The size of the uterus according to ultrasound is normal and the ovaries are normal. Normal sizes of ovaries and uterus according to ultrasound results. Standards for ovarian examination results

Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) is fast, safe and the most informative method examinations in medicine. IN Lately Various gynecological pathologies are becoming increasingly common, so it is important to know the normal sizes of the uterus and ovaries by ultrasound.

There are different reasons why a doctor may prescribe ultrasonography. Common ones:

  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • regular cycle disorders;
  • frequent pain in the area of ​​the ovaries or uterus;
  • to establish possible pregnancy and exclude the formation of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • when strange things appear vaginal discharge, not related to menstruation.

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics can be identified in a timely manner various pathologies internal organs of a woman and prevent the formation of serious complications.

How is an ultrasound performed?

For ultrasound examination The following methods are used:

  1. Transabdominal
  2. Transvaginal.

Let's take a brief look at each of the methods.

Transabdominal ultrasound diagnostics

This research method is carried out through the abdomen. For better glide of the device over the skin, a special gel is applied to the diagnosed area by the doctor. For free penetration of ultra sound waves an important requirement of this method is the completed bladder.

Transvaginal ultrasound diagnostics

The study is carried out with a special device through the vagina. To avoid infection, put a condom on the device. With such an examination, the bladder, on the contrary, should be empty. This method is more accurate than the first.

The diagnostic procedure does not cause any discomfort or pain, and also does not provide Negative influence on the female body. However, it is important to know what sizes of the ovaries and uterus are normal according to ultrasound.

Norm for ultrasound diagnostics of ovaries

Ovarian sizes

The normal sizes of ovaries in women are:

  • width – 25 mm;
  • length – approximately 30 mm;
  • thickness – 15 mm;
  • the volume of each ovary should not exceed 80 mm ³ .

If the size of the ovaries increases, inflammation or serious pathology of these organs may be present.

Structure of the ovaries

Correct structure of the ovaries: capsule and follicles. The number of the latter may not be the same in both the right and left organs.

Echogenicity and external contours of the ovaries

Ovaries without pathologies should have a clear and lumpy outer shell, as well as uniform echogenicity. Fuzzy contours indicate the development of inflammatory processes (for example,).

Ultrasound examination of the uterus

Feeling alarming symptoms, the woman is sent for examination. At proper operation reproductive organs all studied indicators must be normal.

To evaluate general state The doctor examines the following indicators using an ultrasound scan of the uterus.

Body position

The uterus is located between top part rectum and bladder. It is considered correct when the organ is tilted forward towards the rectum or urinary tract. The doctor carefully examines the location of the uterus and indicates everything in the protocol.

Organ outlines

Normally, an organ is considered to have a flat and smooth surface. There should be no scar changes, neoplasms, or thinning on the body of the uterus. An uneven contour may indicate the presence of inflammation.

Endometrial size

The endometrium is the mucous lining of the uterus. In patients reproductive age its thickness may vary depending on the period of the cycle. If the diagnosis was carried out immediately after the end of menstruation, this value is approximately 1-2 mm; after ovulation, its width reaches 10-15 mm.

In women during menopause, the thickness of the endometrium does not change throughout the month. Over the years, after the cessation of its functions, the endometrium gradually becomes thinner. At the beginning of menopause, its thickness is about 8.5 mm, and after 10 years it may become smaller - 1.32 mm.

Uterus size

If the uterus is normal, then its size depends on age, number of pregnancies and is approximately 45-70 mm. The anterior-posterior size of the uterine body varies from 34 mm to 44 mm, width - 45-60 mm.

If the size of the uterus is smaller than normal, underdevelopment of the organ may be suspected. When these indicators are increased, this indicates the presence of pregnancy or.

Nulliparous uterus has the following dimensions:

  • length – 4.5 cm;
  • thickness – 2 cm;
  • width – 2.5 cm.

During pregnancy, the uterus increases in length to 40 cm and becomes heavier.

Cervical parameters

The cervix, which has no pathologies, is homogeneous. Its correct size is on average 35-40 mm. The cervical canal should contain a homogeneous fluid (mucus) and be approximately 2-3 mm in diameter.

Increase cervical canal or the cervix itself may indicate the development of various pathologies.


This parameter indicates the density of the fabrics. The norm is homogeneous echogenicity. In the presence of any other indicators, the development of a neoplasm or fibroids is possible.

Presence of free fluid

After ovulation, fluid in small quantities may be observed in the retrouterine area. But in other periods menstrual cycle the presence of this fluid indicates possible pathologies caused by sexually transmitted infections.

Cavity structure

IN healthy body the uterine cavity is homogeneous. A blurred structure indicates endometrial disease or the presence of neoplasms.

The doctor records all examination data in the protocol. Having assessed the above indicators, he can make an accurate diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is rightfully considered quite informative diagnostic method, which is prescribed for organ dysfunction reproductive system women. If an ultrasound examination does not help establish an accurate diagnosis or the doctor has any doubts, the patient is recommended to donate blood for hormones, bacterial culture and other tests.

Ultrasound examination is reliable and accessible method diagnosis of diseases of the reproductive system. During the examination, the doctor determines the various characteristics and sizes of the organ (uterus, cervix, ovaries). If deviations from the normal size of the uterus and ovaries are detected during ultrasound, an additional thorough examination should be performed.

Normal size of the uterus on ultrasound

A woman is sent for an ultrasound of the uterus if there are relevant complaints:

  • Pulling, aching, constant pain lower abdomen;
  • Pain in the area sacral region spine;
  • Pathological discharge;
  • Lack of menstruation (menstrual irregularity).

During an ultrasound, the specialist identifies:

It must be taken into account that every woman’s body is individual. Therefore, the size of the uterus may differ slightly among different representatives of the fair sex. In this regard, the boundaries of the norm vary somewhat.

It should be noted that the normal size of the uterus depends on:

  • No pregnancies;
  • Number of births;
  • Availability of abortions;
  • Postmenopause.

First, you should consider the size of the uterus in women of reproductive age. If a woman has not had a pregnancy, then the size of her organ is smaller than that of those who have had abortions and childbirth.

Norms for uterine size according to ultrasound results in women who have not had pregnancies:

If a woman only had abortions (there was no childbirth), then the sizes increase slightly:

In women who have given birth, the normal size of the uterus depends on the number of births:

In postmenopause, the size of the cervix and pelvis decreases, depending on the duration of this period:

Reasons for deviation of the size of the uterus from the norm

The uterus may enlarge or shrink. Besides natural causes(changes in hormonal levels: pregnancy, postmenopause) there are also pathological reasons.

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The uterus enlarges in the presence of such pathologies:

A decrease in uterine parameters is observed with diseases such as infantile uterus . Decrease of this body(hypoplasia) develops during puberty, when the organ stops developing. In this case, the woman experiences miscarriage, infertility, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and so on.

Normal ovarian size on ultrasound

Ultrasound examination determines the condition of the ovaries according to the following criteria::

  • Dimensions (length, width, thickness);
  • Ovarian volume. Normally, it ranges from 2 to 8 cubic centimeters;
  • The echogenicity is homogeneous in the absence of pathological processes;
  • The surface of the ovary should be smooth with small tubercles. In women of reproductive age, follicles from 4 to 6 millimeters are detected on the surface. One dominant follicle (up to 25 millimeters) will be determined.

Ovarian parameters depend on the day of a woman’s cycle. It should also be noted that with age, a woman’s reproductive function declines. In this regard, the parameters of the ovaries change downwards.

Normal ovarian size according to ultrasound results healthy woman childbearing age:

  • Length: from 20 to 37 mm;
  • Width: from 18 to 28 mm;
  • Thickness: up to 15 mm.

Ovarian parameters change somewhat during ovulation, or rather increase:

  • Length: from 25 to 40 mm;
  • Width: from 15 to 30 mm;
  • Thickness: from 25 to 40 mm;
  • The volume can increase to 15 cubic centimeters.

In postmenopause, the size of the ovary is significantly smaller:

  • Length: from 18 to 25 mm;
  • Width: from 12 to 15 mm;
  • Thickness: from 9 to 12 mm;
  • Volume: from 1.5 to 4 cubic centimeters.

Reasons for deviations in ovarian size from normal

If an ultrasound reveals a significant enlargement of the ovary, then we can talk about the presence of the following pathologies:

Ultrasound of the ovaries in women can also reveal a decrease in the ovary. Special attention should be given such changes in women of childbearing age. In this case, premature menopause develops, that is, the woman’s menstrual function gradually fades away. This can be observed in women between 35 and 40 years old.

Normal sizes of ovaries and uterus in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's internal genital organs undergo major changes. Namely the uterus and ovaries.

The ovaries stop producing eggs during this period of time. But its size increases, literally by a few millimeters. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvis. The uterus changes significantly. Its size increases as the fetus grows.

It should be noted that there are norms for the size of the uterus during pregnancy. If they are abnormal, a pathology of pregnancy or fetus can be suspected, as well as a multiple pregnancy can be detected.

The height of the uterine fundus directly depends on the stage of pregnancy.

For example, if the gestational age is 12–13 weeks, then the height of the uterine fundus is 12–13 centimeters. At 37 - 38 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is under the ribs and presses the diaphragm (fundal height: 36 - 37 centimeters). After this (from 38 to 40 weeks), the bottom of the organ begins to gradually descend. Thus, the body prepares for the upcoming birth.

Ultrasound of the ovaries – diagnostic procedure, allowing you to assess the condition of the woman’s genital organs. It is carried out every six months to identify possible diseases. According to the doctor's indications, it is prescribed more often. This research method is considered safe even for pregnant women.


Ultrasound examination is one of the most informative types of diagnostics. Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the ovaries, their functionality, possible pathologies. The procedure is carried out during screening of the population, planned medical examinations and if there is a suspicion of gynecological diseases.

A woman is examined with a sensor emitting ultrasonic waves in a hospital setting. During the procedure, the doctor determines the condition of the organs from the image obtained on the monitor screen. By using ultrasound machine Measurements of all sizes and examination of individual tissue sections are carried out. If necessary, the image is enlarged. The average time for an ultrasound is up to 15-20 minutes.

Indications for ultrasound of the ovaries in women

An examination is indicated for suspected infertility or lack of conception. To do this, you should check the ovaries and uterus. The latter are initially examined completely; later, if pathologies are detected or functions need to be monitored, only the affected organs are subject to examination.

For getting complete information O reproductive health Women should additionally undergo blood tests for hormonal background, vaginal smears for microflora and infections.

Indications for ultrasound of the ovaries in women:

  • suspicion of infertility;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • lack of conception for more than a year with regular unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • heavy or scanty menstruation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • routine gynecological examination.

Regular consultations with a gynecologist will ensure timely detection of diseases of the ovaries and other genital organs. Early treatment is highly likely to preserve a woman’s reproductive function. Pathologies are often diagnosed in their final stages - this is due to the frequent asymptomatic course of diseases of the appendages.

When is the best time to do an ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus?

The day of the examination is determined by the attending physician depending on medical indications. The first ultrasound examination can be performed on any day of the cycle, with the exception of menstrual bleeding– in the presence of chronic or acute diseases the disease is easily diagnosed at any phase of the cycle. Experts recommend doing an ultrasound of the ovaries on days 5-7 or 22-24 of the cycle - exact time implementation is determined individually.

To obtain a complete picture of the functionality of the ovaries, ultrasound is performed several times during the menstrual cycle. The first time it is done on days 5-7, then on days 8-9, 13-14 and 22-24. This study is called folliculometry and is necessary to monitor ovulation by monitoring the growth of follicles on ultrasound and their subsequent rupture in the ovaries for the release of the egg. This type diagnosis is prescribed to women with suspected infertility.

Types of examination

Types of ultrasound of the ovaries in women have different information content and differ in the process of conducting:

  • transabdominal – examination of organs through the anterior abdominal wall, for this the doctor smoothly moves the sensor over the skin, previously lubricated with gel;
  • transvaginal - the most informative method, carried out by inserting a sensor into the vagina to a depth of 12 cm;
  • transrectal - rarely used for diagnosing ovaries; for examination, the sensor is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 6 cm.

Read also What does it mean to detect a corpus luteum using ultrasound?

All types of ultrasound are absolutely painless, but can be accompanied by discomfort due to slight compression of organs by the sensor.

Preparing for the examination

Preparing for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries and uterus does not take much time. When prescribing a diagnosis, gynecologists inform the patient about all the rules of procedures that must be followed before the study.

Transabdominal ultrasound

To get the most reliable results, you need to prepare for the procedure internal organs small pelvis. To do this, you need to observe 2-3 days special diet, excluding gas-forming products - legumes, cabbage, White bread etc. Before visiting the doctor, you should have a bowel movement naturally or using microenemas.

The bladder should be full. An hour and a half before the ultrasound, a woman needs to drink up to one and a half liters of non-carbonated liquid. Tea, water or juice are suitable for this purpose. Insufficient fullness of the bladder makes it difficult to examine the appendages.


To perform such an ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus, no preparation is required from the woman. First, you should thoroughly rinse the perineum using intimate hygiene products.

Infections during examination are excluded - to protect the patient, doctors use a disposable condom made for sensors. Some clinics ask clients to bring own remedy for protection, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

If the ovary hurts during or after an ultrasound, you should immediately inform your doctor - this may be caused by some disease of the pelvic organs.


To carry it out, it is necessary to cleanse the rectum of feces. To do this, before visiting a doctor, you should empty your bowels naturally or with the help of a microenema. A few days before the procedure, gas-forming products should be eliminated.

How to do an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries

The examination stages of the procedure itself do not differ from each other. The main differences lie in the area of ​​the body through which the examination is performed.


The patient lies on the couch on her back with her legs straightened. A special gel that conducts ultrasonic waves is applied to the previously exposed lower abdomen. The sensor is moved over the lubricated area, assessing the condition of the internal genital organs. Visualization is difficult when the bladder is not full or when gases form in the intestines.


The woman lies on the couch on her back, with her legs bent and slightly spread. A condom is put on the sensor, the latter is lubricated with a special gel. The device is inserted into the vagina and gently moved within it for a complete examination. This method is the most informative due to the absence of other organs that may interfere with the examination and the close proximity to the appendages.


The patient lies on the couch on her side, bending her knees and clasping them with her arms. The sensor with a pre-applied condom is inserted into anal hole. This method is used very rarely and is relevant only when transvaginal scanning is impossible or examination through the abdominal wall is uninformative.

In girls and virgins

For girls and women who have not been sexually active, the transabdominal or transrectal method is used. Examination by inserting a probe into the vagina is not possible due to the risk of damaging the hymen. After the start of sexual activity, patients are recommended to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound for a more detailed examination of the organs.

Read also Types of diagnosis of ovarian cysts

Carrying out examination during pregnancy

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries is a mandatory diagnosis that is performed upon pregnancy. Usually it occurs at 11-12 weeks of obstetric time - simultaneously with the first screening. In the absence of pathologies and diseases of the appendages in the anamnesis additional research are not carried out.

If there are cystic or tumor-like formations, ultrasound of the ovaries during pregnancy should be performed regularly, starting from the first weeks - this is necessary to monitor their growth.

The procedure, regardless of gestational age, can be performed transvaginally or transabdominally. Preparation for the study is carried out in the same way as for non-pregnant women. During the examination, the size of organs, their location, the presence of cysts and functioning are assessed. corpus luteum.

Norms for ovarian size

One ovary in a woman is always slightly larger than the other - this is due to the peculiarities of their work. The dominant organ has big sizes due to the constant production of eggs, the second in most cases is responsible only for the production of hormones. Therefore, identifying different sizes appendages should not frighten the patient.

Normal ovarian size on ultrasound in adult women:

  • length – 20-37 mm;
  • width – 18-30 mm;
  • thickness – 16-22 mm;
  • volume – 4-10 cubic meters. cm.

During menopause, the maximum ovarian volume is 4 cubic meters. see - this is due to the natural cessation of their functionality.

Minor deviations can be considered normal. If the appendages are excessively large, their inflammation, the presence of neoplasms and other pathologies are diagnosed. Small ovaries are not the norm - such organs most often have low functionality, cause infertility or signal the onset of menopause.

Changes in the appendages during the menstrual cycle

The appendages themselves are always the same size. Changes occur in the follicles and corpus luteum necessary for conception. The first contain an egg that is released on days 14-16 of the cycle for fertilization, breaking the outer shell. The corpus luteum is formed at the site of the burst follicle - it is necessary for the production of the hormone progesterone, which promotes the movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes and the implantation of the fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus.

Changes in follicle size by day of the cycle:

  • 5-7 days – formation of several dominant follicles up to 6 mm in diameter;
  • 10-11 days – clear identification dominant follicle size 14-16 mm;
  • 14-15 days - the follicle reaches its maximum size of 18-22 mm, after 1-2 days it will rupture and the egg will be released, i.e. ovulation.

The days of the cycle are indicated taking into account its duration of 28 days; in women with a longer or shorter menstrual cycle, changes in the appendages occur at other times.

After ovulation occurs, the corpus luteum matures:

  • 15-16 days - the corpus luteum is determined to be up to 20 mm in size, free fluid in the uterus from a burst follicle;
  • Day 20 – the corpus luteum actively produces progesterone and reaches a size of 25-27 mm;
  • 26-27 days - regression of the corpus luteum - its diameter is 1 cm, with the onset of menstruation it disappears.

These changes are considered normal - they are present in all women who do not have health problems.

Decoding the results

The condition of the organs is determined by several parameters that are recorded on the diagnostic sheet. Using some values, you can independently decipher the results of an ultrasound scan of the uterus and ovaries, and the presence of any abnormalities in their functioning.


Normally, the ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus, on the side walls of the pelvis. They may be slightly shifted relative to the uterus - with a slight change this is not considered a deviation. In most cases, the norm of location is determined individually - for some women it may differ slightly from the established standards. This is explained anatomical features internal organs.

Ultrasound examination of the reproductive system in women is one of the most accessible and precise methods, used both in emergency cases and for routine diagnosis of most gynecological diseases, detection of the ovum, examination of fetal development, assessment of the effectiveness of treatment, and identification of tumor formations. Features of ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women are the variability of the echographic picture depending on age, phase of the menstrual cycle, and obstetric history.

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    Ultrasound of the reproductive organs in women

    Ultrasound examination is the creation of images (echograms) by reflecting high-frequency sound waves from organs, which are recorded by a sensor. An acoustic signal, passing through dense media, is almost completely reflected, forming white areas on the echogram. More loose fabrics partially reflect the waves, creating different shades of gray on the screen. Liquids and cavities absorb sound and are colored black in the image.

    Indications and benefits

    Ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs is used for:

    • diagnostics of pathologies both during routine examination and in urgent cases;
    • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment;
    • tracking the dynamics of changes;
    • screening examination, including different dates pregnancy;
    • carrying out various internal manipulations (biopsy).

    The advantages of the method allowing its use in obstetrics and gynecology:

    • high information content;
    • non-invasive;
    • safety for both the woman and the fetus;
    • accessibility and low cost;
    • possibility of repeated execution;
    • no contraindications.

    With ultrasound pelvic organs In women, the uterus, cervix, ovaries, pouch of Douglas and bladder are usually examined. Additionally, the vessels and lymph nodes located close to the reproductive organs are examined. According to indications, clarifying visualization techniques (Dopplerography, contrast-enhanced echography) are used to assess not only the anatomical norm, but also functional state organs.


    An echographic examination of the reproductive organs can be carried out in several ways:

    1. 1. Transabdominal (through the abdominal wall).
    2. 2. Transvaginally (by inserting a special sensor into the vagina).
    3. 3. Transrectally (through the rectum).

    1-2 days before performing any type of echographic examination, you need to exclude foods that cause gas formation (legumes, cabbage, white bread, grapes, pears, dairy products, etc.). Before the procedure itself, it is advisable to empty your bowels and not eat. It is recommended to take a towel or napkins to cleanse the skin of the special gel after the examination.

    Types and features of echographic examination of the reproductive organs:

    Kinds Indications and features Preparation and execution Precautionary measures
    Transabdominal (TA)Routine examination of the pelvic organs to identify pathologies. Performed for all categories of patients (including children). Give a chance broad overview pelvic cavity. During pregnancy, it is carried out to examine the fetus. Sometimes ultrasound results can be influenced by obesity, adhesive process V abdominal cavity and flatulenceAn hour before the ultrasound, drink 1 liter of still water, do not empty your bladder before the procedure (a full bladder conducts sound waves better). During an obstetric examination, drink 1-2 glasses of water an hour before the procedure.The procedure is safe
    Transvaginal (TV)Targeted examination of the uterus and appendages. Conducted for women who are sexually active. Not for use in children. The advantage is a higher quality and clearer image. The disadvantage is the limited view of other areas of the pelvis. The results of the study are not affected by obesity and adhesions, and gases in the intestines are less affected. There is a risk of transmission of infection when incorrect technique sensor processing and procedureDoes not require special training from the woman. The study is carried out with an empty bladder. Before use, the sensor is disinfected and a condom is placed on its surface.Tell your doctor if you are allergic to latex.
    Transrectal (TR)

    IN special cases according to indications:

    • in girls and women who do not lead sex life for diagnosing pathology of the uterus and appendages;
    • at volumetric formations utero-rectal space, etc.
    Carry out after a cleansing enema. Use a special sensor with a condom onWarn the diagnostician if you have an allergy to latex

    In special cases (with congenital fusion of the vaginal opening in girls or during menopause according to indications), a transperineal examination can be performed (through the perineal area).

    There are clarifying methods for visualizing the reproductive organs that are used during ultrasound:

    1. 1. Dopplerography is an ultrasound mode in which the reflection of sound waves from moving objects (including blood through vessels) is recorded. Allows you to determine the number of vascularization zones, the mosaic nature of blood flow, as well as indicators of blood flow speed. Used to study neoplasms when assessing the mother-placenta-fetus system.
    2. 2. Hysterography is a method of examining the uterus by introducing echo-negative contrast into its cavity. Prescribed for suspected malignant gynecological diseases, to determine the cause of infertility, etc.


    An ultrasound can be performed immediately after menstruation or 1–3 days before it begins, depending on the purpose. In emergency cases, ultrasound can also be performed during menstruation. It is worth noting that there are differences in the sensitivity of echography when various diseases. For greater reliability, it is necessary to conduct the examination on certain days of the cycle:

    Interpretation of echograms is carried out on the basis of:

    • position of the organ and surrounding tissues;
    • its size;
    • contour assessments: evenness, clarity;
    • echogenicity: hypoechogenicity, hyperechogenicity, anechoicity;
    • sound conductivity: strengthening or weakening of the signal;
    • analysis of the internal structure of the formation: cystic, solid-cystic, solid.

    Due to functional features female reproductive organs, an opinion based on ultrasound results can only be given by a specialist - taking into account age, gynecological history, phase of the cycle and the use of certain hormonal drugs.


    Experts pay attention to the shape of the uterus, its contours and position in the pelvis. The location of the uterus is determined by the angle between its body and the cervix. Normally, it is tilted forward, this position is called anteflexio. Deviation back (retroflexio) is not considered a pathology, but a woman may have problems conceiving and bearing a fetus.

    The size of the uterus according to ultrasound can undergo significant changes depending on age, obstetric history and reproductive function on this moment. Selecting a view ultrasound scanning may also affect measurement results and produce slightly different readings in the same patient. On a TV scan, the uterus is more rounded because it is not under pressure from a full bladder.

    Measuring the length and thickness of the uterus, endometrial thickness

    The uterine myometrium should be homogeneous. When studying the echostructure of the endometrium, it is necessary to take into account the phase of the cycle. For convenience, the double layer of the endometrium is measured using the concept of M-echo.

    The table shows the normal indicators:

    Index Norm
    • anteflexio - the uterus is tilted anteriorly;
    • retroflexio - the uterus is tilted posteriorly
    Contours of the uterusClear and smooth
    Echostructure of the myometrium

    Has a homogeneous structure. There may be fine mesh. 3 layers can be traced:

    Internal (subendometrial) - is a thin hypoechoic strip around the endometriumMedium - the thickest, has medium echogenicityExternal - has the form of anechoic and hypoechoic inclusions, separated from the middle layer by a zone of vascular plexus
    Echostructure of the endometrium

    Homogeneous structure, changes in the thickness and echogenicity of the endometrium in different phases cycle:

    • Phase I - anechoic structure;
    • Phase II - hyperechoic structure.

    The thickness of the M-echo in the postmenopausal period should not be more than 5 mm

    Cycle daysEndometrial thickness, mm
    1 - 2 1 - 4
    3 – 4 1 - 4
    5 – 6 3 - 6
    8 – 10 6 - 10
    11 – 14 8 - 15
    15 – 18 10 - 16
    19 – 23 10 - 20
    24 – 28 10 - 17
    Uterus dimensions:Length, mmWidth, mmThickness, mm
    Women who have not given birth38 - 50 27 - 37 39 - 49
    Pregnancy without childbirth43 -55 32 - 42 41 - 51
    After the first birth45 - 57 34 - 44 45 - 55
    After 2 or more births49 - 65 39 - 49 50 - 60
    Menopause before 5 years ago32 - 44 26 - 36 30 - 42
    Menopause more than 5 years ago28- 38 20 - 30 26 - 36
    Structure of the cervixHomogeneous
    Size of the cervix (in postmenopause, the cervix decreases insignificantly)Length, mmWidth, mmThickness, mm
    28 - 37 29 - 53 26 - 33
    Cervical canalfrom 2 to 6 mm
    Douglas spaceLack of fluid (the presence of a small amount of transudate is permissible only during the period of ovulation)

    Size of the uterus in girls

    In children and adolescents, the size of the uterus is checked against age standards:

    Ultrasound to determine pregnancy and after childbirth

    Ultrasound is a method for determining pregnancy early stages, as well as ectopic location of the ovum. In a normal pregnancy, an ultrasound procedure must be performed in each trimester:

    • I trimester - up to 12 weeks - examination of the fetus to identify gross malformations;
    • II trimester - 16-20 weeks - assessment of fetal development;
    • II trimester - 32-34 weeks - fetal examination, preparation for childbirth.

    After an uncomplicated birth, an ultrasound is performed transabdominally on the 2nd day. Normally detected a small amount of blood clots, subsequently trace the involution of the size of the uterus.

    WidthThickness 25-35 mm20-30 mm15-20 mm VolumeUp to 9-10 cm3 (in postmenopausal women no more than 5 cm3). The difference between the right and left ovaries is no more than 1.5 cm3. Echostructure

    The echogenicity is average with echo-negative inclusions (from 5 to 7-8 foci) - follicles. Features of follicles in different days cycle:

    1. 1. 8-9 days - identification of a dominant follicle up to 15 mm in size. The remaining follicles undergo involution.
    2. 2. 10-14 days - ovulation - increase in the dominant follicle to 25 mm.
    3. 3. After 14 days - the formation of a corpus luteum at the site of the burst follicle.

    Postmenopause - follicles are not detected

    The size of the ovaries in postmenopausal women decreases in the same way as the uterus:

    The fallopian tubes

    Normally, transabdominal ultrasound can detect the fallopian tubes very difficult. Unchanged tubes are clearly visualized by transvaginal ultrasound. If there is an inflammatory process or tubal pregnancy, the fallopian tubes become detectable for transabdominal imaging.

The introduction of the ultrasound method has significantly expanded diagnostic capabilities in modern gynecology. With the spread, the requirements for its implementation have also increased, in particular, ultrasound of the uterus. In the course of numerous studies and observations, the indications and capabilities of this method were significantly expanded.

Existing research methods are quite simple and have no contraindications.

    • Methods

      Gestation period, weeks. Length, mm Width, mm Height of the fundus of the uterus, cm
      8 71-82 42-53 8
      10 92-103 55-64 9
      12 111-123 65-74 11
      16 135-145 76-85 14
      18 171-182 92-102 17
      20 191-203 113-121 19
      22 208-215 122-141 22-23
      24 220-231 139-158 23-25
      26 245-252 159-172 25-27
      28 271-279 179-182 27-30
      30 302-312 180-193 27-31
      32 318-324 192-201 30-32
      34 331-342 198-207 31-35
      36 338-345 211-224 32-36
      38 351-363 228-241 35-38
      40 372-381 247-261 33-37

      Ultrasound of the ovaries

      The examination of the appendages is usually carried out as part of an examination of the female reproductive system. Preliminary preparation is not specific to ovarian ultrasound and is described in the section “How to prepare for an ultrasound of the uterus.”

      When choosing a research method, preference should be given, since during transabdominal examination, visualization of the ovaries is not always possible.

      Regarding the timing of diagnosis, ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries differs slightly.

      The optimal period is considered to be the first phase of the cycle; diagnosis can also be made in the middle of the cycle (to control the ovulatory process). If the study is performed in the second phase of the cycle, the possibility of imaging should be considered follicular cysts, which can be falsely mistaken for true cysts.

      Therefore, to ensure that the ultrasound interpretation is not erroneous, it should be repeated in the first half of the cycle.

      An examination of the ovaries is done either for preventive purposes during a gynecological examination, or if any pathology is suspected.

      Ovarian sizes

      It has already been indicated that ultrasound of the ovaries in women can be performed by any of the presented methods, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle. The size of the appendages varies widely and depends on the patient’s age, medical history, day of the menstrual cycle, and use of oral contraceptives.

      Externally, the ovaries have an ovoid shape, smooth, clear contours, the internal structure is significantly variable depending on the phase of the cycle. Follicles can be detected as early as 2-4 years of age in girls; their number also changes with age.

      Ovarian volume is calculated using the formula:
      V= a*b*c*0.5, where
      a, b, c – length, width, thickness in centimeters, 0.5 – coefficient.

      For girls

      The sizes of the ovaries at a young age are as follows:

      During the reproductive period


      It should be taken into account that the ovaries should be equal in size before menarche and during menopause, and an increase in the volume of one ovary more than twice as compared to the second indicates malignancy and requires a more detailed examination.

      Interpretation of ultrasound results

      The ultrasound method has expanded non-invasive diagnostic capabilities for most diseases of the female reproductive system.

      A correctly conducted study and a correctly drawn up conclusion provide comprehensive information about the reproductive system.

      The volume of detected pathology is extremely large, so let’s consider the main ultrasound criteria diagnostics

      The causes of this disease may be inflammatory diseases genital organs, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, abortion or genetic predisposition

      Enlarged uterus

      In addition to those discussed earlier physiological reasons an increase in the size of the uterus, there are a number of reasons for its pathological enlargement:

      • In this case, a slight enlargement of the uterus occurs, and an ectopically located fertilized egg is visualized.

      This method of examination is the only method for determining ectopic pregnancy

      • Almost always accompanied by an increase in the size of the uterus due to rounded heteroechoic formations of the myometrium.
      • On ultrasound it has a similar picture to fibroids, however, the nodes more often have reduced echogenicity and cystic components in the structure of the node.
      • Internal endometriosis is characterized by an increase in anteroposterior size, uneven wall thickness, and the presence of a hyperechoic formation in the myometrium.
      • Myometrial hyperplasia only in advanced cases leads to an increase in the linear dimensions of the uterus.

      Reduced size of the uterus or its absence

      • Condition after surgical removal of the uterus
      • Aplasia or hypoplasia of the organ
      • Volumetric formations of the small pelvis, which lead to displacement of the uterus or atrophic processes in it.

      Enlargement of appendages

      The ovaries can enlarge while maintaining the internal structure, as well as with its disruption:

      • Multifollicular ovaries. Bilateral enlargement due to numerous follicles (against the background of hormonal dysfunction).
      • Polycystic disease. Most often bilateral pathological process, Ultrasound does not show changes in the structure of the appendages throughout the entire cycle.
      • Endometriosis. This disease difficult to diagnose using ultrasound; the process is often bilateral.

      gynecological disease. It can cause the formation of ovarian cysts, menstrual irregularities and even infertility.

      • Oophoritis. Inflammatory process often covers both appendages, echogenicity decreases, and the shape approaches spherical.
      • Ovarian pregnancy is a rare pathology and is unilateral.
      • Torsion of the appendage is an acute unilateral process, the ultrasound picture is nonspecific. Laparoscopic examination followed by surgical treatment is required.
      • Tumors. All volumetric processes, both benign and malignant, lead to a one-sided significant increase in the volume of the appendage. The ultrasound picture is heterogeneous.

      Lack of visualization of the ovaries can be observed after surgical removal of the organ from one or both sides, with agenesis or aplasia. During transabdominal examination, visualization difficulties are often associated with insufficient bladder filling.

      A large number of gynecological pathology requires active use modern methods diagnostics, including the ultrasound method, at all stages of diagnosis and treatment.