Full catalog of MRI CT clinics. Full catalog of MRI CT clinics MRI on Sirenevy Boulevard contacts

  • Sirenevy Boulevard, 4, building 6 Moscow, VAO

    M Cherkizovskaya (980m) M Izmailovskaya (2.0 km) M Podbelskogo Street (2.2 km)

    Around the clock

    24/7 Wi-Fi

Official name: LLC "DL Medica"

Head: Chugaev Anton Ivanovich

Year founded: 2012

The Moscow MRI 24 clinic on Sirenevy Boulevard is located in the Izmailovo district. It is positioned as a modern medical institution for high-precision diagnostics of all systems human body. The center's base is equipped with an advanced Magnetom C device, produced by Siemens.

The MRI 24 clinic on Sirenevy Boulevard has all the conditions for bedridden patients and for those patients whose body weight is 140 kilograms. Diagnosis of diseases here can be carried out both with the use of contrast and without it.


The specialists of the MRI 24 clinic on Sirenevy Boulevard are professionally trained and have more than 10 years of experience. They provide services in such areas as MRI of the pituitary gland, head, joints, mammary glands and angiography of the vessels of the neck, spine, and brain. To identify pathologies of the pelvic organs, soft tissues and central nervous system, doctors at the medical institution use MRI under anesthesia. As additional services, here you can order a film, get a second opinion from a specialist, and also record medical data on a CD or flash drive


The fastest way to get to the MRI 24 clinic on Sirenevy Boulevard is by metro, getting to the Cherkizovskaya station, and taking bus number 230 to the Sirenevy Boulevard stop. Next, you need to walk to house No. 4/st.6.


There is free indoor parking for visitors. From the center: after the Sirenevy Boulevard sign, drive approximately 200-300 meters. On the right there will be an MRI sign and a gate to the territory of the Institute of Physical Education. Tell the security that you are at the MRI center and drive straight 50 meters, on the left there is a two-story extension to the building and an MRT24 sign.

From the region: along Sirenevy Boulevard at the traffic light, turn left onto Izmailovsky Proezd, then straight ahead for 100 meters.

Landmark: GCOLIFK Institute. When entering the territory of the institute, you must tell security that you are going for an MRI. After the gate to the right and 800 meters in a straight line until it stops.

Landmark: the swimming pool building will be in front of you, we are located opposite.

Open MRI scanner, allowed weight of patients on MRI up to 200 kg.

The MRI center in Izmailovo is equipped with a magnetic resonance imaging scanner that meets the requirements of a wide variety of people.

Modern open-type MRI tomograph MAGNETOM C! produced by Siemens, which allows, along with other patients, to conduct research on people with increased body weight, as well as patients with symptoms of fear of closed spaces.

Types of MRI in Izmailovo

MRI for children: examination of children with minimal psycho-emotional stress because During the study, close people may be nearby.

MRI diagnostics in the center is the only opportunity for examining severely ill patients who are undergoing treatment in the Eastern Administrative District and require constant medical supervision and drug support for life. important functions body.

Magnetic resonance imaging in our center allows us to examine pregnant women who may develop conditions that require timely examination and treatment.

Using an open-type tomograph at the Center on Sirenevy Boulevard, we will offer you a simple, informative and safe type of diagnosis.

  • MRI of the brain
  • MRI of the spine
  • Abdominal MRI
  • MRI of joints
  • MRI of the pelvis
  • Abdominal MRI

Our staff

At the MRI center in Izmailovo you will be greeted by a smiling, friendly and attentive person medical staff, who will provide you with all the information about the upcoming MRI diagnostic procedure and surround you with care.

The MRI doctors at our Center have excellent knowledge and extensive experience. They will not only give you competent opinions, but also recommend a specialist doctor for further treatment.

24-hour operation, high level service, convenient location will make a visit to our medical center enjoyable and effective.

Our address: Sirenevy Boulevard, building 4, building 6. We are located on the territory of the Institute of Physical Education (RGUPFK).

How to get to the MRI center?

Nearest metro stations:

  • Shchelkovskaya,
  • Izmailovskaya,
  • Partisan,
  • Cherkizovskaya,
  • Preobrazhenskaya Square

1) From Shchelkovskaya metro station

Exit from the metro: first car from the center.

Along the steps to the left and to the street - to the right.

We got out of the metro and left along Shchelkovskoye Highway to the transport stops towards the center.

Bus: No. 52, 716

Trolleybus No. 41,32

Route taxi No. 249, 274, 41, 301.

Stop: "Falcon".

At the bus stop:

Along the underground passage to the other side of Shchelkovskoye Highway.

From the transition - to the right.

Go straight to the first left turn before reaching McDonald's.

Along the path straight to the entrance to the territory of the Institute of Physical Education.

We go through the gate and walk 70 meters straight.

On the left as you move is a two-story extension to the building yellow color with a sign "MRI"

above a separate entrance.

2) From the Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad metro station

Buses 52,716

Minibuses 269m, 41m, 516m, 570m, 716, Elektrozavodskaya - Kamchatskaya

Trolleybuses 32,41,83

10 stops, 7 minutes and you are near the MRI center

3) From metro station "Cherkizovskaya"

Exit: last car from the center.

Near the metro exit there is a minibus No. 760, 34, 274, 249, you need to go to McDonald's.

From McDonald's, follow the direction of traffic until you take the first right turn.

Follow the path to the gate and gate to the territory of the Institute of Physical Education. Enter the territory, walk 70 meters straight.

4) How to get to the MRI center on foot from the Cherkizovskaya metro station

Exit from the metro - the last car from the center

Exit the subway and turn right.

Go straight towards Cherkizovsky Bridge.

Go under the bridge and go up the steps to the bridge.

Along the bridge to the right, towards the region, so that the Lokomotiv stadium remains on your left side - in the direction of traffic.

Come on in Shopping mall“Novocherkizovsky”, continue walking straight along Shchelkovskoye Highway until the fork to Sirenevy Boulevard (there will be a sign).

Turn onto Lilac Boulevard.

By left side On your way, pass McDonald's, on the right at the pedestrian crossing there is a gate and gate - the entrance to the territory of the Institute of Physical Education.

Enter the territory, walk 70 meters straight.

To the left as you move is a two-story yellow extension to the building with an “MRI” sign above a separate entrance.

Modern medicine is characterized by rapid development various methods diagnostics and the introduction of increasingly advanced technologies for effective treatment diseases. Thanks to the desire of medicine to use non-invasive diagnostic methods, which could also determine the presence of pathology at an early stage of its formation, new effective methods identifying disorders in the body.

The last twentieth century gave medical science many wonderful inventions and discoveries, some of which are computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These two methods have made a real breakthrough in the diagnosis of many pathologies, making it possible to study human organs and tissues without external intervention in the body, and to detect diseases that are difficult to detect using X-rays and ultrasound.

Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are based on different physical principles research, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. In any case, tomography is one of the most rapidly improving and promising methods of modern medical imaging.

What is computed tomography (CT) and in what cases is it most effective? The method is based on candling of the body x-rays with further presentation of the received information in a multi-slice mode, which allows you to effectively conduct studies of the brain, joints, spine, lungs, heart, jaws, teeth, liver, stomach, paranasal sinuses nose, eye orbits, blood vessels, other organs.

CT begins its history in the mid-twentieth century, when in 1969 the British scientist G. Hounsfield designed the so-called “EMR scanner,” which was the first tomograph. Clinical trials The devices were carried out in 1972, and for the development of the CT method in 1979, G. Hounsfield, together with the American physicist A. Cormack, was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Tomography has made it possible to diagnose oncological diseases on early stages their development, inflammatory, infectious process, fractures, dislocations, bruises, other injuries of the musculoskeletal system, appendicitis, cholelithiasis, accumulation of fluid, pus, blood in cavities, hemorrhages, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other disorders.

Magnetic resonance imaging dates back to the 70s of the twentieth century and is one of the most significant innovations of the last century. Its influence on the development of experimental and clinical medicine turned out to be comparable to the discovery of X-rays. In 2003, American scientists P. Lauterburg and British scientist P. Mansfield were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for the creation and implementation of MRI.

The method is based on physical phenomenon nuclear magnetic resonance and does not use x-rays on the body in diagnosis, which makes magnetic resonance imaging the most in a safe way identifying the cause of many symptoms.

It can be used to perform research in almost all areas human body: brain, spine, blood vessels, joints, soft tissues, spleen, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, other organs.

Along with traditional methods New techniques are widely used, for example, MR urography, which allows us to take a fresh look at the problem of diagnosing pathologies of the upper urinary tract MR angiography is a method of examining blood vessels.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of MRI in research spinal column and related structures - the use of the method has significantly increased the information value of examinations and reduced the time spent searching for an accurate diagnosis.

Pain in the lower back, neck, spine, It's a dull pain V hip joint or knee are " regular customers» MRI, since these symptoms often hide arthritis, arthrosis, hernias, ligament tears, and meniscus damage knee joint. Pain in the legs may be the result of vascular pathology, or may be a manifestation intervertebral hernia in the lower back. Painful sensations in the shoulder may indicate a disease of the joint, or may be a consequence of pathology of the cervical or upper part thoracic spine.

MRI is effectively used to diagnose fractures, compressions, spinal bruises, hernias, disc displacements, possible tumors, infections, inflammatory processes V spinal cord, vertebrae, Guillain-Baré syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, osteomyelitis, spondylitis. MRI of the spine plays important role in identifying malformations of structures, hemorrhages in the spinal cord, spinal stroke, various pathologies vascular bed.

Along with neck pathologies, the most common disorders in the spinal column are diseases of the lumbosacral region. Osteochondrosis, disc herniations, protrusions, dislocations, bruises, and compression can often develop in this area of ​​the spine. MRI of the lumbosacral region is effectively used to diagnose the listed disorders, pathologies of joints, spinal joints, hemangiomas, spinal stenosis, tumor neoplasms, and areas of possible metastases.

With an MRI of the lumbosacral spine, the doctor can not only see existing pathological changes in this area - MRI allows you to evaluate the ongoing nerve roots and spinal cord physical and chemical processes, using MRI you can perform vascular angiography. In most cases, MRI can eliminate the need for lumbar puncture in patients with infectious or traumatic disorders.

Now MRI lumbar region The spine ranks first in the diagnosis of diseases of this part of the body. Thanks to MRI, other research methods have become much less common: radiography, myelography, CT.

Also one of the most common medical problems, which require accurate diagnosis, are pathologies of the knee joint.

It's no secret that most people have suffered a minor knee injury at some point in their lives. Normal body movements, in fact, are not a source of injury, however pain symptoms may be caused by gradual aging, wear, and damage to the structures of the knee. To obtain information about the causes of pain, an MRI of the knee joint is often performed, thanks to which it is possible to determine the anatomical and physiological state of the elements of the joint - menisci, ligaments, tendons, nerve endings, surrounding soft tissues.

Using MRI, it is possible to obtain thin (up to a fraction of a millimeter) sections of various planes, and a spatial image of the joint or its parts can help in determining the exact location and structure of any change.

MRI of the knee joint is of great importance in the diagnosis of sports and non-sports injuries, fractures, sprains, ruptures of nerves, tendons, capsules, arthritis, bursitis, degenerative diseases, osteoarthritis, pinched tendons, neoplasms, inflammatory processes of cartilage and muscles.

Other common complaints from patients are headaches. The reasons for their occurrence may be violations cerebral circulation, inflammatory changes, trauma, tumor formations and metastases, degenerative processes and other diseases. dizziness, fainting states, decreased hearing, vision, confusion, impaired sensitivity of facial tissues - all these can be symptoms of brain diseases. Considering the colossal role of the organ in human life - from controlling the functioning of the senses, coordinating movements to regulating the functioning of the endocrine glands and all body systems - it is important to identify the pathology in a timely and most accurate manner. The gold standard for diagnosing these symptoms is magnetic resonance imaging, which currently ranks first in neurology among methods for studying various disorders - from changes nerve ganglia and blood vessels to cancer.

The study allows us to evaluate general state the main organ of the central nervous system, determine the location, size, nature pathological process, features of its interaction with neighboring tissues.

MRI of the brain can detect degenerative (associated with memory loss), demyelinating (affecting) white matter brain) changes, post-traumatic conditions, processes that are associated with impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Magnetic resonance imaging is of great importance in diagnosing the following brain disorders:

Developmental anomalies;

Diseases inner ear, eye;

Adenomas, other formations of the pituitary gland;


Heart attack;

Increased hormonal activity of the pituitary gland;

Vascular anomalies, for example, arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms, stenoses, occlusions;

Damage to the skull;

Suspicion of cysts;

Chronic diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis;

Tumor formations, possible metastases;

Reduced density of white and gray matter, cortical atrophy, including in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

The method is effective in monitoring the results of treatment or after operations. Magnetic resonance imaging is also performed with blurred clinical picture and in cases where CT and ultrasound diagnostics are uninformative.

One of the advantages of tomography is the ability to perform an angiography procedure - visualization of blood vessels - without the use of contrast agents. Compared to other research methods, MRI is more sensitive to differential diagnosis formations in the brain.

The method called to expand the range of studies that are performed without the introduction of contrast. Of course, when it comes to suspected cancer, in many cases it is impossible to do without contrast enhancement. But the contrast used in MRI does not contain iodine and is completely harmless, so it can be administered to a patient without a kidney or with toxic damage spleen, liver, and other organs.

Brain imaging has revolutionized the diagnosis of schizophrenia - thanks to the findings last years According to this data, experts were able to discover structural changes in areas of the cerebral cortex in this disease. Soon early diagnosis mental disorders may be one of the common applications of MRI.

Another advantage of MRI of the central nervous system is the lack of special preparation for the examination, which allows for urgent diagnosis.

Let us note that MRI of the brain in Moscow is one of the most popular and widespread medical services.

In the capital there are now a large number of hospitals and private clinics that perform magnetic resonance imaging. All centers differ in the types of research conducted, equipment characteristics, work schedule, personnel qualifications, and pricing policy. With so many factors influencing the quality of diagnosis, not every future patient will be able to figure out where it is best to do the examination. In addition, most of us live in the crazy rhythm of the metropolis, which sometimes does not leave us extra time for a long search medical institution. How can you quickly find a clinic that will be ideal in terms of geographic, time and financial parameters?

We will be happy to help resolve these and other issues! To save users time, our resource provides a complete catalog of centers that conduct magnetic resonance and computed tomography brain, joints, internal organs, vascular system.

Only we have the most represented full list Moscow centers that carry out diagnostics using computer and magnetic resonance imaging. If you like a particular clinic, you can find out more about it simply by going to its page, without wasting extra time searching for information. For your convenience, the address, contact phone number, opening hours, cost of main types of diagnostics, characteristics of tomographs and other useful information are indicated for each clinic.

The resource also provides answers to the most popular questions about computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging technology for a wide range of users, for example, what are the contraindications? Is it possible to do CT scans for children? How does scanning work? What are multislice computed tomographs? Are there dangers from magnetic resonance imaging?

Now you do not need to waste your precious time searching for a suitable diagnostic center on the Internet or using the telephone directory - on our website you will find the most full information about which clinics are open around the clock, where MRI is performed in Moscow on the most modern tomographs, where you can get the examination cheaply. Our visual map of the capital and its suburbs with clinics marked on it will allow you to measure the distance to any point in the city, and using electronic forms posted on the centers’ websites, you can quickly sign up for a study without leaving your computer.

You can get an MRI near the Cherkizovskaya metro station at the MRT 24 center, which is located at Sirenevy Boulevard, 4, building 6. MRT 24 is a network of MR diagnostic centers equipped with new devices and operating 24 hours a day.


The center on Sirenevy Boulevard is equipped with a Magnetom C device! from Siemens (German assembly). The tomograph is an open type, which allows you to comfortably examine patients with increased body weight, children, and people suffering from claustrophobia.

The field power is 0.35 Tesla, that is, the device is a low-field tomograph. Modern technologies, embodied in this tomograph, allow you to obtain high-quality contrast images.

When assessing the condition of the heart and blood vessels, as well as in the process of diagnosing neoplasms, MRI with contrast can be used. The use of contrast increases the cost of the study by 5,300 rubles.


The center’s specialists have over 5 years of experience using MRI machines, which ensures high diagnostic accuracy.

Discounts, promotions

From 00:00 to 7:30, prices in the center on Sirenevy Boulevard decrease. In the morning, disabled people of groups 1-2 and pensioners can receive a discount upon presentation of documents. During the promotion period, discounts are not cumulative.

Center address

Sirenevy Boulevard, 4, building 6. The nearest metro station is Cherkizovskaya.

The specialized MRI diagnostic center is located on the territory of the Russian State University of Physics and Technology on Sirenevy Boulevard. Operates around the clock, seven days a week. Here you can undergo all types of MRI diagnostics using an open-type Siemens Magnetom device. Suitable for patients weighing up to 160 kg and any volume, for children, for people with claustrophobia. Image format: 2D, 3D. There are no queues at the clinic, appointments are carried out according to pre-registration at the time chosen by the patient. There is a night discount on all types diagnostic procedures.

Are you looking for an MRI center in Moscow?

Our MRT-kliniki service presents certified and licensed Moscow diagnostic centers that have proven their experience and competence with excellent patient reviews and many years of work. It is easy to find a diagnostic center based on the nearest metro station or a lower price, as well as good reviews about the clinic. A simple search will help you find clinics that are right for you.

What is the cost of an MRI in Moscow?

The price of an MRI examination greatly depends on the organ that you want to examine, whether the examination will be performed with a contrast agent or not, as well as the policy of the diagnostic center itself. The cost of MRI in Moscow starts from.