Contact lenses: what are there, what is better to choose, consumer reviews. How to choose contact lenses - tips on Yandex.Market

IN modern medicine There are many ways to solve vision problems and restore the ability to full life. These methods include the use of glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Popular means are lenses because they have a lot of advantages: easy to use; invisible from the outside; do not interfere with performing various types of work or playing sports; capable of correcting vision, etc. But in order to see well and not feel discomfort, it is important to choose the right means.

Contact lenses are an ideal option to see much more better for people With poor eyesight who are uncomfortable using glasses due to their occupation, active lifestyle or other reasons. On the shelves of opticians there is a huge assortment of products that differ in the manufacturer, service life, shape and material used for their manufacture. In addition, there are colored lenses with which you can change your eye color, which is especially important for fashionistas. Among the huge assortment, it is extremely important to choose the appropriate option that meets individual characteristics, only in this case is it possible to see the world again in all its colors, and at the same time look amazing and feel comfortable.

In what cases does the doctor prescribe lenses?

Before you start choosing lenses, you should definitely consult with an ophthalmologist, since in some cases their use is strictly prohibited. Thus, these products cannot be used to correct vision in the presence of inflammatory or infectious eye diseases; high sensitivity eyeball; if you have chronic eye diseases or internal organs; the patient has allergies or asthma.

  • Astigmatism.
  • Keratoconus.
  • Refractive error.
  • Painful keratopathy.
  • Strabismus in childhood or adolescence when the curvature angle is less than 15 degrees.
  • Myopia.
  • There is a big difference in vision in the two eyes.
  • Amblyopia.
  • Dry eye syndrome.

Types of contact lenses for eyes

IN modern world Thanks to the latest technologies, various types of lenses have been created that cause absolutely no discomfort during use, normalize vision and are very convenient to use. Each patient will be able to choose a means to restore vision, taking into account their individual needs and sensations.

Contact lenses for the eyes are classified into types depending on the material used for their manufacture, service life, design, etc. The main parameter for division is the structure of the lenses, according to which they are divided into:

  • Hard – silicone is used to make lenses, thanks to which they hold their shape very well, have a long service life and are very resistant to damage (microcracks, scratches, etc.).
  • Soft - are the most popular and in demand in the modern world and, depending on the material, are classified into:
    • Silicone hydrogel lenses are innovative means for restoring vision, which are absolutely safe for the eyes; they can even be left on during sleep. High-quality material allows oxygen to pass through perfectly. Today you can already find extended-use lenses that can be worn continuously for 6 days, 2 weeks or even a month.
    • Hydrogel lenses are lenses based on hydrogel and water, which allows oxygen to pass well to the cornea. Their structure is quite soft and flexible, which sometimes makes it difficult to carry out various kinds of manipulations with them. The lenses are intended for daytime use only; sleeping with them can provoke the development of corneal hypoxia.

Depending on their service life, lenses are divided into several types:

  • Traditional - lenses that should be changed after 6-12 months. Such a long service life is due to careful care and the use of special products to clean and preserve their original properties. These lenses protect the cornea from exposure to ultraviolet rays. In addition, this is the most cost-effective option. But there are also disadvantages to using this type of lenses: with improper care, dust, microorganisms, and cosmetics accumulate, which can later lead to the development of an allergic reaction; Users often develop dry eyes, which causes discomfort and sometimes pain.
  • Scheduled replacement lenses are vision restoration products made from a variety of materials that should be changed quarterly or monthly, or in some cases, every week. They retain moisture perfectly, which helps to avoid dry eyes, and allow air and oxygen to pass through. They are safer than the first type, because thanks to short term operation, the likelihood of damage or contamination is reduced.
  • Daily lenses are a very wasteful, but the safest type, which are designed for use during the day, and in the evening they go into the trash. No need to use special means for processing, are hypoallergenic and hygienic.

Depending on the external design and design of the lenses, they are divided into the following types:

  • Toric lenses are prescribed for hypermetropia and myopia with astigmatism.
  • Aspherical – lenses that correct spherical aberrations.
  • Spherical – used to correct myopia and hypermetropia.
  • Multifocal - used to correct farsightedness caused by age-related changes.

To select lenses, it is extremely important to consult with an ophthalmologist, who, in addition to the standard vision test procedure, will conduct a number of additional examinations in order to most accurately identify existing deviations and select the most appropriate one. effective means. The following data are considered as decisive factors:

  • intraocular pressure;
  • diopter value;
  • work of the eye muscles;
  • assessment of peripheral vision;
  • analysis of corneal curvature.

To ensure that the use of lenses does not cause discomfort when choosing, it is extremely important to consider the following factors:

  • Design. The doctor himself selects the lens design for the patient depending on the examination results and identified vision abnormalities.
  • Lens size. It is important that they do not move out and cause discomfort.
  • Material. The main thing is that the lenses do not cause allergies or irritation, are as comfortable to use as possible and perform their main functions.
  • Fitting. When choosing lenses, the doctor puts on the first trial pair and after 15 minutes evaluates the condition of the eyes, analyzing how well they suit the patient. Often, in order to choose the ideal option, you need to try on a dozen lenses.

Lenses will last a long time and fulfill their main purpose with the highest quality possible if they are properly cared for and used correctly. To use vision correction products, it is important to follow simple instructions:

  • Wash and disinfect your hands; sprays with disinfectants can be used for this purpose. antibacterial soap liquid. Wipe with a towel that leaves no lint behind.
  • Take the lens out of the container, check if it is inside out, inspect for lint, scratches, etc. It is worth getting into the habit of always starting the procedure with one eye to avoid putting the lens on the wrong place.
  • Raise with your free hand upper eyelid and pull back the lower one (this will help avoid blinking and allow you to safely place the lens).
  • Look up and place the lens on the eyeball, a short time close the eyelid so that the lens takes the correct position.
  • Carry out a similar procedure with the second eye.

To remove lenses, hands are also thoroughly disinfected, after which the lens is lifted with a finger and moved onto the eyeball, grabbed with the fingers and removed from the eye. In order to avoid infection and contamination, it is extremely important to immediately place the lenses in special containers with a solution; if for some reason this was not possible, they are considered unsuitable and must be replaced.
Rules for use and care of lenses:

Contact lenses are a unique, modern means of vision correction that is suitable for almost all people with visual impairments. visual function. They are very easy to use and convenient for people of different professions and types of employment (in particular, this is an ideal option for active people who spend a lot of time on the move). The main thing when using lenses is to comply with the rules of their use, hygiene and timely renewal.

The very first contact lenses were made from glass. Despite the rather high optical characteristics for those times, wearing them comfortably was not possible. Modern manufacturers use polymer materials to create lenses. We will talk about which of them are considered to be of higher quality in this article.

When choosing contact optics, many users pay attention to the material from which the lenses are made. Etafilkon, Balafilkon, Polimakon, Nelfilkon... These names of manufacturing materials remain unclear to many users. Most people concerned about the health of their eyes would like more information about what models are made from. However, unfortunately, it is not indicated either on the packaging or in the instructions included with the products. detailed information about a particular material, with the exception of indicators of oxygen permeability and moisture content. What polymer are the best lenses based on?

What were the very first contact lenses?

It is known that the very first means contact correction made from glass by grinding. The polishing process was quite long and lasted at least ten hours. They were rather poorly tolerated by users due to the characteristics of the material. The glass was heavy, and therefore, when worn, contact lenses put pressure on the sensitive eye tissues. For a long time, attempts by scientists to develop a more comfortable material, the manufacture of optical products based on which could solve the problem of many visually impaired people, ended in failure. Progress in the development of contact lenses came at the end of the 30s of the last century, when manufacturers began to use polymethyl methacrylate, a type of acrylic resin, to create them, which could later be tinted and dyed. It was patented under the brand name Plexiglas in 1933 by German chemist Otto Roehm, an employee of Rohm and Haas. The first sales of vision correction products began in 1936.

Despite the many advantages of polymethyl methacrylate compared to conventional glass, it also could not be called an ideal raw material for the production of lenses. The optical products developed on its basis were quite rigid in their structure, and therefore required long period adaptation. In addition, due to low oxygen permeability, not all users could wear them. Often, the use of contact correction products made from polymethyl methacrylate led to sad consequences for the eyes, causing swelling of the cornea. Today, this type of acrylic resin, also called plexiglass, is not used for the production of optical products in most developed countries. However, in some countries the demand for models developed based on this material still does not decrease. The production of such lenses is carried out by the well-known ophthalmological corporation Contamac. Thus, in 2003, a record production of these products was recorded - 1 million contact lenses, the order for which came from partners from India.

Attempts to develop lenses from a material with more advanced characteristics have been made by scientists constantly. In the mid-70s of the last century, optical products were created that were distinguished by improved surface properties. Manufacturers subsequently focused on making products from gas-permeable materials, which were proven to be more suitable for ocular tissue. In 1977, specialists in the field of ophthalmology developed cellulose acetobutyrate, capable of transmitting oxygen to the cornea at a level of 8 to 11 Dk/t. Considering the characteristics of modern hydrogel and silicone hydrogel polymers used in the production of contact lenses, such parameters are not very impressive. However, compared to the used for a long time polymethyl methacrylate, they were a real breakthrough in the field of optometry. In addition, the advantages of this material included hydrophilicity and resistance to protein deposits. The disadvantage was considered to be the instability of the parameters due to the production technology used, due to which scratches often formed on the surface of the lenses.

How do lens makers obtain materials?

Users who are interested in developments in the field of optometry and contactology will certainly be interested in reading about how new materials are created. The production and assessment of the production qualities of a particular raw material, which in the future can presumably be used to create lenses, requires certain knowledge in many scientific fields. For example, a specialist developing such materials must have a good understanding of polymer chemistry and physics, and know the basics of visual physiology and toxicology. It is believed that only an interdisciplinary approach makes it possible to create high-quality materials, the production of contact lenses based on which becomes widespread and productive.

As a rule, specialists obtain lens material by polymerizing monomers when placed under certain conditions. Simply put, many molecules attach to the active sites of low molecular weight substances, resulting in the formation of a liquid prepolymer. After this, it is placed at a certain temperature in which it hardens better, forming the polymer itself. In the production of soft lenses by modern companies, developers often use weakly cross-linked polymers, also called gels. They are distinguished by the properties inherent in superabsorbents (they can absorb large volumes of water when swelling).

Criteria for materials used to create good lenses

In order to answer the question of which lens material is better, you must have general idea about the criteria by which the suitability of a particular raw material for the production of optical products is assessed. Experts who have been developing contact lenses for many years believe that it is almost impossible to single out one or two parameters. In their work, they usually focus on the overall balance of such characteristics as:

  • optical transparency necessary to provide bright and contrasting vision;
  • biological inertness, ensuring physiological compatibility with the tissues of the eyeball;
  • chemical stability, manifested in the ability of raw materials to maintain their original properties;
  • mechanical stability, which affects the ability of the introduced lubricant to maintain its qualities;
  • hydrophilicity, the level of which indicates the ability to absorb moisture;
  • oxygen permeability, providing oxygen access to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • elasticity, guaranteeing an accurate “fit” of contact lenses on the cornea.

Overall this is still not full list criteria by which modern developers determine which material is best used for the production of optical products and which is not. The main parameter, according to many of them, is chemical stability. It is this indicator that affects the number of days of operation, mode of use and shelf life of the model. Special attention focuses on non-toxicity and non-carcinogenicity of materials. Modern equipment makes it possible to test the resulting raw materials for the presence of various impurities, for example: residual stabilizers, plasticizers or monomers, which can move into the tear fluid and have a toxic effect on the retina.

Lenses made of hard polymers. Why are they better?

Based on the polymers from which they are made, contact lenses are divided into two groups that are familiar to experienced users, namely hard and soft. Rigid ones can be either gas-permeable or gas-tight. Both varieties are called GPL in the language of ophthalmologists. Soft ones include models of lenses developed on the basis of hydrogel, designated both Hg, and those based on silicone hydrogel, designated by specialists as Si-Hg.

Polymers, taken as the basis for the production of hard lenses, although they are used in Lately less common, they have a number of advantages. Ophthalmologists recommend that their patients suffering from high degrees of astigmatism or keratoconus choose hard contact lenses. An excellent effect is ensured by their use for deformations of the cornea, both traumatic and postoperative. It is believed that the combination of material and manufacturing method allows for the creation of models that are resistant to scratches and tears, and therefore are recommended for long-term wear.

The disadvantages of rigid polymers include the need for adaptation. According to user reviews left on the Internet, most of them were able to get used to wearing the presented lenses only after a week. Some took longer. In addition, these optical products are smaller in size, which increases the risk of falling out or becoming dislodged during sports activities.

Contact lenses made of soft polymers

The very first material on the basis of which soft contact lenses began to be developed was called hydroxyethyl methacrylate. It is well known to many modern users who prefer wearing decorative optical products under the name HEMA. Many manufacturers believe that it is best suited for the production of color and tint models. It was first synthesized in 1960 in the Czech Republic. News about the development of innovative raw materials quickly spread throughout Europe. Soon the headlines of newspapers and magazines were full of news that unique material, which has no analogues in the whole world, on the basis of which specialists will finally be able to develop good lenses suitable for the majority of users. Its uniqueness lay in its hydrophobicity - the ability to absorb water up to 38% of its own weight.

At the end of the 60s, specialists from the American brand Bausch & Lomb acquired a license to produce HEMA lenses and patented the casting technology. Having learned about which materials transmit oxygen well to the cornea through moisture evaporation, many brands sought to obtain a patent for the production of optical products based on them. Soon, models developed from hydroxyethyl methacrylate took first place in the optics market, displacing rigid ones into the background. In 1998, the first elective replacement contact lenses were released by Johnson & Johnson. A year later, this company introduced the first continuous wear model. Around the same time, the first ephemera appeared, occupying a special niche in the optics market today.

FDA classification. What lenses does it include?

To simplify the understanding of the optical characteristics of certain polymers and make a preliminary conclusion about which lens material is better, FDA specialists have developed a certain classification. It involves dividing all currently existing contact lens models into several groups. Which ones are good is very easy to understand, although the definition itself is not entirely correct. The first group, as a rule, includes models characterized by low moisture content and insufficient oxygen permeability. Such optical products are practically not prescribed today due to their unsatisfactory quality for most users. optical properties. Most modern means corrections belong to the fourth group of the FDA.

First FDA Group

FDA specialists included in the first group optical products made on the basis of nonionic polymers that differ low content water - less than 50%. Such contact lenses are characterized by stable optical parameters, high strength and resistance to various types of deposits. Polymers of the first group include:

  • Tefilcon;
  • Polimakon;
  • Lotrafilcon;
  • Galifilcon;
  • Senofilkon.

An example of a good lens is the Biomedics 38, introduced by CooperVision. Despite the fact that the intended wearing period is up to three months, their structure is very thin and elastic, and supplies the cornea of ​​the eye with all the necessary nutrients. nutrients, which are contained in oxygen. In addition, the smooth surface of Biomedics 38 lenses is resistant to protein deposits.

FDA Group 2

The second group, like the first, includes nonionic polymers, but only those whose hydrophilicity level is more than 50%. Due to their higher moisture content, they are not as durable as those belonging to the first group. They have an increased tendency to dehydration. Such materials do not accumulate protein deposits, but are prone to lipid deposits. In addition, they are unstable during heat treatment. This category includes contact lenses made from materials such as:

  • Alfafilcon;
  • Omafilcon;
  • Hilafilcon;
  • Nelfilcon;
  • Nezofilkon.

An example is the Focus Dailies All Day Comfort lens model, developed by the Alcon brand. The AquaComfort technology used at the production stages makes it possible to provide the user’s eyes with the necessary hydration, which is so important for healthy vision, throughout its service life. The ultra-thin structure of the correction products, created using the Light Technology technique, allows you to forget about wearing discomfort and enjoy clear vision.

FDA Group Three

The third group, like the subsequent fourth, includes ionic polymers that differ low level hydrophilicity is usually less than 50%. Their strength is better than those previously listed by us, but they are less resistant to protein deposits and have rather low air permeability. Moreover, these polymers are resistant to heat treatment. The group includes the following materials:

  • Femfilcon;
  • Balafilcon.

What lenses are created based on them? A striking example is the PureVision 2 lens model, developed by specialists trademark Bausch & Lomb. These ophthalmic products can be used both in daytime and in flexible or prolonged modes. When creating them, processing was carried out according to unique technique Performa, with the help of which a hydrophilic component is introduced into the structure, preventing the matrix from drying out and increasing the smoothness of the surface.

FDA Group Four

Last group are ionic materials whose moisture content is more than 50%. Their strength, as a rule, is somewhat worse than that of those included in the first or third group. This is compensated by high oxygen permeability and resistance to the accumulation of lipid deposits. Lens models are made using casting technology. What polymers are included in this group?

  • Etafilcon;
  • Ocufilcon;
  • Femfilcon;
  • Metafilcon;
  • Wilfilcon.

This group includes many popular contact lenses, for example, 1-Day Acuvue Moist, created by Johnson & Johnson brand specialists innovative technology Lacreon, which minimizes the friction that occurs between the cornea and the optical product and increases comfort during use.

Contact lenses are a widely known method of vision correction. It is equally suitable for farsightedness, myopia, and astigmatism.

The use of the latest technologies for the manufacture of lenses makes them an excellent alternative to glasses.

And in order for the use of this device to be as comfortable as possible, you need to carefully consider its choice.

Doctor's consultation and necessary research

The lens selection procedure should begin with a consultation with your doctor. The specialist determines the purpose of using contact lenses, identifies concomitant diseases, contraindications, presence bad habits, analyzes the characteristics of the patient’s work. All listed factors significantly affect the level of comfort when using lenses.

Then the ophthalmologist prescribes a comprehensive examination, which must include:

  • Biomicroscopy
  • Autorefractometry
  • Visual acuity assessment
  • Fundus examination
  • Keratometry

An ophthalmologist must study the structure of a person’s eyes and determine the optical power he needs.

After this, the doctor uses tests to evaluate the fit of the lens on the cornea. He then checks visual acuity and residual refraction.

Criteria for choosing contact lenses

When choosing this vision correction tool, many important criteria should be taken into account, including:

Replacement frequency

First you need to find out what period of use of lenses will be most comfortable for you. Based on the frequency of replacement, the following types of lenses are distinguished:

  • one-day;
  • one- and two-week;
  • period;
  • three months;
  • traditional (usually have a replacement period of six to nine months).

This period means the maximum period of use of the lenses. If you neglect these recommendations and wear them longer, health problems may arise. Many doctors do not advise choosing lenses that can be worn for more than three months.

Wearing mode

Each type of lens has a specific mode of use, that is, the time during which the lenses can be worn continuously. The following varieties are found:

  • day– lenses should be removed in the evenings;
  • flexible– it is allowed to wear lenses for one to two days without a break;
  • prolonged– it is permissible to continuously use lenses for a week;
  • continuous– lenses can be worn continuously for a month.

If possible, it is better to use the daytime mode - it is considered the most gentle on the eyes. In some cases, you can use lenses with flexible wearing mode - they are especially convenient when traveling.

With longer options the situation is more complicated. They are not suitable for everyone, and they also pose a certain threat to eye health. Therefore, such lenses should be chosen only in cases of extreme necessity.

Hydrophilicity and oxygen permeability coefficient.

These indicators affect a person’s comfort level. Hydrophilicity, or the ability of a lens to retain moisture, affects the degree to which your eyes become dry. The following degrees of hydrophilicity are distinguished:

  • low – less than 50%;
  • average – about 50%;
  • high – more than 50%.

There is another important indicator - oxygen permeability. It is believed that for daily use it is enough to have about 30 units. However, there are lenses in which it reaches 170. The choice of optimal parameters should be made by a doctor, focusing on the characteristics of your body.

Radius of curvature and diameter

There are standard values ​​for these parameters, but it is more advisable for them to be determined by an ophthalmologist. If you feel constant discomfort while using lenses, you should consult a specialist. This is probably due to the discrepancy between these parameters and the structure of your eyes.

Optical power

To choose lenses, you need to know your visual acuity.

You should not buy lenses in which you will see 100%, especially if you often have to look at close distances. The eyes must constantly work to train their muscles.

Hardness degree

Lenses can be hard or soft. The former have a fairly solid structure and provide not only visual acuity, but also a therapeutic and prophylactic effect for astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, and keratoconus. These lenses prevent vision deterioration and sometimes improve it. Soft lenses are much more comfortable, but their therapeutic and prophylactic effect is much less - approximately half.


Lenses can be not only transparent, but also colored. Many people believe that the latter only help achieve a certain aesthetic effect. In fact, for certain diseases, such lenses provide therapeutic effect. For example, if a person’s eyes react poorly to exposure sun rays, you can solve the problem with the help of colored lenses that absorb ultraviolet radiation.

Choosing contact lenses is a very complex and responsible undertaking. The health of your eyes and visual acuity depend on the correctness of the decision. Therefore, before purchasing this correction tool, be sure to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist.

Contact lenses are becoming more and more popular every day. Science does not stand still and is developing new technologies for the production of these devices for vision correction. If previously lenses were made from hard materials that caused a person discomfort when worn, now it is possible to choose ultra-thin lenses that will not be felt at all in the eye and cause any inconvenience, while providing ideal vision to a person.

Pros and cons of contact lenses

Compared to contact lenses, contact lenses have many advantages:

  • there is no distortion of the surrounding world;
  • wider angle of view;
  • do not limit a person to physical activity, do not fall out during sports;
  • modern models protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays
  • do not fog up due to temperature changes.

But the most important advantage of contact lenses is the psychological comfort when wearing them. The lenses are not noticeable to people around them, they do not bulk up on the nose and do not interfere with a person’s normal lifestyle.

There are very few disadvantages to contact lenses. An obstacle to wearing them may be any eye disease or an allergic reaction of the body. In addition, some people's eyes simply do not accept lenses, reacting to them with irritation and severe tearing.

Another disadvantage of contact lenses is their fragility - if handled carelessly, they easily tear and deteriorate. You need to handle them very carefully: do not rub your eyes, avoid staying in dusty places, minimize contact with long-haired animals, whose hairs can get on the lenses. It is also not recommended to swim or go to the sauna wearing lenses - they may fall out in water, and under the influence high temperature spoil.

Types of contact lenses

Before choosing lenses, you need to understand what types of these corrective devices are. Contact lenses are divided into several types, depending on various factors.

According to the elasticity of lenses, there are:

Lens elasticityDescription
HardUsed for high degrees of astigmatism. Such lenses can only be worn as prescribed by a doctor. They cause discomfort when worn, so it is difficult for the eyes to adapt to them
SoftMade from hydrogel-based materials. They do not allow oxygen to pass through well, so wearing them for longer than 12 hours is contraindicated. The advantages of such lenses include ease of wearing, as well as the absence of possible allergic reactions eye
Hydrogel-siliconeThe most comfortable lenses to wear. They allow air to pass freely, do not irritate the cornea of ​​the eye, but can cause allergies in people due to the silicone they contain

Depending on the purpose, contact lenses are:

  • optical – intended for vision correction;
  • therapeutic - prescribed to protect the eyes in certain diseases;
  • cosmetic - to disguise eye defects (sores, clouding of the cornea);
  • decorative - used to change the color of the eyes or give them greater expressiveness and depth.

Based on the duration of wearing, contact lenses are divided into one-year (usually hard lenses), six-month, three-month, one-month, two-week and one-day. If reusable lenses are used, you need to select special products to disinfect and clean the lenses from protein deposits.

There are also continuous wear lenses that can be worn throughout their lifespan. Such lenses have the highest gas permeability, they moisturize the eyes well and do not cause any discomfort.

According to the wearing regime, a distinction is made between daytime contact lenses, which are removed only before bed, and extended-release lenses, which can be worn for a certain period of time without removing them at night.

When not to wear lenses

Contact lenses are not available to everyone. And the point here is not the price, but the contraindications that prevent the wearing of these optical instruments.

It is prohibited to wear lenses if you have the following diseases:

  • allergic reaction to lenses;
  • xerophthalmia is a disease characterized by drying out of the cornea due to disruptions in secretory functions lacrimal glands;
  • increased sensitivity of the cornea;
  • infectious disease or inflammatory in nature– blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis;
  • violation of the biochemical properties of tear fluid.

In addition, the lenses are not suitable for people whose work involves hazardous chemical production or high content dust in the work area. In any case, before choosing, you must consult your doctor.

How to choose lenses

Selection of contact lenses is a strictly individual procedure. The doctor must conduct the necessary examinations and determine the exact parameters of visual impairment, as well as measure intraocular pressure. If no contraindications are found, the specialist writes out a prescription with which the patient is sent to an optical store. Now almost any optical salon has its own specialists who can measure a person’s vision on the spot and help him choose the most suitable contact lenses. Here you can immediately try them out, learn how to put them on and take them off, guided by expert advice.

When choosing lenses, you should not chase low prices. Cheap lenses have many disadvantages that may not be noticeable on the first day of wear - they are made from low-quality materials and can cause irritation and discomfort in the eyes. In addition, low-quality lenses can become unusable much earlier. specified period. It is better to give preference to well-known brands: Johnson & Johnson, Carl Zeiss, Baush & Lomb.

Lens care

If you do not care for your lenses correctly, they will deteriorate much earlier than the period for which they were designed. In addition, errors in care can even lead to serious eye diseases. To avoid these problems, certain rules should be followed:

  • do not wear lenses beyond their service life;
  • Before putting on and removing lenses, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap;
  • To store reusable lenses, you need to use a special cleaning agent.

If there is no time or opportunity to care for contact lenses, it is recommended to use disposable lenses. They require almost no maintenance - you put them on in the morning and throw them away in the evening before going to bed. Besides, daily lenses They are distinguished by softer material, high breathability and wearing comfort.

Video - How to choose contact lenses

Selecting your first contact lenses is a responsible undertaking.

Although a prescription is not required to purchase them, choosing the right vision correction products Only an ophthalmologist can.

Selection of colored and regular contact lenses for the eyes from an ophthalmologist

For the right choice the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor, who will test your vision. Depending on which line in the table the patient sees, the degree of visual acuity impairment is determined.

During diagnosis, the ophthalmologist identifies radius of curvature of the cornea and pupil diameter. This is necessary in order to choose the option of lens products that will be the most convenient.

The doctor should also be aware of the level of sensitivity of the eyes, because the type of material from which the lenses will be made depends on this.

During the conversation, the doctor will learn:

After this it is determined wearing mode, replacement time and color lenses

How to choose the right lenses for your vision? Options

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes prescription for purchase lenses These products always have a number of characteristics.


Contact lens products divided into soft, which are silicone hydrogel and hydrogel, as well as hard.

The last type is used only if there is serious problems with eye refraction. Such models have high density and constant properties. Their advantages:

  • ease of cleaning;
  • durability;
  • ensuring quality vision.

If hard contact lenses do not fit tightly to the cornea, then if you fall or with sudden movements they may fall out.

Soft types are very popular. They are more comfortable to wear: Even after the first try-on, people rarely experience discomfort. Such products fit tightly to the cornea. When wearing them, a person does not feel the presence of a foreign object on the organ of vision.

Photo 1. Two soft contact lenses for the eyes. Such products are much more convenient than rigid types.

These products have disadvantages:

  • Rough handling leads to their damage.
  • They absorb moisture well.
  • Without a container, they quickly dry out and become brittle.

If a person does not use a disinfectant solution, then they will quickly settle on their surface. fungi and bacteria. This will lead to infectious and inflammatory diseases organs of vision.

Silicone hydrogel products, thanks to the special silicone lattice built into the hydrogel lens, they have high coefficient oxygen permeability. They are very elastic and quickly absorb moisture, so at first your eyes may feel dry and feel like there is a foreign object in them. These types of vision correction require some getting used to.

Silicone hydrogel types have the following advantages:

  • During their use, the liquid does not evaporate.
  • Convenient to put on and take off.
  • Resistant to lipid and protein deposits.

Hydrogel lenses soft and thin. They are fragile, so they are easy to damage. These models do not cause discomfort.

Wearing period

Contact lenses are selected and According to the period of wearing, they are:

  • one-day;
  • planned replacement;
  • traditional.

The most comfortable are the one-day ones, which are worn 7-10 hours. They are the thinnest and most harmless. They contain a large number of water. Products are put on in the morning and thrown away in the evening. They are expensive and do not require a cleaning solution or storage container.

Attention! Period of use of planned contact lenses - no more than a month. During this short time, they do not have time to get dirty, so to clean them, a universal solution is enough, which can eliminate protein deposits.

Traditional (classic) can be worn from six months to 9 months. If planned lenses are silicone hydrogel and hydrogel, then these products are made only from hydrogel.

Mode selection rules

Another point that the ophthalmologist takes into account when selecting lens products is the wearing mode. It happens:

  • Daytime. Products are worn only during the day and removed at night. Suitable for sensitive eyes.
  • Prolonged. You are allowed not to take pictures 7 days.
  • Flexible. This mode is suitable for situations where the user is in unusual conditions. These types wear 2-3 days.

There is also a continuous wearing mode when the products are not removed whole month. It is resorted to only when urgent need, since over time lipids and proteins accumulate on products, which can lead to irritation of the ocular mucosa. The ophthalmologist selects a wearing regimen depending on:

  • from the rhythm of human life;
  • from the patient's habits;
  • the ability to adhere to the replacement schedule.

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Radius of curvature and diameter

From the radius of curvature and diameter depends on the landing contact lens on the eye. These are the main parameters that the doctor takes into account when selecting vision correction products.

The radius is the curvature of the central part of the lens product. This indicator should ideally match the curvature of the cornea.

The diameter shows the distance between the edges, which is measured through the center. Soft products generally have a diameter 13-15 mm.

Reference. Most often, people use lenses in which this indicator is within from 13.8 mm to 14.5 mm. In most cases, the size is the same for both organs of vision.

Moisture content and oxygen permeability coefficient

The coefficient of oxygen permeability and moisture content are parameters that must be taken into account at the stage of selecting vision correction products. To prevent patients from developing dry eye syndrome, pay attention to the percentage of water content in contact lenses. There are 3 product categories:

  • highly hydrophilic (water content above 50%);
  • with an average value (water content 50% );
  • low hydrophilic (water content up to 50%).

When selecting lenses, the doctor takes into account one more parameter - oxygen permeability, denoted as Dk/t.

Choose better products with medium water content, but the oxygen permeability index must be high.

Optical power must also be taken into account. You should not strive to choose products in which everything will be visible perfectly. Since contact products are located directly on the eye, a person already sees better in them than in glasses with the same diopters.

Which lenses are better to choose, where to buy

If the contact lenses are comfortable and correctly selected, there will be an opportunity to improve vision.

Lenses can be purchased in pharmacies or specialized optical stores. Products can also be ordered online.

For sensitive eyes

The best lenses for sensitive eyes are those that:

  • have slight elasticity And increased content moisture;
  • Very soft and thin;
  • biocompatible with eye tissues.

Preference must be given one-day products or products frequent replacement.

Photo 2. Packaging of daily contact lenses from the manufacturer Bausch&Lomb. Each product is in a separate blister.

For beginners whose eyes are different hypersensitivity, it is recommended to select silicone hydrogel types. This material is considered the safest. Good silicone hydrogel lenses are easy to put on and take off. They allow oxygen and tear fluid to pass through. Even if you don’t take them out at night, your eyes won’t experience discomfort or dry out.

For myopia and farsightedness

Suitable for people suffering from farsightedness soft lenses. They are comfortable, hold up well and are easy to get used to. With the help of such products you can correct and age-related farsightedness, which uses convenient and soft multifocal types.