How to speed up the reddening of peppers. Why greenhouse peppers don’t turn red: we determine and eliminate the reasons. Incorrect expiration date indicated on the package

Celery in Lately is gaining more and more popularity. Because of his rich useful substances composition, it becomes a consumable product in the diet of many people. For this reason, many summer residents begin to grow it on their plots. Planting celery seedlings using seeds is the first and necessary step in growing a useful root crop.

Celery is usually grown by sowing seeds to grow seedlings from them. Often cultivation is carried out in greenhouses or greenhouses, sometimes on balconies and terraces. For these purposes, seed boxes and containers are used. And with a competent approach, you can get early, juicy, fragrant greens, juicy, elastic petioles and voluminous root vegetables.

Due to its biological feature, which consists of a long growing season in the first year, up to 180 days, celery is usually grown by seedlings. Preparation of celery seeds for seedlings occurs in mid-March.

Since the seeds of this crop are small, dry and slowly awakening, because in them high content essential oils that prevent swelling in the soil. Very often they do not have time to germinate even in three weeks, and with a lack of moisture they produce very insignificant shoots.

In the most common, simple, but less effective method, the preparation of planting seeds for planting in the ground is carried out by soaking them in water for a couple of days. Then, planting material dried and sown in boxes or special containers.

To speed up the process of shoot germination, it is recommended to germinate the seeds. The germination procedure is carried out in this way: the required number of seeds for planting is placed in a fabric bag and immersed in well-warm water for 20 minutes, then sharply lowered into cold water also for 20 minutes.

Then the planting material is spread in a thin layer on a damp cloth and left to germinate in a warm place. When the first shoots hatch, they are mixed with dry sand 1:1 and sown in the soil.

Along with these methods, there are methods for planting seeds of root and petiole celery using an oxygen solution and growth stimulants.

Bubbling the seeds for 24 hours in water with oxygen, which is produced by a microcompressor for aquariums. After that, they are etched with a 1% manganese solution for 1 hour, soaked for 20 hours in an epin solution (2 drops per 100 ml of water), then sown.

Compliance with this scheme and its sequence is an integral key to a successful harvest.

Video “Preparing seeds”

From the video you will learn how to properly prepare seeds.

Let's start landing

Since celery is resistant to light spring frosts, its seedlings are grown in a greenhouse. But before planting it as seedlings, seed tanks are prepared and a thin layer of fine straw is placed on the bottom, which will hold optimal temperature in the root layer and will absorb excess moisture.

The next layer in the container will be a crumbly cocktail consisting of peat (3 parts), turf soil (1 part) and humus with sand (one part each). Also, for one bucket of soil, add 150 grams of wood ash and a little urea.

Seeds with a few sprouts are dried, mixed with sand and sown in boxes with wet soil. Planted in rows, deepening into the soil by 0.5-1 cm with a distance between rows of 7-8 cm.

An effective way of sowing is to lay the planting material on top of the soil in rows, then sprinkle it with a thin layer of fine sand, this will ensure free access of oxygen and successful germination.

The box is placed in a warm place, covered with transparent polyethylene. The period of time from sowing to the appearance of the first shoots takes up to two weeks. Watering is carried out using a hand sprayer with warm water, while abundant watering cold water will cause blackleg.

Whatever method of growing seedlings you choose, until the first sprouts peck, they are kept in light and warm rooms. When the sunrises are visible, the film is removed and the container is moved to a well-lit, comfortable place. At this time, plants need to be treated with drugs that inhibit the occurrence of plant diseases.

It happens that the sprouts have sprouted too densely, in which case they need to be thinned out, since in this form they will interfere with each other’s development and intensive growth, and will be frail and lethargic. In the container where the crop grows, moderately moist soil is constantly needed.

For the first month and a half, planted in a special container, celery does not grow quickly. A month after sowing, the seedlings are thinned out, making 5 cm gaps between plants in a row, or planted in peat cups, seed boxes, or in the soil of a greenhouse or greenhouse.

During picking, seedlings are planted deep into the soil, covering the roots. When transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse, they are planted with an interval of 5-6 cm from each other, and the row spacing is 5-6 cm. Since after planting, numerous lateral roots are formed in the root system of celery.

When performing a dive, you must not damage the main root, as this will lead to deformation of the formation of the root crop in the future.

The next step after planting is watering. The plants are watered, then covered with damp paper for two days. If a light green color of the leaves on the shoots is observed, you should fertilize with urea (1 teaspoon per bucket of water). The best temperature for growth is 14-17 degrees during the day, and 10-12 degrees at night. This temperature is very important for the formation of root crops; at a lower temperature, plants can form flower stalks, which will sharply reduce the quality and yield celery root.

Subsequent care of seedlings consists of loosening the soil between the rows, irrigation, ventilation, and fertilizing.

Two to three days before planting seedlings in open ground, it must be hardened by taking it out of the greenhouse for the first time during the day and leaving it for the whole day, hiding it at night, and then all night so that adaptation to the climate occurs. The plots are planted when the seedlings have grown to the 4-5 leaf stage, after about one and a half to two months. Two hours before moving the shoots to the site, they are moistened abundantly.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Planting celery begins with preparing the site where it will grow. This crop needs light, fluffy, airy, enriched, fertile soils.

A garden bed located in an open, well-lit place is considered ideal. It is also necessary to take into account the history of this site, in terms of what crops grew in this place in past seasons. Beans, peas, asparagus, all types of cabbage, and cucumbers are considered favorable, but after potatoes, carrots and almost all greens, celery is not recommended to be planted.

The site for planting is prepared in the fall: the soil is dug up, fertilized with humus or compost. In the spring, at the planting site, the soil is loosened and mineral fertilizers are applied at the rate of 40 g per square meter.

Before planting, add a handful of humus and ash to each hole, mixing with the soil. Then each sprout is deepened, compacting the soil around the shoots and watering the planting site. After this, the shoots are protected from the scorching sun.

The best time to plant seedlings in the soil is mid-May, and in early spring it can be earlier. It is important to consider that plants planted earlier will provide a high and high-quality yield of root celery in comparison with late planting.

Plants 12-15 cm high, with 4-5 leaves and developed roots are considered good celery seedlings. If the seedlings were weak or overgrown, the harvest is unlikely to be of high quality.

Seedlings are planted on the site, taking into account the required distance of 40-50 cm in a row. For the stem and leaf varieties of this crop, place it at intervals of 15-20 cm, while maintaining a distance between rows of 30 cm.

Celery will go well with garlic, potatoes, and onions.

Caring for root crops

Caring for celery is a little different depending on what type of plant you want to grow - root or leaf.

In order to avoid evaporation of moisture, which is so valuable for a young seedling, the area near the planting is mulched.

Celery needs moisture constantly; watering is carried out at the rate of 20-25 liters of water per 1 m² per week. It is unacceptable for the soil to dry out on the site. During drought, water daily. The soil under celery should always be moist.

Until the foliage above the bed closes, you should regularly loosen the rows.

This crop also needs fertilizing, which will ensure a generous harvest.

Feeding is carried out four times per season.

The first one is during the seedling period. The second one a week after planting (watered with herbal infusions). The third, after two weeks, is fed with a liquid infusion of mullein. Fourth, at the end of July, superphosphate is added to the site, 30 g per m².

A month before harvesting celery, you need to do a high hilling, which will whiten the petioles, reduce their bitterness and the concentration of aromatic substances.

To obtain the root product, release the top part plants from the soil and cut off the lateral roots, pressing the leaves to the ground. This action will ensure the formation of a rounded root crop and increase its weight.

When harvesting, you can leave leaf celery and use it for growing in winter: dig up the plants with a piece of soil before frost and plant them in a suitable container.

When harvesting fruits, keep in mind that their peel is thin and delicate, try not to damage it.

Next year, in the area after celery it will be favorable to grow onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peas, and asparagus.

Video “Planting Seeds”

From the video you will learn how to properly plant seeds in open ground.

In today’s article, we’ll look at the basic rules for preparing celery seeds for planting as seedlings. After reading the article, you will learn about the basic principles of planting root celery from the preparation stage to the appearance of the first shoots.

Petiole and root celery are flying off the shelves in stores and from the hands of summer residents in markets. For yourself or for sale, celery requires a conscious and systematic approach to preparation. Where to start? It’s better to start by preparing the container and soil for planting, then you can start seeding and sowing.

How to plant celery seedlings:

  • It is more convenient to plant in oblong boxes: 30x20 cm or 35 by 15 cm with a height of 7-9 cm, independently assembled or selected in a store.
  • Soil mixture: peat, humus, a little sand.
  • Celery seeds are planted in the snow. Planting at the end of February allows you to collect a little base for a cold substrate outside.
  • Scatter the seeds randomly in the snow.
  • After the snow has melted, sprinkle with a 5 cm layer of dry sand or humus. It is better to choose humus.
  • Cover with film. In 7 days we will get shoots.

Before planting, celery seeds are prepared. When to start preparing celery root for seedlings? In February you can start preparing. Root celery takes a long time to develop : from 160 to 180 days after germination . Growing seeds in open ground is unproductive - you will have to wait a long time for germination and ripening.

  • Small seeds are not storable only at first glance. The thin skin contains a huge amount of essential oils that preserve the nutritional core and slow down growth, so needs to be soaked.
  • Scatter celery seeds on a piece of gauze, place in water for 3 days. Change the water every day so that it does not stagnate, removing the seeds in gauze, like in a bag.
  • After 3 days of soaking, the seeds are removed and dried., and then sown in the snow in a container.

Stratification of celery seeds

You can replace the first method to speed up seed germination using quick method soaking: immersing first in warm, then in cold water. Celery root seeds are also folded in gauze, then placed in warm water - +50-60°C- for 20 minutes. Straight from it - in the cold, squeezing the gauze a little, for no longer than 15 minutes. Take out the gauze bag, unfold it, cover the celery seeds with another layer of damp gauze and leave them in a warm place (temperature +21-22° C) for pecking. It is recommended to check the condition of the seeds by periodically removing the gauze.

Bubbling celery seeds for seedlings

100% germination method – bubbling – accelerates hatching and saturates the seeds. How to do it: pour plain water into a 1-liter container, place the seeds without gauze, insert the compressor tube, and turn it on. Leave for 16-20 hours with the compressor on. After treatment, sow.

Treating celery seeds before planting

Seed disinfection is carried out in a solution potassium permanganate: 1 gram per 250 ml warm water or by eye until a pinkish, unsaturated solution is obtained. Potassium permanganate disinfects, but "Epin" or "Ovary" saturates and prepares for planting: 2 drops per 100 ml of water at room temperature. After potassium permanganate, the seeds are washed under running water; after the biostimulant, no.

↓ Write in the comments about your methods of preparing celery for planting as seedlings. Are the suggested methods suitable?

Celery is one of the most important ingredients healthy eating, recommended by nutritionists for mandatory inclusion of vegetables in the daily diet. Thanks to its valuable and nutritious composition, this vegetable raises tone, increases mental and physical performance, normalizes appetite and has medicinal properties. Its leaves, stems and roots are used in cooking, from which you can prepare a large number of tasty and healthy dishes and drinks.

Because of its long growing season, celery is often grown from seed, especially in areas with short periods of heat. Celery seedlings can be grown in greenhouses, greenhouses or on an apartment windowsill in seed boxes, but best of all - in pots. Only with this method can you get early aromatic greens, fleshy petioles and large root vegetables.

This is caused mainly by the biological characteristics of celery. The fact is that the growing season of this plant in the first year of life is up to 170 days or more. In regions with short summers there is simply no time to grow it. Therefore, in order to get good harvest grow large root vegetables, celery in seedlings, like eggplants, peppers and tomatoes.

Most optimal time sowing root celery seeds at the end of February - the beginning of the first ten days of March 60-70 days before planting the seedlings in the ground. And leaf celery can be grown from seeds or through seedlings, sowing the seeds at the end of the second ten days of March.

Celery seeds are very small, they take a long time to awaken, because they contain a lot of essential oils, which prevent them from swelling quickly in the soil. They sometimes do not germinate until 20-22 days, especially if there is not enough moisture in the soil. In addition, they produce very weak seedlings.

Therefore, you need to start by preparing celery seeds for sowing. Most often, they are soaked in water for 2-3 days, then dried until they flow and sown in boxes. This is the simplest, but least effective method their preparation.

To speed up the germination process, it is better to germinate the seeds before sowing. Most often this is done as follows.

First, celery seeds are poured into a canvas bag and kept for 15-20 minutes in warm water at a temperature of 55-60 ° C, and then placed in cold water for the same time. Then they are scattered in a thin layer on a damp cloth and placed in a warm place for germination at a temperature of 20-22°C. When the first seedlings appear, they are slightly aired, mixed with dry sand and sown.

All this is correct, but there are two more simple but more effective schemes for preparing root and petiole celery seeds using oxygen dissolved in water or modern growth stimulants:

  • the first is bubbling the seeds for 24 hours in oxygenated water (using an aquarium microcompressor), then etching in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes at room temperature, and then sowing the seeds.
  • the second is treating the seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes, then soaking the seeds for 18 hours in the Epin solution (2 drops per 100 ml of water) at room temperature, then sowing the seeds.

In this case, the sequence of operations in both schemes should be exactly as indicated above.

Since celery easily tolerates spring frosts down to minus 5°C, its seedlings are easy to grow in a greenhouse. But most gardeners who grow celery in small quantity, prefer to grow seedlings in a box on the windowsill.

To do this, it is first advisable to put a 1-2 cm thick layer of chopped straw in the seed boxes, which will subsequently help maintain the optimal temperature in the root layer and rid the soil mixture of excess water when watering.

Then a loose nutrient mixture is poured into the box, consisting of 3 parts of low-lying, well-ventilated peat, 1 part of turf soil and 1 part of humus with the addition of coarse river sand. To 1 bucket of soil mixture you need to add 2 cups of wood ash and 1 teaspoon of urea.

Depending on the need for seedlings, you can generally sow celery seeds in liter milk bags by cutting out one side wall and making holes on the opposite side with a nail to drain excess water.

Seeds with single seedlings are slightly dried in the shade, mixed with sand and sown in boxes with moist soil. They are sown in rows to a depth of 0.5-1 cm with a distance between rows of 6-7 cm.

But it’s even better to lay them out directly on the surface of the soil in rows, then sprinkle them through a sieve with a very thin layer of wet sand, since with free access to air they germinate faster.

The box is placed in a warm place and covered with transparent film. From the sowing of prepared seeds to the emergence of seedlings, 12-15 days pass. If necessary, the crops are moistened using a hand sprayer with warm water. Watering with cold water and without measure can lead to the appearance of blackleg.

With any method of growing seedlings, until seedlings emerge, the seed boxes are kept in a warm place at a temperature of 22-25°C, and after emergence, the shelter is removed and the box is immediately transferred to a lighted windowsill, where the temperature should not exceed 16°C. At this time, it is advisable to treat young plants with drugs that effectively inhibit the occurrence of diseases.

If the seedlings are very frequent, then the seedlings are thinned out, otherwise the seedlings will be weak and elongated. Thinning is repeated as necessary. The soil in the box should always be loose and moist.

During the first 35-40 days, celery grows slowly. 25-30 days after sowing in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 4-5 cm between plants in a row, or planted in pots, cubes measuring 6x6 cm, in paper cups, in seed boxes, in greenhouse soil or greenhouses. In this case, the thickness of the soil must be at least 10 cm.

When picking, plants are immersed in the soil up to the cotyledon leaves, in no case covering the central growth bud or exposing the roots, which leads to a significant delay in development. When picking seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse, they are planted at a distance of 4-6 cm from each other with a row spacing of 5-6 cm.

In this case, after picking, additional lateral roots are formed in the plants. Such seedlings take root better. When picking, you should never damage the main root, since this can result in the formation of a whole brush of roots with an ugly small root crop.

Then the plants are watered and shaded with damp paper for 2-3 days. If the leaves of young plants are pale in color, they are fed with urea (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). Best temperature for their growth at this time it is 15-16 degrees during the day, and 11-12°C at night.

If, when growing celery seedlings, the temperature at night long time happens below 10°C, then after planting in the ground many plants can form flower stalks, which sharply reduces the quality and yield of root crops.

Further care of celery seedlings consists of loosening the row spacing, watering, airing and periodically feeding it with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska per 1 liter of water, spending 2-3 tbsp. spoons of solution onto a pot of seedlings. It’s even better to use complex fertilizers “Kemiru-Lux”, “Rastvorin”, etc.

If the celery leaves are pale, then the plants need to be fed with urea 2-3 times at intervals of 10-12 days. To avoid burns, the solution should be washed off after each feeding. clean water from a watering can.

A few days before planting seedlings in open ground, they begin to harden them, taking them outside first for a day and then at night in order to accustom them to the outside air. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the 4-5 leaf stage, i.e. at the age of 50-60 days.

4-5 days before planting, seedlings begin to harden in the open air, and 2-3 hours before planting, they are watered abundantly.

The optimal time for planting seedlings in the ground is mid-May; in warm weather it can be earlier. Plants planted early give a higher yield of high-quality root crops compared to those planted at a later date. late dates. In the same time early dates planting seedlings is associated with the risk of formation large quantity peduncles.

Good celery seedlings are considered to be plants 12-15 cm high with four to five leaves and a strong root system. You cannot expect high-quality root crops from overexposed or weak seedlings.

I'm a big fan of celery root. Our family eats this root vegetable all winter and spring. It is especially valuable in March-April, when horns and legs are left from last year’s harvest, and the cucumbers have not even sprouted yet.

The first year when I tried, I was a fiasco: in place of the fragrant round root crop on most plants, I discovered some kind of misunderstanding the size of a nut, or even nothing at all - just . I’m sure I’m not the only one, because growing root celery is impossible without knowing some of the subtleties and tricks of caring for a tasty vegetable.

The basis of a rich harvest is strong celery seedlings. We will talk about it in this article.

Sowing celery for seedlings: how not to miss deadlines

The seeds of all types of celery are very tiny.

Celery root has a very long growing season. The traditional Apple variety is “precocious” and ripens in “only” 140-160 days. But for the formation of large root crops late-ripening varieties - for example, Delicacy, Monarch - it takes as much as 180 to 230 days!

Growing root celery in our latitudes with short summers is possible only through seedlings.

When determining the appropriate time for sowing root celery for seedlings, take into account the following points:

  • with proper seed treatment, sprouts appear 8-15 days after sowing;
  • seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent place of residence when the ground warms up to at least +6 degrees and the threat of frost has passed;
  • By the time of planting, the seedlings should develop 4-5 true leaves - this number of leaves is formed in celery seedlings 60-70 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Taking all these considerations into account, root celery seedlings should begin to be prepared 85-95 days before the planned planting in open ground. For middle zone this will be the first half of February and until the end of this month. Living in Kaliningrad, I sow this crop for seedlings between February 20 and March 1.

Preparing celery root seeds for sowing

Celery shoots

The outer shell of celery seeds is covered with a thin layer of essential oil, which makes it difficult for them to swell and germinate.

Sometimes seedlings do not appear until 20-25 days, especially if the seedling soil is poorly moistened. There are several ways to process celery seeds. At the same time, sowing with swollen seeds allows you to speed up germination by 3-4 days, and with hatched seeds - for a whole week.

!Attention! Seeds of Dutch selection and many seeds of foreign selection are sold already treated with protective and nutritional compositions and do not require additional processing. To find out if your seeds have been processed, carefully read the packaging instructions.

If you don’t want to bother with processing for a long time, then the easiest way to prepare celery seeds for sowing is to hold them for 15-20 minutes in hot water from a temperature of approximately +50 degrees. The easiest way to do this is to use a thermos.

Instead, you can soak the seeds for 2-3 days in water at normal temperature, but then change the water more often, 2-3 times a day.

And here's another interesting method. Make a neat bag out of cotton fabric and pour the seeds into it. Next, carefully tie this bag and place it in a disposable plastic cup. The glass, in turn, is lowered into a jar with a large diameter, while top edge The cup should be slightly above the edge of the jar.

Pour water at a temperature of +40 degrees into the jar from the tap in a constant flow for 20 minutes (use a thermometer to control). The seeds in the glass are evenly heated and the essential oil enveloping them gradually evaporates. The method is convenient in that after it there is no need to dry the seed material, but you can immediately sow it in bowls.

I also heard from a summer resident I know, who has been growing root celery for many years, that you need to keep the seeds in water at a temperature of +70 degrees for 24 hours. It seems to me that this is too long and with such processing the celery seeds will simply cook. But if you are ready to take the risk or are already preparing seeds in a similar way, I will be glad if you share your opinion and experience in the comments.

I consider the following two schemes for treating celery seeds to be the most effective:

  1. seeds for 24 hours in oxygen-rich water, then soaking in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 30-40 minutes. To make a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, take 0.5 teaspoon of potassium permanganate per 0.5 liter of water. Afterwards, the seeds are soaked for 18 hours in Epin solution (2 drops of the drug per glass of water) at room temperature, followed by washing.
  2. for the same 30-40 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, rinsing, and then soaking in Epin as in the previous scheme.

After treatment, the seeds are germinated at a temperature of at least +20 degrees (optimally +23...25 degrees) in a thin, damp layer of gauze or cotton fabric. Celery root seeds are ready to sow when individual white shoots appear.

Read how and where it is better to sow root celery, as well as how to feed and nurture its seedlings.

We talked about how my mother and I sow celery seedlings in the video. Enjoy watching).

Celery is now on the list of fashionable vegetables. And it's justified beneficial properties and a bright taste that can give a dish an appetizing taste even if it is not salted at all. This is especially true for root vegetables.

But where can you get young and juicy root vegetables? In the supermarket? The answer is not correct. There, the root celery is too large, which means you can’t really eat it raw, except that after intensive blanching you can cut it into a salad. But in your garden you can grow succulent, delicious root vegetable, which can be chewed like a turnip or radish.

It is also true that among gardeners this simplest root crop is considered snowy to grow. But forget all your fears and start sowing root celery tomorrow. Why tomorrow? Yes, because this is a plant with a long growing season. Let's say, my favorite variety today, Egor, produces an edible root crop 160-170 days after germination. And for storage, root crops are generally dug up 190-200 days after germination. Add a couple of weeks for the time from sowing to germination - this crop is slow-growing. It turns out that in order to eat young celery at least at the end of August, you need to sow it right tomorrow. This, by the way, is a universal system for calculating the timing of sowing a particular crop.

But first you need to buy seeds. When looking at the bags, look for the treasured lines about the number of days from germination to technical ripeness. I like Diamant, Esaul and Yudinka, I won’t talk about Esaul again - he’s good! By the way, it can grow up to a kilo - but I use these root vegetables to freeze, because in the first month of storage the pulp is still tender, and then it hardens and is already suitable for soups, stews and other hot dishes. Of the old varieties, the Prague Giant is still good.

Celery root is grown only through seedlings. For good germination, the seeds are soaked in warm water for three hours, then pickled in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes and washed.

But as I already mentioned, the seeds are slow to germinate and they need a serious kick to speed up germination. I’m a peace-loving person, so I just give the seeds a glass of vodka.

I dry the pickled seeds a little, put them in a bag and put them in a glass of vodka for 10-15 minutes (for longer soaking times, it is better to dilute the vodka with water 1:1), then I dry them and sow them without embedding them in the ground in a light earthen mixture. I generally sow on a layer of snow, this makes it easier to distribute the small seeds evenly. I always place the pots in a plastic bag and place them in a warm but bright place. I open the bag every day for 10-15 minutes to allow the seeds to breathe. When the shoots appear, I thin them out with tweezers, removing the smallest ones.

Seedlings at the stage of 1 true leaf are planted according to a 5x5 cm pattern, you can even put them in egg cells, but it’s better to put them in separate 100 ml pots. Celery grows slowly, so this volume will be enough for it to be planted in open ground. It is important that water does not stagnate in the pots, but that the soil does not dry out. Once every 10 days I add New Ideal (1 cap per 2 liters) or a solution of vermicompost to the water for irrigation.

The effect of soaking seeds in vodka always amazes the neophyte: shoots appear already from fourth day sowing and look like such a juicy green bristle on the ground. And all because alcohol removes seeds well essential oils, which interfere with germination. Therefore, I advise you to use vodka soaking not only for celery seeds, but also for parsley, carrots, onions, and leeks.