Prepare rice water. Useful properties and contraindications of rice water

Modern medicine and pharmaceuticals have an extensive arsenal of drugs that effectively eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea. Traditional medicine is also limitless in this matter, having accumulated a rich stock of recipes for this ailment: chamomile - from intestinal colic, bird cherry - for indigestion, rice water - for diarrhea, the recipe for which in many families is an emergency remedy.

First aid for diarrhea

The benefits of rice for the gastrointestinal tract were discovered long ago; this grain brings energy to the body and increases performance, thanks complex carbohydrates in the composition. Rice water is also used for diarrhea, stomach ulcers and gastritis.

The decoction has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract due to:

  1. Enveloping properties: protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from the effects of acids.
  2. Calming effect: relieves irritation of the mucous membrane.
  3. Astringent properties: normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves gagging.
  4. Cleansing effect: binds excess liquid in the intestines. Rice water strengthens the stool and improves peristalsis.
  5. Protective properties: prevents the occurrence of fermentation processes in the digestive tract, nourishes the body.

Rice decoction for diarrhea is also useful because it contains a rich arsenal of vitamins and minerals. In case of dehydration, which is considered a companion to gastrointestinal disorders, it will help restore the natural balance of vitamins and nutrients.

Rules for preparing a medicinal decoction

Rice decoction in case of poisoning is considered an emergency medicine, since there are not always medications on hand to help with intoxication of the body. It is not difficult to prepare, and its effect will be universal:

  • binds and removes toxins;
  • eliminates the urge to vomit;
  • relieves symptoms of diarrhea;
  • stops the process of intestinal fermentation.

In order to prepare rice water for diarrhea in case of poisoning, you should stock up on one glass of rice and then follow the diagram:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly and let the water drain.
  2. Pour 7 glasses of water over the cereal, put it on the fire, and let it boil.
  3. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, until the cereal is cooked through, about 40 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth, take 150 ml several times a day.

This rice broth for diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration caused by poisoning is considered effective if toxins have not penetrated into the blood. In this case, the person does not have symptoms of high fever or confusion.

Treatment of adults with decoction

In some cases, rice water for diarrhea in an adult is considered a panacea for the unexpected problem of stool disorder. This pathological condition can be caused by various factors: from climate change to nervous shock. Simple diarrhea can also cause significant damage to the body: severe dehydration negatively affects the functioning of all systems and organs.

How to prepare rice water for diarrhea was known many years ago: even our grandmothers successfully used this remedy. You only need half a liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. rice You can use any rice, but it is better to use purified water.

How to cook rice water for diarrhea for an adult:

  1. Pour water into a clean container, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  2. Place rice into boiling water and mix thoroughly.
  3. After boiling again, reduce the heat to low and cook the rice for 45 minutes in a sealed container.
  4. The strained broth is cooled to room temperature under natural conditions.
  5. Take a quarter glass of this rice water for diarrhea every 2 hours. Usually, general state the body improves quickly, the symptoms of diarrhea subside within a few hours.

Treating diarrhea in babies

Stool disorder in a child infancy are caused by a number of reasons, and before you start treating diarrhea with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor and determine the main cause of stool disorder.

Rice decoction for diarrhea in children is used if the situation is not critical: the child does not have a fever, there are no greens in the stool.

Rice water for infants against diarrhea is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Full 1 tbsp. l. pour rice with a glass of water. If the treatment is prolonged, then in the future it is recommended to pre-soak the rice for 12 hours in cold water.
  2. Place on fire in a sealed container and bring to a boil. Rice water for diarrhea in infants differs in the cooking time: it is cooked for an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. When the volume of liquid decreases, add water to the original amount.
  4. The strained broth is left to cool at room temperature.
  5. Rice decoction for diarrhea for children of the first year of life is given to the baby 50 ml several times a day.

Treatment of preschool children

A children's recipe and rice water for diarrhea for adults are not much different from each other. However, knowing what antiseptic rice water for diarrhea is and how to cook it for children will help you correctly vary the recipe depending on the severity of diarrhea.

How to prepare rice water for diarrhea in a child caused by minor disturbances of the intestinal flora:

  1. Add 1½ teaspoons of rice to 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cook the mixture over low heat for 45 minutes with the lid closed.
  3. Remove from heat and cool at room temperature, then strain.
  4. The decoction is ready for use.

Rice water for diarrhea and the recipe for preparing it in this way are also suitable for treating older people, since their intestinal microflora becomes sensitive with age. Take it 50 ml every 3-4 hours.

If diarrhea is severe and prolonged, accompanied by noticeable dehydration, then experts recommend using another, more effective recipe.

How to prepare rice water for prolonged and severe diarrhea:

  1. Full with a slide 5 tbsp. l. Rice is fried in a dry frying pan until golden brown.
  2. Brown cereal is ground using a coffee grinder and poured with three glasses of water.
  3. The mixture is put on fire, brought to a boil and cooked with constant stirring for 25 minutes.
  4. After cooling, the decoction is ready for use.
  5. Diarrhea should be treated with this decoction, taken in small portions several times a day.

How to prepare rice water for diarrhea for a child who is severely weakened due to dehydration:

  1. Full 1 tsp. Rice flour (you can prepare it yourself using a coffee grinder) is poured into a glass of boiled water.
  2. Mix thoroughly (you can use a mixer) and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. After cooling, the flock is ready for use.

This product is given to the child to drink like jelly several times a day in small portions. Rice water for diarrhea in a child will not require extra energy expenditure for digestion and absorption.

There are a lot of recipe options on how to make rice water for diarrhea. When cooking medicine you just have to focus on age category patient and severity of diarrhea.

Beneficial features rice water

Rice is useful not only for diarrhea: it contains many carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins. It does not contain gluten, which can cause allergic reactions, but there are oligosaccharides that improve the microflora of the stomach and intestines. This cereal is an excellent source of iron, zinc and phosphorus. It is easily digested and cleanses the body well.

Important! Brown unprocessed rice is healthier. Grinding grain destroys most of the vitamins

Rice is used for diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach. People of all ages drink a decoction from it, because it has many beneficial properties:

  • Relieves nausea and vomiting.
  • Gently envelops the intestinal mucosa and relieves inflammation.
  • Improves gastric motility.
  • Actively removes excess moisture from the intestines.
  • Secures the chair.
  • Prevents the occurrence of fermentation and rotting processes.

Features of preparation and treatment of adults

The effectiveness of rice water for diarrhea will be higher if there is no serious intoxication of the body. If toxins have penetrated into the blood (the temperature has risen, the general condition has worsened), you cannot do without qualified help.

How to prepare rice water for diarrhea:

  1. Take 1 cup of rice and rinse thoroughly in running water.
  2. Pour into a saucepan, add 7 cups of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook under a closed lid over low heat for 30-40 minutes.
  4. After this, the broth should be filtered through cheesecloth and taken 150 ml every 3-4 hours.

For maximum fast acting It is advisable to eat rice porridge in between doses of the broth.

You can also prepare rice cream broth:

  1. Take 5 tablespoons of rice, fry thoroughly in a frying pan and grind in a coffee grinder or by hand in a mortar until fine grains form.
  2. Place in a saucepan and add three cups of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 25-30 minutes. If the broth thickens too much, you can add a little water.

This creamy soup has a thick consistency and can be easily eaten with a spoon. It is concentrated and effectively affects the stomach. The cream decoction is eaten at 100-120 grams every 2-3 hours. Cream soup is also recommended after a course of antibiotics - it will restore the mucous membrane faster. It is better to give the child a regular decoction.

Using rice water for diarrhea, the recipe for which we have described, also has contraindications:

  • Inflammation of the large intestine.
  • Obesity.
  • Colitis.
  • If there is mucus or blood in the stool, the temperature rises, or the general condition worsens, in this case it is better to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate.
  • If diarrhea is caused by intestinal infections.

When diarrhea in an adult is not caused by an infection, the symptoms will subside within 3-4 hours.

Congee for children

Is it possible to give rice water to babies? It is possible, but it may come with some difficulties. You can’t tell a baby: “Eat rice porridge because it’s healthy.” If a child has a stomach ache, you first need to determine the cause, and only then turn to folk remedies.

Rice water for diarrhea in an infant is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour a glass of water over 1 tablespoon of rice. If diarrhea is persistent, it would be better to soak the rice overnight in cold water.
  1. Pour the contents into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for at least an hour, stirring occasionally.
  2. If the rice thickens, add water.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth and let cool until warm.

Give the baby 50 ml 4-5 times a day, or warm.

For children of preschool and primary school age, the decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of rice to 2 glasses of water.
  2. Cook over low heat in a sealed container for 45-50 minutes.
  3. Remove the broth from the heat, strain and let cool.

This decoction is also suitable for treating adults with sensitive digestion and the elderly. Take 100-150 ml every four hours.

If diarrhea is persistent, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Take 1 tsp. rice, lightly fry it and grind it to flour.
  2. Pour into boiling water (glass).
  3. Boil for 5-7 minutes, stirring well (you can even use a mixer).
  4. Strain, let cool and offer the drink to your child.

The concentrated decoction is given in small portions (50-70 ml) 5-7 times a day. It is gentle on the stomach and does not require energy expenditure for absorption.

Surely every person has had to deal with indigestion. This pathology is considered especially dangerous in children and the elderly. This article will talk about in an interesting way The child has. You will learn how rice water works for diarrhea in children. Also find out what features need to be taken into account before giving such folk medicine to your child. It’s definitely worth mentioning how to prepare rice water for a child.


To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about pathology. Diarrhea is a digestive disorder when a person experiences an irresistible urge to stool. In this case, the patient experiences loose (usually watery) stools and abdominal pain. In some cases there may be increased gas formation and rumbling.

We can talk about diarrhea when defecation of liquefied feces occurs more than three times per day. More often the number of bowel movements reaches 10-15 times.

Treatment of diarrhea

Correction of pathology is necessary. Especially if it occurs in a child. All methods of influencing the body are divided into two types: medicinal and traditional methods. A fairly common treatment is rice water. For diarrhea in children, it is used quite often. Many doctors recommend using this remedy together with prescribed medications.

Rice water for diarrhea in children

How does this remedy work? Once in the stomach, it gently envelops its walls. It also helps remove toxins from child's body. Rice water has an astringent effect. This is what makes the work work better digestive tract.

It decreases somewhat and returns to normal. In addition, rice water is involved in the formation feces. The liquefied consistency becomes denser due to the removal of liquid from it.

Also, rice water can be delivered to the body for diarrhea in children. Few people will want to eat food if they are poisoned, especially often in children. This medicine can partially saturate the body and give it strength to fight the disease.

Are there any contraindications for taking rice water?

If, in addition to stool upset, the baby experiences uncontrollable vomiting, which does not bring relief, then you should not give him rice water. For the child in this case the best option will be in the hospital.

Also, if you find blood, mucus and other unusual substances in your stool, you should consult a doctor rather than self-medicate. At high temperature rice water can only make the situation worse. If diarrhea is caused intestinal infection, then you need to take sorbents and antibiotics to eliminate the pathology, and not contribute to the retention of feces in the baby’s body.

How to make rice water for a child?

Remember that before preparing this healing drink, you should consult your pediatrician. Only after receiving permission for such treatment can it be used on a child. So, how to prepare rice water for diarrhea for children? Here are a few main points.

  1. To start, choose good rice. It should be white, not grey. Give preference to a non-steamed product. Only in this case the drink will turn out viscous, similar to jelly.
  2. Boil two glasses of clean tap water and add two tablespoons of rice to it. If you are preparing rice water for diarrhea for a baby, then you should pre-soak the product. For soaking use plain water. Let the rice sit for 12 hours.
  3. Cook the rice water over low heat, stirring constantly. Make sure that the cereal does not start to burn and stick to the bottom. If the water boils away, gradually add the required amount. In this case, use only boiled liquid.
  4. It is forbidden to add salt and sugar to rice water. The medicine should turn out fresh and viscous.
  5. After one hour, turn off the gas and leave the solution to cool. In this case, the rice should be in liquid. After about half an hour, you can strain the solution. This can be done using a special mesh or gauze. You can also use a sterile bandage folded in half. Remember that the fabric must be clean. Otherwise, you can only worsen the child’s condition by adding new bacteria to his body.

How to give rice water to children?

You already know how to prepare rice water for diarrhea for children. Now we need to figure out how it should be given. It all depends on the age of the baby.

If diarrhea overcomes a baby under the age of one year, then you need to give him about 50 milliliters at a time healing composition. If the baby refuses to drink from a bottle, then you can use a spoon or syringe. Never mix the solution with baby food or breast milk. The medicine should be used independently. You need to make up to four doses per day of this medicine. As soon as your child feels better, stop giving him rice water.

When diarrhea occurs in older children, rice water should be given a little differently. The child should drink a quarter glass at one time. You need to drink the product every 3-4 hours for two days. If a child's diarrhea gives way to constipation, treatment should be stopped immediately.

The effect of rice water occurs within the first hours after administration. That is why this remedy is very popular among mothers of children suffering from diarrhea.


Now you know, a child can use rice water. If within the first two days after the first dose the baby does not feel better, then you should urgently visit a doctor and get a prescription. You may have to undergo some tests. Be healthy and don't let your children get sick!

Today medicine has a rich arsenal for adults and children, including unconventional methods treatment. Among non-standard remedies for intestinal upset, preparing ordinary rice water helps. The product helps out in a matter of hours, especially when there is an important event ahead. Rice is hypoallergenic, does not contain the complex protein gluten, and is safe for infants.

Many people are skeptical about using folk remedies to relieve symptoms and treat diseases. A considerable number of people trust exclusively the above-mentioned ones. Do not forget that there is a certain line between the two methods of treatment. When it doesn't help traditional medicine, it is possible to use folk remedies, and vice versa. Before starting treatment, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Rice broth has a number of beneficial properties:

  1. Protects the walls of the stomach from the influence of its own acids.
  2. Relieves the urge to vomit and symptoms of diarrhea.
  3. Improves intestinal motility.
  4. Helps replenish substances lost during diarrhea.
  5. Binds and removes dangerous toxins from the body.
  6. Prevents the process of fermentation of substances in the body.

Rice is simple carbohydrate, the elements of which are quickly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract person. Contains many useful vitamins, microelements. Thanks to unique properties the use of rice decoction for intestinal disorders is justified.


  • Iron;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Vanadium;
  • Zinc;
  • Chromium;
  • Chlorine;
  • Aluminum;
  • Fluorine;
  • Selenium;
  • Potassium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Choline;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Cobalt;
  • Silicon;
  • Nickel;
  • Magnesium;
  • Molybdenum;
  • Sodium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Manganese.

Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, H, PP.

As quick help For digestive disorders, any type of cereal is suitable.

  • Round lake rice - perfectly cleanses the body in case of poisoning.
  • Long rice - used for gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea.

It is allowed to use different varieties of cereals. Unpeeled rice is preferable. It retains most of the nutrients. The only rice you should avoid using is the parboiled variety. The product is useless.

Use of rice water

The product is suitable as a treatment for acute, sudden onset diarrhea. of various origins: poisoning, stress, acclimatization, poor quality food, nervous breakdown. It is important to know what additional symptoms accompany the condition.

Using rice decoction for poisoning

To prepare the correct rice water, we use the recipe: 1 glass of washed rice and 7 glasses of water. Pour clean, washed rice with water and place on the stove. Let's boil. After boiling, reduce the heat to minimum and continue cooking until fully cooked for 40 minutes, covered.

We filter the resulting consistency and take one hundred and fifty milliliters several times a day. Should be taken when harmful substances did not penetrate the blood, there is no increase in temperature.

Decoction for diarrhea not associated with poisoning

When a person is suddenly attacked by diarrhea due to stress, change of environment or presence in the body pathological condition infectious or non-infectious etiology, properly prepared simple rice water helps adults.

Cook effective remedy Two tablespoons of rice and half a liter of water will help against diarrhea. Choose the type of rice at your own discretion.

First, water is poured into the container and brought to a boil. Then add rice to the boiling liquid and stir. Bring to a boil again. Simmer the rice over low heat with the lid closed for forty-five minutes. Strain the boiled broth. We drink a quarter glass every 2 hours. The condition will improve after a few treatments.

Decoction for newborns

Do not rush to prepare the remedy for your child until you have consulted a doctor. First of all, find out the cause of the condition that has developed and find out the doctor’s recommendations. If the disease is caused infectious process or the child has a fever, the rice remedy will not help.

Use in infants specified method preparations:

  • 1 tablespoon, poured 1 glass of water, bring to a boil. The container where the porridge is cooked must be closed. If it is necessary to take the medicine long time, it is better to pre-soak the rice for twelve hours.
  • Reduce the cooking temperature to low, stirring, and bring to a boil. For infants, the decoction is boiled for 60 minutes.
  • When the water decreases, add enough additional liquid to return to the previous volume.
  • Once ready, strain the resulting mass and let cool at room temperature.

Infants under one year of age are given fifty milliliters to drink several times a day.

Reception for school-age children

For older children, the remedy is prepared for minor upset intestinal microflora. In children, this condition often occurs during long-term use of antibacterial therapy.

  • Add one and a half teaspoons of rice to half a liter of water.
  • Cooking takes 45 minutes on low heat.
  • Strain and cool.

You need to drink the medicine fifty milliliters every 3-4 hours.

Because of natural processes aging of the body old man capable of suffering from dysbacteriosis. In this case, the described method of preparation and consumption is quite suitable.

Severe and prolonged diarrhea

For children with prolonged, strong loose stools, prepare a decoction of creamy consistency. It quickly restores the baby’s body during dehydration and relieves irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

  • In a clean, hot frying pan, without adding oil, fry five tablespoons of cereal until slightly golden brown.
  • We bring the resulting product in a coffee grinder or blender to the state of fine rice flour.
  • Add rice crumbs to a saucepan with three glasses of water and stir.
  • Cook the mixture over low heat for half an hour. If the mixture has thickened too much, add a small amount of boiled liquid.

The prepared porridge must be divided over the course of a day. Portions are made small so that the child can eat everything.

Rice should not be salted, added sugar, or mixed with other foods. The effect will occur provided that the listed rules are followed. Making a remedy for a child is only half the battle. The medicine has an unpleasant, bland taste; children do not like it. Your child refuses to drink - get creative!


When the body's condition is at a critical level, making rice water is contraindicated. The following conditions are recognized as:

  • Severe vomiting (often observed with serious intestinal infections).
  • The presence of blood, mucus or other impurities in the stool, if the child’s stool has green color. When does it occur similar situation, do not hesitate, immediately go to the nearest medical facility. An admixture of foreign substances in the feces is a sign of a serious and life-threatening disease for the child.
  • Fever. In this condition, use folk remedy will worsen the condition.
  • Diarrhea caused by bacteria and viruses. This requires the primary use of special medicines prescribed by the attending physician.

General tips:

  1. If the prepared remedy does not help within three days, you will need the help of a doctor.
  2. With prolonged use of the product, constipation occurs - the opposite of diarrhea. Limit your use to no more three days, if necessary.
  3. If stool normalization occurs earlier, you can stop taking it.
  4. Soldering should be frequent, and the volume of liquid consumed at a time should be small. Otherwise, vomiting will occur.

Diarrhea is a disease of the digestive tract that can be treated with both medications and prescriptions. traditional medicine. One of them is rice water. Medicinal properties liquids after cooking the mentioned cereals are used to alleviate the condition in children of different ages.

Rice water is easy to prepare: the ingredients can be found in any kitchen. Its use is justified if the doctor’s help is delayed or the medications are poorly accepted by the body.

Intestinal upset occurs more often in children than in adults. Due to the peculiarities of development and imperfect housing and communal services, diarrhea is very dangerous for a child’s body. Rice water for diarrhea for children - it's like ambulance who is always there.

Rice cereals are rich in starch, carbohydrates, fiber, and mineral compounds. Therefore, it is used to restore a weakened body after diarrhea, as well as to stop the release of liquid feces.

As a result of cooking, a starchy composition is obtained that acts as follows:

  • envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby reducing the effects of acids;
  • binds water and removes toxic substances;
  • helps in the formation of strong feces;
  • strengthens and nourishes the body;
  • reduces gag reflexes;
  • minimizes symptoms of diarrhea.

Important! Rice water eliminates flatulence in the intestines resulting from fermentation processes.

Selecting rice for preparing congee

To prepare remedy, use any cereal. But chemical composition liquid will differ depending on the type of cereal.

  • round – used to treat diarrhea in case of poisoning;
  • long-grained – used for disorders digestive system in patients with gastritis and ulcers;
  • brown - used to normalize intestinal function during constipation.

When purchasing cereals, pay attention to the tightness of the packaging and the availability of data on the expiration date. The grains must be clean, dry and uniform in color. Steamed rice is not suitable for preparing a medicinal drink.

Rice Medicine Recipes

A mucous decoction with a high concentration of starch is indicated even for newborn children. Unlike medications, it contains only natural ingredients. Regular drinking can improve bowel function and normalize bowel movements.

Important! Rice does not contain gluten, so the broth does not cause allergies in infants.

For kids and schoolchildren

The simplicity of the recipe allows any mother to prepare a medicinal drink. This will require 2 tbsp. l. washed and dried rice and half a liter of water:

  1. Place the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Cook over low heat for a little while less than an hour with constant stirring.
  3. Set the pan aside and let the contents cool to room temperature.
  4. The resulting mass is filtered through a strainer.

It is important to prepare the decoction without adding salt and sugar. The drink should taste fresh. It cannot be diluted with water or milk.

Improvement from taking rice water occurs within a few hours, and complete normalization occurs within 24 hours. The baby should drink ¼ glass of water 3-4 times a day. Too frequent use may cause vomiting or constipation.

In case of diarrhea, a restriction on food from the usual diet is introduced, leaving crackers and diet bread. Persuade the child to drink as much as possible more water. Between doses of the decoction, it is useful to eat a little rice porridge to start the digestion process.

For infants

Illness in babies under one year of age always causes concern for parents. After all, a baby cannot talk about being sick. Famous pediatrician Komarovsky E. O. claims that loose stool up to 20 times a day - this is normal phenomenon in infants.

The period of teething is dangerous due to the occurrence of diarrhea. In this case, you need to be alert to prevent dehydration. For any reason, adults should consult a doctor. But in order not to waste time, they use proven means.

Preparing rice water for infants is slightly different from the recipe intended for older children:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. The cereals are washed and filled with water for 12 hours.
  2. Boil the rice in a glass of water for 1 hour, adding liquid as it boils.
  3. Stir to avoid burning.
  4. Cool and filter the resulting broth.

The medicinal mixture is ready for use. It is given to infants several times a day from a bottle or spoon. No sugar is added to the broth to avoid the fermentation process. The dosage is 40 ml at a time.

Existing contraindications

Diarrhea – insidious disease. The cause of the disease is poisoning, infectious lesions, helminthic infestations. It often acts as a symptom of pathologies internal organs, which only a specialist can determine.

Rice water for diarrhea in a child is unacceptable if there are external signs:

  • Body temperature is above 37 degrees.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Traces of blood in the stool.
  • Sharp pain near the navel.
  • Loss of consciousness.

The presence of at least one of the listed symptoms should hurry parents to call a doctor.

Other methods for eliminating diarrhea

Our ancestors inherit knowledge about the treatment of childhood diseases. Recipes for combating diarrhea are varied and numerous. You can always choose the right one. In this situation, there is no need to delay self-medication, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.

The video talks about folk methods diarrhea treatment:

You can take note of these effective tips:

  1. For 100 ml cooled boiled water add a teaspoon of starch, stir and drink.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over pomegranate peels, keep on low heat for 20-30 minutes, filter. Give the child 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.
  3. 1 tsp. oak bark pour 2 glasses of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, filter. ⅔ of the original volume should remain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day.
  4. Decoctions and compotes are prepared from pears; they have astringent properties. There is no need to eat the pulp: it will enhance intestinal motility.
  5. They drink strong tea.

Folk remedies are good in treating intestinal disorders at the level household poisoning. But to the common man It is difficult not to make a mistake in making a diagnosis. There is no need to jeopardize the health of your children; you should consult a doctor.