When will the bumps go away after blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty: surgical risks and complications. The reasons for unsuccessful blepharoplasty are:

The rehabilitation process after plastic surgery does not always heal quickly and flawlessly. Firstly, the rate of regeneration of operated tissues different people is different. And secondly, the recovery period may have certain features for which patients may not be psychologically prepared, despite a preliminary discussion of all the nuances with a plastic surgeon.

Lumps on the eyelids after blepharoplasty may form under or near the sutures. This phenomenon is more typical with lower blepharoplasty. If such a problem appears, patients usually call the lump a “bump” or a “pea”. However, they can have different etiologies:

  • forming scar tissue. It occurs most often and, in principle, is not a complication. High degree self-resorption of this seal
  • local swelling in the area of ​​sutures. Safe side effect
  • cyst. This problem occurs after poor quality suturing of the incisions.
  • bulging of the eyelid due to damage to the connection of the cartilage of the ciliary edge of the eyelid with the muscle
  • fatty lumps during lipofilling of the eyelids (combined operation with eyelid plastic surgery)
  • pyogenic granuloma

Analyzing this list, we can understand that compactions can be either a normal development of events or a postoperative complication.

Causes and consequences of improper scarring

In the normal process of tissue repair, scarring of the incisions should not cause problems. Swelling in the eyelid area and some excess connective tissue in the first 2-3 months after blepharoplasty is a normal process that should not frighten patients. However, in different patients this process may have specific features:

  • Some people, 10-14 days after blepharoplasty, can boast of the absence of any postoperative traces. Others complain of “bumps” in the suture area for several months. They can not only be felt upon palpation, but also be noticeable to others.
  • Seals can dissolve at different rates. Let’s say it’s faster on the right, but on the left eyelid the process will take longer. The scar itself may be uneven and appear more at the ends of the incision, closer to the corners of the eyes.
  • It may seem to the patient that the scars are located directly on the eyelids. The occurrence of this effect is caused by swelling and active proliferation of connective tissue, and not by a surgeon’s mistake. This is the specificity of tissue regeneration in this zone. Over time, as the excess collagen dissolves, the scars will become normal shape, will become thin and hidden in the natural folds of the skin.

The formation of seals is not very typical for upper blepharoplasty. Rather, this is the specificity of plastic surgery lower eyelids. According to surgeons' calculations, swelling and compaction should disappear 3 months after surgery. The following factors can slow down the speed or worsen the rehabilitation process:

  • burns of chemical and thermal origin. This includes the effects of laser radiation, as well as drying and even disinfecting solutions. For this reason, peelings should not be done after blepharoplasty until rehabilitation is completed.
  • inflammation of the incision causes excessive growth of connective tissue.
  • inaccurate suturing, when the edges of the wound are excessively and incorrectly stretched.
  • problems with immune system body.
  • genetic predisposition to the formation of hypertrophied scars or keloids.

Seals also form after increased physical impact on the operated area. So, after eyelid surgery, you do not need to rub your eyes out of habit or massage the eyelid area, which patients often “prescribe” to themselves, trying to reduce postoperative swelling. So why shouldn’t you apply physical pressure to the lower eyelid area? It’s just that the collagen fibers of the new scar are arranged randomly and are not able to prevent stretching of the wound. To avoid such a development of the situation, surgeons recommend special strip patches. Moreover, in the first weeks after eyelid surgery, there is no need to touch the eyelids at all, because any physical impact causes blood flow, accelerates the production of collagen cells and slows down the resorption of excess connective tissue. If these rules are not followed, then instead of thin scars the patient will receive noticeable scars.

But if noticeable fibrous compactions still appear, it is necessary to contact the plastic surgeon or a dermatologist. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Only a specialist can give accurate recommendations. First, the doctor prescribes healing medications and anti-scar ointments.

If this does not help, microcurrents and other physiotherapeutic procedures are added. When there is no improvement after a few weeks, the specialist may recommend injections hormonal drugs- glucocorticosteroids. When the seals don’t seem to disappear within 2-3 months, the option is discussed surgical correction. However, in some cases you just need to be patient, because swelling after eyelid surgery can last up to 6 months.

Blepharoplasty incisions are usually sutured with atraumatic sutures with a round cross-section. After 10-14 days they completely resolve. For biodegradation to occur, our immunity increases the flow of blood and lymph fluid in the area foreign body. This may cause swelling that may look like a “bump,” but it will normally go away on its own. In this case, the resorption process may be delayed due to problems with the immune system and excessively superficial location of the threads in the skin.

Slower resorption of edema may occur due to low level blood circulation in the operated area, when due to large edema the outflow of blood is complicated and the lymphatic fluid stagnates. Fresh scars after blepharoplasty also contribute. As a rule, they are the most common cause. But even this is not called a complication, because the “excess” thread material is successfully removed, and the skin is quickly restored.

According to the longest estimates, the threads can dissolve for a long time, within 8-10 weeks after surgery. And if after this period the seals are still present, then the surgeon can make incisions and remove the threads, or prescribe a course of absorbable injections.

Clusters of fat cells

During combined blepharoplasty and lipofilling operations, fatty compactions may occur when the distribution of transplanted adipocytes is uneven. Or this happens when the processing of the transplanted material was not up to par and there were lumps in the composition. This complication is immediately visible in the infraorbital region, since skin covering It's very subtle here.

Fat lumps may resolve on their own, or they may remain. In the latter case, they are eliminated with the help of massage, injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, liposuction or repeated lipofilling.

Cyst after eyelid surgery

This “bump” forms near the surgical incision and is a yellowish or whitish ball containing liquid contents.

During combined blepharoplasty and lipofilling operations, fatty compactions may occur.

The cyst appears for a reason, but as a result of improper processing of the surgical incision. If the edges of the wound are applied incorrectly and areas of the epithelium enter the deep layers of tissue, this causes the formation of a neoplasm. It can reach a size of up to 0.5 cm. For 3 months it should be monitored and the seal should not be touched in any way. But if after this time resorption has not occurred, surgical excision of the complication is performed.

Pyogenic granuloma (bothryomycomoma)

Despite its benign nature, this side effect is a complication, since it forms on the mucous membrane of the eyelid due to tissue injury. In order to cause a granuloma, when blood vessels grow abnormally, even microtrauma may be enough.

Botriomycoma is a round or lobular formation of a dark red or burgundy hue up to 2 cm in size. Being in the maximum stage of development, the granuloma is capable of lifting the skin of the eyelid and is palpable when pressed. Sometimes this tumor can appear a couple of days after blepharoplasty, sometimes after 2-3 months.

If you have a dark red tumor on the mucous membrane of the eyelid, then do not resort to any massages or ointments. Such actions can cause accelerated development of granuloma and cause bleeding. But there is no need to worry too much. This seal is easily and quickly removed surgically or using laser technology.

Seals in the eyelids may have different reasons appearance, therefore it will not be possible to make a diagnosis on your own. You should definitely consult your doctor in order to take the necessary measures in time to prevent and treat such cases.

surgical intervention in the eyelid area (both upper and lower), allowing to eliminate cosmetic defects in this area of ​​the face. Blepharoplasty removes excess skin folds, as well as fat that has formed on the eyelids.

Complications after blepharoplasty

Complications after surgical plastic surgery eyelids usually occur due to technical errors in the actions of the doctor, the patient’s failure to comply with the instructions of the attending physician, as well as the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the operated area.

To the main early postoperative complications Postoperative symptoms include bleeding, swelling, and ectropion of the lower eyelid. Most dangerous hemorrhages, formed inside the eye socket itself, as they affect vision and increase internal pressure on the eyeball.

In the first few days after the end of surgery swelling is a normal phenomenon and requires seeing a doctor and correction only if it does not go away within several weeks, and also if the swelling is accompanied by symptoms such as blurred vision and headaches.

Eversion of the lower eyelid- a situation that occurs quite rarely. If lower eyelid inversion does not go away on its own within the first two weeks after surgery, you should consult a doctor. Such a defect can be quickly eliminated through surgery.

After blepharoplasty it is possible discrepancy postoperative sutures . This complication requires extremely careful treatment associated with re-fastening the edges of the surgical wound, which can subsequently lead to the formation of scar tissue.

So-called “weathering eyes” effect(or "hot eye" effect) is a complication that usually appears after large number plastic surgery, in cases where the patient cannot withstand the prescribed recovery period for the entire period. The “hot eye effect” manifests itself in insufficient hydration of the cornea of ​​the eye, with constant incomplete closure of the eyelids. This complication requires repeated plastic surgery on centuries.

Complications such as tearfulness, conjunctivitis or other inflammatory process V postoperative period They are quite easy to correct and, with timely treatment, do not cause any long-term consequences.

Sometimes after blepharoplasty, neoplasms such as cysts. This defect should not cause concern to patients, since it can be eliminated without involving medical procedures and does not require additional surgical intervention.

Eye asymmetry occurs after blepharoplasty when surgical sutures applied unevenly and/or a scar has formed on one of the eyelids.

A complication like blepharoptosis(drooping eyelid) is one of the rarest cases after surgical correction of the eyelids and, if it occurs, requires repeated surgical intervention.

It should be noted that all of these complications after blepharoplasty are extremely rare. And with the high professionalism of the surgeon performing the operation, as well as the patient’s responsible attitude towards his health, no additional preventive measures are required.

It is believed that the ideal technique for performing plastic surgery guarantees a quick and painless recovery. However, not all so simple. There are many direct and indirect factors that influence the effectiveness of the procedure. Therefore, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty should be carried out in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Any deviation from the rules can complicate the recovery period and worsen the result.

How should recovery proceed?

The technology for performing eyelid blepharoplasty has long been well established, so the procedure rarely causes serious adverse reactions and complications. Despite this, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention the first days after surgery. The quality and speed of rehabilitation depends on them.

The following factors may affect the length of the recovery period:

  • patient's age;
  • technique and scope of blepharoplasty;
  • the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer (the denser it is, the slower the swelling goes away).

The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. If the intervention was minimally invasive (or), the woman goes home the same day, preferably with an accompanying person. The patient remains under medical supervision until the next morning or longer.

On the 4th–5th day the eyelids are removed cosmetic stitches(if they are not self-absorbing), and on day 7 the antiseptic patches are removed. By this point, most women's bruising and swelling have resolved and they can return to work.

Scarring of the postoperative wound continues for 10–30 days. New connective tissue appears at the site of the incision and after 1.5–2 months only a barely noticeable scar remains.

The first days after blepharoplasty

No matter how well blepharoplasty is performed, it is always accompanied by early side effects. These include bruising, swelling, problems with the incision, and unsightly appearance.


Sutures after blepharoplasty are applied only in the case of classical intervention. With transconjunctival access, when the incision is made with inside mucous membrane, they are treated with a patch and a mesh bandage.

If blepharoplasty was performed through skin fold and the seam has come apart, the wound is re-sutured and an antiseptic sticker is applied. The cause of the complication is incorrect alignment of the wound edges during surgery, severe swelling, mechanical damage or early removal of surgical sutures.

Dehiscence of sutures is dangerous due to an increased risk of infection and the formation of a rough scar.


Edema is considered completely normal reaction body to injury, so on the first day it does not cause concern. If tissue swelling lasts more than a week, this is a complication that needs to be treated.

Avoiding spicy, salty and too hot foods and applying cold to the eye area will help reduce the intensity of swelling.


As you know, scar tissue is a capricious thing. It is very difficult to predict or prevent its occurrence. Rough scars, granulomas and cysts are formed due to an individual predisposition to or improper suturing of the incision.

Small fibrous seals resolve on their own over time, the rest have to be treated or polished.


Hematomas may appear immediately after blepharoplasty or several days later. Many women consider them the most unpleasant complication- indeed, with such “decoration” it is difficult to go to work or to the store.

How long do bruises last? Usually the resorption period lasts up to 3 weeks. With a longer process, the bruises thicken and form persistent infiltrates, which are difficult and take a long time to resolve.

The safest and easiest to treat is subcutaneous hematoma. Despite its intimidating appearance, it is easily eliminated local means. Tension and retrobulbar hemorrhages require more active therapy.

Bags under the eyes

One of the goals of blepharoplasty is to remove excess skin and hernias under the eyes. If the surgeon did not try hard enough and did not completely remove the fat layer, sagging skin will still be noticeable, and swelling will make it more pronounced.

How to speed up rehabilitation

On average, the recovery period after blepharoplasty lasts 14–30 days and depends on the type of intervention, as well as individual characteristics patient. Various manual and physiotherapeutic procedures will help speed up the process, medicines and application of ointments.

Do not prescribe treatment yourself under any circumstances. This should be done by the doctor who performed the blepharoplasty. If you have doubts or questions, contact him or go to a dermatologist.

Compliance with the regime balanced diet and careful care of the skin of the eyelids will noticeably speed up the period full recovery and reduce the risk of complications.


The pain that appears after the anesthesia wears off is usually not too pronounced. But if unpleasant sensations become obvious and interfere with life, it is better to stop them.

For this, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Baralgin;
  • Nise;
  • Ketonal.

Decongestant therapy includes taking potassium-sparing diuretics: Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron, Triampur. To prevent infection, the eyelids are treated with antiseptics - Furacilin or Chlorhexidine.

To get rid of colloidal scars, a step-by-step approach is necessary.

First, a corticosteroid drug (Diprospan or Kenalog) is injected into the thickness of the fibrous compaction, making the scar soft and accelerating resorption. It is very important to choose the exact dose and depth of administration.

Then, using a laser, the surface of the skin is smoothed and the scar is “painted” to match the color of the surrounding tissue. In this way, if you do not completely remove the scar, you can significantly reduce it and make it invisible.

Local therapies

External remedies will also help get rid of the unpleasant consequences of blepharoplasty. To combat bruises and swelling at home, ointments and creams are most often used:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Indovazin;
  • Lyoton;
  • Lokoid.

To reduce itching and speed up wound healing, Blefarogel or Imoferase cream are prescribed.

To prevent the growth of fibrous tissue and form a soft and even scar, use silicone-based ointments: Clearvin, Kelofibraza, Dermatix gel or Contractubex.

Drops will help eliminate dryness, irritation and redness of the eyes:

  • Katinorm,
  • Innoxa,
  • Oksial,
  • Artificial tear
  • Systane.

Apply the solution to inner surface lower eyelid, pulling it slightly to the side.

Well suited for tissue repair and traditional methods, but they are allowed to be used only after the wound has completely healed. To reduce swelling, make a compress of raw grated potatoes, and rubbing with ice from chamomile or sage will not only restore attractiveness and shine to your eyes, but will also tighten sagging skin under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles and folds.

Gymnastics for the area around the eyes

Eye exercises are one of the components of the recovery period. Exercises will eliminate swelling in the periorbital area, improve blood circulation, tighten sagging skin and reduce the severity of wrinkles. You can start exercising 36–48 hours after blepharoplasty.

Gymnastics should not cause feelings of pain, fatigue, tension and other discomfort. A set of exercises should be performed daily, spending 15–20 minutes on it.

Massage after blepharoplasty

Manual and hardware massage activates blood circulation, accelerates the outflow of lymph, restores muscle tone and promotes the removal of waste products from the body. The procedure improves nutrition and healing of injured tissues, eliminates pain in the infraorbital area.

Laser resurfacing

If colloid scars still form after blepharoplasty, you should resort to hardware correction methods. One of the most reliable and effective ways getting rid of fibrous seals is considered to be.

The beam evaporates sections of connective tissue layer by layer, gradually smoothing and leveling the surface of the scar. At the treatment site, active synthesis of collagen fibers begins, filling the burned areas and forming a new dermis.

Other physiotherapy

To speed up the healing process and reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to begin physical therapy already 3-4 days after blepharoplasty. The following procedures have the best restorative effect:

  • UHF therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • Darsonval.

During exposure electromagnetic waves postoperative tissues absorb a huge amount of heat, which significantly speeds up metabolism and creates a rapid regenerative effect. But it is very important to prevent overheating, since the body does not always feel an immediate burn.

Do not forget to inform your doctor about the presence of metal connections under the skin (crowns, bone overlay, jaw joint prosthetics).

Ultrasound treatment gives a good lymphatic drainage effect, improves blood circulation and has an analgesic effect. Microcurrents gently stimulate the dermis and underlying vessels, restore cell activity, improve contraction of facial muscles and eliminate fluid stagnation in the subcutaneous layers.

The Darsonval apparatus has proven itself very well. High frequency currents soften fibrous tissue, accelerate regeneration and tighten weak skin. The therapeutic course can be carried out both in the clinic and at home.

After the stitches have healed, it is a good idea to carry out mesotherapy. The procedure will reduce the severity postoperative scars, will eliminate skin tightness, and as a pleasant bonus, smooth out wrinkles.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period

So, how to care for the skin of the eyelids after blepharoplasty, what can and cannot be done during this important period?

Basic prohibitions:

  1. For 5–7 days, do not wash your face and protect your eyelids from water.
  2. Avoid any activities that dry out the cornea and cause fatigue (reading, working on a computer, watching TV).
  3. Reduce to zero any physical activity in the first three days after surgery.
  4. Stop wearing lenses for a week;
  5. Transfer to more late date visit to the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool.
  6. Don't drink alcohol and stop smoking.

For 3 months after eyelid surgery, try not to sunbathe and wear sunglasses. When going outside, be sure to protect your skin with cream with SPF of at least 30, drink less, and avoid stress and overwork.

Perform various eye manipulations (eyelash extensions, tattooing of the interlash area) only after complete rehabilitation.

If the recovery period is complicated, do not forget to take the recommended medications and visit the physiotherapy room, but if cryodestruction is prescribed, refuse the procedure. Why can't you use a liquid nitrogen? The fact is that scars under its influence do not disappear - they only smooth out and spread in breadth, spoiling the appearance of the skin.

Why is blepharoplasty dangerous?

Like any surgical procedure, eyelid correction carries certain risks and complications. Some of them are the result of non-compliance with post-operative instructions, others arise after a doctor’s error or are considered as a feature of the body of a particular woman.

If we talk about the risks associated with blepharoplasty, they can be very different, both purely aesthetic and medical.

Complications after surgery

Complications and side effects after blepharoplasty can not only ruin your appearance, but also undermine your health.

What plastic surgeon patients face:

  • lacrimation. The cause is swelling or abnormal scarring;
  • diplopia (double vision) in the eyes. The disorder occurs due to swelling, exposure to an anesthetic, or severe hemorrhage;
  • chemosis (edema) of the mucous membrane. May appear due to infection, allergic reaction to irritants or extensive blepharoplasty;
  • ectropion (inversion of the lower eyelid). Occurs infrequently. The cause of the complication may be non-compliance with the surgeon’s instructions or the removal of a large amount of skin. As a result, the eyelids stop closing and an open area of ​​the cornea appears between them;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis. Considered to be an individual patient's response to the intervention;
  • retrobulbar hematoma. One of the most severe complications of blepharoplasty. Its symptoms are blurred vision, eye pain, bulging eyeball.

In some cases, there is numbness of the skin in the infraorbital area, thinning eyelashes on the lower and/or upper eyelids, and may rise slight fever, especially in the first days after the intervention.

And try not to have eyelid blepharoplasty in the summer. During this period, rehabilitation is more difficult, and consequences occur more often.

Aesthetic complications include:

  1. Eye asymmetry.
  2. Hypercorrection. It is a surgeon’s mistake and leads to distortion of the palpebral fissure and lagophthalmos.
  3. Excessive removal of fat during blepharoplasty. Creates a characteristic dip in the intervention area (sunk eye effect).
  4. Blepharoptosis (drooping upper eyelid).
  5. Round (fish) eye.
  6. Hyperpigmentation of the skin in the periorbital zone.

Most of these complications require repeated surgical intervention.

Consequences of unsuccessful blepharoplasty

An unsuccessful operation can change the face beyond recognition, give it a sad or comical appearance, and disrupt aesthetic proportions. In addition, many ladies do not realize that an open and rejuvenated look is not always combined with flaccid and sagging cheek skin, a double chin and wrinkles.

How to fix the situation

An unsatisfactory result of blepharoplasty is not a reason to panic. Today in any of the clinics plastic surgery easily and quickly correct the shortcomings of previous interventions. Of course, you will have to pay for re-correction of the eyelids, but you will get the result you dreamed of.

The only difficulty is to find a good surgeon with a steady hand and trust him. After all, most women with negative experiences begin to fear repeated failure and suffer with the problem for years. Therefore, collect information, read reviews, talk with friends who have received excellent results - and you will find your doctor.

Alternative blepharoplasty options

If you want to get rid of bags on your cheekbones and fatty hernias under your eyes, but are afraid of a scalpel, use alternative methods corrections. All of them involve non-surgical intervention, have a short and easy recovery period and are rarely complicated.

Surgical intervention can be replaced with the following hardware procedures:

  • eyelid thermage;
  • lymphatic drainage massage;
  • photoexposure.

The latter technique does an excellent job of removing pigmentation around the eyes, tightening and rejuvenating the skin, but if done incorrectly, it can leave you without eyelashes, since it affects hair follicle. Tattoos present in the periorbital zone will also evaporate.

You can replace eyelid surgery. It is low-traumatic and relatively painless way contour correction, but the effect does not last longer than 12 months.

There are many rumors about blepharoplasty. There is an opinion that the operation necessarily leads to unpleasant consequences, from small ones in the form of swelling to serious ones like ectropion of the lower eyelid. So should you be afraid of blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a relatively safe and low-traumatic operation, modern history which dates back almost a hundred years. The first such intervention was carried out in 1929, and in the last 20 years, blepharoplasty has become so accessible that it is performed in most Russian cities. The accumulated experience allows us to reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum.

However, even after such a common operation, the possibility of complications cannot be 100% excluded. They can be early, occurring immediately or a few days after the intervention, and late, developing over weeks or months.

Early complications


Edema is observed in almost all patients and is considered normal. This physiological process, developing as a response to injury or inflammation. Its mechanism is that due to increased vascular permeability, plasma flows to the site of surgical damage. This speeds up tissue restoration.

Tissue swelling remains normal for 5-7 days, during which it gradually subsides. Swelling, ongoing longer than a week, is a complication. On pathological process indicates blurred vision, headache and itching in the eyelid area. In addition, in the long term, prolonged swelling is detrimental to the delicate skin of the periorbital area (around the eye socket) - it stretches and changes color, overhanging skin and bags under the eyes may appear.

In this case, the doctor prescribes decongestant and possibly antibacterial (if the swelling is caused by microorganisms entering the wound) drugs. Ice water compresses, a salt-free diet, and sleeping on a pillow that elevates the head at a 45-degree angle may also help.

Subcutaneous hematoma

Hematoma is an accumulation of blood from a damaged vessel, a bruise. Small hematomas - normal phenomenon, however, large bruises are a reason for surgery. If small vessels are damaged, the accumulated blood is removed through a puncture or small incision. If a large vessel has ruptured, it must be sutured. Subcutaneous hematoma is dangerous due to thickening of the eyelids and the formation of subcutaneous nodes

Retrobulbar hematoma

This is very dangerous complication can lead to thrombosis of retinal vessels and the development of acute glaucoma. Its essence is that due to damage large vessel Blood accumulates behind the eyeball. Symptoms of retrobulbar hematoma: the eye “bulges out”, loses mobility, the patient experiences a feeling of fullness and headache from the side of the injury. In the case of retrobulbar hematoma, urgent consultation with an ophthalmologist and possibly surgery are required.

Wound infection

Pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream both during and after surgery if sanitary conditions are not maintained. Main sign- redness and suppuration of the sutures, swelling of their edges, redness and itching, local increase in temperature. The infection is fought with antibiotics.

Ectropion, or inversion of the lower eyelid

Ectropion is an inversion of the lower eyelid, a situation in which the eye is unable to close completely, so areas of the conjunctiva remain open. This situation can occur if excess skin has been removed during blepharoplasty. As a result, the eye dries out. To prevent ectropion and in mild cases, massage and gymnastics are prescribed to maintain the tone of the periorbital muscles. So, the following exercise is popular:

  • patient holds index fingers edge of the lower eyelid;
  • slowly rolls his eyes, simultaneously pulling his eyelids up;
  • holds for a few seconds, then releases the eyelids.

If conservative methods don't bring desired result, supporting sutures are placed on the eyelid or repeated blepharoplasty is performed.

Late complications

"Dry Eye"

Dry eye syndrome, or xerophthalmia - common complication after eye surgery, especially with transconjunctival blepharoplasty. One of the reasons is accidental damage to the lacrimal gland. Dry eye syndrome is accompanied by a feeling of sand under the eyelids and redness of the sclera, but is easily eliminated with moisturizing drops. If the pathology is caused by the removal of too large an area of ​​skin, repeated blepharoplasty is necessary.


Tearfulness is a symptom that develops in two cases: if lacrimal puncta shift outward, or if the ducts tear ducts narrow due to scarring of the tissue. In some cases, excessive tearing goes away on its own as the swelling subsides. In another situation, surgical dilation of the ducts using a probe is necessary.


Scars are areas of connective tissue that have high density, low elasticity and very different in structure and color from healthy skin. Typically, scars may form in some cases of traditional surgery. With transconjunctival and laser blepharoplasty, no traces are left. Scars can be removed or made less noticeable through non-surgical procedures: acid peels, laser resurfacing and fractional thermolysis.

Seam divergence

The sutures come apart due to accidental trauma, improper suturing, or the patient's failure to comply with rehabilitation rules (for example, ignoring the prohibition on lifting heavy objects or playing sports). The risk increases with the use of self-absorbable sutures. The separated edges are re-sutured after cleaning the surgical wound. In some cases, this can lead to scar formation.

Symptom or effect of hot eyes

The effect of “hot” (poorly moisturized) eyes develops if blepharoplasty was performed repeatedly, without restoration after the previous intervention. Signs of complications: the patient cannot close her eyelids, complains of dryness and a local increase in eye temperature. The problem is being solved repeated operation and a number of conservative measures: for the symptom of hot eyes, artificial tears and antibiotic therapy are prescribed.


Blepharoptosis is drooping of the upper eyelid. This is an extremely rare complication that can occur in older people. Its cause is damage to the muscle that supports the upper eyelid. To restore it, surgery is required. Another cause of blepharoptosis is swelling or hematoma, leading to deterioration in the function of the eyelid muscles. However, in this case, the complication goes away on its own after the swelling decreases or the hematoma is eliminated.

Eye asymmetry, round eye

This complication occurs if the sutures are placed incorrectly or the wounds heal unsuccessfully. In the second case it expands palpebral fissure. The changed eye shape is corrected by repeated surgery.

Eyelid cysts

These are hollow neoplasms that arise from isolated remnants of the epithelium along the suture line. They go away on their own after 2-3 months or are removed by a doctor (the intervention is completely atraumatic).

How to avoid complications?

At least 50% of the responsibility for the result lies with the patient himself. After surgery, you should follow the rules for preventing complications:

  • unquestioningly follow all the surgeon’s recommendations;
  • limit for 2-3 weeks physical exercise, do not visit baths, saunas, solariums;
  • avoid sun rays and wear sunglasses outside;
  • strain your eyes as little as possible by reading, watching TV, or working on the computer;
  • monitor your diet: try not to consume foods and drinks that retain fluid in the tissues;
  • sleep on your back with your head on a flat pillow.