What does a lumbar corset look like? How to choose an orthopedic corset for the spine? What problems does it solve?

At intervertebral hernia, radiculopathy, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, doctors recommend reducing the mobility of the spine. To support the weakened bone structures To reduce pressure on the affected areas, corsets for the lumbosacral spine are needed.

Wearing an orthopedic product relieves the patient of pain or significantly reduces discomfort, prevents muscle spasms, and stops the destruction of vertebrae and cartilage. For maximum therapeutic effect need to pick up best option corset, wear a lumbar bandage according to the rules.

Why are orthoses needed?

A corset is an elastic belt made of high-quality material with special inserts or stiffening ribs, tightening belts and fasteners. A lumbar bandage is used to reduce pain in the back area, eliminate muscle spasm for diseases of the spine and neuralgic pathologies, to prevent further destruction of cartilage and dense tissue.

Orthopedic products of varying degrees of rigidity are used to prevent spinal instability, support weakened bone and cartilaginous structures, and to prevent the dangerous phenomenon -. The correctly selected size of the lumbar bandage allows you to combine positive influence on the affected area with minimal load on other organs and systems.

Functions of an orthopedic corset:

  • supports the spine;
  • fixes the lower back;
  • reduces the load on problem vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • limits the mobility of the problem area;
  • prevents overload during heavy physical work, during competitions associated with lifting heavy weights;
  • warms up the lower back when (special models made of wool or modern material- neoprene);
  • if the bandage covers not only the lumbosacral, but also thoracic region, then it is easier for the patient to monitor his posture.

Benefit and action

The use of a special belt with stiffeners or elastic models is approved by vertebrologists, orthopedic traumatologists, and neurologists. Efficiency orthopedic products confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients of different ages and research data.

Wearing a lumbosacral bandage as recommended by a doctor gives positive effect:

  • decreases pain syndrome;
  • the risk of pathology progression is reduced;
  • the likelihood of compression fractures and vertebral displacement decreases;
  • blood supply and nutrition to affected tissues improves;
  • there is no overload when lifting heavy objects, while working in the garden, or when carrying loaded bags;
  • Reducing pain allows you to reduce daily dose analgesics and;
  • fixing the correct position of the spine speeds up the patient’s rehabilitation after operations and injuries;
  • the risk of damage to bone structures is reduced;
  • Optimal use of the bandage stops the development or in the lumbar area.

Important! To achieve a positive treatment result, wearing a corset is combined with use of NSAIDs, analgesics, massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy.

Indications for wearing orthopedic products

Orthopedic products are prescribed to patients by a vertebrologist, neurologist or orthopedic traumatologist if they complain of pain in the back. Corsets should also be worn during recovery from injuries and spinal surgeries.

A lumbar bandage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • neuralgia;
  • slouch;
  • excessive mobility of the vertebrae;
  • lumbar lordosis or;
  • recovery after injury and surgery;
  • prevention of spinal overstrain during physical labor and weightlifting.


A lumbar brace should not be worn:

  • pregnant women;
  • for pustular skin lesions;
  • patients with esophagitis-reflux (reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus);
  • with a hernia in the abdominal wall area;
  • patients with heart failure;
  • for acute and chronic diseases kidney

Important details:

  • It is forbidden to put on an orthopedic device after applying a warming or anti-inflammatory ointment;
  • You cannot wear a lumbar brace all the time. Violation of the rule leads to atrophy of the back muscles, swelling, and poor circulation.

Types of lumbar corsets

All orthopedic products for the lumbosacral area are divided into several groups:

  • corrective. Maintain correct posture;
  • fixing. Reduce pressure on the vertebrae and cartilage, limit the mobility of the affected area;
  • warming. Wearing a special belt activates blood circulation, gives a light massage effect, and relaxes spasming muscles.

Depending on the place of application, there are several types of corsets:

The more sections the bandage covers, the higher the degree of fixation and complex effect on the weakened spine. In case of combined scoliosis and complex cases for patients of different ages and genders, orthopedic devices are made to order.

According to the degree of rigidity, there are three types of bandages:

  • elastic corset without stiffeners. Function - warming, activation of blood circulation, the product does not support the spine;
  • semi-rigid type of products. Medium degree of fixation, prevention of excessive load on the vertebrae and discs;
  • rigid corset for the spine. Tight fixation of the spinal column, active limitation of movements. The orthopedic product is used only for therapeutic purposes.

How to choose and use

Purchasing an orthopedic product is possible only after consultation with a vertebrologist or orthopedist. You cannot buy a lumbar bandage on your own initiative: an incorrectly selected orthosis negatively affects the condition of the affected area and other parts of the spine or does not give a positive result.

The stiffer the corset, the more harm the uncontrolled use of the product can cause. The vertebrologist will explain what type and size is needed, how many stiffeners are required for maximum effective support and posture correction.

Helpful Tips:

  • choosing the exact size is not difficult: you need to measure the volume of the hips and waist, divide by 2. In specialized orthopedic centers, pharmacies, and Medtekhnika stores there are products of different sizes: from the minimum - S to the maximum - XXL;
  • It is important to pay attention to the material of the orthosis. Neoprene or natural wool are well suited for warming purposes; in rigid models, fabric, metal, and high-quality plastic are used. For maximum comfort and active moisture absorption, natural fabrics are used. Synthetic inserts extend the service life of the orthopedic product;
  • When buying a corset, you need to pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturing company, choose models from well-known brands that have many years of experience in producing orthoses. Orthopedic structures, including corsets, are sold in specialized centers, where the doctor will be able to give additional advice.
  • to prevent overloads, for example, for weightlifters, the product is worn before competitions;
  • for diseases of the spine, during the recovery period you can wear an orthosis 6 hours a day, no more;
  • Only the attending physician can individually extend the time of use of the lumbar bandage. Longer wearing of a semi-rigid or rigid structure is permitted in case of a compression fracture, in the postoperative period, with active progression of scoliosis, or with displacement of the vertebrae;
  • The corset must be put on for the first time under the guidance of a specialist. It is important to tighten all elastic parts and belts in order to feel the fixation of the spinal column, but the bandage should not interfere with blood circulation and breathing;
  • Under an orthopedic product you definitely need a T-shirt or cotton underwear. The material should be thin, not create unnecessary folds, breathable, and actively absorb moisture: synthetics are not suitable for a lumbosacral bandage;
  • It is forbidden to sleep until any type of supporting, corrective or warming corset is removed, unless the doctor has corrected this point.

It is not difficult to care for an orthopedic product: before washing in an automatic washing machine, remove the stiffening ribs from the belt and be sure to fasten the bandage. Optimal mode- "delicate wash". Do not add caustic substances for example, stain remover or bleach. Clean product Do not hang in the sun or dry on a radiator.

Find out about the benefits and harms, as well as the peculiarities of conducting sessions for cervical osteochondrosis.

A page is written about the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia on the right and the rules for treating the disease.

Children's spine corsets

Wearing an orthopedic product is simple, safe way correct your posture. Children often hunch over, sit incorrectly at their desks, bend over excessively when working at the computer, and do not always get enough vitamin D and calcium. These factors negatively affect posture and spinal curvature progresses. If a child does not do exercises or attend sports clubs, then kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis of various types often develop against the background of weakened muscles and decreased flexibility of the spine.

IN childhood the bones and cartilage are pliable, the curvature of the spine is rapidly progressing. To eliminate defects, an orthopedic doctor selects a special children’s corset. Wearing the device every day prevents slouching and maintains correct posture.

The optimal age for wearing a corrective or fixing bandage is from 11 to 16 years. Warming models are rarely used: children rarely suffer from manifestations of radiculopathy. The first degree of scoliosis requires the use of a brace 5-6 hours a day; in the second degree of the disease, the corset is worn all the time while not sleeping. In severe cases, with rapid progression of scoliosis, the child sleeps in a corset.

Regardless of the severity of the pathology, you need to remove the product for short periods (at least 1 hour per day) and massage it to prevent problems with blood circulation and swelling. As the young patient grows, the doctor prescribes a new bandage.


The price of a spinal corset is influenced by many indicators:

  • type of product;
  • number of stiffeners;
  • the material from which the orthopedic product is made;
  • size;
  • availability of additional functions.

The price range is quite wide - from 780 to 9700 rubles. The brands ORTO, Orlett, Orliman, and Trives received positive reviews. Reinforced, high corsets for optimal anatomical shape with simulated stiffeners are more expensive.

Corset for the lumbosacral area - safe, effective method reducing pain, eliminating factors that cause the progression of spinal diseases. Positive result when using orthopedic devices, it is noticeable not only in children, but also in adults. A special belt can be used to prevent excess pressure on the vertebrae and cartilage during hard work or high loads in the gym.

Learn more about how to choose a lumbar corset and how to wear it in the following video:

One of the most problem areas human body is the lower back. It is in this area that the spine experiences maximum load, supporting top part torso. And although the skeleton in this zone is the strongest and most solid, unfortunately, it often fails to cope, which leads to acute pain and development chronic diseases. To correct the situation or prevent it, orthopedic lumbosacral orthopedic corsets. But how to choose the right product? Who will be comfortable in it and who will not? And are there any rules for wearing it? We suggest that you thoroughly study the issue.

Why do you need an orthopedic lumbar corset?

You should buy a corset for the lumbosacral spine at rehabilitation stage after complex operations and injuries, as well as to reduce pain varying degrees: from weak to very strong. Experts recommend using them for radiculitis, intervertebral hernia ah, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, myositis and other diseases of the lumbosacral spine.

Use the corset both in preventive and medicinal purposes This is possible only after consultation with your doctor and on the basis of the expert opinion of an orthopedist.

In addition, the semi-rigid lumbosacral the corset can be worn by people whose work involves heavy physical exertion and long stay behind the wheel, as well as for athletes.

The products perform the following functions:

  • fix spinal column;
  • unloads muscles, removing unnecessary stress;
  • during rehabilitation, they shorten its time, compensating for the capabilities of the injured area and preventing damaged vertebrae from moving.

Types of corsets for the lower back

There are several classification principles, with one of the most common being the degree of rigidity.

This type is one of the most popular. With its help, fixation occurs lumbar region, while it restricts movement to a lesser extent. Recommended for reducing pain in various diseases and when it is necessary to speed up the process of restoring body functions after injury or surgery. They are used both during rehabilitation, when the load on deformed areas of the spine is reduced, and for prevention. In some cases, wearing semi-rigid corsets is indicated for women in the postpartum period with severe divergence of the pelvic bones.


  • provides reliable support for the lumbosacral region, relieves muscle tension, reduces pain;
  • The stiffness of many models can be adjusted individually by adjusting the ribs;
  • a large size range allows you to choose a product for both adults and children;
  • compactness and lightness do not reveal the presence of a corset under clothing.


  • delicate care of the product requires washing them only manually and do not twist when doing push-ups, and also follow other rules, including drying;
  • in people with sensitive skin may cause allergies.

One of the popular models on the Russian market is the semi-rigid lumbosacral corset rwa 2200 orto professional. It has flexible stiffeners and is made of innovative bamboo fiber that does not cause allergies.

Rigid corsets are usually prescribed to people who have undergone major spinal surgery. Products help reduce rehabilitation period and increase the duration of remissions.

Other advantages:

  • replace the supporting functions of the affected part of the spine;
  • eliminate displacement of the vertebrae;
  • wide the lineup allows you to select a product for individual physiological characteristics patient.

The “cons”, or rather warnings, include:

  • an incorrectly chosen corset can lead to serious health complications and expand the list of existing diseases;
  • Violation of the rules for wearing the product, as well as ignoring the doctor’s recommendations, will lead to the same sad consequences.

Rigid corsets can only be prescribed on the recommendation of a rehabilitation doctor.

Besides, models are distinguished by the degree of fixation, which can be complete, strong, medium and light. The last option is represented by warming belts, which by definition are not corsets, so we’ll talk about them next time.

Lumbosacral corsets with strong fixation are made of dense fabrics or knitwear and have metal inserts on the back that follow the contours of the sacrum and lower back. For maximum fixation, they are complemented by elastic straps. Wearing is prescribed for severe pain.

Medium fixation corsets are softer and have flexible ribs. The degree of elasticity of the material may vary in specific models. It can be recommended for aching, mild pain in the lower back, during physical activity, and in the later stages of rehabilitation.

One of the most recognizable brands on the Russian market is Orlett from the German manufacturer Rehard Technologies, which offers more than 70 models and modifications of orthoses for various parts of the skeleton.

Indications and contraindications for use

We have already named the main cases when an orthopedic corset for the lower back may be recommended. The main ones are these are diseases of the spine and heavy physical activity. Let's take a closer look at the contraindications.

Semi-rigid and rigid corsets cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy,
  • for skin purulent diseases and local dermatitis,
  • after applying warming agents, as well as with a hernia of the abdominal wall;
  • You should also remember about individual intolerance.

How to choose a product

When selecting a corset for the lumbar spine, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • hardness: at severe pain, which radiate to the buttocks and groin area, and the fingertips lose sensitivity, the doctor’s choice is made in favor of a lumbosacral rigid corset with strong fixation, and for rehabilitation after injuries, a full fixation corset may be prescribed;
  • size: the problem arises due to differences in the size range of different manufacturers: in some cases the waist size is indicated, in others - the circumference of the lower back, which is 8 cm lower. That is why any corset must be selected individually. When going shopping, do not forget to take body measurements without clothes;
  • type: this option can only be recommended by a specialist who will directly indicate in the patient’s card that he needs, for example, a corrective, that is, a supporting corset for the lower back;
  • material: a knitted corset is considered the most comfortable, and if the material is thin, then the product will not stand out under clothes, and if it is mesh, then the skin will not sweat.

Some models have an additional massage effect that relieves muscle tension and improves blood circulation, thereby eliminating pain.

How to wear a corset correctly

The effectiveness of therapeutic effects and prevention will depend on how correctly the corset is used. And although the main positions are again indicated by the doctor, there are several general tips:

  • It is not recommended to wear a corset for more than 6 hours (in some cases, strong fixation corsets can be worn for up to 12 hours, but this requires consultation with a doctor);
  • You can't go to bed in a corset;
  • due to the fact that the muscles in a corset often hardly work independently, you need to put on a corset as needed - in case of stress or pain, then muscular system does not atrophy;
  • It is better to wear cotton underwear (T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts) under the corset to avoid chafing the body;
  • You should not fasten the corset tightly so as not to interfere with normal blood circulation in organs and tissues.

It is best to try on a new corset for the first time under the supervision of a doctor, who will help you adjust the parameters.

When choosing a lumbosacral orthopedic corset, let’s not forget the main rule: do not buy products that were recommended by neighbors, colleagues, girlfriends, etc. Only a competent specialist who is familiar with your medical history can take correct solution about the use of one model or another.

IN modern conditions people turning to specialists in the field of treatment and elimination of consequences associated with back pain are the most relevant and frequent.

Factors such as: excessive physical activity, injuries, age, incorrect posture during the work process, can serve as a consequence of problems and diseases of the spine.

The tendency of many people to be sedentary and correct image life, is also reflected in the causes of

Lumbosacral corsets very often become indispensable assistants in resolving a number of patient visits to the doctor, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Distinctive features of different types of lumbosacral corsets

Today there is a wide variety of lumbosacral corsets. Their distinctive features, are primarily provided on the basis of their functional purpose. There are fixing and corrective

Fixing orthopedic corsets are aimed at fixing the spine in the most stationary position. Corrective orthopedic corsets should correct and correct posture and perform the function of supporting the back.

Let's consider the most common and significant models among orthopedic lumbosacral corsets. The following types are used:

  • Hard;
  • Semi-rigid;
  • With variable degree of fixation;
  • Lumbar;
  • Massage;
  • Lumbar adjustable.

Hard. Application is used in such cases of diseases and disorders as:

  • osteochondrosis during its exacerbation;
  • injuries associated with the lumbosacral spine;
  • muscle dystrophy.

Its distinctive feature is that it is used for complete fixation, unloading and stabilization of the vertebrae.

Semi-rigid. Its general purpose use is to solve problems associated with diseases such as:

  • Pain syndromes caused by radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine;
  • Post-rehabilitation period of traumatic consequences.

In some cases, these models are used with metal inserts (ribs) and additional tightening in cases of strong fixation of the lumbosacral region. The corset makes it possible to unload the joints and normalizes the vertebrae in case of displacement.

With variable degree of fixation. The intended purpose of this group of corsets is aimed at such cases of disease as: ; osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine; postoperative period associated with the removal of intervertebral hernias; acute lumbar pain.

A characteristic feature of corsets with variable degrees of fixation is the unloading of the spine due to the redistribution of the load on the back. The shock-absorbing properties of the spine are compensated by a number of ribs of a rigid structure and a corset frame, which has a bridge-like shape.

Lumbar. Refers to belts medium degree fixation. Can be prescribed and used during periods of late-term rehabilitation of injuries and operations. Cases of omissions internal organs abdominal cavity, excessive loads during work or other activities, disease prevention - all this is the intended purpose of this type of corset.

Also, some models of these lumbar corsets may have a heat-saving effect due to the properties of the fabric. For example, some manufacturers use neoprene material in the manufacture of corsets, which helps

Properties medicinal ointments, which are used simultaneously with a corset of this type, improve absorption properties.

Massage. This purpose is aimed at performing massage functions due to a number of properties and implementations. For example, in some models it is common to use removable massage pillows in the lumbosacral area, which improve blood circulation and increase stress resistance.

Basic medical purposes presented in overcoming problems associated with inflammatory and pain processes in muscles and ligaments, rehabilitation after operations, and in the prevention of traumatic consequences.

Lumbar adjustable. In this group of corsets, with the help of special adjustment systems, an anatomical correct fit and fixation of the spine in the lumbar region is ensured. The degree of fixation for adjustable lumbar corsets is average.

Problems and diseases that these groups of corsets help solve may be the following:

  • Normalization of the position of the vertebrae in case of displacement;
  • Elimination of imbalance in the lumbar muscles;
  • Reducing the load on;
  • Relieves stress on joints and ligaments of the vertebrae.

How to choose the right corset

When choosing a lumbosacral corset, you should contact and consult an orthopedic doctor. As already mentioned, there are different degrees rigidity and functionality of orthopedic corsets depending on the purpose of their purpose.

It should be understood that the choice of this type of therapeutic and prophylactic device directly depends on the patient’s parameters. It is necessary to study the dimensional characteristics presented in the form of tables and rulers, which are offered by various manufacturers.

It is important to distinguish between what is waist circumference and what is girth, since these concepts have different sizes. The waist is below the level of the lower back, which shows a significant difference in girth. It is best to try it on before deciding to purchase an orthopedic lumbosacral corset.

To select the right model, depending on the purpose of the lumbosacral corset, many manufacturers offer a range of product sizes.

The required size is classified depending on the result of the patient’s parameters in centimeters. Take the sum of the waist and hip circumferences and divide in half. The result obtained corresponds to a certain size that corset manufacturers offer in their models.

So, for example, the rules for selecting the required corset size can be presented in the form of the following table, using the example of a corset with a variable degree of fixation:

Correct use of lumbosacral corsets

When faced with a problem caused by the need to use lumbosacral corsets, you need to familiarize yourself with the wearing mode and general rules use of this kind. The following provisions can be distinguished from them:

  1. Duration of use should not exceed six hours. Possible longer wearing forced cases that are related to the problems of the disease.
  2. Excessive tightening of the corset is not required urgent need, as it can lead to respiratory and circulatory problems.
  3. The corset should not be used while sleeping.
  4. It is recommended to wear a corset over underwear that fits tightly to the body to avoid irritation for people with particularly sensitive skin.

Prescription and, in the treatment of diseases and elimination of orthopedic problems, require compliance with and compliance with the instructions of the attending physician.

Making an independent decision about using a corset is not advisable, since it may have Negative consequences and complications.

A back corset helps to form correct posture when it is poor and relieve the spine during heavy physical work. Correct posture - important aspect characterizing a healthy and self-confident person. With excessively pronounced kyphosis (stooping), a person is characterized as an unconfident, depressed person.

A childhood disease, the situation only gets worse as you get older. Violation of the position of the vertebrae leads to weakening of muscles, displacement of internal organs, and the development of diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis).

Correction of the problem is carried out using conservative methods including manual therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, traction of the spine and wearing an orthopedic device known as a corrector or corset for stooping.

What is the effectiveness of a back corset?

The stoop corset is used to correct postural disorders in children and adults in the early stages. Wearing the device is designed to “accustom” the muscles and spine to the anatomically correct position and is used along with exercise therapy and massage. All 3 procedures mutually enhance the effectiveness of the previous ones and consolidate the effect.

A back corset is selected by a specialist and solves the following problems:

Back corset - varieties

There are 3 types of orthopedic devices for correcting spinal defects:

  • The reclinator is designed to spread the shoulders and reinforce the habit of correct muscle position. Represented by an elastic band, prescribed for early stage scoliosis, stoop, poor posture. Reclinators are often prescribed to adults for the period of work; they must be removed at night;

  • the corset supports the entire length of the spine. It has stiffening ribs or magnets that help keep your back in the correct position. Selected individually according to size and wearing time must be strictly observed as prescribed by the doctor;
  • a bandage (elastic belt) secures the required area (thoracic, lumbar) from excessive bending and reduces mobility in case of vertebral instability or increased load (for example, during pregnancy). Wearing a bandage while working reduces the load on the spine. Recommended for people with heavy physical labor for prevention. Reduces pain from spinal hernia.

Which back corset to choose?

The choice of a posture corrector depends on the degree of curvature of the spine, the age of the patient and concomitant (background) diseases.

An initial degree of stoop allows you to choose a bandage or reclinator yourself (after being prescribed by a doctor) at the pharmacy. You can make it yourself.

In case of serious disorders of the spine, the corset is selected together with the attending physician. It is important to consider the comfort and composition of the fabrics. The device must be worn for a long time and significant discomfort in use will lead to the child not using it.

How to choose the right corset for posture correction and not spoil it in everyday wear, watch the video


Wearing a back corset when stooping should be strictly dosed. This correction method can be compared with using medicines. Overuse or underuse has a negative effect.

The time of wearing the corset is selected individually from 6 to 12 hours a day. Duration 6 - 24 months.

Abuse of corrective devices without simultaneous strengthening of muscles with the help of exercise therapy leads to weakening and subsequently atrophy of muscles. What does Negative influence on the spine.

Indications for wearing a back brace

A posture corrector should be used strictly according to indications, and not at will. The need for use arises in the following situations:

  • children during the period of growth with the development of scoliosis or stoop;
  • scoliosis of 3-4 degrees in case of disruption of the functioning of internal organs caused by displacement;
  • a corset is prescribed after a spinal injury during the period of rehabilitation treatment;
  • postoperative period during recovery treatment;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal hernia;
  • spondylosis;
  • during pregnancy, wearing a bandage may be prescribed in the event of the development of osteochondrosis, scoliosis or the appearance of pain;
  • in order to prevent back pathologies during prolonged sedentary work or while moving heavy loads.

The listed pathologies are not absolute indications to wearing a corset. Posture correction methods are selected taking into account all research data and lifestyle.


Orthopedic products are available to everyone and are available without a prescription, however, it is recommended to purchase a back brace only with a doctor’s prescription and an option selected by an orthopedist.

The use of a corset is not allowed when:

  • allergies to the material;
  • damage to the skin in the localization (location) of fixation of the corset or straps;
  • insufficiency of the circulatory or respiratory system;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • The magnetic corrector is prohibited for persons with a pacemaker.

There are exceptions to all of the above contraindications. If there are contraindications, wear correctors only as directed and under the supervision of a specialist.

Basic rules for wearing posture correctors

It is better to wear a posture corrector on a T-shirt made of natural fabric, which will prevent chafing of the body and excessive sweating.

Dress in a lying or standing position, depending on the device.

Wear for a strictly defined time, from 6 hours a day. During treatment with correctors, be sure to train the muscles that will hold the spine in the correct position after removing the device.

The corset should hold, but not squeeze. The tension of the belts is adjusted gradually during wearing. The first days the belts are tensioned minimally to get used to the straightened position. Subsequently, the density increases.

After a course of wearing the device, gradual weaning follows, which consists of: That wearing time is gradually decreasing. The muscles must get used to working independently without support. The process of removing the corrective device lasts from 2 weeks to 2-3 months, depending on the duration of use and the body’s reaction to its cancellation.

Corsets for children

Children's corsets differ from adults; in most cases, they are elastic correctors designed to give the correct position to the back and accustom the muscles to the correct redistribution of weight.

The stiffeners are rarely used and can be easily removed.

The material is natural, which protects little patients from allergies and chafing.

If serious correction is necessary, the corset is made individually.

Corsets for adults

Back corsets are universal; they are not divided into men's and women's. The only requirement for women is a free position of the chest. Otherwise, the choice depends on the purpose of the corrector and the material.


A corset or corrector for stooping is not included in the list of free medicine. The price of posture correctors depends on the purpose. For preventive wear and slight stoop, reclinators are prescribed costing from 300 - 1500 rubles.

In case of severe scoliosis and the need for correction, corsets are made to individual measurements (Chenault) and cost 10 - 15,000.

Rigid corsets for spinal hernia or scoliosis in the range of 2-9 thousand.

DIY posture corrector

If it is impossible to buy a corset, you can make it yourself, but subject to slight curvature. Do not use homemade correctors for children.

You will need:

  • elastic bandage 10 cm wide and 6 m long

Progress of posture fixation:

  • fold the bandage in half and place the middle between the shoulder blades;
  • throw the first end over your shoulder;
  • point the other under the arm in the direction opposite to the first;
  • wrap with bandages in the shape of a figure eight;
  • Pull the loose ends under the armpits and wrap around the waist;
  • You can fasten the ends on your stomach or back, whichever is more convenient.

Adequate use of corsets to correct posture has a positive effect. Studies have proven its effectiveness in correcting posture and correcting initial degree spinal curvatures. When wearing any type of corset, it is important to pay attention physical exercise necessary to strengthen the back muscles. takes important role in the fight against back pathologies.

The use of corsets for spinal hernias also has a positive effect in restoring intervertebral discs and eliminating pain.

Athletes who experience increased stress on the lower back often seek help from specialists, complaining of pain in the lumbar region. This may be due to bruises, sprains and other injuries received during training, as well as inflammation in the soft tissues. In such cases, an orthopedic lumbosacral corset helps to get rid of pain, stabilize the vertebrae and relieve the load on the lower back. His choice and rules of wearing - important question, which we will look at in this article.

Structure and functions of the lumbosacral region

The sacrum and lower back are components of the human spine, which form the lumbosacral region, which includes 10 vertebrae.

Small of the back

The five lumbar vertebrae are quite mobile. They provide shock absorption during movement, in the process physical activity, when bending and jumping.

These are the widest vertebrae compared to elements of other sections, so they are different increased density. These characteristics allow the lower back to cope with the main load after assuming a vertical position.


This fixed part of the spinal column, united with the lower back through the closing wedge-shaped lumbar vertebra, ensures the connection of the spine with the pelvis. The sacrum, made up of five vertebrae, connects to the ilium to form the sacroiliac joint.

Lumbosacral corset as one of the types of orthopedic corsets

In orthopedics, corsets are understood as medical products made in the form of a wide belt. They are made from porous elastic materials, allowing air to pass through. All orthoses (the second term for orthopedic corsets) are reinforced with inserts made of plastic or light metal alloy. With their help, the necessary level of fixation is created.

Strong hold

Rigid corsets with 6 splints are used for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered surgical interventions or have experienced serious spinal injuries (fractures or fissures).

Medium fixation

Orthopedic and neurological pathologies require the use of more elastic products. The semi-rigid lumbosacral corset performs the following functions:

  • Helps unload the muscle corset, which supports the axial skeleton, and therefore relieves the load on injured vertebrae;
  • Maintains the spinal column in an anatomically correct position, corrects existing deviations and improves the functioning of related organs (ureters, kidneys, bladder);
  • Reduces pain caused by pinched or displaced vertebrae.

Distinctive features

Beginners can easily confuse lumbar orthoses with other types. medical products for the back. What can they be confused with?

  • Heating belts are also used to reduce lumbar pain caused by inflammatory processes. They activate blood circulation and have a pronounced warming effect, which alleviates pain. They are thinner, softer and more elastic, so they cannot serve as a preventive measure for injuries during training.
  • Elastic bandages are wide belts made of stretchy fabric that are designed to hold the vertebrae in the correct position without limiting their mobility. They help to properly distribute the load and protect against pain during pregnancy, but in sports, tougher options are needed.

Indications and contraindications

Main indication for wearing orthopedic fixator– pain attacks in the lumbar region. They occur in the following cases:

  • Neuralgia;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Pathologies of the vertebrae;
  • Hernias;
  • Rehabilitation after operations and injuries;
  • Prevention of overexertion during weightlifting.

Professional athletes are at risk with an increased likelihood of injuries and diseases of the lumbar spine. The fact is that their spine experiences increased loads in a large volume. Thus, when executing strength exercises athletes are advised to wear a lumbosacral orthopedic semi-rigid corset. It will minimize the risk of sprains and injuries.

It should be understood that this medical device has contraindications. There are several of them:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Pustular lesions of the skin;
  • Hernias in the abdominal wall area;
  • Heart failure;
  • Kidney diseases.

Criterias of choice

The main condition for making a competent choice is consultation with a specialist. Therefore, an orthopedist, vertebrologist or traumatologist will help you purchase a suitable lumbosacral corset.

Own initiative in this case is strictly punishable. An incorrectly selected orthopedic product will not only not have a healing effect, but will also harm damaged tissues and vertebrae. Moreover, the stiffer the orthosis, the more damage it can cause. Only a doctor can determine how many stiffeners you need to support the lumbosacral region.

  • For purchase exact size measure your hips and waist and then divide the resulting number by two. There are many types of corsets ranging in sizes from S to XXXL. When choosing, pay attention to the table of correspondence between measurements and sizes specified by the manufacturer. Typically the data corresponds to the following table:

  • Corset material – important condition comfortable wear and efficiency. Accordingly, a high-quality semi-rigid orthopedic corset must be made of elastic, highly stretchable, but at the same time durable fabric with pores that allow air to circulate (knitted fabric). Natural materials should predominate in the composition of textiles. At the same time, synthetic inserts should not scare you - they are designed to fix the areas most vulnerable to abrasion in order to extend the life of the product.
  • Degree of rigidity and fixation. This parameter is determined by the doctor and indicated in the prescription. However, you need to understand that the pharmacy may have several suitable options. When choosing, give preference to products made of knitted fabric with comfortable suspenders, which allow you to unfasten the corset, if desired, without removing it completely.

Trusted manufacturers

Another condition for a successful purchase is focus on famous brands, who have been working in the orthopedic products market for several years. We suggest choosing from the list published below.


Price range – from 5,000 to 13,000 rubles

This manufacturer from Germany introduced its products to the Russian market 15 years ago. Over the past years, it has taken a leading position due to its wide range of sizes and the availability of products in pharmacies.

The range of orthopedic corsets for the lower back of this German brand includes both rigid corsets with a plastic frame and semi-rigid lumbar corsets with fixing straps or Velcro. In addition, there are permanent or variable fixation orthoses on sale that allow you to adjust the degree of support.

Especially for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle, the company has developed a line of Energy orthoses, which are characterized by increased elasticity and mobility.


Price range – from 1900 to 4000 rubles

One of the leading companies in the orthopedic corset sector, Fosta produces products in a wide range price range. The advantages of this brand’s product line are obvious:

  • Firstly, the orthoses are made of hypoallergenic materials that promote air circulation and protect against skin irritation during wear.
  • Secondly, varying the number of stiffeners from 4 to 6 in different models allows you to choose the best option for any purpose, be it recovery from a back injury or preventive wear during intense exercise.

The range of the Fosta brand is impressive. Branded products include a wide variety of corsets:

  • With mesh base;
  • With reinforced stiffeners;
  • Lightweight preventive corsets;
  • Orthoses with comfortable shoulder straps;
  • Corsets with tourmaline;
  • Neoprene models;
  • Lace-up options.

Prices for orthopedic corsets from Fosta are quite affordable.


Price range – from 1500 to 3000 rubles

These corsets are perfect for the prevention of hernias and correction of degenerative changes in the lumbosacral spine. The company produces three versions of corsets, which differ in width:

  • The 35 cm lumbar supports are equipped with 4 stiffening ribs. These models are intended for recovery after surgery and for therapeutic use.
  • The 42-centimeter versions have two additional ties in the form of ribbons, thanks to which the product fits better. Therefore, these models are suitable for correcting pathologies that affect not only the lumbosacral region, but also the lower thoracic vertebrae.
  • The fastener belt has the smallest width and increased elasticity thanks to elastic plates. This is an excellent option for preventative purposes.

Otto Bock

Price range – from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles

The products of this brand belong to the premium segment, so their cost is quite high. At the same time, Otto Bock corsets are characterized by increased wear resistance and comfort in use. Most models have 4 stiffeners. They can be made of durable plastic or metals - it all depends on the functional purpose of the product. The range includes both preventive braces and rigid corsets for rehabilitation.

How to wear a lumbosacral corset?

You need to use an orthopedic corset for the lumbosacral spine wisely, following a few simple rules.

Skin contact

Do not apply to the skin before wearing a corset. various ointments or cream with a warming or anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to wear the orthosis over a thin T-shirt or cotton undershirt. Synthetics are not suitable for this purpose, as they do not allow the skin to breathe, creating a greenhouse effect and leading to inflammation of the skin when the bandage is worn for a long time.

Wearing time

Athletes who wish to use a lumbar corset as preventive protection against injuries and sprains should wear the brace during periods of most intense activity, for example, when preparing for competitions.

During the recovery period after injuries and operations, the lumbosacral corset should be worn for a maximum of 6 hours a day. The number of days is determined by the doctor. Wearing a lumbar orthosis for longer than prescribed is prohibited. Constantly wearing a corset can lead to swelling and impaired blood flow.


It is recommended to wear a lumbar orthosis for the first time in the presence of a doctor. It will help you correctly tighten the elastic belts so as to fix the spine in the anatomically correct position. In this case, the bandage should feel comfortable without disturbing respiratory function and without slowing down blood circulation.

Rules of care

At the same time, caring for the product is quite simple. For example, a corset for the lumbosacral spine can be machine washed. Before starting, you need to pull out the stiffeners and fasten the latches. It is advisable to wash the product on the delicate fabric cycle. In this case, you should not add active cleaning agents (stain removers, bleaches).

You need to dry the corset in natural conditions, protecting it from direct sun rays. It is also prohibited to place it on the battery.

In conclusion, we repeat that choosing and purchasing a lumbosacral corset to prevent injuries and sprains should be done under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor or sports therapist. The fact is that these products actively influence the vertebrae, and the effect will be positive only if the corset is chosen correctly, taking into account the individual needs of the athlete. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the level of loads tolerated, the presence or absence of injuries, the degree of their healing and other factors.

If you decide to buy a lumbosacral corset, consult a specialist. His recommendations will ensure the right choice.