When is the new moon in April? The magic of numbers

The month begins with the waxing and approaching Full Moon. This means that things have already picked up speed and are about to reach a peak moment.

If you reacted sharply to the Solar Eclipse in March, then the Lunar Eclipse during the Full Moon on April 4 will also be noticeable for you. Perhaps you will begin to doubt yourself, hesitate, whether you did the right thing during Solar eclipse, You'll want to play it all back. No need to worry. You can and should think about your actions, but you must avoid thinking in a negative way. Your task is to benefit from the past, and not ruin your mood.

From April 4, after the Full Moon, the Moon will begin to wane until April 18. This is a time when things develop slowly, it is difficult to introduce something new into them, any change requires enormous effort and may end in nothing. Therefore, you need to take the position of an observer: not change anything, but watch how things go and draw conclusions. IN last days During the lunar month, April 12-18, you will already understand what turned out to be promising and what needs to be abandoned so as not to waste time and energy.

On April 18, a new lunar month begins. This is a great starting point for starting new things. It is advisable to rest on the 18th, because the New Moon brings confusion to thoughts. And from April 19 you can move towards new achievements, and the stars will help you.

Moon phases in April 2015

  • April 4, Saturday - Full Moon.
  • April 12, Sunday - Moon-Sun square, the beginning of the last, 4th Lunar phase.
  • April 18, Saturday - New Moon.
  • April 26, Sunday - Moon-Sun square, beginning of the 2nd Lunar phase.
  • Waxing Moon: April 1-4 and 18-30.
  • Waning Moon: April 4-18

Moon without course:

2.04.2015 12:01 — 3.04.2015 10:07
4.04.2015 18:59 — 5.04.2015 22:04
7.04.2015 23:42 — 8.04.2015 8:08
9.04.2015 20:42 — 10.04.2015 15:47
12.04.2015 11:15 — 12.04.2015 20:44
14.04.2015 22:45 — 14.04.2015 23:12
16.04.2015 0:37 — 17.04.2015 0:00
18.04.2015 21:57 — 19.04.2015 0:31
20.04.2015 2:07 — 21.04.2015 2:28
22.04.2015 8:38 — 23.04.2015 7:25
24.04.2015 20:04 — 25.04.2015 16:13
27.04.2015 17:12 — 28.04.2015 4:07
30.04.2015 15:23 — 30.04.2015 17:03

April 1 0:00 - April 3 10:07— the growing Moon in Virgo will put you in a practical mood. You will be best at those things that bring practical results. Emotions are subordinated to benefit. People show interest, sympathy, sympathy for selfish purposes.

April 3 10:07 – April 4 15:05— the growing Moon in Libra is suitable for deciding on your personal space and the space of your partner, deciding what you do together and what belongs to each of you separately. These days are also relevant for those who have an affair with a business partner or, conversely, a common cause with a loved one.

4 April 15:00— Full Moon (15:05) — and Lunar Eclipse. Since today's Full Moon and Eclipse will affect the axis of interaction with people, the actions of others and your choices in personal and business communication will be especially important. Avoid mentally unstable people who attach symbolic and mystical meaning to these phenomena and are able to decide that the Eclipse requires them to take some kind of action (completely inadequate from the point of view of a more morally stable person).

April 4 15:05 - April 5 22:04- waning Moon in Libra. Disputes and pushing one's line in business and personal partnerships bring such emotional fatigue that people are ready to give in on everything, just so as not to argue, but to find a compromise. Take advantage of this to find a solution that suits everyone in controversial issues on which it was not possible to reach agreement.

April 5 22:04 - April 8 8:082- waning Moon in Scorpio. Emotions take a lot of energy. You will react to everything too biasedly and by the end of the period you will feel tired and exhausted. In order not to quarrel where you will later regret, direct your energy to getting rid of truly unnecessary people. It is also useful to let off steam by throwing away old things.

April 8 8:08 - April 10 15:46- waning Moon in Sagittarius. I want everything at once. Everyone has a lot of self-confidence in their behavior, people take what they have no right to, and are very unceremonious about it. There is no benefit from what you have acquired, and in your arrogance you can turn influential people against you. April 8 at 14:30 - 17:00 things will be difficult. Possible deterioration in health.

April 10 15:46 - April 12 20:43- waning Moon in Capricorn. Days of practical, orderly, rational emotions. They are well suited for resolving business issues, especially those that are in the final stages and awaiting a final decision. On the evening of April 11, anxiety will intensify, and a surge of emotions is possible. April 12 morning will be strong nervous tension, after which the days of the strongest decline in activity begin until the New Moon.

April 12 20:43 - April 14 23:11- waning Moon in Aquarius. I want to feel like a part of humanity, there is a feeling of involvement in everything that happens in the world, but at the same time any contact with another person is tiring. The best way to join the world egregor is through reading the classics, through music, and hobbies.

April 14 23:11 - April 16 23:59— the waning Moon in Pisces gives the most emotional days of the month. Emotions are vague, blurry, with a strong tinge of nostalgia. Works of art and romantic stories touch and can bring you to tears. Intuition works amazingly. This mood will manifest itself most clearly on April 15 around noon.

April 16 23:59 - April 18 21:56— the waning Moon in Aries provokes childish behavior, resentment, and arguments out of the blue. People are self-centered, they prove that they are “the best,” and they easily fall for adventures and bets. The night of April 18th can bring trauma.

18 April 21:56— New Moon in Aries. This is the starting point for new things. But don’t rush: on the New Moon and about half a day after it, healthy instincts will be suppressed by adventurism and the desire to do something, be active, change your life. With such a mood, you can make mistakes or harm your health.

April 18 21:56 - April 19 0:31- waxing Moon in Aries. This is a very short period of time, which is unlikely to bring anything more than just a surge of strength.

April 19 0:31 - April 21 2:27- waxing Moon in Taurus. This is a wonderful time to enjoy material things - good food, sleep, relaxation, pleasant leisurely communication. On April 19, the afternoon is the best time to communicate. This is also a time of special dexterity in handicrafts. And on the same day, late in the evening, physical strength and endurance will be at their maximum.

April 21 2:27 – April 23 7:25— the growing Moon in Gemini is perfect for working with information: training, news gathering, mediation, negotiations. Emotions do not interfere with objectivity; they are quick and superficial. Curiosity increases. The evening of April 21 is most suitable for personal conversation and conversations about art.

April 23 7:25 – April 25 16:12— the waxing Moon in Cancer is the strongest Moon. Here she shows herself fully. Her good features- a rich range of emotions, easy adaptability to new conditions, caring towards loved ones, excellent intuition. Negative traits include moodiness and mood swings.

April 25 16:12 - April 28 4:07— the growing Moon in Leo patronizes bright and demonstrative behavior and big, noticeable deeds. A show program, a holiday, a concert, a presentation of a large project, or the opening of a sports or entertainment complex will be excellent. You will have the most strength on April 26th at night, and the most spectacular and important things happen on the same day from noon to 18-19 hours.

April 28 4:07 – April 30 17:02- waxing Moon in Virgo. Emotions are shown only where it is useful. This good days for matters in which feelings should not interfere: for meticulous work, accounting, drawing up a medication regimen, or sports training. You will have a good sense of what can benefit you.

April 30 17:02 - 24:00— the growing Moon in Libra helps to distinguish between personal and common affairs with a partner, to find the line between business and personal relationships. Successful conclusions of deals, contracts, the beginning of a romance.


Moon calendar 30.03.2015

Dear readers, today on my blog I am publishing a lunar calendar of beauty and health for April 2015. Yes, the second month of spring is already approaching. And it makes me so happy. Believe in yourself!

In April the soul will sing. Spring aromas and the first warm rays of the sun encourage a good mood and good deeds. But take care of your kidneys and skin - these are the most vulnerable organs this month.

What would you like to wish us all in the spring? First of all, of course, wisdom. The weather is deceptive. It's warm, then cold with the wind. Therefore, there is no need to be fashionable, you should always dress according to the weather, take care of yourself, drink more herbal teas,... Walk more and fill yourself with positive thoughts. After all, you must agree that our thoughts are material. And the mood and state we ourselves will be in depends on the mood of our loved ones.

And if you want something very soulful, then don’t miss our magazine “Scents of Happiness.” Its 10th anniversary spring issue has been released. We give you a spring mood. There is a lot of music in the magazine, useful information about health, beauty, spiritual themes about harmony and source vitality, topics for parents and also culinary recipes for the whole family. You can get our magazine for free by following this link.

Zodiac sign - Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries, like no one else, needs to remember the need to conserve their strength and avoid stress. After all, they will harm, first of all, the most vulnerable organs - the brain and nervous system. They must learn to rest in a timely manner so as not to bring their body to exhaustion. Water will be of great benefit to Aries, for example, in the form of a bath or sauna. Of the herbs, rosemary is especially good for people of this sign, and of the products - those that improve brain function.

Lunar calendar of beauty and health for April 2015

Know how to read the signs and symbols that fate gives us. Luck at the beginning of the month will favor the brave and proactive. Take care of prevention colds, eat more onions and garlic. Inhale the healing scents of pine needles and eucalyptus using an aroma lamp.

Waxing moon 1.04-3.04

1.04 12-13 lunar day from 16:22

Before a lunar eclipse, you need to take stock, clean your home and body, and repent of your sins and mistakes. Possible exacerbation of colitis, enteritis, appendicitis. It is beneficial to treat skin diseases and feet.

2.04 13-14 lunar day from 17:33

3.04 14-15 lunar day from 18:43

On the eve of a lunar eclipse, try to be emotionally calm and not give in to aggression. Take care of the endocrine and urinary systems. Can be done cosmetic procedures, treat head diseases.

Full Moon 4.04

Hard day. It is better to postpone important matters that require a lot of concentration and physical activity. A great way to pass the time during the full moon is to do nothing on your favorite couch. Beware of excessive nervousness, keep at hand sedatives. Better yet, drink.

4.04 15 lunar day, LUNAR ECLIPSE AT 15:02:10, FULL MOON AT 15:06:52 , 16th lunar day from 19:54

Waning moon 5.04-17.04

Finally, take care of your health, fast for 1 day a day. medicinal purposes, go on a mono diet (eat apples, cottage cheese or buckwheat for 24 hours), sign up for a swimming pool and go for a walk water treatments, at least until the end of the month. Swimming will perfectly strengthen the spine and allow all muscles to relax. It's time for women, and men too, to take care of their feet. Foot bath course with sea ​​salt and will be very useful before the summer season open shoes. 12.04 – on this day it is strictly not recommended to carry out any operations. Exercise discretion in household affairs. It’s better to think a hundred times - for example, before the upcoming renovation: is it really necessary or is it better to allocate funds for more important things?

5.04 16-17 lunar day from 21:05

IN moon eclipse you can get rid of bad habits. Take it several times cold and hot shower. Active treatment of the kidneys and bladder is contraindicated.

6.04 17-18 lunar day from 22:16

It is beneficial to be in nature, in a harmonious environment. Treatment of the pancreas and urinary system is not recommended. Treatment of the head and brain and a visit to the dentist are indicated.

7.04 18-19 lunar day from 23:27

Day of joy, healthy emotions, active rest. Surgeries on the genitals and large intestine cannot be performed. It is beneficial to treat diseases of the neck and throat, thyroid gland, remove tonsils and adenoids.

8.04 19-20 lunar day from 23:15

Pay more attention to your surroundings, today it is your mirror, a reflection of your actions. It is not recommended to treat the genitals, colon. Useful to train vocal cords, practice singing.

9.04 20 lunar day

Think about your actions, mentally repent, getting rid of pride, obsessive thoughts. Blood transfusions, liver surgeries and hip joints, shown to treat lung diseases.

10.04 21 lunar day from 0:33

A day of studying sacred texts, learning cosmic laws. Liver surgery should not be performed gallbladder, hip joints. Favorable treatment upper limbs, respiratory organs.

11.04 21-22 lunar day from 2:26

Active day, useful to go jogging, go on a trip. Treatment of diseases of the blood, spine and knee joints. Treatment of the respiratory system, stomach, and mammary glands is indicated.

12.04 22-23 lunar day from 3:09

Today, the wisdom hidden in ancient writings and symbols can be revealed. The skeletal system and teeth are vulnerable. It is undesirable to overload the body with antibiotics. Treatment of psychosomatic diseases is indicated.

13.04 23-24 lunar day from 3:44

critical day , start cleaning the premises, home, clean them with candle fire. Active impact on the spine is not recommended, manual therapy. Favorable treatment for diseases of the stomach and chest.

14.04 24-25 lunar day from 4:11

Energetically strong day, use energy for peaceful purposes. Take care of your shins and ankles. Engage your heart and back. The best day for training, massage, visiting a Russian bath with a steam room and a broom.

15.04 25-26 lunar day from 4:35

Lunar rhythms contribute to the development of observation and psychological abilities. There is a danger of displaying pride and vanity. Take care of your feet, wear soft, comfortable shoes. Treatment of intestinal diseases and abdominal operations are indicated.

16.04 26-27 lunar day from 4:57

A good day for a mystical quest to gain secret knowledge. Increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and allergies. It is recommended to perform operations on organs abdominal cavity.

17.04 27-28 lunar day from 5:18

Today is good to keep upbeat positive mood. Treatment of the head and brain organs is not recommended. You can treat the kidneys and urinary system, pancreas.

New Moon 18.04

Trust your dreams on the new moon, they are often prophetic. Any cardiovascular diseases, have it on hand necessary medications. On this day, due to excess fluid in the body, kidney stones may occur. Take care of yourself!

18.04 28-29 lunar day from 5:40, NEW MOON, 1 lunar day from 21:57

Finish things. Carry out ritual cleaning of the premises. Be strict in your wishes. Treatment of head and dental diseases is not recommended.

Waxing moon 04/19-04/30

The main enemy is laziness! Drive her away. And then everything you have in mind will work out. Do not start new things without finishing the previous ones, this will lead to internal chaos. Take care of your stomach, don’t eat a lot of greens and vegetables, there’s still a lot of chemicals in there. The end of April is the beginning of the allergy season, do not forget your medications at home and try to avoid direct and all kinds of allergens. From spring sun The skin of the face may be affected, so people with pronounced white skin are recommended to use creams with SPF filters.

19.04 28-29 lunar day from 6:04

Today is a good day to start new complex exercise, develop a diet. The neck and throat area are vulnerable endocrine system. You are engaged in the prevention and treatment of reproductive organs.

20.04 30 lunar day from 6:32

A good day to practice martial arts and work with your own energies. Do not drink cold drinks, take care of your ligaments and throat. Treatment of diseases of the genital organs and large intestine is indicated.

21.04 1-2 lunar day from 7:06

A day of solitude and reflection. You shouldn't make hasty decisions. Possible exacerbation of diseases of the lungs, bronchi, shoulders and arms. Taking blood thinning medications and cleansing the liver are effective.

22.04 2-3 lunar day from 7:49

A good day for cleansing from toxins, salts, stones, as well as for the absorption of dairy products. Treatment of the respiratory system, shoulders, and arms is not recommended. It is beneficial to treat the liver and hip joints.

23.04 3-4 lunar day from 8:40

Today breathing practices are shown on fresh air. Digestive disorders, exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis are possible. indicated, treatment of the spine and knee joints, visiting the dentist.

24.04 4-5 lunar day from 9:39

Pay close attention to your speech - the word today has enormous power. Stomach surgery is dangerous mammary glands. Treatment of the spine, knee joints, and salt metabolism disorders is indicated.

25.04 5-6 lunar day from 10:43

The day is good for clearing thoughts, reading prayers and sacred texts. It is not advisable to treat the chest, stomach, heart, or back. Favorable treatment of the disease skeletal system and shins.

26.04 6-7 lunar day from 11:51

In the afternoon, be selective in your contacts, do not give in to seduction. Take care of your heart and back. Diseases can be treated nervous system, varicose veins veins

27.04 7-8 lunar day from 13:00

critical day . It will be very effective to forgive offenders. Heart surgery and back massage are contraindicated. The treatment of arthritis, diseases of the lower leg, eyes, vascular and nervous systems is beneficial.

28.04 8-9 lunar day from 14:10

Today shows rest and relaxation, reflection on your family tree. Surgeries on the abdominal organs are not advisable. You can carry out procedures to cleanse the blood of the liver, massage, feet.

29.04 9-10 lunar day from 15:20

Be careful when handling sharp objects. Possible exacerbation of colitis, enteritis, appendicitis. Liver treatment can be performed skin diseases, allergies, feet.

30.04 10-11 lunar day from 16:29

Today is the best day to visit the temple and sincere prayer. It is not recommended to treat pain in the lower back, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. You can treat the organs of the head, brain, ankles.

The compiler of the lunar calendar of beauty and health for April 2015 is astropsychologist Anna Bondar and astrologer Elena Zhukova.

And for the sake of the soul, we will listen Michel Pépé - Fleur d'Amour Michel Pepe is a French composer who writes music for relaxation and healing from illness. Such a beautiful video. I think you will enjoy it.

Lunar cycle or moon month can be completed - 30 days or unfinished - 29 days. An incomplete lunar month brings some Negative influence for the entire next cycle. In addition, the lunar calendar for April shows that in this unfinished month we will experience two eclipses at once - solar on the new moon and lunar on the full moon. So the third lunar month, which begins in April, will not be too easy. Lunar horoscope for 2015 will tell you how best to neutralize this negativity. Use the tips given in the last column of the table and your life will become a little easier.

April Day Lunar day Beginning of the lunar day Moonset time Entry of the Moon into a sign Moon phases Adviсe
April 1, 2015 13 16:57 5:53 Virgo On this day dreams come true. Feel free to start something new, go traveling.
April 2, 2015 14 18:03 6:14 Virgo A good day for commercial and trading affairs. It is possible to promote long-term projects.
April 3, 2015 15 19:09 6:33 Libra 11:09 A day full of pleasant surprises and surprises.
April 4, 2015 16 20:16 6:53 Scales Moon eclipse. Full Moon 16:01/16:07 It's a good time to clean up your home and your own head.
April 5, 2015 17 21:23 7:14 Scorpio 23:05 Devote time to your loved ones and children. Communication with loved ones can charge you with positive emotions for a long time.
April 6, 2015 18 22:30 7:38 Scorpion Cleanse your body and mind of unnecessary things, and you will see the solution to your own problems.
April 7, 2015 19 23:37 8:05 Scorpion On this day all ordinary things will be successful. Dedicate some time to yourself.
April 8, 2015 19 8:37 Sagittarius 9:09 Today, it’s best to stay at home - sort out your papers, spend time with your family.
April 9, 2015 20 0:40 9:16 Sagittarius Be careful - today there is a high probability of scandals. On this day, various cosmetic procedures will have an excellent effect.
April 10, 2015 21 1:39 10:04 Capricorn 16:48 It's time to start doing hardening and various health procedures.
April 11, 2015 22 2:32 11:02 Capricorn Dedicate this day to self-improvement. You can achieve success in whatever you do.
April 12, 2015 23 3:18 12:08 Aquarius 21:45 4th quarter moon 7:46 There is a high probability of various kinds of provocations.
April 13, 2015 24 3:56 13:22 Aquarius Any new beginnings will be successful. Attacks of depression are possible.
April 14, 2015 25 4:29 14:41 Aquarius Devote the day to inner contemplation of your essence, meditation.
April 15, 2015 26 4:58 16:03 Pisces 0:13 Try to assess the surrounding reality as soberly as possible.
April 16, 2015 27 5:25 17:27 Fish Bad day for new beginnings. It is recommended to work on already promoted projects.
April 17, 2015 28 5:50 18:52 Aries 1:01 Today you will succeed in any business you do.
April 18, 2015 29/1 6:17 20:17 20:17 Aries New Moon 22:58 Do something for your loved ones or strangers.
April 19, 2015 2 6:46 21:39 Taurus 1:32 Today you will be in the flow of events.
April 20, 2015 3 7:19 22:56 Taurus A good day to renew internal resources.
April 21, 2015 4 7:57 Gemini 3:29 Success in trading awaits you.
April 22, 2015 5 8:41 00:05 Twins Possible risk intestinal diseases. Watch what you eat.
April 23, 2015 6 9:33 1:05 Cancer 8:27 A day when an unexpected find is possible.
April 24, 2015 7 10:31 1:54 Cancer Feel free to plan your to-do list for the near future.
April 25, 2015 8 11:32 2:35 Lev 17:14 Today you will buy something really necessary - be it a cup or a valuable friend.
April 26, 2015 9 12:36 3:07 a lion 1st Quarter Moon 3:56 Relax with your family or loved ones.
April 27, 2015 10 13:41 3:35 a lion Everything planned will come true.
April 28, 2015 11 14:46 3:58 Virgo 5:08 Bad time for trading transactions.
April 29, 2015 12 15:52 4:19 Virgo The implementation of large projects is possible.
April 30, 2015 13 16:57 4:39 Libra 18:04 A great day to get rid of unnecessary things, as well as end relationships that have exhausted themselves.

April 1, 2015, 13th lunar day (15:58), Moon in Virgo, 2nd phase. The day is good for communication and gaining knowledge. Collect and analyze information, make plans, but do not start new things. The return of past problems should not scare you. Today you can easily get rid of them, and this time for good.

April 2, 2015, 14th lunar day (17:03), Moon in Virgo, 2nd phase. The day is perfectly suited for bold and decisive actions. You can start something new and important, make a breakthrough in your current affairs, go on a trip or change your job. Everyone will get their chance to improve their Life. The main task is to catch luck by the tail and fully realize the opportunities provided.

April 3, 2015, 15th lunar day (18:10), Moon in Libra (10:06), 2nd phase. Today, energy overconsumption is possible. Save your energy, don’t waste it. Try to avoid conflicts. If you quarrel with someone today, reconciliation will not happen soon. It is not recommended to take risks on this day. Particular caution should be exercised in financial matters.

April 4, 2015, 16th lunar day (19:16), Moon in Libra, full moon at 15:06, lunar eclipse at 12:01 . Time to do household chores and pay attention to your family. Issues of raising children can be resolved easily and with excellent results. Today you should refuse to show aggression and avoid participating in disputes. It is better to postpone the showdown for another day.

April 5, 2015, 17th lunar day (20:24), Moon in Scorpio (22:03), 3rd phase. Today is a joyful day from which you can expect pleasant surprises. Chat with those you like, organize holidays, arrange romantic dates. Be sincere and cheerful, avoid boredom and reduce any disagreements to a joke.

April 6, 2015, 18th lunar day (21:30), Moon in Scorpio, 3rd phase. On this day, the mind must keep feelings under control. If you are led by emotions, you can become a victim of deception or fall under the influence of others. Alcohol today is not the best advisor, so it is better to avoid drinking it. Will be useful physical exercise, massage and rejuvenating cosmetic procedures.

April 7, 2015, 19th lunar day (22:37), Moon in Scorpio, 3rd phase. The day is good for solitude and reflection. Stay away from fuss and heated arguments, try to resist temptations. Today you should not make promises - you are unlikely to be able to keep them. To avoid food poisoning Be careful when choosing food.

April 8, 2015, Continuation of the 19th lunar day, Moon in Sagittarius (8:07), 3rd phase. The day is good for solitude and reflection. Stay away from fuss and heated arguments, try to resist temptations. Today you should not make promises - you are unlikely to be able to keep them. To avoid food poisoning, be careful when choosing food.

April 9, 2015, 20 lunar day (23:40), Moon in Sagittarius, phase 3 The result will be brought today active actions. Cast aside doubts and direct all your efforts towards achieving your goal. You can safely start new things and make important decisions. The day is good for solving family problems and walking in the fresh air.

April 10, 2015, 21 lunar day (0:40), Moon in Capricorn (15:45), 3rd phase. The day is filled with creative energy. Create something new, take risks, communicate with unusual people. You will get a lot done if you don’t become lazy and get distracted by little things. Today, physical exercise will have a good effect on your health. A good time for dating, engagements and marriages.

April 11, 2015, 22nd lunar day (1:32), Moon in Capricorn, 3rd phase. It’s better not to start new things today. Solve everyday issues, communicate with relatives. Do not deny yourself rest if you feel that it is necessary. The day is unusually good for receiving, comprehending and transmitting information.

April 12, 2015, 23 lunar day (2:18), Moon in Aquarius (20:43), last quarter (6:46). Any communication today can lead to conflict. Do not give in to provocations and be careful in public places. Avoid alcohol and eat in moderation. The day is completely unsuitable for romantic dates and sex.

April 13, 2015, 24 lunar day (2:56), Moon in Aquarius, 4th phase. The day is good for all sorts of undertakings. Creative plans can be fully realized. The body is under the control of the mind, while physical activity helps restore mental balance. Dates go very well, and sex has a healing effect.

April 14, 2015, 25th lunar day (3:29), Moon in Aquarius, 4th phase. Intuition today suggests the right decisions. To hear her voice, be in solitude. Finish old things, but don't start new ones. You will have a good rest if you visit the pool or sauna. Don't overuse chemicals medicines and avoid eating too much.

April 15, 2015, 26 lunar day (3:58), Moon in Pisces (23:10), 4th phase. You are given a chance to look at yourself from the outside and correct your mistakes. Do not communicate with people you are not interested in and do not give rise to gossip. Today this can lead to energy losses. Control yourself when shopping: you can spend money completely in vain.

April 16, 2015, 27 lunar day (4:25), Moon in Pisces, 4th phase. Success in business is possible today. Don't be afraid of change. They can take you to new level development. A good time for self-knowledge and self-education. The day is also suitable for traveling (exclusively overland) and communicating with older relatives.

April 17, 2015, 28 lunar day (4:50), Moon in Aries (23:58), 4th phase. Good mood- the key to a successful day. Stay calm and take everything that happens philosophically. Do good deeds with joy, give attention to your loved ones. Today you need to monitor your blood pressure and take care of your eyes.

April 18, 2015, 29, 1 lunar days(5:16), Moon in Aries, new moon at 21:57. Good day for analysis life path, planning and working on yourself. You should not stay in places with large crowds of people for a long time. Personal relationships can be improved. Forgive those who have offended you and make the necessary apologies yourself. Avoid physical activity. Today they are fraught with injury.

April 19, 2015, 2nd lunar day (5:45), Moon in Taurus (0:30), 1st phase. Time to implement your plans. Don't let doubt or laziness overcome you. Under any circumstances, remain confident. The day is good for fasting, selection proper diet and calculation of physical activity. Pay attention to the condition of your teeth.

April 20, 2015, 3rd lunar day (6:18), Moon in Taurus, 1st phase. An energetically strong day. Both physical and mental activity. Lethargy and apathy can lead to unpleasant consequences. Keep your emotions under control and avoid unpleasant experiences. Solution financial issues It's better to postpone it for another time.

April 21, 2015, 4th lunar day (6:56), Moon in Gemini (2:27), 1st phase. The day is not conducive to proactive actions and active communication. Changes are unlikely, and therefore you should not strive for them with all your might. Do not overwork at work - this may lead to leakage vital energy. A country walk will have a good effect on your well-being.

April 22, 2015, 5th lunar day (7:41), Moon in Gemini, 1st phase. Today you should not start new things, especially those related to finances. The results may be completely undesirable. It is possible and even necessary to make plans. Don't be afraid to be emotional, stand up for your views and don't let yourself be confused. Romantic acquaintances leading to the creation of a family are likely.

April 23, 2015, 6th lunar day (8:33), Moon in Cancer (7:24), 1st phase. The day is ideal for communication. Ask questions, get information, share knowledge. Talk about your experiences, but don’t complain about life. Good effect today they will have anti-aging procedures, breathing exercises, sauna and aromatherapy. It is better not to cut or dye your hair.

April 24, 2015, 7th lunar day (9:30), Moon in Cancer, 1st phase. Time to implement well-thought-out plans. Act boldly, but don't take unnecessary risks. Be honest with others. Deceptions and omissions on this day will not lead to anything good. Best conversations today is about love. Make romantic dates and don’t hold back your passion.

April 25, 2015, 8th lunar day (10:32), Moon in Leo (16:11), Today is a day of changeable mood. Try to maintain positivity within yourself and not be led by base desires. You can turn your life around for the better if you pay close attention to what is happening around you and draw the right conclusions.

April 26, 2015, 9 lunar day (11:36), Moon in Leo, first quarter (2:55). The day promises to be busy. The sky of understanding, deception and provocations are possible. Whatever happens, stay calm and think logically. Don't start new things - they are unlikely to end as you plan. Spend time with your family, take care of your children’s development and home improvement.

April 27, 2015, 10th lunar day (12:41), Moon in Leo, 2nd phase. A good, happy day is expected. Engage in self-knowledge and self-improvement, immerse yourself in pleasant memories. You can correct past mistakes and make peace with those you have wronged. Romantic relationship ties that are tied today will be harmonious and durable.

April 28, 2015, 11th lunar day (13:46), Moon in Virgo (4:06), 2nd phase. Clearly define your goals and move decisively towards them. If you sit still, the turbulent energy of the day will overwhelm you and push you to irrational actions. Don't give up on things you started and pay increased attention to detail. It’s better not to tell anyone about your plans for the future.

April 29, 2015, 12th lunar day (14:52), Moon in Virgo, 2nd phase. The day is good for introspection and self-improvement. Stay in solitude, find time for meditation and cleansing practices. Eat less rough food and give up alcohol. Today you can safely begin a course of treatment - the process will go without a hitch, and the result will exceed expectations.

April 30, 2015, 13th lunar day (15:58), Moon in Libra (17:01), 2nd phase. The day is good for communication and gaining knowledge. Collect and analyze information, make plans, but don’t start new things. The return of past problems should not scare you. Today you can easily get rid of them. and this time forever.

Note! Lunar calendar for April 2015, moon phases, lunar days are calculated according to Moscow time.