Complete renewal of cells in the human body. Renewal of the body. It is known that the cells in our body are renewed. But how does the body’s cells renew themselves? And if cells are constantly renewed, then why does old age set in and not last forever?

Human body is a complex living machine in which various systems function harmoniously as a single whole. All parts of the body are made up of cells, of which there are about 100 trillion in the adult body.

Some of these cells constantly die off, and their places are taken by new ones. For different organs and tissues of the human body, the cycle of complete renewal takes an unequal amount of time. And for many cells of our body this period has already been determined more or less accurately.

And even if, according to your passport, your age is, for example, 35 years, then your skin may be only two weeks old, your skeleton may be 10 years old, and the lenses of your eyes are approximately the same age as you. We will tell you in this article how often these and other cells in your body are renewed.

Skin cells

Complete replacement of epithelial cells occurs within 14 days. Skin cells are formed in deep layers dermis, gradually come to the surface and replace old cells that die and peel off. In one year, our body produces about two billion new skin cells.

Muscle cells

Skeletal muscle tissue is completely renewed every 15-16 years. The rate of cell renewal is affected by a person’s age - the older we get, the slower this process occurs.


7-10 years is the time during which complete cellular renewal of bone tissue occurs. In the structure of the skeleton, both old and young cells function simultaneously. At the same time, an improper, unbalanced diet can negatively affect the quality of new cells, causing numerous complications. Daily bone produces hundreds of millions of new cells.

Blood cells

Complete renewal of blood cells takes from 120 to 150 days. The body of a healthy person produces as many blood cells every day as they die, and this number is equal to about 500 billion cells that have different purposes.


Gastric epithelial cells that filter nutrients inside the body, are replaced very quickly - within only 3-5 days. This is necessary because these cells are extremely susceptible to aggressive environmentgastric juice and enzymes responsible for food processing.


If you don't focus on intestinal epithelial cells, which are replaced every 5 days, average age intestines will be approximately 15-16 years.


Its cells are completely renewed in just 300-500 days. It is surprising that with the loss of 75% of liver cells, it is able to regenerate its full volume in just 3-4 months. That's why healthy person You can, without much fear for your health, transplant part of your liver to someone in need - it will grow again.


For a long time it was assumed that myocardial cells (cardiac muscle tissue) are not updated at all. However, recent studies have shown that complete renewal of the heart muscle occurs approximately once every 20 years.


The lens itself and the brain cells responsible for processing visual information are the same age as a person. Only the cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are regenerated and renewed. At the same time, complete renewal of the cornea occurs quite quickly - the entire cycle takes 7-10 days.

The human body is a complex living machine in which various systems function harmoniously as a single whole. All parts of the body are made up of cells, of which there are about 100 trillion in the adult body. Some of these cells constantly die off, and their places are taken by new ones. For different organs and tissues of the human body, the cycle of complete renewal takes a different amount of time. And for many cells of our body this period has already been determined more or less accurately.

And even if, according to your passport, your age is, for example, 35 years, then your skin may be only two weeks old, your skeleton may be 10 years old, and the lenses of your eyes are approximately the same age as you. We will tell you in this article how often these and other cells in your body are renewed.

  • Skin cells

    Complete replacement of epithelial cells occurs within 14 days. Skin cells form in the deep layers of the dermis, gradually come to the surface and replace old cells that die and peel off. In one year, our body produces about two billion new skin cells.

  • Muscle cells

    Skeletal muscle tissue is completely renewed every 15-16 years. The rate of cell renewal is affected by a person’s age - the older we get, the slower this process occurs.


    7-10 years is the time during which complete cellular renewal of bone tissue occurs. In the structure of the skeleton, both old and young cells function simultaneously. At the same time, an improper, unbalanced diet can negatively affect the quality of new cells, causing numerous complications. Bone tissue produces hundreds of millions of new cells every day.

    Blood cells

    Complete renewal of blood cells takes from 120 to 150 days. The body of a healthy person produces as many blood cells every day as they die, and this number is equal to about 500 billion cells that have different purposes.


    The epithelial cells of the stomach, which filter nutrients into the body, are replaced very quickly - within just 3-5 days. This is necessary, since these cells are exposed to an extremely aggressive environment - gastric juice and enzymes responsible for processing food.


    If you do not focus on intestinal epithelial cells, which are replaced every 5 days, the average age of the intestine will be approximately 15-16 years.


    Its cells are completely renewed in just 300-500 days. It is surprising that with the loss of 75% of liver cells, it is able to regenerate its full volume in just 3-4 months. Therefore, a healthy person can, without particularly fearing for his health, transplant part of his liver to someone in need - it will grow again.


    For a long time it was assumed that myocardial (heart muscle tissue) cells do not renew themselves at all. However, recent studies have shown that complete renewal of the heart muscle occurs approximately once every 20 years.


    The lens itself and the brain cells responsible for processing visual information are the same age as a person. Only the cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are regenerated and renewed. At the same time, complete renewal of the cornea occurs quite quickly - the entire cycle takes 7-10 days.


    The hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for learning and memory, and the olfactory bulb regularly renew their cells. Moreover, the higher the physical and brain activity, the more often new neurons are formed in these areas.

Hello dear readers. We talk so much about face masks and various means skin care, that today I wanted to talk about the structure, renewal, breathing and nutrition of our skin. I think you will find this information very interesting. Our body is made up of biological tissues. They form the skeleton, muscles, all organs, nerve fibers, skin and so on. By the way, the latter (skin) protects them all from external negative influences. She is a failure soft cloth(or rather, a combination of several of them at once, because it consists of three main layers). The skin is designed to maintain the body’s thermal balance at the proper level, to protect it from the “invasion” of foreign elements, harmful influence direct sun rays and so on. Among other things, it is the largest organ in the human body by area.

Without skin, the body would not be able to maintain its vital functions for even one day. She has a number of extremely important functions, which ensure the stable operation of all organ systems.

From how well and how quickly the skin is renewed, one can draw conclusions about its condition and health. human body generally.

Skin: its structure and main functions

It consists of 3 fundamental layers: epidermis (upper), dermis (middle) and, accordingly, hypodermis (lower). The epidermis is covered with dead, keratinized cells, forming, in fact, the uppermost, horny layer.


It is formed by epithelial cells, tightly adjacent to each other, which are located in several layers at once. The stratum corneum, by and large, is not a separate layer of skin, but the most top edge epidermis.

It is the stratum corneum that is the first, and one of the most significant, barriers that protect our body from most factors, those that can have an extremely detrimental effect on it.

The hydro-lipid mantle (pH of human skin: 3.8-5.6) also provides great assistance in this. In this chemical environment Most bacteria, viruses, and fungi die.

The epidermis does not have even such significant blood vessels. But in its lower layer there are special cells: melanocytes. They produce melanin, a substance responsible for skin color. The more melanin, the darker the skin. This is a very important pigment for protecting the skin from the sun and ultraviolet radiation.


The next layer of skin also consists of several layers. Top ball - sebaceous glands. Sweat glands are located just below.

They work in a tight “tandem”, releasing biological secretions to the surface through special ducts. The fibers lying deeper give the integument elasticity and firmness, while numerous collagen threads give it strength.


The “deepest” layer. She is also called subcutaneous tissue. It pursues two main, vital goals: it softens, absorbs any mechanical influences on the body, and also serves as a highly effective heat-insulating pad.

In it, as well as in the middle layer, many small blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Some interesting facts. Human skin is:

More than 5,000,000 hairs located on a total area of ​​about 2 square meters.

Fabric consisting of 65-85% moisture.

Skin pores contained in each square centimeter in number exceeding 100 units.

There are twice as many nerve fibers (receptors) per centimeter as there are pores, namely two hundred.

On average, the skin has a thickness of up to 2-2.5 millimeters.

Throughout the body, the skin has unequal thickness, elasticity, rigidity, and so on, for example: on the heels it is almost not elastic, but rather rough and thick, but on the eyelids it is quite the opposite.

Over the course of a lifetime, a person changes about 20 kilograms of dead skin.

In general, skin has an extremely complex structure. It is only at first glance that it is homogeneous. In fact, in addition to the fact that it consists of different layers that perform various functions, the skin is permeated through and through with a huge number of vessels, nerves, ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

You can look at the structure of the skin from another point of view (not by layers). Thus, its frame is formed by collagen fibers, as well as reticular and elastic fibers. The skin itself is formed by papillary and reticular structures.

In the skin, in addition to glands, blood vessels, nerves, there are hair follicles, lymphatic ducts, even small muscles. As you can see, the skin is a complex organ in its structure. It performs a number of functions.

Main functions of the skin:

  1. Respiratory function. It lies in the fact that the skin is able to absorb a certain amount of oxygen and, accordingly, release carbon dioxide. This function is provided by its porous structure.
  1. Immune. This is the capture, processing, and also transport of specific antigens to the site of tissue damage by foreign bodies, with the ultimate goal of developing an immune response.
  1. Protective. Thanks to it, the body is to a certain extent protected from foreign microorganisms, mechanical, thermal, chemical injuries, hypothermia or overheating, ingress of water, and so on.
  1. Thermoregulatory. As already noted, the skin is the guarantor of maintaining optimal body temperature balance. It retains heat in it, and also promotes increased heat transfer when the body overheats (this is also possible due to the sweat glands).
  1. Receptor function. There are thousands of nerve endings on its surface. And thanks to them, a person can feel touch, cold or heat, external microtrauma, and so on.
  1. Blood deposition function. This vital “liquid” in the total mass of the skin can contain approximately 1 liter (in children - 2-3 times less, depending on age and body weight).
  1. Exchange. Toxins, excess moisture, salt and other substances are removed through the skin. This function contributes to maintaining a stable water-salt balance.

Each of these functions is important. But, all of them, taken together, ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism. This is extremely important.

How our skin breathes and nourishes the skin

It's amazing how unique this organ is! It has relative autonomy, as it is capable of both “breathing” and “eating.”

This happens through the skin pores. They are not large enough to allow harmful microorganisms or most harmful substances, but oxygen and the overwhelming number of nutrients (especially those processed using special modern technologies) the skin passes through without problems.

Breathing skin

Breathing is a set of specific biological sequential processes that support the unimpeded entry into the body important element- oxygen, as well as - removal of carbon dioxide from it. Cutaneous respiration is a respiration that is carried out by the diffusion of these gases through the surface (skin) of the body.

Oxygen entering through the pores lingers there for some time, which turns out to be quite sufficient for the diffusion process to occur. Naturally, this method cannot completely replace pulmonary respiration, but, to some extent, he is quite capable of helping him.

Skin nutrition

In the same way - through the pores, it can feed. Have you ever wondered how nourishing creams or masks, for example, have a positive effect?

The secret is precisely that the skin is able to absorb vitamins and minerals through its pores, assimilating them, and some part, through the bloodstream, delivering them to other organs.

These abilities of the organ we are considering today were discovered quite a long time ago. And during all this time there was not a single reason to doubt their veracity.

The skin, like a “sponge,” absorbs air and various substances, usually useful, since it retains others outside in a surprising but understandable way from a physiological point of view. The action is based on this principle large quantity cosmetic and pharmaceuticals. But, this should also be kept in mind in order to prevent substances harmful to health from penetrating through it.

How quickly does skin renew itself and how does it happen?

Every organ in our body is subject to natural renewal. This process is called regeneration. Leather is no exception.

Modern research has shown that, regardless of the layer in which the cells are located, it takes about 2-2.5 weeks to completely renew them. This same period can be considered the “lifespan” of skin cells.

They originate in the deepest layers, but gradually come to the surface, and there they die and gradually peel off. If we talk about how the skin renews itself, then we can say that this entire cycle, on average, takes 27-28 days.

That is, over a lifetime - almost 1000 complete skin changes. But the renewal rate and quality of new cells depend on various factors, including the person’s age!

How our age affects skin renewal

Smooth, delicate and, at the same time, elastic skin is the “privilege” of youth. This is what is commonly believed. And this is indeed a true statement. And although modern methods Skin care products are capable of real miracles, but all the same, the years always take their toll. Thus, age greatly influences the rate of regeneration.

Every year it happens more and more slowly, and the quality of new cells leaves much to be desired: the integument contains few elastic fibers, which is why they become flabby. The upper layers also change very sluggishly, resulting in appearance the skin becomes not very aesthetically expressive.

  • The key factor of beauty is the stable renewal of skin cells.
  • old, naturally, die off, peeling off, and in their place come young ones, which emerged from the deepest layers of the skin, called basal.
  • They, unlike old cells, cope 100% with their functional physiological responsibilities, which have already been described above.

But from approximately the age of 27-30 years, this process (renewal) slows down significantly. Dead cells accumulate, young ones do not arrive.

The skin itself becomes dull, flabby, weakened, and its protective and aesthetic functions are significantly reduced.

The collagen content also gradually decreases, without the presence of a sufficient amount of which the density, firmness, and elasticity of the skin are lost.

How to help your skin renew itself

Fortunately, modern methods, aimed at maintaining youthful skin, work very effectively. And they are available to almost every person.

Among them: the use of products with an exfoliating effect (in a peeling complex), special massage, washing with cool water, vitamin and mineral preparations, proper nutrition and so on.

Peeling may include: the use of products aimed at exfoliating dead cells (scrub, gommage, for example), mechanical peeling (brossage, ultrasonic peeling, microdermabrasion or mechanical “grinding”), physical peeling (cryotherapy and laser resurfacing), chemical peeling (superficial, medium, deep).

A comprehensive solution for rejuvenation and renewal of the entire skin, and in particular the face: sculptural massage and elos rejuvenation. It's practically safe procedures, having almost no contraindications. They have an amazing effect in terms of rejuvenation and improvement of appearance.

Don't have the time or money to use special procedures? No problem! Regular washing with cool water can also help. So, by washing your skin, including your face, about 5-6 times a day every day, you can help strengthen its elasticity, improve its color, and restore its fresh appearance. The water must be clean and cool. The same effect is achieved if you use. It can be prepared from various herbs, fruit juices, vegetables, decoctions and infusions.

The use of natural masks (even those made with your own hands at home), special creams and lotions enriched with vitamins and minerals is not a guarantee, but one of the serious steps towards improving the situation with the skin, including age-related changes.

Proper nutrition supports the skin from the inside. If substances that are beneficial for her enter the body regularly and in full, then she will remain beautiful, healthy and young longer.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of fresh vegetables and fruits on the table, as well as cereal porridges. Love yourself and your body, take care of your skin and be healthy.

Of course, it’s hard to invest your energy in something that doesn’t produce results. Yes, and there is no particular point in this. True, in the above example, we did not take into account the main thing - knowledge of when to expect this result, and, accordingly, we rushed to conclusions about the appropriateness of our actions.

To the rhythm of jazz

Each cell of our body lives in its own mode, so the renewal of our tissues occurs in different time cycles. If the vital rhythms of cells could be described by melody, most likely we would not hear a clear march or a rhythmic polka, but a unique jazz composition would sound to us - filled with improvisations and syncopated rhythms.

Our body renews itself constantly. In one day, millions of new cells appear in it, and millions of old ones die off. Cells that come into contact with external environment. For example, skin cells are renewed on average in three weeks, and internal walls intestines (which consist of the smallest villi that absorb nutrients from food masses) - in 3-5 days.

Some life cycles of our body

Receptor cells on the surface of the tongue, which help distinguish the tastes of food, are renewed every 10 days. Blood cells - red blood cells - are renewed on average in 120 days, therefore, in order to see the picture of changes in our body, it is recommended to do this once every six months general analysis blood.

Liver cells are renewed in 300-500 days. If you give up alcohol, don’t eat fatty or spicy foods, and don’t take medications, the liver can be completely cleansed in 8 weeks. By the way, the liver is the only organ in our body that is able to fully recover after losing 75% of its tissue.

Alveoli (air sacs located at the ends of the bronchi) are renewed within one year, and cells on the surface of the lungs are renewed every 2-3 weeks.

Bone tissue is constantly renewed - bone fusion after fractures occurs precisely due to its regeneration. But in order for our skeleton to be completely renewed, it takes from 7 to 10 years.

Fingernails grow by 3-4 mm per month, and hair grows by an average of one centimeter. Hair can completely change in a few years, depending on its length. It is believed that in men, hair change occurs within three years, and in women, this cycle can reach seven or more years.

How more complex structure tissue and its function, the longer the process of its regeneration. In our body, nervous tissue is considered the most complex in structure. And although previously scientists were sure that it was not restored, it has now been revealed that regenerative processes are possible in it too. The brain, the lenses of the eyes and the heart also hold many unsolved mysteries for scientists, since these organs have not yet been fully studied. On this moment scientists believe that their regeneration process is very complex and almost impossible.

Who's in charge here?

The brain is the least studied by scientists. Almost all brain cells live with us throughout our lives and are the same age as us. It is thanks to the constancy of brain cells that we are able to accumulate experience, acquire information about the world around us, cognize it, draw certain conclusions and use them. It has now been established that cells in two areas of the brain are being renewed. This happens in the olfactory bulb, which is responsible for the perception of odors, and the hippocampus, which is involved in the mechanisms of emotion formation, helps to assimilate new information (controls the transition short term memory long-term) and navigate in space.

The rate of cell renewal can be influenced by a person’s age and the state of the body itself: whether we are sick or healthy at the moment, tired or full of strength and energy. For example, in a person who has Parkinson's disease, the death of old cells is not balanced by the appearance of new ones, and with depression, too few new neurons appear in the hippocampus - i.e. The update process is slow or completely absent.

The regeneration of the body is controlled by our central nervous system and its highest section is the cerebral cortex, which once again confirms the connection between our thoughts and the state of our body. If we believe in ourselves, move forward, look for the necessary solution, then the greater the likelihood that we will help the body recover and renew itself, giving it strength and interest in life.

For centuries, alchemists have been looking for the elixir of youth and a cure for all diseases, but it turns out that from birth, each of us was already endowed with it. All a person has to do is learn how to use his brain correctly.

New opportunities to ensure health and active longevity!

"There are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge. And aging isa disease that can be treated."

(V.I. Vernadsky)

Stem cells are popular all over the world: in science, in the media, in medicine... There is a lot of controversy and discussion around them. Unfortunately, the information is not always reliable. Hence there are many rumors and speculations. As in the Russian proverb: “I hear a ringing, but I don’t know where it is.” Fortunately, Truth always looks for a way to people. And he finds it. Meet us!

Health begins with an ordinary cell

In recent centuries, health has become more associated with physical body, as a set of organs, and with the functioning of each organ. Under a microscope, scientists saw that organs are made up of cells and tissues, and that each cell is a small organism. And it is advisable to look after and monitor him.

Cells need nutrition to function, which is why vitamins appeared.

Since the cell becomes slagged, it must be cleaned. Detoxifiers appeared.

By the end of the 20th century, it was discovered that the cell must be protected. Free radicals penetrating the cell membrane destroy it. Antioxidants appeared.

It is obvious that if a cell is protected, cleansed and nourished, then it will live its entire cycle from birth to death. However, scientists have found that it is not just an ordinary cell.

Hayflick limit

A living cell is divided into two identical ones, and tissues and organs are continuously restored. In the 20th century, it was discovered that a cell cannot divide indefinitely. During the division process, the end sections of chromosomes (telomeres) are discarded, not participating in the division process. The genetic code for full cell reproduction is gradually lost. The cell no longer divides, and the mechanism of apoptosis (programmed cell death) is activated. Hayflick made this fundamental discovery in 1961. For multicellular organisms and human cells, the division limit is 52.

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants promote the maximum possible number of cell divisions. This is a fact, but not a solution to the issue of further renewal of the body.

Special cells

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian scientist Alexander Maksimov discovered special cells in the human bone marrow, studied them and called them Stem cells, since they resemble a tree trunk from which any other cell can “grow”.

For the first time in 1981, Martin Evans isolated embryonic Stem cells and proved that they can differentiate into all other cells. A further research clarified that it is with the help of adult or mature Stem cells, which every person possesses, that there is a continuous process of replenishment of cells, tissues and organs. This natural system reproduction of our body, created by Nature.

Canadian scientist Christian Drapeu and a group of neurologists have proven that the more mature Stem cells circulate in the blood, the faster the renewal process occurs.

There are unique people who do not take care of their health, do not take vitamins, but look great - they have retained the genetic ability for the full functioning of Stem cells. Unfortunately, for most people, this ability decreases with age, and the aging process begins.

Health or disease is a balance between the processes of cell birth and cell death

Human health depends on which process predominates in him - the birth of new cells or the death of old ones. If exactly as many cells are born as die, you are biologically healthy. If the dying process dominates, then ailments and wrinkles appear... This is how people grow old.

A newborn has one Stem cell accounts for 10 thousand ordinary cells, and a 60-year-old person, on average, has one Stem cell per 5-6 million ordinary cells, since with age there are fewer and fewer of them.

Aging is the prevalence of the death of old cells over the birth of new ones.

Rejuvenation is the prevalence of the birth of new cells over the death of old cells.

The process of updating our cellular “park”

Christian Drapeu and his colleagues conducted a huge amount of clinical trials and confirmed that Stem Cells (SCs) restore damaged organs. In the human body from the moment of birth it is constantly embedded operating mechanism SC secretions. All organs are renewed, but at different intervals. The function of updating the cellular “park” is assigned to Stem cells, which are ready to help at any time.

Tissues and organs in need of help send chemical signals to SDF1, which travel through the bloodstream to Bone marrow and enter the SC receptors. Here a biochemical reaction occurs and the process of stem cell division begins. Isolated Stem cells enter the bloodstream, circulate throughout the body, differentiating into cells of tissues and organs. Progenitor cells always remain in the bone marrow.

The aging process is influenced not by the number of Stem cells, but by their ability to divide and enter the bloodstream. Part of the SC is blocked by the protein L-selectin and therefore cannot divide. The presence of L-selectin is determined by lifestyle, age, and genetics. The older a person is, the more this protein is, which means that more Stem cells are blocked and cannot be released into the bloodstream. Where is the way out?

Nature has everything...

After a long search throughout the planet, Christian Drapeu's team found a unique component (Ligand) in the algae Aphanizomenon Flos-Aqua, which eliminates the blockage of Stem cells by L-selectin. The action of Ligand was enhanced by the polysaccharide Migratose, which improves the circulation of Stem cells in the blood. After numerous clinical trials in 2005, the first patented product StemEnhance was created, increasing the number of Stem cells in the blood by 25-30%.

Bottle of Longevity SI2

Continuing research and search, we supplemented the composition of StemEnchance with Fucoidan from Undaria pinnate, extracts of Chinese knotweed root and Cordyceps mushroom, creating an improved formula SI-2. After taking 2 capsules of the product, the long-lasting effect of Stem cells entering the bloodstream for 4 hours has been clinically confirmed.

Life goes on thanks to our Stem Cells

40 years ago people did not know about vitamins or antioxidants and did not believe in them. Today they believe and know why. Today it is also obvious that to maintain Health it is necessary to restore and renew cells.

You now know that after the Hayflick Limit, new cells are formed only from our mature STEM CELLS, and this natural process happens continuously.

If it's broken, it doesn't matter. It can be supported by nutrition - NUTRITION for STEM CELLS. For your dear Stem cells. And the process of cell reproduction of your tissues and organs will be restored.

Help your stem cells, and they, by launching the natural mechanism of reproduction of your cells, will reciprocate with the restoration of health and active longevity.