What is the best business to open for beginners? What business is relevant now and what is in demand. Business in the metropolis

Opening your own business has not been something new for a long time and anyone who has a great desire and interesting ideas in stock can do it. In principle, sometimes you can do without ideas, but you should not exclude their place in creating a business.

What business should I start?

Before you start doing business, answer the question: “what kind of business are you going to do?” You must choose a direction that will completely satisfy you, that is, you must like it, you must understand it, it must be easy for you to start.

What is the best profitable business to start?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, because everything depends on many factors (your skills, your desires and capabilities, the area where you live, population, etc.). But definitely, the most profitable business at all times is the service sector and tourism. Although it is worth noting that this will require serious investment.

What kind of business can you start from scratch?

If you are asking the question: “what kind of business can you start from scratch?”, then you should understand that absolutely any type of business can be included in this category, because everything starts from scratch. It's another matter if you ask this question, indicating a specific view in which you want to open own business.

What profitable business should a woman start?

Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're incapable of running a business. You just have to choose for yourself.
What could it be?
Beauty salon, clothing store, confectionery shop, information business, advertising agency and everything like that. Of course, there are no clear rules about what kind of business a man should do and what kind of business a woman should do, but still, these areas will suit you better.

What kind of business is profitable to do in the village?

In this regard, everything is quite simple: choose a direction that is not in your village, but is very necessary for the residents. For example, it could be a beauty salon. An unusual hairdressing salon, namely a salon where girls and women can get full complex services.
Shops and bars will also be a very profitable business for any village. You can even open a clothing store, but first find out whether such a store is needed in the area.

What kind of business can you start at home?

If you decide to open a business within your own apartment, then a beauty salon or store is unlikely to suit you. Here you need to choose something less capacious so that you can handle your business alone. An online business would be an excellent option. To create it you will need the most minimal effort. But which direction in the Internet business to choose depends on you.

How can a girl promote her business?

Some people believe that it is much more difficult for girls to start and grow their own business than for men, but this is far from true. Women can do business just as well as men, sometimes even better, given their extraordinary approach to business and external charm. Therefore, you should not think that it is more difficult for you to create your own business if you are a girl.

It is always difficult for any novice businessman to start, especially without the support and tips of professionals. Therefore, if you do not have such a privilege, remember the following tips that can make your initial journey easier.

  1. The matter must be to your liking.
    You should start a business not because it is expected of you or because you are in dire need of money, but because you enjoy doing it. Just like the direction of the business, you should like the business itself with all its pitfalls.
  2. A serious business requires serious investment.
    No matter how much you are assured that there are many ways to start a business without having a penny in your pocket, this is far from the case. If you want to be successful and profitable business, then you must invest not only your soul, but also your money into it.

    Therefore, think again, is starting your own business really a serious desire for you?

  3. There is a risk of failure.
    Also, do not exclude the risk of failure. It always exists in any business you do (not just business). But this does not mean that you should stop thinking about business altogether. The best thing to do would be to study everything possible risks in your business and try to find ways by which you can avoid them if something happens.
  4. It will be necessary to work a lot.
    If you are going to become the “big boss”, this does not mean that you should do nothing but give instructions to your employees. On the contrary, you must work twice, even three times as hard as they do. This is your business and it depends only on you what it will be like.
  5. “Remember this phrase - everything will happen, but not right away.”
    Don’t even expect that after just a week you will have “mountains of gold.” Business is hard work. It thrives when you work hard and patiently, thinking not about making a quick buck, but about the well-being of the business itself. Therefore, only with patience, you will achieve everything you want.

Ideas for creative people

Although it is difficult for creative people to succeed in modern business, this does not mean that they are unable to do this. On the contrary, without striving for more money, they have the opportunity to get much more than they want.
Artists can easily open their own gallery (provided they really have talent), and photographers can also start working in this direction.

Poets, novelists, and other creators can start a business by selling their creations. It is worth noting that if a person knows foreign languages, his chances of achieving success increase several times, because there are much more prospects for creative individuals abroad.

What else can you do?

If such an opportunity allows you (material, physical and other plans), then great view business will be opening your own taxi service.

Taxis are always popular in all occasions, which means it will be a very profitable business. Of course, this is very painstaking work and to open this kind of business you will have to “sweat” a lot. But is it possible to achieve good results without doing anything?

If you are seriously thinking about this, then you definitely need to have the two qualities listed below.

Mathematical thinking

You must not only be an excellent idea generator, but also have a mathematical mind. You must be a true analyst and be able to solve any questions that may arise. Don't think that someone else will do your work for you.

Sociability, ability to easily make acquaintances

If you are a reserved person by nature, then build successful business It will be emotionally difficult for you. You should be quite sociable and open to new acquaintances and proposals. You should also forget about shyness. You must be a leader, and for a leader, softness is a big minus.

What kind of business is profitable to do?

Still, there are quite a lot of areas in business and most of them require significant investments. But what if you have no funds at all to start a business?

As it turns out, this is not a problem, because you can do business without leaving your home and absolutely free of charge (or with minimal investment).

What kind of business is this?

What type of business is profitable to run: home-based!

An online store is perfect for a home business. To create it you only need your website and reliable supplier from whom you will order the product. The most important thing is to decide what you will sell, because not every item is in great demand.

What kind of small business is profitable to run alone?

For a single type of business, a website with online training videos (or just a YouTube channel) is perfect. Think about what you specialize in and start sharing it with others. It turns out that you can make good money from this.

What is a profitable business to start while on maternity leave?

If you have a small child in the house, then even the types of business listed above may not be suitable for you, because they require a lot of attention. Do you need something that you can devote only a few hours a day to? What could it be?

  1. Online consultations or call center operator in the field in which you specialize.
  2. Tutoring via Skype.
  3. Blogging.
  4. Writing advertising articles (copywriting, rewriting).

In any of the options, you will not need to spend days at work and at the same time you will receive additional income.

The capital of Russia is probably the most difficult place to open and run a business. However, there are many platforms and promising ideas here.

The population of Moscow is more than 14 million people, plus arriving foreigners and residents of other Russian cities. A large number of working-age population determines the demand for jobs.

Need to think

The first stage of creating a profitable and promising enterprise is the formation of an idea. A thorough approach to this will allow you to achieve excellent results. There can be many ideas - from the most banal to the crazy. But to create a profitable business in Moscow, you need one - a working one. It is advisable to monitor the market for the services and goods provided, compile statistics of the interests and needs of citizens, and determine the direction of demand development.

Conducting such a deep analysis on your own is almost impossible. Against this background, consulting agencies are successful, providing services to identify promising niches in the Moscow economy.


Even an ordinary trip abroad is carefully planned in advance. The plan indicates everything from the cost of tickets and duration of vacation to the souvenirs purchased and the number of excursions.

Correctly drawing up a business plan will allow you to generate start-up capital, choose a location for an enterprise, decide on personnel and outline development prospects. True, at the time of developing a business plan, thoughts may arise to abandon all this, just because the entrepreneur does not like some aspects.

A business plan is not just a list of “wants” and possibilities. In order to create an organizational, financial and marketing component, you need to have knowledge that is not limited to the ability to add 2 and 2. Highly qualified specialists who provide paid services, draw up a business plan for a small enterprise for a period of 3 to 5 years.

Due to the fact that Russian legislation does not establish a form of business planning and there are no structural documents regulating it, there is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the experience of foreign entrepreneurs. The European Economic Communities provide ready-made templates that allow you to create modular business plans. IN Russian Federation The most popular standards are UNIDO and TACIS.

"Capital" start

The choice of a niche becomes freer if the future entrepreneur has good personal savings that can be invested in the start-up capital of the company. The legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow removes the question, “What kind of business can you do in Moscow?”, as it makes it possible to develop small businesses without limiting businessmen in the choice of options for opening a personal business.

Not having own funds, you can attract them from the outside. There are a large number of options: loans, subsidies and grants, government orders, etc. In addition to this, you can organize an individual entrepreneur or LLC instead of a corporate form of business.

Harmonization of taxation

Tax evasion is punishable by law. To expand business opportunities, the state provides several types of taxation:

  • Full: income tax, unified social tax, VAT and fiscal taxes;
  • Simplified: either 6% of the amount of income, or 15% of the amount received from deductions from income;
  • Temporary: a type of simplified taxation. The rate is set by the fiscal authority and calculated using a special formula.

The relevance of opening an enterprise

Large and small businesses in Moscow, thanks to the positive attitude of the capital's government, are experiencing high rates of development. It is impossible to imagine the life of Muscovites without the existing business infrastructure - cafes, shops, restaurants, attractions and cinemas. All this, for the most part, belongs to private entrepreneurs and provides them with a comfortable existence.

What is better to open in Moscow? Highly popular in 2016 are retail businesses, farming, online business, and the service and entertainment sectors.

Directions and required documents

The most popular business in Moscow is retail and restaurant projects. A large number of residents creates corresponding demand. But given the popularity of the idea, the niche still has vacancies.

According to their advantage, the places were arranged as follows: trade in movable and immovable property, beauty salons and, no matter how surprising it may be, farming! The demand for farm products is increasing day by day due to the high demand for natural and healthy foods. The fashion for raw food, vegetarianism and naturalness contributes its two cents.

To fully conduct business, registration with the fiscal authorities is required. An entrepreneur can register an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. The first option looks preferable due to the fact that the registration costs are minimal, and the number of papers that will need to be completed in the future is reduced to a minimum. However, upon registration individual entrepreneur the creator is deprived of the opportunity to conduct business with legal entities.

Basic documents that the tax office will require:

  • Conclusion of the fire service;
  • Conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Own store

A store can be considered in many directions - selling groceries, clothing or jewelry. But you can take it wider and open it to a supermarket or even shopping mall. A regular grocery store can provide high profitability. At good choice location of such a business will bring stable profits.

When organizing a store, the main part of the preparation will be the preparation of a business plan, including a clear description of further work, choice of location, purchased equipment, documentation, pricing policy, even the store’s operating hours.

The first step will be registration with the Federal Tax Service. The second step is renting a premises. Building a store from scratch is not recommended due to its high cost. The opening of a grocery store is a tasty morsel for the SanEpidem Station. Preventive and ongoing supervision determines the conformity of the structure and process regulatory documents. Visits from “orderlies” are expected at least 3 times a year.

To maintain the freshness of products and the presentation of the store, you will need to purchase equipment: refrigerators, containers for food, shelving, cash registers, showcases. However, electricity must first be installed; the outlets for it should initially be thought through in the design of the store.

Stores that have several types of products are often divided into departments and require additional hiring of employees: salespeople, cleaners, security guards and loaders. It is taken into account that the role of manager and HR manager will be performed by the organizer of the enterprise himself.

Compliance with all the rules at the end will give excellent profitability indicators. You shouldn’t open a “shopping center” from the very first days. You can start small and achieve more.


The answer to the question “How to start your own business in Moscow from scratch” is to open a farm. Variations in making profit from Agriculture a million and a couple more. You can engage in cattle breeding, poultry farming, raising rabbits and piglets. In addition, do not forget about growing vegetables, fruits and grain crops. Honey is highly prized in food markets, so why not keep bees?

When forming a business plan for a farm, you should clearly define the type of its activity and future development prospects. If this is an enterprise, initial capital which will not exceed $1000, then an option for growing fruits and vegetables will be developed. If large investments are attracted to the project, then the only thing that will stop the entrepreneur’s imagination is their size.

Business innovation

New types of business in Moscow are represented by two excellent options: coworking areas and anti-cafes. At proper development and successful choice of location, these projects show high level arrived. The main cost will be rent (about 80% of all costs). In second place is staff remuneration. Third is the purchase of consumables and products.

The “trick” of such zones is the innovative system of payment for visits. Now the client pays not for the product, but for the time spent. At the same time, companies offer the opportunity to actively communicate with other visitors, print documents, board games, Internet access, books, cookies, tea and coffee, and much more.

The business will benefit if it is opened in a walkable location and will not have competitors in the nearest 2-3 metro stations. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on advertising.

Summing up

From all of the above, it follows that the most profitable business in the city of Moscow is a trading enterprise. Options for products sold can always change in accordance with the wishes of the entrepreneur, but the most popular are food products and household chemicals. The success of a trading enterprise depends on the range of products, its cost and, of course, the quality of service.

For many of us, the idea of ​​starting a business has occurred to us more than once. Someone is tired of working “for someone else” for a meager salary and practically no vacations. Someone is thinking about what kind of business is profitable to run so that they have the opportunity to devote more time to their family. However, according to statistics, 80 percent of companies either close in

the first two or three years after creation, or barely stay afloat. Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. After all, this is not only freedom, but also responsibility. So what kind of business is profitable to run and how not to miss your chance?

Principle one: offer what everyone needs, always

People will never stop eating, drinking, dressing, washing. Consequently, essential goods will always be in demand under any political regimes and economic situations. And here, for those who think about what kind of business it is profitable to do, a sea of ​​opportunities opens up. A mini-bakery that supplies fresh buns to one small area, a bar or pizzeria with home delivery of products, growing champignons or oyster mushrooms, picking berries (for example, cranberries, lingonberries), processing - these are just some of the ideas. Of course, the competition here is also enormous, but there is always room for maneuver: special recipes, discounts for regulars, low prices. Depending on the situation, these could be your competitive advantages. By the way, if you are thinking about what kind of business to start during a crisis, then cheap food products or home-made lunches with delivery are what will be in demand.

Principle two: consider psychology

When household earnings do not keep up with inflation, people begin to look for ways to save. Firstly, sales of luxury goods immediately fall. Therefore, if you are inexperienced in entrepreneurship, if you have no experience, but only the thought “I want to start a business,” you may fail in the luxury sector (expensive cars, clothes, exclusive food products). Secondly, they start saving on everything, and this can be used as a basic concept to start with. For example, if you have not yet decided what kind of business is profitable to engage in, we will offer several ideas. You can purchase clothes from European stocks at very low prices and resell it. Anyone who wants to wear elegant things, but is limited in funds, will prefer this option to Chinese consumer goods. You can get into IP telephony and, in general, anything that allows you to save on phone calls (SIM cards for travelers, discounts). Or group purchases - also a fashionable trend, but not yet sufficiently developed. The idea is simple: it is more profitable to purchase high-quality, inexpensive goods in foreign online stores “for company”: after all, the cost of shipping is lower, and the discounts in this case are more significant.

Principle three: not goods, but services

If you still don’t know what kind of business is profitable to run, you can consider options for entrepreneurship in the service. After all, the product must first be purchased (invest a certain amount), then stored correctly (rent a warehouse and pay for it), sold correctly (keep sales managers on staff and ensure the operation of the office). Total expenses, but whether it will work or not, that is, whether the investment will pay off, is unknown. Another thing is with services. For some, of course, you need to rent premises (for example, an atelier or a shoemaker's workshop), but not always. Many of those who think about what kind of business is profitable to engage in are inclined to choose services, especially those that can be done at home: from sewing curtains and repairing household appliances to translations, website creation and copywriting. Investments are minimal, risks too. Think, choose, act - and luck will be with you.

The question of where to start your business from scratch with minimal costs and lack of experience interests many. In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

However, the right start any business is the key to its success and prosperity in the future. And the lack of start-up capital is not at all a reason to abandon the intended idea.

How to open your own business from scratch and not go broke. Golden rules

In order to minimize the risk of going broke or getting into debt when starting your own business, you must adhere to a number of simple rules:

  • Before you start yours, you need to think carefully about what will be lost if you fail.
  • Those who lack experience should not take out loans to start their own business.
  • It is necessary to provide for all possible scenarios, from the most optimistic to the most unpleasant, and draw up a plan.
  • It is not worth opening a business with money intended for other family purposes (treatment, education of children) under any circumstances.
  • Before starting your own business, it is important to carefully study the market, analyze your strengths, capabilities and available resources.
  • It is better not to get involved with dubious or super-profitable projects that require serious financial investments.
  • It is advisable to meet experienced entrepreneurs who are successful in business, talk with them, and take note of their advice.
  • It is best to start your own business in the field that is closest to you.
  • Each step should be formulated clearly, and all upcoming actions should be recorded in writing.

Important:Don’t give up at the first difficulties, be optimistic. Compliance with the described provisions significantly increases the chances of success of the planned enterprise.

Any business starts with an idea

Before starting your own business, you need to carefully think through the idea, find a twist (trick) that can give a little more perspective to your business and draw up a plan. How successful the idea is will determine success and profit.

But the highlight itself will not work. It is necessary to create those values ​​that will bring additional benefits to the consumer. In this regard, the restaurant business is a real springboard for the implementation of ideas.

You can follow this diagram at simple example. Competition in the field of finance and credit is enormous. A certain entrepreneur offered to receive loans and bank loans without leaving home.

This new move gave a significant advantage to his bank, because clients could now save their time and nerves.

Both the zest and the value must be real and feasible. Most often, a business goes bankrupt not because of competition, but because of business mistakes.

It is important to have a goal, even if you have to start a business without money. It will help you make the right decisions, outline a plan and tasks.

Important:only a specific goal and a clear plan can lead to the expected result.

The best business ideas for no money

Absence equity This is not at all a reason to refuse the opportunity to open your own business. There are many options for organizing the start of a business without money, that is, from scratch. Here are the most popular ones.

Earning money on the Internet

The World Wide Web these days is an excellent platform for those who want to start a business with minimal investment, or rather, even without it. There are plenty of options for making money on the Internet. All you have to do is choose the one that suits you. The most popular are:

  • website development;
  • It is profitable to provide website promotion services;
  • journalism, copywriting, rewriting, commenting for money, publishing materials, etc.;
  • e-commerce (online speculation, online trading);
  • making money using the social network Twitter;

Consulting and training (Infobusiness)

If you do something very well, then there will probably be many who want to learn from their experience and knowledge and are willing to pay for it. For example, you can teach via Skype foreign languages, consultations of a lawyer, accountant, doctor, teacher are in demand.

A good option is to create and sell your own training course. Having recorded it once, you can sell it repeatedly, earning good money.

Organization of holidays

This method is suitable, first of all, for creative people. Starting a business without investment in this area may include working as a toastmaster at a wedding or as a clown at children's party. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to do everything yourself - from self-promotion and writing scripts to accounting and tax reporting.

Rent an apartment daily

This kind of business option is very relevant in any big city. The essence of the idea is as follows. I need to rent an apartment from household appliances and furniture for a month, and rent it out daily. In this way, you can earn not only to pay rent for the next month, but also get a good percentage on top.

Opening the parking lot

Knowing how to open a parking lot when minimum investment, you can get significantly richer. Costs, of course, cannot be avoided, but they can be minimized. A new project in this area will bring stable income. To save money, a parking lot can be arranged in an open area, but it is better to provide a canopy.

Private kindergarten

The problem of kindergartens, unfortunately, has not yet been resolved. Without knowing how to open your own business, where to start, how to succeed, you can think about organizing a private kindergarten. The main components of success are a large apartment or own house(a small one will not fit), great patience and love for children. But at the very beginning of such a project, you should not recruit many children - after all, this is a big responsibility.

Hotel business

Such a loud name of the idea actually implies where tourists or city guests can spend the night for a reasonable fee. However, in order to implement such a plan, it is necessary to own living space, otherwise it is impossible to open such a “hotel” business.

  1. The advertising business is relevant in our time.
  2. Business from scratch in the service sector.

The service sector is the most The best way open a business without money. It all depends solely on the skills of the entrepreneur. There are many options for what you can do: services of a photographer, designer, translator, tutoring, massages, setting up or repairing computers, construction, plumbing, installation work and much more.

Building bussiness

You can also start without money. In this case, you need to outline the range of your possibilities. What it will be: installing plumbing, laying floors, renovating apartments, design or something else – it’s up to you.

A construction business can be organized with dignity even in a small village. When creating your own business, you need to come up with a name for the company, obtain all the necessary permits and engage in self-promotion.

The construction business in this aspect, even if it requires start-up capital, is very small.

What kind of business is profitable to do in the village?

Not only those living in the city are concerned about the issue of earning money. This problem is also relevant for those who remain in the village.

It's no secret that in Russia, in modern village complete desolation reigns. However, you can open your own business here. Who knows, maybe you will become the person who will establish your own promising agricultural business.

Business in the village or in small town can be organized in the following areas:

  • Plant growing is a common activity in the village. Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, flowers, peas are always in demand at markets in the city.
  • Sales of dairy products. In the village many people keep livestock- cows or goats. So why not sell the finished product obtained from these domestic animals on the market? People will readily buy the finished natural product in the city.
  • Poultry farming is a good business option in the village. In addition to meat and eggs, which are in demand on the market, you can sell bird fluff. They stuff pillows and blankets.
  • Animal husbandry is a very common occupation in the village. Breeding rabbits, goats, pigs, sheep, chinchillas, large cattle although it is associated with certain difficulties, it can still bring a stable income.
  • In the village you can also practice beekeeping. This type of business also has its own characteristics and is not as simple as it might seem. In addition to honey, which is not cheap, you will also receive wax - a valuable and useful thing. The only drawback This kind of business is due to its seasonality.
  • Crayfish farming, fish farming.

The peculiarity of any of these activities in the village is the opportunity to start your own small business without investing a lot of money.

Flower business without starting capital

The flower business can be called a holiday business in another way, because the lion's share of the profit comes precisely on the red days of the calendar. This kind of thing should be done in the city.

Having mastered agrotechnical techniques, you can grow plants yourself and get a homemade “flower harvest” by a certain date.

There are several ways to sell your plants. Perhaps the flower shop will be willing to purchase your product. But for this option, you will have to look for clients in advance.

Or maybe it will be possible to organize a flower shop on wheels for independent trade in holidays.

It is better to save the profit received in order to purchase in the future flower kiosk or open a flower shop.

To organize flower business, no major capital investment is required. However, all plants (including potted plants) have a low cost, but the markup on products sometimes reaches 300%. Thus, the flower business promises huge profits during the holidays.

To organize a home flower business without money, you will need good knowledge about the product itself, careful care of them and patience. In a small town you can also do similar things.

Opening a taxi business from scratch

Despite the fact that the taxi market is almost overcrowded, amounting to the right plan actions will be possible not only to enter this sphere, but also to stay in it. The taxi business is relevant in both large and small cities.

Before starting your business, you may have to enter into an agreement with a dispatch service. The taxi dispatch service unites all taxi drivers involved in private transportation.

Taxi drivers pay the dispatch service a certain amount or percentage for each order.

Such an organization can have its own taxi fleet and then only need to hire drivers. However, more often dispatchers enter into an agreement with the driver who owns the taxi car.

The advantages of a taxi business are the opportunity to open your own business from scratch, the lack of premises required and a great prospect for growth. A significant drawback is a lot of competition, so you need to think through all the ideas, draw up detailed plan actions and start implementing your plans.

Properly organized service, attention to all the little things and details when serving passengers, can make a particular taxi service popular.

Insurance business without investment

The insurance business in Russia is a serious and specific matter. However, an insurance broker is able to open his own business from scratch and start quickly making money by selling services in this area.

To do this, you need to appear at the insurance company, taking with you only your passport and pension certificate, and fill out an application for admission. An insurance company employee will hand out policies that you will have to distribute. The insurance agent must advise people in this area and, if necessary, enter into contracts with them.

Another option to open an insurance business requires the availability of initial capital. In addition, you should consider ideas and make sure they are sound; this is required by the insurance business.

It is important to ensure a good enough flow of people to make a good profit.

Furniture business

The furniture business does not require significant investments only if you make the furniture yourself. If a purchase is required finished products, then it is necessary to take into account that the payback is about 300%, if, of course, the furniture business is organized correctly.

You can start furniture production in a garage, and later open a small furniture workshop that does not require large expenses.

The furniture business is not a narrowly focused enterprise. To organize such a “home” business, you will need lumber and a set of tools.

The furniture workshop is intended for the manufacture of products according to ready-made sketches or to order.

You can expand your furniture business gradually. First, make the products yourself, then you can hire workers, and you won’t even notice how your furniture workshop will begin to cooperate with large retail chains in Russia.

You can do this kind of business both in a small town and in a big one.

What you need to know about garage business

No matter how strange it may sound, you can open your own business in a garage without money. Small garage business ideas are constantly being updated. Future income depends on the originality of the idea.

Of course, it won’t be possible to open a cafeteria there; usually something is produced in the garage. You don’t have to be original and place a car repair shop in your garage. Or start manufacturing turning parts, if you have experience in this matter.

You can provide manual car wash and tuning services in the garage. Or why not offer photo printing or copier services in your garage? Many entrepreneurs set up wholesale sales bases in their garages.

When implementing small business ideas in the garage, without money, you need to think about drawing up.

A small business can be based on any activity, such as new project, and the well-tested old one. It doesn’t matter if it’s construction, tourism, restaurant, advertising business, you will be able to open a car wash or cafeteria, the main thing is that the idea exists profitably.

Despite the fact that a lot of time and effort will be spent on such projects, the result should be expected to be no less profitable than with options with significant initial capital.

Owning your own business from scratch, organized not only in a small town, but also in a large metropolis, has one important advantage - you will be able to avoid the risk of losing money.

How to start a business from scratch

The past year has been difficult both for businessmen and for all other citizens of our country. The income of the population has decreased significantly, so many people began to think about starting their own business. In this article we will figure out what is profitable to do in a small business in 2018. We offer you several interesting ideas that will help you survive in difficult economic conditions.

Thermal printing on fabric

Many young people try to choose things that will help them stand out from the crowd. In this regard, T-shirts with various interesting inscriptions or images are very popular. If you're wondering what's profitable for a small business during a crisis, try providing thermal fabric printing services.

To open such a business, you need to rent a small room and purchase special equipment:

  • A printer;
  • Special ink;
  • Paper;
  • Heat press.

Since the technology of thermal printing on fabric is quite simple, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. You will spend approximately 1 thousand dollars on equipment. The profitability of this business is quite high, so the initial investment will pay off in the shortest possible time.


Organizing outdoor banquets, buffets and other events brings good profits in any economic conditions. This service is gaining popularity because by using it, consumers have the opportunity to freely choose the location of a banquet or party.

Catering differs from regular delivery in that the company provides the customer with a full range of services for organizing a festive event, which includes:

  • Interior decoration;
  • Furniture delivery;
  • Table setting;
  • Audio equipment;

In our country, the catering market is about half developed, so if you don’t know what kind of small business is profitable to run now, try your hand at this area. You have every chance to find your niche in the market and achieve great success.

Payment terminals

There are many various options, what profitable business you can start during a crisis. One of them is payment terminals. This type of activity requires certain capital investments. Money will be needed to purchase equipment and rent space. After you install the terminals, they will generate passive income for you.

In order for a business to bring a decent profit, you need to find the right place to install the equipment. Sometimes you have to change several points to find the right option. Payment terminals allow you to earn money practically from scratch, so they look very tempting for beginning entrepreneurs.

Online store

When it comes to what kind of small business is profitable to run during a crisis, experts advise paying special attention to the Internet. This is a fairly promising direction that allows you to get good profits without large investments.

As you can see from practice, you can earn much more on the Internet than in real life. For example, if you open a regular store, its customers will be people living on the neighboring streets. If you trade on the Internet, the goods can be sent to any region of our country and even abroad.

The simplest and most affordable option is dropshipping. To make a profit, it is enough to find an inexpensive product in a Chinese online store, negotiate with the seller and resell it on your website or in in social networks. Such a business will not take up much of your time, so you can do this business without quitting your main job.


Let's figure out what kind of business is profitable for the whole family? The most common type of family business is own farm. People who live in rural areas can engage in growing various crops, animal husbandry or breeding poultry. In addition, you can get a little help from the state to open such a business.

If you are interested, try starting your own farm. Natural products supplies are always in great demand, so your business will thrive even in a crisis.

Pasta production

Ask any grocery store clerk, what do consumers buy every day? In any city the answer will be the same - pasta. This one is inexpensive delicious product can be found on the table in almost every home. During a crisis, the demand for pasta increases significantly, so an enterprise producing such products will flourish in difficult economic conditions.

Are you thinking about it? Opt for production pasta. To implement such an idea, you will need premises and, of course, equipment. It is advisable to purchase an automatic production line that produces up to 150 kg of finished products per hour. You can sell pasta to supermarkets, catering establishments and wholesale centers.

Grocery store

The demand for food never falls, since no person can live without food. Can't decide what kind of business is profitable to run now? The most affordable win-win option is opening a grocery store. Of course, in order to make a good profit in a crisis, you need to carefully develop your assortment. Offer consumers everyday products at affordable prices, and there will always be a lot of customers in your store.

In addition, do not forget about various bonuses and discounts. Thanks to this, customers will visit your outlet. During a crisis, some businessmen begin to save on advertising and make a big mistake, because their clients go to competitors who do not skimp and advertise their products on a grand scale.


This area of ​​activity comes in second place after food in the list of ideas on what small businesses are profitable to run during a crisis. People get sick in any economic conditions, so different medical supplies are in great demand.

To attract more customers to your pharmacy, you should replace some of the expensive imported drugs with domestically produced drugs that are much cheaper. During a crisis, many people begin to save money, so they switch to cheaper medicines. You must definitely take this important point into account.

Second hand

In conditions modern crisis It is difficult to determine what kind of business is profitable to engage in in order to be guaranteed to make a good profit. The main problem is that in such economic conditions the solvency of the population sharply decreases, so the demand for expensive products falls. But there are categories of goods that a person cannot do without. These include personal hygiene items, food and clothing.

To update your wardrobe, you need to spend a lot of money, so many citizens of our country, in order to save money, began to buy used items, that is, second-hand. The main clients in such stores are pensioners, students and citizens with low incomes. If you open a second-hand store in a residential area or on a busy street, it will bring in a good, stable income.

Accounting services

During a crisis, business owners pay special attention to financial condition enterprises. To stay afloat, they hire experienced accountants and economists to help them make important financial decisions. Since the services of such specialists are very popular, companies providing them receive a good income.

This type of activity is perfect for those who are wondering. To get started, it is enough to hire several specialists and conduct an effective advertising campaign. If you do it right, over time small company may grow into a large consulting firm.

Educational courses and tutoring

Caring parents never spare money for the education of their children, so various educational courses and tutoring bring good profits even during a crisis. General education courses can be organized for high school students to prepare them for entering higher education. educational establishments or open a development center for preschoolers.

Some aspiring entrepreneurs doubt whether it is profitable to do business in difficult economic conditions? Experienced businessmen know how to extract their benefit from any situation. If you approach organizing your business seriously and responsibly, it will definitely bring you good profits and moral satisfaction.

Auto repair shop

Can’t figure out what kind of small business is profitable to run now? Open a car repair shop. This is a fairly profitable and promising option, since during a crisis people are in no hurry to buy new cars, and old cars often need repairs. It is difficult to do without the help of experienced craftsmen in this matter, so car owners have to contact a car service center.

You can open a car repair shop from scratch in your own garage. If you are not constrained by financial means, buy an existing car service and get to work. In this case, you can save a lot on advertising.