How to open an ice cream parlor: business idea. How to open a cafe from scratch. How to open a small cafe: business plan

Ice cream. This is a “magical” delicacy that has been part of our diet almost since infancy, accompanies us throughout our lives. The Soviet slogan “Ice cream for children!” has long spread to everything age categories and became an effective unifying factor. Groups of friends or colleagues, couples in love and just families often come to the ice cream parlor for a pleasant and useful pastime. in full force. The average domestic consumer eats up to 7 kg of ice cream per year. For comparison, a European consumes up to 15 kg, and an American - as much as twenty! It’s clear - income allows. But we also do not stand still. Therefore, the prospects for the future are quite bright, and opening an ice cream parlor is an idea that can bring good profits.

Opening an ice cream parlor: where to start?

To open an ice cream parlor you need premises. Among the options for a separate building or establishment on the territory of a shopping center, the second plan looks preferable. The fact is that renting space in a shopping center is cheaper (1m² - $50-100 versus $150-200 per 1m² in a stationary cafe). There will also be no need to make additional repairs. And the flow of visitors in a popular shopping center will automatically ensure that the cafe is full without additional advertising.

Many people start such a business under the professional guise of an already “promoted” brand. A franchise costs $10-15 thousand and guarantees the selection and installation of equipment by the franchisor, as well as the supply of raw materials and consulting services on choosing a location and running a business. The franchisor will receive monthly payments from you in the amount of 2-4%, depending on the terms of the franchise.

If you have experience and self-confidence, you can open a cafe without outside help. You must decide on the format of your work: whether you will produce ice cream yourself or sell finished products purchased from other companies. The cafe format encourages in-house production, which gives the opportunity to maneuver in assortment and volume, as well as to use your own imagination. True, you will have to run through the authorities, in particular, get permission from firefighters and sanitary inspectors. According to the standards, the total area of ​​the future cafe must be at least 130 m² and clearly divided into a retail and industrial area, as well as household and storage areas. In addition, equipment and products must have certification documents, and the technology for making ice cream is approved by the sanitary station.

Equipment and raw materials

To make ice cream, first of all, you need a freezer that pasteurizes, whips and freezes the mixture to a temperature of -5ºC. Experience shows that a small freezer for $2000-3000 is enough to make 2-3 kg of ice cream within half an hour. The production speed is limited by the process of hardening (cooling) ice cream in a special installation that costs $500-600. To mix fruit ingredients, prepare pastes, and grind nuts, you will need a blender mixer. Freezers and cabinets will definitely be required. A small cabinet designed for 20 servings of ice cream costs about $200-300. The market is full of Chinese, Korean, Russian equipment, but Italian is considered the best.

The basis of ice cream is special dry mixtures diluted in a ratio of 1/3 with ordinary water. An American package weighing 1.75 kg of Frosty Freeze costs $8.5. The price of a domestic kilogram “Valerie Mix” is $2.5. The “containers” for ice cream are plastic cups or waffle cones. The latter are more profitable to use. They are both more edible and cheaper. For example, Ukrainian “sockets” cost only 55 kopecks, and horns - 18 kopecks apiece.

Cafe assortment

Plenty of choice is a key factor in the success of an ice cream parlor. The main list should include at least 15 varieties, including classic, “premiere” and branded ones. Since the cafe's contingent is of different ages, it is necessary to satisfy the tastes of all categories. Conduct customer surveys to improve the product range and make updates to the “line” at least every six months.

In addition to portioned ice cream, you can produce cakes. A kilogram of “beautiful” ice cream “comes to order” for $30-35.

Dilute your ice cream “repertoire” with drinks such as tea, coffee, cocktails, juices or just soft drinks. Purchased cakes will work well for this purpose. All these “little things” won’t cause much trouble, but they can retain customers and significantly increase revenue.

Business feasibility

At cost, one serving of ice cream costs around 12-15 cents, and at retail it sells for 60-70 cents. Taking into account all expenses and taxes, the profitability is about 30-40%. A deterrent factor for many is the “running around” to authorities. But there is no business without problems. But when you see a cafe filled with happy customers, you also have a reason to rejoice and a reasonable hope of making a good profit.

Prepared by editors: "Business GiD"

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - concept
  • - premises;
  • - design project;
  • - equipment;
  • - staff;
  • - products.


Draw up a business plan, in which you give a special place to the description of the USP - a unique selling proposition that will distinguish your establishment from others. In this case it could be . If you decide to produce this delicacy yourself, take into account the experience of Italian gelaterias. It is their product in this format that is recognized as the best. Find suppliers (or better yet, manufacturers) of equipment, determine its power, functionality and raw materials on which it can work. Then book a master class, where everything will be clearly demonstrated to you and you will be given the opportunity to try the finished ice cream. If you are satisfied with everything, take this or similar equipment as the basis for your business processes.

Find a premises that meets the requirements of regulatory authorities. Conduct location research. Analyze the competitive environment, direction of client flows, proximity to the target audience. If the premises are suitable, sign the lease agreement. Try to get 1-2 months of preferential payment from the owner while you are starting the business.

Make repairs. Whatever good condition The living room and kitchen were missing, the ceiling, floor and walls needed to be updated. In some cases, changes should be made to the location of utilities, but in general, if there was a food service facility in the premises, most likely it does not need any major adjustments. Cosmetic repairs will be quite enough. It's another matter if your concept involves changing the interior. This is not limited to just one month.

Purchase and arrange furniture and equipment. Obtain permits. Develop a menu. Find suppliers. It's up to you to decide whether ice cream parlor sell . Experts advise refraining from this step, because... it will scare away families with children who should become your “anchors”. Make a promotion plan.

Hire staff. Depending on the area of ​​the hall and the number of seats, you will need 2-6 waiters, the same number of line cooks, 2 technical workers and administrators, a chef, an accountant and a manager. Line personnel work in shifts, management staff work on a 5-day basis working week. Provide job descriptions and shift schedules. It is always necessary to monitor employees, but most importantly at the opening stage, because they may need help, especially if the cafe has not conducted training and has not developed uniform service standards.

Public catering has always attracted investors and people with an entrepreneurial spirit. Everyone loves to eat, a lot of it. But how to satisfy the needs of adults and children, athletes and sweet tooths, students and business man? Open a cafe with your own ice cream production! Rest assured, even a spoiled gourmet will enjoy this product. In addition, an ice cream parlor business plan is easy to create and implement. The enterprise will not only bring a lot of pleasure, but also quite good income.

Features of the cafe format

Developing detailed business plan selling ice cream, you need to decide on the concept. To minimize future risks, choose a small establishment with production. This format has European roots and gaining popularity among clients. With this kind of production, consider the option of placing a cafeteria in the same building where the technological processes take place.

Visitors enjoy watching the birth of the delicacy with their own eyes. Zoning is carried out using a glass partition.

The optimal option for a client room is 10 tables and a counter with an assortment. In addition to ice cream, drinks can be sold. If the establishment is for children, alcoholic drinks excluded. It’s better not to overload the menu with the standard set: French fries and other banal snacks. Place your bet on your own product. Cafes for the whole family are very popular.

Assortment, types of ice cream

The success of the future enterprise depends on the diversity of the assortment. Even if a customer is allergic to milk, he will find a lactose-free dessert on the menu. Gaining popularity organic products and proper food. Milk is the basis of everything. It happens:

  • whole;
  • low fat;
  • dry whole or low fat;
  • condensed.

Other products are added to it: cream, butter, whey. In addition, sugar, various flavorings, stabilizers and thickeners are needed.

They are divided according to composition:

  1. With a base of animal fats (seal, milk and cream dessert).
  2. From vegetable fats - palm and coconut oil.
  3. From juice - fruit ice.
  4. Sorbets are a mixture of fruit purees and juices.

According to consistency, the products are:

  • Hardened - produced on special equipment. The finished product is frozen and stored at low temperatures.
  • Soft serve ice cream is completely ready to eat after preparation.

The range of flavors is huge and amazingly diverse:

  • vanilla;
  • chocolate;
  • pistachio;
  • with marzipan;
  • caramel;
  • with berry flavor;
  • coffee, etc.

In addition to the standard, familiar dessert, fried ice cream is gaining great popularity. A business focused on such a novelty will bring success. It seems that heat treatment of a cold delicacy is absolutely the opposite, however, cooking does not stand still and the ice cream can be fried! This is an easy process for a professional. The balls are dipped in batter and rolled in ground flakes, then fried in large quantities oils

Thai ice cream is highlighted separately in the business plan. Besides the novelty, The preparation of the product is a real bright show of creating rolls on an ice board. The process came to our market from the hot streets of sunny Asia.

All products must comply with GOST:

  • 31457-2012 – production of milk, cream, ice cream.
  • 32256-2013 – production of frozen sherbet with the addition of dairy products.
  • 55625-2013 – fruit ice.

Carefully consider this point, since the client is not going for the design or name, but wants to try something that he has not seen anywhere else. Look to world-class chefs for ideas and recipes. Learn the technology and stages of creating a high-quality product.

Premises and location

The location of the future enterprise depends on the region and your wishes. If the opening is planned in a small city, choose the central streets. Consider rental options near city parks, large shopping centers, squares and gardens and children's entertainment complexes.

In the capital or large cities, it is not always advisable to open in the center. But then the cost of square meters may exceed all other costs. In this case, densely populated residential areas are ideal.

The search for premises is complicated by the need to locate production facilities. On average, 200 sq.m. is required. This includes a client area and ancillary accommodation. There are clear requirements for the area:

  1. Surfaces that are heat-resistant to extremes of high and low temperatures.
  2. Materials that are easy to clean and can be disinfested are used to finish the floors and walls.
  3. Availability of heating, sewerage, water supply, exhaust hood.
  4. Electrical wiring for industrial applications. Lamps without glare.

When placed on non-residential floors of buildings, it is necessary to comply with noise and vibration standards. It is not advisable to organize production workshops in basements. Other details are outlined in SanPiN This document is fundamental to the work.

Necessary equipment

Equipment is the most expensive item in an ice cream parlor business plan with calculations. The business is entirely production based. Without powerful industrial equipment it is impossible to prepare a competitive tasty delicacy in large quantities. 250 kilograms per day of the finished product is considered large production, which requires:

  1. A mixer that combines all the ingredients together.
  2. Filters remove unnecessary excess.
  3. Melter. Under high temperatures oils turn into a liquid state.
  4. Homogenizer is a device for imparting homogeneity to the mass.
  5. The pasteurizer carries out heat treatment of natural components.
  6. Tank for storing finished products.
  7. Pumps for packaging.

This is the minimum that is needed for proper uninterrupted operation.

In addition to professional equipment, you will need:

  1. Refrigeration display equipment.
  2. Mixers, blenders, shakers.
  3. Stainless steel containers.
  4. Containers.

In addition to technical equipment, purchase equipment for the hall and cash register area:


  1. Package.
  2. Disposable chopsticks, cups, spoons, plastic containers.
  3. Napkins, foil, packaging film.


Selling ice cream as a business requires human resources:

  • technologist;
  • line specialist;
  • cashier;
  • waiter;
  • accountant;
  • administrator;
  • cleaning woman;
  • loader.

This number of staff is quite enough for the normal functioning of the establishment and small-format production. If the cafe offers delivery, invite a courier.

Business registration and permits

Before you start looking for premises and recruiting employees, you need to do it correctly. If your idea is supported by your partners, organize an LLC. This legal form provides many advantages when creating a network. For a small enterprise, register as an individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneurship is easier to open, state fees are cheaper, and liquidation does not take much time. The state often provides benefits for running small and medium-sized businesses.

Production needs a master document - permission from the SES. All sanitary and epidemiological standards are specified in Order No. 224. To obtain such paper, you must:

  1. Certificate tax accounting, state registration.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  3. OKVED code 55.30.
  4. A correctly drawn up lease agreement.
  5. Drawing of the production premises for the BTI commission.
  6. Approved assortment.
  7. Technological project approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  8. Agreements for deratization, disinfestation, disinfection concluded with a government agency.

Before submitting documents, invite a representative of the SES and a fire inspector to evaluate the premises.

All equipment must have documents - passports. Certified raw materials with veterinary and laboratory reports are used in production. Staff must have sanitary books.

Cost and payback calculations

Calculating expenses is a necessary item in an ice cream parlor business plan. Costs are divided into three groups:


  • Equipment – ​​RUB 2,500,000;
  • Registration of documents – 10,000 rubles;
  • Repair – 200,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials – 300,000 rubles;
  • Advertising campaign – 30,000 rubles;
  • Software and website development – ​​RUB 50,000.


  • Rent of premises – 100,000 rubles;
  • Salary to employees - 100,00 rubles;
  • Taxes – 6% of profit;
  • Utilities – 15,000 rubles;
  • Consumable disposable materials – RUB 20,000;
  • Promotions – 15,000 rubles.

Unforeseen operating costs:

  • Equipment repair and maintenance – RUB 25,000.

It follows from this that the minimum investment amount is RUB 3,365,000 The figure may vary depending on location, manufacturing companies and volumes.

In addition to the cafeteria, the establishment will sell finished products to customers for takeaway. At the same time, one kilogram of standard ice cream without fillers costs 250 rubles. We will produce up to 200 kg per day (during high season). Income per shift - 50,000 rubles. For a month - 1,500,000 rubles. Subtracting taxes and expenses, 1,200,000 rubles remain.

Profitability is reported after 12 months. Don't forget about seasonality. Despite the attractiveness and taste of the finished product, consumption in winter is less than in summer. You can’t change the statistics and you can’t influence it either. Really increase sales during the season.

In general, the idea is quite interesting and profitable. Study the competitive environment in the region, work out the concept, menu and design. Observing simple rules, you can achieve success even in the low season.

Use the Rubitime online recording CRM system: the service will help you analyze the performance of your business and interact productively with your clients.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1,230,000 RUR

Starting investments

500 ₽

Average check

100,000 - 200,000 ₽

Net profit

8-18 months

Payback period

Ice cream is a delicacy that will always be in demand. Therefore, an ice cream parlor is a promising business. How to earn 200 thousand rubles from ice cream. net profit per month - read the article.

According to statistics, in Russia each person eats approximately 7 kg of ice cream per year, and 57% of Russians are regular consumers of this delicacy. The indicator is promising. On the one hand, this means a fairly high demand for ice cream, and on the other hand, it speaks of the prospects for market development, because in other countries this delicacy is consumed in even larger quantities. For example, one European consumes more than 10 kg of ice cream per year.

Recently, the culture of ice cream consumption has been increasing. People increasingly want to enjoy dessert in a pleasant environment. And the requirements for the taste of ice cream are increasing. You won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary ice cream. Therefore, many entrepreneurs come to a logical decision: open an ice cream parlor.

Such establishments are popular among young people and families with children. Mixed types of formats are especially in demand, for example, an ice cream parlour, a cafeteria, and a confectionery shop. This increases the establishment’s profit several times and expands its capabilities. But the main element of the cafe should be ice cream. It acts as a monoproduct around which the concept of the entire establishment is built. To establish yourself as an ice cream parlor, provide consumers with a wide variety of ice cream treats to choose from. It is advisable that the menu have at least 15 types of ice cream to satisfy the taste of any visitor. The varied menu has one more important role– encourage the client to come back to you again to try something new.

Checklist for opening an ice cream parlor

Key business indicators:

    The threshold for entering the business is 1.23 million rubles;

    Payback – from 8 to 18 months;

    Average check - 500 rub.

    Net profit - 100-200 thousand rubles/month

Basic steps to open a cafe:

    Market research. At this stage, you analyze all aspects of management of this business in your city and conduct a competition analysis.

    Determining the format and concept of the cafe. You need to decide whether you will sell finished products or organize your own production.

    Drawing up a business plan. You must plan your actions, determine the time and financial boundaries of the project. It is best to draw up several development scenarios, providing for both optimistic and negative outcomes of events.

    Registration and registration

    Selecting premises, concluding a lease agreement

    Purchase and installation of equipment

    Selection of product suppliers

    Collecting information about the local market

    The catering business is one of the most popular and highly competitive. Therefore, at the initial stage it is important to conduct market research. To do this, it is not necessary to order a market analysis from a marketer; you can do it yourself and give a general assessment.

    Find out who your main competitors are and where they are located. This will be useful when choosing a location for your establishment. Study your competitors' offerings to create your own unique offer. Assess the demand for ice cream - this way you will understand whether the trend is promising in your city. Determine who is yours the target audience. By understanding your customers' desires, you can offer exactly what they want. Study the foreign experience of similar institutions. This way you will find new ideas.

    Keep in mind: the more information you collect at this stage, the easier it will be for you to put the idea into practice. Market analysis is the foundation on which your business will be built.

    Advantages and disadvantages of ice cream parlors

    Choosing an ice cream parlor format

    Competition forces us to look for unique solutions. To stand out in the market, you need to offer something new. You can surprise not only with the assortment, but also with the service and format of the establishment.

      Traditional ice cream parlor. Stationary cafes require the greatest investment; they are quite complex in terms of finding a location, advertising, external design and collecting documentation, but they work all year round compared to street cafes.

      An island in a shopping center. Advantages of a location in a shopping center: rental costs are lower compared to stationary establishments; reducing the impact of sales seasonality on the business; less advertising costs. A popular business format in this direction is the sale of Thai ice cream.

      Street ice cream parlor. The main advantage is that this format matches the product itself. The downside is that the outdoor playground is seasonal - it can only operate in the warm season, and is forced to close in the winter. That's why Street Cafe may become part of a permanent establishment.

    Another important nuance that needs to be outlined right away: the choice between in-house production and the purchase of finished products. Solving this issue is simple: calculate the cost of your own production and compare it with purchase prices for finished products, not forgetting to take into account transportation costs. As practice shows, in-house production is beneficial only for those regions where raw materials are cheaper. For major cities This is relevant if you adhere to the concept of “exclusive ice cream” - but then high prices should be set for the products, which will significantly narrow the circle of potential consumers.

    Making a business plan for an ice cream parlor

    After choosing a concept, you can start writing a business plan. This point is mandatory because pre-planned actions will help to estimate the amount of work, determine the financial conditions for the implementation of the project and avoid mistakes at the start. The business plan should include a description of the concept, development of a menu and advertising strategy, calculation of income and expenses, and time frame for project implementation. An important nuance: it is better to launch promotion in advance in order to attract the first visitors by the time the establishment opens.

    The most important part of a business plan is income and expenses. Key business indicators should be calculated here:

      Initial Investment

    • Monthly expenses

      Net profit

      Payback period


    We will provide approximate calculations at the end of the article, when we consider each stage in detail.

    Registering a business

    Opening a catering establishment is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting documents. Even if we are talking about such a small establishment as an ice cream parlor. He will still have to complete documentation for all requirements. Therefore, you need to stock up on patience, strength and money. Budget about 20 thousand rubles for completing all the documentation.

    First, register your business: an individual entrepreneur or LLC will do. If you plan to limit yourself to one establishment, an individual entrepreneur will be enough. If you plan to open a chain of establishments, it is better to choose an LLC.

    When registering, you must indicate OKVED:

      56.10.1 “Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service."

    You will also need permits from the fire inspection, SES, take care of certificates for raw materials and equipment, approve ice cream production technology with SES, and register with the tax office.

    The package of permits includes:

      Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

      TIN certificate;

      agreements with SES and fire service;

      sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;

      documents for checking instrumentation and measuring utensils;

      safety magazine;

      conclusion of the tax inspectorate on the registration of cash registers;

      agreement with the energy saving service and sewerage service;

      agreement with the residential complex for waste removal;

      agreement with the tenant and contracts with employees;

      assortment list approved in the SEN.

    When preparing documentation, immediately pay attention to the requirements that are indicated there. This information will be useful to you at the stage of choosing a room and organizing the work process.

    Choosing a location and room

    Find suitable premises for a cafe it’s not so simple - the difficulty lies in the many norms and requirements that it must comply with. Therefore, it is better to start your search in advance, perhaps even before registration. It will be a great success to find a room where there used to be a catering establishment. Then you will save on paperwork and, possibly, on some equipment. Typically, such premises are rented with exhaust hood, ventilation and air conditioning systems. When choosing, rely on 2 parameters: location and the condition of the room itself.

    The right location will be a good advertisement for your establishment. How to evaluate the location? First, use services like 2GIS or Google Maps. Find out if there are competitors nearby and your target audience. Secondly, evaluate the premises itself: does it meet the standards and requirements, is there a possibility of redevelopment, is repairs needed. Pay attention to the power of electricity.

    Where is the best place to locate an ice cream parlor:

      shopping centers;

      parks, squares, embankments;

      close to educational institutions.

    As for the cafe premises, 50 sq.m. is enough.

    Consider the following areas:

      Production workshop – 20 sq. m.

      Hall for visitors – 15 sq. m.

      Warehouse – 8 sq.m. m.

      Technical room appointments – 4 sq. m.

    What are the requirements for the cafe premises:

      the presence of artificial and natural ventilation;

      availability of sewerage;

      availability of additional rooms (storage room, bathroom, staff room).

      You can read more detailed requirements for the premises in SanPiN.

    One of the most important issues at this stage - the cost of rent. For a cafe you need only 50 sq. m. – for the catering sector this is a small area. The rental rate may vary and depend on various factors: city and region, pedestrian traffic, advantageous proximity to other establishments. On average in Russia, rent is 50 sq. m. m. will cost 40-50 thousand rubles per month; for Moscow and St. Petersburg, naturally, prices will be much higher. Experienced restaurateurs recommend paying rent six months in advance - then by the time you make the next payment you will have time to get back on your feet.

    Purchase of equipment and furniture

    The quality of equipment and tools directly affects the productivity of the kitchen and the taste of the food. Therefore, you should select your equipment carefully. To avoid making mistakes at this stage, study the offers on the market, reviews of equipment and the experience of other entrepreneurs in advance.

    Ready ideas for your business

    If you plan to sell ready-made ice cream, then the list of equipment will be reduced to kitchen utensils and a coffee machine, which is present in any cafe. But if you want to start your own production, then be prepared to spend a lot of money. The main equipment is a freezer, which makes ice cream: whips, pasteurizes and cools to a certain temperature. The price of such equipment depends on performance. High-quality equipment will cost about 150 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need:

      Refrigerator for blast freezing food;

      Refrigerated display case;

      Ice cream storage containers;

      Additional equipment (small kitchen utensils);

      Coffee machine.

    Equipment costs will total approximately 300 thousand rubles. The cost of the equipment depends entirely on the specific manufacturer. Cheaper options are offered by Korean and Chinese manufacturers. And the best equipment for ice cream is considered to be Italian.

    The cafe also needs furniture. You will need to buy coffee tables and chairs. To equip an establishment with 30 seats with furniture, you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles. Don't forget to purchase cash machine, cashless payment terminal, decorative items. This will cost another 50 thousand rubles.

    We purchase raw materials

    Good raw materials are important for any establishment. After all, it is almost impossible to cook from low-quality ingredients a good product. To produce your own ice cream, you need special mixtures that are mixed with water and, thanks to a freezer, turned into ice cream.

    To find a reputable supplier, you need to study the various offers on the market. You can visit the enterprise and see the production process. Today, there are many suppliers with whom an ice cream parlor can cooperate: among them are both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The products will meet the most high requirements, if you purchase ingredients from European companies. But it will cost much more.

    The choice of supplier also depends on the concept. If you are targeting consumers with middle and high incomes and rely on the exclusivity of the offer, you can enter into an agreement with a foreign company. The phrase “We import raw materials from Italy” will in itself be a “feature” of your establishment. At the initial stage, it is necessary to purchase raw materials in the amount of about 250 thousand rubles.

    It is recommended to select the ice cream mixture individually for each equipment. This must be done because a conventional freezer does not have precise settings that take into account the level of ice cream hardness and the consistency of the mixture. As a result, it turns out that the freezing of the mixture is not controlled. Therefore, to obtain best result You should take into account the recommendations for a specific freezer.

    Please note that all products must comply with GOST:

      31457-2012 – production of milk, cream, ice cream.

      32256-2013 – production of frozen sherbet with the addition of dairy products.

      55625-2013 – fruit ice.

    We determine the specifics of our own ice cream production

    If you decide to organize your own production, you first need to understand the technology for making ice cream. To produce ice cream in a freezer, raw materials in the form of special mixtures are used. They are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The cost of such mixtures also depends on the manufacturer. Russian raw materials today cost from 40 rubles per kilogram, foreign ingredients will cost several times more.

    The ice cream production algorithm includes the following steps:

      Sifting of raw materials;

      Preparation base mixture;

      Adding additional ingredients;

      Freezing and storing the finished product.

    In addition to the taste of the ice cream itself, the presentation of the product is also important. It is important in what container the ice cream is served and what the name of each assortment item is. Children react to the bright color and unusual presentation, and adults - to the name.

    Ready ideas for your business

    Cardboard or waffle cups are used as containers for ice cream. Moreover, waffle cups are used not only for the sake of taste, but also for the sake of economy: they cost the manufacturer 2-3 times less than cardboard ones.

    We are hiring employees

    It is very important to find qualified employees, because the success of your establishment depends on their work. Any business in the catering industry relies on employees because they create the atmosphere, mood and service as a whole. To ensure the operation of the cafe, the following employees will be required:

      chief technologist;

      2 pastry chefs (will work in shifts);

      4 cashiers (will work in shifts);

      accountant (outsourcing possible);

      equipment repairman (you can negotiate with the equipment supplier);

      cleaner (part-time);


    The functions of a director or manager can be performed by the entrepreneur himself. In this case, the full staff will be 9 people. On wages you will have to spend about 250 thousand rubles monthly (this amount also includes contributions to funds).

    The technological process in an ice cream parlor is quite simple, so young people with little work experience can be hired. It may be necessary to provide training to employees so that they become familiar with special equipment.

    Creating an ice cream parlor menu

    Now that you have understood the taste preferences of consumers, you can decide on the menu issue. It should consist of the most popular items, but contain several branded options - a unique offer that can only be tried in your establishment.

    You can offer an ice cream designer service to give the visitor the opportunity to independently determine the composition of the dessert. Provide several toppings: various syrups, nuts, fruits, crispy balls, marmalade, etc. These positions can be made a little more expensive than others.

    When you launch the menu, be sure to monitor sales statistics. Identify the most popular and weakest items in the assortment. Replace what is not in demand. It is also important to update the menu periodically. It is recommended to do this every six months, but seasonal new items can also be introduced. For example, to maintain demand during the cold season when ice cream sales are down, you could offer hot drinks with ice cream or desserts served with scoops of signature ice cream. In addition to single-serve ice cream, offer whole cakes that are eligible for take-out service. The more profitable offers you create, the more clients you can attract.

    We calculate how much money is needed to open an ice cream parlor

    The table shows the approximate amount of the initial investment. Please note that the expenditure section includes the item “reserve fund”. What it is? This is an amount that serves as a “financial cushion” for the first months of work, when the cafe is just starting to function. This stage usually associated with large expenses and a small amount of profit that is not able to cover the amount of expenses.

    Calculation of initial investment

    Thus, opening a restaurant will require about 1.2 million rubles.

    In addition to the initial investment, you need to plan your monthly expenses. On average, they will amount to 420 thousand rubles.

    Monthly expenses of an ice cream parlor

    Now you can calculate your approximate revenue. The difficulty of planning the revenue part of a business plan is that it is difficult to predict the volume and amount of orders. As a result, the profit amounts are approximate and may not coincide with the real state of affairs. But you still need to figure out how much you can earn.

    In the calculations we will proceed from the fact that the average check for 1 table is 500 rubles. The approximate workload in the cafe is 30 tables per day. This means that the daily revenue will be 15,000 rubles. You should also separately calculate the volume of takeaway orders. They will amount to approximately 40% of the revenue. Total daily revenue is 21,000 rubles. That is, the cafe will earn 630 thousand rubles per month. Let's subtract all expenses from this - 210 thousand rubles of net profit will remain. With such indicators, the initial investment will be able to pay off within 6-8 months. For the catering industry, a payback period of up to 1 year is an excellent result.

    Ready ideas for your business

    Of course, these figures are very relative and reflect an optimistic development scenario. The actual amount will depend on many factors: city, price level, popularity of your place, menu, advertising costs and even when your cafe will open. Since the business season begins in mid-April and lasts until early October, it is better to anticipate the opening so that by the beginning of the season you can gain a little experience and get promoted - i.e. plan to start in March. This way you will be able to get high profits from the first months of work.

    Determining an advertising strategy

    There is a stereotype in the market that only children eat ice cream. But statistics show that this dessert is also popular among adults, with 40% of buyers being men. Therefore, when creating a menu, focus on different categories of consumers.

    The more varieties of ice cream offered on the menu, the better for your establishment. Wide choose always appreciated by consumers. However, the golden mean is important in everything - there is no need to try to embrace the immensity. Too much variety can confuse the visitor and make it difficult to choose. The optimal number of ice cream positions is 15.

    Most often, your establishment will be visited by families with children. Therefore, it is better to support the theme both in the design and in the concept of the cafe itself. For the youngest visitors, provide a bright, attractive presentation; and pay attention to adults to the wide range and quality ingredients.

    If we talk about consumer preferences, the most popular is chocolate ice cream. Therefore, it is advisable to offer visitors several variations of it. Pistachio and vanilla are also popular. Women prefer low-fat varieties with the addition of fruits and toppings. Children like bright, fruit-flavored ice cream. Recently, there has been an increased interest in dietary ice cream - you can also bet on this.

    A few ideas on how you can increase ice cream sales:

      come up with unusual tastes, original combinations and launch it as a limited offer. Someone will want to try, someone will share the information with a friend. Finding an idea is quite easy. On the Internet you can easily find information about the most unusual ice cream flavors. You could copy a few recipes from different countries and announce "Tricky Geography Month" by asking visitors to try the ice cream and guess which country it's from. Such an original move will certainly attract the attention of even those who had not previously intended to eat your ice cream;

      organize event marketing, invite everyone to the show of an animator-ice cream maker, who not only sells behind the counter, but entertains the audience. You can periodically organize such events to attract attention;

      When you think about the shape of the ice cream packaging, keep in mind that an adult buyer, when choosing ice cream for his child, most often buys the one that is more convenient to eat. Therefore, if you want to sell a certain type of ice cream, try changing the packaging and making it as convenient as possible. For example, ice cream in a box and with a spoon is regarded as more convenient than a waffle cone;

      Organize a tasting day and invite your guests to try a mini-portion of new types of ice cream. If you like it, then with a 70% probability a person will buy a whole portion.

    Since the products of ice cream manufacturers are mainly aimed at children, competition in this market segment is the most intense. An adult buyer, when choosing ice cream for his child, most often purchases the type that is more convenient to eat.

    Thinking through the risks of an ice cream parlor

    Risks must be dealt with before they occur. It's both simpler and cheaper. Therefore, be sure to include a list of threats and measures to overcome them in your business plan for opening an ice cream parlor. The restaurant business involves many risks that can significantly affect the operation of your establishment.

    The main risks include:

      Seasonality of business. The popularity of the establishment, like the ice cream itself, has a pronounced seasonality. In summer, attendance is much higher than in the cold season. But practice shows that in winter, buyers do not refuse ice cream. True, they prefer ice cream cakes rather than portioned desserts. Expanding the range of hot drinks, pastries and desserts, which can be complemented with ice cream, will help support winter sales. These menu items should not be completely abandoned during the high season. The experience of successful cafes shows that the sale of drinks accounts for 10-15% of turnover. And the presence of baked goods, salads and other dishes on the menu increases revenue by 35-40%.

      Wrong location. For any catering establishment, location is both promotion, part of the concept, and a factor of business reputation. Therefore, mistakes when choosing a location can significantly reduce your revenue. The easiest way to avoid risk is at the stage of selecting premises by analyzing all potential options.

      Rising prices for raw materials, problems with suppliers. These risks can lead to increased costs, operational disruptions and even decreased reputation. If the price of raw materials increases, then you will have to increase the price of ice cream - and this may scare off consumers. Problems with suppliers are associated with supply disruptions, decreased product quality - all this increases costs and reduces profits. Risks can be reduced by carefully selecting suppliers, giving preference to trusted partners, and correctly drawing up supply contracts, which will spell out all the conditions, including the supplier’s financial liability;

      Competitors' reaction. The catering market is highly competitive, so the actions of your direct competitors can have a significant impact on your business. Your task is to protect yourself as much as possible from competitive attacks by building a customer base and competitive advantages. This can be done with the help of various promotions and discounts, savings cards for regular visitors, creating unique offers;

      Decrease in the establishment's reputation. This can happen for various reasons: a decrease in product quality, personnel errors, actions of competitors, etc. One way or another, the restaurant business is very dependent on word of mouth. That’s why it’s so important to always work on your reputation. To maintain it at the proper level, carry out constant monitoring of product quality, maintain feedback from visitors to the establishment, use the “mystery shopper” service to identify errors and service gaps. Never stop developing. Constantly improve your service. Only then do you have the opportunity to gain a foothold in the market and achieve success.

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    In the catering industry, ice cream parlors are considered the most attractive business for investors. Creating such a business does not require significant investments, and the purchase of an ice cream parlor quickly pays off. Moreover, it should be noted that there is always a demand for catering, so specialized cafes have good development prospects. The cafes are aimed at a wide range of consumers, of different ages, social status, financial capabilities, so they constantly bring their owners a stable income. On weekends and holidays, the ice cream parlor becomes an excellent place family vacation. And on weekdays managers and students gather there. It should be noted that there is a steady increase in the emergence of new ice cream parlors. On average in Russia, the annual dynamics of market growth is at least 20%. The trend towards opening cafes is especially clear in large regional centers, where it is developing quite well.

    If you decide to buy an ice cream parlor, you need to roughly estimate how much money is spent on opening such an establishment. As we have already noted, organizing the production and sale of ice cream does not require significant investments. The most budget option will cost around 600-700 thousand rubles. If you build a decent establishment with the purchase of expensive equipment, you can spend 2.5 million rubles and more (a good set of equipment will cost about 2 million rubles). The payback period for such establishments ranges from one and a half to two years, which, you agree, is pretty good.

    To open an ice cream parlor you need a premises of 50 sq.m. The optimal location is considered to be shopping and entertainment complexes, where people come not only to make some purchases, but also to relax. The staff of an ice cream parlor is usually 15-20 people, including the executive director, accountant, maintenance and repair engineer, managers, etc. It is advisable that all personnel undergo training before being hired.

    Like any establishment producing catering products, constant monitoring of the quality of all ingredients is necessary. The best-tasting ingredients are usually purchased from European companies; the results are not so cheap, but the products will meet the highest requirements. The equipment in ice cream parlors is most often imported; preference is given to Italian manufacturers. Refrigerators can be purchased from domestic manufacturers. They lose in design and ergonomics, but they keep the cold no worse than their Western and Eastern counterparts.

    Now regarding the purchase of ready-made ice cream parlors. Due to the good demand for such catering establishments, it is very difficult to buy an ice cream parlor. There are few offers in this market. According to experts, the cost of a well-promoted ice cream parlor will be about 260 thousand dollars. Therefore, the remaining real purchase offers ready-made business offered by franchisors. If you have small financial resources, then organizing a small business as a franchise will be the best option for you. The largest players in the cafe franchise market are two large companies: Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia.


    Baskin Robbins is one of the very first companies to develop the franchising market in Russia. Currently, the Baskin Robbins chain includes 107 cafes opened in Russia, the former CIS and Baltic countries. The conditions for participation in the network require the payment of a lump sum contribution (from $11,000) and the transfer of royalties (4% of gross purchases of ice cream and related materials from the factory). In addition, franchisees are required to spend at least 1% of gross sales monthly on local advertising for the cafe. The amount of investment when opening a Baskin Robbins outlet is $70,000 - 150,000.

    The Baskin-Robbins company offers its franchisees comprehensive assistance in organizing a business and includes the following:

    • assistance in drawing up a business plan for creating a cafe, including marketing analysis, choosing a suitable location, calculating the required investment volumes and payback periods;
    • drawing up estimates, monitoring the construction and equipment of an ice cream parlor;
    • supply of equipment, finishing materials, branded furniture that create the desired image of the establishment;
    • training of managers, decorators, on the basis of its training center in Moscow with subsequent training of personnel on site;
    • marketing and advertising support for the brand,


    Mia Dolce Giulia (a Russian company producing ice cream using exclusive Italian technologies) launched its franchising program only in 2004. Domestic ice cream makers opposed the Western chain with preferential terms of cooperation for franchisees (discounts on raw materials and equipment). In addition, they offered investors several options for opening points - from a simple installation of a display case for selling ice cream to a complex option that includes the production and sale of dessert. Lump sum amount for different schemes cooperation ranges from 150,000 to 900,000 rubles, royalties are fixed (9,000-15,000 rubles per month). Investments in starting a business start from 500,000 rubles, and the return on investment can exceed 150% per annum.

    Cafe "Mia Dolce Giulia" has proven its worth and competitiveness, operating in many cities of Russia. Our franchisee partners are provided with comprehensive assistance, from the supply of equipment at reduced prices, to the supply of promotional products, right down to branded napkins.

    Let's consider the terms of the Mia Dolce Giulia franchise program. The package offered to franchisees includes:

    • the right to use the trademark "Mia Dolce Giulia";
    • project development point of sale- upon request of the franchisee, an architectural and planning solution is prepared, as well as technical specifications for the development of a retail outlet project;
    • supply of equipment when launching a retail outlet - franchisees have the opportunity to receive equipment from leading European manufacturers at reduced prices;
    • Supply of raw materials and accessories - franchisees have the opportunity to purchase at reduced prices the ingredients necessary for making ice cream, as well as accessories decorated in the corporate style of “Mia Dolce Giulia”;
    • personnel training - management, sales and production personnel are trained in accordance with management standards effective business"Mia Dolce Julia"

    Franchisees are offered three options for joining the Mia Dolce Giulia ice cream parlor chain.

    Franchise option

    Amount of lump sum contribution, thousand dollars

    The total amount of investment required to open a business (including a lump sum contribution, excluding the cost of preparing the premises), thousand dollars

    Estimated investment return period, years.

    Who is the franchise for?


    For regions of Russia



    For Moscow and regions of Russia where franchisees already operate using an integrated option.