How to open a peasant farm: step-by-step instructions for an entrepreneur. How to open a farm

To carry out activities as a peasant (farm) enterprise, it is required to register it in the manner prescribed by current legislation. This is necessary for entering the peasant farm into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and for its legal functioning.

How to organize the registration of a peasant (farm) enterprise? Are there features and nuances that are important to consider? Answers to these and other questions can be obtained right now, just carefully study the article.

Features of this type of farming

So, first, let’s understand the concept of a peasant farm, and then the goals and right to create it and state registration.

Peasant (farm) economy is an association individuals those who have property in joint ownership (for example, a plot of land). Its activities may be limited to the manufacture of certain products, their transportation or storage. The peculiarity is that in the indicated direction Peasant farm members engage in activities personally.

The legislative basis for the issue under consideration is the Federal Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy” No. 74 of 2003.

Registration of a peasant (farm) enterprise

The following persons have the right to submit an application for registration:

  • Capable person;
  • A person who has Russian citizenship, a foreigner or a stateless person;
  • Several persons who entered into an agreement and have family ties with the future head.

If a peasant farm is created by a group of people, then there should not necessarily be family ties between them. At the same time, the legislator establishes that the number of members of such a farm cannot exceed 5 people.

The documents required to open a peasant farm are discussed below.

Is it profitable to have a small peasant farm, a specialist will tell you in the video below:

Required documents

Art. 22 of Law No. 129 establishes the need to collect a certain package of documents in order to register such a business:

  1. Application with a request for state registration. Compiled according to the established template.
  2. A photocopy of the applicant's passport. This could be a citizen of the Russian Federation, the future head of a registered farm.
  3. Receipt confirming payment of the fee.

If the applicant is a foreigner or stateless person, then they are presented with a document that acts as an identification document and is recognized in the country in accordance with federal legislation or an international agreement. They are additionally presented with a document confirming the right to reside in the state.

Read below about the procedure for drawing up an application for registration of a peasant farm.

How to make an application and where to submit it

Clause 4 of PP No. 439 of 2002 establishes that the application for the procedure for registering a peasant (farm) enterprise is drawn up in form No. P21002. It is practically no different from the application submitted under.

Application for registration of peasant farms the prescribed form must be filled out correctly. No errors or corrections are allowed.

It does not need to be certified by a notary if the application is submitted personally by the head of the household.

If the application for registration is submitted by an authorized person, then 2 conditions must be met:

  1. Execution of a notarized power of attorney listing powers in relation to a person.
  2. Certification in a notary office of the application itself, drawn up by the head of the peasant farm.

An application for the establishment of a peasant farm is submitted for consideration along with the collected list of documents to the tax authority located at the place of registration of the applicant.

Sample agreement on the creation of a peasant (farm) enterprise

Sample agreement on the creation of a peasant (farm) enterprise - 1

Sample agreement on the creation of a peasant (farm) enterprise - 2

Interest in the village last years has grown significantly. Russians are returning to agricultural work not only on their own summer cottages, but they are also thinking about deeper “naturalization”.

Someone chooses a type of activity such as farming and opens an enterprise of the appropriate profile.

How to do this legally? This is what we will discuss in our material today. We bring to your attention step-by-step instructions for registering a peasant farm in 2018.

Pros and cons of farming

Before we figure out how to open a peasant farm in 2018, let’s think about what makes this type of business attractive. And let's be sincere about its risks. So, a peasant farm is an agricultural enterprise in which mainly relatives work. They independently produce and sell products on the basis of owning their own property.

Why is this type of activity gaining more and more followers? Let's list the attractive factors:

  • Food products are always in demand;
  • Food prices are rising steadily, ensuring profit for the manufacturer;
  • Sanctions from Western countries in recent years have cleared a place for Russian agricultural producers in the domestic market in a number of ways;
  • Consumers often give preference to domestic food products, trusting their quality and environmental friendliness;
  • The choice of types of activities is wide, a person also thinks about this when deciding how to register a peasant farm in 2017. It is possible to use the characteristics of the area of ​​residence, climate, etc.;
  • There are several federal and regional programs to support farmers, especially in the first years of peasant farming. For example, issuing subsidies and grants, reimbursements of interest rates.

Yes, there are difficulties and negative aspects. This profitable business, but when farming there are risks of crop failure due to weather conditions and force majeure situations. Livestock farming has its own nuances and complexities. There are questions about lending to agricultural producers, but so far banks have not agreed to significantly reduce rates. Nevertheless, the army of farmers is growing, if only because this type of activity gives people a lot of positive emotions.

How to open a peasant farm in 2018: organizational nuances

The task of how to open a peasant farm in 2018 is also made easier by this feature: initially, no qualifications are required. Of course specialized knowledge They will be very helpful in growing vegetables, raising poultry, beekeeping and other industries where farmers can prove themselves. But for the registration process itself there is no such mandatory condition as professional training of personnel.

What is needed, what are the features of creating a peasant farm?

  • Both Russians and foreign citizens or even stateless persons can become a member of the household;
  • The future head of a peasant farm must register as an individual entrepreneur, without forming a legal entity;
  • Relatives who are at least 16 years old can become members of the enterprise, including no more than three families, the number of members of which is not limited;
  • If additional labor is required, the meeting of peasant farm members can admit up to 5 non-relatives as members;
  • The property of the association becomes common or common;
  • The production and sale of products produced by peasant farms take place with the personal participation of each member of the family farm.

Agreement is a fundamental document

The first document that people who decide to unite in a peasant farm are required to draw up is a written agreement. It will be transferred to the registration authorities, so it must contain the following data:

  • About the head of the enterprise;
  • About the members of the future peasant farm, their rights and responsibilities;
  • On the rules of admission to and exit from an enterprise;
  • On the procedure for obtaining property and using it;
  • On methods of selling products;
  • About the profit distribution procedure.

When an entrepreneur does not plan to have other members of the farm, he registers a peasant farm in the name of one person and himself makes a decision on its creation.

How to register a peasant farm in 2018: step-by-step instructions

Registration of a farm with the tax office is carried out at the place of residence of its head. Below we provide step-by-step instructions for registering a peasant farm in 2017. What documents will be required?

  • certificate of residence of the head of the peasant farm;
  • passport of the individual registering the household and its copy;
  • application on form No. р21002;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty (in the amount of 800 rubles);
  • decision or agreement on the creation of an agricultural enterprise.

After three days farming will be registered. The farmer will be given a certificate of state registration as the head of a peasant farm and of registration with the Federal Tax Service, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and an information letter from Rosstat. The latter will record all the necessary data to help prepare reports.

Unified agricultural tax in the algorithm for the functioning of peasant farms

Practice shows that the most suitable taxation system for farming is the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). This is a simplified regime in which you do not have to pay separate taxes on property, profit, and added value.

During the process of registering an enterprise, a corresponding application is submitted to the local tax authority. But we must keep in mind that only those farms that have at least 70% of their activities in the production of agricultural products have the right to use it.

The main benefit of this regime: the tax is only 6% of profit, and in some regions even less. For example, in Crimea and Sevastopol the Unified Agricultural Tax rate is 4%. The declaration will need to be completed once a year, and payments will be made semi-annually. Another advantage of this format is the possibility of reducing the tax base by the amount of losses from previous years. Moreover, this benefit is valid for 10 years from the moment the loss occurred.

The format for paying social contributions is also convenient for a farmer who has chosen the single agricultural tax regime. It is fixed: in 2018 it is 32,385 rubles (26,545 for pension insurance; 5,840 for health insurance) with a household income of no more than 300 thousand rubles. If the profit is above 300 thousand, then you will have to pay (on the excess amount) an additional tax of 1 percent. Payments can be made quarterly or monthly.

As for hired workers, contributions from them must be transferred every month, they amount to 30% of wages+ contributions for injuries, the tariff of which is set according to the main type of activity.

For all members of peasant farms it is necessary to pay a fixed amount of insurance premiums in the amount of 32,385 rubles per year.

Peasant farm reporting on insurance premiums

There is a slight difference in the reporting of peasant farms from other forms of entrepreneurship:

  • If individual entrepreneurs do not submit reports on fixed insurance premiums, then in 2018, for the first time, heads of peasant farms (peasant farms) that do not have employees must submit to the Federal Tax Service a calculation of insurance premiums for the calendar year by January 30, 2018.

The calculation of insurance premiums for peasant farms without hired labor consists of section 2 and appendix 1 to section 2 (with identification of individuals) - for members of the peasant farm, including the head of the peasant farm. The presentation location code should be “124”.

For peasant farms with hired workers, standard reports are submitted:

  • to the Federal Tax Service - calculation of insurance premiums, 2 personal income taxes, 6 personal income taxes
  • in the Pension Fund of Russia - SZV-M, SZV-STAZH
  • in the FSS - form 4-FSS.

State assistance for peasant farms

From 2013 to 2020, a state program for the development of agriculture has been in effect in the Russian Federation. The program includes 11 areas of assistance for collective farming. Each region has the right to independently develop and apply conditions for assistance to peasant farms. The main requirements for receiving assistance are the provision of a business plan, on the basis of which local authorities decide whether to refuse or provide assistance. Information on the implementation of support programs for this category of entrepreneurs is contained on the official websites of regional departments or departments of agriculture.

One of the unsettled legal problems for peasant farms is the lack of forced exclusion of a peasant farm member from participants. According to Article 1 of Federal Law 74, a participant can leave the peasant farm only voluntarily.

A detailed guide on how to start a farming business. What documents are required and how much money do I need to invest? The answers are here.

Capital investments in peasant farms: from RUB 770,000

Payback period: 9-12 months

This article will discuss how to start a farm from scratch.

For those who are not yet “in the know,” then: a farm (also known as a peasant farm) is an enterprise that produces and sells agricultural products.

In the minds of many people, this definition may evoke associations with hundreds of hectares of fields, large numbers of livestock and other similar pictures.

However, any entrepreneur can organize a mini production. And running it is very profitable.

And an analysis of development trends shows that demand will only grow in the future.

What are the main activities involved in farming as a business?

Farming can be divided into several categories:

    Plant growing.

    A huge range of plants can be planted and sold in the Russian Federation.
    But several types are especially popular:

    1. various greens;
    2. cereals;
    3. vegetables;
    4. berries and fruits.
  1. Home farm (breeding).

    There are several popular directions:

    1. Cattle: cows and goats (for dairy and meat products), pigs, sheep (wool), rabbits;
    2. fish farming (trout, sturgeon, carp);
    3. birds (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys).
  2. Additional areas of farming activity.

    This is one of strengths farming.
    Almost any type of activity allows for additional profit.
    This is beneficial, because you use your own raw materials for production, and do not buy:

    1. vegetables, berries, fruits can be frozen and sold;
    2. dairy products can be used for the production and sale of cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, fermented baked milk;
    3. If the farm produces grain, you can make flour or bake bakery products from it.

What features does a farming business have?

To open and run a farming business profitably and legally, there are several things to consider: distinctive features from other business options:

  • Farming is often a family affair.

    After all, only people related by family ties and over 16 years of age can be its members.
    But don’t think that you can only open a mini farm with such a small staff.
    It is allowed to attract external workers, but not more than 5.

  • Each member of the farm is obliged to take personal part in production.
  • A farm can be called a farm if it produces at least 70% of agricultural products.
  • The state strongly supports farming, so entrepreneurs can count on assistance in purchasing equipment and even free receipt piece of land.

How to open a farm: step-by-step instructions for collecting documents

Starting a farm is most often decided by the family.

But this does not mean that you will not need to register with the tax authorities!

Especially if you want to receive benefits or a plot of land from the state.

You can obtain the list of documents and the registration instructions themselves from the law that regulates farming (N 74-FZ of June 11, 2003).

Only after all the paperwork has been completed can you begin to organize the farm itself.

You need to start by finding a suitable piece of land, and then start solving other issues.

Analysis of the current situation in agriculture

Small businesses are now actively developing all over the world, and the Russian Federation is no exception.

We can especially highlight such areas as trade, services and private farming.

The latter demonstrates a high level of profitability and receives full support from the state.

If we evaluate the growth rate of agriculture as a whole, we can say that it is falling.

It has been replaced by technical progress and GMOs.

There are fewer and fewer able-bodied people left in the villages, and young people are not eager to devote themselves to farming.

But it is worth noting that in the wake of craze in a healthy way life, the boom of vegetarianism and raw food diets, the demand for farming began to grow again.

But mainly in mini production of homemade, absolutely environmentally friendly products.

This state of affairs provides excellent prospects for starting a farm.

There is no point in wasting time when competition is at a moderate level and farm demand begins to gradually increase.

How to open your own farm: choosing land for farming

The first thing that is important for an entrepreneur who decides to start a farm from scratch is a suitable plot of land.

It is not necessary to buy it at the start, especially since not everyone has the appropriate starting capital.

First, rent it.

If business activity progresses profitably, then it will be possible to return to the issue of purchasing in the future.

It is best to look for a farming area outside the city, away from any industrial facilities, major roads, or other farms.

But not at a great distance, so that farm products can be quickly and inexpensively transported to customers.

If you intend to plant plants or raise cattle, environmental friendliness and environmental safety are important.

Also, some features appear depending on the chosen area of ​​farming:

  • For breeding large cattle the plot of land must be large, have sufficient lawn area for grazing, and a pond.
  • If the farm is beekeeping, there must be fields with flower stalks next to the apiary.
    Otherwise, you will have to plant them yourself.
  • The presence of a pond is also important if you will be raising domestic waterfowl.

What personnel should you hire for your peasant farm?

Farming is extremely difficult, especially for a novice entrepreneur.

Therefore, even if you have all the knowledge necessary for work, a businessman needs to hire a staff of workers.

For each area of ​​activity, the list of required positions will be different.

But any farming niche related to animals cannot do without a key person - a veterinarian.

He will be involved in preventing or minimizing the main risk - diseases and quarantine of animals.

The veterinarian also allows top level carry out childbirth, that is, increase the farm's livestock population naturally no acquisition costs. So investing in the best veterinarian is beneficial for an entrepreneur.

The rest of the list of hired people will look like this:

  • An ordinary peasant farm mini-farm: butcher, livestock specialist, milkmaid, manager, cleaner.
  • Beekeeping: depends on the number of hives, usually there is 1 beekeeper for 10 of them.
  • Raising rabbits or poultry: a simple task, just hire 1-2 assistants.

    But this is only relevant for mini-farm production.
    For a business with a thousand headcount, the number of employees will be tens of times greater.

How to open a farm: points of sale of products

Homemade natural products obtained from farms are in demand by many buyers.

For example, the main product of livestock farming - meat - will be bought by restaurants, shops, and private individuals.

There is also a demand for by-products of production - wool, fluff. Although the demand for them, of course, is lower than for meat.

Also, public catering outlets and various trading companies will buy fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains.

It is worth considering that in this case, sales will occur in wholesale quantities, so the purchasing cost for customers will be lower than the usual retail price.

If for crop farming it is not difficult to trade in large quantities, then collecting sufficient volumes of honey is no longer so easy.

So if you decide to breed bees on the scale of a full-fledged business, a mini apiary will not be suitable for these purposes.

It will be necessary to purchase at least 50 bee colonies to produce the required volume of product.

Therefore, most often beekeeping is organized by the whole family - after all, it is almost impossible to maintain such a large apiary yourself.

But at the same time, farming is very profitable, the profitability level is at least 20-30%.

How much money do you need to start a farm?

An item that must be carefully calculated is the size of the investment.

After all, everyone will have their own list of expenses, and, accordingly, the amount.

Most of it will be spent on renting territory that will suit your Agriculture.

Also, if you choose livestock farming, a considerable amount of capital will be spent on purchasing the first batch of animals or insects (beekeeping).

One of the significant advantages is the one-time cost of starting a farm.

Almost any other business requires monthly injections of considerable amounts.

An entrepreneur invests money in a peasant farm once and then works for himself.

An approximate list of expenses for starting a peasant business looks like this:

What risks exist for farming?

Having your own farming business is definitely not the most risky activity, according to many.

However, in this area, in fact, there are many potential troubles that can ruin the economy and lead to losses.

The list for the specific selected area of ​​peasant farming will be different, but the general list includes:

  • weather conditions unfavorable for plant growth,
  • various natural disasters,
  • pest infestations,
  • diseases among livestock,
  • quarantine areas for animals.

How profitable is it to own a farm?

a working farmer tells us in real numbers:

How quickly will your peasant farm pay for itself?

The size of the investment from scratch will be determined by what particular sector of agriculture the entrepreneur has decided to engage in.

After all, opening from scratch will require a different list of equipment, number of personnel, type and cost of purchased consumables.

But with all these differences, the period for how much the farm will pay off remains approximately the same.

If no cataclysms or unfavorable circumstances occur (disease, drought), the peasant farm pays for itself in no less than 9 months.

A businessman invests in a business for 9-12 months without making a profit.

And only after the working year ends, revenue will begin to flow.

If the activity is organized correctly and the calculations are made carefully, the profit received will cover the costs.

In the future, things will work out in a positive way.

Question how to open a farm has many nuances and potential risks.

Despite them, registering your own peasant farm is a popular idea and beneficial for an entrepreneur.

Products obtained in rural production are in demand among all segments of the population.

Food production is actual business Anytime. The guarantee of return on invested capital and business activity itself is both stable and constantly growing demand, as well as various government programs aimed at the development of farms. Many citizens would like to open their own farm, but do not know how to do it and where to start. This article aims to answer the most popular questions for beginners.

What is a peasant farm?

In the Russian Federation, the concept of a peasant farm is interpreted by Federal Law No. 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Farming” dated May 11, 2003 as follows:

A peasant farm is an association of citizens related by kinship and (or) property, having property in common ownership and jointly carrying out production and other economic activities (production, processing, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products), based on their personal participation.

A farm can be created by one citizen.

A farm carries out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity. The rules of civil legislation that regulate the activities of legal entities that are commercial organizations are applied to the entrepreneurial activities of a farm carried out without the formation of a legal entity, unless otherwise follows from federal law, other normative legal acts Russian Federation or the essence of legal relations.

A farm may be recognized as an agricultural producer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to this law, as of April 1, 2017, 150,634 peasant farms (peasant farms) were registered in Russia. They have the following key legal features:

  • the main activities of peasant farms should be aimed at the production, processing and sale of agricultural products;
  • Peasant farm enterprise is not an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, however, after registration, its head receives the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • the head of a peasant farm can be replaced in case of inability to fulfill his duties for 6 months or due to his voluntary refusal;
  • a change in the chairman of a peasant farm does not mean his exit from the farm;
  • members of peasant farms can only be persons who are related or related;
  • persons who are not related to the head of the peasant farm (no more than 5 people) can be accepted as members of a peasant farm;
  • members of peasant farms act on the basis of a signed agreement with all key issues of activity specified in it;
  • by agreement, the products, income and property of the farm are divided into shares or belong to all members of the peasant farm;
  • all transactions of a peasant farm are carried out by its head;
  • Peasant farming meets all its assets for its obligations;
  • a member of the farm may leave the peasant farm, but is obliged to bear subsidiary liability for the obligations undertaken by the farm;
  • upon leaving the staff of a peasant farm, its former member cannot receive land plot instruments of production, but he is paid financial compensation, proportional to his share in the common property.

Possible activities


  • Cereals: wheat, sunflower, barley, oats, rye, millet, corn, buckwheat...
  • Vegetables: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, peppers, eggplants...
  • : onion, dill, parsley...
  • Berries and fruits: apples, strawberries, cherries, pears, plums, prunes, watermelons, melons, apricots...
  • Nuts.


  • Pigs, rabbits, goats, horses...
  • Poultry farming: broiler chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pheasants, ostriches...
  • : carp, trout, silver carp, sturgeon, pike, carp, catfish, ...

Production from the above:

  • Meat and meat products: stew, sausages, smoked meats...
  • Canned vegetables and fruits.
  • Juices, purees, jam, jam.
  • Own.
  • , cereals, porridges, bran and other products from plant crops and animals.

Taxation of peasant farms

If a person creating a peasant farm wants to significantly reduce the tax burden on his farm, then he needs to decide on the choice of a special tax regime. A decision must be made upon registration of the farm or within 30 days after its creation. The head of a peasant farm is given a choice between:

  • simplified taxation system (STS) - 15% of the difference between income and expenses, or 6% of income.
  • single agricultural tax (UST) - 6% of the difference between income and expenses. An important condition is the presence of income from agricultural activities of more than 70% of the total amount. If by the end of the reporting period it is less than 70%, then the entire year will be recalculated according to the general regime.

The Federal Tax Service must be notified of the chosen taxation system by submitting an application for transition. If the head of the farm does not do this, then the peasant farm is automatically appointed general system taxation (OSNO).

OSNO is a tax regime with the maximum tax burden. However, a grace period of five years is provided for peasant farms, during which, on the basis of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, personal income tax is not paid on income received. Also, one-time assistance for household improvement, development grants and subsidies from regional budgets are not subject to taxation. This leads to the conclusion that for peasant farms the general taxation system turns out to be beneficial if the farm receives a VAT exemption.

The choice of one or another taxation system must be made after consultation with a tax specialist and taking into account the profile of the activities of the organizing peasant farm.

Step-by-step instructions for registering a peasant farm in the Russian Federation

To state registration of a peasant farm, you need to go through the following steps.

Selecting a Federal Tax Service branch

This is done at the place of permanent or temporary registration.

We create a package of documents

To register a peasant farm, a special application form is provided, which is in many ways similar to an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur. An application for registration of a farm is submitted using form P21002. The requirements for filling out this form are similar to the requirements for the application on form P21001. In case of personal submission of the application by the future head of the farm, there is no need to have the application certified by a notary. The form is signed in the presence of the tax inspector.

The next document for registering a peasant farm is a copy of the passport. To be checked by an employee of the Federal Tax Service, the applicant must have the original with him. If a copy of the passport is submitted by the head of the household, then it is not required to be certified by a notary.

The state fee for registering a peasant farm is paid using the same details and in the same amount as for - 800 rubles. You can ask for a sample receipt to fill out at the registration authority or fill it out yourself through the Federal Tax Service service.

If in the future there will be several peasant farms, then an agreement between the members of the peasant farm must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service. The agreement must specify the powers of the head of the peasant farm, the duties and rights of members, as well as the procedure for the distribution of income.

Handing over documents

This can be done in person at the Federal Tax Service office, by mail (with declared value and description of the investment) and via the Internet. If a package of papers is submitted by power of attorney or by mail, the applicant must have a copy of the passport and form P21002 certified by a notary. If a package of documents is submitted through a proxy, a power of attorney will be required.

To submit online, use this service.

If the submitted papers are in order, then after 5 working days the farm will be registered and notified. The end of the registration procedure is the issuance of a registration certificate individual entrepreneur and the USRIP record sheet. You can receive these documents by mail or in person.

Example of a business plan

We present you a farm business plan template for you to fill out yourself.

  • Monthly profit (from): 50,000 rubles
  • Payback period (from): 9 months
  • Starting capital (from): 500,000 rubles

The essence and relevance of the business

Peasant farming is a form of ownership in a business that is associated with agricultural activities. A peasant farm can be opened by one person or a group of people connected by joint farming or family ties. The number of participants is limited to five citizens.

A peasant farm is not a legal entity, and its head is recognized as an entrepreneur in accordance with the law. To carry out this type of activity you must be a legally competent adult. In this case, the citizenship of the entrepreneur does not matter. Registration is carried out simply by contacting the tax authorities at the place of residence of the manager. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is better to open a peasant farm or an individual entrepreneur. It is worth noting that this depends on many factors: type of activity, investments, risks, etc.

On this moment The type of business in question is quite relevant and allows you to get a good profit, which depends on its direction. It is worth learning how to open a peasant farm from scratch in order to become a successful entrepreneur in this field.

Stages of building a business

To create a farm, you must have a plot of land. If it is not there, it is worth purchasing land or renting it. What is important in this matter is not its cost, but its characteristics. The site must be environmentally friendly and have good soil, which will allow the construction of buildings and the cultivation of crops. Also, the farm must be located near a large city with suitable transport links.

Having resolved the issue with the plot, you should begin to directly create a farm. On at this stage it is necessary to form a production and property complex. To create a peasant farm you need to do the following:

  • construction of industrial and residential buildings;
  • rental or purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • preparation of a package of documents.

If you want to know how to open a peasant farm, step-by-step instruction, presented above, will be as useful as possible. Having defined a specific type of activity, you can expand it.

Possible areas of activity

Entrepreneurs can start growing:

  • Cereal crops: wheat, corn, oats, sunflower, buckwheat, barley, etc.
  • Fruits and berries: apples and pears, cherries and cherries, watermelons, apricots and plums, melons.
  • Vegetables:, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, beets, peppers, eggplants.
  • Greenery: parsley, dill, onion and garlic.

The presented list can be significantly expanded. It lists the most popular crops. They are in stable demand, regardless of the territory of the country. When deciding to open farming business It’s worth paying attention to them first.

If you want to engage in livestock farming, the following are available:

  • Poultry farming: laying hens, broiler chickens, etc.
  • Breeding: cows, goats, and horses.
  • : carp, silver carp, pike, trout, catfish, etc.

Breeding is also quite relevant and available regardless of the season.

Financial part

To find out how much it will cost to open a business, you need to draw up a business plan for a farm with maximum accuracy. It depends on the specific type of business and its scale. It is quite important to take into account that the state can provide a subsidy for opening a farm, the size of which depends on a number of factors.

To create a small farm you will need approximately 500,000 rubles. This amount will pay off within nine months, regardless of what it is spent on: livestock breeding or growing crops. The maximum payback period is one year. However, it is worth considering the presence of risks. An entrepreneur should understand that in an unfavorable situation he will not receive income soon.

Required documents

To register in tax service The following documents will be required:

  • application for registration of peasant farm;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • manager's passport (original and copy);
  • a document indicating the place of residence of the entrepreneur;
  • agreement to create a farm (for several persons).

The registration procedure will take no more than five working days from the date of submission of the package of documents. The registration authority will submit the following documents:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • a document confirming registration with the tax office;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

An entrepreneur can also receive an information letter from the State Statistics Committee.

It is recommended that when submitting documents for registration, you follow the procedure for switching to the Unified Agricultural Tax regime. The unified agricultural tax is calculated taking into account VAT, income tax and property tax. This is the most suitable option for the farmer, since he will have to pay no more than 6% of the profit received. Payment is made once every six months, and reporting is submitted once a year.

Business risks

When choosing agriculture as the basis for entrepreneurial activity, it is worth taking into account all the risks. The fact is that this business is one of the most risky, as the farmer will face a lot of obstacles.

Insects can interfere with crop production natural conditions and disasters. Not in all cases, their consequences can be quickly eliminated without causing significant losses. When choosing livestock farming, it is worth considering the likelihood of diseases and epidemics that can affect all livestock and require its complete destruction.