Drinking plenty of fluids during fever and illness, benefits. What to drink for fever: how and what can you do to reduce it? Drink plenty of fluids when you have a fever

Every mother needs to know how to reduce a child’s fever at home, but first things first. Here, one might say, are instructions.

  • Antipyretics for HIGH TEMPERATURES - on the advice of a doctor

Elevated or high body temperature is medically called hyperthermia. It is considered elevated if the thermometer shows above 37 degrees.

How to measure temperature correctly

Must be measured dry armpit(if there is sweat, you need to wipe it away, because it underestimates the readings), in newborns and infants you can measure the temperature inside the inguinal fold. There should be no redness or swelling of the skin at the point of the body being measured, because local inflammation can overestimate the readings of the thermometer.

For nursing mothers, we place a thermometer for measurement inside the cubital fossa, because the lactating mammary gland near the armpit can also distort the readings. That is, the temperature may seem high because the thermometer will heat up from the hot mother’s breast.

If the thermometer is electronic, its readings must be reset. If the thermometer is mercury, shake it off until the reading is below 35 degrees. I’ll say right away that it’s safer for kids to use electronic thermometer. Body temperature is measured while sitting or lying down for 10 minutes, holding the child’s arm or leg.


Hyperthermia is classified into subfebrile (37*-38*), moderate subfebrile (38*-39*), high (39*-41*), hyperpyretic (above 41*)

As the temperature rises with each degree (above 37*), the pulse increases by 10 beats per minute. And the respiratory rate is 4 breaths. At high temperatures above 40* there may be convulsions. Which is very dangerous for a little one. There is no need to bring it to this state; it is better to knock it down in advance.

How to understand that a child has a fever

Fever is also an increase in temperature. There are two types - white and pink.

White fever occurs when heat production in the body is greater than heat loss. In this case, the child's body is very hot, and his hands and feet are cold, like ice. White fever is more difficult to tolerate. It needs to be knocked down as quickly as possible, but first converted to pink.

Pink fever is when heat production matches heat loss. The skin becomes hot and moist to the touch, as if the child has been running and sweating a lot, general state at the same time suffers slightly.

What causes the temperature increase

Of course, under any circumstances it is better to see a doctor. But such an opportunity does not always exist. You yourself also need to know some of the causes of high fever.

For example it could be sore throat in a child, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. What if this viral infection, anti-grippin will help or Rinza (read my personal reviews of these products in the “use of medications” section). Don't forget to read the summary! without etiotropic treatment.

How should a mother behave?

Mom's help to her baby, as soon as she discovered a high temperature, at home is: the first thing to do is to put him to bed. It must be said that with a slight increase in temperature, babies behave normally, they play the same way and it is not always possible to put them to bed right away. Then it is better to occupy them with a quiet, calm game.

Second: the mother needs to think about why the child might have a fever, and try to bring down the high temperature. If this condition is caused by vaccination, then this is normal. But even from vaccination, the situation must be controlled. At high temperatures you can call ambulance. If the mother herself cannot find out why hyperthermia appeared, or the cause is some kind of disease, then you need to call a doctor at home. On weekends or evenings and nights, you need to call an ambulance.

While the doctor gets to the sick child, the mother can provide the following assistance: unfasten the top buttons or remove the baby’s tight clothes, ensuring a flow of fresh air. Just don’t create a draft!

How to bring down a high temperature - drink plenty of fluids

For any fever, drink plenty of fluids. It is needed to “wash the blood,” especially in infectious diseases. At high temperatures, fluid also leaves the body through sweat; it must be replenished.

Hyperthermia is a protective reaction of the immune system to the invasion of foreign microorganisms. The fact is that many harmful microbes or viruses “die” under the influence of elevated temperature and begin to “poop” in the blood. To flush all this out of the body, you need to drink plenty of fluids. In severe cases of intoxication of the body, the patient is given an intravenous drip system for this purpose.

At home, it is enough to dilute rosehip, sea buckthorn, raspberry or other berries syrup with water. Good for drinking heavily Herb tea, especially with a diaphoretic effect - with raspberry leaves, with lime color. You can also brew rose hips, chamomile, St. John's wort - but this is for older children. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea with lemon are suitable for drinking plenty of water - here the individual preferences of the child must be taken into account. If the baby sweats at the same time, some of the toxins will come out with sweat, and this is very good. But it’s better to give a clean one drinking water. In short, give whatever the child drinks. After all, we need to bring down the temperature.

How to use physical cooling methods

Mom can also use physical cooling methods. That is, wipe the child with cool water. Leave to dry without wiping. As the solution evaporates, it cools the surface of the skin. Rubbing can be repeated. Dilute well in water for wiping the child baking soda, a teaspoon per liter of warm water. You can also place a wet towel or napkin on your forehead and change it as you warm up. Physical methods of cooling include applying cold to an area large vessels. Cold - take something from the freezer, wrap it in a clean, dry cloth and place it on both sides of your armpits and groin area. This is where the large vessels pass.

Antipyretics for HIGH TEMPERATURES - on the advice of a doctor

How to Reduce a Fever with Medicines

It is believed that there is no need to reduce hyperthermia to 38* with medication, that the body is fighting the disease. However, this does not apply to small children under 1 year old, to weakened children, if there is convulsive readiness - in these cases, at a temperature above 37.5, and in other cases at a temperature above 38 *, an antipyretic medicine is given. It is safest to give paracetamol at a dose of 10 - 15 mg per kg. weight of the child (see instructions for the drug), ibufen (ibuprofen) is allowed. The form of the medicine can be in syrup or tablets, the choice is at your discretion. For small child Candles are perfect. At a temperature of 38.5 * and above it is set intramuscular injection lytic mixture: analgin, papaverine, diphenhydramine in age-related doses. We must remember that antipyretics cannot be given for more than 3 days! In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

How to turn white fever into pink fever

I have already written that high temperatures do not occur in the same way. It is important to determine what type of fever your child has, because different steps will need to be taken. If the fever is white, physical cooling methods will not help. White fever must be converted to pink fever. It's not always easy, but you have to try. To do this, the child should not be undressed, but rather warmed up by putting warm socks and mittens on him, rubbing his arms and legs, covering him with a warm blanket and giving him a warm drink. If the child does not want to drink, you still need to offer him a teaspoon of water every 10 minutes. Along with the antipyretic drug, you should give a vasodilator - papaverine or no-shpu. White fever is a case for a small child when it is necessary to call an ambulance.


How to evaluate your actions

20-30 minutes after antipyretic measures, you need to assess whether there is an effect. After this time, the high temperature should drop by about 0.2* - 0.3*. Next, check every half hour.

If the measures do not produce an effect, you need to do something else, but this is already in the hospital. We must understand that fever is not a disease, but only a symptom of some disease. Only a doctor can identify it and begin treatment.

The professor’s opinion on whether it is necessary to bring down a high temperature:

I would not use this method for a child. What do you think is another way to bring down a child’s fever?

In what cases do children tolerate colds, ARVI, and flu more easily? How to help your child's body cope with high temperature without drugs? Is it enough good care for a child to recover from a cough and runny nose? Experienced pediatrician reveals the mechanisms of well-known methods of caring for children during illness.

If your child shows signs, you should leave him at home and put him to bed. This serves two purposes. Firstly, by doing so you contribute to a milder course of the disease in the child himself. Secondly, you protect his friends from getting sick.

Air in the room: cool, humid, fresh

It is necessary that air temperature in the sick child’s room was no higher than usual (20-21 °C), and the air was humidified.

Some doctors even recommend a moderately reduced air temperature - 16-18 ° C, and there is a reason for this. The fact is that heat transfer from the surface of the child’s body is difficult if the room is very warm and the child is thoroughly wrapped up. The child also gives off heat when breathing, inhaling cool air and exhaling air that has warmed up in the lungs to body temperature. Moreover, the greater the temperature difference, the greater the heat transfer, the less likely it is that the child’s body temperature will rise to very high numbers.

Wet air necessary, firstly, to maintain the moisture of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, otherwise the child will not be able to cough up thick and sticky sputum. Secondly, to combat the increase in body temperature, the child has to sweat. If he is in a room with low humidity, the inhaled dry air in the lungs is humidified to 90-100% (think of steam from the mouth when breathing in cool weather). With each exhalation, the child loses fluid, and the breathing rate in small children is 2-3 times faster than in an adult. During the day, a child loses up to half a liter of fluid through breathing. What kind of sweating is there...

If you live in a house with central heating, it is advisable to either use a special humidifier or hang a damp terry towel on the heating radiator several times a day. This will make the child's breathing easier and promote effective coughing.

The air in the room where the sick child is located should be fresh. To do this, the room must be ventilated several times a day. In the best way ventilation is considered as follows. The child is taken to another room for a while, the vents (windows) and the door are simultaneously opened in the room for a few minutes, creating a draft. At the same time, the walls and furniture do not have time to cool down, and after ventilation, the air temperature in the room is very quickly restored. Ventilation allows you to remove microorganisms that have accumulated there from the room. Wet cleaning of the room also contributes to this.

Food and drink for colds

A sick child wants to be cured as quickly as possible. It is believed that additional energy is needed to fight the disease. And food is the main source of energy. Everything is logical, but not entirely true.

As a rule, during a cold, a child’s appetite is reduced. If, when you are sick, you try to overfeed your child, then energy is spent on digesting food, which the child could use to fight the infection. The child always has some reserves in his body for such a case, the use of which is less expensive than the absorption of food. After recovery, the appetite will improve and the child will quickly restore its reserves. So how should you feed your baby? Just based on his appetite.

For mild illnesses that do not require significant costs to fight infection, and appetite is not impaired. The more severe the disease, the worse appetite and the less the child should eat.

The next point is related to feeding the baby. Trying to compensate for a decrease in appetite, they often try to feed the child some delicious dishes: exotic fruits, oriental sweets, red caviar and other products that the child eats very rarely in everyday life. However, new (even very tasty) food requires adaptation, and with illness, digestion capabilities are reduced. And instead of benefit, a cold may be accompanied by indigestion.

Food should be familiar to the child, not plentiful, although, of course, preference should be given to favorite, especially vegetable, dishes. And here the amount of liquid in the diet of a sick child must be significantly increased.

The additional need for fluid is due to the fact that when a child is ill, activity increases metabolic processes. The formation of toxins increases, which must be removed with urine, sweat, and feces. In case of illness, increased removal of toxic waste products of microorganisms is required. As body temperature rises, sweating increases and breathing quickens. This is accompanied by increased fluid loss through sweat and exhaled air. Increased mucus formation also requires additional fluid consumption.

All these additional fluid costs in the event of a child’s illness must be provided for and compensated for, without waiting until his lips dry out and the sputum thickens and the child cannot cough it up. On the contrary, if you give a child plenty of water in a timely manner, this will not relieve him of the disease, but when a fever appears, he will sweat profusely; body temperature will not be excessively high; will be wet - phlegm will come off easily; the child will urinate a lot; and the deterioration in health will be insignificant.

In most cases of colds, the success of fighting the disease largely depends not so much on taking medications, but on drinking enough water. At the same time, it is not at all enough to give the child something to drink only when he asks.

Pay attention to the moisture of the lips and remember the last time your child urinated. An indicator of insufficient fluid in a child’s body is dry mucous membranes (lips, tongue) and decreased urination, and in children over 1 year of age there is also an increase in the concentration of salts in the urine, which is manifested by a more pronounced color.

It is very important to stay ahead of the development of the disease and give the child excess water beyond his desire. It's not always easy. You have to choose a drink that he will like. The choice is quite wide. As a drink, you can offer weak tea, dried fruit compote, fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks, still mineral waters, raisin decoction, special rehydration solutions.

You should give the child food in small portions, avoiding violence, but resorting to various tricks that your imagination is capable of. A personal example and various game situations can be used here. If you categorically refuse to drink, try offering your child food rich in liquid - melon, watermelon, cucumbers.

The drinking temperature depends on the goals you set for yourself. If the child is dehydrated and it is necessary for fluid to be quickly absorbed into the digestive tract, the temperature of the drink should correspond to body temperature. If it is more important for you to first reduce the child’s elevated body temperature, the drink should be at room temperature, since part of the thermal energy is consumed to heat the drunk liquid in the digestive tract.

Comment on the article "Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed"

The child walks slowly and limps left leg or he runs in a skipping motion, but he just can’t walk quickly, he’s also become... The first signs of a cold! They definitely won’t do any harm, but they won’t put you back on your feet quickly either.

Feed - feed - feed. You have Zhen in your milk, we also got sick before New Year’s Eve. I had tempo 39 for 4 days, Katya had it, but it was small, I am Pediatric Medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Caring for a child with a cold...

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Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. If your child shows signs of a cold, you should leave him at home and put him to bed. Colds cannot be transmitted through milk, but milk will protect your child from your own cold.

The child was not isolated anywhere, because there was nowhere. Get out of bed three times a day and quickly cook porridge even with a high temperature. Look at other discussions on the topic “I always get sick with my child”: Autumn is the season of colds. But if you are not confident...

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Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Treating ARVI in children: working on mistakes. When treating a child’s cold, mothers may encounter errors. By the way, mustard plasters were once written about as a means of increasing lactation, so I think...

Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. SOS - if the child is sleeping. For some reason, I, who am experienced in childhood illnesses, was completely at a loss....: (My youngest had a severe fever last night.

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. The situation is as follows: what to do if the mother is sick and the child is on breastfeeding?

Digestion. Pediatric medicine. Child health, illnesses and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Caring for a child with colds, flu and ARVI: cool and moist air in the room, food according to appetite, drinking plenty of fluids.

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. But the amount of liquid in the diet of a sick child needs to be significantly increased. The additional need for fluid is associated with In general, reduce infusions to a minimum and where it is very necessary, well, get rid of...

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Food and drink for colds. In what cases do children tolerate colds, ARVI, and flu more easily? ASK_ADVICE Question from a group member: “Is it possible to breastfeed if your mother is sick?”

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Feed - feed - feed. You have Zhen in your milk, we also got sick before New Year’s Eve. I had tempo 39 for 4 days, Katya had it, but it was small, I Penicillin antibiotics can be given to breastfeeding women, but this is not suitable...

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Feed - feed - feed. You have Zhen in your milk, we also got sick before New Year’s Eve. I had tempo 39 for 4 days, Katya had it, but it was small, I Penicillin antibiotics can be given to breastfeeding women, but this is not suitable...

Drink as much as possible. Juices are not advisable, but if you don’t drink anything else, then you can have them. Good: dried fruit compote without prunes, mineral Cold in a child. "Derinat" - to protect your baby! Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed.

Are we treating a cold? :((. Medical issues. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Child from birth to one year. Most newborns sneeze, and a physiological runny nose is a runny nose that does not need to be treated, it. ..

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Colds in a baby, ARVI in children of the first year of life. ...I caught a cold, apparently I dressed lightly while we were walking (herpes popped up on my lip, the trouble is that we have breastfeeding, what should I put on it, how can I avoid infecting the baby?

Dousing for a cold If you manage to catch the onset of a cold in time, douse immediately cold water, if possible as early as possible, then a couple more times and one in the morning, by the evening, as a rule, it is already healthy. Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed.

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. At the same time, it is not at all enough to give the child something to drink only when he asks. Your symptoms are not horrifying, leave the child alone, in three days you will see improvements for yourself.

Water is the basis of life. The human body is 80-85% water. Water is an excellent solvent and is needed for the normal course of numerous biochemical processes that constantly occur in human body. If an adult is without food healthy body can “stretch” about 30-40 days, then without water (the so-called “dry hunger strike”) - no more than a week.

Water also plays an important role in heat exchange processes, being the basis of most physiological mechanisms heat transfer:

  • the inhaled air, entering the nasopharynx, is warmed and saturated with water vapor, for which a certain amount of energy is spent - the colder and drier the air, the higher the heat transfer and the faster the body’s water reserves are consumed;
  • sweating is one of the most effective ways heat transfer by our body, with a shortage of water reserves, we sweat worse, therefore, heat transfer worsens;
  • the process of urination is also accompanied by heat transfer, the more water we drink, the more often urination occurs (heat transfer improves), with water deficiency, urination is rare, urine becomes a rich yellow color, often with an unpleasant odor;
  • When there is a lack of water, the blood thickens, which affects the efficiency of blood circulation skin, respectively, on heat transfer.

Any 6th grade student who started studying physics in high school probably knows the immutable law - the higher the temperature, the higher the evaporation of liquid. In other words, as the body temperature rises, the patient begins to lose more fluid - the higher the temperature, the higher the loss (demand) for water.

So that a person can replenish his body’s water reserves in time and not die from dehydration, nature “invented” thirsty- when fluid reserves are insufficient, an SOS signal is sent to our brain, and we feel thirsty. A simple conclusion follows from this - the presence of thirst indicates an insufficient amount of fluid in our body. Therefore, you should drink water not when I WANT TO, but because her NECESSARY drink.

A simple and reliable “indicator” that our body has enough water when drinking plenty of water is frequent urination(in this case, the color of urine is usually transparent), of course, if there are no pathologies associated with genitourinary system or, for example, diabetes.

However, getting a small child to drink, especially during illness, is often a difficult task. But at high temperatures there is no alternative to frequent and abundant drinking! Drinking plenty of fluids during fever is a prerequisite for effective symptomatic therapy. It should be understood that without a sufficient amount of fluid entering the body, the effectiveness drug therapy decreases.

What and how to drink when you have a fever

  • the temperature of any drink should be close to body temperature, only in this case the liquid will be absorbed into the blood from the stomach as quickly as possible;
  • best to drink clean water, but you can have various teas, decoctions, compotes, juices, fruit drinks - everything that the child likes (and, therefore, is easier to drink);
  • Separately, it is worth paying attention to diaphoretic products, for example, raspberries - tea with raspberries causes profuse sweating, for this reason, the child should be given water to drink in advance so that he has something to sweat with;
  • Oral rehydration solutions are indicated for large fluid losses (uncontrollable and frequent vomiting, diarrhea), when salts and microelements vital for the normal functioning of the body are removed from the body along with water in large quantities. Such solutions are sold in pharmacies, often in the form of powders that must be diluted boiled water according to the instructions included with the solution. Unfortunately, many solutions do not have a very pleasant taste, therefore, giving them to children is not so easy, but sometimes it is vitally necessary.

Separately, it should be said about children in the first year of life who can be given water clean water, raisin decoction, the same instant drinks and oral rehydration agents specifically designed for infants.

The main signs of water deficiency in a child’s body:

  • dry skin;
  • constant thirst;
  • infrequent urination, with the urine having a rich yellow color;
  • weak effect of antipyretics.

Worth remembering! How higher temperature the child’s body, as well as the drier and warmer air where he is, the more more water his body demands.

ATTENTION! The information presented on this site is for reference only. We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences self-medication!

An increase in body temperature is the most typical manifestation of not only ARVI, but any infectious disease. The body thus stimulates itself, producing substances that will fight the pathogen.

The main one of these substances is interferon. Many people have heard about it, if only because it is quite often prescribed by doctors in the form of nasal drops. Interferon is a special protein that has the ability to neutralize viruses, and its amount has a direct relationship with body temperature - that is, the higher the temperature, the more interferon. The amount of interferon reaches its maximum on the second or third day after the temperature rises, and that is why most ARVIs end safely on the third day of illness. If there is not enough interferon - the child is weak (cannot respond to an infection with a high temperature), or the parents are “very smart”: they quickly “brought down the temperature” - then there is almost no chance of ending the illness in three days. In this case, all hope lies in antibodies, which will definitely put an end to the viruses, but the duration of the illness will be completely different - about seven days. By the way, the information provided largely explains two facts: it answers the question why “unloved” children get sick for three days, and “favorite” children get sick for a week, and explains on a scientific level folk wisdom regarding the fact that treated flu goes away in 7 days, and untreated flu goes away in a week.

Each child is individual and tolerates fever differently. There are children who calmly continue to play at 39 degrees, but sometimes it is only 37.5 °C, and he almost loses consciousness. Therefore, there cannot be universal recommendations regarding how long you should wait and after what number on the thermometer scale you should start saving.

The main thing for us is the following.

When body temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air.

Two required actions:

1. Drink plenty of fluids so you have something to sweat.

2. Cool air in the room (optimally 16-18 degrees).

If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small.


When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. Skin temperature decreases, but temperature internal organs increases. And this is extremely dangerous!

You cannot use so-called “physical cooling methods” at home: heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. In hospitals or after a doctor's visit, it is possible, because before (before physical methods cooling) doctors prescribe special medications that eliminate spasm of skin blood vessels. At home, you need to do everything to prevent spasm of skin blood vessels. That's why

cool air, but warm enough clothes.

Particles of heat are carried away from the body by evaporation of sweat and thus the body temperature decreases. Several methods have been invented to speed up evaporation. For example, place a fan next to a naked child; rub it with alcohol or vinegar (after rubbing, the surface tension of sweat decreases and it evaporates faster).

People! You can’t even imagine how many children paid with their lives for these rubbings! If the child has already sweated, then the body temperature will drop on its own. And if you rub dry skin, it’s crazy, because through the delicate baby skin, what you rub with is absorbed into the blood. Rubbed with alcohol (vodka, moonshine) - alcohol poisoning was added to the disease. Rubbed with vinegar - added acid poisoning.

The conclusion is obvious - never rub anything. And fans are also not needed - the flow of cool air will again cause a spasm of the skin blood vessels. Therefore, if you are sweating, change your clothes (change them) into something dry and warm, and then calm down.

The higher the body temperature, the more sweating, the warmer the room, the more actively you need to drink. The optimal drink for a child of the first year of life is raisin decoction. After a year - dried fruit compote. Tea with raspberries dramatically increases the formation of sweat. Therefore, you must be sure that you have something to sweat and, therefore, to raspberries I should drink something else (the same compote). But in any case, raspberries should not be given to children under one year of age.

If he goes through it, I will, but I won’t, then let him drink whatever he wants (mineral water, herbal decoctions, tea, viburnum, rose hips, currants, etc.), than not drinking at all .

Remember - fluid is needed to prevent blood from thickening. And any drink will get from the stomach into the blood only after the temperature of the liquid is equal to the temperature of the stomach: given cold, it will not be absorbed until it warms up, given warm, it will not be absorbed until it cools down.

Conclusion: it is necessary to strive to ensure that the temperature of the drink used for drinking is equal to body temperature (plus or minus 5 degrees does not count).

There are, and quite often, situations when an increase in body temperature is poorly tolerated by a child. Sometimes an increase in body temperature is dangerous for a child because he has some illness nervous system, and high body temperature can trigger seizures. And, by and large, a temperature above 39 degrees that lasts for more than an hour has no less negative effects than positive ones.

Thus, three situations can be distinguished when it makes sense application medicines . I repeat once again:

  1. 1. Poor temperature tolerance.
  2. 2. Concomitant diseases of the nervous system.
  3. 3. Body temperature is above 39 degrees.

Let us note right away: the effectiveness of any medicine decreases, and the likelihood adverse reactions increases significantly if the above two main tasks are not solved - the proper drinking regime is not ensured and the air temperature in the room is not reduced.

Ideal for home use paracetamol(synonyms - dofalgan,panadol, calpol, mexalen, dolomol, efferalgan, tylenol; It is advisable to have at least some of the above in candles). Paracetamol is a unique medicine in its safety; even exceeding the dose by 2-3 times, as a rule, does not lead to any serious consequences, although there is no need to do this consciously. There are few drugs comparable to it in terms of ease of use - tablets, chewable tablets, capsules, suppositories, soluble powders, syrups, drops - choose what your heart desires.

Some helpful information about paracetamol.

  1. 1. The most important: The effectiveness of paracetamol is very high specifically for acute respiratory viral infections. At bacterial infections, if complications arise from the same ARVI, paracetamol helps for a short time or does not help at all. In short, in case of any serious infection it is not possible to achieve a significant reduction in body temperature with its help. This is why paracetamol should always be in the house, because it helps parents correctly assess the severity of the disease: if after taking the body temperature drops quickly, it means that high degree We can probably conclude that the child has nothing terrible (more terrible than ARVI). And here if there is no effect from taking paracetamol- now is the time to make a fuss and do not put off seeing a doctor.
  2. Paracetamol is produced by hundreds of companies under hundreds of different names in dozens of forms. The effectiveness of the drug is determined primarily by the dose, and not by the release form, the beauty of the packaging or the commercial name. The difference in price is often tenfold.
  3. Since paracetamol is one of the drugs that is most often used without the help of a doctor, you should know how to use it (paracetamol). Doses are usually indicated on the packaging.
  4. Paracetamol is not a treatment. Paracetamol reduces the severity of a specific symptom - elevated body temperature.
  5. Paracetamol is not used as planned, that is, strictly according to the clock, for example, “1 teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day.” Paracetamol is given only when there is a reason to give it. High temperature - yes, normalized - no.
  6. Paracetamol should not be given more than 4 times a day or for more than 3 days in a row.

In any case, parents must be aware that self-use of paracetamol is only a temporary measure that allows you to calmly wait for the doctor .

How to reduce a child's temperature at home. Consequences of elevated temperature. Broken mercury thermometer what to do. Medicines to reduce fever in a child.

The child's temperature rises suddenly and increases rapidly. At the first symptoms, measure it regularly.

    Vinegar rubdowns

    Use apple or table vinegar 9%. Mix vinegar and warm water in a glass or enamel bowl in a ratio of 1 tbsp. 500 ml warm (not hot) boiled water. Next, wet the sponge and wipe the baby’s skin with it: first the back and tummy, then the arms, legs, palms and feet. Afterwards, fan the baby so that the liquid evaporates faster. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 hours.

    Rubbing with a vinegar solution does not reduce the temperature completely, but only reduces it to a comfortable level. It is easier for the body to cope with the disease. Complications from elevated temperature are excluded.

    Rub the following areas of the body: armpits, elbow bend, knee bend, behind the ears, forehead, neck.

    Remember! Do not rub with pure vinegar - it will damage the baby's skin.

    Cold wrap

    Lay down a terry towel or blanket. Place a wet diaper or sheet on top. Undressed child place on a wet cloth. Wrap in a damp diaper and a thick, warm blanket on top. After half an hour, unwrap, wipe and change into dry clothes. Perform a cold wrap once a day. Used only at temperatures above 38.5. Before this end, do a warm wrap.

    Cleansing enema

    In glass cold water dissolve 2 tsp. salt. Add 10-15 drops beet juice. After this, take the prepared solution into the enema. 50 ml of water is enough for the baby.

    If the baby is sick intestinal tract(colitis), then it is better to do a cleansing enema with medicinal properties. Add chamomile to the solution. Brew like this: 3-4 tbsp. Place chamomile flowers in an enamel bowl. Pour one glass of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.

    Then cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials, and the amount of the resulting infusion is diluted with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.

    Mix chamomile infusion with sunflower oil, for small children - in half, for older children add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil to 700-800 ml of solution.

    Warm compress

    Soak terry napkins in warm mint infusion, then squeeze thoroughly.

    Place the prepared compresses on the forehead, temples, wrists, and groin folds. Change these compresses every 10 minutes. This method will help to quickly reduce the child’s temperature.

    Hypertonic solution

    Should you drink at high temperatures? hypertonic solutions. Calculate the dose as follows: prepare 1-2 teaspoons of salt for 1 glass (200 ml) of warm boiled water (cool water will cause spasms and pain in the baby).

    The prepared solution helps absorb water through the intestinal walls and removes toxins along with feces.

    For babies up to 6 months, administer 30-50 ml of the prepared solution.

    For children from 6 months to 1-1.5 years, administer 70-100 ml.

    Children 2-3 years old - 200 ml.

    For children preschool age- 300 - 400 ml.

    Children 12-14 years old need to administer 700-800 ml of water per 1 liter of water 1-2 tablespoons table salt without top.

    Drink plenty of fluids

    At high temperatures, the body intensively loses fluid through the skin. To reduce the temperature you need to sweat a lot. Therefore, let your baby drink tea, infusion or fruit drink as often as possible. It is important that the drink is not hot, but always warm. Useful properties have: linden infusion, cranberry juice, red currant juice, lingonberry juice, rosehip infusion, raisin decoction, older children are given dried fruit compote. It is better to give raspberry tea after any other drink, so as not to provoke dehydration.

    Ventilation of the room

    Ventilate the room regularly. Fresh air must be there all the time. It is important to keep the children's room cool (18-20°C). The child should not be in the room.

    Wet environment

    In dry air, the body will lose more fluid. Therefore, wipe the floor with a damp cloth more often or hang wet towels near the crib. Use a humidifier. The optimal room humidity is 50-60%.

    Cool water bath

    The child is placed waist-deep in a slightly warm bath, the procedure lasts up to 20 minutes and is repeated twice. The body should not be wiped dry. While the body dries out, temperature will be released through the skin.

    The right clothes

    Clothes that are too warm are dangerous for your baby. Will lead to overheating and heatstroke. If the child is not shivering, dress lightly and do not cover with thick blankets. Don't dress your baby in synthetic clothing. Give preference to natural fabrics.

Symptoms of fever in a child

A child's elevated body temperature may be indicated by:

  • temperature between 37.2°C and 38.0°C — slight increase temperature, requires monitoring the child
  • temperature between 38.0°C and 38.5°C is a moderate increase in temperature, the child should be cooled without the use of antipyretic drugs
  • temperature above 38.5°C - high promotion temperature, requires the use of antipyretic drugs and its intensive reduction
  • temperature above 40°C requires emergency medical attention

Fever in a child - possible causes

A high temperature in a child can appear either due to teething or a common cold, or it can be a symptom of a very serious illness. Therefore, whenever your child has a fever, you should consult a doctor.

Most common reasons Increases in temperature in children are:

The temperature may rise during the period of mandatory vaccination (along with other symptoms, such as: redness or swelling at the injection site, restlessness, drowsiness), as well as teething.

Other possible reasons fever in children and infants is:

Attention! Meningococci, pneumococci and rotaviruses are especially dangerous for young children.

Meningococci are bacteria that cause meningococcal disease, which occurs as sepsis or meningitis.

Pneumococcus can cause many diseases. The most common infections are:

Rotaviruses are very dangerous pathogens that cause acute, watery diarrhea(up to several times a day), high fever (up to 40°C) and upper respiratory tract infections.

Febrile seizures are a reaction of the nervous system to a rapidly rising temperature. A child with a high temperature (usually over 39°C) experiences rhythmic muscle twitching, sometimes with loss of consciousness. Attack febrile seizures resembles an epileptic attack and lasts several minutes. In this case, call a doctor as soon as possible.

Until the doctor appears, place the child on his side and unbutton his clothes. In this situation

It is better to use an antipyretic in a suppository. After an attack of febrile seizures, the doctor prescribes a neurological treatment for the child. EEG examination to prevent brain damage.

A child's temperature regulator is finally formed after the first year of life. Therefore, young mothers should not panic if the child’s temperature on the thermometer is 37.2 without symptoms. The reasons for this temperature may be

A baby develops a fever without symptoms if:

A child's temperature may rise when sharp decline hemoglobin.

When to see a doctor if your child has a fever

It all depends on the age of the child and accompanying symptoms. Urgent consultation is necessary for a newborn or infant with a fever. Younger and older children need to visit a doctor when the temperature is accompanied by other alarming symptoms:

Fever that lasts no longer than 3 days with mild symptoms can be lowered without consulting a doctor.

How to measure a child's temperature correctly

The child should have a separate thermometer, which must be disinfected as often as possible (wipe with alcohol or at least rinse with warm water). To accurately determine the baby’s body temperature, you need to measure his temperature when the baby is healthy and calm. For measurement accuracy, it is better to do this in the morning and evening. But when the baby is sick, it is advisable to measure the temperature three times a day and preferably at the same time. After each measurement, the results should be recorded in a “temperature diary”, based on which the doctor can judge the disease.

Types of thermometers:

Also make sure that while measuring the child’s temperature, he is calm, since if he is capricious and crying, the readings may differ significantly from the real ones. It can be measured in any of the following places: in the armpit, rectum or in the groin fold. To measure the temperature in your mouth, it is better to use a special thermometer in the shape of a pacifier.

Remember that the temperature measured in the rectum is usually 0.5 degrees higher than that measured in the mouth and one degree higher than that measured in the armpit or groin fold. But a lot also depends on the child himself, because for everyone this difference can be significant. At the same time, evening indicators are usually higher than morning ones, so it is worth judging by the average indicator.

You can measure temperature in several ways:

How to measure body temperature in the armpit:

  1. If you are using a mercury thermometer, bring the mercury down to 35-35.5˚C
  2. Place the tip of the thermometer under your armpit. Skin should be dry
  3. Secure the thermometer by pressing the child's elbow to his side and placing his palm on his chest. Measurement time is 4-5 minutes for mercury thermometer or until an electronic beep sounds. If possible, you should try to keep the child calm and move as little as possible while taking the temperature.
  4. Thermometer readings above 37.2˚C indicate elevated body temperature

When measuring rectal temperature:

  1. Place your baby on his side or on your lap, belly down
  2. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or baby oil and carefully insert it to a depth of 1.5-2 cm for children under 6 months, 2-3 cm for older children
  3. During the measurement, hold the child’s buttocks with your hands so that the child does not accidentally jerk or harm himself.
  4. Time – measurements 2 minutes or until beep

This method is best used once a day. After using the thermometer, wash the tip with warm soapy water and wipe with alcohol.

Measurement body temperature in the mouth:

  1. Take the measurement no earlier than 30 minutes after drinking hot or cold
  2. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue and the child can press it lightly with the tongue. You can hold the thermometer with your lips or fingers, but not with your teeth. Breathe calmly through your nose without opening your mouth
  3. Measurement time – 3 minutes or until the sound signal

Measurement body temperature on the forehead:

  1. A non-contact infrared thermometer is used for this.
  2. The thermometer should be held perpendicular to the center of the forehead and moved closer or further away until one point of light is obtained on the forehead
  3. When this dot appears, the thermometer is ready for accurate measurements.
  4. Normal temperature on the forehead skin is 36.4°C
  5. When the temperature drops, sweat may appear on the forehead, which lowers the temperature of the skin
  6. In this case, you can measure the temperature on the neck, from a distance of about 2.5 cm below the earlobe

To measure ear temperature need to:

The mercury thermometer is broken, what should I do?

It is necessary to treat the area of ​​the room where the thermometer broke.

We clean with a solution of potassium permanganate or bleach. To prepare a manganese solution, you need to dilute 2 g of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water. If you don’t have these things on hand, you can replace them with a soap and soda solution.

It is prepared as follows:

This solution requires 0.5 liters per square meter of room. It is recommended to carry out this cleaning for 5 days. The room in which the thermometer has broken must be constantly ventilated.

Broken thermometer what to do with mercury

Mercury is a metal. It becomes liquid at room temperature. Looks like silvery-white beads or balls (globules).

Liquid mercury easily evaporates into the air, even at room temperature, forming mercury vapor (gas). Mercury vapor is dangerous. Two grams of mercury can spread over almost six thousand cubic meters.

There is little mercury in the thermometer (about 3g). This is not enough for poisoning. But if you inhale or swallow a large number of mercury, then symptoms may occur:

If symptoms appear, wash your eyes, rinse your mouth and call an ambulance immediately!

In some cities there are organizations that recycle broken thermometers. But they don't come to the scene. These organizations personally accept cracked or broken thermometers or blood pressure monitors from citizens.

How to collect mercury from a broken thermometer

If you break a thermometer and spill mercury, you need to collect all drops of mercury in a glass container with water. To do this we use:

After collecting mercury, you should never:

Mercury beads reflect light, so the flashlight quickly finds any beads.

Medicines to reduce fever in a child

There are a limited number of antipyretic medications available for children. Them, as well as methods of administration, side effects, we will consider contraindications below.

Medicines to reduce fever in a child are: Paracetamol and Nurofen.

Panadol suspension 120 mg/5 ml, 100 ml

Panadol syrup and suspension differ from tablets in their speed of action and ease of use. Small children do not know how to swallow tablets, and if they are crushed first, some of the medicine usually remains on the spoon or in the baby bottle. Thus, it is difficult to determine the correct dose of the medicine.

According to the instructions, you need to take Panadol depending on your body weight:

The interval between doses is always at least 4 hours.

If the temperature rises in a child under 3 months of age, Panadol is prescribed 2.5 ml

  • hypersensitivity
  • neonatal period (up to 1 month)
  • severe liver or kidney dysfunction

Side effects:

  • allergic reactions (incl. skin rash, itching, angioedema)
  • hematopoietic disorders (anemia, thrombocytopenia, methemoglobinemia)

Nurofen for children, suspension 100 mg/5 ml, 100 ml, strawberry

Many of my patients prefer Nurofen to other antipyretics. First of all, because it brings down the temperature almost immediately (within 15-20 minutes), and its effect lasts for 6 hours.

How to take Nurofen:

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to ibuprofen
  • bleeding and clotting disorders
  • history or current stomach ulcer
  • bronchospasm
  • rhinitis

Side effects:

  • allergic reactions varying degrees gravity
  • dyspeptic disorders
  • stool disorder
  • rarely – stomach bleeding

Children are often prescribed medications in the form of rectal suppositories - suppositories. Use

Many parents remember that using

The action of such drugs is faster than in the form of tablets.

Rectal suppositories are best used for children under 3 years of age; syrups are recommended for older children.

If taking tablets, syrups and suppositories does not help, there is one more proven remedy. Analgin and diphenhydramine injection with papaverine in a dosage of 1 ampoule for adults and children over 14 years of age. For young children, the dosage is 0.1 ml per year of life. For example, for a 5-year-old child, the dosage is calculated as follows: 5 * 0.1 = 0.5 ml.

Make a decision about the method of treating your child only after consulting a doctor! And be healthy.