Medical centers gynecologist endocrinologist. Appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Consultative appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist

Modern gynecological endocrinology is a fundamental interdisciplinary branch of gynecology located at the intersection of such sciences as endocrinology, andrology, gynecology and dermatology.

She studies the hormonal function of the female body, diagnoses and treats diseases that are associated with impaired production of certain hormones and their effect on human organs. Under the influence of hormones, organ formation occurs reproductive system, the growth and development of the female body, has an impact on the psycho-emotional and physical health women, on metabolic processes.

Female hormones, androgens and progesterone act on absolutely all organs in a woman’s body. Brain, bones, blood vessels, even lacrimal glands depend on hormones. That's why any violation normal operation ovarian dysfunction can cause problems not only in the genitals, but also affect the entire body.

Consultative appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist

Consultation with a good gynecologist-endocrinologist differs from a regular gynecological consultation, first of all, in its longer duration, and a more detailed conversation is held with the patient about her life and health. A gynecologist-endocrinologist, as a rule, during a conversation with you, draws up a menstrual calendar for the last months (especially if you have ovarian dysfunction or bleeding). To clarify the diagnosis, they are prescribed lab tests, which give a detailed picture of the work endocrine system and hormonal status. After conducting an examination and studying the test results, the doctor decides to prescribe treatment.

Range of issues resolved by a gynecologist-endocrinologist:

  • Endocrine female infertility (infertility caused by ovulation disorders). Diseases occurring against the background of ovulation disorders include polycystic ovary syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, adrenogenital syndrome, second (luteal) phase deficiency, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea with genetic diseases, amenorrhea due to stress, etc. Modern methods, including hormonal, contraception (indications and contraindications for prescribing hormonal contraception, drugs latest generation, positive influence on the reproductive system - prevention of endometrial and ovarian cancer, prevention of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs; problems of emergency contraception.
  • Neuroexchange-endocrine syndrome- pathological symptom complex associated with carbohydrate and fat metabolism caused by hormonal imbalances, which is accompanied by obesity.
  • Hirsutism and acne. Hirsutism is excess hair growth in women male type(hair on the chest, along the midline of the abdomen, inner thighs, lower back, in the intergluteal fold, on the face) also associated with hormonal disorders. Common mechanisms with hirsutism have another manifestation of hormonal imbalance in female bodyproblematic skin and acne.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Against the background of cyclical changes in the female body, caused by uneven production of hormones during menstrual cycle Normally, there is a change in a woman’s activity in sexual and social life, the background of her mood, and the characteristics of her response to stressful situations, general well-being. In some cases, when the production of hormones is disrupted, such changes are more pronounced with a large amplitude of mood changes, in many cases accompanied by general manifestations - changes in blood pressure, pain syndrome, loss of strength.
  • Cycle disruption. Amenorrhea, polymenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, etc. – syndromes that often accompany disturbances in the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual irregularities such as amenorrhea are a symptom of various lesions of the reproductive system.
Gynecologist-endocrinologists work in close collaboration with doctors of other specialties, which allows for a comprehensive approach to solving women's health problems.

A specialist of this profile deals not only with the treatment of diseases of the female genital area, but also disorders the development of which is provoked by hormonal disbalance, namely:

  • Painful menstruation;
  • Male pattern hair growth – most often this pathology occurs against the background higher level male sex hormones in a woman’s body;
  • Irregular menstruation;
  • Anovulatory cycle;
  • Infertility caused by a violation of the level of hormones in the body;
  • Benign neoplasms of the uterus and its appendages;
  • Lack of libido;
  • Vaginal dryness;
  • Miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency.

With timely consultation with a doctor, all these pathologies can be successfully treated and no longer bother the patient.

When does a woman need to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist?

Woman visiting gynecologist office reproductive age should, for preventive purposes, at least once a year. This will allow us to identify various deviations from the norm in early stage their development and prevent complications. A consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist is required for girls and women if:

  • The girl is over 16 years old and has not started menstruating;
  • A girl over 15 years old does not have secondary sexual characteristics (growth of mammary glands, pubic hair and armpits, change in figure);
  • Menstruation is not regular;
  • Periods are accompanied severe pain lower abdomen;
  • Lack of desired pregnancy due to regular sexual activity without the use of contraception;
  • Discharge of fluid from the breast when pressing on the nipple (applies to women and girls who do not breastfeed);
  • Lack of ovulation;
  • Recurrent miscarriage (a woman has had two or more consecutive miscarriages within 16 weeks).

Where to find a good doctor?

Nowadays it is very difficult to find a gynecologist who would completely satisfy the patient with his competence, attitude and work skills. If you are looking for a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of specialists presented on our website. Each specialist has a rating, the indicators of which are based on frequency search queries patients, the doctor’s experience, and whether he has positive reviews.

The presented Moscow gynecologists and endocrinologists constantly improve the level of their qualifications and take an active part in the study and development of the latest treatment and diagnostic methods. Reviews of other patients who have already visited the clinic and received qualified assistance will help you choose the best doctor among many specialists. True stories other women will save your time and finances, which patients often spend on doctors who are incompetent in their field.

How to get an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist?

You can get an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist by pre-registration. To do this, you need to contact an online consultant or call medical center. Pre-registration will save you from having to wait in line, as is often the case in district clinics.

Probably every woman has visited both a gynecologist and an endocrinologist (or at least one of these specialists) at least once in her life. However, there is a doctor who combines the skills of each of these doctors. We are talking about a gynecologist-endocrinologist. He is doing treatment women's diseases arising due to hormonal disorders in organism.

What does it cure?

We have already said that this doctor’s field of activity is related to the hormonal function of a woman’s body. A gynecologist-endocrinologist deals with issues related to the sexual development of girls (both too early and late), age-related changes, inability to get pregnant, etc. It is this specialist who is able to most competently select oral contraceptives, taking into account the balance of hormones and general state every woman. The reproductive system is directly related to the hormonal system, so a gynecologist-endocrinologist is able to cure a patient from a significant number of diseases.

When should you contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist?

If you have a young daughter, you should carefully monitor her development of secondary sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation. If these processes occur too early or, conversely, too late, consultation with a specialist is necessary. It is worth remembering that it is minor girls and young women who become frequent patients of gynecologists and endocrinologists in Moscow. An alarming symptom so-called juvenile bleeding also occurs.

If you have successfully overcome puberty, then you shouldn’t forget about the gynecologist-endocrinologist either. This doctor is worth visiting if you have endometriosis, metabolic disorders, as well as when the first signs of menopause appear. A specialist will help you choose the optimal therapy that will minimize or completely eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Women who cannot get pregnant due to disorders hormonal levels, the doctor will restore the balance of hormones necessary for conception. In addition, this doctor deals with the management of pregnancies that have already occurred in those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system.

Where in Moscow can you get this specialty?

To become a gynecologist-endocrinologist, at the first stage you need to obtain a higher education medical education in the field of preparation “General Medicine”, and then continue studying in an internship or residency and become a certified gynecologist. There are a number of suitable universities in the capital. Particularly noteworthy is PMSMU named after. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimov. These educational institutions conduct specialized elective courses for students completing their studies. After completing the internship or residency program, you need to obtain additional qualifications as an endocrinologist. This can be done in special courses. They are conducted, for example, by the already mentioned PMSMU.

Famous Moscow specialists

The history of this related discipline dates back to the mid-twentieth century. So, in 1958 E.I. Kvater created the department of gynecological endocrinology at the largest research institute of the USSR. The foundations of such non-operative methods of treating diseases were laid by A.B. Gillerson and S.K. Lesny, whose works are still actively used by practicing doctors. Quater's student – ​​M.L. Crimean - developed effective technique combating infertility caused by hormonal imbalance.

Few women know that with diseases caused by hormonal imbalance in the body, they need to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. The competence of this specialist includes diagnosis, therapy and prevention of pathologies of the reproductive system. So, what does a gynecologist-endocrinologist treat and in what cases is it necessary to rush to see this doctor?

Majority modern women They are careless about their health. Ladies visit the doctor mainly when there is a suspicion of a malfunction in the genitourinary system, and representatives of the fairer sex most often come to the gynecologist-endocrinologist with one complaint - long time pregnancy does not occur. In fact, a specialist in this profile has to deal with a number of other problems in women.

Field of activity, specialization

It is impossible to answer in one word the question of what a gynecologist-endocrinologist treats. This area of ​​medicine covers a wide range of reproductive and genitourinary area, as well as disorders caused by hormonal imbalance. Some patients are surprised when they are referred to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. “What kind of doctor is he that he treats?” - they often ask. The reasons for visiting a specialist of this profile are:

  • painful or irregular periods;
  • hirsutism (male pattern body hair growth) - this disease occurs due to high level male sex hormones in the female body;
  • anovulatory cycle;
  • infertility caused by hormone imbalance;
  • benign or malignant hormone-dependent neoplasms of the female genital organs;
  • decline sexual desire;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • inability to carry a pregnancy to term due to progesterone deficiency.

All of these problems can be successfully resolved. To get rid of pathology and restore normal level hormones, it is important to seek help from a gynecologist-endocrinologist in a timely manner.

Who should visit this specialist’s office?

Every representative of the fair sex needs to see a doctor at least once a year. This is especially true for women of reproductive age. Only with annual preventive examination The doctor will be able to detect the disease at an early stage, begin its treatment in time and prevent the development of complications. To come for a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist you must:

  • teenage girls over 15 years of age who do not exhibit secondary sexual characteristics (increased volume of the mammary glands, pubic hair growth, armpits) and have not yet menstruated;
  • girls and women whose periods are irregular or accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Yes mom fertile age who cannot get pregnant against the background of a stable sex life without the use of contraceptives;
  • women who are not breastfeeding, but when pressing on the nipple, fluid is released from their mammary glands.

Lack of ovulation and recurrent miscarriage are a clear indication for a visit to the doctor. If the pregnancy was interrupted two or more times before 16 weeks, it is necessary to be examined and consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Where to find experienced specialists

Today it is quite difficult to find a doctor who would exactly meet the ideas and expectations of his patients. But still, when going to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist, it is advisable to be 100% confident in the doctor’s competence, his extensive professional experience and work skills. Those who would like to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist in the capital have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with information about almost every doctor in advance. All specialists have a certain rating, the indicators of which are based on the popularity of patient search queries, work experience in this field and the presence of positive feedback about it.

Not only Muscovites, but also residents from other regions of the country and neighboring countries turn to leading Moscow gynecologist-endocrinologists. Specialists in this profile are constantly working to improve their qualifications and actively participate in research and development innovative methods diagnostics, therapy and prevention.

The above describes in detail what a gynecologist-endocrinologist treats. If you suspect any of the diseases, it is better not to put off going to the doctor, and certainly not to self-medicate. Choose the best doctor among dozens of specialists, based on the responses of patients who have already had to contact him and receive help. By studying reviews of gynecologist-endocrinologists, you can save not only time, but also money, which patients often have to spend on searching for doctors who are competent in their field.

How to get an appointment with a doctor

To visit the office of a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow, you must make an appointment in advance. This can be done in two ways - by calling the reception desk of the medical institution or leaving a request on the clinic’s website. Thanks to pre-registration, there is no need to sit in line for hours. All you need to do is arrive 10 minutes before the appointed time, check in at the reception and go to your appointment.

Judging by the reviews, a lot of women turn to gynecologist-endocrinologists in Moscow. Making an appointment with specialists of this profile in district clinics is usually planned a month in advance, but in private medical institutions doctors, as a rule, always have free time for patients.

To get to to a good doctor A gynecologist-endocrinologist should not only read the comments of patients who sought his services, but also listen to the opinions of other specialists. Most often, staff doctors at district antenatal clinics or hospitals themselves recommend that patients consult a doctor narrow profile. Some people prefer to visit several doctors at once in order to hear the opinions of different specialists and choose best option therapy.

Rating and reviews of the best gynecologists-endocrinologists in Moscow

Each of us wants to be treated by the most experienced and qualified specialists. Judging by the reviews, gynecologists-endocrinologists of the capital are true professionals in their field, but they do not always provide medical services in accordance with certain regulations. You can find both positive and negative reviews about each doctor. In addition, we must not forget that the opinion of each person is subjective and it should not coincide with the position of other people, even if they are the majority.

The overwhelming number of positive comments from patients is indisputable evidence that the doctor has proven himself to be excellent. Leading specialists, as a rule, do not work in budgetary organizations, but in specialized modern medical centers equipped with the latest equipment. The cost of a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow averages 1,500-2,500 rubles.

Some patients try to make an appointment with several doctors at once; in the capital there is no need for this. Patients hear many names of gynecologist-endocrinologists. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of gynecologists-endocrinologists in Moscow according to the Medbooking website. The rating is based on the ratings and responses of patients who visited the specified doctors.

Trebushenkova Kristina Aleksandrovna (9.9 points)

A young specialist who is considered one of the best in the capital. According to patient reviews, Trebushenkova has a good rating indicator. The cost of admission is 1600 rubles.

The doctor specializes in treating not only gynecological pathologies, but also diseases of the mammary glands. Trebushenkova is a full-time specialist at the Vita Medical Center in Moscow and has a diploma from Ryazan State Medical University. A lot of reviews about the work of a gynecologist are devoted to the treatment of problems in patients such as urinary incontinence, erosion, ectopia, and cervical dysplasia. If you believe the responses, Kristina Alexandrovna has helped more than one woman diagnosed with infertility.

Women turn to this specialist for help unwanted pregnancy who need medical abortion. Trebushenkova performs ultrasound diagnostics, extended colposcopy, and removes papillomas and condylomas from female genitalia.

What does a gynecologist-endocrinologist do, besides practical activities? Based on information available in the public domain, Dr. Trebushenkova regularly takes advanced training courses and is engaged in research work. Most of the patients who have visited this specialist like her sensitive and attentive attitude. The doctor explains the situation in detail, shares the treatment plan and expectations from it in detail, warns about possible complications that may occur when taking prescribed medications, etc.

Balyabina Svetlana Vitalievna (9.9 points)

The high rating of this doctor indicates his ability to satisfy the needs and meet the expectations of his patients. Svetlana Vitalievna is an employee of the multidisciplinary metropolitan clinic “Miracle Doctor” and part-time at the “Diamed” clinic, which is located 1 km from the “Alekseevskaya” metro station.

Balyabina - gynecologist-endocrinologist highest category. Patients from different parts of Moscow and the Moscow region come to the doctor to undergo treatment for uterine fibroids. Svetlana Vitalievna herself is confident that any disease can be treated and all changes are reversible if you start therapy initial stages development of the disease. Balyabina is a graduate of the Siberian State medical university 1991. The cost of a consultation with Svetlana Vitalievna is 1,600 rubles. - average in Moscow.

Sergeiko Irina Vladimirovna (9.9 points)

Based on the significant number of positive reviews, Dr. Sergeiko is popular among patients. The doctor has a scientific degree of doctor medical sciences and 24 years of professional experience, accepts patients at the multidisciplinary clinical and diagnostic center "Trustmed". Here Sergeiko holds the position of deputy chief physician for medical affairs. Price initial appointment is 3500 rubles, and for users of the Medbooking service - 2450 rubles.

The doctor is approached with wide range diseases, pathologies of pregnancy varying degrees difficulties. A lot of reviews about the doctor’s activities are devoted to the treatment of problems in patients such as urinary incontinence, erosion, ectopia, and cervical dysplasia. The specialist performs ultrasound diagnostics and extended colposcopy. Most of the patients who attended the appointment like her attentive attitude. The doctor explains in detail the diagnosis, treatment plan, and warns about possible complications. The last time a doctor took advanced training courses was in 2013 at the clinical hospital Costa Brava (Spain).

Kiladze Liana Galaktionovna (9.7 points)

Doctor of the highest category, has more than 30 years of experience in his specialty. Today Kiladze works at the SM-Clinic on Staropetrovsky Proezd. In addition to gynecology and endocrinology, the doctor specializes in sexology and ultrasound diagnostics. Kiladze treats professionally genitourinary infections, inflammatory diseases, helps women with sexual disorders, including frigidity, decreased libido, anorgasmia.

In 2008, Kiladze was awarded the Order of N.I. Pirogov for significant achievements and great contribution to development Russian healthcare. The doctor is a regular at specialized seminars, forums, conferences and symposia, which are held annually in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Prague on gynecological endocrinology, sexopathology, treatment of herpes and HPV in women.

Kiladze’s patients consider it a huge advantage that she not only conducts an examination, but also takes into account the description of symptoms, complaints, and listens sympathetically to the concerns and experiences of women. Liana Galaktionovna gives answers to all questions in an accessible and detailed form, helps women get an objective idea of ​​​​the existing problem and ways to solve it.

Thanks to the professionalism of this doctor, many women were able to experience the joys of motherhood. Kiladze is not just a highly qualified specialist, but also a pleasant, positive person, which is repeatedly mentioned in reviews. Quality paid services Users appreciate this specialist. The cost of the initial appointment is 2350 rubles.

Babicheva Tatyana Vasilievna (9.7 points)

This is one of the best specialists in Moscow in the field of gynecological endocrinology. Users speak of Babicheva as a first-class specialist, giving her good grades, so the high rating, according to the Medbooking website, is not an accident.

The cost of a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist with almost thirty years of experience is 2,500 rubles. Babicheva is a certified doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences. The doctor specializes in a number of areas, but most often pregnant patients with opportunistic microflora, complex pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period turn to her.

Since 2011, Babicheva has been a member of the International Public Organization dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cervical pathologies. A doctor is seeing patients at private clinic"Doctor Ozone" at the address: st. Starochkalovskaya, 6.

Babicheva’s work schedule is usually scheduled several months in advance. And this is not surprising, because the doctor seeks an individual, delicate approach to each patient. Most patients note that the therapeutic programs compiled by Babicheva bring the expected results. According to reviews, the doctor always prescribes effective, but at the same time inexpensive drugs, that is, it focuses on more affordable domestic medicines, analogues of foreign medicines, practically no different in quality.

Pediatric gynecologists-endocrinologists

In case of disruption of production in children's body certain hormones require the help of a specified specialist. All physiological and biochemical processes in human body occur with the participation of the endocrine system, including the growth and development of the body, the formation of organs of the reproductive system. It is the gynecologist-endocrinologist who helps to promptly identify disorders in metabolic processes, which in the future may negatively affect a woman’s ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy.

The following symptoms suggest a hormonal imbalance in a girl’s body, so if they appear, you should seek help from a gynecologist-endocrinologist:

  • growth of mammary glands in a girl under 10 years of age;
  • early pubic and axillary hair growth;
  • premature menstruation;
  • missing or late sexual development;
  • the presence of male sexual characteristics (acne, rough voice, facial hair growth, etc.);
  • shaping a boyish figure (broad shoulders and narrow pelvis);
  • overweight, obesity;
  • genital injuries.

What a gynecologist-endocrinologist treats for children is now clear. Specialists in identifying, treating and preventing disorders of sexual development in girls use modern techniques, which do not bring physical and psychological discomfort to patients.

Technique for examining girls with gynecological diseases, is fundamentally different from diagnosing adult women. Special attention focuses on the periods of puberty, in particular the process of formation of menstrual function, the nature of vaginal discharge not associated with menstruation.

Before the examination, the child is given a cleansing enema. Babies under three years of age are examined on a changing table, and older girls are examined on a children's gynecological chair. If necessary, vaginoscopy is performed. Diagnostic procedure involves the use of a special optical device with mirrors, a urethroscope, cylindrical tubes of various diameters with an obturator, the choice of which depends on the structure of the hymen.

Among pediatric gynecologists-endocrinologists in Moscow it is worth noting:

  • Shustova Olga Leonidovna. Proficient in various obstetric and gynecological techniques, performs endoscopic operations, including on the cervix. She accepts both children and adults at the ViTerra clinic in Belyaevo. The cost of admission is 2100 rubles.
  • Nikolskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna. The doctor has extensive experience in the field of pediatric and adolescent gynecological endocrinology. Conducts planned and emergency surgical interventions at the Miracle Doctor clinic. The cost of admission is 1600 rubles.
  • Toroptsova Lyudmila Yurievna. Doctor of the Euromedklinik medical center with professional experience of more than 26 years. If it is impossible to visit the clinic, the doctor will visit your home. Consultation price - 1500 rub.