normal life. The procedure involves ending life with a special injection performed under general anesthesia.

Euthanasia of animals at home or in a Moscow clinic - help for a seriously ill pet

Euthanasia of animals or humane euthanasia is a forced event that should save the pet from suffering. It can only be performed when all treatment methods have been tried and the pet can no longer hope for a normal life. Qualified veterinarians perform a careful procedure, eliminating painful effects and using general anesthesia.

Euthanasia at home will become the best option. Many pets, even in a healthy state, do not tolerate transportation well, what can we say about sick pets? Being in familiar territory, the cat or dog will behave more calmly, allowing the veterinarian to correctly assess their well-being and make an accurate diagnosis. By calling a veterinarian to your home to carry out euthanasia, you can be sure that the doctor will not have to be distracted by other patients, thus, the pet will be given maximum attention.

Owners do not have to worry about the animal experiencing pain. An experienced veterinarian euthanizes cats at home as carefully as possible. Despite the fact that owners are usually not recommended to be present during the procedure, nothing prevents them from observing the very first stage - the administration of anesthesia. This way, you can make sure that the animal has no pain sensitivity.

When is euthanizing dogs or cats really necessary?

The main reasons for requiring euthanasia of animals include chronic diseases that cause high pain sensitivity - the pet is constantly tormented and suffering. If a cat or dog has incurable disease, which cannot be cured with medication or surgery, resorting to euthanasia will be fully justified.

In some cases, pet owners resort to euthanasia if their pet has sustained injuries that cannot be treated and cause severe pain, or has congenital pathologies and defects that interfere with normal development and a full life. This decision will be more humane and humane than watching the constant torment of a four-legged pet.

A good reason to euthanize a dog, cat, or other animal is the regular display of unprovoked aggression. It can manifest itself both in relation to other animals and to strangers, and in relation to the owner and members of his family.

How are animals euthanized?

The procedure is carried out in two stages. At first for a pet A specially prepared anesthesia is administered, which makes it possible to turn off the animal’s pain reflexes and its consciousness. For this purpose, a mixture used during operations is used - a muscle relaxant. As a rule, euthanasia of animals that is too cheap involves the use of a reduced dose of anesthesia - the injection is calculated based on the susceptibility of the pet’s body and its weight. You can save on anesthesia last minutes true friend truly terrible. After general anesthesia, the veterinarian administers a drug that stops breathing and heart activity. The whole process takes just a few minutes.

After euthanizing an animal, many owners wonder what to do with the corpse? Some people bury their pets on the property, others turn for help to veterinary clinics that offer cremation.

Euthanasia or euthanasia of dogs, cats and other animals in Moscow

Such a responsible procedure can only be entrusted to qualified veterinarians and reputable clinics. Reviews about euthanizing pets left on our portal by owners can help you choose the best option. By leaving an opinion, they share their impressions about the level of service, the quality of anesthesia and the veterinarian’s approach.

Of additional interest are the addresses and telephone numbers of veterinary clinics - thus, you can save your pet from lengthy transportation across the city. The posted prices for euthanasia in Moscow will help you determine the most appropriate cost.

This is how nature ordered it, which is much shorter than that of humans. And in any case, sooner or later, you have to say goodbye to your pet. But it becomes even more difficult because often you have to do this earlier than expected, and in some cases you even have to decide his fate on your own. Is it difficult to take responsibility? Of course... But once in the family, four-legged friend and so it depends on the person, and his life is already in the hands of the owner.

There are two types of reasons why euthanasia has to be resorted to: medical and social reasons.

Quite often, euthanasia is recommended for medical reasons. First of all, this is due to the health of the pet. The last severe stages of diseases that bring agony, as well as diseases that cannot be treated at all, become a good reason to end the suffering of your beloved pet. It can be very difficult for owners to realize that euthanasia in such a case is a humane act, and not everyone can do this, even though it is a completely reasonable option.

If we take into account the opinion of professionals, then in case of disappointing diagnoses, especially when it comes to older animals, they recommend the latter between the option of permanent pain relief with a slow decline of the pet and euthanasia. After all, not only is it difficult and painful for the owner to watch this, but the dog also experiences severe torment.

You should not make such a decision on your own; it is best to consult with a qualified doctor to find out whether there is even the slightest chance of recovery.

Veterinarians say that it is very important to choose the right moment for such a procedure. And it is better if it happens before the dog begins to feel physical pain. Often, by delaying a decision, owners allow their pet to suffer for a long time.

Injuries and disfigurements from accidents or other accidents can also lead to euthanasia. Often dogs are euthanized due to the fact that the owners do not have necessary funds for treatment.

Reasons of a social nature include antisocial behavior of the animal. Such harsh measures are resorted to if, due to aggressiveness, the dog cannot be kept near people. The dog attacked an adult or child without apparent reason, caused serious bodily harm? This is already a reason for euthanasia, in order to protect yourself and others.

Euthanasia at home

For some reasons, pet owners want to euthanize their dog themselves. What does it take to put a dog to sleep yourself?

There are several methods of euthanasia, which differ in their methodology:

  • Injection of an alcohol or ammonia solution into the pulmonary lobes, in the process the dog chokes. Most often used to euthanize unwanted offspring.
  • Conducting a powerful current discharge through the dog's body. In this case, the cause of death is cardiac arrest.

Is it worth mentioning that such methods are not humane and are more like torture. This is also evidenced by the fact that often the animal does not die immediately, experiencing hellish torments.

Therefore, it is still recommended to seek the help of a specialist or at least consult with him, selecting the necessary dosage of funds for a more civilized method of euthanasia. Can be used medicines the following groups:

  1. Anesthetics:
  • They negatively affect the activity of the central nervous system, cause swelling of the lungs and breathing stops (Pnetobarbital and sodium etaminal).
  • Sodium thiopental puts the animal into a deep hypnotic state and loss of consciousness.
  • Propofol also puts the dog into short-term hypnosis and provokes depression of respiratory functions.
  • Droperidol is a tranquilizer drug with sedative effect, which reduces motor activity.
  • Zolarepam is an anesthetic that reduces pain.
  1. Sedative (calming) drugs. Xylazine is primarily used as an anesthetic. Affects muscle relaxation, reduces arterial pressure, in doses exceeding the norm, depresses breathing.
  2. Muscle relaxants:
  • Ardoin is a synthetic drug that blocks conduction between nerves and muscles. Used in complex anesthesia.
  • Ditilin - an increased dose leads to respiratory arrest.
  • Lidocaine - used for painless euthanasia of animals.
  1. Agents that affect electrolyte balance. This group of drugs includes magnesium sulfate. At intravenous administration large quantity This medication causes muscle weakness, decreased blood pressure, and decreased breathing. All symptoms lead to final cardiac arrest.

Euthanasia of an animal in a veterinary clinic

In this case, the most humane medical procedure is used, which consists of two stages:

  • Initially, the veterinarian gives the dog an injection, usually in a muscle, which puts the pet into a narcotic sleep. It is better if during this period the owner sits next to the pet, as the dog will feel calmer and not be nervous.
  • After a certain time, a second injection follows, the role of which is to stop cardiac activity. This process takes some time, but the dog will not feel anything. At this stage, the doctor asks the owners to leave so as not to see the pet’s convulsive movements.

If the dog is not just nervous, but also shows aggression towards the doctor and owner, then a muscle relaxant is administered remotely. In this situation, the entire euthanasia process will take longer.

Once death is confirmed, the issue of burial can be discussed. You can only bury an animal on your own property. If the reason for euthanasia was the pet’s aggression towards a person, then cremation in this case is prohibited. The animal's body is sent to veterinarians to look for signs of rabies.

Cost of euthanasia

The price of the procedure directly depends on the dog’s body weight. The larger the animal, the more expensive it will cost. The average cost for euthanasia is:

  • ten-kilogram dog – from 1t. up to 2t. rubles;
  • from 10 to 20 – from 2t. up to 3t rubles;
  • up to 30 kilograms – 3-4 thousand rubles;
  • from 30 to 50 kg – 4-5 thousand rubles;
  • with a weight of up to 70 kg - from 5 to 7 rubles.

These prices apply to Moscow and the Moscow region; in provincial cities, the cost of euthanasia may be 25-30% cheaper.

If a veterinarian is not expected to come to your home, then euthanasia will be cheaper. On average, a doctor's visit costs 1,200 rubles.

In addition to euthanasia, clinics offer wide range additional services:

  • removal of the dog and cremation;
  • delivery of his ashes back in a special urn (this service will be more expensive than regular cremation).

If we talk about cost, then full complex services (euthanasia and cremation) at a veterinary clinic will cost less than ordering everything separately and taking the pet’s body to the crematorium yourself.

Two polar opinions on euthanasia

Modern dog owners are divided into two opposing camps regarding the euthanasia of their pets:

  • In the first, they believe that if a friend, more precisely a member family is hopeless, then euthanasia is truly a difficult, but the most correct decision. They share the opinion that a dog that has faithfully served man has every right to decent care - without excruciating pain, next to its owner. There is a rational grain in such judgments, since many diseases lead to a very unsightly, painful death. These include oncological diseases with metastases and multiple surgical interventions, injuries that are incompatible with life, irreversible processes within the body that have chronic or age reason. If pain relief does not bring relief, then the owners are inclined to decide to release the animal.
  • Those in the anti-euthanasia camp believe that euthanasia is murder, albeit with good intentions, and is a sin. In their opinion, a person does not have the right to decide who and how long to live. Examples include cases miraculous healings terminally ill cats and dogs. Any, even the most hopeless situation, gives hope for a miraculous cure. Euthanasia takes away hope and deprives the pet of a chance to live, albeit illusory.

Dogs are the most loyal creatures, ready to die for their owner. They endure all illnesses and hardships without complaint, without showing how hard it is for them. In this difficult situation, each pet owner makes an independent decision.