Is it possible to buy medications without prescriptions? Who will suffer due to the de facto ban on the sale of antibiotics without a prescription? XXI. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Since 2017, control over the dispensing of prescription drugs from pharmacies has been strengthened. However, there is currently no official list of all medications that must be dispensed strictly according to a prescription. Roszdravnadzor controls everything.

Mikhail Khaustov

Pharmacists themselves should focus primarily on the instructions for medications, which contain instructions for sale with or without a prescription. As a result, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, modern tranquilizers and antidepressants, as well as “harmless”, in the opinion of many consumers, drugs fell into disgrace. Roszdravnadzor controls everything.

1 What really happened?

Order "On the procedure for vacation medicines» has been operating in the Altai Territory for more than 10 years.

But since January 1, 2017, Roszdravnadzor, in connection with changes to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” has been conducting control purchases in pharmacies and seriously fines those who sell any of these drugs without a prescription. this is due to changes in the federal one. Now any citizen or legal entity can complain that a prescription drug was freely sold to him in a pharmacy.

2 Why are consumers unhappy?

People are particularly dissatisfied with the fact that it will now be difficult to buy popular painkillers, such as Nise, Nimesil and Ketanov (a prescription drug).

3 Why were restrictions introduced?

The official explanation for tightening the requirements for the dispensing of drugs is as follows: the level of self-medication among citizens is extremely high, and uncontrolled use of a number of drugs leads to dire consequences for health.

This is especially true for the ability to freely purchase potent drugs, including antibiotics. Taking them without the supervision of specialists undermines the immune system and leads to a decrease in the effect of drug treatment generally.

4 Are pharmacies ready?

The Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory assured that in all state medical institutions We currently have the required stock various forms prescription forms, and doctors are ready to prescribe and prescribe medications.

Colds, flu.

5 Will there be concessions?

  • for chronic patients, it is allowed to set the validity period of the prescription within up to one year, that is, you will not have to go to the doctor every month for a new prescription. But this is if the course of the disease does not change. However, usually these people are regularly observed by specialists;
  • contraceptives: first you will have to go to the gynecologist, but the doctor can write a prescription for a quarter or even a year, indicating the frequency of its dispensing.

6 Which medications should be sold by prescription only?

  • antibiotics;
  • neuroleptics;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • ampoule and hormonal (contraceptives and other) drugs;
  • means for regulation blood pressure.

Colds, flu. Medicines.

7 What can you buy without a prescription?

All drugs for the treatment of fulminant diseases are antiviral and antipyretic.

There is no complete official list of drugs that must be sold strictly according to a prescription.

8 How to understand: according to the prescription or not?

If a pharmacy refuses to sell you a drug, citing the lack of a prescription, you can immediately double-check the information. Just ask your pharmacist to give you the instructions for the medicine or look it up online.

The instructions for each medicine contain the line “Rules for dispensing from pharmacies” and then indicate: “with a prescription” or “without a prescription”. That's all.

9 What should be on the recipe?

  • patient information (last name, initials and residential address);
  • doctor's name;
  • two seals are affixed - doctor's and medical institution;
  • name of the drug by INN (international nonproprietary name, not trade name);
  • one recipe can contain up to three items, indicating the frequency of their sale: month, quarter or year.
  • You are required to accept prescriptions at any pharmacy in any locality; you do not need to present personal documents.

10 How many medications are sold without a prescription?

Only 30% of drugs registered in the Russian Federation can be sold without a prescription. The use of the rest requires supervision by the attending physician and presentation of a prescription form upon purchase.

The Ministry of Health has published clarifications regarding the order approving new list medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting. Despite the fact that it has been in effect for almost a month - since August 16, it is from pharmacy workers who do not know how to work with the new list.

The new list consists of three sections:

1. First includes pharmaceutical substances and medicines that are considered narcotic, psychotropic substances and their precursors in Russia. They, as before, are subject to subject-quantitative accounting.

Accounting for medicinal products such as diethyl ether (at a concentration of 45% or more) and potassium permanganate (at a concentration of 45% or more) when distributing up to 10 kg per month is carried out according to “simplified” requirements (entry in the log book about the total quantity dispensed, of substances sold, purchased or used is carried out monthly, and documentary evidence of each transaction is not required),” writes the Ministry of Health.

That is, potassium permanganate in powder, as the department explains, 3, 5 or 15 grams, as before, is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription, but is subject to registration as a precursor of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

2. Second This section includes drugs and substances considered to be highly toxic. Ointments, creams and gels containing bee and snake venom and 1-testosterone have been removed from registration. But testosterone preparations for internal use banned: "Testosterone propionate" (solution for intramuscular injection), “Andriol TK” (capsules), “Nebido” (solution for intramuscular administration), “Sustanon-250” (solution for intramuscular administration), “Omnadren-250” (solution for intramuscular administration).

The Ministry of Health reports that drugs are subject to registration as the only active substance and calls them - Slimia (capsules), Meridia (capsules), Goldline (capsules) and Lindaxa (capsules). At the same time (capsules) are not subject to subject-quantitative accounting, since they contain a combination active substances: sibutramine + microcrystalline cellulose, and therefore does not belong to potent substances.

Only drugs containing the sum of belladonna alkaloids as the only active substance. That is rectal suppositories Belladonna extract and Bellataminal tablets not subject to accounting, reports the Ministry of Health.

The list of strictly registered included ethanol, which means the drug is in pure form subject to subject-quantitative accounting.

3. In the third section includes combination drugs. Subject-quantitative accounting, as the Ministry of Health explains, is subject to:

  • Medicines containing codeine ( "Caffetin", "Codelac", "Solpadein" ( effervescent tablets), “Terpinkod”, “Unispaz” and others), in which the amount of codeine exceeds 20 mg in 1 tablet;
  • Medicines containing pseudoephedrine from 30 to 60 mg per tablet - "Rinasek";
  • Medicines containing up to and including 200 mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide per 100 ml/100 g liquid dosage form(syrups "Glycodin", "Coldrex Knight", "Tussin Plus", "Terasil-D");
  • Preparations containing up to 75 mg of phenylpropanolamine in one tablet ( "Dietrin", "Koldakt", "Kontak") or up to 300 mg of substance per 100 ml/100 g of syrup ( "Triaminik");
  • Medicines containing up to 20 mg inclusive of phenobarbital with codeine, regardless of the amount per dose of the medicine ( “Pentalgin Plus”, “Pentalgin-N”, “Piralgin”, “Sedalgin-Neo”, “Sedal-M”, “tetralgin” and others);
  • Medicines containing up to 20 mg of phenobarbital with ephedrine hydrochloride, regardless of the amount per dose of medicine ( "Neo-Teofedrin", "Teofedrin-N").

Wherein NOT The following drugs are subject to subject-quantitative accounting: “Nurofen Stopcold”, “Caffetin Cold”, “Toff Plus”, “Bellataminal”, “Amixid”, “Caffetamine”- they are dispensed according to “regular” prescriptions of form No. 107-1/u. WITHOUT prescription drugs sold "Grippeks", "Gripend", "Alex Plus" (lozenges), "Andipal".

Doctor Peter

18.01.2018, 10:14

“Pharmacies refuse to dispense medications without a prescription. Although previously these same drugs could be bought without any problems without a doctor’s prescription!” — the Internet is filled with such indignation. Today, pharmacists refuse to dispense antibiotics, hormonal, hypoglycemic drugs and cardiac drugs. IN in social networks panic began: “To buy banal baralgin or naphthyzine, you will have to run to the clinic, where you won’t be able to get to the doctor anyway?!” To discuss this hot topic, we invited representatives of the regional Ministry of Health, doctors and pharmacists, who today have to “hold the line” to the editorial office of Amurskaya Pravda.

Round table participants:

Olga Kireeva, general practitioner, clinic No. 1 in Blagoveshchensk.

Elena Vovk, specialist of the territorial department of Roszdravnadzor for the Amur region.

Valentina Gartvik, head of the Verbena pharmacy chain.

Svetlana Khoroshilova, deputy chief physician of clinic No. 1 in Blagoveshchensk.

Natalya Fatyanova, chief physician of Amursky regional center medical prevention.

Pharmacies come under strict control

— It would seem that prescription restrictions have always existed, why is there only now a wave?

Elena Vovk:— Since last year, Russia has tightened control over the rules for dispensing prescription drugs by organizations engaged in pharmaceutical activities. Today, more attention is paid to the requirements for the dispensing of drugs established by the manufacturer and specified in the regulatory documentation. Subject-quantitative drugs, which include potent, narcotic, psychotropic drugs, have always been dispensed strictly according to a prescription, and the rest are dispensed according to a doctor’s prescription, if this is indicated on the packaging or in the instructions for use of the drug.

Nowadays, any violations of licensing requirements by pharmaceutical organizations are considered gross. Fines for entity from 100 to 200 thousand rubles, for official positions - from 5 to 10 thousand. And in case of serious violations, a protocol is drawn up for both the official and the legal entity. Fines have increased.

— Roszdravnadzor has been given the right to conduct test purchases in pharmacies today. You do it?

— Today there is still no mechanism for how we should carry out this test purchase. As soon as this is implemented legislatively, then more stringent measures will be taken.

We heal ourselves on the Internet

— People don’t understand: why were restrictions on the sale of medicines introduced, which only made their lives more difficult?

Olga Kireeva, general practitioner, clinic No. 1 in Blagoveshchensk:— As a general practitioner, I often encounter the consequences of self-medication. In our country, everyone considers themselves literate, they use the Internet, and there you can easily find information on how to treat any disease using a link. People prescribe antibiotics to themselves, women often also hormonal drugs. All this is fraught. When you go to see a doctor, he will examine you. You take certain tests, undergo certain studies. And when prescribing treatment for you, the doctor weighs all the pros and cons: are there any indications, are there any contraindications, is this drug combined with other medications that you take.

Natalya Fatyanova:— For some reason, if the TV stops responding to remote control signals, you go to a professional repair shop, and if you have a headache, high blood pressure or a stuffy nose, you buy it or take it out home first aid kit you take the pill you think you need. No doctors, diagnoses, consultations!

In the pharmacy there is a term “first table” - it’s hot there now. People scold pharmacists who dispense medications, and they scold them very seriously. In some pharmacies, there were even announcements about administrative liability of patients for rudeness and insulting pharmacists.

The second problem: many of our fellow citizens are being treated, so to speak, out of inertia. That is, they take medications that the doctor prescribed to them long ago. And they think that since it helped the first time, it will continue to do so. This doesn't happen. When a doctor prescribes a drug, he takes into account not only the disease, but also the condition of the patient’s body. And it affects the disease with both medicine and prescription dietary nutrition, regimen, physiotherapy. Obviously, in a few years the person will be in a completely different state. In addition, there are drugs that the body gets used to over a long time and they become ineffective.

We wonder why antibiotics don't work

Svetlana Khoroshilova:- Self-medication does not lead to anything good. I already work in medicine long time and I know what antibiotics we treated 30 years ago. Previously, they helped in small doses, but now huge doses are prescribed, we use a combination of the latest - the fourth and fifth generations of antibiotics, and yet pneumonia with microbes that are resistant to ours is registered bacterial therapy. Why? Because a person gets sick and thinks: “I was previously prescribed tetracycline or ampicillin, why can’t I take it now?”

Firstly, antibiotics have certain indications. These are diseases caused specifically by bacteria. And, for example, colds often begin with viral infection. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses at all, and are sometimes contraindicated. They are prescribed only in case of complications of a viral infection. If you constantly do not maintain the course of treatment (take pills not for 7-10 days, but for three days), then resistance of microorganisms develops. For example, if you take two tablets of chloramphenicol or ampicillin, resistance develops to the entire ampicillin group. Here is the result!

Olga Kireeva:— Patients often say: you yourself prescribe antibiotics for ARVI? That’s why we prescribe it because patients come to us already with complications - on the 5-7th day, when they took a lot of drugs, they tried everything. This is where the big problems come from.

Elena Vovk, specialist of the territorial department of Roszdravnadzor for the Amur region:“We are talking about the adult population, but often mothers of children from a young age uncontrollably treat themselves. When pharmacies stopped dispensing pediatric forms of antibiotics, we at Roszdravnadzor began to receive indignant telephone calls.

Valentina Gartvik:“Very often, young mothers come to the pharmacy and demand a strong antibiotic. After reading on the Internet, they themselves prescribe powerful drugs even to children under one year old. When we refuse, they behave aggressively: “I myself know what is needed for my child!” There are many conflicts.

“I’m about to faint!”

Valentina Gartvik:- There is another problem. When a young mother comes and demands an antibiotic, the pharmacist definitely sends her to the doctor. But let’s say an elderly woman comes in who always drinks something for hypertension, and we send her for a prescription, she is indignant: “I don’t have money to paid clinic go, but there are queues at the clinic. I’ve been taking this drug all my life, I’m about to fall here, I’ll feel bad, and you’ll be to blame.” This aspect should not be discounted. People are used to always getting the right medicine without a prescription, and come to the pharmacy at the last moment, when the drug has run out. So what should we do here?

Elena Vovk:“And even in such a situation, the pharmacy does not have the right to dispense the drug.

“The thoughtless dispensing of drugs without prescriptions is the result of lobbying primarily the interests of pharmaceutical industry and pharmacies."

— What to do if it’s already evening, the clinic is closed, there’s no way to write out a prescription—sit and wait for a hypertensive crisis to develop or a stroke?

Elena Vovk:- If a person has reached such a point that he runs out of pills and gets up high pressure, then you need to call an ambulance. And then, as planned, he will go, write out a prescription for himself, and calmly go to the pharmacy and get this medicine. If we now say that a pharmacist can dispense a drug in such a situation, then people will wave this like a red flag and demand over-the-counter availability. This way we will never restore order.

Pharmacological incidents

— What drugs are available today only by prescription?

Elena Vovk:— These are narcotic and psychotropic drugs of lists 2 and 3; medications that are prescribed at a discount, that is, free for beneficiaries; combination drugs containing small amounts of narcotic and psychotropic substances. And what’s new is that there are several other groups of drugs that are also prescribed, but on non-recording forms. These are some alcohol-containing, psychotropic drugs - those that are not subject to quantitative accounting. All other medications are dispensed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

Valentina Gartvik, head of the Verbena pharmacy chain:- Goes with every drug registration certificate and an annotation, which may indicate: “dispensed with a prescription.” We, pharmacologists, study each item, arrange the drugs and store prescription or over-the-counter drugs separately. And there are incidents. For example, the Russian drug analgin is available without a prescription, and the imported one, called “baralgin,” is available with a prescription. It's the same thing though. Or take Amiksin: the children's form is prescription, and the adult form is over-the-counter. And such inconsistencies often occur - when the same drug in our country is classified as both prescription and over-the-counter, depending on the manufacturer.

Why consumers are dissatisfied

— What are the current restrictions on the dispensing of alcohol-containing medications? Do you also need a prescription to buy Corvalol, valerian or peony tincture?

Valentina Gartvik:— A prescription is not needed for Corvalol or tincture of peony and valerian. But the rules for dispensing alcohol-containing medications have changed. If earlier we could only give you two bottles of the same Corvalol, now there is no limit on quantity, but there is a limit on volume. And these restrictions do not always please us. For example, Bittner's Balm, which was a success among adult patients, became gold. They took it in 500 and 250 milliliters - both for themselves and as a gift, because the larger the volume, the cheaper the drug. But now you can’t sell more than 100 ml, and pharmacies have stopped buying it, which makes people unhappy.

“When we refuse, clients behave aggressively: “I myself know what is needed for my child!”

There are many fair indignations from clients who have been drinking tinctures of valerian and motherwort for a long time. Now we only sell them in 25 ml quantities. The drug runs out quickly, people have to buy many bottles. There is a lot of glass, and pensioners have to spend more money on the drug. In general, according to our statistics, antisocial citizens rarely bought alcohol-containing tinctures. Boyarka - yes, we confirm this - is their favorite drink. But many other items of drugs that were included here, for example, gargles - rotokan, calendula, chlorophyllipt - they never took from us.

Chronicles will be given a prescription for a year

— People are worried that now everyone will run to get prescriptions, and primary care specialists - therapists - will have an even additional burden. Are our clinics ready for the influx of visitors? And are there any concessions for chronically ill patients? How long can a prescription be valid for - a month, two, a year, or will you have to go to the doctor every month?

Svetlana Khoroshilova, deputy chief physician of clinic No. 1 in Blagoveshchensk:— Today, we can write out prescriptions, for example, for people who have reached retirement age, disabled people of the first group, and disabled children, for a course of up to 90 days. That is, such patients do not have to go to the doctor every month, as was the case before. The form is valid for 3 months. If this is a chronic patient, then he can use one prescription for a year. Only a physician or other doctor should fill out the prescription correctly. There must be a stamp of the medical organization, as well as the personal seal and signature of the doctor and it must be indicated: “for chronic patient" And for an ordinary, non-chronic patient, the validity of the prescription is 60 days. Even for strict reporting prescriptions for narcotic and psychotropic drugs, the validity period has also been increased to 15 days.

Elena Vovk:— There are no problems with dispensing medications to chronic patients. The main thing is that the prescription indicates the periods for receiving the medicine. The pharmacist will record when the patient received this drug and when the period of use ends, the prescription will be stamped and given to the patient.

A follow-up visit to the doctor is required

Svetlana Khoroshilova:— Yes, we can issue prescriptions for patients for 90 days. What about dynamic observation? The doctor needs to evaluate the effectiveness, for example, of the same antihypertensive drug. Therefore, he must make appointments and examine the patient. In addition, medications have some side effects. Therefore, tests need to be done. Some medications affect the composition of the blood, you need to look at red blood cells, leukocytes, and beta blockers, for example, can affect heartbeat. Dynamic observation is absolutely necessary. Your doctor may need to adjust your treatment. All this is only in the interests of the patient.

Patients must remember: each person is different. And medications also need to be selected individually.

"We hold the defense"

Valentina Gartvik:— Over-the-counter dispensing of drugs has led to the fact that some doctors, especially in private centers, are accustomed to prescribing drugs without issuing prescriptions. I’m literally asking my employees today: how is your fight for recipes? They say: yes, a young man just came - he fell ill Small child, and in commercial medical center Phenibut was prescribed. We explained that there should be a recipe. The man is indignant: “What is the recipe?!” So the doctor wrote the name and dosage on a piece of paper...” The culture of writing prescriptions should be gradually introduced for all drugs, as was the case before.

Olga Kireeva:— In a good way, the doctor should write out a prescription and give recommendations to the patient on paper on how to take this drug: before meals or after meals, and so on.

Doctors will be punished for “forgetfulness”

Elena Vovk:— Changes are being made to the legislation now. In the near future, administrative penalties will be provided for doctors for not writing out a prescription. U medical organizations There are no problems with issuing prescriptions.

Svetlana Khoroshilova:— Today every doctor has a computer on his desk. In addition to the program for beneficiaries, there are also reference books on medications. The doctor can view the list of drugs on the computer, what analogues there are, international and tradename. Therefore, today every doctor has the opportunity to write a prescription correctly.

Natalya Fatyanova, chief physician of the Amur Regional Center for Medical Prevention:— The relaxation and thoughtless dispensing of medications without prescriptions, which we are “raking up” today, is, in my opinion, the result of lobbying, primarily the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacies. For a long time pretended that no one noticed anything. And now, when the prevalence of self-medication is already becoming a national problem, we have to tighten the screws. This is only in the interests of the population. Everyone understands this - and pharmaceutical workers who are losing profits. And doctors who find it easier to write a prescription on a piece of paper. Those who truly care about the patient’s health will do everything according to the rules.

“Advertising a drug as a guide to action”

Valentina Gartvik:“Our people have great confidence in words: if a drug is praised on television, this is perceived as a guide to action. Many people perceive hidden advertising as expert advice, which is especially valuable. People go and buy the drug. We see this in pharmacies. Take, for example, the “Horsepower” series, which is widely purchased after advertising. It's just cosmetic product. But people with some complex diseases come: “My back hurts, let me horsepower", as if she will solve all problems.

“Prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs often causes drug intolerance or intoxication. Self-medication leads to “erasing” the symptoms of the disease and turning it into a chronic disease, which is dangerous for health,” says Natalya Fatyanova, head physician of the regional center for medical prevention.

It’s more dangerous when people go to buy after advertising. serious drugs. Including for weight loss. These are often psychostimulants that suppress appetite and cause high performance. A person works uncontrollably, his period of working capacity increases, but he depletes his nervous system. After some time, this will affect the heart. People need to be taught not to get treatment after watching enough advertising, but to go to doctors.

There are 2 types of medicines - those that can be bought without a doctor's prescription and those that can only be prescribed by a doctor. Antibiotics belong to the second type, but this rule was violated everywhere. From March 1, 2017, the rules for the sale of medicines were tightened, as World organization health care is concerned uncontrolled use antibiotics by people of all countries. The adopted tightening is intended to solve the problem of developing resistance to antimicrobial drugs(antibiotics).

For sale various medications regulated by many laws and standards. One of the main ones is Order of the Ministry of Health No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines.” Download the document in the latest current edition possible by .

Another order regulating the sale of medicines, including antibiotics, is Order of the Ministry of Health No. 647n “On approval of the Rules for proper pharmacy practice medicines for medical use" This law came into force on March 1, 2017 and can be downloaded.

Previously, it was impossible to obtain psychotropic, narcotic, strict dosage or custom-made drugs without a prescription. Now, according to the new rules, from March 1, 2017, there is a regulation on the sale of drugs by pharmacies only by prescription, if they are not included in the corresponding list of drugs sold without a prescription. First of all, this included antibiotics, blood pressure medications and hormonal drugs.

Sale of antibiotics legally

The number of people self-medicating exceeds all acceptable standards. This leads to progression of the disease and, in the worst case, to fatal outcome. Not having the necessary knowledge in this area, they choose their own dosage and duration of administration. In this regard, the Ministry of Health decided to tighten control over the sale of antibiotics and make them available only with a doctor’s prescription. After all, uncontrolled and frequent use of antibiotics leads to addiction, and subsequently it stops working.

The law regulating the sale of antibiotics is Order of the Ministry of Health No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines.” It became operational on December 14, 2005. According to it, all medications that are not included in the list of medications that do not require a written prescription from a doctor are subject to sale and distribution. potential buyers only by prescription. The last changes were made to the document on April 22, 2014.

In addition to the sale of antibiotics by prescription, it will also not be possible to buy syrups and tinctures containing ethyl alcohol more than 15% in a pharmacy without appropriate confirmation, and no more than 2 packages per person. As well as antipsychotic drugs, psychotropic, ampoule, hormonal, blood pressure, some painkillers and others.

For violating the current regulations and selling an antibiotic without a prescription, the following fines are expected:

  • for individuals- from 5,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • For official — 20,000 — 30,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity- 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

A more serious punishment for selling antibiotics without a prescription form may be suspension of the pharmacy for 3 months.

What antibiotics can be sold without a prescription?

The law on prescription drugs has been amended, according to which the sale of drugs, and most importantly antibiotics, will be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. This rule has existed for a long time, but no one performed it until recently. Now, according to new rules, prescription drugs are prohibited from being displayed on display.

The prescription form contains the following information - the name of the drug, the recommended dosage and method of administration, full name, position and seal of the doctor. The prescription form is valid from 1 month to 3 months, and in case of a chronic course of the disease - up to 1 year.

The reason for the adoption of the law on the sale of prescription pills was the self-medication of the population. The problem lies in long queues at clinics and a shortage of doctors, which forces people to consult pharmacists at the pharmacy to choose the necessary antibiotic, rather than consult a doctor. In the future, the Ministry of Health will draw up a list of medicines, the sale of which will be carried out only if there is an appropriate form from a doctor. On this moment Medicines are dispensed without a prescription with a corresponding note in the instructions for use - “dispensed without a prescription.”

Without the appropriate prescription form, you can purchase medications for the treatment of fleeting diseases - antiviral and antipyretic. Percentage over-the-counter drugs is 30%.

    From January 1, 2017, you will only need to go to the pharmacy with a prescription in hand. But not all medications will be sold by prescription; as of January 1, 2017, you will not be able to buy the following medications at a pharmacy without a prescription.

    It is not yet known whether this list will be continued, but most likely yes.

    All new medications that contain narcotic drugs are psychotropic. And such funds are only increasing on the pharmaceutical market every year. Alas, people do not solve problems, but accept all sorts of things for years...

    The third group is combined drugs: narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. They decided to designate this group separately: antibiotics. We are used to prescribing them ourselves, but sometimes there is no other way, especially if you get sick on the weekend... Many people send their relatives to the pharmacy for antibiotics...

    We'll see how it turns out in practice.

    Definitely, new tranquilizers and antidepressants will also join the ranks of prescription drugs.

    Here are some drugs that will be sold by prescription.

    What is sometimes surprising is that the drug remains the same, the same active ingredient, but the packaging is different 3D, and the price is already higher and they may ask for the recipe.

    Many live without medication at all! Well done!

  • Previously, it was very easy to buy some drugs at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. Now, or rather at the beginning of this year, everything has changed, now previously approved drugs will have to be purchased according to the list.

    By the way, here is a list of medications that will now be dispensed by prescription and nothing else.

    I wonder why antihypertensive drugs, HES drugs, and NSAIDs are on the list. After all, there are much more dangerous drugs that need to be sold according to the list.

    In 2017, changes occurred in the pharmaceutical field that are now being actively discussed.

    The list of drugs that cannot be purchased without a prescription from a doctor has become longer. It contained medications with psychotropic effects and good old antibiotics. Some indignation was caused by the fact that cardiac remedy Valocordin. Curantil, so often prescribed to pregnant women, was also there, as well as Nimesil, a well-known painkiller.

    Most likely, the list will be replenished with new titles.

    Currently, work is underway to compile such a list. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was allocated enough time for such work, up to January thirty-first, 2017.

    It is already known that the list will definitely include drugs on the prescription form with the following line:

    Presumably, only thirty percent of the medicines offered for sale in pharmacies will be available without a prescription.

    There is also the following list of medicines

    The list included psychotropic and narcotic drugs, as well as antibiotics. The well-known Valocardin was also included in the list of prescription drugs.

    Here is a list of drugs that can no longer be purchased without a prescription:

    Already at the beginning of 2017, a list was posted in which a list of medications appeared that were prohibited from being released without a prescription.

    People now really cannot live without medicines and pills, as they help us extend our lifespan when we are sick.

    This year, only those medications that contain Khlopinin will be dispensed by prescription:

    Also included in this list is the well-known Valocordin:

    And here, full list medications that will not be given to everyone, but only to those who have a special paper prescription from a doctor:

    Since January 2017, the dispensing of medicines in pharmacies has become more strict. Many medications that previously could be bought without a doctor’s prescription are now simply not sold. Most of these drugs include antibiotics, but there are also regular painkillers.

    The instructions for these medications previously included a clause dispensed with a doctor's prescription. But pharmacies sold them without any prescriptions. Now it is planned to organize unscheduled inspections, which will entail the issuance of fines to those pharmacies where drugs are sold without a prescription.

    Another question arises - how should patients receive prescriptions? Everyone knows how long the queues are at the offices of local therapists. Therefore, this issue is now being actively addressed so that the prescription-only drug system works fully.

    In-first, according to recipes in 2017 In 2016, all the drugs that were dispensed by prescription in 2016 will be dispensed in Russia. Unfortunately for buyers of medicines, no relaxations are planned in this list.

    In-secondly, Rospotrebnadzor (its head) made a rather unexpected statement-proposal that it is very desirable to sell all drugs that are in pharmacies exclusively by prescription. That is absolutely everything. Maybe with the exception of those medications that are necessary to complete all kinds of first aid kits. Read about it. The Ministry of Health proposes to soften this proposal, and we will see to what extent this softening will occur.

    In a word, drug consumers can expect, if not a revolution in the dispensing system, then at least a reformation of the list of prescription drugs in the direction of a clear increase. The list will be replenished with those medications that are not needed urgently, but have a negative effect on the body when self-medicated.

    It became known that in the early spring of 2017, presumably on March 1, pharmacies will not dispense medications without a prescription, and those that were dispensed freely before 2017, a list of them is already known

    but by March they promise to extend this list, the head of Rospotrebnadzor decided, she advocated the sale of all prescription drugs, which is described in this article.