Ghoul Terrier. Shield and sword: fighting dog breeds. Ears, eyes, teeth

The first written information about this breed appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. appeared on the Indian-Pakistani border new breed dogs has no analogues in the world. They looked like a mixture English bulldogs with mastiffs. They were difficult to control, but did an excellent job of hunting and guarding. It is believed that its ancestors were dogs brought from Great Britain by colonists. A mutation has occurred with local species large dogs, and it turned out to be Gul-Dong.

The Gul-dong breed has been poorly studied. There is not a single officially registered club for these dogs in the world. Due to poor learning and adaptation, it has little popularity in other countries. Most common in Pakistan and India.

Everything is connected with the heavy, the evil nature of the animal. In the old days it was used for hunting large animals (bear, deer, wolf), as guard and fighting dogs. There are description standards, but the breed is not recognized by dog ​​handlers as independently existing.

If you raise a Gul-Dong correctly, it will grow into a loyal, intelligent, caring dog with the traits of a leader. They good guards. They need space for action, the opportunity to get rid of accumulated energy.


  • Fighting, hunting dog.
  • Height ranges from 65 centimeters to 100.
  • Weight from 50 to 60 kilograms.
  • The coat is short.
  • Color varies; black, gray, brown, often with white or black stripes or specks. The most common is White color with various inclusions.
  • The head is large and massive.
  • Wide forehead, short muzzle.
  • Large skeleton with a deep chest and a long, tapering tail.
  • Large massive paws.
  • Small dark eyes.
  • Drop ears, sometimes cropped.

Learning ability

difficult to train animal. For good adaptation and if you want to have him in a city apartment, you need to train him from a young age. Only a few people get such a dog, not everyone experienced dog handlers agree to have a time bomb at their side.

In order for the class to go perfectly, it is worth letting the puppy know who is in charge. Otherwise, he will become not a companion and subordinate, but a willful master of the house. Everyone at home will have to adapt to his mood.

When training him, it is necessary to conduct such classes every day and throughout his life. Then the acquired gul-dong knowledge will be easy to put into practice.

Breeders complain that neglected dogs can only occasionally follow orders, reacting most to commands: “Fu,” “stranger,” “guard.”

Interaction with others

If you have a large family with children, you should not get a puppy of this breed. Gul dongs are too possessive to share their place, toys and bowl with someone. D They are jealous of their owner, may bite or attack. This applies not only to children, but also to teenagers.

They behave appropriately when animals lived in the house before. The dog more easily perceives the presence of rivals, marking the territory, but trying to make friends with them.

Reacts poorly to strangers. Therefore, when going out for a walk, do not forget about a muzzle and a leash, for those who live in the city. This breed is not suitable for older people, physically weak people. But it will a great companion for an adult man with good physical fitness.


Due to its vicious nature, this breed is often used as a fighting dog. Then her ears and tail are cropped. Due to heavy physical exertion, such animals do not live longer than 7 years.

If the dog lives on the street, you should carefully ensure that the box is dry, with tightly fitted boards. They do not tolerate drafts well. Most often this ends in otitis media for them. Accustomed to high temperatures. But frosty winters are bad for them due to their short fur.

Very rarely they have genetic abnormalities. Anomalies in skeletal development are associated with a poorly selected diet and lack of nutrients.

The problem for these dogs is the appearance of tartar and unpleasant odor from the mouth. To avoid this, teach your puppy to brush his teeth once every two to three days from the age of two months. Then, having matured, he will perceive this procedure calmly. In addition, toys are needed that will help get rid of tartar.


Feeding should be four to six times a day for puppies up to one year old. Little Gul-Dongs require a well-selected balanced diet to form a good skeleton and muscle mass.

This requires products with high content calcium, such as:

  • Cottage cheese.
  • Kefir.

Don't refuse to take it vitamin complexes in addition to the vegetables included in the daily diet. They must be boiled and given along with porridge. Porridges can be either pure or mixtures of several types.

  1. Buckwheat.
  2. Oatmeal.
  3. Corn.

Proteins in the form of meat and eggs are also required daily. The meat can be doused with boiling water or given raw.

  • Chicken, beef, veal.
  • Bones of any size, except fish.
  • Occasionally fish.

By the age of one year, the number of meals should be reduced to two, while increasing portions. Adult dogs are less picky eaters. They can easily eat porridge whatever the owner gives. The most in a simple way Feeding will include ready-made balanced feed. When using them, you need to monitor the presence of water in your pet’s bowl. After all, dry mixtures require a large amount of water in the diet.

But there are also products that you should not use if you decide to feed your pet yourself:

  • Fresh milk.
  • Millet, semolina.
  • Raw vegetables.
  • Bones from 4 years of age.

Breed photo

A born hunter, guard and protector - the Gul Dong, known as the Pakistani Bulldog - serious and intelligent Indian breed.

Gul dong very aggressive and difficult to train, therefore, it is better to have such a dog only for experienced dog handlers.

Proper training is important for a dog - this is the only way a puppy will grow into a reliable friend.

The Gul Dong breed was bred in the territory of modern Pakistan, former colonial India at the end of the 19th century.

Ancestors of Gul Dong - English breeds dogs.

It is generally accepted that the Pakistani originated from crossing two breeds - the Ghoul Terrier and the Billy Kut. From the very beginning, these pets were used for fighting large animals, including bears, guarding premises and hunting large game.

Due to its fighting qualities, the dog is not common in Europe, to a greater extent popular in South Asian countries and Central Asia such as Afghanistan and Iran.

Exterior description

The breed has its own a standard not recognized by any canine association in the world. There are also no official nurseries for breeding gul dong.

The dog's physique is powerful, strong and massive.

Large head with a wide forehead and a short, elongated, folded muzzle.

Initially floppy ears in puppies can be cropped, from which they become small and high-set. The nose is small, round and well pigmented, and the small, dark-colored eyes are set far apart.

The dog's chest is wide, the body is strong and massive, the limbs are long and slightly disproportionate to the body. Powerful paws with rounded limbs. The tail is thin and long, usually docked by combatants.

The dog's fur is short, mostly white color with spots of black, brown or gray, which is very clearly visible in the photo.

The dog's weight, depending on gender, ranges from 67 to 96 kg. Height – from 77 to 115 cm.

Character, abilities

Gul Dong's cool temperament contributes to poor training abilities and aggressive attitude towards other pets. At the same time, the dog is very smart, but raising such a dog will be a problem: stubbornness and dominance are in her blood.

The Pakistani cannot be called a family dog, and it is very important that each family member is a real authority for the dog. You should not bring Pakistanis into families with children.

Gul Dong shows aggression towards everyone who is weaker than him.

With proper upbringing, the dog will become attached to all family members and becomes a reliable protector for the owner and household members.

The gul-dong's fighting instinct is so developed that the dog without hesitation he will attack an ill-wisher. When raising this dog, do not make concessions; this can result in complete disobedience and, as a result, unpredictable actions of the dog, which can result in tragedy.

The incredible physical strength of the dog allows it to be successfully used in dog fighting, as well as fights with wild animals - bears and wolves. Two gul dongs can easily bring down the largest predator. The strengths of a gul dong and a pit bull are approximately equal, but not significantly.

The Pakistani Bulldog is energetic and active, and needs plenty of time for walks. Free walking is possible only where there are no other animals. If you may encounter other animals or people while walking, you need a strong leash and muzzle.

You should not keep this dog in a city apartment.

A country house is best suited. Make sure that wind and rain do not get into its cracks.

Gul Dong is not suitable for the role of a companion; in training he needs a firm hand, much stronger than himself. Then you will be able to raise an obedient and devoted pet.

Only an experienced dog breeder has access to all methods of training this complex breed: training begins from the first days and does not stop throughout life. When walking, the dog should not run in front of you - it is always behind.

Gul dong care does not cause much trouble: It is enough to comb his fur 1-2 times a week. The ears are treated with hydrogen peroxide once a week and examined for damage.

Needed once every 2-3 weeks. Bath the dog no more than 2-3 times a year or when it is heavily soiled. From childhood, teach your dog to brush his teeth.

You need to feed the puppy 5 times a day, after six months you can switch to four feedings a day. When the dog is one year old, he should be fed no more than twice.

For food you can choose either or natural food. When choosing a balanced dry food, treat your dog with meat occasionally, but Do not mix the two types of food to avoid health problems.

If you choose natural food for your dog, exclude fatty meats, legumes, salty and flour products from the diet. When feeding dry food, make sure there is water available.

At proper care and healthy heredity, The lifespan of a gul dong is at least 12 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pakistani Bulldog, has a lot of advantages:

  1. The dog is ideal for guarding a cottage or private home.
  2. An indispensable assistant in game hunting.
  3. With proper upbringing, he is a reliable protector and friend.
  4. The dog does not require special care costs.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  1. Naturally aggressive character, the consequences of which can be minimized through quality training.
  2. Not suitable for the average dog breeder - requires a strong and experienced owner.
  3. Not suitable for older people, families with children.
  4. It is considered one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the whole world.

Gul dong is complex and strong breed, requiring special approach to content and education. Attention, care will help the owner raise a reliable protector, a serious and stern, but very devoted pet.

Where can I buy a puppy of this tough breed? In Russia, doing this is problematic, if not impossible. The best solution— search in the countries of South and Central Asia.

Additionally, check out a short video about a fight between a Gul Dong and a Pakistani Mastiff:


Almost nothing is known for certain about the history of the Gul-Dong breed, also called the Pakistani Bulldog, since it arose as a result of crossing many breeds, and the development of the breed can be called spontaneous. It is believed that the first gul-dongs appeared around the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries in British colonial India, on the territory of modern Pakistan.

There are several versions of the origin of gul-dongs. According to the first of them, Gul-Dongs are, in fact, Old English bull terriers brought from Great Britain and acclimatized in Pakistan. Supporters of the second version believe that the imported English bull terriers were mated with local breeds, which in turn also had bull terriers in their family, but were already more adapted to the local climate (bully cutty and gul terra). Bully Kuttas were created by crossing English Bull Terriers and Mastiffs, while Gul Terras (Pakistani Terriers) were created by crossing Bully Kuttas and Indian Bull Terriers.

Gul-dongs inherited from their bulldog ancestors the average size and fighting qualities, and agility and speed were inherited from their terrier ancestors. In appearance and in some character traits, gul-dongs resemble American pit bull terriers. Europeans often confuse the Gul-Dong with other local dog breeds, especially the Gul Terra and Bully Cutt, mainly because the Gul-Dong is a cross between these two breeds.

Initially, representatives of the Gul-Dong breed were used for baiting bears, as well as bulls and other large animals. If the bear was large, then two gul-dongs were allowed in, and if it was small, then one dog was enough. After the UK passed a law banning bear and bull baiting, gul-dongs became frequent participants in dog fights.

Dog fights began to quickly gain popularity during this period, since they required a smaller area than baiting large animals, and they were easier to organize without attracting attention. Unfortunately, gul-dongs even now often become participants in such underground dog fights (currently dog fighting banned in almost all countries of the world, including Pakistan). Subsequently, dogs of this breed began to be used as vigilant watchmen and security guards, as well as hunting dogs.

Today, gul dongs are ubiquitous in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. This is the favorite dog of the Pashtuns.

It is very difficult to trace the pedigree of a particular Gul-Dong, since dogs of this breed are not registered anywhere. There are not even registered nurseries for their breeding. There is a breed standard, but it is not officially recognized. Not a single canine association recognizes the Gul-Dong as an independent breed.

External features

Gul-dongs are large in size, well-developed muscles and strong bones. The height at the withers of an adult male is 76-110 cm, females - 71-90 cm. The average weight of gul-dongs is 40-75 kg. The head of representatives of this breed is massive, the muzzle is short. On the face and neck there are skin folds. The forehead is wide. The ears are small and set high. The eyes are small and dark. The nasal planum is black. Rib cage deep and wide. The limbs are long, proportional to the body. The tail is of medium thickness, tapered at the end. For fighting, the ears and tail are docked, but this is not typical external sign gul-dong.

The coat of dogs of this breed is smooth and short. The most common color is pure white. Black, grey, brindle and brown colors, as well as their shades, are also acceptable. Often located on white wool dark spots different sizes(harlequin color).

Gul-dongs look similar to American pit bull terriers.


Gul-dongs are serious, intelligent and attentive dogs, with a highly developed sense of ownership, which allows them to be excellent watchdogs and desperately protect their territory from any intruders. General level activity is average, but at “work” (hunting or in battle) they show speed, dexterity and maneuverability. Gul dongs are very aggressive towards other dogs. They are difficult to control.

Dogs of this breed are difficult to train, so they are completely unsuitable for beginners. The owner of the Gul-Dong must have extensive experience in keeping, raising and training aggressive dogs, but it is best if the owner of the Gul-Dong is a professional dog handler. Early socialization is essential for dogs of this breed. They are suspicious of strangers, are often aggressive towards them. Proper education and socialization can reduce the level of aggressiveness and make the dog obedient.

Gul-dongs can be loyal to their owners and always actively protect them, but are not affectionate and tolerant towards children. Dogs of this breed should not be left alone with children and teenagers. You should not be allowed to play with the dog even in the presence of adults, as a provoked gul-dong acts with lightning speed and fury. Gul-dongs will be truly happy if they know their place in the house.

Gul-dongs are completely unsuitable for city life. Their suspicion of strangers, dislike of other dogs and aggressiveness make them dangerous for the city. It is better for Gul-dong to live outside the city, in the courtyard of a private house, behind a well-fortified fence. They need space and physical activity to feel good both mentally and physically.

Dog training should be done by a professional; it’s good if the owner of the gul-dong himself is a dog handler. Some Gul-Dongs become working dogs, helping on the owner’s farm, but most representatives of this breed are still used as guard, hunting and fighting dogs. Despite the recommended keeping in a spacious yard, dogs of this breed should be walked daily. The most suitable exercise for physical activity running is considered. The dog can accompany the owner on a jog or run next to the bicycle. The recommended duration of the walk is at least one hour, in bad weather - at least 30 minutes. Gul-dongs must leave the yard only with a muzzle and a leash.

Gul-dong is not suitable as a companion dog or “nanny” for children. They do not get along with other animals at all, and attack them at the first opportunity, so they should be kept alone or isolated from other animals, especially dogs.

It is not recommended to breed Gul-dongs in areas where the air temperature drops below zero, since the short hair of these dogs does not allow them to successfully survive frosts, and their temperament does not allow them to be kept long time in the house.

Gul-dongs can spend the night in a booth or in a house (only spend the night), in the latter case there must still be a street booth. Dogs can rest in it during the day. It must be strong, wooden, with a double-layer bottom and a reliable sloping roof. There should be no cracks or holes in it (except for the entrance hole, of course), then it can protect the gul-dong from wind and rain. You can use old household items or straw as bedding. The bedding should be changed regularly (at least once a month) if it is made of straw, or washed with a disinfectant if it is fabric.

You will also need a leash about two meters long, a wide leather or metal collar and a muzzle. It is recommended to attach a tag or keychain to the collar with the owner's phone number and address, which may be needed if the gul-dong runs away or gets lost. Microchipping is recommended.
You will need two bowls for feeding. Plastic bowls are too light; dirt gets stuck in their microcracks, which cannot be removed, as a result of which they quickly become unusable. Porcelain and ceramic bowls are short-lived, and gul-dongs are not neat, so metal bowls are considered the most suitable, if possible and if desired by the owner, mounted on a stand. For water, you should choose a deeper bowl than for food. Choose round bowls based on shape. Bowls should be washed every day with disinfectant.

Like all dogs, especially at a young age, Ghoul Dongs need toys. Two or three rubber toys will be enough. Rubber toys with spikes help clean your teeth and massage your gums. For the same purpose, it is recommended to purchase bone from veins.


Caring for gul-dongs is very simple. To carry it out, it is recommended to purchase a rubberized brush-glove, ear cleaner or 3% hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool, a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs, shampoo for dogs, a towel, you should also have a small piece of soft cotton cloth, and if necessary, purchase a nail clipper .

The gul-dong's coat is short, so it should be combed with a special glove with short rubber bristles about once every 7-10 days. They usually comb in the direction of hair growth, except for the chest, which is combed in the opposite direction (from the belly to the chin). It is not recommended to comb the tail at all.

It is recommended to bathe gul-dong as needed or 1-2 times a year for prevention. Human care products and shampoos for cats and other animals are not suitable for bathing the gul-dong. It is recommended to purchase anti-flea or herbal dog shampoo. You can bathe in any place convenient for the owner. Shampoo should be applied to the entire body except the head, foaming and rubbing well. Avoid getting water and shampoo into your dog's ears, mouth, and eyes. At the final stage of bathing, you need to rinse off the shampoo well and wipe the dog dry. It is not advisable to use a hairdryer for drying, as hot air can dry out the gul-dong's fur and skin.

The eyes should be wiped with a piece of cotton cloth as discharge appears in the tear ducts. You can use a simple handkerchief or paper napkin, but avoid cotton wool and cotton pads. Do not use to remove secretions wet wipes, with the exception of special wipes for caring for the eyes of dogs and cats. Heavy discharge may be a sign of not only a common cold or allergy, but also more serious illnesses. If tetracycline ointment does not help reduce the discharge, you should definitely take your gul-dong to a veterinarian. If there is no discharge, you should also consult your veterinarian.

It is recommended to clean your ears at least once a month. It is recommended to purchase a special product for this procedure (for example, from the company “Bars”), which is sold in almost any pet store. There are also wipes for cleaning ears. You can also use three percent hydrogen peroxide and a piece of cotton wool. Only the visible surface of the ear should be cleaned, from the base of the ear to the edges. It is important to ensure that liquid (peroxide or special product) does not get into the ear canal (the exception is drops for deep ear cleaning, which should be instilled directly into the ears).

It is recommended to give gul-dong teeth close attention. They must be examined weekly during the period of teeth growth and change, and monthly when the bite is formed. The gums also need to be examined. Their healthy color is light pink. If they turn red, this indicates inflammation and/or tartar. Only a veterinarian can remove tartar.

To prevent diseases of teeth and gums, you can use bone from the veins, rubber toys with spikes, dry food - all this helps to clean the teeth of food residues, massage the gums, and helps with changing teeth. It is recommended to brush your gul-dong's teeth at least once every seven days. Children's soft tissue is suitable for this procedure. Toothbrush or a special toothbrush for animals. Toothpaste for dogs is sold in pet stores, where you can also find special wipes and tablets for cleaning teeth (consult your veterinarian before use). Human products should not be used to clean teeth.

In order for the gul-dong to calmly tolerate grooming procedures, it should be accustomed to them with early age, gradually and systematically.


A balanced diet is the key to the health of any dog, so special attention should be paid to feeding, if possible, do not skimp on food and vitamins, and also follow the advice of experts on formulating balanced diet. It is important to remember that the food that humans eat is completely unsuitable for dogs and is harmful to their bodies.

It is recommended to feed Gul Dongs according to their age, gender, weight and health status. Instructions for the amount of food per serving are usually indicated on the food packaging. It is recommended to feed puppies under 4 months about 5 times a day, from 4 to 6 months - 4 times, from 6 months to 1 year - 3 times, after 1 year the dog should be switched to adult feeding twice a day. As the number of feedings decreases, the amount of food in one serving increases.

It is recommended to feed with ready-made premium food, with the addition of some natural products. Many breeders advise cooking special porridges with the addition of lean meat, offal, vegetable oil and vegetables. Vitamin and mineral complexes for dogs should also be included in the diet (especially for young Gul-Dongs). It is forbidden to give dogs foods containing salt, sugar, spices, a large number of fat Veal, pork, legumes, potatoes, onions, bones, corn, bakery products. Unsweetened dairy products useful for gul dongs. Unsalted cheese and crackers are great for encouraging gul-dong.

Health and life expectancy

The health and life expectancy of gul-dongs largely depend on heredity and living conditions. Overall, these dogs are different good health. White Gul-dongs, like all white animals, are prone to deafness.

Average duration The lifespan of gul-dongs is 10-12 years.

Text author: wolfonokW7
Copyright holder: Zooclub portal
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From obak "Gul-dong", despite its beautiful name, belongs to the category of the most dangerous and aggressive breeds. That is why it is not very widespread. The dog is in greatest demand in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

People first started talking about this breed at the end of the nineteenth century. It is believed that the dog was created by crossing English bulldogs brought to colonial India with local breeds. The Gul-dong (Pakistani bulldog) was previously used to bait large and wild animals, particularly bears.

Description of the breed

The dog of the Gul-dong breed is large, and at the same time has a very high strength and power. The height of representatives of this breed is comparable to wolfhounds and is 70–90 cm at the withers. The abdomen of such dogs is retracted.

The weight of the dog varies depending on gender, conditions of detention and place of breeding, being in the range of 45–70 kg.

The dog's head is immediately noticeable due to its size. It is very large and not even entirely proportional to the body. A dog's ears are most often cropped, resulting in very small, high-standing ears. They are shaped very much like pig ears.

The muzzle is elongated, at the end there is usually a black nose, which has a rounded shape. The eyes are dark in color, set far apart, and almond-shaped.

The gul-dong has well-developed limbs, and its paws are powerful, round in shape, with hard pads.

If a dog is intended to be used for fighting, its tail is docked. In other cases, a thin tail, which gradually tapers downward, hangs from a straight back. Even when excited, it does not rise high.

The coat is short and quite hard. The color can be different: brindle, brown, gray, black. The most popular is white, with possible stains on the body and paws.

A Gul-Dong dog's litter usually contains 6–8 puppies. To select the brightest representative of the breed, the choice should be made when the puppies are at least a month old. At this age, the main features of the breed are already visible. Also, observing puppies can indicate which ones are softer. This is important when keeping a dog in an urban environment.

Pakistani bulldogs usually live 10–12 years. If a dog is used to participate in entertainment activities, its lifespan is shortened.

Character of the breed

When getting a Gul-Dong, you should understand that this dog is very protective of its territory. Therefore, you need to be careful about taking her toys, food or other items without permission. It is especially important for children to understand this if the dog lives in the family. The dog is completely unsuitable as a partner for playing with children. You shouldn’t even try to accustom her to this, because without the presence of the main owner, she can behave extremely undesirably. This ability can even lead to tragedy.

The feeling of possessiveness makes her very good watchman. It is this quality that is most often in demand in an urban environment.

Behaves aggressively towards other dogs, so you should be physically active when walking your Gul-Dong to a strong man. Starting one for older people is a rash decision.

It is difficult to get along with pets. However, if the gul-dong comes to a family where there are already other dogs or animals, then he tolerates such coexistence more calmly.

The dog of this breed is smart and can be trained well. Work with teams should be developed from an early age with the inclusion of positive motivation.

So that the dog can throw out its energy, it is best to create conditions for it outside the city. There she will be able to run a lot and fully, which is the most useful thing for gul-dong.

A Pakistani bulldog must clearly know its place in the house and under no circumstances should you make concessions to this dog or forgive it any pranks.

Nutrition and care

A dog of this breed does not require careful grooming. In general, the organization of feeding and combing is the same as that of other relatives.

For the gul-dong, it is important that old fur hairs are removed with a brush about once a week. Nails need to be trimmed once every two weeks. Perhaps less often.

The ears require more attention than other dogs. It is recommended to check them daily and treat them with a hydrogen peroxide solution once a week.

A common problem among gul-dongs is tartar, which leads to a terrible smell. To prevent this problem from developing, it is enough to clean it with a brush once every three days. If you start such procedures from childhood, the dog will not have aggression or discontent. You can also buy rubber toys or give them bones. These measures are also suitable as prevention.

Representatives of this breed are bathed only for preventive purposes - once or twice a year. It is not customary to use cosmetics.

The diet of this energetic breed must contain sufficient amounts of protein and fat in order for the dog's muscle corset to develop properly. They are usually fed with soups cooked with meat and porridges. You can give meat and offal in unprocessed form. Adult dog quite capable of overpowering them. Fish is given less often, only to support the body with vitamins. As for dairy products, it is enough to give your dog cottage cheese or kefir.

To simplify the task, many dog ​​breeders feed the gul-dong by special means, making sure there is always enough water in the bowl.

Of course, Gul Dongs are not suitable for the role of family breeds, but they can become good partner or friend to a strong man who wants to have an excellent guard dog.

The Gul-dong is also known as the Pakistani bulldog, and its history is shrouded in mystery. The thing is that the formation of the breed happened by chance. The first representatives of the breed were seen at the end of the 19th century in what is now Pakistan.

The dogs are of medium size, have outstanding fighting qualities, high speed and flexibility. In general, in appearance, and partly in character, they are similar to pit bulls.

They were originally used to hunt bears and other large animals. But when England passed a law banning baiting, dogs began to participate in dog-to-dog fights.

When fighting between dogs was also prohibited, gul-dongs began a career as guards and assistants to hunters.

Almost nothing is known about the pedigree of these dogs, since this breed has not received formal recognition.


Gul-dongs have impressive sizes, excellent muscles and reach 110 cm at the withers. They have a massive head, a wide forehead, small eyes and a wide chest.

Their fur is short and lies tightly to the body. The color of gul-dongs is usually white. But there are also black, gray and other colors. Sometimes there are spots on the fur.


Gul-dong - very smart dogs. Thanks to the desire to defend their own, they become excellent guards. Dogs can hardly be called active, but when performing their duties, the dog shows extraordinary dexterity.

These dogs are very aggressive towards other dogs. And it is almost impossible to control them. They are difficult to train, and therefore should only appear in the hands of experienced dog breeders.

Gul-dongs can also be aggressive towards strangers. And although this trait can be corrected with proper education, it is highly not recommended to keep them in city conditions.