Reliable options for what to do to avoid snoring in your sleep. What to do to avoid snoring while sleeping? How to stop snoring in your sleep

Approximately 7 minutes to read

Anna Alexandrova, somnologist, neurologist, 9 years of experience, highest category

Snoring is not always the case serious problem, sometimes this is an acceptable malfunction in the body. But if it is severe snoring, then it is better to consult a doctor immediately. The reasons are always almost the same. Most often this excess weight, less often - physiological features, even less often - problems of the nasopharynx and hormonal imbalances.

Sleep is essential in our lives for rest and relaxation of the body. When a person sleeps, he rests, and the patient recovers faster. But there is an ailment called snoring that can slow down recovery. Usually not only the snorer suffers, but also those around him.

As is known according to statistics, every fifth person snores in their sleep. It is a mistake to think that only obese people suffer from this disease. The Chinese come first because of the special structure of the nasopharynx. Americans are in second place due to obesity. Both men and women, even children, can snore.

  • jaw defects;
  • curvature of the plate that divides the nose into two halves;
  • narrowing or widening of the upper respiratory tract;
  • congenital pathology of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • benign formations, they are located on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, externally similar to bunches of grapes;
  • enlarged tongue;
  • swelling of the tonsils, adenoid;
  • swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • excess body weight.

  • Refusal bad habits, or reducing alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Indoor air humidification.
  • Try not to sleep on your back, since it is generally in this position that a person snores more often.
  • Limit the intake of medications that affect muscle relaxation.
  • If you are overweight, try to get yourself in order.
  • Insert special clips into the nose.
  • Exclusion from the room of all components that can cause allergies.

Medical approach

There are a number of medications that can help alleviate this disease. But it is necessary to determine the cause of snoring.

  • Medicines that act on the capillaries of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The duration of treatment is no more than five days. After this period, solutions with sea ​​salt, saline solution, natural drops new generation – phosphocholanimine.
  • Medicines that affect the respiratory center, which are prescribed by a specialist doctor in the treatment of lung diseases, can be used for snoring and temporary cessation of breathing.

Progesterone. The drug stimulates the respiratory center in the brain and redistributes fat deposits in the human body.

Indications: Treatment of obesity, severe snoring.

Side effects: Decreased erection, sexual desire, hair begins to fall out. Uterine bleeding in women during periods after menstruation, aggravate prostate tumors in men old age. Relapse of liver diseases, changes in the blood clotting cycle.

Acetazolamide. Affects the kidneys by increasing blood acidity - stimulating respiration. This reaction is called metabolic acidosis.

It is used in the treatment of central respiratory arrest.

Sometimes people experience: drowsiness, loss of sensitivity, itching of the extremities.

Theophylline. Induces the flow of oxygen into the body from the atmosphere in the treatment of bronchial asthma, affecting the respiratory center.

Indications: Bronchial asthma, long progressive obstructive bronchitis, emphysema. Pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, edematous syndrome of renal origin, night apnea.

Side effects: dizziness, headache, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, irritability, tremor. Palpitations, decreased blood pressure. Nausea, vomiting, chest pain.

Amphetamines. The effect of amphetamines on the autonomic nervous system associated mainly with the release of norepinephrine, which in turn relieves drowsiness during the day.

Negative actions: Toxicity – as a result of neurosis, anxiety, images appear in the mind.

Protriptyline. Anxiety states, depression, panic disorders.

Side effects: Constantly thirsty, increased heart rate, feeling unsure of one’s position in space. Nausea, vomiting.

Important! It is worth paying attention to the fact that everything medications are taken strictly as prescribed by a medical specialist; consultation is required.

Effective traditional methods

  1. Have a fasting day once every seven days and drink only water. This removes excess mucus from the nasal cavity.
  2. An hour before meals, eat 1 medium-sized baked carrot.
  3. Take a glass of cabbage juice, add a spoonful of honey and drink before bed for 1 month.
  4. Nasal drops and rinsing before bed oral cavity sea ​​buckthorn oil.


There are a number of products that can reduce snoring:

  • Soy milk is a plant-based milk made from beans. IN cow's milk contains components causing allergies which causes swelling and, as a result, snoring.
  • Tea with mint – mint – relieves swelling, steam from hot tea – anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Honey is an anti-inflammatory agent that improves immunity.
  • Turmeric – relieves inflammation, pain, helps the body fight infections.
  • Fish - fats have a beneficial effect on the sinuses and throat.
  • Onions – helps protect yourself from colds.


1 day

Morning: vegetable salad, 200 ml fermented milk drink, 2 pieces of black bread.

Day: rice soup cooked with milk and water in a 1:1 ratio, buckwheat with fish, 200 ml of fermented milk drink, a piece of black bread.

Evening: apple and beet salad, dressed vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, not sweet.

Day 2

Morning: lean boiled meat, beetroot puree, a slice of black bread, tea with lemon.

Day: vegetable soup, 2 egg omelet, apple, juice without sugar, a piece of black bread.

Evening: salad with cabbage and prunes, unsalted cheese, 200 ml compote.

Day 3

Morning: stewed cabbage with sausage, bread, kefir.

Day: fish soup, pudding with cottage cheese and rice, apple, bread.

Evening: carrot salad, walnuts, apples, seasoned with vegetable oil, yogurt.

4 day

Morning: skim cheese, bread with butter, cheese without salt, lemon tea.

Day: rice soup cooked in milk and water, boiled fish, zucchini and carrot puree, black bread, kefir.

Evening: buckwheat with milk, unsweetened fruit salad.

5 day

Morning: boiled egg, black bread with butter, beet salad, compote.

Day: broth with black bread crackers, boiled meat with rice, fermented milk drink.

In the evening: salad of unsweetened fruits, walnuts, dressed with vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 6

Morning: scrambled eggs with boiled sausage, apple, compote.

Day: fruit soup, rice, 200 ml of kefir, a piece of rye bread.

Evening: green peas, cheese without salt, kefir drink.

Day 7

Morning: sugar-free corn, boiled fish, apple, kefir.

Day: chicken breast broth, black bread crackers, chicken, boiled vegetables, kefir.

Evening: salad of cabbage, carrots, walnuts, with vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese.

In addition to this meal, you also need:

  1. Reduce salt intake.
  2. Drink 10 glasses of liquid daily.
  3. Spend as much time as possible outdoors.

Exercises and gymnastics

Strengthens the muscles of the upper respiratory tract, jaw and tongue.

The tongue is extended as far forward as possible, while pronouncing the letter “i” counting up to two times. Tension should be felt throughout the nasopharynx. You need to exercise 30 times in the morning and evening.

Lower jaw training.

The chin is propped up with the fist, and the jaw moves back and forth. Also 2 times 30 exercises.

Gymnastics for the maxillofacial muscles.

A small oblong-shaped object is placed in the mouth, clamped between the teeth and held for up to 4 minutes. Just before you go to bed.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova.

Inhale quickly with a characteristic sound. The exit is leisurely and easy.

Feedback from someone who benefited from the warm-up.

As Alexander Smirnov says, he and his wife for a long time snored heavily. We tried changing positions, but the snoring was in any position. And then they came across an article on gymnastics. They did it every day and it helped them. What’s most interesting is that there are no costs, just desire and time.

Anti-snoring lotions

Mouth guard - a silicone structure is inserted into the mouth, the principle of which is to extend lower jaw forward.

Pros: inexpensive, made to order, no prescription needed, has a regulation mechanism.

Minuses: side effects– there is discomfort while wearing, the jaw may become deformed, the facial muscles are tense, it does not cure, it only acts while wearing, there are many contraindications.

Clip – silicone device inserted into the nostrils.

Positive features: the cheapest and easiest to use remedy, if used regularly, cures snoring.

Snorex drops - used for nasal congestion.

Advantages: inexpensive, made with honey.

Disadvantages: allergy to the components of the drug.

Why is snoring dangerous?

  • A person who snores periodically stops breathing during sleep;
  • When snoring occurs, there is a decrease in oxygen flow;
  • oxygen starvation can develop many diseases associated with the heart, blood vessels, brain, and gastrointestinal tract.

What not to snore at night, the most important thing you need to go through comprehensive examination and find out the exact reasons, and then eliminate them. Don’t torture yourself or your loved ones, don’t be lazy, go to specialists and follow all the instructions that will be prescribed.

Are you tired of snoring?

Have you already tried a lot of things and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you and you are tired of them:

  1. I wake up to my own snoring;
  2. I snore not only on my back, but also on my side;
  3. My husband goes into another room because it’s impossible to sleep with my snoring.
Do you think the only way is surgery? Wait! It is POSSIBLE to get rid of snoring! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

According to statistics, 45% of the adult population periodically snores during their sleep and 25% snore constantly, thereby depriving those around them of a night's rest. However, not only loved ones suffer from loud peals, but also those who directly publish them, the site agrees. After all, snoring is main symptom obstructive apnea syndrome, a condition life-threatening. A person suffering from sleep apnea regularly stops breathing during sleep. Their frequency can reach up to fifty per night, and the duration can be from several seconds to a minute, which puts the patient in danger, and forces the whole world to look for remedies for severe snoring.

Causes and symptoms of severe snoring

Snoring is nothing more than hyperventilation of the lungs when the movement of the soft tissues of the pharynx narrows the respiratory channels. This makes it difficult for air to pass through them. As a result, the person begins to make sounds that everyone hates. To properly deal with this drawback, you need to install:

  • causes of severe snoring
  • symptoms of diseases that lead to it.

Causes of severe snoring

  1. Not correct position in a dream. Snoring often occurs when a person sleeps on their back. This position promotes hyperventilation. To solve this problem, it is enough to turn the sleeping person on his side.
  2. Obesity. Excess soft tissue in the throat area creates a barrier to the passage of air through it. The solution to this issue will only be getting rid of excess weight.
  3. Alcohol consumption. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the throat muscles. Snoring in this case is inevitable. Solution to the problem: stop drinking alcohol in the evening.
  4. Structural features. Narrow airways, a long tongue, a deviated nasal septum or soft palate can cause snoring. Solution to the problem: surgery, thanks to which you can remove unnecessary soft fabrics mouth and throat.
  5. The presence of diseases of various origins. The most serious of all reasons, requiring immediate medical attention.

Symptoms accompanying heavy snoring

Snoring can be both a consequence and a harbinger of some diseases, by listening to which you can diagnose:

  • colds or allergies, which are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • tonsillitis or adenoids;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA);
  • benign or malignant tumors.

Therefore, if this trouble accompanies you for a long time, you should not leave everything to chance, but should contact an experienced specialist.

Apnea: severe snoring during sleep as a harbinger of stroke

But most often, snoring indicates obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAS - from the English "Sleep apnea syndrome"). It is not difficult to recognize this illness: a person snoring in his sleep suddenly freezes for several minutes, and then begins to make sounds with an even greater whistle. The reason for this is the adhesion of the muscles of the oral cavity and pharynx, which leads to cessation of breathing or so-called apnea. If we take into account that up to 500 pauses in breathing are recorded per night, each of which lasts at least 10 seconds, it turns out that a person’s breathing is interrupted for up to two hours or more during the night.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

The main symptoms of obstructive apnea include:

  • heavy snoring;
  • interrupted breathing during sleep:
  • lethargy and drowsiness during the day;
  • forgetfulness, irritability, low concentration;
  • neck circumference in women is more than 40 cm and in men - 43 cm.

The insidiousness of apnea is that it causes complications of the cardiovascular system. Most of these patients suffer from increased blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Apnea can be dealt with. To do this, special devices are used that supply air under pressure into a person’s respiratory tract during sleep.

Anyone, from children to the elderly, can wake up household members at night with their snoring. Both representatives of the stronger sex and their fairer halves are susceptible to this. According to statistics, nighttime “overflows” are more typical for men, but not a small percentage of women suffer from this problem (and for most women, snoring is a serious problem).

Not only can one come to the rescue in solving the problem of snoring traditional medicine, which is often turned to only in extreme cases, but also a folk one, which has helped people with any diseases since ancient times. Recipes for snoring that have come down to us since our grandmothers’ youth were and remain effective. Ancient recipe and others wise advice saved more than once restful sleep and the health of snorers and their families.

Traditional methods of treating snoring can be used separately or in parallel with medications prescribed by a doctor to speed up and enhance the effect.

Recipes for internal use

Typically, compared to official medicine, remedies donated by the ancient experience of the people are safer to use (if there are no allergies or individual intolerances) and can be safely used to treat snoring in both men and women:

  • Grind a mixture of 1 tbsp in a coffee grinder. l. black elderberries, 1 tsp. horsetail, 2 tbsp. l. common burdock, 1 tsp. cinquefoil root. One table. Pour a spoonful of the resulting powder into a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. To help, you can take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day until healing occurs.

  • Bake small raw carrots in the oven and eat one hour before meals three times a day. The method is useful for both children and adult men and women.
  • It helps a lot too. It can be instilled 4-5 drops into each nasal passage 4 hours before bedtime. The product clears the airways, the effect is sea ​​buckthorn oil will be noticeable in about 2-4 weeks (individually).
  • Always helped with snoring during sleep and fresh cabbage. Two of its leaves need to be thoroughly crushed, add natural honey (to taste) and eat this paste before bed. Useful for both children and men and women of any age.
  • Another “cabbage” option: mix fresh vegetable juice (200 ml) with honey (1 tablespoon). Use the product for at least 4 weeks.

  • Onion juice. According to numerous reviews, this recipe will 100% help anyone stop snoring. Ideal for both children and the elderly (men and women of any age). Make from onions gruel (finely chop or grate it), squeeze out the juice. Soak 2 pre-prepared cotton wool or gauze turundas with the resulting product and place them in each nostril for half an hour (minimum 20 minutes). The use of the product is permissible only in fresh form; it is not advisable to store it.

In addition to recipes for oral administration, each of which is effective in its own way, folk experience has given modern times other means to stop “rumble” in your sleep.

Other methods

This includes methods such as rinsing and washing. To get rid of snoring, it is important that the nasopharynx does not dry out, so these methods are aimed at softening and moisturizing it:

  • Olive oil (or regular vegetable oil). They lubricate the nostrils with it, and gargle with it. The oily substance coats the mucous membranes well and does not allow them to dry out for a long time.

  • You can simply “gurgle” the same olive oil in your mouth before bed, like water after brushing your teeth. The duration of the procedure should be at least 15 minutes. After this, brush your teeth as usual.
  • Sea salt. Just one teaspoon of it should be dissolved in a glass of water and gargle with the resulting salt water. To achieve the effect, you need to do this several times and as loudly as possible.
  • It is also useful to rinse your nostrils with sea salt: holding one of them closed, gently draw it in salt water inside as far as possible. If water gets through your nose into your throat, it’s not a big deal; you can simply cough it up and spit it out.

Separately ethnoscience emphasizes the importance of indoor climate.

The air in the room where a snorer sleeps should be humidified, not dry.

You can maintain or artificially create humidity like this:

  • place a bowl of water on the radiator (with the heating on), which will actively evaporate into the air;
  • hang washed laundry or specially soaked rags right in the snorer’s room;
  • if the weather permits, leave the window open at night (very helpful during or after rain);
  • A few hours before bedtime, periodically humidify the air with a spray bottle.

Fresh, moist air will make breathing easier, and along with other procedures or taking both medications and folk remedies, it will be an excellent help in the fight against snoring.

When traditional medicine is powerless

The methods and tools presented above are really effective. They have already helped many people start sleeping peacefully. But there are cases when traditional methods of treatment cannot help.

  • Injuries and defects (deviated nasal septum, enlarged uvula, anomalies in the development of the facial part of the skull, etc.) that contribute to the appearance of snoring during sleep can only be cured by doctors, and sometimes a surgical path to solving the problem is not excluded.
  • Excess weight (also one of the reasons for snoring) will not be reduced by rinsing and washing; decoctions and other indicated drugs will not help you lose kilos. Only the desire and will of the snorer himself will reduce body weight to normal and ensure healthy sleep.
  • Obstructive apnea syndrome, in other words - advanced, chronic snoring up to temporary cessation of breathing during sleep, can only be treated thanks to special purposes medical specialists.

In these cases, contact folk methods either pointless or too late. But using them as a parallel treatment that does not eliminate snoring, but at least alleviates the condition, is quite acceptable.

Snoring is a problem that creates discomfort not only for others, but also for the person himself. In most cases, the patient does not realize the full danger that sleep disordered breathing poses. Doctors have proven that the severity of symptoms depends on the position of the body during sleep. Back snoring has the most severe consequences and often leads to the development of obstructive apnea syndrome (OSAS).

What is snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome?

Snoring is the sound effect that occurs when the structures of the pharynx vibrate during the passage of air flow when breathing. Often the amplitude of snoring is quite high. This causes discomfort to the person sleeping next to him, forces him to wake up and significantly worsens the quality of sleep. In addition, a sleeping snorer runs the risk of complications such as obesity, impotence, arterial hypertension. OSA occurs in approximately half of snoring patients. This pathology characterized by nocturnal apnea.

More details about the mechanism of development of snoring and OSA syndrome are described in the article:.

Causes of snoring

There are many reasons why a person snores. They are divided into modifiable and non-modifiable. The first ones are those that can be gotten rid of if you change a person’s behavior. Modifiable factors include:

  • Overweight, obesity. Adipose tissue deposited in the mucous membrane of the throat, narrowing the respiratory lumen and impeding the free flow of air.
  • Systematic use alcoholic drinks. Even a small dose of alcohol drunk before bedtime relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the respiratory structures.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke causes chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. As a result, swelling occurs. IN respiratory tract Sticky mucus accumulates. All this leads to a narrowing of the lumen.
  • Taking sedatives, sleeping pills and tranquilizers. They are all in varying degrees reduce muscle tone. In addition, another effect is a decrease in the sensitivity of brain centers to hypoxia, which leads to aggravation of the symptoms of OSA syndrome.
  • Body position during sleep. Snoring occurs in any position of the body, but in some it is much more common. Snoring occurs less frequently on your side than when lying on your back.

The second group of causes of the disease includes factors that can be changed with medical correction.

The table shows non-modifiable factors and ways to eliminate them:

Treatment method

Hypothyroidism is a symptom of damage thyroid gland. At the same time, it synthesizes and supplies an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones to the blood. They are involved in metabolism. Hypothyroidism leads to obesity and sleep disordered breathing

Treatment of the thyroid disease that is causing the symptom. Prescribing hormone replacement therapy with drugs containing thyroxine

Congenital pathology nasopharynx: low soft palate and/or elongated uvula

The correction is carried out surgically. Operations: uvuloplasty, palatoplasty

Myasthenia gravis, diseases that occur with a decrease in muscle tone

Treatment of the underlying disease that led to myasthenia gravis

In addition to the above, a person snores after severe physical fatigue and in old age. In older people, there is a loss of physiological muscle tone, the mucous membranes atrophy and lose their elasticity.

Is snoring related to your body position and the pillow you sleep on?

Snoring during sleep depends to some extent on body position. The reason is that when lying on the back, the structures of the pharynx: the soft palate and the uvula are pressed more against back wall. By doing this, they significantly narrow or block the respiratory space. Those lying on their stomachs snore less frequently and are less intense. Degree respiratory disorders also depends on the pillow on which a person sleeps. High and soft - changes the physiological position of the spine, contributing to the occurrence of snoring.

How to lie down to avoid snoring:

  • The body position should be comfortable. It is preferable to sleep on your side or stomach.
  • Always go to bed at the same time. This will significantly improve your sleep quality.
  • The pillow should be low and slightly hard. This improves the free flow of air through the airways.
  • Before going to bed, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and sedatives.

Choosing the right sleeping position and pillow will help significantly reduce the likelihood of snoring. Many people believe that closed-mouth snoring does not exist. Allegedly, snoring occurs when the patient opens his mouth. And if you fix the lower jaw with a special bandage, the problem will be solved. But this is a misconception. Snoring also occurs when the mouth is closed, so the bandage does not get rid of it.

Should a person who snores see a doctor?

The presence of snoring or loved one- a reason to think about visiting a doctor. It is impossible to get rid of the problem on your own. Especially when the etiology is not precisely determined. You need to see a doctor for several reasons. First, treating snoring will significantly improve the quality of sleep for the patient and those around him. Morning headaches will disappear chronic fatigue, apathy, irritability. Secondly, breathing disorders lead to serious consequences- angina pectoris, heart attacks, sleep apnea.

Polysomnography is a method for recording respiratory disorders during sleep (photo:

First of all, you should consult your family doctor. He will hold initial examination and draw up a plan for a diagnostic examination. In some cases, to determine why a person snores, it is necessary to resort to instrumental methods research. These include:

  • Polysomnography is the most informative method diagnosis of respiratory arrest during sleep. It is carried out using special sensors attached to the patient’s body.
  • Pulse oximetry - determination of oxygen concentration in the blood.
  • Spirography - diagnosis of the degree of airway obstruction.
  • X-ray, magnetic resonance and CT scan heads. Allows you to diagnose malformations of nasopharyngeal structures.
  • General analysis blood - shows the presence or absence of bacterial, viral inflammation in the body.
  • Rhinoscopy - examination of the nasopharynx using mirrors.
  • Endoscopy - modern method examining the nasopharynx using a thin tube with an attached camera. The image is transmitted to the monitor screen.

After undergoing examinations and determining the cause of snoring, the patient is sent to a doctor of a specific specialty. The table shows which doctor treats sleep breathing problems depending on the cause:

There is a medical specialization whose representatives deal exclusively with problems related to sleep disorders - somnology. This specialty arose not so long ago and there are very few doctors of this profile.

Method of getting rid of snoring

Properly selected treatment will help you forget about the problem of snoring forever. Treatment of the disease is conventionally divided into three areas:

At home, preparations of various plants are used to treat snoring. The most popular are sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, and sage. It is also recommended to use breathing exercises to increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the pharynx.

The range of devices to combat snoring is quite diverse. It includes:

  • Anti-snoring pillows that respond to sound change their size and force you to change your body position.
  • Intraoral devices - mouthguards.
  • Nose clips.
  • Special clothing.
  • Bandages.
  • Anti-snoring devices.

The main disadvantage of all these devices is that they act only symptomatically, without eliminating main reason diseases.

Medical treatment has a completely different approach - a comprehensive one. It includes etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic components. This means that treatment addresses the cause, mechanisms of development and symptoms of the disease. Surgical treatment is used for deviated nasal septum, adenoid vegetations, chronic tonsillitis, pathologies of the uvula and soft palate. For severe disorders and OSA syndrome, CPAP therapy is used.