How to take Gaviscon for pregnant women. Instructions for the use of Gaviscon in early and late pregnancy, indications and contraindications, analogues. Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Ask any woman who has given birth about the most unpleasant moment pregnancy, and 99 out of 100 will say it’s heartburn. It is especially difficult for those who, before pregnancy, did not even suspect the existence of such a phenomenon.

Each expectant mother prepares herself in advance for the fact that pregnancy is not only a pleasant sensation. But you shouldn’t make yourself a hostage to heartburn either, especially since the modern pharmaceutical market is able to offer a lot of effective remedies that reduce or eliminate heartburn.

Among them, Gaviscon deserves a separate discussion - new drug, which is not very well known to the mass consumer. But those who used it as a tool against unpleasant burning sensation, speak of the medicine as the best in its segment.

The dangers of heartburn during pregnancy

It would seem: heartburn, although unpleasant, is quite natural reaction body to the emerging neoplasm. All organs are rebuilt hormonal background changes, and even does not adhere to the previous stability - it jumps up and down. Under such conditions, not a single organ can function normally, and the valve located between the stomach and esophagus is the first to “give up.” Its relaxation in the first weeks of pregnancy leads to the release of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus.

Every pregnant woman tries to treat this phenomenon with a certain amount of patience, but no one has the strength to withstand the constant painful burning sensation. But the acute manifestation of heartburn is only the beginning. The real danger lies in the consequences of untimely, insufficient or inadequate control of heartburn, which can manifest itself in:

  • bleeding of the esophagus;
  • narrowing of the esophagus;
  • disruption of the process of cell division, often causing cancer of the esophagus.

Hydrochloric acid, pepsin and bile acids have a destructive effect on the esophagus, and do not simply cause discomfort to a person. To avoid dangerous consequences, of all the antacid drugs, you should choose the one that is able to influence all the substances that provoke burning and all stages of the development of heartburn.

How Gaviscon works

Medical statistics state that about 60% of pregnant women suffer from heartburn and another half of them continue to experience heartburn (to a slightly lesser extent) while taking antacid medications. Why?

Without in any way detracting from the effectiveness of popular and advertised remedies for heartburn, we will explain the mechanism of action of Gaviscon.

When reacting with acids, it not only neutralizes them, but forms a protective neutral gel - a kind of plug between the stomach and esophagus. When does the release occur? gastric juice into the esophagus, the “plug” - the gel - is the first to enter the lumen and provides the walls of the esophagus with reliable protection that does not allow acids to destroy tissue. Accordingly, the patient cannot feel any burning sensation when acidic contents are released from the stomach. The gentle and mild effect of Gaviscon leaves virtually no chance for heartburn.

None of the “fashionable” drugs against heartburn has a similar principle of action.

Active substance of Gaviscon

The composition of the drug is quite simple, its main substances are:

  • sodium bicarbonate (regular baking soda, with which we are accustomed to “extinguish” the internal “fire” if there are no other means at hand);
  • sodium alginate (a substance responsible for the formation of a life-saving gel when interacting with gastric juice).

None of the substances present in the drug is able to be absorbed into the blood or penetrate the placenta, therefore Gaviscon is recognized as the most safe drug during pregnancy.

Release form and dosage for pregnant women

Gaviscon is better known as a suspension, but pharmacies also offer it in tablet form. The suspension is produced for single use (volume 5-10 ml) and in bottles.

To eliminate heartburn, it is enough to take one dose of disposable Gaviscon or take an identical amount of the drug from the bottle; Gaviscon in tablet form is prescribed in the amount of 2-4 tablets.

If you are constantly taking the drug, adhere to the regimen prescribed by your doctor: take Gaviscon three times a day after meals, possibly additional use- before bedtime.

The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 40 milliliters.

The nuance of taking packaged (disposable) Gaviscon is that before use it must be kneaded in the bag and then opened.

Indications for use

The most common indication for prescribing Gaviscon during pregnancy remains heartburn and its “accompaniment”:

  • sour belching;
  • heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • flatulence.

Often the drug is prescribed in the postoperative period.

Possible side effects

Call side effects after using Gaviscon in plural is incorrect because there is only one and is an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash.

But one side effect during pregnancy is too many. Intolerance to the components of Gaviscon can cause allergies and each expectant mother should think about whether this harmless rash will harm the health of the unborn baby.

At the first sign of an allergy, you should stop taking the drug and visit a doctor.

Innovative doctors and conservative doctors

Not all doctors accepted Gaviscon as necessary antacid and do not agree with everything that is written in the instructions. Therefore, they are in no hurry to prescribe the drug to their patients, urgently saving them from debilitating heartburn.

The main argument in defense of their conservatism is the lack of research on the new drug and, simply, they are playing it safe in case the pregnant woman’s body’s reaction turns out to be not entirely adequate to Gaviscon’s substances.

Another category of attending physicians (innovators) are not afraid of the negative impact of the drug on the health of the mother and fetus, since they are confident in the safety of the drug and constantly reinforce their confidence by vigilant monitoring of the condition of their patients. Close attention Doctors are focused on pregnant women suffering from heart or kidney failure.

Gaviscon by trimester

1st trimester

A pregnant woman receives the first “bells” from her stomach in the first weeks of pregnancy - immediately after the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus.

But the uterus is not able to provide the necessary level of protection to the fetus; this requires a placenta, which remains several weeks from its final formation. Pharmacists, instructions and even progressive grandmothers at the entrance will tell you that Gaviscon is a completely safe and good remedy that does not enter the bloodstream, but a pregnant woman should only listen to her attending physician, who knows all the nuances of her new situation much better than uninitiated people and even better the future mother herself.

2nd trimester

It is far from uncommon when the second trimester of pregnancy is marked by the continuation of the “epic” of heartburn, although by all indications it should disappear. Perhaps its cause is the frequent stress that a woman experiences at work or in public places.

The best way to combat this type of heartburn is to go on an “early maternity leave.” But if this is not possible, accept medications, the first place among which is Gaviscon. Do not forget to consult with your doctor.

3rd trimester

Most doctors are confident that in the third trimester it is impossible to completely eliminate heartburn by any means: the baby has grown and puts constant pressure on the diaphragm, provoking the release of stomach acid.
Gaviscon with its own characteristics of action (gel formation and gel thin film on the walls of the esophagus) can completely defeat the created stereotype.

It is familiar to many women, but not everyone knows how to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon. There are quite a lot of drugs on the modern market that help normalize the well-being of a pregnant woman, and one of the most famous is Gaviscon. What kind of composition this is and whether it is safe to use it during pregnancy - we will tell you further by carefully studying the instructions for its use.

What does it help with?

This drug is an excellent remedy for the symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders caused by gastroesophageal reflux. It perfectly helps normalize acidity levels and cope with heartburn, which manifests itself in regurgitation of acidic contents.

The drug is no less effective for severe heartburn, and in some cases, Gaviscon is prescribed after operations on the esophagus.

Important!In each individual case, the dosage will be different, so consulting a doctor is essential.

How the drug works

The main active ingredient of the drug is sodium alginate, obtained from Laminaria hyperborea algae, which grows off the Norwegian coast.

Generally, therapeutic effect Gaviscon is based on the properties of sodium, baking soda and potassium, complemented by the beneficial effects of aspartame, macrogol, natural flavors and acesulfame potassium. The latter play more of a supporting role, giving the medicine the desired physical properties.
This composition provides a unique mechanism of action for Gaviscon: the drug forms a dense barrier on the surface of the stomach that prevents aggressive contents from entering the esophagus (this is what happens when the stomach contracts).

Moreover, alginates, which are the first to enter the esophagus during strong contractions, protect its walls from chemical burn stomach acid.

This unique action allows you to completely eliminate heartburn and all associated with it discomfort already in the third minute, preventing the occurrence of repeated attacks within 4 hours.

Is it possible or not during the “interesting” period?

The instructions for use of Gaviscon do not indicate that it should not be taken during pregnancy, which means that after consulting with your gynecologist and choosing the appropriate dosage, you can safely use it to eliminate heartburn in the third trimester, without fear for the future (the components of the medicine are not absorbed into the blood).
On early stages, that is, in the first or even the second trimester, there is no need to use this drug, since a woman rarely experiences discomfort.

Release form

The described drug can be found in pharmacies in several forms: classic, double-action, and also specifically for pregnant women (Gaviscon Forte). They all differ in the number of active ingredients and their dosage.

They can be supplied both in the form of a suspension with different flavors (80, 150, 250 ml in glass bottles or 10 ml in multi-layer bags), and in the form of dragees or chewable tablets.

Expectant mothers are allowed to take any form of the drug that is convenient for them. And therefore, each woman can decide for herself which is better: tablets or suspension.
Doctors advise using Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women, as it is different convenient form release, and its composition includes twice as much sodium alginate and excludes sodium bicarbonate, which significantly reduces the risk unpleasant consequences for the unborn child and his mother.

Reception scheme

In most cases, the medicine is prescribed to pregnant women 5-10 ml orally (if it is a suspension), after meals or at night, but no more than 40 ml can be used per day. When taking a packaged drug, before opening the package, knead it in your hands to mix all the ingredients well.

Single dose may be 10-20 ml, which is due to the severity of heartburn. If you are going to take Gaviscon in tablets, then a single use of 2 to 4 pieces is allowed, which depends on the strength of the discomfort.
Prescribing the drug to the expectant mother, the doctor must obtain detailed information about it (for example, possible kidney problems, heart failure or impaired metabolic processes) and, if necessary, adjust the medication regimen.

For the same reason, you cannot treat yourself with Gaviscon, citing the positive experience of many friends. Each organism is individual, the treatment regimen should be similar.

Did you know? Most babies are born with blue or gray-blue eyes, which is due to their lack of melanin pigment. After 6 months, everything will change and the eyes will acquire their permanent color.

How often can I take it?

According to the instructions for use, continuous use of Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women is allowed (15-20 minutes after breakfast, lunch, dinner and at night), but many expectant mothers prefer to take the drug only during periods of exacerbation of heartburn.
He quickly copes with all its manifestations; there is no need to use the medicine again if there are none.

Side effects

The described drug has practically no associated negative manifestations. Only in some cases can there be observed allergic reactions on the constituent component (sodium alginate), bronchospasms, and in case of overdose, also bloating.

The solution to these problems will be to reduce the dosage of Gaviscon or select another remedy for heartburn.


Contraindications to the use of the described medicinal composition few. Among the main ones, it is worth highlighting individual intolerance to its constituent components, excess calcium or sodium in a woman’s body, heart failure, kidney problems and impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism.
In the last few cases, a reduction in the dosage of the composition is allowed.

Before you start using Gaviscon or change your dosage regimen, you must consult a doctor. Do not risk yourself and your baby by self-medicating.

Frequent snacks on the run and an unbalanced diet become one of the causes of dysfunction in the digestive system, which leads to an increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice and the development of unpleasant symptoms, such as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness and belching. To stop such violations most often appointed drug Gaviscon, which has several varieties that differ from each other in the form of release, the presence active substances and dosage level.

In contact with

The unique composition of Gaviscon

Gaviscon is considered one of the most popular drugs with antacid effect, which effectively manifests itself in the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus cavity and the development of severe heartburn. The composition of the drug includes three main components of the substance:

  1. Sodium alginate, which has an enveloping effect.
  2. Calcium carbonate, or chalk, providing recovery acid-base balance in the digestive system.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate, which is Everyday life everyone knows it as baking soda, which neutralizes the acidity of juice in the stomach.

The main therapeutic effect is exerted by sodium alginate, and the remaining two components help enhance it medicinal properties, by relieving heartburn attacks, painful sensations and belching with sour taste.

Gaviscon release forms

Manufacturers of Gaviscon offer this medication in the form of tablets, which should not be washed down, but must be thoroughly chewed in the mouth, and also in the form of a liquid suspension. But besides this, there are two more varieties - these are the liquid and tablet forms of Gaviscon Double Action and the Gaviscon Forte suspension:

  • Gaviscon tablets– Available in mint and lemon flavors. One package can contain 16 or 32 tablets containing, in addition to the main three active ingredients, components that provide an auxiliary effect in the form of carbomer, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water and other substances for the absorption of the medicine by the human body.
  • Gaviscon suspension– has a pleasant mint taste, available in bottles with volumes of 600, 300 and 150 ml. Contains the same main components and Excipients, as its tablet form.
  • Gaviscon Double Action in suspension. One package may contain 4, 12 or 24 multilayer elongated bags. Also available in 150, 300 and 600 ml bottles. The drug contains the same components as previous forms of Gaviscon, only the concentration of sodium alginate is doubled.
  • Gaviscon Double Action in tablets is available in packages containing 1 or 2 blisters with 16 tablets with a mint flavor. The composition is similar to the liquid form of the medication. There is no need to take the tablets down; they are consumed by chewing thoroughly.
  • Suspended form of Gaviscon Forte– is available in packages containing 20 multi-layer sachets filled with 10 ml. suspensions, and in bottles of 150 and 300 ml. The composition of this drug is represented by two active ingredients: double the concentration of sodium alginate and the standard rate of sodium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate is excluded.

What is Gaviscon prescribed for?

Prescribed by Gaviscon for dyspeptic disorders digestive system appearing against the background increased acidity as part of gastric juice and gastroesophageal reflux in the form of heartburn and belching with a sour taste, as well as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdominal cavity that appears after eating and during pregnancy.

The effect of the drug begins from the moment of its penetration into the stomach cavity, where, when interacting with the acidic environment of gastric juice, it turns into a gel-like mass.

The resulting gel envelops all surfaces of the organ, creating a protective film that prevents the reflux of stomach contents into the esophageal cavity.

Gaviscon has a neutral level of acidity, so it does not affect the digestive processes in any way, it only has a protective effect on the walls of the stomach.

The burning sensation of heartburn occurs when the esophageal sphincter is weakened, against the background of which intense reflux of gastric juice and its contents into the esophageal cavity occurs. Reflux does not occur when taking an antacid. In extreme cases, when reflux of contents into the esophagus does occur, the first to penetrate into its cavity is the gel-like component of Gaviscon, which envelops its walls and protects them from damage by the acidic environment and the occurrence of pain.

Important! Gaviscon is a drug for providing local symptomatic treatment, which does not have any influence on the very cause of development pathological disorder functionality of the digestive system.

It begins to act already in the 4th minute after administration and retains its effect for 3 to 4 hours.

Contraindications to the use of Gaviscon

This antacid medication has virtually no contraindications
, in addition to individual intolerance to the presence of the main active ingredients included in the composition dosage form and age limit up to 12 years.

Although children over 6 years of age may also be prescribed this tool, but only in a hospital setting.

With utmost caution the drug should be taken if the following pathologies develop:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • renal failure;
  • hyperphosphatemia;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • nephrocalcinosis.

How to drink Gaviscon

Before you start using the medicine, you should carefully study the attached instructions for use, since the dose of a single dose and the course of treatment regimen depend entirely on its release form.

Taking Gaviscon suspension

This type of drug can be taken children over 12 years old and adults. 10-20 ml, depending on the manifestation pathological symptoms, it is recommended to drink after each meal, as well as before leaving for evening sleep. Maximum level daily intake should not exceed 80 ml.

Children over 6 years of age are allowed to use Gaviscon no more than 40 ml. per day.

Important! The liquid form of Gaviscon helps to provide a prolonged effect on the digestive system, therefore it is allowed for children from 6 years of age, but under the supervision of a physician.

Children should take the drug in the same order as adults, subject to a single dose of no more than 10 ml.

Taking Gaviscon tablets

Dosage levels for children under 12 years of age should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Taking Gaviscon Double Action in the form of a suspension

This form of the drug should be taken according to the same dosage regimen as Gaviscon suspension. The only thing is that young children under 12 years of age, but over 6 years old, should be given the medicine under the supervision of a doctor.

Taking Gaviscon Double Action Tablets

Gaviscon double action tablet is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

The rest of the age group should take the tablet form of this drug after the end of each meal and before going to bed in the evening, in the amount of 1-2 tablets.

You can drink it approximately 15 minutes after taking the drug.

Taking Gaviscon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, as well as after successful delivery, and during breastfeeding the drug is allowed to be taken since it does not in any way affect the growth and development of the baby either in the womb or through breast milk.

What is the difference between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Double Action?

The medicinal drug Gaviscon differs from Gaviscon Double Action in the concentration of active components and the prescribed dosage. Let's look at this difference using the following table as an example:

Gaviscon analogs

Gaviscon, unlike medicines similar action has a whole range of advantages, such as:

  • Possibility of use during pregnancy and pregnancy;
  • combines well with other drugs without having any effect on their action;
  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • suitable for use by small children.

Let's look at Gaviscon analogues that are similar in their mechanism of pharmacological action:

Gaviscon Gastal tablets Powder for preparing suspension Tabletized drug Rennie
Active ingredient Sodium alginate Al and Mg hydroxide Al and Mg hydroxide Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate
How it works Renders enveloping effect by creating a gel protective film Has a direct effect on hydrochloric acid Has a direct effect on hydrochloric acid
Use during pregnancy Allowed With caution and under the supervision of a medical professional. personnel Allowed
Childhood From 6 years From 6 years No information From 12 years old
Cost, rub. From 80 to 260 From 65 to 300 From 95 to 650 From 85 to 350

Gaviscon, operating principle


There are actually quite a lot of medicinal forms of the antacid spectrum of action, but before choosing one or another drug for the treatment of heartburn, you should consult a gastroenterologist. It is he who will be able not only to appoint the most suitable remedy, but will also explain how to take it, and also develop a treatment regimen to eliminate the main cause of pathological dysfunction of the digestive system.

In contact with

Many women experience heartburn during pregnancy. Some cope with it by changing their diet, others resort to medications. In this case, the question of the safety of the drugs becomes relevant: it is important that they not only eliminate the burning sensation in the chest, but are also safe for the unborn child. Gaviscon during pregnancy helps to quickly get rid of heartburn without causing any negative influence for the fruit.

However, you should not self-medicate during this crucial period. Gaviscon has a list of contraindications and side effects.

Gaviscon contains: baking soda, potassium and sodium. Once in the stomach, the drug interacts with its juices and forms a film on the walls. Thanks to this, the acids do not come into contact with the mucous membrane, and a burning sensation does not develop. The effect of the drug lasts for 4 hours.

Gaviscon is indicated as a symptomatic remedy for heartburn, sour belching, and a feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the epigastric region. It is often prescribed to patients recovery period after operations.

The main contraindication to the use of Gaviscon is increased sensitivity to the components. It is also not prescribed for phenylketonuria and childhood(under 12 years – for tablets, under 6 years – for suspension). Carefully this drug can be used for hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, urolithiasis with calcium oxalate stones, congestive heart failure, renal dysfunction.

Can Gaviscon be used during pregnancy?

The main active ingredients of Gaviscon are sodium alginate (a polysaccharide of natural origin that retains water), sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate (carbonic acid salts that neutralize gastric juice). Additional substances of the drug, after interaction with hydrochloric acid and pepsin, contribute to the formation of a gel-like protective film on the surface of the stomach.

Thus, one part of the components neutralizes gastric juice, the other prevents its effect on the mucous membrane. At the same time, Gaviscon does not change the acidity of gastric juice, in other words, the process of food digestion is not disrupted.

Can Gaviscon be used during pregnancy? The instructions indicate that this period is not a contraindication. According to preliminary scientific and clinical studies, which involved about 280 women, the drug does not affect the fetus, since its components are not absorbed into the blood.

However, you should not start taking Gaviscon on your own during pregnancy. When prescribing this drug, the doctor takes into account the nuances of the pregnancy process in each specific case, the woman’s diseases, and the peculiarities of the digestive tract.

If stomach acidity is not increased, Gaviscon should not be taken regularly, but only when heartburn occurs. For pregnant women with gastritis, this medicine is prescribed by a gastroenterologist as part of complex therapy.

Due to the presence of sodium bicarbonate in Gaviscon, it is prescribed with extreme caution to expectant mothers with congestive heart failure or impaired renal function - diseases for which a diet with reduced content salt (sodium chloride). It is worth remembering that even in healthy pregnant women the drug can cause adverse reactions.


Gaviscon is produced in the form of an oral suspension and chewable tablets. The choice of the form of release of the drug depends on the individual preferences of the pregnant woman, but if the intake of sodium into the body is taken into account (with heart failure, kidney disease), then it is preferable to use tablets, since the suspension contains more salts with this element.

The suspension is available in dark glass bottles of 100, 150 and 300 ml. In pharmacies you can find Gaviscon in 10 ml bags. A single dose is from 10 to 20 ml, depending on the severity of heartburn. Before using the drug, you need to shake the contents of the bottle or stretch the bag with your fingers.

Gaviscon should be taken 10-15 minutes after meals, and, if necessary, before bedtime. The dosage should be selected individually and adhere to the minimum volume that gives the desired effect. Maximum daily dose drug – 40 ml.

Mint-flavored tablets are available in 8 or more pieces per package. During pregnancy, for heartburn, you need to take from 2 to 4 pieces, depending on the severity of the symptoms. You need to chew the tablets after meals and before bed.

Side effects

Gaviscon may cause side effects immune system: anaphylactic, anphylactoid reactions and manifestations of hypersensitivity (urticaria). From the outside respiratory system bronchospasm may develop.

For safety reasons, Gaviscon should be taken during pregnancy at small quantities– half or a quarter of the recommended dosage. If they do not appear within 24-48 hours unwanted reactions, you can proceed to the normal reception mode.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Gaviscon is safe during pregnancy because its components are not absorbed into the blood. But, due to the presence of calcium carbonate in the composition, it exhibits antacid activity, so it should be taken 2 hours before or after other medications. This rule must be especially strictly observed when treating with antibiotics, antihistamines, beta-blockers.

Exceeding maximum permissible dosage may cause flatulence. Abdominal bloating can be eliminated with the help of symptomatic remedies or goes away on its own.

Analogues safe for pregnant women

During pregnancy, Gaviscon can be replaced with its analogues - antacids. The safest combination drugs in this group are. They contain magnesium, sodium, aluminum and are partially absorbed through the stomach.

If such drugs are abused, swelling, constipation, and diarrhea may occur. But if you use them according to the instructions and only when the heartburn is really severe, the risk of harming yourself or your child will be minimized.

Two-component (combined) antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid, and the calcium they contain is involved in the formation of the child’s bones. When taken regularly, the doctor adjusts the dosage of vitamin and mineral supplements. The most popular combination antacid is Rennie.

This group also includes:

  1. Gastal. Available in the form of lozenges. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Almagel. It is produced in the form of a suspension for oral administration and in the form of lozenges. It is used for heartburn and flatulence in pregnant women; treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.
  3. Phosphalugel. Available in the form of a gel for oral administration, packaged in sachets, each of which corresponds to 1 dose of the drug. Used for heartburn, stomach pain, food poisoning(has absorbent properties). The drug is approved during pregnancy, but in the early stages it is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Gaviscon is an alginate - a heartburn remedy that neutralizes hydrochloric acid and creates a protective gel-like film on the surface of the stomach. This drug is not absorbed into the blood, therefore it is safe for the fetus and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Heartburn is familiar to almost every pregnant woman, and 45–85% of expectant mothers suffer from it every day. This symptom is especially pronounced in the third trimester of pregnancy. Not only is it a nuisance, it significantly reduces quality of life and may contribute to the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease after childbirth. Relieving heartburn during pregnancy is not an easy task. Doctors often prescribe to their patients effective remedy- Gaviscon. This drug even has a special release form for expectant mothers.

Gaviscon - a treatment for reflux esophagitis

  1. Sodium alginate is a naturally occurring substance obtained from brown algae. Reacting with gastric juice, it turns into a gel, which forms a protective film on the surface of the stomach contents, preventing it from entering the esophagus. If the reflux has taken place, then the alginate protects the walls of the esophagus from the acid content of the stomach, preventing their damage and the occurrence of pain.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate is a well-known baking soda that helps neutralize the acidity of gastric juice.
  3. Calcium carbonate is a common chalk that helps restore acid-base balance.

The main effect of Gaviscon treatment is achieved thanks to alginate. Sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate enhance the therapeutic effect of the drug, which consists in getting rid of heartburn, sour belching and associated discomfort and pain.

The effectiveness of Gaviscon has been confirmed by many studies both abroad and in Russia. The effect of the drug was also assessed by pregnant women who took part in the observations. Thus, in a large-scale study conducted in the UK and South Africa, 90% of women called Gaviscon good or very good remedy from heartburn.

Advantages of the product

Gaviscon has a number of advantages listed below, which distinguish this drug from others and make it safe for pregnant women:

  • lack of systemic effect, since the components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood;
  • long-term exposure (up to 4.5 hours) due to the formation of a protective barrier in the stomach;
  • efficiency that does not depend on the level of acidity of gastric juice and remains high both at low and at high levels;
  • a gel-like substance that forms in the stomach, healing the damaged mucous membrane of the walls of the esophagus;
  • no effect on the physiology of production of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.

Why is it prescribed to expectant mothers?

The main purpose of prescribing Gaviscon during pregnancy is to relieve a woman of heartburn. Other indications for the use of the drug include:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders associated with deviations from the norm in the acidity of gastric juice;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating.

You can find references online that Gaviscon helps against toxicosis in the early stages. But it should be noted that the drug does not have any effect on the causes of this phenomenon, so it will not save you from nausea in the early stages of pregnancy for a long time.

Contraindications and restrictions

The disadvantages of Gaviscon include the possibility of bronchospasm, allergic and anaphylactic reaction How side effect from taking the drug. Suspension and tablets are contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the components used in the production of Gaviscon. Additionally, for tablets, the drug is prohibited for phenylketonuria.

When following a diet with limited salt intake, you need to consider that Gaviscon and Gaviscon Double action contain soda (sodium bicarbonate).

The drug should be prescribed with caution when:

  • excess calcium in the body,
  • nephrocalcinosis (deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys),
  • urolithiasis with the formation of oxalate stones,
  • congestive heart failure,
  • renal dysfunction.

Antacids are widely used during pregnancy and, according to the FDA, are classified as category B: tested clinical researches not identified negative influence on fetal health. But sodium bicarbonate is not recommended for expectant mothers due to the fact that it can cause sodium overload and a rebound increase in the acidity of gastric juice, and calcium carbonate can lead to the development of Burnett's syndrome, anemia, nausea and constipation in pregnant women.

It is especially important to be careful with Gaviscon for women taking additional calcium supplements.

Varieties and forms of release

What is the difference between Gaviscon, Gaviscon Double Action and Gaviscon Forte?

The drug is available in three versions:

  • Gaviscon Forte and Gaviscon Forte during pregnancy.

The difference between the drugs is their active ingredients and dosage. The first two varieties have release forms: tablets, suspension in a bottle of 150 and 300 ml, suspension in a sachet of 10 ml. Gaviscon Forte is not available in tablet form. The drug does not have other forms of release, for example, suppositories or capsules.

The drug Gaviscon sounds similar to another medicine, also relevant for expectant mothers - Hexicon suppositories for thrush. The names of these remedies are often confused.

Both forms of Gaviscon, solid and liquid, are equally effective, but, according to some women, the suspension is more pleasant to take than tablets, which have a specific taste and require chewing in the mouth.

Gaviscon Forte during pregnancy - a suspension in a sachet specially developed for expectant mothers

Occasionally, expectant mothers can take any drug from the Gaviscon line. For those who are forced to resort to the help of the drug long time you should give preference to Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women, which has a convenient release form, contains 2 times more alginate, does not contain soda (sodium bicarbonate) and due to this it differs increased level safety for the health of expectant mothers.

Table: comparison of the composition of different types of Gaviscon

Active substance Gaviscon Forte and Gaviscon Forte during pregnancy
Tablets, mgSuspension, mg in 10 mlTablets, mgSuspension in a bottle and sachet, mg in 10 ml
Alginate250 500 250 500 1000
Sodium bicarbonate133,5 267 106,5 213 -
Calcium carbonate80 160 187,5 325 200
Potassium bicarbonate- - - - 200

Photo gallery: types of drug

Gaviscon tablets have a lemon or mint flavor Gaviscon Double action is relative new form drug registered in Russia in 2012 Gaviscon Forte contains 2 times more alginate, which significantly increases its effectiveness
Gaviscon Forte suspension during pregnancy is a specially developed form of the drug in a sachet

Nuances from the instructions for use

The doctor determines the medication regimen on an individual basis. General rules include a few simple points:

  1. Gaviscon is taken immediately after meals.
  2. The tablets are chewed well, and the suspension is mixed before use. There is no need to take the drug with water.
  3. To enhance the effect of treatment and reduce the severity unpleasant symptoms In addition to taking the drug, pregnant women must follow a diet, avoid hot and fatty foods, do not lie down for 2 hours after eating, and do not bend over to prevent stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus.

If 7 days after starting Gaviscon there is no noticeable positive effect, then further use of the drug should be discussed with your doctor.

What can replace Gaviscon?

Gaviscon has no complete analogues, but there are plenty of antacids on sale that affect the acidity of gastric juice and are used during pregnancy. The choice of drug largely depends on the individual reaction of the patient’s body.

Table: tablets for nausea and heartburn, suitable for pregnant women at any stage

Drug name Release form Active substance Contraindications Use during pregnancy
RennieChewable tablets
  • Calcium carbonate;
  • magnesium hydroxycarbonate.
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (for chewable tablets);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Rennie is not dangerous to the fetus if you follow the instructions and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
RutacidChewable tabletsHydrotalciteIndividual increased susceptibility to the components of the drugThere is no data on the danger of Rutacid for pregnancy and the fetus. The drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor if the benefit of treatment outweighs the risk to the fetus.
  • Aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel;
  • magnesium hydroxide.
  • Severe renal failure;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • hypersensitivity to aluminum, magnesium salts or other components of the drug.
Due to the lack of research, Gastal should only be taken if the benefit for the pregnant woman is greater possible risk for the fetus.