Chlorophyllipt oil drops. Chlorophyllipt for children from a runny nose. Chlorophyllipt instructions for use

Chlorophyllipt is a drug produced in various forms, which is widely popular in the treatment of various diseases affecting the throat, nose, etc. For the treatment of diseases, causing swelling nasopharynx Chlorophyllipt is a very effective and efficient remedy.

The healing properties of Chlorophyllipt are ensured due to the presence in its composition of substances isolated from eucalyptus. These are chlorophylls a and b. These substances in the plant provide the process of photosynthesis and nutrition. The extract from eucalyptus leaves has a high concentration of chlorophylls, so medicine based on them is very effective.

The release form of Chlorophyllipt for instillation into the nose is a solution based on alcohol or oil. An oil solution is less damaging to the mucous membrane, so preference should be given to it. Chlorophyllipt in the nose is prescribed primarily to combat a runny nose caused by a staphylococcal infection in the nose. Rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis are the main indications for the use of the drug.

The effectiveness of the drug in the fight against nasopharyngeal infections

Swelling and mucus discharge from the nose are significantly reduced after instillation of Chlorophyllipt solution. This effect is achieved due to the influence of substances extracted from eucalyptus leaves in solution.

The causative agents of infection - staphylococcus or other types of cocci - die under the influence of the medicine. Therefore, the drug not only alleviates the condition of a sick person, but also fights directly against the causes of the painful condition.

It is the high effectiveness in diseases of the nasopharynx with coccal pathogens that increases the popularity of the drug.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed not only for nasal instillation. It is also used during operations to clean various cavities and during operations on the ENT organs. ENT doctors also cleanse the sinuses using Chlorophyllipt solution.

The list of indications for the use of solutions (oil and alcohol are used in almost the same cases) is quite extensive, and it is not limited to diseases of the nasopharynx. The drug is used for certain diseases of the female reproductive system, for bronchitis, as well as for complex therapy peptic ulcer stomach, etc.

But the drug also has contraindications, although they are few. It is necessary to stop using the drug if the patient is allergic to the main or auxiliary components of the drug. In this case, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and face may occur. As a rule, this effect is observed quite rarely, so the risks of using the medicine are minimal.

You should be careful when using an alcohol solution. Its base can dry out the mucous membrane, so it is necessary to carefully monitor compliance with the dosage of the drug. Otherwise, the medicine is safe, so it is sold without a prescription.

Methods of nasal administration

Using Chlorophyllipt, you can rinse your nose and instill it, or perform inhalations. The medicine can also be used to treat the throat, but in this case the methods of application will be different.

To rinse your nose, you will need to prepare a solution of the medicine. This method of treatment is quite problematic to implement with a child, so rinsing is often prescribed to adults. An alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt must be diluted in saline solution.

For 200 ml of saline solution take 1 teaspoon of Chlorophyllipt. Rinse each nasal passage with 2 ml of the prepared product. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day. For rinsing, use a syringe without a needle. The required amount of medicine is taken into it and injected into the nasal passage. In this case, the liquid should pour out through the other nostril.

This method of treatment helps well with sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection, as well as streptococcal infection nose, with a runny nose, this method of treatment makes it easier to breathe through the nose.

For nasal instillation, only an oil solution is used. For the treatment of adults, instillation of 2-3 drops into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day is usually prescribed. The oil solution can be dripped into the child’s nose, but the dosage should be determined strictly by the attending physician.

You can use inhalation to get rid of a runny nose. A special nebulizer is used for this. For inhalation, it is necessary to dilute the oil solution of Chlorophyllipt in boiled water. The optimal proportion is 1:10. After the procedure, nasal breathing becomes easier.

If there is no special nebulizer, you can inhale over a container with hot water with the addition of medicine. You need to bend over such a container and cover yourself with a towel. A remedy you just need to breathe. When the nasopharynx is affected by staphylococci, this procedure is very effective.

The use of the medicine is usually prescribed for 10 days. But even if you take it for a longer period of time, there will be no harm to the body.

The drug is absolutely safe if a person is not allergic to it. The drug is not addictive, so you can use it longer if necessary.

Features of use for children

Due to the safety of the drug, it is often prescribed to children. Even newborns can be prescribed this medicine. The frequency of use of Chlorophyllipt for children is explained by the fact that it can replace strong antibiotics when the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are damaged by staphylococcal infection, and many antibiotics are prescribed to a child only when absolutely necessary.

Only an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt is prescribed into the nose. Only a doctor can determine the frequency of use and dose.

However, the drug should not be used in children whose runny nose is caused by allergic rhinitis or there is very severe swelling of the mucous membrane, since a side effect of using the drug is allergic reaction, in which the symptoms of the disease will only intensify.

Washing with the use of the drug is prescribed to children quite rarely. Firstly, it can be problematic to carry out such a procedure for a child. Secondly, an alcohol solution is usually used for rinsing, but the alcohol in the composition can injure the mucous membrane.

In any case, you can use the product to treat children only with a doctor’s prescription. In this case, the risks are minimal. Only a doctor can determine the cause of a child’s runny nose and understand whether Chlorophyllipt will be effective or not.

To combat ENT diseases in children and adults, oil and alcohol solutions of Chlorophyllipt are used quite often. The reasons for this are its high effectiveness in diseases caused by staphylococcal infection, safety (if there is no allergy), and cost-effectiveness.

Compared to antibiotics that have the same effect, Chlorophyllipt is inexpensive. The average price for Moscow or St. Petersburg will be 300-350 rubles. per 100 ml of 1% alcohol solution. An oil solution of 2% costs 130-150 rubles. for 20 ml.

Chlorophyllipt has quite a lot of analogues that are suitable for external use, but similar means There are practically none that could be used to drip or rinse the nose. A few analogues include: Chlorophyllin-03, Galenophyllipt, Eucalymin. All these products are available in the form of solutions.

Chlorophyllipt is a powerful antiseptic, known to everyone since Soviet times. It is obtained from eucalyptus leaves, which are rich in valuable chlorophylls (hence the name of the drug). Thanks to its biologically active components, it actively affects staphylococcal infections (including those strains that are insensitive to antibiotics), as well as other bacteria, and is therefore widely used in medicine.

Chlorophyllipt is an effective remedy for a runny nose.

In addition, chlorophyllipt reduces resistance (stability) pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics and antimicrobials, so it is often prescribed in combination therapy with other medications. In addition to its antibacterial effect, chlorophyllipt relieves inflammation and promotes fast healing wounds and minor abrasions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Chlorophyllipt not only fights bacteria, causing disease, but also helps the nasal mucosa recover from illness. However, before using this drug, you must consult with your local pediatrician and make sure that the child does not have allergies.

Chlorophyllipt is available in the form of a solution (alcohol, water or oil), lozenges and spray for treatment sore throat. When treating a runny nose, an oil (in rare cases, an aqueous or alcoholic) solution of chlorophyllipt is used.

The product can be used in the form of a spray

Instillation of chlorophyllipt into the nose

The most common use of this remedy in the treatment of runny nose in children and adults is instillation of an oil solution of chlorophyllipt into the nose. This should be done 3 – 4 times a day. In order for the medicine to get into the paranasal sinuses, you need to take a comfortable position, lean back (without throwing your head back too much) and drip 2-3 drops of chlorophyllipt oil solution into each nostril. You should not get up immediately after instillation, because... The thick, oily medicine needs time to penetrate to the site of inflammation. Otherwise, it will simply drain into the nasopharynx.

Once on the inflamed mucosa, chlorophyllipt has an antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation and heals the nasal mucosa. However, the effect does not appear immediately, because the medicine needs time for the effect of its use to become noticeable.

Usually positive results will be obvious after 2-3 days of instillation: the amount of mucus secreted will decrease, it will become less thick, and nasal breathing will improve.

Using the drug helps with inflammation

Applications with chlorophyllipt for runny nose in children

Chlorophyllipt for runny nose in children is often used in the form of applications. This helps strengthen therapeutic effect medications, and also use it for those who do not want to drip anything inside.

For applications, you need to make tight cotton strands, moisten them oil solution chlorophyllipt and place it in turn in each nasal passage (first one, then the other so that the child can breathe). Do not insert it too deep so as not to injure the mucous membrane and cause discomfort to the child. Application time is 10, maximum 15 minutes, depending on the age and reaction of the child to the medicine. Next, the oiled tourniquet is pulled out of the nasal cavity and discarded. It is not recommended to reuse it. Such procedures should be carried out 1 – 2 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that chlorophyllipt is natural and quite safe medicine, there are a number of contraindications to its use. Parents should read the instructions carefully and consult a doctor regarding how best to use this medicine when treating a runny nose in children - whether to bury nose drops, apply applications, etc.

You should not prescribe a remedy for children on your own.

The most important contraindication when using chlorophyllipt is its individual intolerance. Therefore, when using it for the first time in a child, parents should be very careful and start treatment with small doses (for example, start with 1 drop) and look at the reaction of the baby’s body.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about how, when and whether it is harmful to use oil drops to treat a runny nose in children:

Chlorophyllipt is a popular drug for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs. This medicine renders antimicrobial effect and completely safe for humans. This drug helps relieve inflammation, destroy pathogens and speed up recovery.

Oil-based chlorophyllipt: composition and properties

Chlorophyllipt is a natural preparation that provides antiseptic effect. It is based on chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves. The biologically active substance Chlorophyllipt has a bactericidal and etiotropic effect on antibiotics resistant to and.

The oil solution contains the following components: olive or sunflower oil and eucalyptus leaf extract 2%. The solution looks like a clear, emerald-colored oily liquid.

Chlorophyllipt is produced in bottles, the volume of which can be 20 and 30 ml.

The oil composition of the drug must be stored at room temperature. Do not store in the refrigerator. The medicinal product should not come into contact with Sun rays. This makes them lost beneficial features drug.

Chlorophyllipt in any dosage form helps to effectively destroy pathogens. But many parents, when choosing a medicine, wonder what is better, the oil or alcohol composition of Chlorophyllipt.

An alcohol solution is used for treating the umbilical wound and for prickly heat. Chlorophyllipt containing alcohol is strictly prohibited from being used internally. To gargle, dilute 3 teaspoons of solution in 100 ml of water.

An oil solution is used when the use of drugs containing alcohol is contraindicated. But unlike an alcohol solution, the drug is oil based lasts longer on the affected area.

Moreover, this form of medication is more preferable for young children. They do not yet know how to gargle on their own, and for a sore throat, you can use an oil solution without dilution.

Indications for use in children

Chlorophyllipt is prescribed to children for the treatment of diseases caused by streptococcus:

  • Acne
  • Stomatitis

In addition, the drug can be used for bacterial infections and to activate protective forces body. You can also use the product for burns, inflammatory skin processes, frostbite, purulent wounds. Oil-based Chlorophyllipt is used in gynecology in adults.

Newborns are often attacked staphylococcal infection. Pathogenic microorganisms may not be located on the surface of the skin, but multiply in internal organs, provoking the development of many serious illnesses. To eliminate the infection, alcohol-based Chlorophyllipt is prescribed for intravenous administration and at the same time an oil solution for oral administration. Chlorophyllipt can be used not only for medicinal but also for preventive purposes.

Pepper patch, how long to keep and in what cases to use

Rules of application

The oil solution can be used for topical use and for oral administration.To treat a runny nose, three drops of Chlorophyllipt are instilled into the nose. The interval between instillation should be 6 hours. You can not only instill it, but also lubricate the mucous membrane. First, the nose must be cleaned and rinsed with saline solution.

Nasal drops can only be used from 3 years of age. Before this age, cotton wool soaked in a solution is used and placed in each nostril.If you need to moisten a cotton swab in the solution, wrap it around long tongs or moisten cotton swab and lubricate inflamed tonsils. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.

To reduce before using Chlorophyllipt, first dissolve in a glass of water and. Only after this treat the throat with an oil solution. You can use another method: gargle with Chlorophyllipt alcohol, and then lubricate with an oil mixture.

Chlorophyllipt also helps cope with acne. This tool reduces inflammatory process and eliminates redness. Before using the product, you need to cleanse your face and apply the solution to the skin until completely absorbed. The manipulation is repeated after 12 hours.

For stomatitis or treatment oral cavity oil solution is also actively used. The swab is moistened in the solution and applied to the affected area for 5-10 minutes. The drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Useful video - Inhalation with a nebulizer with Chlorophyllipt and saline solution:

The oil solution is contraindicated for use when hypersensitivity to chlorophylls. Active substance may cause an allergic reaction. To avoid possible reaction It is advisable to do a sensitivity test for the drug. To do this, lubricate a small area of ​​skin, and if no reaction is observed after 10 hours, then the product can be used.When side effects in the form of itching, burning, dry mucous membranes while taking the drug, you must stop using it.

Analogues of the drug

There are several analogues of Chlorophyllipt with a similar active ingredient:

  • Galenophyllipt. Is an antimicrobial agent plant origin. The drug has wide range action and restores damaged tissue. The use of the drug during pregnancy and children under 18 years of age is prohibited.
  • Eucalymin. The drug is intended for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin, mucous membranes, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, ENT organs. Has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Apply topically, but can be used as a. Eucalymin solution can be used for irrigation, douching, as compresses or lotions.
  • Chlorophyllin-03. Herbal preparation has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Intended for topical and internal use. Can be used in childhood.

When choosing herbal remedy To treat purulent and inflammatory processes, you must consult a doctor.

The cause of sinusitis is quite often staphylococci. These spherical bacteria are highly resistant to adverse conditions and antibiotic therapy. Treatment of diseases caused by them is very difficult. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, in addition to antibiotics, other agents that can fight staphylococci are included. That is why Chlorophyllipt for sinusitis is often found in doctors’ prescriptions.

Characteristics of the product and its effect

Chlorophyllipt is a medicine that is obtained from eucalyptus leaves by extraction.

The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect to antibiotic-dependent and antibiotic-resistant species of staphylococci. In addition, Chlorophyllipt helps to increase the oxygen content in tissues, which prevents the development of hypoxia. The product also has detoxifying properties, and also significantly increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

The use of Chlorophyllipt gives excellent results for sinusitis and discharge. After all, their appearance is often associated with staphylococcal infection.

Variety of release forms

Chlorophyllipt is produced in several dosage forms. This:

  • 2% oil solution for topical use;
  • 1% and 0.25% alcohol solutions;
  • spray;
  • lozenges.

In all types of drug active substance a thick extract of chlorophyllipt appears. The composition of auxiliary components differs depending on the form of release. For example, in an alcohol solution, the additional component is ethanol 96%; in tablets this role is played ascorbic acid, sugar and calcium stearate.

This variety of forms allows you to choose the optimal type of remedy for treating patients of all age groups. In addition, it makes it possible to use the drug directly at the source of infection, regardless of its location.

Diseases for which Chlorophyllipt is used

Judging by the main effect of the drug, conclusions can be drawn about the scope of its application. Chlorophyllipt is prescribed for the treatment various diseases, the cause of which was staphylococcus. It can be:

  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • infected wounds;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • burn disease;
  • staphylococcal septic conditions;
  • cervical erosion;
  • peritonitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • pneumonia;
  • carriage of staphylococci.

Features of use for sinusitis

Chlorophyllipt can be used in several ways for sinusitis. The attending physician will be able to indicate the most suitable one based on the results of tests and examination. In addition to Chlorophyllipt, other remedies will be prescribed, the use of which will help to quickly achieve recovery.

Before starting treatment, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, after the first use of the product, you need to take a break for 6 hours. If during this time no manifestations of allergies or other undesirable effects appear, then you can safely continue therapy.

Chlorophyllipt is excellent for rinsing the nose. During this process, staphylococci die and are washed out of the nasal cavities along with pus and secretions.

For rinsing, use a 1% alcohol solution. 1 tablespoon of this solution should be diluted in a glass of warm water.

To carry out the procedure, you should stand near a sink or basin, lean forward slightly and turn your head to the side. Using a large syringe or a special nasal watering can, the solution is poured into one nostril so that it flows out of the other. Then you need to blow your nose, turn your head in the other direction and rinse the second nostril in the same way.

You can additionally gargle with the same diluted solution to “wash” staphylococci from the entire nasopharynx and prevent the spread of infection to the throat.

Nasal drops

For instillation into the nose, an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt is used, since there is no special release form for the nose. Before the procedure, it is recommended to clear the nasal passages of mucus using saline solutions. Then draw the oil solution into a pipette, tilt your head back and instill the required amount of the drug. It is recommended to dilute Chlorophyllipt for children vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio before use, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor.

You should be aware that the oil solution is highly irritating to the mucous membrane. Therefore, the procedure is quite unpleasant. After instillation, a burning sensation of the mucous membrane immediately appears and bad taste in the mouth.


You can also use an alcohol solution for inhalation using a nebulizer. Chlorophyllipt must be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1 to 10 before using this method. On average, adults need to carry out the procedure for 8-10 minutes, and children – 3-5 minutes.

Turundas in the nose

An excellent option for using the product for sinusitis and green snot in children is cotton swabs in the nose. Before placing them in the nostrils, they are soaked in an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt. This application avoids severe discomfort, which are accompanied by instillation of the product into the nose. Thus, adult patients can also use the drug.

Application of spray and tablets

To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, you can additionally local application Add chlorophyllipt to the nose, irrigate the throat with a spray or dissolve tablets. After all, staphylococci inhabit not only the nasal cavities. Quite often with sinusitis they are distributed throughout the nasopharynx. Additional uses tablets and spray help prevent further spread of infection through tissues, as well as the development of complications of the disease.


The drug has a high safety profile. Its main contraindication is individual intolerance.

Side effects

Chlorophyllipt can cause an allergic reaction, manifested by skin rashes, swelling of the lips and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

When using tablets, irritation of the oral mucosa is also possible, headache, nausea and dizziness.

Use in special patient groups

On this moment There have not been enough studies to confirm the safety of using Chlorophyllipt in pregnant, breastfeeding women, or children. At the same time, data on negative impact for these categories of patients, too. Therefore, the drug can be used for their treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Most people prefer to be treated with medications of natural origin, so chlorophyllipt in the nose is often used to combat a runny nose.

This medicine is based on eucalyptus leaf extract and is available in the form of spray, tablets, alcohol and oil solutions.

Chlorophyllipt for the nose: indications for use

The medicine exhibits pronounced:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • expectorant;
  • bactericidal effect (it is especially active against staphylococci).

that it is not addictive and can suppress the activity of even those strains of microorganisms that have developed resistance to the action of benzylpenicillin antibiotics, in particular Procaine and Benzathine.

In addition, chlorophyllipt helps reduce the resistance (insensitivity) of microorganisms to various antibiotics Therefore, it is often prescribed as part of complex therapy for various diseases.

Thus, it is most advisable to use the drug for pathologies and other bacteria.

But the list of things that chlorophyllipt helps with does not end there. Its use is indicated for:

  • burns to varying degrees heaviness;
  • frostbite;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • purulent processes;
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammatory skin diseases.

In otolaryngology, an oil solution of chlorophyllipt is mainly used, since it has a gentler effect on the mucous membranes and is less likely to cause burns. The main indications for its use in ENT practice are:

Sinusitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinus . The disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. Characteristic symptoms are the release of snot, sometimes with admixtures of pus, fever, headaches and discomfort when pressing on soft fabrics over the affected sinuses.. Bacterial rhinitis. This is an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, provoked

various bacteria Typical sign is the discharge of greenish mucus.

  • Adenoiditis.
  • This is an inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil. Most often diagnosed in preschool children.
  • You should not expect an immediate effect. Since chlorophyllipt is

natural product

, it will take at least 2-3 days for the first results to appear from its use. After their expiration, you can count on: reducing mucus viscosity; reducing the amount of snot produced;

easier breathing.

Nevertheless, in the treatment of all kinds of colds, a 1% alcohol solution can be successfully used. For a cold accompanied by a sore throat, gargling is recommended.

But before starting the procedure, the drug must be diluted, based on the fact that 100 ml of warm

boiled water

should account for 1 tsp. chlorophyllipt alcohol. From staphylococcus in the nose Treatment of staphylococcus in the nose with chlorophyllipt is highly effective.

But the development of diseases is provoked only when immunity decreases, which is observed after suffering other ailments, severe stress, hypothermia, etc.

If they settle on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, this manifests itself as rhinorrhea and can eventually develop into sinusitis and other serious pathologies.

Since people today often prescribe antibiotics to themselves and take them without any medical supervision,

Therefore, when creating favorable conditions for their reproduction the number of pathogenic microorganisms is growing rapidly. In such cases, the use of even the most modern and strong antibiotics may not give results.

To cope with the situation, otolaryngologists often prescribe to their patients to initially instill oil chlorophyllipt and only then take antibiotics. The drug kills bacteria and reduces their resistance to antibacterial substances and, therefore, enhances their effectiveness.

The doctor decides how much to drip in each case individually, but it is usually recommended to administer it in therapeutic doses: 2 drops for children and 3 drops for adults 3-4 times a day. Source: website


The medication in any form should not be used if previously taking it caused problems. In all other cases, it can be safely used, even during pregnancy and lactation. But in such situations, it is still better to first visit a doctor and find out whether chlorophyllipt is needed or if you should choose another medicine.

To make sure there is no allergy to the drug, you need to lubricate a small area of ​​forearm skin with an oil solution or take a small amount of inside. If there is no change in condition within 6–8 hours skin and the body as a whole, you can start using the medication regularly.

Analogs and price

Although today you can buy chlorophyllipt at any pharmacy and even order it online, sometimes it is simply not available. In such situations, you should ask for analogues. These may include:

  • Chlorophyllin-03;
  • Eucalymin;
  • Galenophyllipt.

But still the price oil chlorophyllipt much lower than him modern analogues. On average it is 120–160 rubles.

Oily chlorophyllipt in the child’s nose

Before starting treatment for children, especially in the first years of life, you should definitely consult your local pediatrician and find out whether chlorophyllipt can be dripped into your baby’s nose.

After all, children are more at risk of developing allergies, so if the baby has an intolerance to certain foods, pollen and other substances, the doctor, based on own experience, will be able to try to predict whether an allergic reaction to the drug will occur or not.

Since young patients may respond differently to the medicine, it is recommended to begin treatment with instillation of a minimum amount of the drug, diluted in equal proportions with vegetable oil.

Therefore, for the first time, it is enough for children to administer only 1 drop of the resulting solution, after which it is necessary to carefully monitor the body’s reaction. If the child does not complain of discomfort, there is no swelling or itching, you can gradually increase the dose to the recommended one.

In general, the oil solution can be instilled even into infants. This should be done 3-4 times a day, injecting 2-3 drops of the product diluted with vegetable oil into each nostril.

There is no need to immediately pick up the child or allow him to stand up, since the liquid takes some time to spread across the mucous membrane and thereby produce a therapeutic effect.

But due to the fact that it is very difficult for children to lie still for at least 5 minutes, administering the drug in the form of applications is widely practiced.

That is, tampons with chlorophyllipt are inserted into the nasal passages one by one for 10–15 minutes. To make them, it is enough to soak tightly twisted cotton strands with an oil solution. The method is suitable for both newborns and older toddlers. Applications are made up to two times a day.

Chlorophyllipt for runny nose

If you have a runny nose, you should choose an oil solution. Adults introduce it to pure form 3 drops in each nasal passage, throwing your head back. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you should maintain this position for at least 5 minutes, so it is better to perform it while lying down.
The administration of the medicine may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation and discomfort. If the sensations are tolerable and there is no swelling or itching after the manipulation, this is normal.

To get rid of snot faster, you should combine the use of chlorophyllipt with other medications, in particular, vasoconstrictor drugs, saline solution, local antibiotics. But the latter are used only for severe forms of bacterial rhinitis, which does not go away within 2 weeks.

If a runny nose occurs with adenoids, you must try to allow the oil to flow down the nasopharynx. This can be achieved by taking a comfortable reclining position and throwing your head back a little. The drug is instilled and waited until it completely drains into the mouth. This usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

You can also fight a runny nose with inhalations. To carry them out, it is enough to dilute the alcohol solution in saline solution in a ratio of 1:10 and pour it into the nebulizer.

Chlorophyllipt for sinusitis

With a mild, uncomplicated course of the disease, chlorophyllipt oil can become the only remedy used. And if available purulent discharge it will perfectly complement instillation of antibiotics.

  • make applications;
  • carry out inhalations;
  • (alcohol solution diluted with water);
  • consume orally (1 tsp 4 times a day for 10–14 days);
  • instillation into the nasal cavity.

For sinusitis, you should Special attention pay attention to how to drip chlorophyllipt into the nose. Because it is necessary for the drug to penetrate into the paranasal sinuses affected by microorganisms. Therefore, in such situations, it is extremely important to stay in bed with your head thrown back. after administration of the product for at least 10 minutes.

When the manipulation is carried out correctly, the patient's condition quickly improves. The thick, viscous secretion liquefies and begins to come out of the paranasal sinus. As a result, discomfort and headache disappear, nasal breathing normalizes.

Rinsing the nose with chlorophyllipt

You should rinse your nose alcohol solution medicine. The method of diluting the drug is similar to that used for gargling for colds, that is, take 2 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon of the product per glass of water.

To rinse your nose you need:

  1. Take a syringe, syringe, teapot or special teapot.
  2. Pour the prepared mixture into it (temperature 25–30°C).
  3. Lean over the sink and tilt your head to the side.
  4. Inject the solution into the upper nostril.
  5. Repeat on the opposite side.