Products with high magnesium. Foods rich in magnesium: cocoa, bran and what else to “nourish” the heart, nerves and muscles

Magnesium is one of those substances without which the activity of the body is impossible: its regular intake ensures the normal activity of many systems and organs. It has been proven that magnesium deficiency slows down and impairs many important processes in the body. Magnesium, which affects the synthesis of proteins, takes part in 360 major metabolic processes. What is its use, what is the daily intake of this substance?

What is the benefit of magnesium?

Magnesium deficiency affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys, endocrine system, brain. slow down metabolic processes, the absorption of vitamins worsens. As a result, health deteriorates, performance decreases. The nervous system suffers especially, resistance to stress decreases. Magnesium is useful for the following organs and body systems:

  1. Muscles, joints. Magnesium deficiency can cause. Lack of magnesium is especially dangerous with an excess of calcium: in gallbladder and stones begin to accumulate in the kidneys.
  2. Hearts. According to scientists, 80% of people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels had a magnesium deficiency. When the reserves of this substance are replenished, the work of the heart improves, arrhythmia is eliminated - the heart works more rhythmically and more stable.
  3. Vessels. The vessels of the brain contain twice as much magnesium as the vessels of other parts of the body. Deficiency of this micronutrient Negative consequences for cerebral vessels: blood clots begin to form in them, which is fraught with the risk of developing a stroke. According to some reports, magnesium deficiency is the cause of headaches, migraines, high blood pressure.
  4. nervous system. Magnesium deficiency is the cause not correct operation nerve cells. As a result nerve cells are constantly in good shape, and do not go into relaxation mode.
  5. Pancreas. Magnesium improves the functioning of the pancreas, as a result, blood sugar levels drop sharply.

What is the norm of magnesium for a person

It is estimated that the human body contains about 20 grams of magnesium. The body is saturated with this microelement not only from food products but also from water. Every day the human body consumes 380-450 milligrams of this substance. Serious physical and psychological stress increases magnesium intake, but if a person abuses alcohol, the need increases even more.

What foods contain the most magnesium?

Chronic magnesium deficiency is not uncommon. The reasons for this are improper, irrational nutrition, stress, alcohol, and poor ecology. To eliminate the deficiency, nutritionists recommend consuming more magnesium-rich foods. These are mainly products. plant origin, although animals also contain a lot of this useful substance. Here are some foods that contain magnesium in maximum quantities:

  1. wheat (bran)
  2. wheat grains (sprouted)
  3. cocoa
  4. soya beans
  5. cashew nuts
  6. peanut
  7. brown rice
  8. almond
  9. oat flakes
  10. white beans

Herbal products

Magnesium is found in most plant foods, but there are some that are especially high in it. The maximum amount of this microelement is found in nuts, cereals and legumes, a little less - in vegetables, dried fruits, greens. Such a variety of foods rich in magnesium allows you to replenish its reserves regardless of the time of year.

  • sesame
  • pine nuts
  • cashew nuts
  • almond
  • peanut
  • walnuts
  • sunflower (seeds)
  • hazelnut
  • pistachios

Cereals, legumes

  • buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • millet
  • beans
  • green peas
  • lentils
  • beans

Greens, vegetables

  • spinach
  • parsley
  • arugula
  • dill
  • garlic
  • carrot

Fruits, dried fruits

  • dates
  • prunes
  • persimmon
  • banana

List of animal products

Make up your diet so that every day you eat products of both plant and animal origin. It is important not to forget about the consumption of animal products: some useful substances are found only in them. To save maximum number magnesium when processing dishes, nutritionists recommend boiling rather than frying eggs, meat and fish. Contains a lot of magnesium:

  • hard cheeses
  • pork
  • beef
  • sea ​​fish
  • milk

Table of Foods Containing Magnesium


Wheat bran

Wheat grains (sprouted)

soy beans


Pine nuts


Long unpolished rice

Our body constantly needs to replenish the reserves of vital macronutrients, one of them is magnesium. Participating in many processes, being part of tissues and organs, it is rapidly consumed due to frequent stress and nerve strain. Magnesium deficiency is felt by nervous and cardiovascular systems, because of it there are pains in the muscles and joints. An important means macronutrient replenishment is nutrition. Knowing which foods contain more magnesium, and how compatible it is with other substances, helps to create a complete daily menu that allows the body to get everything it needs.

The role of magnesium in the body

He is involved in three hundred biochemical reactions that constantly occur in the human body.

It is present in bones, muscles and blood, ranking fourth after sodium, potassium and calcium in terms of prevalence in the body, in total each person has 20-30 mg of this trace element.

Its main functions in human life are as follows:

Why is it important to a person?

This trace element is indispensable in most human life processes, it is especially important in the functioning of:

What happens in the body when it is deficient

Signals of magnesium deficiency in the body are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, so indicate this problem time is extremely difficult. This means that before you start taking magnesium supplements, you need to do a blood test for the magnesium content in her serum and consult a doctor after that.

Signs of an element deficiency are:

  • Chronic fatigue present for a long time.
  • Rapid fatigue with little physical exertion.
  • Increased shedding and brittleness of hair and nails.
  • Reduced immunity and associated frequent colds, exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • Irritability, frequent shifts mood, depression.
  • Trouble sleeping and falling asleep, feeling overwhelmed after normal sleep.
  • The emergence of weather dependence.
  • Dizziness, headaches.
  • Decreased memory and ability to concentrate.
  • Muscle pain and cramps in different parts bodies, especially calf muscles, decreased bone strength.
  • Frequent twitching of the eyelids, lips or cheeks.
  • Pain in the heart, increased heart rate, high blood pressure.
  • Digestive disorder.

What foods contain magnesium

The list of foods rich in it is extensive. These are vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, cereals, legumes, seafood and others. It is worth getting to know them better:

  • There is not much magnesium in vegetables and fruits, but they are rich in other minerals and vitamins, and this enhances the effect of this macronutrient on the body. Most of all it is in such vegetables: beets - 43 mg, cabbage - 30, parsley - 85, spinach - 157, dill - 70. Fruits stand out: watermelons - 224 mg, bananas - 30, black currants - 31, persimmons - 58, prunes - 44.
  • Foods rich in magnesium include legumes, especially soy. Beans, lentils and peas are suitable ingredients for healthy and delicious meals. Green peas have 105 mg, beans and lentils have 150 mg, and soybeans have 248 mg.

    However, older people should not abuse legumes: it causes digestive disorders.

  • The record content of magnesium is found in seaweed, their 100-gram serving is one and a half daily norms of a microelement.

    As representatives of seaweed, sea kale and sea lettuce can be noted.

  • Nuts and seeds. Among the nuts, the record holders for magnesium are cashews (275 mg per 100 g of product), pine nuts (232), almonds (230), pistachios (200), hazelnuts (170), peanuts (180), walnuts (120), and in pumpkin seeds - more than the daily norm - 500 mg.

    All these products contain many other minerals, vitamins, amino acids.

  • Cereals. The highest content of the element in rice bran, only 100 g - these are two daily norms of magnesium - 781 mg. This rather rare product is found only in specialized stores, but because of the high content of the trace element, bran is needed very little. Therefore, they are worth looking for. AT wheat bran magnesium is slightly less - 550 mg, but this is much higher than it daily requirement. It is important to eat porridge every day, because they are also rich in magnesium. It is well absorbed from them, cereals are still rich in calcium and phosphorus in ideal proportions. It is also a good source of energy and fiber. In unpolished brown rice, magnesium is 86 mg per 100 g, in buckwheat - 255, in barley groats - 150, in oatmeal - 137, in millet - 130, and in unsweetened corn flakes 200 mg magnesium. Sprouted wheat germ - too reliable supplier magnesium, 100 g of green sprouts is 232 mg of magnesium. They can be bought at a pharmacy, a biologically active product, which also includes potassium, which is useful for heart function, can be germinated on your own.

    It is very useful to include cereals along with greens daily in salads.

  • Of the seafood rich in iodine, the most trace element in squid - 90 mg and shrimp - 60 mg.
  • It should also be noted extremely rich in the mineral dark chocolate - 418 mg or cocoa - 430 mg. One bar of chocolate is enough to provide daily allowance magnesium.

    Drinking cocoa is also good for tomorrow

  • Food cannot do without spices and spices, it should be noted that a spoonful of coriander, sage or basil is 690 mg of magnesium, i.e. one and a half daily norms, and in sesame it is 350 mg.
  • To improve the absorption of this trace element, it is useful to combine these products with those that contain pyridoxine or vitamin B6. And this is in addition to the already mentioned nuts, legumes and cereals - beef liver and many varieties of sea fish - tuna, mackerel, sardines.

Daily intake for adults and children

The daily requirement of the body for magnesium depends on the age, gender, weight and physical condition of each person. Naturally, for children and adults it is significantly different.

Norms for children:

  • at the age of 1-3 years - up to 80 mg;
  • from 4 to 8 years - 130 mg;
  • from 9 to 13 years old - 240 mg;
  • girls 14–18 years old - 360 mg4
  • boys of the same age - 50 mg more.

For adults, these indicators look like this:

  • for women from 19 to 30 years old - 310 mg, and for pregnant women - 40 mg more;
  • for men of the same age - 90 mg more;
  • for men over 31 years old - 420 mg;
  • for women of the appropriate age - 100 mg less, for pregnant women - also 40 mg more.

Proper nutrition to meet the need for magnesium

Magnesium helps to remove toxins and heavy metals

To compile a daily menu rich in magnesium, you need to consider the following:

  • a serving of beets or bananas is 6–8% of its required volume;
  • fish and seafood - 14%;
  • a cup of boiled beans or lentils - about 30%;
  • half a cup of almonds - about a third of the daily requirement:
  • a cup of raw spinach - 10%, and boiled - 3 daily norms;
  • half a cup of nuts or pumpkin seeds- almost 100%;
  • a cup of brown rice is almost a third of the daily value;
  • a cup of yogurt - almost 15% of the daily requirement;
  • enough chocolate bars for the whole day.

The diet needs to be adjusted depending on the season - in winter, enrich it with honey, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, nuts, cocoa and cereals. In the spring it is better to include more greens - parsley, dill, spinach and lettuce. In the summer, it's good to eat cherries, blackcurrant and legumes, and in the fall, do not forget about watermelons, carrots, cabbage and beets.

More useful products without heat treatment, you can add seeds and nuts to vegetable or fruit salads. For dressings, cedar, sesame, mustard or olive oil with citrus and garlic are suitable.

Contribute to the elimination of magnesium deficiency mineral water with it, tinctures or syrups of aloe vera, rosehip decoctions, chokeberry which are recommended to drink instead of tea. At the same time, you should limit the use of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, salty and flour dishes.

The following table presents sample menu for a week with the inclusion of foods rich in magnesium:

Days of the weekBreakfast 1Breakfast 2DinnerDinnerFor the night
The firstBuckwheat porridge with bran and cocoaCarrot salad with olive oilBorsch with bran and boiled meat, wheat porridge with dried apricots. Decoction of rose hipsPumpkin porridge with apricot juiceRosehip decoction
SecondOatmeal milk porridge with teaPrunesShchi with bran and boiled meat, beetroot salad with olive oil, appleBuckwheat krupenik, carrot-apple salad, rosehip brothcarrot juice
ThirdMilk wheat porridge, grated carrots, cocoaDried apricots, decoction of branVegetable oatmeal soup with baked chicken breast, cabbage cutlets and rosehip brothCottage cheese soufflé and apple-carrot cutlets, teaTomato juice
FourthBuckwheat porridge with bran, boiled fish, tea with lemonCarrot salad with butter dressing and sesame seedsFish soup with baked fish, wheat porridge with prunes and dried apricotsBrown rice porridge with cottage cheese, cocoaapricot juice
FifthOatmeal with milk and nuts, cocoaPrunesShchi with boiled meat, stewed beets with vegetable oil, green appleBuckwheat krupenik with cottage cheese, rosehip brothcarrot juice
SixthGrated carrots with wheat porridge in milk, tea with lemonDried apricots with branVegetable soup, cabbage cutlets with boiled chicken, AppleCottage cheese soufflé and apple-carrot cutlets, cocoaTomato juice
SeventhBoiled lentils with vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, cocoanutsVegetable soup with baked meat and boiled spinach, rosehip brothBuckwheat porridge with curd-carrot soufflé, rosehip brothPumpkin-carrot juice

Preparations based on it

To compensate for magnesium deficiency, the following drugs are also prescribed:

  • Centrum, it includes 100 mg of magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, vitamins of groups B, E, D3 and others.
  • Teravit contains 100 magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, manganese, vitamins A, B, D3 in 1 tablet.
  • Berocca Plus - 1 tablet contains 100 mg of magnesium, calcium and a complex of vitamins.
  • Bio-Max - 1 tablet contains 35 mg of magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, phosphorus and many vitamins.

You can get acquainted with the importance of magnesium in human life, its norms, symptoms of a macronutrient deficiency and tips for including foods rich in magnesium and other minerals in the menu in the following videos:

Video: All about magnesium in the program "Live healthy!"

Video: Magnesium in the body - neurologist of the Medin center Lilia Stoyanova

Magnesium deficiency is a fairly common problem, resulting in chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, muscle spasms, arrhythmia, osteoporosis and others anxiety symptoms. This macronutrient is especially important for women and expectant mothers, it regulates the level of estrogen and is involved in the formation of the systems and organs of the little man. The importance of magnesium can hardly be overestimated, because it is included in almost all human tissues. You can make up for its deficiency by including cereals, bran, nuts, legumes, vegetables and fruits, greens, seeds and other magnesium-rich foods in the daily menu. After an appropriate blood test and the advice of a doctor, special mineral-vitamin complexes will help to eliminate its deficiency.

What foods contain magnesium, and what is its use for the body? This question interests many of us. We will talk about this. Magnesium is an essential element that is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It participates in metabolic reactions, regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, affects muscle contraction, and has a relaxing effect. Natural sources of magnesium are fossil mineral deposits, sea ​​water, brine of salt lakes.

The benefits of magnesium for the human body

How useful is this mineral for the body?

  1. It is involved in protein synthesis.
  2. Normalizes work nervous system and heart muscle.
  3. Has a vasodilating effect.
  4. Activates bile secretion.
  5. Facilitates the condition of women with menopausal disorders.
  6. Improves intestinal motility.
  7. Promotes the removal of cholesterol.
  8. Fights inflammatory processes.
  9. Improves the supply of tissues with oxygen.
  10. It affects more than 300 enzymes that are involved in the formation of energy.
  11. Eliminates stress, anxiety, increased nervous excitability, anxiety.

In order for a person to feel good and be healthy, a balance of elements is necessary. Experts believe that magnesium and calcium should be in a ratio of 2:1. Often there is a clear lack of magnesium, so it is necessary to restore its deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms

What symptoms indicate a lack of a mineral in the body?

  • The appearance of insomnia, deterioration of sleep.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The emergence and development of osteoporosis.
  • Constant headaches.
  • The appearance of cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Intestinal dysfunction, constipation.
  • Twitching of the eye muscles, spasms, convulsions.
  • Nausea, poor appetite.
  • The appearance of irritability anxiety state, causeless fears, depression.
  • The occurrence of tachycardia, anemia.
  • The deposition of calcium on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which there is a loss of their elasticity, atherosclerosis develops.
  • Violation of the kidneys.
  • Loss of joint flexibility.
  • Decreased immunity.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

The main intake of magnesium comes from food. But despite the diversity and delicious food, the body lacks many important elements. The reason is that a person eats mainly processed and canned foods that are cooked. Vitamins and minerals are destroyed by long-term storage frozen.

Application in agriculture modern technologies in growing and harvesting lead to the fact that in the products there is a lack of magnesium. Its quantity is much less relative to the products that are grown in the garden. Therefore, it is advisable to consume more home grown foods without the use of harmful chemicals.

With great physical and mental stress, the use of diuretics and laxatives, alcoholic beverages additional sources of magnesium are needed. It should be borne in mind that the element is absorbed worse in the presence of phytin, a large amount of fat and calcium in food.

There are other reasons that cause a lack of magnesium, and these are:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Violation of the absorption function of the intestine.
  3. Kidney disease.
  4. Impaired insulin production.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Eating a lot of fatty and sugary foods.
  7. Passion for strict diets.
  8. The use of alcoholic beverages.
  9. Coffee and tea drunk in large quantities.

The norm of magnesium per day is a relative concept, since it is necessary to take into account the physical data of a person, such as gender, height, weight, age, presence of diseases, occupation. Both a lack of a mineral and its excess are harmful.

  • Women - 300-350 mg / day.
  • Men - 350-400 mg / day.
  • Athletes - up to 600 mg / day.
  • Pregnant women - up to 400 mg / day.
  • Children - 200 mg / day.

Approximately 35% of the element is absorbed. During the day, a significant amount of the mineral is excreted with bile, urine and sweat. With hypotension, slowing down heart rate it is necessary to reconsider the diet, since this condition can often be associated with excessive intake of the mineral in the body. Calcium begins to be absorbed worse, which can have negative health consequences.

What foods contain the most magnesium?

Magnesium enters the body from food, water (hard), salt. A large amount of this mineral is found in wheat bran, cocoa, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, pistachios, pine nuts, almonds, walnuts, figs, dates, dried apricots. good sources magnesium are green vegetables, fresh fruits.

Magnesium is found in cereals (buckwheat, millet), legumes (peas, beans), watermelons, lettuce, tahini halva, seaweed, rye bread, dark chocolate.

Everyday foods such as milk, meat, White bread cannot fully provide the body with this mineral. Therefore, with its deficiency, for the prevention and treatment of diseases, you can purchase the drug at a pharmacy, it is sold without a prescription. But it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek advice from your doctor. Perhaps it will be enough to adjust the diet.

Food table with magnesium (Mg)

Wheat bran - 521 mg.
Cocoa - 441 mg.
Sesame seeds - 355 mg.
Cashews - 271 mg.
Buckwheat - 257 mg.
Almonds - 235 mg
Pine nuts - 233 mg.
Corn flakes - 215 mg.
Pistachios - 200 mg.
Peanuts - 181 mg.
Hazelnut - 171 mg.
Seaweed - 169 mg.
Oatmeal - 134 mg
Sunflower seeds - 128 mg.
Beans - 102 mg.
Spinach - 78 mg.
Dried apricots - 65 mg.
Milk chocolate - 64 mg.
Shrimp - 47 mg.
Fresh vegetables - 26 mg.

Based on the table, we can say which foods contain the most magnesium. Try to diversify your diet with environmentally friendly, natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Products that have undergone heat treatment have lost a large number of useful substances, and will not be able to meet the body's need for vitamins and minerals.

The combination of magnesium and calcium

Long-term use of dietary supplements can adversely affect health. The reason is that with a large intake of magnesium, the absorption of calcium decreases, and its deficiency is formed. In this case, you will have to introduce foods containing into the diet. If you for a long time take some mineral, it is necessary to control its level in the body in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Magnesium is involved in many vital processes. It is necessary to maintain female beauty. It slows down skin aging, promotes hair growth, helps. It normalizes metabolism, useful for weight loss.

Now you know what foods contain magnesium, and you can use this information in your daily life.

The function of magnesium in the human body is extremely high, but different reasons remains underestimated. Scientists believe that magnesium is included in the line of minerals paramount importance for harmonious development and body work. Let's look at which foods contain the most magnesium.

Why is magnesium needed in the body?

Effectively improves the condition of the body due to its useful properties. In the required amount, it:

  • Beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • Regulates the functioning of the nervous system. Reduces fatigue and irritation, improves sleep, normalizes the functioning of the muscular system;
  • Improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Promotes the quality of the reproductive system;
  • Resists the formation of kidney stones and gallstones;
  • Takes part in the formation of bones and teeth.

With a lack of magnesium in the body, processes of disruption of the main vital systems are observed. Observed:

  • Poor appetite, nausea and dizziness;
  • Nervous tic, convulsions and spasms;
  • Hair loss and brittle nails;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • tachycardia or anemia;
  • The likelihood of developing atherosclerosis increases;
  • Decreased joint flexibility.

What foods contain the most magnesium?

daily requirement healthy body in magnesium is 400 mg. The maximum consumption level is 800 mg. With a normal diet, 200-400 mg of this trace element is consumed per day. For pregnant women, the need for this trace element increases. With a lack of it, you should eat foods rich in magnesium. It is worth understanding which products have the largest amount of magnesium. The list includes:


Amount of magnesium (mg/100 g)

Pumpkin seeds


pine nut


Dried dates

This is not a complete table of foods that contain magnesium. Some magnesium is present in dairy products.

No less important product, which contains a lot of magnesium, is sea kale. In addition, it has a very low calorie content and becomes a real find for overweight people.

A number of products where there is magnesium in small quantities:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Peas, corn, barley;
  • Seafood;
  • Bananas, prunes;
  • Cabbage, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, parsley.

If it is not possible to compensate for the lack of magnesium by consuming foods rich in this trace element, there is a worthy alternative - preparations containing magnesium in combination with vitamin B6. They also include potassium in sufficient quantities:

These drugs are designed to normalize the level of magnesium in the body and restore its balance. The consumption rate for children and adults is set by the doctor, depending on the level of deficiency of this trace element. And in the case of prophylactic administration, follow the instructions for use.

It should be noted that in the body magnesium is absorbed with calcium. Calcium is essential for the contraction of smooth muscle in blood vessels. And magnesium, in turn, relaxes them. The optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium when consumed is 2:1.

Video: What foods contain magnesium

Why do you need magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most important trace elements in our body. Stress, smoking, refined food, as well as significant physical exercise contribute to the increased consumption of magnesium. Meanwhile, magnesium is necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. It is involved in carbohydrate, fat and energy exchange. Recent studies point to the impact of magnesium on human life expectancy. If your diet is poor in foods containing magnesium, then a number of unpleasant symptoms may develop.

The main symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body. If your sleep is disturbed, you become irritable, get tired quickly, then you should check whether enough magnesium enters your body with food. Chronic magnesium deficiency leads to osteoporosis, as magnesium is responsible for bone flexibility. With a lack of magnesium during pregnancy, fetal malformations are noted. Hyperactive children are also often deficient in magnesium.

Daily intake of magnesium. Doctors recommend getting 300 to 400 mg of magnesium per day for an adult with food. The daily amount of magnesium for pregnant women is 450 mg.

Table of Recommended Average Daily Intakes of Magnesium

What foods have the most magnesium? Magnesium is not produced in our body and comes only with food. Most magnesium in seaweed 800-900 mg per 100 grams. In general, leafy greens, and these are salads, spinach, onions, broccoli - contain a lot of magnesium. Seafood, legumes, cereals are also rich in magnesium. But magnesium, which is contained in nuts, is absorbed by the body much worse.

Table of foods high in magnesium per 100 grams


Magnesium content
(mg per 100 gr.)

sea ​​kale 800

Wheat bran


Wheat grains (sprouted)


Cashew nuts

soy beans


Pine nuts





Long unpolished rice

oat flakes

Barley groats


Millet groats


Green peas (fresh)

Bread white with bran






Rye bread with bran

Rice polished

Hard cheese







fresh corn