Organic baby puree. Organic food for children: benefits and safety. How to Find Organic Products

Organic nutrition

Of course, every parent, when faced with the question of choice baby food, will prefer the healthiest and highest quality products, rightly believing that the health of his child directly depends on these characteristics. However, with all the variety of baby food presented on the shelves of modern stores, is it so easy to choose among it truly healthy and safe?

Natural or organic?

Nowadays the question of what products we buy and eat is very acute: where and from what raw materials were they produced? were fertilizers and pesticides used when growing crops, and antibiotics and other drugs when raising animals? The concept of “natural product” has become very valuable.

However, buyers and manufacturers often understand this term very differently. Surely most of us, seeing the word “natural” on the label, imagine 100% plant or animal ingredients placed in the package with a complete (or almost complete) absence food chemistry- dyes, flavors, improvers, etc.

However, the term “natural product” can be interpreted completely differently by unscrupulous manufacturers, and therefore the presence of this phrase on the packaging does not guarantee the absence of chemical additives in its contents. Therefore, picky buyers have found a way out by purchasing not just natural, but organic products - after all, unlike the term “natural product,” the term “organic product” is clearly regulated.

Organic nutrition - what is it?

Organic baby cereals also benefit from conventional ones: thanks to special production technologies, the grains from which they are made contain more amino acids, vitamins and minerals than in the crop cultivated traditional ways, which means that both the composition and taste of organic porridges are much better and richer. All of the above fully applies to organic canned meat, which, with a bright and balanced taste, is completely devoid of antibiotics, growth hormones and other traces of drugs and chemicals used in animal farming.

Organic juices also have their advantages: the minimal use of heat and pressure during organic production allows them to retain a maximum of vitamins and minerals, due to which organic children's juices have a higher nutritional value and better taste compared to traditional ones.

Thus, organic baby food is that rare case when “healthy” does not mean “tasteless” - it is not surprising that many children prefer it. But it is also important that organic baby food not only gives babies new taste sensations and enriches their diet, but also forms the right taste habits in them, creating the basis for the future healthy image life.


When choosing a food product for children, I advise you to pay attention to trademark Heinz, the company has been around for a long time and has proven itself to be an excellent product. The line includes a variety of products: juices, purees, cereals, cookies, etc. Age category consumer from 0 to 3 years including pregnant women

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What is organic nutrition? What about organic baby food???

Food products can be conditionally divided into three groups: firstly, into foods containing emulsifiers and flavoring additives, secondly, products containing GMOs, and organic products (other options: eco or bio) - completely purified, with high content vitamins and useful substances, which do not have any artificial, chemical or GMO additives.

A bio-cucumber grows in healthy manure and is not improved by pesticide-containing fertilizers; an eco-chicken, which produces eco-eggs and eco-chicken, grazes on a green meadow, not knowing what compound feed or a cramped chicken coop is. Such products are usually equipped with a symbol organic, bio or eco.

The labels mean the same thing depending on the country. Single labeling for everyone BIO food not yet, but today a unified form of labeling is being developed by the European Commission.

So far there is only unification of standard marking ORGANIC within the European Union.

For example, in Germany the icon for organic products is a hexagon with the designation “BIO” (from the German Biologische Agrikultur) inside.

In the USA, organic products are labeled " USDA ORGANIC"(United States Department of Agriculture).

In France, this is a green square with the Latin letters “AB” ( Agriculture Biologique(Biological agriculture).

In Sweden, quality control of bio-products is carried out by the organization KRAV. Its standard is more stringent than the requirements provided for by European legislation. The license is issued directly by the Swedish Society for the Control of Agricultural Products.

ABG is represented in Austria and is the leading regulatory body for organic food production in Austria and neighboring countries.

Some organic products bear the EU symbol (the EU constellation icon topped with ears of corn).

The product packaging may simply say “ ORGANIC", without any certification badges at all.

However, despite the variety of labels, there will be one single rule for all organic products - such icons are placed only on those products that contain at least 95% organic ingredients!

Independent certifying bodies strictly control all production processes, from the grain planted in the soil to the control of organic goods displayed on the store shelf.

Everyone good day. Today I want to talk about baby food again. I know that many mothers prefer to introduce complementary foods “from jars”. It’s convenient, saves time, and there’s no shortage of baby food today.

Baby food manufacturers keep up with the times, trying to satisfy all the needs of mothers and babies. But have you ever wondered what you actually feed your child when you buy another jar?

What guides you when buying baby food?

Unfortunately, today, the word “children’s” does not guarantee the safety and naturalness of the product. Often the composition of a “children’s” product is not useful even for adults. And there are plenty of dishonest manufacturers today.

What to do?

If you are seriously thinking about what to choose for your baby's first feeding, then you should pay attention to organic baby food.

Organic products- these are products that are obtained as a result of certified production that meets the rules and standards of organic production.

The term “organic” includes:

  • agricultural land for growing crops and keeping animals is located in the cleanest possible lands;
  • in plant growing they do not use mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants, insecticides, etc.;
  • only clean seed material, Genetic Engineering and organic farming are incompatible;
  • in livestock farming, free grazing and stress-free housing are practiced; animals are not fed antibiotics, hormones and growth stimulants;
  • To finished products Artificial additives are never added (colors, flavors, thickeners, stabilizers, etc.), and in the production cycle, organic products only come into contact with what is certified as organic production.
  • All enterprises are regularly subject to strict inspections to ensure compliance with organic production.

Only after a thorough check by special certification companies can a sign appear on the label guaranteeing the quality and environmental friendliness of the product.

“Natural product”, “Without GMOs and preservatives”, “Environmentally friendly” - all these are marketing tricks that mislead parents if there are no relevant documents.
You can recognize organic baby food by the ORGANIC icon.

LANDI Organic Baby Food is the best start for your baby.

LANDI is an American company specializing in the production of certified organic baby food. All products meet the world's strictest USDA and FDA requirements. medicines and food products).

LANDI's assortment includes food for feeding your baby, as well as mixtures and snacks Sweetie Pie Organics for children over one year old.

LANDI baby food is made only from fresh fruits and vegetables. This is possible due to the fact that the plant is located in California. The climate of this region is conducive to reducing fruit processing time to 24 hours.

In regular baby food, vegetables and fruits are often pre-sublimated (water removed) or frozen. This allows you to store them for quite a long time. You understand, in Russia there are apples and carrots all year round don't grow. To prepare puree or juice, the fruits are heat treated or reduced by adding water.

For organic baby food, all fruits and vegetables are processed immediately, so the product packaging will indicate not “applesauce,” but “organic apples.” Feel the difference!

Baby food is more than just food!

LANDI employees are confident that correctly chosen baby food is the basis for a child’s powerful immunity for life.

Therefore, LANDI's assortment includes only the most healthy vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Many pediatricians today are inclined to believe that vegetables should be the baby's first complementary foods.

Pumpkin- universal complementary food at any time of the year. In spring, pumpkin will help support the immune system, as it is rich in ascorbic acid. Carotene is good for vision, iron salts are good for hematopoiesis, and vitamin D is good for growth.
In addition, pumpkin contains a very rare vitamin T, which is necessary for metabolism, and alimentary fiber that will help your little tummy cope with constipation.

Sweet potato, or sweet potato - a vegetable atypical for our country, but very popular for the first feeding of a baby abroad. The taste of sweet potato is reminiscent of banana, pumpkin and melon at the same time. Sweet varieties of sweet potatoes are grown especially for baby purees.
Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants. Just 100 g of product contains 4 daily doses of beta-carotene - a source of vitamin A, and almost half daily dose vitamin C.
Sweet potato ranks first in health among all vegetables, and it is also an excellent immunomodulator.

Mango- the fruit is exotic, and therefore mothers are in no hurry to introduce it into the diet of their children, but in vain. Mango is a source of valuable amino acids, B vitamins, carotenoids, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
In combination with other fruits, such as apples, mangoes can enrich children’s diets with vitamins and minerals, as well as develop taste.

Blueberry. Where they eat it, doctors have nothing to do. Blueberries are distinguished unique composition and balance organic acids, which determine it medicinal properties. In addition, blueberries contain a lot of minerals: potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, sulfur.
Vitamins A, B, C, PP, tannins And essential oils- all this has a beneficial effect on the body.

Today there is a lot of talk about the dangers of gluten for a child, so the first cereals in complementary foods are gluten-free ones: rice, buckwheat and corn. The LANDI line includes ready-to-eat cereals - Rice and green peas, Rice with peach and banana.
As your baby gets older, you can offer gluten-free cereals, bread and cookies. LANDI offers kids Oatmeal with prunes and Oatmeal with plum and banana.

It is worth noting that all LANDI baby food does not contain sugar and salt, all vegetables and fruits retain their natural taste.

Baby puree does not contain starch, which other manufacturers use as a thickener. If you remember, starch tends to swell, which dishonest manufacturers take advantage of, increasing the yield of finished products.

Find out more about LANDI - official website where you can see the full range

Facebook page - news, promotions and communication with mothers

Everything new is well forgotten old. The same can be said about organic nutrition. There is nothing supernatural or new in it. No super technologies are used in its preparation. Bio nutrition is based on products that are grown naturally in environmentally friendly soil without the use of any pesticides, growth stimulants, or fertilizers. To ensure such conditions, fields for growing bio products are located far from roads and industrial zones. And in order to open such a production, you need to obtain a special certificate that will confirm that the soil is environmentally friendly.

As for the control of pests and diseases, everything is also simple here - insects are repelled by ultrasound and noise, special birds are housed nearby, and crop rotation systems are also used. In general, such enterprises employ real professionals in their field.

As for exotic crops, they are brought directly from the countries where they grow, and not from industrial places, but directly from natural plantations. The quality of the product is checked for compliance.

Organic milk and meat

It is possible to grow vegetables and fruits in natural conditions real, but how to get the exact same meat and milk? These are also quite achievable goals. Cows graze in open meadows most of the year, eat organic grass, and if they are sick, they are treated herbal preparations. Small calves are fed only mother's milk. Thus, the result is a wonderful, pure natural product.

How does food production itself occur?

We’ve sorted out the raw materials, but what about the production process itself, and how do you avoid preservatives? Most of the checks (and there are more than 200 of them) are carried out manually, and preservation is carried out using natural preservatives - citric acid, pectin, apple cider vinegar etc.

That's the whole secret of organic baby food - everything ingenious is simple. Of course, such products are much more expensive than regular ones, but when it comes to baby food, it’s better not to skimp.