Unusual professions project. The most unusual and strange professions you didn't even know about

Every person, of course, needs a profession. From childhood, he begins to think about what he wants to become. Some people want to be like their dad or mom, others rely on their own interests. But now the time comes to make your choice. Professions from all over the world are open to you. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

Professions around the world. Where to stop?

So, more details. Professions all over the world give everyone the opportunity to choose their life path. Often, this is not so easy to do. After all, you want your profession to be in demand and highly paid. True, we should not forget that nothing is eternal in this world. The labor market is constantly changing. Once prestigious professions are becoming irrelevant. They are being replaced by more ambitious specialties - such as marketers, advertising specialists, sales managers, etc. So what professions are the most in demand today? Let's try to figure it out.

Genetic engineers

Describing professions around the world, of course, it is impossible not to remember them. These people now earn about $98,000 a year. Constant population growth can lead to a serious problem - hunger on the planet. Even now, many underdeveloped countries face food shortages. And the Earth's ability to grow required quantity products is not that great.

Advertising managers

The ranking of professions includes these guys in the top ten. The number of different services and products on the market is also growing very quickly. The most original and brightest ways to promote them are necessary. To date, simple production quality product not enough. He needs a unique image, a positive image. The buyer should not want to purchase it, but definitely do so. This is how this specialty appeared.

IT specialists

The salary of some IT specialists is 100 thousand dollars a year. It's no secret that computer technology controls everything today. IT specialists protect systems from hacking, develop software. In a word, this specialty is our technological future.


Professions all over the world include this specialty in the first places in the ranking in terms of demand. It is lawyers who resolve all kinds of legal conflicts. IN modern world Without their intervention, not a single agreement is drawn up, not a single document is signed and not a single major transaction is completed.

Market analysts

Let's look further at the ranking of professions. Market analysts currently earn about $112,000 a year. They help answer questions about whether it is worth putting your product into circulation and when is the best time to do it. Experts collect necessary information, conduct analysis, forecast potential future sales, customer availability and business success.


In the coming years, this will apparently be in the medical field. For example, demand for dental services is four times greater than supply. New dental offices open regularly, but they still cannot completely fill this niche.

Anesthesiologists also earn a lot. This position is especially popular abroad. This is not just a doctor choosing the dose of anesthesia during an operation. This is a professional who ensures the patient’s safety both during the operation and after its completion.

Surgeons receive about 350 thousand dollars a year. In addition to performing operations, their responsibilities include a lot of “paperwork” and constant examinations of patients. Accordingly, such high level salary is well deserved.


Remember the children's rhyme that “all professions are needed.” Pilots are in demand today no less than doctors. Air transport is the fastest and most popular in the world. Therefore, the profession of a pilot is one of the most prestigious and highly paid. But there are a lot of requirements for it: precise skills, training, psychological stress, responsibility for people’s lives. Today, of course, unmanned aircraft are also appearing. However, they will not be able to completely displace living people any time soon.

Senior managers

The directory of blue-collar professions, as a rule, does not include such specialties. In fact, these positions are very much in demand. These include the president of the company and CEO. Essentially, it's the same thing. Supervisor senior management- This is the main figure in the functioning of the enterprise. He needs to make important decisions, choose the direction of the company, and be responsible for the final result of the work. This position requires a lot of responsibility, and therefore often leads a person to stressful conditions.

Social professions

Next point. Social professions have many advantages. They provide the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities interesting activities, broaden horizons, ensure self-realization of the individual.

Social and humanitarian professions include: coach, psychologist, sociologist, social worker, social teacher, ethnographer, archaeologist, blogger, copywriter, media worker, political scientist, educator, teacher, recruiter, tour guide, graphic designer, PR specialist, linguist, translator, speech therapist, cultural specialist, museum worker, librarian. Socio-economic specialties include: accountant, marketer, manager, economist.

Rare professions

So, the in-demand positions have been reviewed. Now it’s worth turning your attention to the rarest professions in the world. This group includes the position of sign language interpreter. Also considered less common are the professions of postiger (a person who makes wigs, beards, eyelashes, sideburns, mustaches and braids to order), a machine operator at a match factory (osinizer), cavist (a specialist in alcoholic beverages, offering a specific wine for a specific dish), tester (tea taster), greenkeeper (specialist responsible for the condition of green lawns for football, baseball, rugby, golf, etc.), oenologist (specialist selecting grape varieties for making wine) and speechwriter (compiler of texts for politicians and large entrepreneurs ).

Rare male professions

And now more specifically. The rarest professions in the world among men sometimes simply amaze with their originality. Among them: a dergal (a specialist who collects seaweed three months a year), an organ builder, a mountaineering equipment tester, an airplane cleaner, a monstrologist (a specialist in the study of monsters), a cow shearer, and an observer of the work of strippers. The latter watch the girls dance for two months, make notes and receive wages in the amount of 10 thousand dollars per month.

Rare female professions

IN Lately The line between men began to blur more and more. Nevertheless, there are professions where meeting a woman is very rare. For example, there is only one female gondolier working in the whole world. To master this profession, the Venetian had to undergo six months of training and pass exams.

It’s also rare to see female truck drivers. However, such cases do occur. Women drive huge trucks. At the same time they are building family life, raising children.

There are also known ladies who cope with the work of glassblowers without worse than men. Moreover, they can create masterpieces thanks to their subtle feminine taste.

The rarest profession in the world

The position of caretaker of a paradise island is considered to be the rarest profession in the world. It arose when a person was needed who could promote holidays on one of the Australian islands. One of the travel companies was looking for such a person. For six months, the man had to live in a villa on the island, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take photographs, play golf and write his blog. During the six months spent on Hamilton Island, the lucky owner of this profession was able to earn 110 thousand dollars.

To sum up, it’s worth saying: “To each his own!” Don't forget about the above quote - "All professions are needed!"

This list contains descriptions of the most unique works in the world! You may associate a job fair with accountants and builders or managers of all kinds, rather than with “line straighteners,” but someone, somewhere, systematically receives a salary for precisely this kind of service. Most likely, you will not find a university or technical school in your city where such specialties are taught, but they exist, and in this selection you will find 25 very unusual crafts that you may have never heard of before.

25. Hook Writers

These people write songs, although it would be more accurate to say that not the entire songs themselves, but only their individual parts. It's not even about the chorus or verse. These specialists make their living by composing phrases and sentences for specific rhythmic segments. The main purpose of such “hooks” is to become a catchy and catchy line of a song that will stick in your brain and will be scrolled there again and again.

24. Underwater Lumberjack

Underwater loggers get to work when a flooded area of ​​land needs to be processed. In places where rivers systematically or suddenly flood large and wooded areas, the bottom often needs to be cleared for safe navigation, or planned cutting is carried out in a designated place without regard to time or the obstacle of water.

23. Food experts and part-time witnesses in trials

Yes, in America there is even a separate specialty of witnesses in cases related to food. If the court needs an expert who will explain the situation related to the quality and taste of a product or product, he will be selected from a whole list of professionals in this matter. Delicious work!

22. Bereavement Coordinator

These people work with families who are experiencing the loss of loved ones. The work of such coordinators usually involves assistance in bureaucratic (paper) matters and in organizing funerals, consultations on all aspects of death loved one questions and, of course, psychological support. Most often, this profession is chosen by those who have themselves experienced a painful loss, acquired a sad but at the same time useful experience for someone else, and want to share their knowledge and care on an ongoing basis for payment.

21. Book restorer

The name speaks for itself. Yes, he’s practically a doctor, only for books, and he heals not the flesh, but the bindings and pages. Today, books are increasingly being replaced by electronic services, but the world still values ​​rare, ancient and authoritative publications that also need care. Sometimes such “doctors” are approached with requests to patch up a book that is of value only to one family and is kept as a keepsake.

20. Subway Watcher

Large subways, such as the London Underground, pay separate category employees so that they walk along the streets exactly where the lines and stations themselves are laid. The task of such specialists is not just to breathe in the city smog, but to carefully ensure that on the surface all construction standards are observed and that no rules are violated or that no work is carried out that could lead to disastrous consequences for the metro. For example, if someone plans to pour a foundation near a metro station, an observer must ensure that there is no threat of collapse.

19. Parachute testers

Someone needs to be first... It sounds scary, but in fact this job is not much different from being a test pilot or stunt pilot. Very often those who start out as parachute testers move up career ladder to work inspecting military equipment, for which they receive very good salaries. The main thing is not to crash before.

18. Gas station controllers

These specialists check that gas stations do not deceive their customers and fill our tanks with exactly a liter, and not 900 or 885 ml. For this they have special equipment and licenses.

There is a separate niche of composers who compose melodies and sounds for gaming machines. Their main task is to write a sound series that will make you return to the casino again and again. The melody should be inviting, exciting and literally get you hooked on the game.

16. Professional “carrier” of jewelry

When a rich man in one country wants to sell or buy a piece of jewelry from another rich man in another country, they hire a specialist to carry the goods from point A to point B directly on himself, as if it were his earrings, watch or necklace. By and large, this is smuggling, but who said that all existing professions are legal?

15. Prop buyers

Every self-respecting television company, film studio or individual TV show has employees who must, upon urgent command, buy the props necessary for filming. Often some miscalculations become known in last minute, so these specialists must be very agile and inventive in order to quickly find a wide variety of unusual objects. Buyers of props know the entire assortment of nearby stores, flea markets, and sometimes even buy for future use.

14. Inspector of underwear for cockroaches

It is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness in large factories and warehouses, and sometimes small insects infest them. In order for the client to receive his order in at its best, there are specially trained workers who check all goods before they are sent to customers. There are even separate inspectors for underwear who look at all the folds and seams so that the reputation of the store and warehouse in the eyes of customers remains crystal clear.

13. People pulling paper clips

When companies decide to fully digitize all of their paper documents, they need help in getting the scrapers out of all the contracts and other formal paperwork. To scan, you need to separate all the sheets, and this usually becomes a good summer job for students and schoolchildren, since the work is seasonal and does not require special skills or qualifications.

12. Alpaca groomers

They won't shave themselves! Here is an animal from the camelid family, living in the highlands of South America, and domesticated by the Indians of Peru many thousands of years ago to produce the most delicate, dense, durable, warm and almost waterproof wool. Alpaca is similar to llama, but it is separate. The Peruvian livestock industry has an entire specialty dedicated to trimming and shaving these cute animals.

11. Carrier across the bridge

If you're too afraid to drive your car across a bridge because it's narrow, wobbly, or for some other reason, some countries have an entire separate driver service. These specialists will get behind the wheel of your car and drive the crossing for you.

10. Servants of servants

I'm not kidding. In some countries of the world, even servants have servants. A very complex and multi-component hierarchy is designed to provide work to everyone. Sometimes this has a positive effect on productivity, and sometimes it really slows down all processes.

9. Light bulb changers

Large corporations, universities and owners of buildings with very high ceilings and a lot of lighting fixtures hire individuals to replace burnt out lamps. To do this, they have special stepladders, climbing equipment, or even heavy equipment, like firefighters.

8. Truck Driver

Truck driver is a very difficult job. This is a big responsibility, long and long journeys, as well as psychological stress. Drivers of trucks and vans spend a lot of time alone, cannot always afford to sleep in a soft bed, sit behind the wheel for days, sleep little and are very tired of the monotony of the road surface. Large trucking companies sometimes hire a separate staff of drivers who must provide insurance for truckers if they realize in the middle of the journey that they are no longer able to go anywhere. Sometimes such employees find corporate vehicles abandoned on the side of the road, and there is no trace of the driver nearby, because he has breakdown, and I no longer have the slightest desire to sit in my truck.

7. Shabbat goy or goy for Shabbat

We are talking about hired workers for Jewish believers who are not Jews themselves (they are called goyim). During Shabbat, such workers do for purebred Jews what Jews themselves are not allowed to do on this day according to the instructions of the Torra. For example, they press elevator buttons for them and much more.

6. Manufacturer of standard cards for libraries

This is no longer so relevant, but in the past, printing library cards for classifying and keeping records of books was the job of a separate person. Usually students took up this business as a part-time job.

5. Personal shopper

Yes, somewhere people even get paid for going to stores. This specialty is especially popular in Asia, where wealthy families prefer to hire employees who would rather fly to the United States or Europe for a worthwhile purchase than trust local stores, which often sell crafts from famous brands.

4. Telephone operators for the deaf and hard of hearing

Some countries have separate telephone service departments that help deaf and hard of hearing people make and receive calls. Operators of such companies translate voice messages and deaf language into text information to help all participants in the conversation understand each other.

3. Song players

These are specially trained people whom radio stations hire to produce music broadcasts. Guided by a whole set of rules, such unique DJs decide which song to play and when, how often it can be repeated and in what sequence.

2. Line “rectifiers”

Today they have been replaced by computers, but in the past these people were hired by large architectural firms to check all the drawings and design lines.

1. Livestock identification and care specialist

Photo: Agricultural Research Service (public domain)

It sounds impressive, but in reality these workers simply watch the herd all day and are responsible for ensuring that no one escapes during grazing or from the pen.

All photos except the last one are taken from the public domain Pixabay.com

There are such interesting and unusual professions in the world that it is even difficult to judge some by their names. Many of them are a thing of the distant past; some, on the contrary, are “pioneers”, opening new paths in people’s employment.

When talking about unusual professions in the world, we should go back in time. And in the past, as you know, there were their own rules, their own etiquette and their own understanding of modesty.

For example, during feasts that lasted for several hours in a row, it was not at all shameful to give a sign to the bearer of a pot for excrement. To imagine such a strange profession, he pushed the “vase” under the chair of the person who called him and turned the cap on his face backwards. The visor on the back of the cap covered the upper half of the face of the worker carrying the pot, and there was a hole in the chair. After a special sign, the bearer of the pot left, covering the “vase” with a lid, and the nobleman or beautiful society lady continued to eat.

Will be perceived as exotic modern man wiper's profession. You probably shouldn’t go into detail when describing your job responsibilities. of this employee- this profession is from the same field as the previous one. But it applies not only to lunch and dinner parties, where guests must be served. There were so-called registered wipers who had their own “employers”, especially when the issue concerned crowned heads or high nobility.

Surely someone will think that these are the most disgusting and not interesting professions. However, they would be wrong. In a time when there was no Internet, no television, no media, a position at court was considered prestigious. What other interesting profession can compare with the one in which the worker can get a close-up look at noble people, hear their conversations and even taste the table scraps after the feast?

Unusual specialties associated with our smaller brothers

You can make a whole list of the most interesting exotic professions that are somehow related to animals.

  • food taster for dogs and cats;
  • rattlesnake milker;
  • barking dog detective;
  • ape man;
  • milkmaid of the Karakurts;
  • penguin flippers.

If there are no questions about the first two points in this list of unusual professions, then the rest should be slightly clarified.

The profession of “barking dog detective” refers to government positions, since the worker, with the help of a variety of qualified barks, calls into a “conversation” dogs and mongrels, which their owners are trying to hide from representatives of the tax authorities, so as not to pay money to the state treasury.

The profession of “monkey man” is also very interesting and extraordinary. A man dressed in a fancy dress jumps along the platform, which is constantly attacked by a flock of monkeys, thereby scaring them away and saving passengers from the annoying attacks of four-armed “bandits.”

The profession of “karakurt milkman” is one of the most unusual and dangerous jobs. A worker receives webs from poisonous spiders, which are then used in optics, for example, in the manufacture of optical sights.

The profession of penguin flipper is considered the most humane among the unusual ones. In fact, they are rescuers, since penguins who fall over on their backs face imminent death - they themselves cannot take their usual position.

Today this could also include those who push dolphins from the shore, but for some reason this name does not appear anywhere in the lists of the most unusual professions in the world. Like this: there are employees, but there is no name for their position.

Job responsibilities: try - share impressions

What other interesting professions are there to work in and, as some people dream of, “enjoy without straining”? This includes testers of different directions. These interesting and enjoyable professions make up a whole list:

  • luxury bed tester;
  • water slide tester;
  • horror movie tester;
  • wine tester;
  • sweets tester;
  • World of Warcraft tester.

The list continues with the names of professions that also fall into the category of testers, but their range of responsibilities is completely exotic and creative: marijuana taster, professional tester of prostitutes.

And there is work as a tester, which is unlikely to bring pleasure - armpit sniffer. True, before the procedure itself, a test remedy to combat the smell of sweat is applied to the specified area of ​​the body, but this changes little.

Yes and for testing chewing gum, smelling the smell from the mouths of people with bad teeth, after drinking alcohol or garlic in order to conclude how effectively they kill amber, requires enormous patience.

Five professions named the most unique

In the list of “Top Most Interesting and Unusual Professions in the World,” the barking dog detective should be put in first place. Then there's the Parmesan listener, the aforementioned wiper, the therapy tester, and the marijuana tasters.

Such an interesting but little-known profession in the world as a Parmesan listener is associated with cheese production. Cheese industry workers made it to the top of the most unusual professions because their responsibility is to determine the readiness of the product by the sound made by the head of cheese when it is hit with a silver hammer.

The therapy tester also has interesting job responsibilities. After twenty days of lying motionless on the bed in a position where the head was below the feet, the prisoner employment contract undergoing a rehabilitation procedure. This is the employee’s responsibilities: strictly adhere to the regime and strictly follow the doctors’ recommendations.

But the most enviable professions in the world are those of caretakers of “heavenly corners”. They live on islands, where it is always summer, in luxurious mansions, keep order and enjoy their vacation, receiving huge money for it.
A few more interesting specialties explained in the video:

Santa Claus is such a job

There are unusual and even strange professions in Russia. For example, real life the fabulous Santa Claus surprises and amazes everyone without exception. Perhaps, to the question “What is the most interesting and unusual profession in Russia?” today everyone, without hesitation, will answer that working as Santa Claus is both interesting and prestigious.

Working as Santa Claus is among the top most unusual professions not only in Russia, but also in the world. It is on a par with the profession of dream merchants. Only if there can be many traders, then there is only one Santa Claus.

Whatever you call it, it will work as before

IN modern Russia many positions received new names, although the range of responsibilities of employees remained the same. For example, a wet cleaning manager uses a mop and broom as usual. And the mysterious “merchandiser” simply places goods on the shelves.

Also, few people know the word “battlehunter”. And this is just a professional assembler of empty glass containers.

Although, with the stratification of society in Russia into rich and poor, unique positions appeared, such as a ski track builder in the Rublevsky Forest and a cigar sorter by shade.

The Internet has opened up new positions for us.

The most unusual professions in Russia appeared with the spread of the Internet. For example, an “ethical hacker” must hack the websites of the company for which he works. He does this in order to test the security of the online resource.

Web gardener is among the top unusual professions in Russia and the world. Translated, it sounds like a “virtual gardener,” a person who maintains order on the employer’s websites. He must update old pages, change the appearance of the portal, “weed out” old links, and post new ones.

Time moves forward. What was once the norm now seems wild and strange. New professions appear, they surprise us, they seem outlandish. But gradually everything becomes normal. Perhaps in a few years there will be not only sellers of places, but also sellers of happiness, virtual travel and Sweet dreams, similar to those we see in science fiction films. And Russia will be proud not only of Santa Claus, but also of the magical forest with good fairies who will fulfill the wishes of obedient and kind children.

As children, we don't dream of becoming a "forestry engineer" or a "golf club polisher," but someone has to do it! So, we invite you to get acquainted with very rare professions that are, so to speak, “unheard of.” There is power in knowledge! This way we will become even stronger!


If we do a literal translation from in English- greenkeeper, then this profession means “guardian of greenery.” This specialist's responsibilities include maintaining sports pitches such as those used for rugby, baseball or football. The first appearance of the term "greenkeeper" dates back to 1888. Since ancient times, there have been two main directions in the development of modern greenkeeping - English and American. In Moscow, by the way, there already exists The educational center for those who decide to follow the green path and become a greenkeeper.


This is a wine gourmet who can combine the functions of a sommelier and sales consultant in one person. The main task of a representative of this profession is to select wine, as well as a specific dish to go with it, and according to the client’s individual order. Communication with the client is an integral part of the work of a cavist. If a client’s conversation with a supermarket sales assistant is traditionally limited to a couple of questions and simple monosyllabic answers, a cavist’s conversation with his client can last quite a long time. It is to the cavist, and not to the wine boutique, that clients return. In Russia, even the sommelier profession is still not included in the all-Russian register, and the wine market, meanwhile, continues to offer completely new specialties for our country, including cavist.


Enough rare profession, which is found in the field of perfumery. There are just over 100 certified master perfumers in the world. 30 of them live in Grasse. The responsibilities of the smeller include assessing the smell, as well as composing perfume compositions. To work in this field, a person must have an excellent memory for aromas, as well as clearly understand them. In this delicate matter, talent alone is not enough. To become a master perfumer, you have to study for 10-12 years.


A very rare profession and somewhat “out of this world.” Many outstanding paleontologists would probably feel quite comfortable in the swamps of the Devonian period or in the coniferous forests of the Carboniferous period. By the way, the most ancient paleontologists can be called Chinese craftsmen; three thousand years ago they mined the bones and teeth of fossilized dinosaurs and considered their finds evidence of the existence of dragons.


From the French postiche, i.e. hair extensions - one who makes wigs, sideburns, mustaches, beards, braids, eyelashes. Most often, this person does all his work to order. Sometimes work as a pasteur is combined with makeup.


The one who operates the machine that applies sulfur to matches. This profession exists in match factories. It sounds a little dissonant, but what can you do? Recently, this profession has been classified as “endangered” due to the advent of lighters.


An equally rare profession, which means highly specialized specialists and freelance correspondents whose competence includes creating reports from extreme parts of the world, for example, zones of natural disasters or military operations. Stringers are often disliked by colleagues from official publications for their efficiency, independence, mobility, and, finally, high earnings.


A professional compiler and taster of tea that tastes, smells and appearance determines the type of tea and the place where it was grown, the harvest season, as well as the method of its storage and processing. The unique profession of tea sommelier (from two English words tea, test – “testing tea”) at one time gave rise to an inherently subjective method: determining tea samples by eye, touch and taste. Today, when determining the taste of a drink, the titester does not take a single sip, but only rinses his mouth with the infusion. To become a tester highest category, you must study for at least ten years. But the average salary of a titester at a factory is $1500-2000, at auction houses - up to $7000


A very rare specialist who rolls cigars. A representative of this profession wraps the tobacco in a wrapping leaf and trims the cigar, thereby giving it a sellable appearance. They study this profession mainly in Cuba, and internships also take place in this country. The training takes place at a cigar factory and lasts no more, no less, ten years! But it’s worth it, because the master is paid $1000 and more.


This is a very young profession - it appeared with the development of the metro and the increased flow of passengers. The responsibility of this specialist is to help people enter a crowded subway car. There are no such professionals in Moscow yet, but in the east, especially in Japan, there are many holders of this profession; by the way, in Ukraine, in the capital, Kiev, rammers have already begun to master themselves. Distinctive feature Japanese rammers - snow-white gloves


This is the name given to a specialist in the field of cigars and spirits. His responsibilities include selecting a combination of a certain type of cigars and alcoholic beverages for the client, taking into account his individual characteristics in advance.

Chimney sweep

An ancient profession that still exists today, but to master it you need to train for two years, and only abroad. By the way, the duties of a chimney sweep include not only cleaning chimneys, stoves or fireplaces, but also restoring the brickwork of the chimney, lining, lining and much more.

Penguin flipper

Specialists in this field live only in Antarctica near the airfield. You are wrong to think that the one who drew the short straw is going to turn over the birds, everything is serious here. The penguins themselves never fall on their backs - only on their stomachs, but since these animals are very curious, they love to walk near the airfield. Naturally, when a helicopter flies by, they lift their heads up and, unable to maintain their balance, fall onto their backs. They, poor things, will no longer be able to stand up, so they need to be turned over.

Operator for determining the sex of chickens

Very important profession, which consists in determining the sex of the chicks at the moment when their age is 1 day, because The diet of the birds depends on this, as well as the conditions for their rearing.


This is a master who creates products from heated glass mass by blowing. The matter is not limited to blowing itself; to further shape the product, the glassblower uses many different tools and, ultimately, pleases us with vases, toys, figurines and dishes of unimaginable shape.

And who would you become? It's up to you and only you to decide! Good luck with your choice!


specialists of OGBU TsPSM

Whatever people can come up with to make money! After reading this list, I think you will agree with me that you should not listen to those who complain about unemployment. 🙂

So, I’ll start listing the most unusual and rare professions:

    Penguin flipper.

Penguin flipper

A very useful profession. With the advent of airplanes, these birds had an unexpected unpleasant problem. They watch the flight of the plane with curiosity and sometimes fall on their backs, but cannot get up on their own. That’s when people of such a noble profession come to the aid of these curious people. By the way, this profession is the rarest on Earth; only two people practice this craft.

    Caller dress.

The duties of such a person include giving a very beautiful and unusual name to the fashion designer’s new creation. “Purple Rhapsody”, “Tear of the Weary Traveler” and something like that.


    Rattlesnake milker.

Very dangerous work! The responsibility is to extract as much poison as possible from the snake, which is then used to produce medicine. Everything is done by hand with a live snake!

    Armpit sniffer.

Armpit sniffers

What a strange job! But for the production and quality control of deodorants it is very necessary! By the way, applicants are carefully selected. Non-smokers are required to be hired.

    Dog and cat food taster.

Should someone try them before putting them on sale? There are specially trained people for this.

    Fortune teller for lucky cookies.

Here you need to have a good imagination in order to come up with interesting predictions day after day.

    Writer of curses.

And in Ancient Rome There was an opposite profession, the essence of which was that special people wrote curses to order on tablets. They believed that the gods would read this and punish the offenders.

    Quality controller for dice.

A very popular profession in the gaming accessories industry. You must be sure that the dice are free from defects.

    Cheese sculptor.

Cheese sculptor

Sarah Kaufman, a professional sculptor, found a new material for herself - cheese. From it she creates real masterpieces, which, by the way, are popular. Sarah already has followers.

    Sniffer (or nose)

A profession in demand in the perfume production industry. Very rare, but in demand and highly paid profession. There are very few people who have such a strong sense of smell and the ability to separate odors into their components.

    Skyscraper window cleaner.

A very dangerous but highly paid job.

    Golf sword diver.

If a body of water appears on the path of a golfer, then with a very high probability the ball will land there. This is where a professional diver comes to the rescue, who receives money for every ball he catches. They say that you can catch two to three thousand balls in a day. So this profession is quite profitable.

    Bed warmers.

Such people are required in some hotels; their duty is to lie in the guest’s bed in a special suit so that he goes to bed in a warm one. 🙂

    Pedicure master for cows.

Monitors the condition of animals' hooves.

    Wrinkle remover.

These people straighten out creases in shoes that have been damaged by improper fitting.

    Egg separator.

This person must separate the whites from the yolks. It is not clear why this process cannot be automated.

    Merchant of dreams.

Merchants of Dreams

There are entire companies working in this area that, for a certain amount of money, will fulfill almost any of your cherished dreams.

    Coin launderers.

In one old hotel this is an ancient tradition. All the coins are washed there by special people. Previously, this was done so that guests would not get their white gloves dirty, but now it is a tradition.


This is not a criminal, but a completely legal profession. Who knows what could happen? Lost the key, forgot the code. Specialists will always help!

    Professional cuddler.

In the modern world, many people miss simple human relationships and friendly hugs. Jackie Samuel from New York began offering her services as a cuddler. Now she is very popular and uses her services a large number of of people. It is believed that a person must hug at least 7 times every day, otherwise his health is in danger. Jackie helps people with this and is supported by many psychologists.


In Tokyo there are people sitting on the streets who, for a certain amount of money, will listen to you, laugh or empathize with you.

    Egg sniffer.

This person must separate the bad eggs.

    Toilet guide.

In China, there are people on the streets showing the way to the toilets.

    Ear cleaner.

In the same mysterious China, in the baths, there are such professionals!

    Horror film tester.

    Condom tester.

After the test, you must write suggestions and wishes for the product.

    Honey hunter.

Quite a dangerous craft. Developed in Nepal.

    Seller of tears.

This profession is in great demand in Asian countries. To conduct a funeral, special people are hired, mourners who will cry, tear their clothes or burst into loud sobs, as the client wishes.

    Breath taster.

Such specialists are required for the production and quality control of chewing gum.

    Distributor of cigars by color.

Professionals in this field must have good eyesight, or rather, be able to distinguish the slightest shades of brown.

Similar to "sommelier". But a representative of this profession selects a cigar for alcoholic drink and your mood.

    Water slide tester.

Water slide tester

Well, here are a few extra swimming trunks - and off you go!

    Milkmaid of the Karakurts.

Not everyone can milk 30 meters of web! This material is used in optics.

    Tasters in Amsterdam.

What can they taste there? Of course marijuana! It is divided according to many criteria.

    Parmesan listeners.

In factories in Italy, such an exotic profession is held in high esteem. It turns out that when Parmesan ripens, it sounds different. Specially trained people knock on the heads of cheese with silver hammers and listen to the sound tone. The older the cheese, the higher the tone. It matures in about three years.

    Barking dog detective.

Now they've come up with a job! It turns out that in Sweden you have to pay a tax for keeping dogs, and those who evade payment are sent a special worker who can “speak” dog language. She barks in different ways, and the dogs always respond. So you won’t be able to hide the animal at home!

    Doll restorer.

Doll restorer

Very painstaking and responsible work.

    Ant breeder.

This is a person who catches ants for breeding and later using their poison for medical purposes.

    Brain remover.

It's a scary profession. At slaughterhouses there are specialists who can very carefully remove the brain from the skull of a dead animal. Then the brain is sent to restaurants.


This is a person who clearly and accurately pushes passengers who do not fit into the subway car during rush hours.

    Highway corpse cleaner.

Not the best nice job for cleaning up the carcasses of animals that have fallen under the wheels.

    Operator that determines the sex of chickens.

Who is the hen and who is the rooster? Only the operator for determining the sex of chickens will understand :)

A very necessary worker who will determine the cockerel or hen in front of him for the purpose of selection proper diet chicken.

    Stripper researcher.

One American institute conducted research in which it was necessary to visit strip bars every day and record certain parameters of dancers. By the way, they paid very well for such work!

    Prostitute tester.

I don’t even know how to comment on this work.

    Amusement for cigar rollers.

This business believes that only a cheerful person can roll the right cigar, so they hire specially trained people to entertain the rollers.

    Constructor builder

Constructor builder

Professionals in this area are required by toy stores, where it is necessary to periodically update the construction set on the display.


In the UK they offer a service to stand in any queue.

    Coconut caretaker.

In the Virgin Islands, the Ritz-Carlton hotel has a person who makes sure that coconuts do not fall on the heads of guests.