How to stop a dog from barking for no reason at home and on the street. How to stop a dog from barking: advice from experienced dog handlers

People communicate with each other using gestures, facial expressions and their own voice. For dogs, their voice - barking - is also a means of communication with the outside world. It is with their barking that they can express all the feelings they have: from indignation with aggression to the boundless delight that a dog expresses at the sight of its beloved owner.

There is an opinion that what smaller dog, the louder her voice. It is for this reason that many people get small four-legged pets, believing that such a “bell” will signal the owners about their appearance near the house or in its environs strangers. Excessive dog barking makes people uncomfortable, but what should you do if your dog is constantly silent? Many owners think that if their pet is silent, then this is an abnormal phenomenon.

Silence of the dogs

Silent people can also be found among dogs, no matter how surprising it may seem from the outside, but it is true. Today there are some breeds of dogs that are not inclined to bark at all.

The African Basenji hunting dog not only does not bark, like all normal dogs, its paws even have a specific structure: the pads of the two central toes, like those of a jackal, are fused at the base.

Dogs of silent breeds are not mute animals; they can fully express their emotions using:

  • Growl.
  • Squealing.
  • Snort.
  • Howling.

What can cause silence?

If a puppy has just recently appeared in the house, and he is silent all the time, you should not be scared and make all sorts of hasty conclusions in relation to the animal. Do not forget that it can be quite difficult psychologically for animals to go through adaptation. The puppy may simply be very frightened by the sudden change in his environment, or he may be stressed due to separation from his mother.

The owners will have to put all thoughts about the dog’s inability to speak into the background and take a closer look at the new pet. If the puppy constantly moves around the perimeter of the room in which it is located, and at the same time strives to hide all the time, hanging its tail between its hind legs, then in this case it would be most advisable to draw people the conclusion that the dog is just afraid something, and perhaps the owners themselves, or she is in a stressful situation.

A dog may not bark due to a sore throat; it is difficult for him to raise his voice even if he is injured. respiratory tract And vocal cords.

Most often, it is puppies who do not bark, especially if they are sick. In this condition, the dog will physically be unable to raise its voice. In this case, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian who can determine clinical picture disease and select the necessary treatment.

You can teach a dog to bark

If the above reasons for the stubborn silence of the dog are not suitable for the owner and his pet, then in this case the dog must be taught to bark. The dog owner will have to try to force the pet to positive emotions , which in dogs should ideally be accompanied by barking. You need to play with the dog more often; you should come up with a game that could excite the dog and make him get carried away. When the owner hears his pet’s first voice, he will have to immediately reward him with his favorite treat, teaching him to the “Voice” command during the game.

Dog owners need to remember that on command the dog will not only have to give voice, but also immediately stop it on command.

If a dog knows how to bark, but does not use this skill when strangers invade the owner’s territory, then it would be most advisable to send it to a dog training school, where experienced instructors will help it get rid of silence. This will have to be done, since the house must be guarded by a guard who knows how to speak loudly.

If the owner does not care about the fact that his pet does not give a voice, then over time this nuance may resolve itself. The puppy will grow up and, becoming an adult dog, will begin to position itself as a protector.

You can also teach a dog to bark by periodically playing a dog bark on a computer or tape recorder.

The easiest way for a puppy to learn to bark is when there are other older dogs around him who can bark loudly. Their example will become an indicator for the puppy that you can communicate with relatives, owners and other people using your own voice.

Should you worry if your dog doesn't bark?

Every owner who cares for their pet adheres to the following rules:

  1. Constantly monitors the health of your pet,
  2. Provides him with balanced nutrition,
  3. Spends a sufficient amount of time with him, allotted for training and games.

If the dog does not bark, an alert owner will immediately notice this problem and try to solve it with everyone possible ways, without giving yourself the slightest reason to worry.

You should only worry if a dog that has grown from a puppy not only does not bark, but is also afraid of everything in the world. In this case, you should show the animal to a veterinarian, who will help determine the cause of this behavior.

Sooner or later, any dog ​​will start barking; the speed at which its voice appears will depend, in turn, on the measures taken by the owner.

Barking for a pet plays the role of a means of communication, with the help of which it warns the owner of danger and expresses its emotions. The formation of sound occurs thanks to the vocal cords of the animal, which are located in its throat. They are the ones who determine the timbre and volume of the dog’s bark. If the owner notices that the dog has lost his voice, then he should be seriously concerned, since similar condition is a symptom serious pathologies, occurring in the body four-legged friend. The article will discuss the reasons why a pet loses its voice, and will also provide recommendations that will allow the owner to understand what to do in this case and how to treat a suddenly silent pet.

In veterinary medicine, it is customary to distinguish two classes of reasons due to which a dog loses its voice: mechanical and neurological. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Mechanical reasons

  1. Throat injuries. Can occur in a puppy if he decides to swallow a toy or too large a piece of solid food. Adults suffer laryngeal injuries from cheap food such as bones. If the bone has sharp edges, this can lead to severe penetrating trauma, which will cause swelling of the glottis, depriving the dog of the ability to make sounds.
  2. Abscesses localized in the pharynx. Often found in those dogs who like to eat grass while walking. Sometimes, along with harmless stems, thorns and plant seeds end up in the pet’s mouth. They injure the delicate tissues of the larynx, making them vulnerable to infection, which in the future leads to swelling of the affected areas and the formation of harmful abscesses.

Neurological disorders

  1. Hypothyroidism. Dysfunction thyroid gland disrupts full-fledged work laryngeal nerves, because of which the pet cannot bark.
  2. Congenital laryngeal paralysis. Dogs of such breeds as: German Shepherd, Dalmatians and Rottweilers. The animal is not able to make any sounds when it is still a small puppy. Unfortunately, this disease incurable.
  3. Acquired paralysis. Most often seen in breeds such as Irish Setter, Labrador and St. Bernard.
  4. Allergic reaction. This leads to the dog’s muscle innervation malfunctioning, which is why he stops barking.
  5. Oncological diseases. A pet may lose the ability to bark if malignant tumor which will interfere with the normal movement of the vocal cords. Treatment of such neoplasms is complex and associated with a lot of difficulties. In most cases, the prognosis for cure is disappointing. It is difficult for the animal to eat, so it quickly weakens and dies.

Veterinarians are convinced that sometimes the loss of voice can be caused by drying out of the oral mucosa, which occurs, for example, because the pet does not have free access to water. Also, the dog is able to stop making sounds if he is sick with any colds, since at this time mucus accumulates in his larynx, preventing him from barking at full strength.

In addition to all of the above, another reason for sudden muteness is the dog staying for a long time in a room where there is a strong smell. This is especially true for a room that is being renovated or where people smoke heavily. In any case, at the first signs of loss of voice, the pet should be taken to a veterinary hospital, because only a qualified specialist can establish the exact pathogenesis of such a phenomenon.

Diagnosis of the disease

After the animal is delivered to the doctor, he will carefully examine it and palpate the submandibular lymph nodes and neck. Then the dog's lungs and heart will be listened to for changes in its tones. If such procedures do not provide an accurate understanding of the cause of muteness, then it is permissible to use such modern technology anesthesia, like sedation. With its help, you can examine the dog’s pharynx as painlessly as possible in order to exclude the influence of factors such as an abscess, paresis of the glottis or the presence of foreign objects inside the larynx on the lack of voice.

Diagnosis also includes bronchoscopy and blood fluid sampling general analysis. The latter measure will detect hypothyroidism, which changes the amount of thyroid hormones in the dog's blood.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of suddenly manifested muteness depends entirely on the cause that caused it. Experts offer the following treatment options based on the factors that provoked this phenomenon:

  1. Oncological neoplasms and paralysis are treated through surgery.
  2. A foreign body lodged in a dog's throat is removed by a veterinarian during laryngoscopy.
  3. Colds and viral diseases perfectly amenable to pharmaceutical influence, in particular antibacterial drugs.
  4. Antibiotics such as Streptomycin and Amoxicillin have proven themselves to be effective against infections.
  5. Diseases immune system and hypothyroidism require the use of symptomatic drugs.

It is important to understand that if your dog loses its voice, you should never treat your dog at home. The only exception is a cold. If the owner is absolutely sure that the dog has caught a virus, then before going to the doctor it is permissible to give the pet milk, honey and a warm chamomile infusion. These remedies successfully relieve inflammation of the animal’s larynx and relieve pain.

Finally, I would like to say that the absence of a voice is serious symptom that something wrong is happening in the dog’s body. Therefore, if there is unnatural silence in the house at normal times, the owner is obliged to sound the alarm and take the pet to a specialist for an examination. Under no circumstances provoke your pet to bark, do not command him “Voice!”, this can only aggravate the current situation and cause the dog more suffering.

Barking is a natural manifestation of feelings for a dog. Therefore, it is not easy to wean her off this, but it is necessary, at least for the duration of the animal’s stay in the house.

Ways to stop a dog from barking in the house

First of all, it is necessary to clearly remember that if a dog is not allowed to bark in the house, then this should never be done. You cannot praise a dog when it barked at the doorbell and scold it for reacting to a neighbor who walked past the door. The animal must clearly know that barking is prohibited in the house under any circumstances.

It is also worth considering that a dog that gets plenty of walks and exercise or play is less active at home and behaves calmer. The animal must be taught the “Quiet” command.

1st method:

You can use a water spray for training and as soon as the dog barks, give the command “Quiet” and if it does not shut up, sprinkle water in its face. If the dog complied with the command, praise it.

2nd method:

Another way to wean a dog from barking is. It blocks the muzzle and eliminates the possibility of barking altogether. Putting on a muzzle can be combined with teaching the dog the “Quiet” command. That is, as soon as the dog begins to bark, a command is given to it, but if it is not followed, then a muzzle is put on, and if it is followed, a treat is given.

Methods that are not recommended to use if you want to stop your dog from barking at home

There are also special collars. This is not a completely humane method, which should be used only when you need to wean adult dog, for example, when she changes her residence from an enclosure to an apartment. gives the animal a slight tingling sensation discomfort. Over time, she associates barking with these sensations and stops barking.

Other similar collars work using a special spray, which, when barking, sprays an unpleasant aroma for the dog, for example, citrus fruits. However, this smell is completely safe for the health of the dog. The most inhumane way can be called cutting the vocal cords.

They also use an ultrasonic whistle every time a dog barks. It is inaudible to humans, but makes very unpleasant sounds to dogs.

If a dog barks not in front of the owner, but when left alone at home, there may be several reasons for this. This could be stress from a change of environment, fear of abandonment or lack of attention. In such situations, it is necessary to let the dog know that there is nothing to worry about. Eat good exercise by training a dog to be left alone calmly. The owner gets dressed and shows with all his appearance that he is leaving. After 5 minutes he returns and praises the dog for waiting.

Many novice dog breeders who have just acquired a four-legged friend begin to be completely perplexed when they notice that their pet barks all the time. Moreover, these sounds cause inconvenience not only to them, but also to their neighbors. As a result, quarrels and conflicts break out on this basis, and pet owners begin to frantically search for an answer to the question of how to stop a dog from barking.

At the same time, it should be noted that the barking of a four-legged friend is quite natural process, which represents a specific form of communication between a dog and the outside world. However, if the barking is unreasonable and incessant, this is certainly a cause for concern.


So, is the problem of how to stop a dog from barking a pressing issue for you? For its solution to be as effective as possible, the owner of Bobik needs to understand the “patterns” of his behavior in different conditions, and what factors provoke him to bark for no reason.

Of course, not every person can be calm about the fact that their pet barks 24 hours a day. And, as already emphasized, to find the answer to the question: “How to stop a dog from barking?” - you need to understand the reasons for this behavior. Let's look at the most common of them.

A game

Puppy like the other one a pet, can experience positive emotions, and he can express his joy about this by barking.


A dog is a living creature, which, like others, has an inherent feeling of fear if it is left completely alone or locked in a small room.


Why does the dog bark? An animal can be simply bored.

If a person has an unimaginably huge arsenal of entertainment, then a dog can count them on one hand. She can only chew toys or furniture, and also burst into loud barking.


External stimuli, such as sharp noises or a nearby cat, can cause banal aggression in a dog, which it can express through loud barking.

It should be noted that the reasons why a dog barks can be very diverse, and in some cases finding out them turns out to be quite a difficult task.

To reduce the likelihood that your four-legged friend will be overly social with outside world, experts advise walking him more often.

It must be emphasized that in certain cases, a dog training school may use “artificial” techniques, after which the dog begins to bark. We are talking about situations when a stranger appears in a protected area, or a dog finds a lost object.

Naturally, it makes no sense to understand the reasons why a dog barks under such circumstances, since everything is already clear.

Let's move on to a practical consideration of the question of how to stop a dog from barking.

Command "fu"

This simple command can calm your pet. As soon as you hear the sounds of yapping from him, you need to command him “fu” and slap his “back place” with your palm. Has he not calmed down? This means the slap was weak, and this needs to be corrected.

The "carrot and stick" principle

Many people are concerned about how to stop a dog from barking at home. If she reacts in this way to rustles and sounds coming from outside the door, then she needs to be punished. In the case when she yaps about the fact that someone has come to visit you, she should be praised. Naturally, if a barking dog irritates you in principle, then you should prohibit it from yapping.

Remember that the learning process, especially at its initial stage, must be continuous, because if you forget to punish a “careless” pet for barking once or twice, then all your efforts in this direction will be reduced to zero. Your lessons should be systematic.

The owners left the house

For many, the pressing question is how to stop a dog from barking at home when the owners go “on their own business.” What to do in this case? Close the door first to let your pet know you are leaving. Then, unexpectedly for her, open the door and use the “fu” command, which was described above. After that, close the door and wait about five minutes. Is the barking coming again? Be strict. Increase the punishment. Does not help? Barking dog doesn't want to calm down? Then increase the strength of the punishment (spanking on the backside) until the pet calms down. Wait near the door for 15-20 minutes to finally make sure that the problem is solved.

What should country house owners do?

A huge number of dog breeders are concerned about the question of how to calm a dog guarding a private home. This is indeed not an easy task, since passersby are constantly scurrying past the yard and animals are running. There is only one way out. Purchase a special ultrasonic device that emits a signal that only dogs can detect. It will be so unpleasant for them that they will immediately stop barking. As soon as they do this, the device will automatically turn off. All you have to do is adjust the signal strength. The device can operate at a distance of 8 meters.

Many people are surprised by the question of why a dog barks at night. Is there really something mystical about this? In fact, this fact also has a logical explanation. The animal always reacts to noise, including at night.

Quiet command

You can calm down “Bobby” using the “quiet” command. At the same time, it should be noted that an adult dog may not succumb to it at all, and in some cases, such a technique can provoke even louder and more frequent barking. That is why it is better to arm yourself with a water spray in advance, using which you can quickly calm your pet. If he obediently follows the command, then do not forget to reward him with some kind of treat.

So, when the dog is barking, you should take a spray bottle and sprinkle water into the animal’s face, and at the same time clearly say the command “quiet”. If the pet has not stopped making sounds, then the exercise should be continued until the positive result, after which do not forget to treat the dog with a treat.

Muzzles and collars

The easiest way to get rid of dog barking is to use a muzzle. At the same time, manufacturers of these products are currently producing models in which the pet feels as comfortable and comfortable as possible: it is not constrained in head movements, you can eat and breathe normally in a muzzle. At the same time, the products are absolutely safe to use and are quite affordable for people with average incomes.

If we talk about collars, although these means of protection against barking are considered effective, the dog feels discomfort in them, which is why it stops making sounds.

Today, pet stores offer a fairly wide range of collars. You can purchase an electric shock product, or you can choose a collar with a special spray. In the first version, the product is equipped with a special battery, from which the pet receives a small electric shock every time it starts to bark. Many dog ​​breeders consider this method of dealing with barking to be inhumane. In any case, the collar has a safety lock, through which the power of the blow is regulated.

Products with special sprays are considered less safe than electric shock products. The mechanism of their action is simple to the point of banality: as soon as the dog begins to make sounds, an unpleasant aroma for the “four-legged friend” begins to spray, after which it stops barking. This product is absolutely safe for the health of the animal.

Barking is a dog's natural way of communicating. In the wild, canines do not make unnecessary sounds, as this is associated with the success of the hunt, guarding the territory or protecting the den. But among domestic dogs, for many reasons, there are often so-called empty nesters, which complicate the life of the owner and the people around him.

First, let's figure out why some dogs or representatives of a number of breeds have the habit of barking constantly.

In most cases, frequent barking for no reason is a consequence of improper upbringing. But the cause may also be illness, problems with temperament and psyche, or a reaction to a certain irritant.

Typically, a dog barks when playing, in case of danger or anxiety, warning an enemy, when protecting its territory, or out of boredom. When a puppy, especially a small one or dwarf breed, Fall into new house, adapting to an unusual place is more difficult for him due to his unformed psyche. Small breeds dogs, as a rule, are more excitable, and any reaction they develop is “anticipatory”. In other words, if large dog begins to act at the last moment, waiting for a long time and allowing the situation to defuse, then small dog prefers to attack immediately, according to the well-known saying “ The best way defense - attack."

Knowing these features, the owner can raise the dog without barking problems. To do this, you need to start socializing her as early as possible. Even dwarf dogs people with whom they do not plan to go for walks need full communication and development. And it is impossible without knowledge of the surrounding world, which is not limited to the walls of the apartment or the owner’s car. The more information a puppy receives in the first months of his life, the more adapted and confident he will grow up. Thus, half of the problems will already be resolved.

Gradually accustoming to new things, it is useful to be with the puppy in noisy places, crowds strangers, you need to accustom him to the fact that he can be petted. Any attempts to show aggression towards strangers must be suppressed, even when everyone around is touched by funny sounds or attempts to bark or bite. This will be perceived as encouragement, and will subsequently discourage barking and attempts to bite. stranger it will be very difficult.

Adults, well behaved dogs They don't bark for no reason. Barking is always a signal that something is going wrong. Therefore, when a dog barks constantly, the owner stops reacting to these signals as something warning or alarming.

If an owner ignores his dog's constant barking instead of investigating its cause, it will soon become a habit. She begins to bark for any reason and for no reason in an attempt to attract the attention of the owner. In this case, it can be very difficult to stop a dog from barking.

To deal with your dog's constant barking, you need to understand its cause. Often, when left alone for a long time empty apartment, the dogs begin to bark and howl from melancholy and boredom. In this case, the owner needs to think about changing the daily routine. Barking can be an excessive manifestation of the protective instinct when the dog barks at any rustle or voices outside the door. In this case, you can try to distract the dog’s attention from its “guard job.” Divert her attention or simply lock her in the room while playing with her or learning new commands. If you try to resume barking, you need to give a prohibiting command and take the dog into the room again. It is necessary to prevent its barking in every possible way, especially at night, when protective instincts become more acute.

If a dog barks constantly, monotonously, without any apparent reason- this may indicate mental disorder or illness. In this case, you must contact your veterinarian.