Nutrition for a healthy head. The most effective products for hair growth

Every woman dreams of healthy, strong and beautiful hair. But the condition of our hair directly depends on our lifestyle, hair care and, of course, nutrition. After all, everything useful material Our hair gets its vitamins from the food we eat.

Proper nutrition for hair growth will help strengthen it, make it shiny and reduce hair loss. Of course, problems with hair can arise for a number of other reasons (for example, illness, stress, unsuitable climate, etc.), but if you don’t provide hair care, then you won’t be able to have healthy and thick hair.

Surely, many of us have noticed that after dieting, our hair becomes dull, splits, and falls out. And all because the scalp does not receive enough of the necessary substances, and as a result our hair suffers. So, what should be the nutrition for hair growth, we will talk in this article.

Nutrients and vitamins

What does our hair need to grow well and feel comfortable? First, let's talk not about the food itself, but about nutrients oh, which it contains and which our hair needs so much.

  • Protein

Hair is 70-80% keratin, so we simply must provide our hair with the necessary amount of protein. Lack of protein in the diet leads to weakening and hair loss.

The main sources of protein are milk, meat, eggs, fish, cheese. These products should be on your table every day, they can be alternated, cooked in in different forms. It is better to choose lean meat and dairy products. So are they.

  • B vitamins

Vitamins of this group are directly responsible for hair growth. Most of them are found in yeast, milk, cottage cheese, sprouted grains, animal liver and kidneys. Slightly less B vitamins are found in legumes, carrots, bran, cauliflower, and nuts.

  • Folic acid

Vitamin B 9 is useful not only for pregnant women, it also helps strengthen and grow hair. It should be remembered that B vitamins are not stored in reserve in the body; they must be replenished in a timely manner.

  • Vitamin A

Lack of this vitamin leads to hair loss and dandruff. The source of vitamin A is fish fat, seafood, animal liver. Slightly less of it is found in butter and dairy products.

  • Vitamin E

The greatest amount of vitamin E is found in vegetable oils. This vitamin is also found in oatmeal, corn, cabbage, legumes, sprouted grains, nuts, and almonds.

  • Iron

Its deficiency in the body leads to hair becoming brittle and dull, split ends, and falling out. If your hair has begun to fall out and become thinner, this may be one of the signs iron deficiency anemia. Iron is found in red meats, liver, fish, and poultry.

Various cereals, bread with bran, and egg yolk are also rich in this microelement. A little less iron found in vegetables and fruits.

It is water that is responsible for hydrating the body and hair in particular. In addition, our hair is 15% water, so it needs regular moisturizing. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day clean water to replenish water balance and strengthen your hair.

Healthy foods

We figured out what vitamins and nutrients our hair needs to be healthy and grow well. Now let’s find out what foods we should eat so that our hair will please both us and those around us.

Beef and pork are rich in protein, which our hair needs for active growth, and turkey and chicken also contain iron, which strengthens hair follicles.

Fish is a source of protein and essential amino acids. In addition, red varieties of fish (for example, trout, salmon, salmon) are rich in vitamin B 12 and zinc, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth.

In addition to valuable protein, eggs contain phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins, which directly affect hair growth and ensure its health.

  • Milk and cottage cheese

Protein foods that are rich in calcium and iron. Regular consumption of dairy products allows hair to receive nutrition from the inside and grow quickly.

  • Hard cheese

The protein found in hard cheese is better absorbed than milk protein. In addition, cheese contains calcium, phosphorus, various minerals and vitamins (B 12, C, E, PP, A, B 1 and B 2, E).

  • Bran

This product is rich in B vitamins, fiber, vitamins A and E, and minerals (selenium, magnesium). These substances stimulate metabolic processes in the body, nourish hair follicles, making hair thick and strong.

  • Nuts

Various types of nuts are rich in protein. In addition, they contain many vitamins (B 6, B 10, biotin), which ensure normal nutrition and hair growth. Nuts contain alpha-linoleic and omega acids, which are essential for hair growth and shine.

  • Apples

These fruits are a storehouse of vitamins that our hair needs. They contain vitamin A, PP, C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, iron. All these vitamins and minerals strengthen the hair follicle and stimulate hair growth.

  • Carrot

This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, E, iron, zinc, biotin, and B vitamins. Regular consumption of carrots will speed up hair growth and make it stronger and healthier.

The beauty and condition of our hair directly depends on what we eat. In order for them to be strong and not fall out, you need to eat properly and balanced, saturating them with zinc, vitamin C and bioflanoids. Scientists almost daily invent new miracle remedies against hair loss, split ends and shine. This is all good and, of course, necessary, but not everyone knows that this is only a component of hair care.

The problem of hair loss among women and girls has become very relevant in Lately. The main reasons are stress and diet. It turns out that in order to strengthen your hair and speed up its growth, you need to include it in your diet. following products nutrition. And also exclude allergenic foods, highly fried and spicy food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

The best diet for beautiful and healthy hairnatural products, which contain a lot of calcium, iron and are a source of many vitamins and minerals. Doctors advise taking dietary supplements with great caution, as they can have the opposite effect in case of overdose.

  1. Among products for strengthening hair, oily fish (salmon, halibut, mackerel) comes first. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy scalp. Their lack leads to dryness, and consequently to hair loss and depletion. In addition, salmon is a source of protein, iron and vitamin B12, which strengthen our curls and give them a healthy shine. For those who do not eat fish for some reason (allergy or vegetarianism), it is recommended to eat flaxseed oil daily.
  2. Next come dairy products(kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt and yogurt). They contain a lot of calcium and protein, which is very important for hair strengthening and growth.
  3. You need to include fresh green vegetables in your daily diet, because they contain substances that are extremely beneficial for hair. For example, broccoli, spinach and kale contain huge amounts of vitamins A and C, which promote sebum production. And it protects our hair from adverse effects.
  4. Eggs are a huge source of protein, biotin and vitamin B12. They must be eaten every day, no matter in what form.
  5. Eating nuts helps stop hair loss. They include selenium, linoleic acid and zinc, which have great value for healthy hair and scalp. It is precisely the lack of zinc that often causes hair loss. It is found most in cashews and almonds.
  6. White poultry meat is also very valuable for strengthening and growing hair. Turkey and chicken are an excellent source of protein and proteins, as well as iron, which is easily absorbed by the body due to its bioavailability. These products help add shine and beautiful colour hair
  7. Legumes such as lentils, beans and beans are essential for anyone looking to reduce hair loss and strengthen their hair. They are rich in iron, zinc, protein and biotin. It is recommended to eat at least three glasses per week.
  8. Proper nutrition against hair loss involves constant consumption of cereals, whole grain bread and durum wheat pasta. They contain a lot of vitamin B, zinc and iron.
  9. Vegetable oil improves hair structure, gives it healthy looking and eliminates hair loss. Olive and hemp are considered the most beneficial.
  10. Fruits rich in vitamin C are also very beneficial. Eat oranges, grapefruits, kiwis and apples several times a day and you will not only be healthy, but also beautiful.

A healthy diet is the first step in combating hair loss and promoting hair growth. It must be balanced and include vitamins, minerals and acids.

Since ancient times, hair has been considered a symbol of beauty, the pride of any woman. We take care of our hair every day: masks, shampoos, sprays, all this helps to preserve external beauty our hairstyle. But if you want your hair to grow quickly, be healthy and beautiful, you need to eat properly and balanced, and what foods will help for hair growth, you will learn from our article.

Products good for hair

The main rule of healthy hair is a balanced and proper diet. Mono-diets, which are so popular today, cause enormous harm, after which the hair loses its shine, becomes brittle, dry, and its growth slows down. If the lack of nutrition is constant, then you may completely lose your hair.

  1. In order to strengthen hair and accelerate its growth, It is necessary to eat foods rich in iron and calcium. You need to diversify your menu with healthy, fresh foods: fruits, berries, vegetables, legumes, sea fish.
  2. Our hair is mainly composed of keratin, which is produced by protein. With limited consumption of protein foods, hair begins to grow more slowly or fall out. Therefore, it is important to eat foods that contain a lot of protein: dairy products, grains, meat, eggs. But for the growth of curls, not only the protein itself is necessary, but its normal absorption and further processing into amino acids. For this You need to eat at least one apple (kiwi), cereals, nuts, and beef liver 1-2 times a week.
  3. Products such as wheat bran, cabbage, carrots, red fish, yeast, oatmeal, garlic not only increase the rate of hair growth, but also help fight dandruff, strengthen hair roots, and heal the entire body as a whole.


  1. B-carotene (Vitamin A). This is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in our body “in reserve.” He is responsible for strengthening hair follicles, hair growth and prevents hair loss, normalizes secretion sebaceous glands. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in spinach, carrots, bell pepper, pumpkin.
  2. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B10, B12).
    Vitamin B1 is responsible for metabolic processes, if there is a lack of it, the hair becomes dry and brittle. It is found in eggs, tomatoes, pine nuts, meat, etc.;
    Vitamin B2 regulates redox reactions in the body. With its deficiency, the curls quickly become oily, lose their shine and begin to split. Natural sources of B2 are greens, meat, bran, liver;
    Vitamin B10 responsible for nourishing the scalp, preventing early aging and hair retardation. It can be found in large quantities in mushrooms, spinach, chicken yolk, potatoes;
    Vitamin B12 takes part in cellular processes. Its deficiency leads to brittle teeth, hair, dry skin, and hair loss. Natural sources of B12 are: fish (sardines, herring, salmon, oysters), beef liver, kidneys.
  3. Vitamin C helps normal blood circulation in the root area of ​​the head, providing nutrition hair follicles. With a lack of this vitamin in the body, the hair lacks nutrition and begins to fall. There is a lot of it in apples, greens, red sweet peppers, zucchini, sea buckthorn, and tomatoes.
  4. Vitamin H (biotin) considered a vitamin responsible for beauty. Thanks to it, your curls will be smooth and shiny. With its deficiency, the natural secretion of the scalp is disrupted, as a result the hair becomes excessively dry or oily. Biotin-rich foods: chicken, beef, kidneys, liver, dairy products.

Advice. Will also help to compensate for the lack of vitamins special drugs. We have prepared for you a detailed review of the most effective vitamin supplements for hair growth.


Food needed for balanced nutrition must be natural. For example, meat cannot be replaced with sausage or smoked meats, and dairy products are suitable only those that do not have preservatives. Do not get carried away with fried, fatty foods, try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Here is a list of products that, according to trichologists, can stimulate hair growth:


Such products contain calcium and casein, substances necessary for hair growth. Most of them are in fermented milk foods: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. Whole milk is also rich in calcium, but it is harder to digest and not every person likes to drink it.

If you are one of those who cannot tolerate milk, introduce cheese, kefir or sour cream into your daily diet. In addition, it is effective to use kefir in homemade hair masks.


Sea fish is a real storehouse of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon contains the most of it. A lack of this acid leads to dry scalp, dandruff, itching and, as a consequence, hair loss. Besides, this fish contains a lot of phosphorus, vitamin B12, iron, i.e. those substances that are responsible for the health and beauty of hair. It is best to consume this product boiled, baked or steamed. Even short-term frying does not destroy omega-3 acid. It is better to fry fish in olive or linseed oil.


Our hair is made up of keratin, a protein, and the most important source of protein is meat. Trichologists recommend eating meat (poultry, chicken, pork, beef) at least 3-4 times a week. Protein is best absorbed when boiled or steamed.

Another “useful” component of meat is iron. It saturates blood cells with oxygen, which promotes rapid hair growth.


This product contains many substances beneficial for health and beauty: vitamin B12, A, D, potassium, calcium and a large number of squirrel. Moreover, from the point of view of benefits, no matter in what form you consume eggs, fried, boiled, chicken or quail, the usefulness of this product does not decrease.


Bran and grains

Whole grain bread, bran, oat and cornflakes- this is food rich in protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium. These micro- and macroelements have a beneficial effect on hair growth, their appearance and the health of the body as a whole. Most the best option consume wheat bran daily, adding 1-2 tsp. in a day.


Carrots and cabbage are the main “beauty vegetables”. Carrots contain a huge amount of vitamin A, which makes curls strong and elastic. Cabbage (cauliflower, Chinese, white cabbage) is a source of vitamin C and E, which accelerate hair growth and make it healthy.

Advice. Any vegetables are best consumed raw or steamed. Green and red vegetables enrich the body with iron, calcium and potassium.


If you want your hair to grow faster and not fall out, eat as much fresh fruit as possible. Mangoes, peaches, passion fruit are rich in vitamin B3 (niacin), which promotes blood flow to the scalp. Blackberries, pineapple, raspberries, and pomegranate are rich in vitamin B9, which helps saturate the skin and hair with oxygen. Melon, strawberries, and papaya contain a lot of vitamin A; blackcurrants, kiwis, and guava contain vitamin C; blueberries, cranberries, and nectarines contain vitamin E.

Fresh herbs

With the arrival of spring, introduce as much fresh greens into your diet as possible, add them to salads, first and second courses, and baked goods. In it you will find an almost complete set of vitamins, iron, calcium. Substances found in fresh greens can normalize the production of sebum, which protects the scalp from external influences.

The density and beauty of curls largely depends on a properly selected diet. Without required quantity vitamins and minerals, they begin to fall out, lose shine and elasticity. Therefore, for hair strength and thickness, it is important to consume hair strengthening products daily.

What substances are useful for strengthening hair?

Human hair consists of protein (more than 80%) and water (the remaining 15–20%). Naturally, they also contain mineral compounds and melanin in small quantities. Because of improper care, lifestyle, under the influence of various negative external factors, the quantitative content of these substances decreases. As a result, the structure of the strands deteriorates, they become brittle and porous, their growth slows down, and the follicles weaken.

To normalize their condition and improve appearance It is necessary to enrich your diet with protein products as much as possible and polyunsaturated acids. For their rapid absorption and transportation to the bulbs and main length, you additionally need to consume vitamins and some amino acids.

Vitamins for hair

For rapid growth beautiful and strong hair, especially healthy vitamins. They are responsible for a variety of body functions.

  • Vitamin A. It is found in chicken and turkey liver, green vegetables (especially in parsley, dill, broccoli and spinach), seaweed, apples and, of course, carrots. Retinol plays a big role in treating scalp hair loss. The average daily dose is 1000 mcg, however, it may vary depending on the time of year and the general menu;
  • E or tocopherol. Responsible for the beautiful shine, moisture and neatness of the locks. Saturates follicles with moisture and, when used externally, helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Contained in wheat oil (the largest percentage), soybeans, olives, seeds and nuts. To normalize its amount, it is recommended to eat dried fruits and whole grain cereals. From cereals Special attention pay attention to buckwheat, wheat and corn;
  • B vitamins. Not all nutritional compounds in this class are created equal. What the body needs most to normalize the growth and condition of strands is nicotine (found in eggs, homemade chicken meat, yeast cultures, as well as beer) and para-aminobenzoic acid (present in potatoes, brewer's yeast, fresh milk).

To quickly absorb most vitamins, you need to add fresh, cold-pressed oils to your menu. This will simultaneously ensure the “transport” of substances to their destinations and normalize lipid balance.

Video: Elena Malysheva. Food to strengthen hair

Depending on your needs, you can choose the ideal hair diet. If there is a growth problem or the strands are falling out too much, then food products to strengthen your hair will be very helpful. They will help compact healthy follicles, awaken “dormant” follicles, and activate protective functions body. In addition, they will reduce hair loss by normalizing metabolism.

What foods should you eat to strengthen your hair?

If you want to improve not only your curls, but your entire body, then it is recommended to enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as healthy vegetable and light animal fats. You will have to completely eliminate fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour products, soda, etc.) and reduce your coffee consumption.

  • Dairy. The most important thing is that such food should be homemade. There is absolutely no benefit from store-bought milk, unlike whole milk. All fermented milk products are rich in calcium, phosphorus, protein and the essential amino acid tryptophan. She is directly involved in the formation of new hair follicles and their nutrition. If you don’t like milk, drink fermented baked milk, kefir, eat cottage cheese or cheese. They also contain all these compounds, but to a lesser extent;
  • Gelatin. A useful product for normalizing the condition of hair and nails. It, like curls, consists of more than 80% easily digestible protein. But in ordinary life he is quite difficult to meet. Rich meat broths (jellied meat, chicken soup), fish soup (especially after oily fish, like, salmon);
  • Nuts and dried fruits generally. They are often recommended to girls after childbirth to normalize metabolism and enrich the body with essential acids and fats. The most beneficial for hair are cedar, almond and walnut;
  • Green vegetables. Spinach, parsley, lettuce and arugula contain a lot of vitamins, iron and essential acids. For beautiful hair, it is enough to consume at least 100 grams of any of the listed products per day.

In addition, ensure the body has a normal water-salt balance. Drink at least 6 glasses of still water a day and stay hydrated.

Hair loss can occur for many reasons, sometimes it is difficult to even list them all from memory. Air pollution and environment, stress, hormonal imbalance, seborrhea, lack of vitamins.

If you notice that your hair has started to fall out, the first thing you should think about is whether you are eating right and whether your hair is getting enough vitamins and nutrients.

It is almost impossible to influence the structure and appearance of hair, because the entire vitality they receive from the bulbs, and there the nutrition comes through small blood capillaries. Therefore, the way your hair and facial skin look greatly depends on nutrition.

We have prepared a list of the most healthy products for hair. They contain exactly those vitamins and micro-, macroelements that are necessary for health, hair growth and prevention of hair loss.

What foods contain vitamins for hair loss?

  • 10th place. Walnuts

It’s not for nothing that they say that one handful of nuts a day will provide Good work heart and brain. It is rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair. Zinc and selenium, B vitamins, together prevent hair loss. If you eat 2-3 nuts every day, you can stop taking multivitamins, as the benefits will be much greater.

  • 9th place. Bean sprouts

Be it soybean sprouts, wheat sprouts or golden bean sprouts, they are all very rich in silicon. An element that is also called the hair breadwinner. It forms complex molecules and strengthens cells, creates connective tissues. There is little of it in the body, but it does a great job important role. Among others, silicon strengthens the cells of hair, skin and nails. With a lack of silicon, the skin becomes flabby, hair becomes brittle and falls out.

  • 8th place. Seafood

Seafood contains iodine, zinc, sulfur and fatty acid make them special dietary product. People who frequently eat fish and seafood are not only less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, but also less likely to be obese. To have a beautiful and healthy skin And strong hair, you need to eat fish or other sea creatures (shrimp, scallops, oysters, lobsters) at least 2 times a week.

  • 7th place. Oatmeal

There is no need to say again that porridge is healthy, but oatmeal necessary as it contains a large amount of zinc and iron, fiber. Zinc deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Our hair contains a certain amount of zinc, which maintains the normal structure of the hair. However, if there is a deficiency in other organs, the body takes it from the hair, since it does not perform an important role. It turns out that the hair is the first to suffer and, over time, loses its vitality and begins to fall out.

  • 6th place. Wheat germ oil

Another good source for replenishing zinc reserves in the body, which is also rich in vitamins and amino acids. You can take one spoon every day or add it to salads, cereals and other dishes.

  • 5th place. Carrot

The best and most affordable source of beta-carotene, an important substance for maintaining healthy and beautiful hair. Do it in the morning carrot juice with apples or other fruits and recharge your energy for the whole day. Carrots are also interesting because the amount of beta-carotene only increases after cooking.

  • 4th place. Spinach

Spinach often added to lists of the most useful crops and for good reason, because this is a real concentration of vitamins and nutrients. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, all of them prevent hair loss and have a positive effect on their condition. Moreover, this is one of the most best sources easily digestible calcium.

  • 3rd place. Fatty fish

Fish oil is necessary not only for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain. Its polyunsaturated fatty acids provide nutrition to the scalp, and therefore the hair.

  • 2nd place. Almond

A good source of magnesium, deficiency of which also leads to hair loss. A handful of nuts every day, plus grinding almond oil will give it to the hair roots good results in the fight against hair loss.

  • 1 place. Eggs

You will probably say that this is trivial, but these are some of the most nutritious and healthy foods from existing ones. Ideally, eggs should be eaten raw. More suitable for this quail, since they cannot infect us with salmonellosis. But still, even a boiled egg is a unique and irreplaceable product. Contains: phosphorus, iodine, selenium, zinc, sulfur, B vitamins, biotin. Eggs are also useful for hair in the form of masks.

If you eat correctly, and most importantly, have a varied diet, you will never have to take vitamin complexes, the effectiveness and digestibility of which are very doubtful. Your skin and hair will glow with health, and health is beauty.