What causes small pimples on the scalp in men? Why do pimples appear on the head of the penis?

If a man has red pimples on the head of his penis, then this is the cause of anxiety, self-doubt and bad mood. But in this case, there is no need to panic, and also avoid going to the clinic.

In addition, rashes do not always indicate pathological process. And if this happens, then you need careful and calm treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Causes of rashes

Red pimples on the scalp in men often appear due to allergies. The fact that the allergic reaction manifested itself in the form of rashes in a specific place indicates that the irritant acted directly on the head of the penis.

For example, a person used a condom or lubricant of poor quality. Sometimes the rash occurs due to an allergy to washing powder or funds for intimate hygiene.

Allergies are identified by the following signs:

  • small rashes appeared on the skin in the intimate area;
  • in this place the skin turns red;
  • pimples appeared along with itching.

This discomfort goes away on its own, without the use of medications. If a man discovers such a reaction in himself, it is recommended to carry out a hygiene procedure clean water comfortable temperature, but do not use certain products.

You also need to think about what caused the allergy. After this, it is necessary to protect the skin from contact with this allergen.

Other reasons

Other reasons may not be so harmless. In some cases, such rashes indicate illness. The most popular option is thrush. After all, it happens not only to the fair half of humanity.

It is possible to identify thrush by the following signs:

  • red pimples appeared on the head of the penis;
  • on the head of the penis;

Thrush is easy to treat. But to avoid recurrence, it is recommended to carry out treatment and prevention for both the man and the partner. Sexual intercourse is not recommended until treatment is completed. High-quality products will help you cope with the disease in three days.

Such signs are also a signal of the appearance of herpes. With this disease, pimples are located in several pieces at a short distance from each other, resembling bumpy spots.

These rashes are very itchy, burst, liquid pours out of them, and instead of them with jagged edges. After a few days, nothing remains of the ulcers, only clean skin. To combat herpes, the doctor will prescribe ointments for external use.

Signs of developing serious diseases

If acne appears on the head of the penis and foreskin, this indicates a serious illness. For example, similar signs are characteristic of the second stage of syphilis. But to make a diagnosis, the presence of acne is not enough. A person’s temperature rises, lymph nodes become larger, rashes peel, etc.

If a person is bothered by the listed symptoms, he should immediately contact the clinic.

Pimples on the penis can appear due to many diseases. Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc. require urgent consultation with a doctor. In some diseases, rashes occur without itching or pain, while other diseases are accompanied by pain, swelling of the head, scabies and discharge.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately see a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate and try to find out on your own what kind of disease it is. Although there is a lot of information on the Internet, people can easily make mistakes. And the cost of error is too high.

Sometimes emerging condylomas are mistaken for pimples. They don't hurt severe discomfort, but require mandatory removal. If you remove them early, then the whole process will be easy and quick.

It is necessary to get rid of condylomas for the following reasons:

  1. They gradually increase in size and spread even to healthy areas.
  2. The cells can degenerate into a malignant formation.
  3. There is a high probability of infecting your partner.
  4. The genitourinary system is also susceptible to infection.

The removal procedure is simple. There are several methods to painlessly solve the problem. The most popular is laser removal.

The pathology is determined by the doctor based on signs of development. If there are no more rashes, the pimples have not enlarged and no fluid is released, but they have become paler and the itching has gone away, then it was just an allergy.


To find out how to treat acne on the head of the penis in a child or adult, you must first consult a doctor. He will appoint medicines, suitable in each specific case.

Usually the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • antibiotics in the form of ointments or tablets;
  • antiseptics to relieve inflammation;
  • products for external use that contain hormones;
  • antifungal agents;
  • antiviral agents, if we are talking about a viral infection;
  • antihistamines.

You cannot purchase drugs at your own discretion just because they helped another person with a similar disease. It is easy to make a mistake in making an independent diagnosis, and irreparable harm will be caused to your health.

Small red pimples on the head often become a rather frightening phenomenon for men who notice them, and this is not surprising. Everyone has heard about the dangerous venereal diseases sexually transmitted diseases, and other serious diseases that can affect the genitals. When red pimples may appear on a man’s head and how to treat them - all this in this article in order.

In men, red pimples on the head most often appear when an infection enters the genital tract or when there is inflammation of a non-infectious nature.

The infection can enter the genital tract:

  • through unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • through shared bedding or towels used by an infected person;
  • through dirty hands;
  • in some cases through a kiss (herpes virus) or sharing utensils.

However, the infection can enter the genitourinary tract not only from the outside, but also from inside the man’s body itself. This happens in cases where his immunity weakens and normal microflora becomes pathogenic and harmful (for example, with thrush). At the same time, the skin and mucous membranes also lose their protective function and are able to pass external infections almost without resistance.

The most common non-infectious inflammations in which red pimples may appear on the glans include balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis) and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) affecting the genital area. Also, red pimples on the head can appear in men with psoriasis or allergic processes affecting the skin of the genital organs.

In some cases, small pimples on the head of the penis are not a symptom of the disease, but anatomical feature structure of the genital organs. This feature occurs in some men and is considered harmless. cosmetic defect, which does not need to be treated. In addition, it could be sebaceous glands protruding on the surface of the skin of the penis, which is also a normal phenomenon that does not need to be treated. This is most often observed in young guys during puberty.

Manifestation of pathology

When a rash appears on the head of the penis, men should be alert to the following symptoms:

  1. Along with the rash, severe itching or burning is felt on the genitals.
  2. The mucous membrane of the penis is swollen and swollen.
  3. Red pimples on the head of the penis are filled with fluid.
  4. Body temperature is increased The lymph nodes enlarged in the groin area.
  5. Red pimples develop into small erosions or ulcerations.

Usually, rashes on the genitals are accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of various infections.

If you experience any of the symptoms described, seek immediate medical attention. medical care! These symptoms may indicate the presence dangerous disease, which can cause serious consequences, if left untreated. In such cases, it is highly not recommended to try to make a diagnosis, much less treat yourself - this is fraught with serious consequences for your health. Let's consider the manifestation of this pathology in various diseases:


Most often, topical medications are prescribed to treat this disease.

Candidiasis, or thrush, is quite common among men fungal infection, in which rashes may appear on the head of the penis and white coating. At first it has a creamy consistency, there is not much of it, so the disease is not always noticed immediately. After a short period of time, the plaque becomes cheesy and “sticks” to the head in the form of semolina particles, becoming dry. The cause of thrush in men is most often a weakening of the immune system as a result of prolonged stress, sudden and frequent changes climate, chronic diseases and infections. All this leads to activation in the body conditionally pathogenic microflora, which are yeast fungi.


This disease is also called ringworm and is also caused by fungal microorganisms. After infection, large red pimples appear on the skin of the scrotum, and then the penis and the area around it, which are very itchy. This infection is transmitted through household contact or sexual contact.

Genital herpes

This disease is caused by a virus. Its main symptom is pimples on the penis in the form of small blisters filled with clear or bloody liquid. After they burst, small cracks and very painful ulcers form in their place. The genital herpes virus can be transmitted through sexual contact and kissing.

Human papillomavirus infection

One of the most common species rashes on the genitals are caused by HPV.

This pathology manifests itself as a rash of small pimples-warts, red or white on the head of the penis, the skin of the scrotum and the entire groin area. Pimples by appearance remind cauliflower, their outgrowths can reach several centimeters in height. In medicine, such growths are called genital warts.

The papillomavirus is transmitted sexually - most often this occurs when leading a promiscuous sexual life with different partners without the use of protective equipment.

Pediculosis pubis

Small pimples on the penis can be a manifestation of lice pubis, or, more simply, the consequences of lice bites. You can become infected with these unpleasant insects through sexual contact or through household contact by using shared towels, washcloths, bed linen or wearing common clothes.


A rash on the penis can be caused by a syphilis infection. During the first three months after infection, a so-called chancre appears on the mucous membrane of the penis in the form of a red pimple that is dense to the touch. Then the chancre disappears without any therapeutic procedures. In appearance, syphilitic chancre can easily be confused with genital warts, but the consequences of syphilis for the body are incomparably more dangerous. This is a systemic and chronic disease that affects all systems of the body, and if treatment is not started in time, the consequences will be irreversible.

Treatment and prevention

If rashes and other painful signs appear, it is necessary to consult an experienced doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment for the man.

For candidiasis the following is prescribed:

  • Lubricating the penis with antifungal cream with clotrimazole.
  • Rinse the glans and foreskin daily with a weak solution of baking soda.
  • Taking vitamin and immunostimulating medications to strengthen a man’s immune forces.
  • Diet – sweets and bread are excluded from the diet, increasing the proportion of protein foods.

Treatment of rashes on the genitals is prescribed by the doctor depending on the specific diagnosis.

For trichophytosis:

  • Treat affected areas antifungal ointments(clotrimazole, mycospor, lamisil, etc.).
  • They strengthen the immune system with the help of multivitamin complexes and immunostimulants.
  • Wash the head of the penis daily and foreskin a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda.
  • Griseofulvin tablets are prescribed orally.

Treatment of genital herpes consists of the following measures:

  • Reception antiviral drugs in tablets (acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir) or intravenously (panavir).
  • Treatment of affected areas antiviral agents local impact(Panavir gel, Zovirax ointment).
  • Prescription for severe pain with painkillers (baralgin, pentalgin).

Papillomas in the genital area are especially dangerous.

When infected with papillomavirus, treatment is carried out, aimed mainly at suppressing the activity of the virus, since complete recovery and getting rid of the infection with this disease is impossible. The main therapeutic measures are as follows:
  • Taking antiviral drugs (inosiplex).
  • Taking interferon drugs and immunomodulators (lykopid, amiksin) to strengthen the body's immune forces.
  • Multivitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Local treatment with antiviral agents (interferon, cycloferon, oxolinic ointment, creams “Imiquimod”, “Epigen-intim”).
  • Chemical cauterization of condylomas.
  • Surgical excision of warts.

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis in men can be different. This is a symptom of several diseases that develop as a result of infection by harmful microorganisms. To determine the factor that provoked the appearance of formations on the genital organs, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed based on the results laboratory research. You should not get rid of small pimples on the head of the penis on your own, as this can lead to the development of more serious pathologies.

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis in men can be different.

Probable causes of formations

A rash on the genitals appears in a number of cases:

  • fungal diseases;
  • STD;
  • viral infections;
  • inflammatory processes in dermatitis and other pathological conditions of a nonspecific nature;
  • diseases that manifest themselves when immunity decreases;
  • oncology.

Various factors contribute to the development of a rash. The infection can be present in the body for a long time, but begins to develop only when immunity decreases. Pimples on the genitals in men usually appear as a result of infection through sexual contact. Some diseases are also transmitted through household contact. This happens when touching an infected person, if the skin of a healthy man has lesions.

Small pimples may appear when shared hygiene items (towels) are used. Dirty hands before and after using the toilet often cause rashes. Red pimples on the head of the male genital organ are one of the symptoms allergic reaction body to a stimulus. In adolescence, the rash occurs when the sebaceous glands. Red pimples on the head of the penis in this case are inflamed formations caused by excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands. This pathological condition is not specifically treated; it is enough to properly care for the organ.

Fungal diseases

The most common cause of pimples is candidiasis. The pathological condition is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. It enters the body sexually and everyday ways(through washcloths, towels). If there was sexual contact with a carrier, it is most likely that the fungal infection was transmitted to a healthy man.

Fungus of the genus Candida can remain in the body for a long period. The spread of infection is controlled by the human immune system. With a decrease in protective functions, the fungus begins to develop, and symptoms become noticeable. First of all, with candidiasis, grayish, white or milky discharge appears. Such plaque can be mistaken for secretory body fluid (sperm). It washes off easily.

Fungus of the genus Candida can remain in the body for a long period

However, after some time, if treatment is not started, the infection will become more severe. The presence of small grains is felt on the head of the penis, and the discharge becomes cheesy. At the same time, red pimples appear. It is often impossible to overcome an infection forever, but it is quite possible to control it by increasing immunity. Along with this they accept antifungal drugs. To cure red pimples on the head of the penis, use herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula).


This is another one fungal disease, its other name is ringworm. With this pathological condition, large red pimples usually appear. The first rash can be seen on the scrotum, then it spreads to the penis (body and glans). If left untreated, the disease manifests itself throughout the entire groin area.

The rash that appears is accompanied by itching. The fungus does not cause serious harm other than skin deformation. The disease is transmitted through direct contact: touching, sexual intercourse. Infection can also occur through household use during the use of shared towels and washcloths. To treat acne on the head of the penis and scrotum, antifungal agents are used, as well as drugs that stimulate the immune system.

Herpes virus infection

Infection occurs mainly through sexual contact. In this case healthy person genital herpes is transmitted. In this case, bubble formations appear on the head and foreskin. Inside there is a serous, bloody fluid. As the infection develops, it spreads to the scrotum and perineum.

When the pimples on the head of the penis burst, fluid flows out of them. As a result, the skin becomes deformed, cracks and wounds appear. The healing process of rashes on the glans and foreskin is quite painful. Sometimes the tumors are partially closed urethra. With this pathology there are usually discomfort during the passage of urine. You can cure acne on the head of the penis with the help of complex therapy: antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are used.

The herpes virus can remain in the human body for a long period and not manifest itself in any way. Controls the activity of infection by the immune system. With the slightest decrease in protective functions, herpes, like any other disease provoked by a virus, begins to actively develop. Even if the pimples on the head in men disappear and external signs herpes will disappear, in most cases the infection remains in the body. It is extremely difficult to completely overcome it. In the future, under the influence of external factors, rashes may appear again.

Human papillomavirus infection

In this case, neoplasms arise that initial stage developments resemble pimples on the head of the penis. They appear on the skin and mucous membranes. A virus that affects the genitals does not usually spread to other areas of the body, but it is still possible. Externally, the neoplasms look invisible, as they are characterized by a light shade. These can be white pimples on the head of the penis, pink or flesh-colored. Dark papillomas rarely appear on the genitals (under the head of the penis, on the mucous membranes). However, as they develop, they enlarge, unite with each other and become similar to cauliflower.

Neoplasms first appear on the scrotum, then spread to the head of the penis. Papillomas often form near anus. Genital warts usually appear on the genitals: they have a stalk and are distinguished by an elongated shape. If they are deformed, their health can deteriorate greatly, since some types of papillomavirus are oncogenic. In this case, a violation of the integrity of the neoplasm or other external factors may cause cancer.

The disease is often asymptomatic. The papillomavirus can remain in the human body for many years and not manifest itself in any way. Severe stress, heredity, chronic diseases, low immunity - these and a number of other factors contribute to the formation of papillomas. Treatment should be comprehensive, combining antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

Pubic lice

If red pimples appear, the cause may be blood-sucking insects. They are small in size and feed on blood. Pubic lice live exclusively in the groin. This is due to the structure of their legs. Symptoms of the disease:

Pubic lice

Syphilis infection

This is a serious disease, one of the symptoms of which is the formation of pink pimples on the genitals. The main symptom is chancre - these are neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the penis. They appear within the first 3 months after infection. Chancres can go away on their own, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

In appearance, these neoplasms are similar to genital warts. If left untreated, the infection spreads to all organs and systems human body. Multiple inflammations and papules occur on the penis. Ulcers form on the affected areas.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is sexually transmitted. Due to the fact that this infection has a long incubation period, symptoms do not appear immediately. However, unlike many other viruses and fungi (herpes, candidiasis, papillomavirus), syphilis cannot be stopped. The disease continues to develop, causing more and more new pathologies in different organs and systems of the human body.

Consequence of oncology, allergies

Pimples on the head of the penis, scrotum or red growths may appear as cancer develops. Other similar symptoms occur when there is a malfunction endocrine system. Pathological conditions provoke deviations different organs. In this case, the rashes are not characteristic, but side symptom diseases.

Redness skin and the formation of small red pimples is a consequence of an allergic reaction. This causes itching, flaking, and the skin becomes drier. Intensity negative reaction the body continues to increase unless the factor that provoked it is removed. Local rashes on the penis are a sign of contact dermatitis. Provoke development pathological condition synthetic underwear, washing powder and any personal hygiene products. Treatment consists of using local antihistamines(ointments, gels).

Red pimples on the head are a symptom that can put any man into a state of panic. Therefore, it is very important to know why they appear and what needs to be done if they occur in order to adequately respond to such a symptom and calmly make an appointment with a doctor. Red pimples on the head may look like small dots, bumps, spots, bubbles, etc. Such rashes can be physiological and dermatological in nature. If red pimples on the head do not go away within 1.5-2 weeks, you need to be wary. Especially if, in addition to this symptom others are present, for example itching or pain. In most cases, red pimples on the penis are a symptom of an infectious or inflammatory disease and demand timely treatment. However, the appearance of red pimples on the head of the penis is not always evidence of the presence of a disease. For example, many patients experience the so-called. false rash.

False rash in adolescence

The appearance of red pimples on the head may be due to physiological changes during puberty. The skin of the penis is thin and very delicate; it has many rather large sebaceous glands. During puberty, it is these glands that can cause the appearance of various kinds of rashes that look like white or red pimples.

Many guys have pearlescent glands on the head of the penis. Outwardly, they look like pointed protrusions. Especially large glands can secrete a whitish mass when pressed.

The appearance of rashes on the penis in adolescence, as a rule, is not a cause for concern. During this period, guys have a sharp increase in the production of male sex hormones, which is why the sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work more intensely. The composition of sebum also changes very often, which can lead to clogging of the glands. As a result, acne and comedones appear on the face and body, and red or white painless formations in the form of pimples, pimples, etc. may appear on the penis.

Such pimples on the head and other parts of the penis in most cases do not threaten human health. However, it is very important to prevent the sebaceous glands from becoming suppurated. To do this, you need to strictly monitor the hygiene of your own body.

Small red pimples will not appear on the penis if a man washes his genitals at least 2 times a day. Hygiene procedures best done using special means, designed for intimate places. When taking a shower, you need to expose the head and thoroughly clean it of any remaining semen, urine and various types of secretions. Strict adherence to intimate hygiene significantly reduces the likelihood that a man will develop acne on the penis.

When should you see a doctor?

However, the appearance of red pimples on the head of the penis is not always associated with non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. In most cases, pimples on the penis are a signal from the body that it is exposed to some kind of disease that requires as much care as possible. quick treatment. You can understand that acne on the penis is a cause for concern in the following cases:

  1. If the head is covered with red pimples that do not go away for more than 2 weeks.
  2. If, simultaneously with acne or a little later, swelling appears on the head of the penis, the penis begins to itch.
  3. If you have red pimples with clear edges and a flaky surface.
  4. If pimples filled with cloudy or bloody fluid appear on the head of the penis and other parts.
  5. In case of enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  6. When body temperature rises.
  7. If the head begins to become covered with painless or painful erosions and ulcers.
  8. When non-healing wounds appear on the head of the penis.

A doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the rash on the male genital organs. A urologist treats men. If you have a rash, you can also contact a dermatologist or venereologist. The specialist will conduct an examination and refer you to necessary tests and prescribe treatment.

It is important not to confuse rashes that require treatment with simple skin conditions, acne or mother-of-pearl glands. However, even if there are such changes in the male genital organs, it is still better to consult a doctor in order to 100% exclude the presence of infection or inflammation.

In addition, there are now many types of allergies that are associated with detergents, food, personal care products, etc. They can also lead to the appearance of various rashes on the male genital organs. For the most part, such rashes go away quite quickly after contact with the allergen is avoided, but showing them to a doctor obviously won’t hurt. This will eliminate the presence of more dangerous diseases.

Red pimples as a sign of various diseases

Red pimples may have different size and appearance. Pimples are all kinds of blisters, dots, plaques, dark spots, tubercles and erosions. Even a specialist cannot determine the cause of their appearance by appearance alone. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to go through a series of diagnostic procedures, based on the results of which the doctor will be able to determine the severity of the causes of irritation and select the appropriate treatment.

The rash may appear in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes And dermatological diseases. For example, with syphilis, small pink or red lesions appear on the penis. After them, the affected organ becomes covered with ulcers with a shiny thin bottom and rather dense edges. With genital herpes, the penis becomes covered with itchy blisters. Often this disease accompanied by quite painful sensations, and the bubbles themselves are filled with liquid.

The appearance of small rashes that look like short tubules and are accompanied by itching and irritation is a sign of scabies. Also irritation in the form of red pimples, accompanied by severe itching, may be a skin reaction to pubic lice.

Red pimples appear with dermatitis and psoriasis. Eg, contact dermatitis, which is characterized by the presence of swollen, red and often itchy spots, in most cases appears due to allergic irritations. Typically, the triggering factors are hygiene products and latex condoms. If the allergy is caused by food or any medications, it is diagnosed atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by the appearance of dry, itchy and rather dense red bumps. Patients with psoriasis develop flesh-colored or reddish plaques with clear contours and a flaky surface.

Red rashes on the head of the penis and other places can appear when the body is affected by various fungal infections. One of the most common diseases of this type is candidiasis, also known as thrush. The rash usually covers not only the head, but the entire groin area. Irritation is often accompanied by itching and pain.

Very bad symptom are red pimples, which are accompanied by long-term non-healing wounds and erosions. In particularly difficult cases, even deformation of the genital organs may occur. This may indicate oncological diseases skin.

The appearance of pimples on the head and other parts of the penis, swelling and symptoms such as chills, headaches, fever are uncharacteristic fast fatiguability, indicate inflammation of the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Cavernitis can appear as a result of injury to the genital organs or their damage by infection that has penetrated into the cavernous bodies of the penis, with sore throat, osteomyelitis, urethritis, influenza and other diseases.

If any symptoms appear that do not go away within 1-2 weeks, accompanied by itching, swelling of the penis, elevated temperature and others associated symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication should be excluded, because It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the rash on the head and other symptoms. As a result, you can waste your time and run into a lot of complications.

Prevention of red pimples on the genitals

You need to wash your genitals at least 2 times using products specially designed for this. You need to avoid synthetic and tight underwear.

Having sex, especially with untested partners, should only be done with a condom.

If a man removes hair from intimate places, he must wisely choose the method of removing it. It is not recommended to use razors with dull blades, expired depilatory products, etc.

Treatment Options

If pimples appear on the genitals, you should consult a dermatologist, venereologist or urologist. The doctor will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures and make a diagnosis. An examination is carried out and standard tests are prescribed, such as a urethral smear, blood test, and urine test. Additional tests may be ordered.

Treatment is prescribed only after determining the causative agent of the disease. Depending on the established illness Antibiotics, ointments and other medications may be prescribed. Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable. Any medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. React to any unfavorable changes in a timely manner and be healthy!

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The head of the penis has increased sensitivity to any influence. For this reason, negative manifestations occur in the intimate area.

Red pimples on the scalp in men - alarm signal. At the slightest irritation, you should consult a doctor. Making a diagnosis on your own and purchasing medications is unacceptable.

What is it and who to contact

If red spots appear on the penis, you shouldn’t guess what it is. You need to contact a venereologist, dermatologist or urologist. Any of these doctors knows and can make a diagnosis and then prescribe medications. Rash of red, flesh-colored, yellow, brown colors, signals serious illness. A harmless stain can cripple a man’s life for many years.

A dangerous manifestation of redness on the head of the penis is ulcerative. This gangrenous form with redness of the head and foreskin. As a rule, the process has already been started for a long time, so the treatment is long and difficult. In this case, ask the man why he doesn’t like to take care of his body and has neglected it to such an extent.


The infection tends to penetrate a man’s body not only from outside world, but also from the inside. A similar phenomenon occurs if protective forces weaken, the pathogenic flora becomes harmful. At the same time, mucous tissues begin to let external bacteria through without resisting.

Harmful microbes enter the genitourinary system:

  • intimate intimacy with an infected partner;
  • general hygiene items (towels, linen);
  • dirty hands;
  • dishes;
  • kiss (herpes).

The glans area of ​​the penis has a thin surface with a large number of blood vessels. If a red spot appears on it, this may indicate the development of venereal disease. During the activity of a harmful microbe, microscopic bleeding is provoked, which becomes noticeable through a thin layer in the form of a rash.

Sexually transmitted infections are not the only cause of red pimples on the penis. Often more serious pathologies lead to such a rash.

  • Balanoposthitis. An inflammatory process that affects the head and foreskin of the organ. In this case, the spots spread throughout the penis, creating a red “clearing”.
  • . Considered an intimate rash. Characteristic difference– pink or flesh tone. In appearance it resembles small tubercles.

Spots are rarely observed, quickly. This type of pathological symptoms indicates an allergy to medications. Basically, the rash occurs while taking antibiotics without itching or pain.

If red pimples on the head of the penis look like dry plaques, and are itchy, then we are talking about psoriasis. A little later, the pain associated with the peeling of the crust from the skin begins.

How it manifests itself

Not only red pimples should alert a man. You should consult a doctor if the following signs are present along with the rash:

  • itching, burning;
  • swelling, swelling of the head;
  • pimples with liquid inside;

hope for traditional treatment It is strictly forbidden, otherwise you may lose the sensitivity of the head. In addition, libido may decrease and the ability to conceive a child may be lost. All these points are interconnected.

Pimples on the genitals of a child

Rash in childhood on the genitals often occurs due to diathesis. Moreover, it can be either wet or dry. Pimples are localized anywhere and are accompanied by itching.

Attention! Diathesis is not a disease of infants. The later it occurs, the more difficult it becomes to bear.

If, along with red pimples, a child has itching and burning in the groin, then this is a serious reason to go to see a pediatrician. You cannot treat it yourself, otherwise there is a high risk of infection or fungus. With inadequate therapy, complications often affect the reproductive system in adulthood.

Principles of treatment

Men who do not treat acne on the penis are putting their health at risk. Self-medication also aggravates the problem by adding inflammatory processes. Secondary infections begin to appear.

Any medicine should be used only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Almost all diseases that cause rashes on the genitals are treatable. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the factor and cause that triggered the development of acne.

Candidiasis is rare in men, more common in women. For the former, treatment is quick. Symptoms disappear 3-5 days after starting to take the pills. The same applies to eczema: oral medications destroy germs, external medications relieve symptoms.

The doctor, having assessed the rash, prescribes ointments or tablets and tells how to treat. It depends on the general condition patient and additional symptoms.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • Clotrimazole (apply three times a day. Course – 10 days);
  • Pimafukort (2 times a day for a week in a thin layer);
  • Miramistin (spray affected areas 3-4 times a day);
  • Itraconazole (1 capsule (100) per day);
  • Pimafucin (tablets or cream are prescribed).


If the red pimples go away after treatment, a man should not relax. As soon as the old lifestyle or weakening begins immune system, the rashes will make themselves felt again. To prevent this, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations.

  • a course of immunomodulatory drugs to strengthen the immune system;
  • consumption of natural vegetables, fruits, grains;
  • undergoing a course of treatment with mild antibiotics that suppress the virus;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • avoiding hypothermia and overheating.
  • exclusion of casual sexual relations and bad habits.


If you find red pimples in an adult or child, do not panic. You must consult a doctor immediately. He will inspect and do necessary diagnostics, will prescribe treatment. Application folk remedies in this case it leads to infertility, dysfunction of urination and other serious pathological processes.