When is the right time to take creatine monohydrate? Creatine - when to take and how much? Optimal dosage regimen. The principle of the effects of additives

Creatine monohydrate is a product sports nutrition, which is recommended to be used for building muscle mass. However, this is not all that creatine is for. This product also increases the endurance, performance and strength of the athlete. The release form of creatine monohydrate is powder, capsules and tablets.

Each type of this sports nutrition has its own characteristics and rules of use. Creatine monohydrate was no exception. Only compliance with the rules for using the drug guarantees a positive result.

Composition of creatine monohydrate

Most often, creatine monohydrate contains only creatine. Some sports nutrition experts claim that this composition of the drug is safe for health, because it does not increase the load on internal organs. However, many manufacturers ignore this fact. Therefore, they add other substances to the product.

It is best to opt for creatine in pure form. Only he will give desired result V short time without causing harm to health.

The benefits and harms of taking creatine monohydrate

Before you start using this supplement, you need to know whether it benefits the body or causes harm.

The benefits of this sports nutrition are as follows:

  • Allows you to quickly gain muscle mass.
  • Increases strength.
  • Gives a “charge” of energy. Creatine has the properties of maintaining energy until the end of a workout, as well as restoring it after completing all exercises.
  • Helps to form a beautiful torso relief. The fact is that creatine has the properties of retaining moisture in muscle fibers. Due to this, a beautiful relief appears.
  • Increases the production of hormones, namely testosterone and somatotropin.
  • Removes inflammatory process in the body, which is caused by arthritis.
  • Prevents the occurrence of ischemic diseases, since creatine has the properties of transporting oxygen through tissues.
  • Increases performance.

These are the main points of what creatine monohydrate is needed for. This is also its benefit for the body.

As for harm, creatine cannot cause it as such. The fact is that it is synthesized by the body, so it is constantly present in it. However, in this case we are talking about concentrated creatine, which is obtained artificially. Therefore, it has its contraindications, like any other synthetic drug. Here they are:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pathologies of internal organs, namely the liver and kidneys.
  • The period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding it. In this case, it cannot be said that the drug will cause harm to the body, because absent clinical researches its application.

If in these cases you allow the intake of creatine monohydrate, you may encounter health problems. Consequently, this will be the harm of this sports supplement.

Side effects from taking creatine monohydrate

It has already been said that creatine monohydrate as such does not cause harm to the body. However, it may cause side effects. I must say that this happens extremely rarely.

Side effects occur only in 4 cases out of 100. Most often this happens if additional substances are included in the composition of creatine monohydrate. They are the ones that cause side effects.

This manifests itself as follows:

  • swelling occurs;
  • dehydration appears;
  • there are problems with digestion;
  • I'm worried about cramps.

Although side effects are very rare, they do occur. This is also a reason to give preference to the product in its pure form, in which there are no impurities in the composition. This will help avoid side effects.

Rules for taking creatine monohydrate

Application of creatine monohydrate powder.

There are several ways to consume creatine monohydrate powder. The first is to take the drug in equal portions. This method consuming creatine is called “no load”. It is based on daily intake powder. One serving should contain 5-6 grams of the drug. It needs to be dissolved in liquid. Grape or cherry juice is best for this. This combination promotes better absorption of creatine and rapid achievement of results. Creatine monohydrate with juice should be drunk daily. After training this drug Best added to protein or gainer.

You can prepare the cocktail as follows: dissolve 1 scoop of creatine in a pre-prepared heated liquid. When to use the drug in this case? Every day it should be drunk in the morning before breakfast, and on training days - 20 minutes after the end of training. The course is 2 months. After this, you should stop for a month and repeat the course.

The second way to use creatine monohydrate powder is “with loading”. In this case, you only need to drink creatine for a month. Next, you should take a break for the same period of time. After this, the course can be repeated.

Taking creatine using the “loading” method should be carried out according to the following scheme. For the first 6 days, you need to take 5 grams of the drug, diluted in liquid, 4 times a day. When is the best time to use it? You should drink the cocktail between meals. Next, you need to take creatine powder 2 grams per day in 1 dose. The dosage should not be increased until the end of the course. It is best to drink the cocktail in the morning before meals, and on training days - after completing your workout.

Experts in the field of sports nutrition have not decided which way to use creatine monohydrate is better.

Use of creatine monohydrate capsules.

How to properly take creatine monohydrate not only in powder, but also in capsules, and when should this be done? The methods in this case will be the same as for the drug in powder. The only difference is that it does not need to be diluted, but simply washed down with the chosen liquid. Otherwise, you need to drink it in the same way as a powder drug.

The best companies producing creatine monohydrate

There are many companies that make creatine monohydrate. However, sports nutrition specialists identify only a few that produce a truly high-quality drug. Here are the best companies, in their opinion - creatine monohydrate from Optimum Nutrition, Ultimate Nutrition and Dymatize.

These companies are considered the best among similar ones, since their products do not contain any Excipients which can cause harm to the body. In addition, they produce high-quality drugs that help achieve results in a short time. Therefore, experts in the field of sports nutrition urge you to purchase creatine monohydrate only the best companies– manufacturers.

Knowing why a drug such as creatine monohydrate is needed, as well as the methods and rules for its use, you can quickly achieve muscle gain without harm to health.

Very often there are situations when athletes decide to improve the effectiveness of their training, purchase the coveted supplement, but after a while nothing happens. Working weights, muscle volumes, and even the duration of the workout do not increase in any way. All this happens not because the supplement is ineffective, but only because it was not used as it should be. To a greater extent, all this applies to creatine. On the one hand, this is an extremely effective supplement, which will notice significant changes in just 1-2 weeks. On the other hand, if used incorrectly, it is unlikely that you will be able to extract at least half of the effectiveness that should be there. That is why, in order to avoid making such mistakes, you need to figure out how to drink keratin powder correctly, what should definitely be taken into account, and what is best avoided.

How to take creatine powder correctly?

So, let's imagine that you have already purchased creatine and it's time to start taking it. However, a lot of questions remain, namely:

  • Time of receipt;
  • Quantity;
  • What to mix with;
  • Whether a loading phase is necessary or not;

There may be many more questions, so let’s look at each of them in order. Let's start with the simplest thing, namely, how to use creatine correctly. The powder cannot be dissolved in liquid, because the crystals will simply settle at the bottom. Therefore, athletes usually take the supplement in two ways, either by putting the entire spoonful of powder in their mouth and then washing it down with water, which is not very pleasant, or by simply mixing it into a glass or shaker. In this case, it is very important to thoroughly crush the liquid immediately before drinking so that the powder does not remain at the bottom.

Also, do not forget that although the dosage is most often determined by eye, it is better to carefully measure required quantity powder. This can be done using a kitchen scale. You should take creatine after a workout. If you divide the daily dosage into two servings, then one dose should be taken after training, and the other before physical activity, during the day or even before bed.

Options for taking and dosing creatine

It is how to use creatine correctly that has caused the most discussion and discussion. If no one doubted the effectiveness of the supplement, then two camps have formed on the issue of use. Some athletes advocated that the loading phase was a necessity, while others believed that it was not particularly necessary. Long time It was believed that the loading phase provides a significant advantage, which is why even many manufacturers recommended it in the instructions on the packaging.

How to Properly Use Loaded Creatine Powder. This method includes a loading and maintenance phase. To begin with, it is recommended to take 20 grams of the product per day for 7 days, and then take 10 grams as support for 4 weeks. It is clear that the reception must be divided into 2-4 even times depending on the phase.

How to take creatine without loading. It is recommended to take 10 grams (2 times a day, 5) per day for 6-8 weeks, then take a short rest, and you can take the supplement again. Research has proven that in large doses there is no need, and too little is not effective. So, it is optimal to take the supplement 10 grams per day. We recommend this option!

If you are not buying pure creatine monohydrate, but a ready-made complex creatine supplement, for example, from several forms or with impurities, then it is better to adhere to the dosage indicated on the product packaging.

It is better to mix the supplement with sweet juice, gainer or protein.

Which is better - creatine monohydrate or hydrochloride?

Not long ago, another debate erupted regarding which form of creatine is better. Many manufacturers are still not trying to come to terms with the fact that conventional monohydrate is on the leadership pedestal, so they are trying to introduce various improvements, such as an additional transport system, etc. Of course, they make sense, since they simply make it easier to use (no need to consume additional carbohydrates), but the significant excess in cost, which is due to production standards, still does not allow one to beat the monohydrate.

There are many forms of creatine, but here are the most popular:

  • Crealkaline (has increased bioavailability);
  • Anhydrous (contains more substance per serving);
  • Tatrate (retains its properties longer);
  • Citrate (gives a little more energy);
  • Malate (better dissolved and absorbed), etc...

Basically, there is no difference between forms in terms of effectiveness, or it is minimal.

A similar situation occurred with creatine hydrochloride. At one time, the product caused quite a stir and generated a lot of discussions, although this was largely dictated by the manufacturer’s powerful marketing campaign. However, at the moment there is still no scientific research, which would clearly establish the advantage of hydrochloride over monohydrate. Therefore, in the absence of a sufficient evidence base that would indicate the advantage of hydrochloride, the leadership still remains with the monohydrate.

By the way, monohydrate is the most economical and at the same time the most efficient product of all forms. The price of creatine in Moscow in our store can prove this to you. Having a look at the cost various forms, you will see for yourself how different they are.

How to store creatine powder?

It is important not only to know how to consume creatine monohydrate powder, but also how to properly store the supplement. Athletes are often faced with a situation where the powder begins to clump over time, and in order to measure a portion, they need to break off pieces and knead them to their original state. As a rule, this happens when storage standards are violated (or in cases where the additive has long passed its expiration date), and the problem itself is solved quite simply. To do this, you must follow the usual rules for reception and storage:

  • Do not allow moisture to get into the package (if you do not have a measuring spoon, you must thoroughly wipe the teaspoon before adding powder);
  • If you purchased a large package, then it makes sense to pour some of the powder into a smaller jar (this will allow you to seal the main package and not open it every day).
  • You also need to store creatine only under the conditions written on the packaging (temperature, dry room, etc.).

By following these standards, you can safely buy even the largest packaging and the powder will not begin to crystallize over time.

The best creatine powder!

What is the best way to combine creatine intake?

To receive maximum effect from creatine, it is very important to take it correctly. This applies not only to the method of administration, which we have already discussed above, but also to the proper combination of creatine with other sports nutrition.

Basic sports nutrition that should be included in your complex:

  1. Protein;
  2. Vitamins;
  3. BCAA.

By the way, protein and BCAA also act as an additional transport system for creatine, so you get double the benefits!

As you have already learned, thanks to creatine, you gain more physical strength and endurance. But it's no good if you don't have the emotional drive and concentration. So during training, we recommend enhancing the effects of creatine with a pre-workout supplement!

Pre-workouts allow you not only to mentally prepare for physical work, but also delay the onset of fatigue and increase pumping, which gives you not only spectacular fullness, but also improved blood circulation, and therefore better delivery of nutrients!

For men, test boosters will be a special addition to sports nutrition. These are natural supplements that can increase testosterone levels, which means improving not only your muscle growth and athletic performance, but also your well-being, and also increase your libido.

Important! Testosterone boosters only increase the natural production of testosterone by the testicles and adrenal glands. They do not disrupt hormonal levels and have no side effects.

Well, now let's share with you the best products from the above categories!

The best proteins

The best BCAA

The best vitamins

The best pre-workout supplements

The best test boosters

Only with a comprehensive intake of creatine will you really notice a bright result!

Let's look at what creatine monohydrate is. Creatine is a carboxylic acid that contains nitrogen. Creatine carries out energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. It is a substance of natural origin, therefore it does not pose any danger to the human body. It is actively used as a dietary supplement by many bodybuilders, weightlifters, and powerlifters. Creatine improves muscle growth and increases endurance during training.
For the natural synthesis of this substance, the body requires amino acids: glycine, methionine and arginine. The average amount of creatine contained in the human body is 120 grams. It is necessary for everyday physical activity. During the day, the body uses approximately 2 grams of the substance for its needs.

Remember the most important thing: creatine monohydrate will not help you gain weight, it will help you increase your strength in exercises, which in turn will lead to muscle growth
Physical activity and intense training increase the consumption of creatine, so its supply must be constantly replenished due to the internal synthesis of this substance and the supply of building material in the form of proteins with food.

Creatine monohydrate is a natural substance that is converted in the human body into creatine phosphate. Creatine phosphate helps produce the substance adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP supplies the energy needed for muscle contraction.

The human body can produce some creatine itself, and can also obtain creatine from foods (such as red meat or oily fish). But the creatine content in foods may decrease during cooking.
Creatine monohydrate supplement is a product that contains very pure form creatine and is often taken pre/post workout with other supplements like whey protein or on its own.

Creatine monohydrate is the most effective and popular form of creatine used by athletes to increase muscle mass, strength and endurance.

How does creatine monohydrate work?

To understand how creatine monohydrate works, you first need to know what ATP is and what this substance does. ATP is the immediate source of energy needed for muscle contractions. Muscle fibers contain reserves of ATP sufficient for only a couple of contractions; additional ATP is “drawn” from the body’s reserves. Creatine monohydrate is converted to creatine phosphate in the human body, maintaining ATP reserves in the body.
How does this manifest itself in real life? Having greater ATP stores can help you lift heavier weights and do more reps, providing your muscles with the amount of quickly converted energy they need for peak performance. You've heard about this often. This was called "explosive energy, explosive force."

ATP is a source of energy that is necessary for muscle contractions. Muscle fibers contain reserves of ATP sufficient only for a couple of contractions; the rest is drawn from the body's reserves.

How does creatine affect muscles?

Creatine retains water in the muscles, that is, it accumulates it. And since muscles are almost 75% water, with such accumulation they visually increase. Your biceps become voluminous and pumped.

As for protein, thanks to creatine it is synthesized faster and delivered to the muscles. Plus creatine helps to the human body recover better and faster after active training.

Creatine also prevents the process of catabolism - muscle breakdown at night, when the body is resting.
Interesting to know! A study was conducted at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada) where one group of people was given creatine and the other a placebo. Then the experiment participants were given the task: to train the muscle group of one arm separately 2 times a week. After 6 weeks, the scientists compared the results, and it turned out that in the group that took creatine, the size of the trained arm increased significantly, but the participants in the second group could boast of a barely noticeable result.

Positive influence

Achieving high results in sports (especially in strength sports) is impossible without an adequate supply of energy to the body obtained from ATP (adenosine triphosphate). All sources of organic fuel are first converted into this compound, which, when broken down, supplies the body with energy. Creatine is a direct participant in the production of ATP.
This is why an athlete needs to involve additional creatine monohydrate in energy processes. Regular use of drugs containing creatine by athletes is accompanied by the following effects:

  1. Increased strength. For bodybuilders and powerlifters, the need for ATP during training increases hundreds of times. Muscle contractions in athletes occur at the peak of possible intensity, so the cells require additional sources of energy, which creatine provides them with.
  2. Increased muscle mass. Taking creatine monohydrate together with systematic training and special high-calorie sports nutrition can provide athletes with a weight gain of up to 5 kg monthly.
  3. Relief formation. Creatine monohydrate, stored in muscle tissue, attracts more fluid. Well-hydrated muscle fibers appear more rounded and defined. This effect is especially noticeable in the abdominal muscles. In addition, creatine prevents protein breakdown and promotes its regeneration.
  4. Increased internal secretion of testosterone and somatotropin - anabolic hormones.
  5. Partial neutralization of lactic acid, which promotes rapid rehabilitation athletes after intense training and stops painful sensations in muscles after strength exercise.
  6. Anti-inflammatory effect in arthritis.
  7. Reduced risk of ischemic diseases due to improved oxygen supply.

Side effects of creatine monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is a generally safe substance that can cause side effects in only 4% of cases. All adverse reactions creatine are reversible and are often caused not by the compound itself, but by the components included in creatine preparations.

Another reason for possible side effects may be the use of creatine in excessive amounts above the recommended levels.
Side effects of creatine include:

  • Swelling due to water retention in the muscles;
  • Dehydration associated with partial dehydration (the bulk of the fluid accumulates in the muscles, causing an outflow of water from other parts of the body);
  • Indigestion (gastrointestinal distress) - a reaction occurs when the dosage is increased;
  • Convulsions (occur very rarely).

Types of Creatine

  • Creatine monohydrate is popular among athletes who want to increase their muscle mass.
  • Crealkaline - a mixture of pure creatine and alkali, helps neutralize the acidic environment in the stomach.
  • Creatine ethyl ester is a combination of creatine and ester (creatine ethyl ester). Easily dissolves in fats thanks to the ester in the composition.
  • Creatine anhydrous is simple creatine from which water molecules have been separated.
  • Creatine phosphate - this form appeared at the same time as the substance creatine monohydrate. The right combination molecules of creatine and phosphate helps neutralize the effect of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue.
  • Creatine citrate is a form in which citric acid molecules are added to creatine molecules. It perfectly saturates the muscles with energy.
  • Creatine tartrate is a form in which the molecules of creatine and tartaric acid interact.

On the modern market there are different kinds creatine: creatine monohydrate, crealkaline, creatine ethyl ester, creatine anhydrous, creatine phosphate, creatine citrate, creatine tartrate.

Not all types of creatine are listed here, but only the most popular ones. It is also worth noting that athletes most often use creatine monohydrate, as it is most effective in increasing endurance and increasing muscle mass.

Interesting to know! The sports nutrition market today offers about two dozen types of creatine, but monohydrate is the most optimal type among the rest. It is not destroyed in water or in the stomach, is well absorbed and settles directly in the muscles.


Let's figure out how to take creatine monohydrate.
Creatine can be taken on an ongoing basis, but it is more advisable to use it in the form of a course lasting 2 months and recovery period lasting a month.
On training days, it is recommended to take 5-10 g of creatine daily, before and after training, together with a protein shake or amino acids (in an amount of at least 5 g). On days without exercise, it is recommended to take the drug in the morning at the same dosage.

  • We take a jar of creatine, no matter what brand (you will find the rating below)
  • Pour plain water into a glass. Better, of course, not tap water, but something from a bottle.

Also, instead of water, you can take any drink with high content sugar (Pepsi or Coca-Cola): sugar speeds up the absorption of creatine

  • Take 5-10 grams of creatine powder and pour into water
  • Mix thoroughly, very thoroughly.
  • And we drink. We do all this 15-20 minutes before training and immediately after

Taking creatine is quite simple; you just need to dilute the powder in water or a sweet drink and drink it.

Creatine dosage and administration methods

Method No. 1. With loading

In this method, creatine is taken in courses that consist of two periods/stages.
Loading period:
In the first week, 5 grams of keratin are taken in between meals (four times a day). On training days, one of the servings must be taken immediately after training (read below for the reasons for this).
Maintenance period:
The rest of the time, creatine is taken 5 g per day. On training days – at the end of training. And on rest days - in the morning.
An individual approach is also possible. If for some reason standard doses are not suitable for you, you can use the formula for calculating the dosage of creatine, which is as follows:

  • 300 mg/kg body weight during loading period
  • 30mg/kg body weight during maintenance period

Method No. 2. Without loading

In this technique, the emphasis is on a uniform, stable intake of creatine.
Creatine is taken once a day, 5-6 grams. As in the first method, on rest days it is recommended to take it in the morning, on an empty stomach, and on training days, immediately after training.
If you take creatine, then (when using any of the methods) it is recommended to dilute it with sweet juice, add creatine to your portion of a gainer, or other sports supplement that you take. This will help improve the absorption of creatine by your muscle tissue and enhance its effect.
If you prefer the capsule form, simply take creatine capsules in the dosage appropriate to the method, washing it down the same way as powdered form - with juice, or take the capsules directly after taking your sports supplements.

When is the best time to take creatine?

The time to take any medicine or dietary supplement is, in most cases, very important nuance which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the drug taken. Creatine is no exception.

When is the best time to take creatine, according to experts?

Training days
Despite popular recommendation, taking creatine immediately before exercise is far from optimal. This is due to the fact that:

  • the body before training is much less “predisposed” to transport creatine into muscle fibers, since the energy balance in them is already normal.
  • Creatine, due to the peculiarities of its principle of action, causes dehydration, that is, the removal of certain volumes of fluid from the body, which in no way contributes to high-quality training and harms, to a large extent, the cardiovascular system.

The same arguments make it inadvisable to take creatine during training.
The optimal solution, according to all studies and personal observations of athletes, is to take it immediately after training. At this time the state skeletal muscles promotes the most complete absorption of the supplement.
Rest days
On rest days, taking creatine is not limited in time, but experts still recommend taking it in the first part of the day, and preferably in the morning.

Duration of the course

The course of taking the drug can last up to one and a half to two months, after which it is advisable to take a break.
This need is due to the fact that, despite the absence of any harmful effects, taking creatine on a regular basis does not bring benefits, and with long-term use of creatine without breaks, the body may become immune to the drug.
Relationship between creatine intake and food intake
Although creatine generally does not have any dietary antagonists, it is still worth taking between meals. This is due to the fact that creatine is usually taken in combination with the so-called “ transport systems» (this includes various types of sports nutrition, carbohydrate-containing drinks, etc.)

When and why should you not take creatine?

Creatine is considered one of the most harmless food additives sports character on the market. But in rare cases, its use can cause discomfort such as dizziness, diarrhea and nausea.
The restrictions on the audience for taking this drug are very minor:

  • Creatine, like most types of sports nutrition, is not recommended for children and pregnant women.
  • Also not recommended for allergy sufferers.
  • According to some reports, it can cause exacerbation of asthmatic syndrome, so it is not recommended for use by people with this disease.

Creatine is contraindicated for use by children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.

If you are absolutely healthy and are part of the creatine intake audience, but are experiencing any side effects– try experimenting with the dosage and release form, as well as varieties.
For any serious side effects, be sure to consult a physician.

Release forms and types of creatine

Creatine is available in two forms on the market: powder form and capsules.
Capsules are more expensive due to the extremely complex production technology, but they are also more convenient for taking outside the home.
Powder, on the contrary, is cheaper, but, as you understand, it must be dissolved before use, which is not always convenient (especially if you are away from home).
However, this is where the differences end. The principle of action for both forms is similar.


Today there are approximately 20 varieties of creatine. Despite this enormous abundance, the most popular forms of creatine are creatine monohydrate and creatine hydrochloride.
The leader in popularity on the market is creatine monohydrate. Its effectiveness and efficiency have long been proven and have many confirmations in the form of scientific research.

Creatine hydrochloride, in turn, is one of the newest developments that claims to have more high quality and efficiency. However, these data have not yet been confirmed by official studies.

In general, as with any sports supplement, you need to choose what best suits your body.

How to take creatine monohydrate?

How to take creatine powder correctly? Creatine monohydrate in powder form should be taken by diluting it in liquids.
Below is a sequential instruction:

  • Measure out the required dose of creatine using the included measuring container, or using a regular teaspoon (a heaped teaspoon holds approximately 5 grams of creatine powder, which is equal to a standard single dose)
  • Dilute a measured dose of keratin in one liter of liquid
  • Stir the liquid thoroughly until the creatine monohydrate crystals are completely dissolved. If the container allows, you can stir the liquid with repeated shaking.
  • Drink the resulting solution.

It’s easy to prepare the solution, but you shouldn’t stock it up, because... it is not characterized by long-term storage, it loses its properties.

A few additional tips:

  • Do not leave creatine in a diluted state for a long time - creatine begins to decompose already at the moment of preparing the solution, so it is important to prepare it immediately before taking it.
  • As a liquid for dissolving creatine monohydrate powder, you can use water, juice or an energy drink with dissolved electrolytes. You can also add creatine to multi-ingredient sports shakes.
  • Drink plenty of fluids after taking creatine. The effect of creatine is also associated with the absorption of liquids, so it is important to consume large quantity liquid after taking the main solution.
  • You can, without any worries, eat your usual foods, since creatine, as proven by many studies, has no dietary antagonists.
  • To avoid unwanted effects, you should not drink strong coffee or alcohol after taking creatine.

How to take creatine capsules?

The principle of administration of creatine capsules is similar to creatine powder. The main difference is that it is significantly more convenient for reception outside the home. For example, taking a package of your favorite juice to the gym, you can drink a certain number of capsules (according to the dosage you choose) and immediately wash them down with the juice. Or take the capsules while taking your protein shake or gainer solution.

Instead of an afterword

Sports nutrition gives people everyone age categories keep yourself in shape with a minimum of effort, but it is worth remembering that any medications, food additives and other substances coming from outside can harm our body.

You should always choose creatine responsibly. This is especially true for people who have any diseases and need constant medical support.
If you belong to this category of people, be sure to consult your doctor. This is necessary to determine the feasibility and safety of taking creatine in your particular case. And about the compatibility of this supplement with your medications. Your doctor will also help you determine the required dosage and regimen for taking creatine.
We should not forget about strict adherence to dosages, since any drug or dietary supplement in large doses ceases to be beneficial, and in most cases, even the opposite: it begins to cause harm to the body.

Creatine capsules are easy convenient form reception, you can always take it with you, but the main thing is to wash it down with enough water.

At what age can you take creatine?

It is worth noting that scientists have not conducted research on the effects of creatine on children’s and adolescents’ bodies, and every trainer should remember this. But in theory, creatine is a natural protein substance, so people can consume it at any age.
Even under the Soviet Union, children were given creatine from the age of 9, but young athletes 9-12 years old need to use only half adult dose. The introduction of creatine into a child's diet should be done with caution, since neither the bones nor the internal organs of children are yet fully formed.
Athletes taking creatine receive an extra dose of energy to improve their performance. Older people who lead an active lifestyle, thanks to creatine, forget their biological age, as they feel younger.

Can diabetics, pregnant women and allergy sufferers take creatine?

As mentioned above, creatine is a dietary protein supplement that can be consumed by almost everyone, without age restrictions.
Should people with diabetes worry? According to doctors, nutritionists and athletes themselves, creatine is completely harmless for diabetics, provided that it is consumed without glucose. Not long ago, scientists conducted research and proved that creatine stimulates the production of insulin, and therefore can help patients with diabetes. You just need to regularly monitor your blood glucose levels, as it may happen that you have to reduce your insulin dose.
But doctors do not recommend that pregnant women take creatine. Although studies in this regard have not been conducted, experts argue their refusal by the fact that the kidneys of pregnant women are already subject to increased stress. Moreover, to the expectant mother large ones are prohibited physical exercise, which means the need for creatine is reduced to zero.
Allergy sufferers are allowed to take creatine. There is only a small percentage of people who are allergic to creatine. As usual, people with allergies should avoid taking the supplement.

Which creatine is best to buy?

  1. SuperPump (manufactured by Gaspari Nutrition);
  2. naNo Vapor (manufactured by MuscleTech);
  3. NO-XPLODE Creatine (BSN);
  4. CM2 Alpha (from SAN manufacturer);
  5. Xpand (from Dymatize);
  6. Lava (from Universal Nutrition);
  7. Hardcore Musclebuilding Stack (manufactured by MuscleTech);
  8. GlycerGrow (manufactured by Controlled Labs);
  9. Storm (manufactured by Universal Nutrition);
  10. JetFUSE NOX (from German American Technologies).

The choice of a particular drug, the method of its use and dosage depend on the individual qualities of the athlete, his sports tasks and goals. Before using any drugs, it would be a good idea to consult with a trainer and a medical specialist.

When creatine monohydrate was just gaining popularity as a sports supplement, many manufacturers recommended “loading” their product for 5-7 days in order to saturate the muscles with creatine and thereby accelerate the appearance of results. This theory has not been verified by any research and now most manufacturers recommend simply consuming 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day.

What is Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate?

Creapure® is recognized as the “gold standard” among creatine monohydrate manufacturers. Creapure® is a branded creatine monohydrate manufactured in Germany and you can find it in hundreds of creatine products sold worldwide. Finding out if your powder or capsules contain Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate is easy - just search for “Creapure®” in the product description.

Creapure® is the gold standard among creatine monohydrate manufacturers.

What is Micronized Creatine Monohydrate?

As the name suggests, micronized creatine monohydrate is just regular creatine monohydrate, but micronized. Micronization is the process of grinding powder particles to ultra-fine sizes, such particles are usually 20 times smaller than ordinary powder particles. This means that creatine will dissolve in liquids faster and, in theory, be easier for the body to absorb. If you've ever tried non-micronized creatine, you know that there is quite a bit of "grit" left at the bottom of the glass or shaker. This is not dissolved creatine. The creatine that the body needs, that should have ended up in the body, not at the bottom of the cup.
Nowadays, most creatine monohydrate produced is available in micronized form. It is recommended to use a micronized product for best results.

Does caffeine affect creatine?

According to Creapure, one of the most respected manufacturers of creatine monohydrate in Germany, large doses of caffeine can impair the results that could be achieved by consuming creatine. But small doses of caffeine, such as those found in coffee and many pre-workout blends, are fine. Here is a quote from their website:
“Consumption of large doses of caffeine (5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day) dampens the performance-enhancing effects of taking creatine. Small doses of caffeine (contained in 1-2 cups of coffee) have no visible effect on the effect of creatine."

Consuming large amounts of caffeine may worsen functional ability supplements and worsen the expected results.

With regular visits gym Many athletes want to improve their results, become stronger and more resilient. If the psychological mood and proper nutrition are already present, then you have to turn to effective sports nutrition.

An excellent supplement for improving workout performance is creatine (Creatine Monohydrate). Most athletes speak positively about it and periodically include it in their diet. Sold in two forms - powder and capsules. Let's figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of the powder form over the capsule form, how to take creatine monohydrate in powder, at what time and in what proportion?

Features of Creatine

There are several types of supplements, but the most effective and popular form is considered. IN chemical composition- This is a formula of creatine and water. Does not apply to anabolic steroids and correct dosage does not cause absolutely any harm to the body.

It is a natural substance that is produced in the human body from amino acids. The body contains about 120 grams of creatine, and about 2 grams of this substance are consumed per day with average physical activity. However, a person actively involved in sports needs to consume it in higher doses.

Benefits of taking creatine:

  • Increasing strength indicators during the training process - the need for energy during a lesson increases several times, since contractions muscle tissue pass at the peak of intensity, and taking creatine allows you to fill the energy deficit
  • The athlete’s endurance increases, and therefore the intensity of training
  • Reduced rest time between sets
  • The secretion of some internal hormones increases, especially somatropin and testosterone
  • Work improves of cardio-vascular system, and also reduces the risk of developing coronary diseases due to increased oxygen supply

It also helps to increase quality muscle mass, subject to regular exercise. strength training and sufficient calorie intake. It is worth noting that creatine itself does not help build muscle, but only increases strength and intensity of exercise, which leads to muscle gain.

Side effects of creatine

There are far fewer side effects from use than benefits, and there is no guarantee that they will definitely appear in a particular athlete. The main proven disadvantage is possible increase weight. Often this effect is associated with the fact that creatine monohydrate retains water, which is why excess water accumulates in the tissues, the relief is lost, and the athlete may look a little swollen. But if you refuse to accept water balance comes back to normal.

Also for people with peptic ulcers stomachs and gastritis should be careful when taking creatine, since it is an acid, and any acid is not recommended to be taken in the morning or on an empty stomach. In addition, the supplement is not recommended for pregnant women and people with kidney disease.

How to take creatine powder

There are two ways to use the supplement – ​​with and without a loading phase. With the first method, in the first week the loading stage occurs: the athlete needs to consume 5 grams (level teaspoon) 5-6 times a day, and for the next 6-7 weeks the portion should be halved - 2.5 grams 2 times a day. After this, it is recommended to take a break and not use creatine for a month to allow the body to synthesize the substance on its own, and also to avoid “getting used to” the drug. It is worth remembering that the effect has a delayed effect and can be felt after 7-10 days of use, but some athletes notice results already in the first days.

With the second method, the loading phase is excluded, the athlete uses the supplement in medium portions of 3-8 grams several times a day, focusing on the use of creatine before and after training. After 1.5-2 months, it is recommended to take a break for 2-3 months, then you can resume taking it.

The supplement is used in the morning and between meals. On training days, creatine monohydrate is taken 20-30 minutes before and immediately after training. You can dilute the substance in water, but it is better to dissolve it in juices or carbohydrate energy drinks, since sugar increases the digestibility of the drink. For convenience, it can be dissolved in, protein shakes or liquid amino acids.

How to take creatine capsules

In addition to the powder form, there is creatine in capsules, which is convenient to take for training and dose a certain amount. The capsule form has a higher degree of digestibility, since some of the powder is not digested and is excreted from the body along with water. However, in terms of absorption rate, the leader is the powder, which instantly enters the digestive tract. Another advantage of creatine powder is its reasonable price, while the capsule form is somewhat more expensive.

Among the most popular and high-quality creatine manufacturers, the following companies can be distinguished: Optimum Nutrition (Creatine Powder), Ultimate Nutrition, Dymatize, Universal Nutrition.

Creatine (creatine monohydrate) is a natural substance necessary for muscle function. It comes from food and is produced by the body from amino acids, then distributed in the blood and stored in the muscles. The body of an adult male weighing 70 kg contains 100-140 grams of creatine.

Discovery of Creatine

Creatine was first isolated in the first half of the 19th century, and at the beginning of the next century, scientific experiments were conducted proving that regular use of the substance increases muscle strength. At the same time, “phosphocreatine” was discovered - combined molecules of creatine and phosphate, which, when accumulated in the body, improve metabolism. The most effective form of creatine was recognized as its monohydrate - paired molecules of creatine and water.

The victorious march of creatine in sports began in 1992 after the publication of a study by Swedish doctor Eric Haltman. He has proven that taking 20 grams of creatine monohydrate daily increases muscle creatine content by 20%. A year later, in an authoritative publication about sports medicine an article was published about effective application creatine by Swedish athletes. Later studies showed that for results you do not need to take 20 grams of creatine, but 5-7 grams per day is enough. But the effectiveness of creatine has always been confirmed.

Since that time, creatine monohydrate has become a popular dietary supplement among athletes around the world. Creatine is not included in the list of prohibited doping substances, which means it can be used in any competition.

It is important to remember that creatine is not an essential supplement - it is produced in the body from amino acids (glycine, methionine, arginine), so there is no need to necessarily get your creatine intake from dietary supplements. In sports nutrition, creatine is obtained chemically in laboratories, but there is nothing wrong with that. The process that occurs in the body is reproduced in the laboratory and the same creatine is obtained, no less natural.

What is creatine for?

When performing any movement, energy is consumed; it comes from ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) - a universal source of energy in the body. ATP in cells is always approximately the same amount; it cannot be increased, but it is possible to quickly restore costs. Creatine performs this function and helps maintain ATP levels. Thanks to creatine, strength endurance and the effectiveness of strength training increase.

For athletes

Creatine helps to withstand short loads at maximum intensity, so it is necessary for sprinters and strength athletes. Effective in combat and game sports with frequent accelerations: football, basketball, hockey, etc.

In endurance sports (for example, running) long distances) creatine is ineffective - it does not increase overall endurance. Supplementation of creatine by endurance athletes is justified if they need to increase muscle strength. During training camps with a lot of strength training, creatine will have a positive effect.


Meat is the main source of natural creatine, and its lack is harmful to health. Therefore, vegetarians are advised to take small doses of creatine to maintain health.

In medicine

Creatine is used in medicine for the rehabilitation of patients who have been for a long time motionless.

Benefits of creatine

  • Increases strength endurance

Muscles can work on creatine phosphate synthesis for 6-15 seconds. By increasing creatine reserves in the muscles, the duration of explosive work increases by 20-30%.

When switching from creatine-phosphate energy supply to glycolysis, acidification begins. But here creatine helps out too - it delays the moment of acidification to 1 - 1.5 minutes.

  • Increases muscle mass and strength

The increase in muscle mass and strength occurs indirectly due to an increase in performance. Creatine helps you work out longer, so your muscles grow faster. It is important not to confuse swelling with muscle gain. Creatine retains water and increases cell size. The muscle becomes “inflated”.

Important! The effect of creatine, like any other sports nutrition, corresponds to the load. When working on mass in the gym, it will help you gain mass. Creatine will not make a skier, track and field athlete, cyclist, or swimmer “jump,” but it will speed up recovery and increase muscle power.

  • Improves muscle definition

Taking the drug allows you to improve muscle definition. This is due to both increased endurance during training and water retention - the greater the supply of creatine in the muscles, the more water it contains and the larger it looks.

  • Serves as a lactic acid buffer

The familiar burning sensation after training serves as a signal that lactic acid has accumulated in the muscles. Creatine can inhibit the release of lactic acid and reduce recovery time after exercise.

  • Protects the cardiovascular system

Helps restore the heart muscle after a heart attack, with arrhythmia and ischemia. Promotes vascular restoration. Protects the heart muscle when working in conditions of lack of oxygen.

  • Protects the central nervous system

Helps the development of the brain and the entire nervous system. Improves the conduction function of the nervous system and the contractile function of muscles, including the heart.

  • Normalizes blood cholesterol levels

Creatine in products table

Product Creatine content in grams per 1 kg
Fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts0,02

Which creatine is best?

Creatine monohydrate powder is more profitable and of higher quality. Creatine powder is almost always cheaper than capsules and tablets. In addition, it is better absorbed. Exactly Creatine monohydrate is the most effective supplement. The most studied form of creatine - all the effects and recommendations are associated with it. The remaining forms of creatine are creatine monohydrate + something else. Many brands are trying to invent their own type of creatine and present it as a scientific breakthrough. This is nothing more than marketing. None of these forms showed better efficiency compared to monohydrate.

We prefer well-known and proven brands:

There are others good brands, but we trust these. By the way, it is at the top of most world sports nutrition ratings.

How to take creatine powder?

Methods of taking creatine are the same for all forms: tablets, capsules, powders. The main thing is to take the right dosage.

There are two main ways to take creatine

  • With loading and maintenance phases. The loading phase lasts 3-7 days. During the first phase, you need to take 0.2-0.3 grams of creatine per 1 kg of body weight - about 20-25 grams per day. The maintenance regimen lasts 20-25 days. During this period, you need to take 2 grams of creatine per day.
  • The usual method without downloading. 3-7 grams of creatine every day during the course. It is optimal to divide the dose into the number of meals per day. For example, 1 gram 4 times a day.

We recommend using the second method and taking monohydrate equal portions daily. This will reduce the risk of side effects and save you money. Also, in some studies there is information that the body absorbs no more than 5-7 grams of creatine per day, the rest will be excreted by the liver and kidneys.

How long should I take creatine?

At the moment, there are no studies on long-term use of creatine, so it is better to take it in courses of 1 month. After this, take a 1 month break.

When to take creatine?

There is no need to take creatine before training - the substance causes dehydration and disrupts the water-salt balance. There is also no point in taking creatine between exercises.

Creatine intake is not tied to training in any way, so simply take it before or after meals. Creatine is better absorbed with something sweet, so it is better to drink monohydrate with juice, protein or gainer. It is important that at least a glass of liquid enters the body with creatine.

Side effects of creatine

Do not take creatine in large doses! It creates increased stress on the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines. All side effects in healthy people appear after repeatedly exceeding the dose of creatine.

  • Fluid retention in the body

People with a tendency to edema should not take creatine, because it disrupts water-salt metabolism. Healthy people When taking creatine, you need to drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration - the muscles take water onto themselves and the body lacks fluid.

  • Stomach disorders

Digestive disorders may occur due to water-salt imbalance. Excess creatine will not be absorbed in the intestines and will draw water onto itself, resulting in diarrhea. The reason is not the quality of creatine, as many people are beginning to think, but its excess.

  • Toxic effects on the liver and kidneys

Excess creatine remains circulating in the blood, passes through the liver and kidneys, placing stress on them. Potential Harm can apply doses of 20 or more grams of creatine per day. Those with liver and kidney problems should avoid additional intake creatine and get it only from food. Additional