Opening a children's playroom is necessary. Business plan for opening a children's playroom

Children want to play and have fun. Parents - get at least a couple of hours of free time. You can satisfy the desires of both and make money from it if you open a children's playroom. A children's playroom as a business is a profitable investment and a promising type of activity.

The idea of ​​playrooms came to us from the West. There are establishments where it is realistic to leave the child for 2 or 3 hours under the supervision of a qualified person, they are very popular.

Which is understandable: it is not customary to send children to their grandparents, and the playroom is This is sometimes the only option for parents to free up time for their own affairs.

However, Russian grandparents increasingly refuse to play the role of nannies, preferring to mind their own affairs, work or hobbies. So gradually the country is beginning to see a trend toward Western development. family relations. This means that game rooms will be in demand here too.

Another function of game rooms and, accordingly, a source of income for their owners is holding holidays, mainly birthdays. For this purpose, animators are invited to take care of the program.

Another option is to create a game room inside the sleeping area. Entrepreneurs already working in this market have identified a trend: the further the area is from the city center, shopping centers and hypermarkets, the more popular the game rooms located in it are.

Parents do not want to waste time on the road to buy goods or have fun, so they limit themselves to offers within walking distance. However, small shops, clubs and cafes do not organize children's leisure activities.

What should be in a game room?

The center of every modern playroom is a labyrinth:a multi-level complex that includes different climbing elements. The larger, more interesting and varied it is, the more often children will ask their parents to take them here.

The labyrinth can be purchased ready-made or ordered according to an individual project. For active children, slides, trampolines, and swings are installed.

For quiet children, tables are set up where they draw, sculpt, paint, and play board games.

We create the interior

Next, you should make sure that the interior of the game room creates a joyful impression. Bright, cheerful colors, images of your favorite characters and good lighting will definitely help achieve this.

How to open a children's goods store “Begemotik” under a popular franchise trademark, You can find out

We are recruiting staff

For a game room that can simultaneously accommodate up to 50 people, At least two employees will be required to work in shifts. During rush hours, in the evenings and on weekends, they need an assistant.

The employee's duties include the functions of a teacher and administrator. He receives children, does the calculations and at the same time keeps order, helps the children get comfortable in the space, and offers entertainment options. You can find suitable personnel in pedagogical universities.

A cleaning lady will also be needed for the room. In children's play areas, wet cleaning is a daily necessity.

It is better to enter into contracts with at least 3-4 animators.

Children's playroom as a business: registration procedure

To open a business, register an LLC or register with tax service as an individual entrepreneur. The second option is preferable for small businesses: the registration process is cheaper and faster, allows for simplified accounting, and fines for possible violations below.

Children's playroom: business plan with cost and income calculations

A playroom for children is a business with a low barrier to entry. The main expense items are:

1. Purchase of equipment. It will cost 300–900 thousand rubles.

2. Rent. The cost per square meter ranges from 500 to 2 thousand rubles. For a room of 50 sq. m need to pay 25 - 50 thousand rubles monthly.

3. Employee salaries. The average monthly salary of one person will be 15 thousand rubles. The total cost for this expense item will be 45–60 thousand rubles.

As a result, the cost of opening this business will have to be spent from 390 thousand rubles. up to 1 million 150 thousand rubles.

However, to get the final estimate, add another 20% to this amount for all kinds of unforeseen expenses.

You can read how to open a children's clothing store from scratch and draw up a business plan with calculations

The company must be registered as IP and select the code OKVED 92.7.– “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.”

Other documents for a children's playroom

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor;
  • Certificates confirming the safety of toys and play equipment. They must meet the international safety standard EN – 1176 and Russian GOST: R 52168-2003, R 52300-2004, R 52169-2003, R 52301-2004, R 52299-2004 and R 52167-2003;
  • Employees in mandatory We need health certificates.

The cost of paperwork is around $700-900, the time frame is 1-2 months.

Premises for a children's playroom

The best places to start such a business: in mall, cafes and restaurants, cinemas, hotels and recreation centers, resorts, recreation parks, airports, train stations, on the territory of entertainment centers and establishments for adults (fitness club, beauty salon, bowling club, etc. ). The main condition is good cross-country ability.

Even in small town The shopping and entertainment center will be an ideal location. A huge number of shops and cafes - guarantee of good cross-country ability and long duration of visits to the game room. An important plus is that in this case the center does not need advertising.

Opening a children's playroom in a residential area is a little more difficult. You will need to choose the most visited place in the area, where visitors constantly flock.

The area of ​​the room is selected at the rate of 1.5-2 square meters per person. That is, for 15-20 children you need a center of 30 square meters. m. Rent will be $1,000 monthly for large shopping centers and about $700-800 for smaller establishments. Repairs will require $600-700.

Tricks of finishing and design

The children's room should be brightly decorated inside and out. For the interior, it is recommended to use wallpaper and pictures with recognizable cartoon characters; good lighting is necessary. The outside walls are also decorated brightly, a good option– make them from thick glass. Children and parents will see the playroom from afar and notice how beautiful and interesting it is there.

According to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” an establishment needs an information stand with the obligatory indication of the name, details of the company, work schedule, types of services and prices.

To avoid misunderstandings with parents, develop rules for clients (for example, age restrictions, a ban on visiting for sick children, etc.)

Finishing will cost approximately $400-700.

Premises requirements

Activities for organizing children's leisure time can begin if the following requirements are met:

  1. Room suitability technical regulations on fire safety requirements;
  2. Compliance SanPin and SanPin;
  3. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and washing of equipment and toys daily.

Equipment for a children's playroom and its cost

The variety of sites, modules and toys is off the charts, so let’s figure out what the minimum set is needed. You need to put:

  • Game maze. This is a two- or three-story structure with tunnels, passages, hammocks, slides, ladders and other obstacles. The area of ​​a small labyrinth is 10-15 square meters. m. Approximate cost– $2500-3000. Verified and inexpensive manufacturers– “Avira”, “UniTerra”, LAPPSETOY;
  • Gorku with an inflatable dry pool with balls – $250. John, Akonit-M;
  • Trampoline– 500 $. BERG, FUNTEK;
  • Two tables for games and drawing, children's chairs (10 pcs.) – $100. Sovtekhstrom, Nika, PolimerByt, Little Angel;
  • Drawing kits, plasticine, modeling kits, construction sets– 200 $. “Dreamer”, Visma, LEGO, Meccano, Elf-Market;
  • Playhouse– 300-350 $. John, Leadre Kids, Bony, Corrugated Art;
  • Educational game modules, innovative interactive panels – $150. Chicco, Felice, FiveStar Toys, Zhorya, “Toy”;
  • Stuffed Toys– 150-200 $. “Small Toys”, Lava, “Redi”, Yoh-ho, “Umka”;
  • Table and chair for an employee – $40-50. Equivalent, Delacosa;
  • Sectional cabinets for clothes - $110-140. Beacom, "Metal Line";
  • Cash machine, registered with the tax service - $250. "Elwes", "Orion".

Important nuances of arrangement

You should not use cheap or used equipment for a gaming room, as it wears out quickly. It is important to purchase complexes made of thick plastic, avoid anything sharp and brittle so that the child cannot get hurt. All modeling and drawing kits and chairs are needed in several copies so that children do not have to fight for them. Conflict situations in the room will significantly reduce parental trust.

It is better to purchase equipment directly from manufacturers. This is cheaper, plus it will allow you to “tailor” the complexes to your area; manufacturers will be happy to do the work to order.


It is not necessary for employees to have special education, but good characteristics and pleasant appearance needed. Friendliness, openness, experience in communicating with children - important conditions hiring. The employee must also inspire confidence in parents.

A small playground will require no more than two workers working in shifts (for example, two every other day). Accounting is outsourced.

Monthly salary fund (including accountant services) is about $800-900.

Pricing and operating hours

Standard schedule is from 9.00 to 21.00. On weekends you can open a little later. The cost of visiting a room differs on weekends and weekdays. On weekdays it averages $1.2-1.8 per hour, on weekends – $1.8-2.7. Peak hours – 16.00-21.00. To avoid losing money the rest of the day, offer a discount on morning visits.

To attract customers, develop promotional subscriptions and discounts for multiple visits. and make money by organizing children's parties with competitions and animators.

Costs, profits, profitability of a children's playroom

How much does it cost to open a children's playroom?

To organize such a business from scratch, you need to invest about 10 thousand dollars. These are capital costs for opening, arrangement and rent for three months in advance.

Fixed expenses will be $1800-2000 per month. With a center attendance of 5-6 people per hour, the income will be $3500-4000, and net monthly profit– $1700-2200. Over time, the number of visitors will increase.

Before creating a gaming complex, it is worth conducting market research, studying best places placements, analyze where the most potential clients are located.

Because it can easily be expanded or additional points opened in the city.

  • Recruitment
  • Business technology
        • Similar business ideas:

According to some data, the growth of the market for entertainment complexes and amusement parks is more than 30% per year. The market volume in monetary terms is estimated at 15 billion rubles. In the coming years, active growth in this area of ​​business is predicted. At the same time, the entry of new players is still quite free - as experts note, market saturation does not exceed 20%.

The greatest potential for opening a children's entertainment center in the regions are cities with a population of up to 500 thousand people. This fact due to the fact that in small towns there is a shortage of cultural and leisure infrastructure. At the same time, the income level of the population is gradually increasing.

Where to start opening a children's entertainment center

Opening a business begins with finding suitable premises. The most common locations for entertainment centers are large shopping centers. This is understandable. Traffic in popular shopping centers, especially on weekends, is very high. Many visitors come with families (parents and children) - this is potential clients entertainment center.

Entertainment centers in shopping centers are also convenient because parents can not only make purchases, but also entertain their children. The process of shopping for children is very boring and tiring, they need more games and movement. That is why shopping centers are willing to allocate space to accommodate gaming complexes. Thanks to this, traffic to the shopping center increases, and the revenue of stores and departments increases. Everyone is happy.

To accommodate even a small park you will need an area of ​​150 m2. As for the amount of rent, this indicator depends on many factors. The main ones are the regional affiliation of the shopping center, its popularity, the floor on which the gaming complex is located (the 1st and 2nd floors are the most expensive). The cost per 1 m2 can vary from 500 to 5000 rubles.

But not only shopping centers are the “ideal” location for an entertainment complex. It can be a separate building, and not necessarily in the city center, but somewhere in a residential area. For example, a tandem in the form of a cafe + entertainment complex (labyrinths and game rooms) performs well. There are even regional networks developing this direction.

What equipment to choose for a children's entertainment complex

An equally important question is how and with what to equip the entertainment complex. How not to get confused among all the variety of offers on the entertainment equipment market?

In many ways, the equipment will depend on the location of the entertainment center and the size of the available space. The most common equipment of children's entertainment centers are:

— Trampoline complexes, labyrinths, dry pools. These are perhaps the most popular attractions in entertainment centers, which not only bring joy to children, but also develop their dexterity, coordination and courage. Therefore, parents are happy to take their “children” to such places. If the space allows, be sure to install it;

— Gaming video simulators. Also an equally important attraction that has no age restrictions. The big advantage of video simulators is that they are interesting not only for children, but also for their parents. They allow the whole family not to get bored;

— Prize machines should also be included in the list of required equipment. Allow children to win various prizes, toys and sweets. It adds interest and excitement to children, and of course increases the revenue of the entertainment center.

Here, perhaps, is the basic set of what can be installed in an entertainment center. If the space of the room allows, then it would not be amiss to install air hockey, a game room for the little ones, a children's cafe, billiards (for adults) and even a bowling alley.

Room area up to 100m2

If the room area is small, then you will need compact equipment - about 5 children's rocking chairs, mini-rides, crane machines, air hockey, prize and video machines. The machines should be equipped with bill and coin acceptors, or you should arrange with the nearest cashier to sell tokens.

Room area from 100m2 to 500m2

In such an area you can place the same equipment as presented above, only in larger quantities. You can also add a line of ticket machines and organize the issuance of prizes in exchange for prize tickets. Depending on the available space, you can organize a children's cafe for celebrations, install a playground and a labyrinth. This will allow you to receive additional revenue.

Room area more than 500m2

In a room of more than 500 m2, you can install the entire list of equipment listed above, but in even larger quantities. It is possible to install larger attractions. It is recommended to install at least 15 ticket machines or 30% of the entire list of equipment. The same is with video cameras - at least 25%. A labyrinth and a cafe are a must. In a room of more than 1000 m2, you can already think about installing a billiards and bowling alley.

Which tax system to choose for an entertainment center. Which OKVED code should I indicate?

A license to operate an entertainment center is not required. Both individual entrepreneurship (IP) and entity(OOO). The taxation system is simplified (STS). When filling out an application for registration, indicate OKVED code 92.34.3 “Other spectacular and entertainment activities.” And do not forget that within 5 days after registering the activity, you must write an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system (this can be done directly with the submission of documents for registration). Otherwise you will be left with common system taxation with all that it entails.


Depending on the scale of the business, you will need to employ at least an accountant, a cashier, a technician (from 2 people) and an operator (from 2 people).

If you plan to organize a cafe, then the cafe administrator and bartenders are added to the list of personnel. The average wage fund for a small complex: 100-150 thousand rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening an entertainment business?

Any businessman starting a new business is interested in the issue of investment, business profitability, and, of course, the payback of this project. Based on the above options for equipping entertainment centers, depending on the area of ​​the premises, we will calculate the expected profitability of the business in 3 formats.

As can be seen from the table above, the more investments are made in the project, the higher the profitability of the business and the return on investment. This is due to the fact that with the increase in the number of services, the popularity of the center, its attendance grows, and each visitor spends more and more money.

Features of the entertainment business

When organizing an entertainment center, it is worth considering that this business- seasonal. A decline in attendance is observed in the summer, when children spend more time outside. Almost all proceeds at this time are spent on rent and paying wages to employees.

With the onset of cold weather, everyone is drawn indoors, and the revenue of entertainment complexes increases accordingly. Therefore, opening a business should be carried out either in early spring or late autumn- in this way you can recoup a significant part of the costs in the first months of operation of the entertainment center.

How much does it take to open a business?

Financial investments for opening a children's entertainment center consist of several components:

  • rental of premises, purchase, construction;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • plan design and its arrangement;
  • hiring staff;
  • associated costs (may be associated, for example, with the provision of communications), etc.

What documents are needed to open

To open on legally children's entertainment center will need:

  1. registration as an individual entrepreneur (submission of an application in the established form, payment of the state fee, photocopy of all pages of the citizen’s passport Russian Federation) or a legal entity (here the package of documents expands significantly). The first option is much cheaper and faster;
  2. agreement for the lease or purchase of premises, objects, construction of buildings;
  3. contract for the supply of necessary accessories and equipment;
  4. employee employment agreements;
  5. agreement for waste removal and disposal, etc.

Internal documentation:

  • employee employment agreement;
  • collective agreement;
  • price-list;
  • instructions on the rules for providing the service;
  • order of behavior of visitors, etc.

Do I need permission to open?

To open a children's entertainment center you will need much more documents than listed above. Additionally, you will need to contact the health authority and obtain permission from them. In addition, questions arise with permission from the fire inspectorate. And this is only a fraction of the necessary documents.

Business technology

Business technology for a children's entertainment center is somewhat different from adult entertainment areas.

It is necessary to take into account child psychology, so special equipment is required that will not harm the child. We need an employee who will be responsible for the safety of children and much more.

  • Description of services
  • Selecting a room
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Step-by-step opening plan

Business plan for organizing a children's playroom on an area of ​​50 square meters. m. in one of the city's shopping centers (220 thousand inhabitants).

How much money do you need to open a children's playroom?

According to our calculations, opening a business will require about 900 thousand rubles. The main item of initial expenses is the purchase of equipment:

  • Deposit for rent of premises 50 sq.m. m. (2 months) - 120 thousand rubles.
  • A turnkey set of equipment for a children's playroom (labyrinth, attraction "air cannons, rocking chairs, sensory trail, construction set made of soft modules, etc.) - 700 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Sources of project financing - own funds(40%) and borrowed capital - bank loan (60%).

Description of services

The main purpose of our playroom is to give children the opportunity to have great fun while their parents quietly shop at the mall. The presence of exciting game modules and a corner for creativity will not let any young visitor get bored. The cost of staying in our room will be 150 rubles/hour. on weekdays and 200 rub./hour on weekends and holidays. No more than 15 people can be in the room at the same time.

Selecting a room

To organize a business, it is planned to rent an area of ​​50 square meters in one of the city’s popular shopping centers. The rent will be 60 thousand rubles per month. Location - second floor, next to cafes and hypermarkets for children's goods (the most ideal place).

What equipment to choose for a children's playroom

About 700 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment. The approximate equipment will include: a large game labyrinth, an “air cannon” attraction, a “butterfly and a giraffe” rocking chair, a “cow” curved mirror, a “truck” construction set of 30 soft elements, a “watermelon slice” round mat, a dry pool, a trampoline “ funny clown", plastic table and 4 chairs, floor mats, crocodile game module.


Four operators will be hired as staff and will work on a 2/2 shift schedule. Two workers will look after children at a time. They will also accept payment and carry out wet cleaning of the premises. Remuneration will be set as salary + bonuses. Average wage will be 17 thousand rubles per month.

Which tax system to choose for a children's playroom

The organizational form will be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship registered with the local tax service. It is planned to use UTII (“imputation”) as a taxation system. We believe that this is the most favorable tax regime for a gaming room, when the amount of tax does not depend on business income. With UTII, the tax is paid in the form of a fixed amount, once a quarter. Application cash register not necessary.

Marketing plan

The shopping center's traffic is about 3 thousand people on weekdays and 7 thousand people on weekends. The shopping center has many shops and cafes that attract parents with children. These are toy stores, children's clothing, a children's cafe, and a cinema. In fact, this will ensure a flow of customers to our gaming room, even without additional advertising. According to preliminary estimates, the average attendance of our game room will be 30 - 50 people. on weekdays and 70 - 90 people. on weekends.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of business economic efficiency. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent — 60,000 rub.
  • Operators’ salaries + insurance (4 people) - 80,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 15,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 10,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 8,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 183,000 rubles. Monthly income

  • The cost of visiting is 150 rubles. (weekdays), 200 rub. (weekend)
  • Number of visitors on a weekday – 35
  • Number of visitors on a weekend - 80
  • Revenue for 8 days off - 128,000 rubles.
  • Revenue for 22 weekdays - 115,000 rubles.
  • Total monthly income - 243,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from a children's playroom?

Hence the profit: 243,000 - 183,000 (fixed expenses) = 60,000 rubles per month. The profitability of the business, according to the business plan, is 33%. With such indicators, investments in opening a children's playroom will pay off after 15 - 17 months of work.

What documents are needed to open a children's playroom?

Before your business starts operating, you must have:

  • registration of you as an individual entrepreneur;
  • document confirming registration with the pension fund;
  • fire inspection permit;
  • registration of cash register equipment;
  • permission from the Sanitary Epidemiological Station;
  • employee medical records;
  • documents confirming the safety of equipment.

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a game room?

For a children's playroom, codes 92.72 and 92.34.3 are suitable.

Step-by-step opening plan

The following steps must be followed.

  1. First, you need to register the company as an LLC or individual entrepreneur; the second option is better, as you can enjoy some tax benefits.
  2. After this, you need to select the OKVED code and register with the pension fund.
  3. A necessary attribute in this case is a cash register; it can be replaced with strict reporting forms, but they will also have to be registered with the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Renting or building premises.
  5. Purchase necessary equipment(interior design, furniture, gaming structures, video playback equipment, etc.).

Opening an entertainment facility for children is a very promising business idea. The issue of children's leisure is acute not only in big cities, but also in small towns of our country.

In the previous publication we talked about how, in today’s article, I want to discuss the issue of how to open a children’s playroom. How profitable is this idea of ​​making money and how much does it cost to open a children's playroom?

To begin with, it is worth defining the concept of “children’s playroom”. What it is?

A playroom for children is a specially equipped room where parents can leave their child to play for a certain time under adult supervision. As a rule, these establishments are very popular in shopping centers. While adults are shopping, children can have fun in the children's playroom. Agree, this is quite a profitable and promising investment. The demand for the service will not fade even during a crisis, and no special costs will be required to implement the project.

Business benefits

  • High demand. Childcare services are very relevant and in demand in modern world. Parents don’t always have someone to leave their child with, so a children’s playroom is an excellent and cheap alternative private nanny
  • Fast payback. This type business does not require relatively large financial investments and is quickly repaid. This significant plus makes this field of activity quite in demand and competitive.
  • Small financial costs. Naturally, you won’t be able to open a game room from scratch; you need start-up capital to start a business, but still the costs quickly pay off.

Cons of business

  • Work with children. This area of ​​business is quite specific and is not suitable for everyone. If you are planning to open a playroom, you must remember the responsibility for the safety of young visitors.
  • Competition. As noted above, high demand generates strong competition. Therefore, it will be quite difficult for a beginner to initial stage, but with a competent approach to the implementation of a business idea, it is possible to overcome all obstacles.

Business plan for a children's playroom

A well-written business plan will help you short time recoup all business costs and make a solid profit.

Main stages of a business plan:

  1. Choosing an idea. Determining the profitability of the project. Analysis of competition, demand for services;
  2. Organizational issues (registering a business, purchasing equipment, renting premises, recruiting personnel);
  3. Financial section (detailed calculation of costs for the implementation of a business project);
  4. Advertising concept and promotion of the project;
  5. Profit from business.

Business registration

Before starting your business, you should register your type of activity legally.

Necessary documents for opening a children's playroom:

  • To begin with, you should choose the material and legal form of activity. You can register as individual entrepreneur or establish a legal entity, for example, LLC;
  • Determination of OKVED codes - activities for organizing recreation and entertainment;
  • After this, you need to register with the pension fund;
  • Conclude a rental agreement for the premises. It should be taken into account that the premises must comply with Rospotrebnadzor and fire safety standards;
  • Employees of your establishment must have medical books;
  • Obtaining permits for activities from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

An experienced lawyer will help you collect the entire package of documents necessary for registration, thereby saving you a lot of time.

Renting premises

Before opening a playroom for children, you should choose suitable premises. It is most profitable to open such an establishment in crowded places, alternatively cinemas, shopping centers, restaurants. Focus on people's needs. Let's say, in a shopping center the popularity of a children's playroom will be quite large. It is inconvenient for parents to buy things and keep an eye on their child, and the baby will most likely prefer entertainment rather than boring shopping trips.


As for the size of the gaming room, this nuance depends on your financial capabilities. It is worth noting that the rent for space in a shopping center is quite high, but despite this, opening a children's playroom is a promising business idea. The minimum area of ​​a playroom for children is from 30 square meters. m. This room can accommodate up to 20 children at the same time. If you are planning to open a game room with attractions and machines, then it is worth renting an area of ​​at least 150-200 square meters.

Equipment for children's entertainment center

Particular attention should be paid to purchasing equipment for the game room. This part of the costs will be the largest. But you shouldn’t skimp on this; equipment for children, first of all, should be safe. In addition, you should purchase only certified toys that do not cause allergic reactions in children.

Minimum equipment for a children's playroom:

  • Labyrinth – minimum size 20–30 meters;
  • Inflatable trampolines must be equipped with safety fences;
  • Soft toys, cars, dolls, construction sets;
  • Slot machines, consoles;
  • Board games, drawing sets;
  • Tables, chairs, a sofa, for comfortable work of employees and relaxation for parents;
  • Lockers. In the children's room you need to take off your shoes or put on replacement shoes, so it is necessary to equip lockers to store personal belongings.


Employees who will look after children must be educated and decent. It is desirable that the nanny has a medical or pedagogical education. In addition, it is very important to find mutual language with little visitors, you just need to listen to the children and love to play with them and they will repay you in kind.

Children's playroom workers must have a medical certificate and undergo regular medical examinations.

Remember that the safety of children depends on the attentiveness of the employee, so do not hire just anyone.

Organization and work schedule of the children's entertainment room

For a comfortable stay and entertainment for children in the recreation room, it is necessary to develop rules of behavior and visiting such an establishment.

Schedule. As a rule, children's entertainment centers begin their work from 8–9 am and end around 21:00. There is a particularly large influx of people on weekends and holidays, so children's entertainment centers are open during this period.

Visiting time. As a rule, the time for visiting an entertainment center is limited; you can determine for yourself how long a child can stay in your establishment.

Safety and Health. If parents bring an unhealthy child to the playroom, you have the right to refuse such a visitor, because there are risks of illness for other children.

Promotions and discounts. On weekdays, especially in the morning, there are much fewer visitors to the children's entertainment room. Therefore, during such hours you can attract customers by organizing promotions and discounts. This way, you will remain in the black and will not lose your earnings.


Now you know how to open a children's playroom. It's time to talk about nothing less important issue– attracting customers to the establishment.

A bright sign will help you attract customers. If you rent a place in a shopping center, you should hang bright signs and posters about the location of the children's playroom so that it is easy for visitors to find you.