The best canned food for dogs rating. What makes wet dog food different from other foods? The best foods for small breed dogs

Canned food for dogs is presented in a wide range - in different forms and in different price categories. Wet food comes in the form of pate, stew, minced meat, sausage, pieces of meat in sauce.

But in this article we will talk, first of all, about canned food in jars and bags (pouches). Dogs eat canned wet food better than dry food, this is due to the fact that they have pleasant aroma and taste.

How to give canned food to a dog

Canned wet food mixed with cereals or dry food to add taste and smell, used to replace meat products, but not all the time, but in extreme cases, for example, when traveling or other situations when it is not possible to feed the dog meat.

Dog breeders, in order to save time, give canned food in the morning feeding. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose canned food for constant feeding, which is labeled as the main food. There are canned foods that are labeled as additional (delicacy) and are used as treats.

It is not recommended to regularly feed your dog wet food, because... they contain boiled meat products and a large percentage of water (70-80%). In addition, if you compare by price, then a piece raw meat will cost less than a can of premium and super-premium canned food. At the same time, meat is much healthier.

In addition, frequent feeding of canned wet food causes dogs to become addicted, as a result of which they refuse to eat dry food or natural products, which they ate before.

If you decide to feed your dog this product, then the best option would be to feed dry food as a base with the addition of wet food, but not at every feeding. The approximate ratio of dry and wet food is 25/75, 50/50, 75/25. It is important to remember that canned food for dogs does not replace meat, and cannot form the basis of the diet.


Delicatessen (additional) and canned food for the main feeding differ in balance nutrients.

The basis of canned food for continuous feeding includes muscle tissue of animals, cereals. The food is more or less balanced, contains minerals and vitamins. But even their composition is not complete, so you cannot feed your dog only canned food, otherwise problems will arise. serious problems with the health of the pet.

Gourmet usually made from rare varieties of meat, with fruits or berries, as well as with the addition of offal. Delicacy foods may contain increased amount fat, protein, which with constant feeding can lead to obesity, improper formation of the puppy's skeleton, kidney problems and other diseases. The share of gourmet food in the daily diet should not exceed 10%.

Medicinal Canned food is given on the recommendation of a veterinarian in the presence of certain diseases or after surgery or a course of treatment. For example, wet canned food is recommended for dogs with diseases lower section urinary tract, cancer, gastrointestinal diseases.

Composition of canned food for dogs

High-quality wet food contains 100% meat, usually beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit, and sea fish (tuna, salmon). Some manufacturers produce products from horse meat, duck, and venison. Canned food for dogs containing meat, offal (liver, heart, tripe), cereals, and vegetables are lower in cost. There are super-premium foods with an exquisite composition. A striking example then canned food Kennels "Favourite (Kennels Favorite) with venison and prunes, goose and apples, duck and blueberries, partridge and coconut, tuna and apricot.

Economy class feed may also contain additional gelling agents, soy, dyes, and preservatives.

Production technology

Each manufacturer keeps the process of producing canned food secret, but the general stages of production can be briefly described. At the initial stage, meat and meat by-products, fresh or frozen, are ground into pieces of the required size, then minerals, vitamins, water and grains, vegetables are added in certain proportions, if they are provided for in the recipe.

Next, all the components included in this or that canned food are mixed to the desired consistency; during the mixing process, the mass is gradually heated to a certain temperature - to the point at which the starch turns into jelly.

Then the finished mass is packaged, sealed, sterilized by heating to a temperature of more than 120 degrees Celsius for several minutes and cooled.

At the final stage of production, the packaging is marked, labeled, packed into boxes and delivered to the market.

Food manufacturers produce canned food for adult dogs of small, medium, large breeds, puppies, elderly and pregnant dogs, as well as for dogs suffering from obesity and other diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of canned food for dogs

Convenient for feeding dogs on the road, at the dacha, and in other situations when it is not possible to feed them meat or dry food. The increased moisture content reduces the dog's need to drink, which is also convenient when traveling.

Canned wet food is digested faster and better. The taste appeal of canned food often tempts not only dogs, but also their owners. High-quality canned food looks appetizing, has a pleasant aroma, as a result of which the dog eats it with pleasure. However, due to the taste appeal of canned food, pets may refuse their usual food.

Obvious disadvantages include a short shelf life after opening the package. However, in most cases, manufacturers produce canned food in convenient packaging designed for one feeding. The weight of the canned food depends on the size of the specific breed of dog.

There is insufficient quantity in gourmet food minerals, the composition is not complete, the dog does not receive the required amount of nutrients. Due to high content moisture energy value There is less product, but the cost of canned food is quite high. The dog needs more food to get the required amount of nutrients, whereas natural feeding It's cheaper and healthier.

The soft consistency does not allow the animal to make an effort to chew, the jaw does not train, and in addition, dogs quickly absorb soft food without having time to get enough.

With regular feeding of wet food, due to the soft consistency, dogs develop problems with their teeth, in particular the formation of tartar. Therefore, canned food should be given in combination with dry food, which helps clean teeth.

The best canned food for dogs

The list of canned dog food manufacturers is compiled based on positive reviews from dog breeders. The cost is approximate, indicated for reference and comparison. Prices are indicated without weight (the higher the price, the greater the weight), but for one piece.

How to choose canned food for dogs

It is important to choose canned food intended for feeding dogs of a certain age, size, and level of activity.

Preference should be given to high-quality premium and super-premium canned dog food.

The label must contain information about the name of the product, its purpose, manufacturer, type of feed (main or additional), shelf life and date of manufacture, composition, as well as an analysis of the percentage of protein, fat, fiber, moisture, and vitamins.

The appearance of the packaging also matters - the can should not be swollen, deformed, there should be no dents or traces of rust, the label should be intact. The package must be hermetically sealed, there should be no leaks or damage to the packaging.

The composition must indicate specific types of meat and offal, and not just the general name “meat products”, “meat”. The same condition applies to other components. Canned wet food should not contain artificial flavors, preservatives or colors.

Photo: Best dog food 2018 - 2019

The pet food market is constantly growing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to know which dog food is best. Large brands that were in advertising yesterday are now being bought out by conglomerates. Naturally, the quality of products varies depending on the policy of the owner company. To help you find a good product for your furry friend, we analyzed the market and reviews, and then compiled a rating of dog food. Moreover, we have made 3 mini-tops in different price segments - cheap, medium and premium.

Photo: Dog food rating

Fortunately, the author of this article is himself an avid dog breeder, and therefore is well acquainted with the peculiarities of feeding four-legged friends, small and large. To compile the rating the best feed for dogs, we did the following:

  • We collected reviews from the forums - where pet owners correspond. Don’t worry, we understand the Internet space, so we don’t read paid messages that fill the modern network;
  • Scanned popular items in stores - The outlets always have the best-selling products. Most often they are bought for a reason positive result in the form of a contented animal.

By combining all this data, we have compiled the most accurate top. Look at him.

10 Best Dog Foods

Each of us calculates our capabilities based on our budget. Let us note right away: animal food does not have to be expensive to satisfy the furry consumer. Let's take a look at 3 product groups:

Rating of inexpensive dog food

Saving does not mean choosing the bad. In the cheap category, it is better to pay attention to large manufacturers. They have impressive connections with various slaughterhouses and fisheries. Therefore, they buy waste that does not go into the human diet in large volumes - there is no need to add chemicals. Cheap food is made from bone meal and tissue residues that are useful for animals. Check out the rankings in this group:

4th place - Royal Canin : famous brand. On the market since 1967. Today she produces a lot of items for dogs of different ages. You can select a diet based on the breed. The following items are most popular among consumers:

  • RoyalCaninMaxi- comes in blue packaging with photo German Shepherd. Suitable for adult dogs (over 15 months) weighing 26-44 kg;
  • RoyalCaninMiniAdult- This is one of the best food for small dogs. It costs only 400-450 rubles per 1 kg, which makes the product extremely attractive. Sold in green bags;
  • RoyalCaninMediumDogs- is available in red packages, like the Junior series. In many ways, it is a universal product, as it is designed for medium-sized dogs (11-25 kg). In addition, it is cheap - 3 kg cost 1100-1200 rub.

Unspoiled reputation - important detail, because thanks to it you are sure that your pet will not develop allergies and he will definitely be full when consuming the recommended doses. All this is very important, since we buy ready-made food for 2 purposes - saving time and ensuring the health of the pet.

3rd place - NERO GOLD super premium: The brand is appreciated by owners of pets sensitive to ingredients. This is one of the best inexpensive feed for dogs according to the number of components chosen. There are positions with horned meat, chicken, turkey and even fish for special connoisseurs. Potatoes, oatmeal and cereals are used as additives. Cost 320-350 rubles per 1 kg package.

2nd place Dog Chow: Here is one of the cheapest products. Moreover, it is produced by a fairly large brand - Nestle Purina PetCare. The company has been operating since 2002 and has a turnover of $11 billion. Look at a few items:

The brand is generally not very keen to expand its range, specializing in universal food. In many ways, this is justified, since more than half of the brands on the market today simply come up with a bunch of names, slightly change the composition and package the product in a different “wrapper”. In most cases, no tests are carried out - you take food for a Pekingese, but it is no different from food for a shepherd dog. The animal is still happy. Nestle Purina PetCare has an easier time with this matter, since the choice is narrowed to a minimum.

1st place - Pronature: The holistic line combines natural and organic ingredients. The main components are poultry and meat cattle. The product of this brand has become extremely popular online. good reviews from consumers. Many people switch to a more expensive product when money becomes available, but we have not found any dissatisfied animals or their owners. All products are divided by size and age of dogs. The main thing is the price. A kilogram of Pronature can now be purchased for just 320-350 rubles.

As you can see, there are quite a few decent options on the market, sold at low prices. We can also recommend a brand Brit- she has positions priced at 550 rubles for 3 kg. It is very cheap, but in our rating we would put this manufacturer in 6-7 place if the list were larger. But, since no more than 4 positions are covered in each group, let's move on to the next category.

Rating of dog food at average price

The golden mean remains for many best choice. There are no overly cheap ingredients here - along with this fact, doubts about quality also disappear. Some, even if they have money, prefer the positions listed below. Look at the rating of dog food in the middle price segment:

2nd place - Applaws: Holistic food for dogs, sold for approximately 1050-1200 rubles per 2 kg package. More than 10 years of experience and positive reviews speak about the quality of items from this brand. In addition to the dry version, the company produces canned salmon, liver and gourmet vegetables. They cost the same as human food in similar containers and are more likely to belong to the elite group.

1st place - 1st Choice: Canadian product. It is made in the same country and has the appropriate quality. When reading the ingredients, we often see lamb meat, animal meal and fish, mainly herring. Expensive dog food is enriched not only with a group of vitamins, but also with minerals - iron, copper, zinc, etc. Rice, potatoes and oatmeal are used as additives. Look at the product features:

  • Great choice for different breeds and ages;
  • Normal price for its segment;
  • Widespread in the market.

Please note that the product is not as popular as the previous one. It may not be available at your nearest pet store - this is the only negative.

Rating of expensive dog food

By looking at a pet you can tell about the social status of its owner. That’s why wealthy people prefer to feed their furry friends the best, as well as themselves. Take a look at the list of elite brands and dog foods:

3rd place - Barking Heads: This is a holistic food produced since 2008. You can easily recognize the brand's products by their multi-colored bags decorated with cartoon drawings of animals. The company offers rations of 2 types - dry and wet. Look at the product features:

  • Using real meat;
  • Addition of iodine, vitamins A, D, E;
  • No dyes, preservatives or flavors.

It is found quite often in Barking Heads stores, therefore, having accustomed the dog to good and healthy eating, you won't run into shortages. When purchasing, you need to take into account the animal’s predisposition to allergies, since this is natural food. Take a closer look when you first consume.

2nd place - Summit holistic: another brand from Canada. Her products are distinguished by their ascetic design. There is no need to be afraid of it - in Western countries, and here too, they trust less and less catchy pictures, the production of which also increases the final cost. Reasonable people pay more attention to content. Summit holistic dog food is one such example. In our market it is more often found in the format of large packages of 12.7 kg, since it is bought mainly by wealthy people. The brand has a line of food for dogs after sterilization.

1st place - NOW Natural holistic: holistic segment. This is one of the most expensive feeds, the price of which exceeds 800 rubles per 1 kg. Unlike all existing competitors at the time of writing, the brand is the only one that produces food without grains - forget about allergies. Contains a lot of fruits and vegetables. Check out other features:

  • Free from by-products - no production waste. If it says that there is chicken meat, it means that it is inside, and not giblets or the like. This is logical, since the price greatly exceeds the cost of 1 kg muscle tissue On the market;
  • Free from animal fats - in cheap analogues they become the main meat substitute. He's not here.

Last, but not least, the advantage was the finely adjusted balance of components. If you really want the best and most expensive dog food, choose NOW Natural holistic.

In the elite segment of holistic food for animals, we also recommend paying attention to the GATHER, Almo Nature Alternative and AATU brands - they make excellent food.


The purpose of this article is to focus the reader's attention on good dog foods. There is no need to be afraid of 2 or 3 places on the list - we chose from the top candidates. The bottom line is that you go to the store, see any of these brands and feel free to buy it. You really can't go wrong! All that remains is to focus on the price and observation of the animal - there is no friend according to taste and color. One dog may lack the elements in life that are found in fish, while another dog may lack the elements found in poultry or spinach.

Remember that when switching to new food Your pet may start to act up - this is normal. We people often do not immediately give up things that are already outdated and less good than the market offers, but then we try them and are happy. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to buy new ones. Good shopping and happy life with a four-legged friend.

Many dog ​​owners feed their pets canned food. Its health and condition directly depend on the animal’s diet, so canned food must have good quality.

Today, pet stores offer a large selection of such products from different manufacturers. All that remains is to choose the best meat food that is suitable for your pet.

Composition of canned food

The most balanced are premium and holistic canned dog foods. They contain vitamin supplements and high-quality ingredients, so they best meet the needs of animals. When producing such feeds, manufacturers take into account:

  • dog breed;
  • health status;
  • physiology;
  • pet's age.

Elite products do not contain preservatives or soy and mainly consist of meat ingredients. In addition, it includes:

  • biological additives;
  • fruits;
  • grains;
  • vegetables;
  • herbs.

When feeding your pet such canned food, there is no need to additionally introduce protein, vitamin and mineral supplements into its diet.

Benefits of canned food

When choosing between dry and wet food, many owners opt for canned food. This is explained by the numerous advantages of such products:

The best super premium canned food for dogs

Bozita super premium

Balanced food consists of several types of meat, rice, mineral and vitamin supplements. It does not contain artificial additives or soy. Canned products are produced in the form of pates or pieces of meat in jelly.

Advantages of Bozita super premium:

  • good quality;
  • convenient container;
  • minerals and vitamins in the composition;
  • budget price.
  • low protein content;
  • the main carbohydrate source is brown rice;
  • the composition includes allergy provocateurs - rice and chicken;
  • the diet does not contain vegetables.

The Italian manufacturer produces canned food taking into account the needs of pets. The product contains fresh meat and its derivatives, vegetables, rice. You can choose a diet for dogs with sensitive digestion and for puppies. The pet will receive balanced diet without food colors and chemical preservatives.

Advantages of Almo Nature:

  • a large selection of products that vary in composition and consistency;
  • natural ingredients;
  • balanced composition;
  • good quality;
  • low cost.


Canned food Animonda is food super premium class, which was developed by professional nutritionists. They are made from natural selected meat and are intended for adult dogs of small, medium and large breeds, sensitive and picky pets. In addition to meat and vegetables, the product contains may even include fruits. The consistency of the diet resembles stew, which does not contain fat.


  • natural quality ingredients;
  • natural taste of meat:
  • wide variety of compositions;
  • added vitamins and minerals;
  • does not contain soy or grains.


Balanced wet food with pieces of chicken or lamb also contains grains, minerals, vitamins and fish fat. Its use will support your pet's immunity. The manufacturer produces mixtures for puppies, the treatment of obesity, and dogs with problem coats and skin.


  • balanced composition;
  • You can choose low-calorie and hypoallergenic products.


  • small, therefore inconvenient packaging;
  • quite high price;
  • low protein content;
  • few flavor options (only chicken and lamb).

Hills Ideal balances

Hills Ideal balans canned food is a balanced diet for puppies and adult dogs of small, large and medium breeds.

The food contains turkey and chicken with vegetables, vegetables, bran, flax-seed, rice and potato starch, minerals and vitamins.

The manufacturer produces different types products that can be intended to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, skin, urinary tract, joints. You can choose a canned product for animals suffering from allergies and prone to obesity.


  • balanced composition;
  • You can choose a mixture for a specific breed and maintain health.

The disadvantages of the product include low fat and protein content.


The American manufacturer produces high-quality pet food, which consists of natural products. In their composition no artificial colors or preservatives added. A tasty, balanced and nutritious diet consists of pieces of chicken or duck, stewed vegetables, apples, spicy sauce, flax seeds, olive oil, potato starch. Rosemary, thyme or sage are added to the product, which are beneficial for health and have a seductive aroma.


  • natural ingredients;
  • balanced composition;
  • signature taste and aroma;
  • Suitable for dogs of all breeds.

The disadvantages include a small selection of canned products, which are represented in online stores by only three types of canned food.

The best holistic canned foods

Holistic dog food is made from high quality products. They contain more than 50% meat, fruits, vegetables and berries. They do not contain by-products or preservatives. Some of the best holistic canned foods include Barking Heads and Belcando.

Barking Heads. Canned food from an English manufacturer is distinguished by a balanced composition with high-quality ingredients. They contain about 70% meat or fish, tomatoes, carrots, green peas and potatoes, brown rice, basil, and seaweed. The products are available in five versions, which are intended for older pets, dogs suffering from obesity, animals with sensitive digestion and coat problems. Canned food “Vanity around the bowl” has great taste and are suitable for any dog. The disadvantage of feed is its high cost.

Belcando. A German manufacturer produces canned dog food consisting of various types meat. It can be chicken, beef, duck, horse meat and even kangaroo. In addition to meat products, the food includes vegetables and berries, noodles or rice. Some foods contain lingonberries or cranberries, which are beneficial for the urinary system. In the production of products, special technology is used, due to which all ingredients retain their beneficial nutritional properties.

Owner reviews

Our family has a dachshund, which we all love very much, so we buy the best for it. Our dog just loves Animonda canned food. They are not cheap, but I buy them regularly and give them as treats. The food consists of pieces of meat and jelly, looks very appetizing in appearance and smells delicious. I tried this meat myself once and liked it. German manufacturers always produce high-quality products.

Yulia, Russia

For the second year now, we have been feeding our dog Bozita super premium canned food. Before this we tried to give her other foods, but this is the only one she eats with pleasure. It smells like stew and does not cause allergies. The pet's stool, health and coat are in perfect order. Even cats climb into the dog's bowl and eat the leftovers. Sometimes there are canned foods in which almost half of the composition is jelly. But this rarely happens. The dog really likes it if you add stewed meat with jelly to the porridge. It turns out healthy and appetizing. The product comes in a large jar, which is enough for our pet twice. We are very pleased with the food, although it is quite expensive.

Irina, Russia

In my review, I would like to warn you that Bozita canned food contains pork, so it is not suitable for all dogs. Not long ago I Yorkshire Terrier I fed him this food, after which he developed diarrhea. We didn’t immediately think that it was from canned food. But when there was blood in his stool, we literally ran to the vet. It turned out that our pet had stomach problems and couldn’t be fed pork. The doctor advised us to eat food for dogs with gastrointestinal problems, which we still eat. The stool was restored, and there were no more stomach problems. Before buying food for your pet, carefully study its composition.

Alena, Russia

We have a toy terrier in our house who eats dry food. We feed our second dog natural foods, and the little terrier is always trying to steal something from her bowl. But a dog of this breed must have a special diet, so we buy special dry food, which he is already tired of.

We tried buying different canned foods and decided on Almo Nature. This is a high-quality canned product, which may contain veal, beef and ham, chicken fillet, tuna. We mainly buy a mixture with veal, which smells exactly like meat. In addition to meat, the composition includes meat broth, rice and guarone gum. It is written that there should be 3% rice, but it seems to me that it is about 20%. The product looks very natural. I added it to dry food, and in just a few minutes the bowl became empty. We haven’t completely switched to canned food, I just add it to dry food, which our pet now eats with pleasure.

Larisa, Russia

When we bought a puppy, we immediately began to select food for him. Our dog immediately liked the canned food Eukanuba, intended for puppies. There are no allergies to it or problems with stool. The pet eats it very well and could eat the whole jar at one time, but we limit it and divide it into two or three times. Sometimes we don’t even take food out of the can; the puppy eats directly from it. He buys feed immediately in bulk through an online store, which is much cheaper.

Svetlana, Russia

We struggled for a long time with the diet of our pet, who ate only meat from natural products, and sometimes could eat dry food. One friend advised me to try feeding the dog canned food, which she really liked. We accidentally came across Merrick canned dog products. These are super premium canned goods that are of good quality and smell very tasty. Big dogs It will be expensive to feed them, but they are suitable for small, picky pets.

Canned dog food became a real revolution in its time. After all, feeding animals has become much easier. However, along with their fans, there were also those who argued that such food had a negative impact on the health of dogs, and they were nothing but harmful.

What are the benefits of ready-made canned dog food?

Canned dog food has better taste and is more easy to digest than dry food or food from the owner's table. This is due to the fact that during their preparation the composition is balanced and the ingredients are selected by weight. For the most part, even the characteristics of the dog are taken into account, for example, whether it is an adult, pregnant or lactating.

75% of the composition in this diet is water. At the same time, ready-made food contains more fat and is a fairly high-calorie product. Due to this, they represent an optimal product if the animal has a high energy requirement.

There are 2 types of meat food:
- regular diet;
- delicacy table.

The first type usually contains different ingredients (and far from being the highest quality and best): animal tissue, soy, grains. Due to this they become cheaper. Canned deli meats consist of offal and soy. Soybeans get their brown color, which imitates meat, from dyes. These foods contain a lot of protein, which leads to kidney problems in dogs. Delicious food includes offal such as shrimp, chicken, tuna, kidneys, and liver. Due to this, it gets an original taste and becomes especially popular among four-legged animals.

What are the disadvantages of canned meat?

Feed, even those produced by well-known and large manufacturers, is deficient in the composition of nutrients, namely: there are not enough minerals. If you feed your animal thymi too often, or even completely switch your dog to feeding it, you can get a number of bone problems. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate meat with dry food.

In addition, it is worth understanding that different manufacturers may hide different meanings under the name of the same substance. For example, in one food protein is one dose of a substance, and in another it is completely different. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about any kind of balance, because in each individual case it is calculated in its own way.

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When choosing wet food for dogs, owners give preference to balanced and healthy diet for your pets. The advantage of this diet is that it contains everything useful material: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in necessary for the body animal proportions. And most importantly, canned wet food contains liquid, which improves the absorption of food. Experienced pet owners know that when dry feeding it is important to provide extra drinking plenty of fluids. But if you choose liquid dog food, you may not be able to control the amount of water your animal will drink.

Choosing wet dog food

It is important to choose the right ready-made food for your pet. Please note that the bagged dog food on the market is not universal. There are recommendations for its use, depending on the breed, weight and age of the animal. There is also a category of food with medicinal properties– their use is recommended only as prescribed by a specialist. When choosing a manufacturer and series, you should definitely pay attention to the composition of the product. Natural ingredients, a balanced diet - all this guarantees premium food. It is also important to remember that veterinarians and breeders do not recommend feeding animals by mixing ready-made factory-produced food and natural food. This approach to diet formation can lead to disruption digestive system and call various problems health problems, including obesity.

Each series of products has a strictly calculated composition. This is complete nutrition for the animal. It is for these reasons that it is presented on the shelves as dog food. small breeds, and series for large pets. The manufacturer takes into account the body's need for each ingredient, providing your four-legged friend with a nutritious, tasty and healthy lunch.

The most popular among dog breeders is soft dog food in bags. Such products are natural pieces of meat or chicken in broth or sauce. Each package of food is designed for one meal. This solution is very convenient when you are traveling with your pet and there is no way to organize dry food. Despite the fact that the price of such a solution will be slightly higher compared to dry food, you can buy canned food in any supermarket and even in gas station stores.